• Published 12th Nov 2012
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Free to Good Home: Talking Pony - Mike the Red

A man transformed into Twilight Sparkle deals with abuse and neglect

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Escape from Chaos

"You! The purple one! Put that man down immediately!" the officer shouts at me.

"Hey, Alonzo! Where's Brenda?" I ask, still holding him about 30 feet above the ground, but lowering him slowly. I was preparing a teleport spell as I lowered him, making sure he wouldn't be able to catch me.

"Huh. That bitch! I killed her four months ago!" he said, completely oblivious to what he just confessed.

"So, you confess to killing my wife," I said, flashing my evil grin. "Hope you like life in the Big House."

"What? You mean you were married to that bitch?" he asked incredulously, showing great surprise.

"For about 20 years," I flatly replied.

"How'd you put up with her for that long? That woman was evil!"

"What'd you do with her body?" I asked, trying to pry more information from him.

"I cut it into little bitty pieces and scattered it around the state in various places," he grinned.

"Officer, I am going to put him down about five feet away from you in a prone position with his hands behind his back. Ignore the purple aura around him, that's just to keep him held down for you." I set him down as I had indicated.

The officer immediately handcuffed Alonzo, and told me to go somewhere, although I couldn't exactly make out what he had said as I teleported away. I teleported to Times Square on 42nd street and watched the news on the giant TV. Not too terribly far from Discord's lair, and maybe just a bit too close. There was an eerie silence in the air, as this place was usually buzzing with all kinds of activity.

"Well, Twilight, have you come to check on your progress?" Discord asked. "Nice to meet you again. I see you chose not to port into my lair. Good choice. I have another gift for you, since you did so well. Here, take this." He handed me another small purple velvet bag with some more coins in it. "You've earned it, enjoy yourself. Should I ever have need of your services again, I will let you know. Oh, and you can be sure you'll get some more coins as well!"

Suddenly, everything went deathly silent. The news screen went black as the President of the United States was telling everyone to remain calm, which was always a very bad sign. "This is very bad," I thought. I immediately knew what was coming, so I teleported away once again. Discord was still a little confused, and wondered why I ported out. About two seconds after I ported out, a blinding flash of light brighter than a magnesium flare lit the sky with a chalky brilliance. Discord was blinded and didn't know what hit him as a 10 megaton nuclear bomb hit Manhattan, vaporizing everything within a three mile radius. The Russians had struck in revenge, thinking that the U.S. had launched a weapon at Moscow. Instead, it had been the Israelis who had launched that one. I didn't know this, but China was getting involved as well, and things were going to get really bad now.


I had teleported to the Royal Throne Room inside Canterlot Castle. Why I had chosen this was still a mystery to me, and I saw Princess Celestia and Princess Luna sitting on their respective thrones. I saw them glower at me in disapproval, so I teleported again, this time landing in front of Twilight's house. I went to her front door and tapped on it with my right fore-hoof. Spike answered the door.

"Hey, Twilight, what's up?" Spike asked me, before he realized that Twilight was still catching up on her reading. "Wait, I thought you were still upstairs?" His expression was one of confusion.

"Spike, can you let me in? I need to talk to Twilight about something very important," I said. I smiled at him.

"Uhhh...sure...let me fetch her for you," he said, opening the door to let me in. I took a moment to survey the main room, with its shelves full of books, and waited for Twilight to come downstairs.

"Spike, what's going on downstairs? Who was that at the door?" she asked as she started down the stairs. When she saw me, she went bug-eyed for a minute. "What...what...who...where..."

"Twilight, what I have to tell you is very important," I started.

"What happened to your cutie mark?" she asked as she started to regain a little composure.

"That left me several months ago, but that's not important right now," I said.

"What happened to you mane and tail?" she asked, her eyes still quite wide, an expression of surprise on her face.

"What do you mean?" I asked, and conjured up a mirror to see what she was talking about. I noticed then that the pink stripe which ran from front to back of my mane and tail had turned blood red. "Oh, um...I don't know..."

"Something tells me you DO know what happened, since this seemed to surprise you. Where did you come from? And if you're not me, please tell me who you really are." Her face took on a serious look, and then suddenly, there was another knocking at her front door.

"Spike, can you get that for me?" she asked.

"Yeah, gotcha, Twi." He answered the door to see Princess Celestia standing there, not looking very pleased. "Princess! To what do I owe the occasion?"

"Spike. May I come in, please?" she asked, her tone somewhat stern.

"Uhhh...certainly, your Majesty! Come in!" he smiled.

She ducked under the low doorway, and folded her wings in to fit into the main room. She saw both of us, and a frown crept across her face. She turned to face me, and glowered again. I knew I was in trouble now.

"You. Tell me who you are and where you came from. NOW." I didn't like this tone from her and my expression showed it.

"Your Majesty, I used to be a male human -- Homo sapiens -- and I have come from a world with seven billion humans populating it. I woke up in the body of Twilight Sparkle about a year or so ago, and shortly after that lost the use of my magic when a two year old kid broke my horn off. It was only a few days ago when I ran into Discord that he restored my magic abilities on the condition that I perform certain actions for him, lest he remove my freshly restored horn and send me back to live in squalid conditions."

"Discord? In your world?" the Princess' expression changed from anger to curiosity. "Tell us, where is he now?"

"Last I saw, he was about to be vaporized by a nuclear weapon," I said flatly.

"What?" she exclaimed.

"One of the things I was required to do under the service of Discord was to knock some holes in a big wall in Israel. They over-reacted, and attacked Iran. Russia came to the aid of Iran, and Israel fired a nuclear warhead at Moscow, the capital city of Russia. They responded by launching a weapon at New York City. I had happened to teleport into that city, and met Discord one last time. He handed me this bag of coins (I showed it to them) as a reward for doing a good job for him. When I heard the silence and saw every electronic video screen black out, I teleported to a throne room, then here."

"You say ... " the Princess was still stunned by these revelations, almost at a loss for words. Twilight and Spike were still standing, mouths open, eyes wide with shock and surprise.

"If I may continue, your Majesty, I was forced to work for Discord. I believe I may have unwittingly sealed my world's fate, and request that you allow me to stay here, perhaps in a different form so every pony won't confuse me for the real Twilight Sparkle."

"Ummm. May I examine those coins?" Celestia asked.

"Sure," I said, retrieving the pouch. She used her telekinetic power to snatch the pouch away from me, and opened it, holding the coins aloft and bringing them close to her face to get a better look at them. They were Saint Gaudens double eagle gold coins dating from 1907 to 1933. There were ten of these, gleaming brilliantly in the light.

"These are quite beautiful," she said, admiring them. "Do you mind if I have one for the sake of curiosity?"

"As long as you don't take the 1907, 1908, 1927, or 1933 ones," I said. "If there's one with Roman numerals on it, don't take that one either, please."

"Roman numerals?" she asked.

"M C M V I I," I said. There actually was one of those in that bag.

"Why not? I was wanting to keep that one," she said, smiling.

I thought for a moment. What use were these coins to me now? I couldn't sell them back in the world I came from. "Okay," I said. "You can take whichever one you want. They only hold sentimental value now, as no pony here would understand numismatic value of a coin from a different world. It makes each of these coins unique."

She took the coin with the Roman numerals and put the rest back into the bag and gave it back to me. Twilight expressed interest in it, and trotted over to the Princess to examine the coin herself.

"Wow, that's pretty! Can I have one too, please?"

I gave her a coin at random from the bag. She beamed as though she had been given a year's supply of chocolate cake.

"I was given another bag of these coins in return for allowing Discord to have sex with me," I said flatly.

"WHAT??!" they both exclaimed.

"WHY?" asked Twilight.

"How was he?" asked Celestia slyly.

"He was pathetic -- didn't even last two minutes," I grinned. "Twilight, I apologize. I want to experiment with everything, and this experience was just me wanting to see if he was any good. Obviously, he was not. I am sorry if I offended you."

"In a way, that's kind of like what I might do -- experimenting with new experiences. I accept your apology."

"Is he still loose in your world?" Celestia asked.

"If he is, he's probably dead now," I said. "I don't think he'd be able to survive a direct nuclear hit."