• Published 11th Nov 2012
  • 1,584 Views, 79 Comments

Of Skalds and Gems - BIGBLACKINTOSH

( Skyrim/Equestria crossover ) A redguard bard gets thrown into Equestria and tells a tale

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And Its GOOD!

Take out a rampaging dragon that so far has destroyed 2 buildings, 10 carts and injured 4 ponies...without killing it?
'Nothing but sweet roll' I thought as I ran into the fray. In the 3 seconds I had my eyes off of it, the dragon had set its sights on a building, seemingly made out of sweets. 'Please let there be no one in there' I thought in vain as I saw 4 ponies run out the building but stopped dead in their tracks when they saw the dragon. A yellow stallion, a blue mare and 2 little ones, I couldn’t see their colors because they were cowering behind their parents. It was a family and no family gets separated on my watch.
The dragon from I could see was 5 meters away from them, preparing fire breath.
"Honey take the little ones and run as fast as you can!" yelled the yellow one to who I could assume was his wife. The dragon unleashed his breath and ALMOST hit the family.
"WULD!" I shouted just in time to get in front of the family. The breath hit me and my enchanted equipment absorbed it.
"Heroics are my job, now run!" I yelled. The parents looked relieved, another family saved.
"Thank you mister monster!" one of the little ones said before it and its parents ran off to the safety of a pink bubble shield that had formed around the library. Celestia's horn was glowing and the other mares I met were ushering citizens in.
When the family I saved got in, Pinkie Pie pulled the whole family in for a hug.
The dragon on the other hand looked angry and confused. He quickly recovered his confusion and was about to breath fire on me again. It wouldn't have any effect on me obviously but I had to keep it busy. When the breath came I barrel rolled to the side and dodged it.
"Why won’t you fry!?" the dragon yelled.
He sounded like one of those teenage punks that wanted to join the Dawnguard, thinking they could just kill vampires and be heroes. Just like those teenagers, this one was about realize he got more than he bargain for.
"You’re gonna regret defending these ponies! When our new boss gives us new powers to destroy these stupid ponies, we’ll get what’s ours!" he yelled. As I said, a punk that thinks he's tough and has no idea of what’s to come.
'It’s time to teach this egg what a real dragon is'. I thought, in fights I don’t usually talk but this punk at least needed a warning before getting the ass kicking of his life.
"You’re going to regret coming here!" I yelled. He started laughing as if I told a joke.
"TIID KLO UL" I shouted and everything slowed down to a crawl. I started to notice the damage he caused, several buildings were on fire, a group of ponies were scrambling to the shield and a dozen of them look like children. The fact that their fear was my opponent's fault was going to intensify his beating.
I brought my fists up and proceeded to WORK. HIM. OUT. I honestly blacked out of rage but by the time I came to, time had gone to normal, and the dragon had a very bloody snout.
"What...are...you?" he asked in a daze.
I responded by grabbing one of his head spikes. This must have been a weak point because he went limp as soon as I had him my grip.
"First you’re gonna tell me what your "boss" is planning and quickly." I ordered.
"I don’t know anything man, they just sent me here to mess with the ponies." he replied.
"Who do you report to then?"
"Swift, Alduin’s lieutenant."
"You’re very forth coming with this info, even the woodland animals don’t give up this easily."
"HA, I don’t think this stuff worth it, besides I’m gonna die anyway." he said with confidence.
"Actually you’re gonna live to tell the tale, and remember this name when you tell of how you failed." I said while raising him to me face to face.
"Who’s name?"
"...Dovahkin, FUS RO DAH!" With the warning given and the shout said, he was launched into the air and into the horizon.
"That takes care of that." I said looking in the air.
'The dragon is gone but by the looks of this town there's a lot to do.' I thought.
"FO KRAH DIIN" I shouted towards the fires. After my Greybeard training, frost breath had the reach of a FARM. All of the fires went out quickly and frosted over. ‘Another problem solved by shouting.'
While walking to the bubble shield, I noticed all the ponies, including Celestia, were wearing a look of pure shock. Then out of nowhere they started cheering, jumping for joy.
"Come on ponies, don’t you got a town to rebuild." they all knocked off the cheering and then quickly started to run to get to work on the town.
"That was the most amazing thing I have ever seen." said twilight.
"Dude that was awesome.” Yelled rainbow and spike.
"You were so dashing, bravo Mr. Onsi." Rarity congratulated.
"Thank you for not hurting him.” Said Fluttershy.
Pinkie came out of nowhere and hugged me so hard that I couldn’t breath.
"Thank you so much for saving them" she cried into my ear. When she let go she was in tears.
"I think you just earned your place Mr. Onsi. I hereby give you amnesty of all previous crimes and give you official citizenship.” Celestia said.
“I can also offer you a job if you are interested.” She added.
"Is it to defeat Alduin?" I asked.
"Yes that would be your top priority, but my subjects will need to protect themselves, I would also have you train who you can to fight and defend as you do."
I thought on that for a moment. The ponies here were COMPLETLY unprepared. If they were to have any chance of surviving they would need my help.
'Well it’s time to teach again' I thought.
“I’ll do it, I’ll set up here, send the word that if ponies want defend their land, they will come to..."
"Ponyville." Celestia said.
"Oookay, Ponyville and I shall teach them what I can."
"Excellent, you can start with the elements of harmony."
"Who are these ‘elements of harmony’?” I asked.
“The mares are right behind me." said Celestia.
Five of the mares stood proudly while Fluttershy tried to hide behind Rainbow Dash.
'This is going to be a loooooong training session' I thought looking towards them.
(A/N: A big thanks to my new official editor, mild hotsauce. Thanks man, this thing would have been un-readable slag on the internet without you.)