• Published 11th Nov 2012
  • 31,563 Views, 1,837 Comments

About Last Night - Darth Link 22

A night of drinking turns into weeks of...interesting antics.

  • ...

Wrapping Things Up

Rarity sipped her tea, her nerves a little shot. Twilight had apologized over and over, to the point where Rarity began to suspect her fellow Unicorn was trying to punish her for her own excessive apologizing after the wedding. She forgave her, of course. Had she been in Twilight’s situation, she would likely have done the same.

Blueblood was in the chair next to her, writing on some form or another. For the last half hour he had been running through the paperwork necessary for the mass arrest and the resulting property damage. The crown would cover it all.

Rarity set her tea down. “I’m going to head out on a walk,” she said, heading toward the door.

“My parents practically committed treason.”

Rarity froze at the admission. She didn’t turn around. She realized, at that moment, that Blueblood had stopped writing.

“My parents were caught funneling some of their money into a Unicorn supremacist group. When they were caught, Aunt Celestia knew that the public would punish me for what they did. So she gave them a choice: go to trial and get life in prison, or turn me over to her care while they did a few... missions for her.”

Rarity turned to look at him. His face was neutral, clearly being a politician had given him a good poker face.

“So... it was similar to what you had me doing?”

Blueblood shook her head. “Your job was to sit there, sell dresses, and look for Changelings They were doing far dirtier work. Still can’t tell you exactly what. They eventually completed their work long after Aunt Celestia raised me. They’ve been trying to get in my good graces ever since. And before you tell me that maybe they’ve changed: I agreed to meet with them once, and believe me, they haven’t.”

Rarity looked at him, trying to read his face. “Why are you telling me all this?”

Blueblood took a breath. “My parents... hearing about what they were was painful. I actually hated Auntie for a while for taking them. But it wasn’t long until I heard what that group did. I went to her and apologized over and over. I had Celestia, but I never forgave my parents.” He took another deep breath. Rarity was beginning to suspect he was trying to stop himself from breaking down. “Auntie, Twilight, Moondancer... they were there for me. I’ll bet Spike would have been too, if he had been old enough to understand. They all helped me, but nopony has ever let me get completely over it.

“When I met you, I dismissed you as just another social climber. But... believe it or not, the fact that you stopped pushing it convinced me otherwise. Mares just trying to get a nobility position would have kept pushing me, thinking they had found a crack in the armor. You actually respected my wishes and backed off. You... aren’t the mare I thought you were.”

Rarity looked at him for a moment, unsure of what to do.

“I... well, I try to be a good pony. I don’t always succeed, but I like to think getting the Element of Generosity has made me better.”

Blueblood nodded. then he slipped into a stare into nothingness. Not one of a pony spaced out, but one of contemplation. Then he spoke.

“Well, your service is over. But... I don’t suppose you would be willing to join me for dinner again?”

Rarity blinked. “You mean... like a date?”

“No. Not ‘like a date’, just a date.”

There was silence for a moment. “Are you saying you want to be my coltfriend?”

“I’m saying I want to give you a chance to convince me that I want to be your coltfriend. I don’t meet many mares who are after anything but my status and bits. Anypony willing to show me real kindness is worth a shot.”

Rarity was unsure what to think at the moment. A mix of sympathy, excitement, nervousness, and uncertainty. Still, in the end, she could only give a small smile. “I think that sounds lovely. At the same restaurant?”

“No. My quarters in the palace. As soon as you’re done with the Expo.”

Rarity blinked. “But the mission...”

“Are you saying you don’t want your designs in the most exclusive expo in Equestria?”

“Oh no no!” Rarity suddenly said. “I’d be delighted.”

Blueblood just grinned.

“So... we’re going to take the rest of this carefully,” Twilight said. True to Celestia's assurances, Applejack’s Earth Pony magic resulted in a quick healing, so they were riding home at noon the following day.

“I don’t think you can take a relationship carefully,” Applejack said. “Ya just gotta take whatever comes.”

“Well, we don’t want to make a decision too rashly. What if we move in together too soon? Or what if we... do that too soon? Oh, I better get out every relationship book the library has and...”

Applejack kissed her on the lips, holding it there for a few seconds. When she pulled away, Twilight was speechless.

“Hmm... a good way to cut you off. Good. I love ya, Twi, but sometimes you start babblin’ about worries and you can get pretty silly.”

“Um... seriously Applejack, some research...”

“Ain’t what we’re gonna be doin’. If we gotta problem we can’t figure out, we’ll take a look, but promise me you won’t go crazy tryin’ to map out everythin’.”

Twilight looked at her fillyfriend (yes, she really had a fillyfriend) and smiled. “Okay, Applejack. I promise.”

Applejack smiled. She gave Twilight one more kiss before the chariot landed.

The pair got out, and they didn’t have to wait long before being greeted.



The two ponies caught two blurs, each turning out to be the child they had left behind. As Spike wrapped his arms around Twilight’s neck and Apple Bloom placed her head against AJ’s, the two ponies nuzzled into their respective charges. Three other fillies ran up to them. Surprisingly, two of them were Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. Sweetie was there with them, while Scootaloo remained unseen.

“We’re back, and we got the rings off. Everything’s back to normal!” Twilight said.

“Well... not everythin’!” Applejack said. She leaned over and planted a kiss on Twilight’s cheek, causing the Unicorn to blush.

In a flash Apple Bloom was out of Applejack’s grip and bouncing around the two older mares in a wild glee. “Yes! Yes! Twilight’s gunna be mah sister-in-law! Twilight’s gunna be mah sister-in-law!”

“Whoa, sugar, little early to be gettin’ that far,” Applejack said, looking over at her blushing fillyfriend.

Twilight looked down at Spike to see him looking up at her with a blank expression.


The dragon blinked. “Sorry, Twilight. It’s just... a surprise. I mean, I’d figure you two would want time away from each other after all that. I’m happy for you, really.”

Twilight smiled, but she mentally filed away talking to Spike on her “to do” list.

“So... when Applejack marries Twilight, is that gonna make Apple Bloom Spike’s aunt?”

Twilight and Spike jumped at Sweetie’s question.

“Twilight’s not my mom,” Spike said, convincing nopony.

“We better get home,” Twilight said. She gave Applejack a quick peck on the cheek. “Come on, Spike.”

“Aw, really? Do we have to?”

Twilight stopped, looking at Spike. She was smiling. “You made friends after all.”

Spike blinked. “I... guess I did.”

“Well, I still want you to come home now. But I promise you can play with them tomorrow.”

“So we’re still on for the lake tomorrow?” Silver Spoon asked.

“Sure thing!” Spike said.

“And I’ll be seeing you tomorrow,” Twilight told Applejack, the Earth Pony nodded.

Applejack and the five fillies waved goodbye as Twilight and Spike walked down the road. Then Silver Spoon spoke. “Wait... he never picked a winner.”

Apple Bloom stopped. “Hey, yeah, Spike never said who the best kisser was.”

“...What?” Applejack said flatly.

“Wait... I’ve been hanging around the blank flanks for nothing?” Diamond Tiara wretched. “Ew, ew, nasty! I’m contaminated! I’m...”

“So do you not want to go to the lake with us?” Sweetie asked.

“...I didn’t say that.”

Fluttershy sat in her cottage, silently moping, Rainbow Dash had been avoiding her these last few days. Maybe she should have listened to her and just dropped the subject until later. But how much later? How long could they put off a discussion about their future?

Angel sat in his basket, happily munching a carrot. Rainbow Dash was gone. Applejack had come by to pick up Winona, and Owlowiscious had taken that as the cue to fly home. He finally had Fluttershy to himself again. Life was good.

And then the door opened.


The Pegasus in question jumped, but calmed when she saw who it was. “Rainbow Dash?”

“Fluttershy... I need to tell you something.”


Rainbow Dash sat down next to her. “Listen, I was thinking about what you said today and while I was, Scootaloo came up to me and started pestering me. Something about the other fillies having an argument about a kissing contest or something. Anyway, she just kept pressuring me to hang out with her and just kept being annoying, so I figured she needed a trip to the Rainbow Factory.”


“Yeah, and it worked. We went on a guided tour and she loved all the machines and ran around in the play area. I had a lot of fun too. By the end, she was so tuckered out I had to carry her home. When I got there, I found out her parents were abusive alcoholics and I was the the only one who cared about her. So I went to police, had them arrested, and adopted her.”


“...Okay, not really. But it did make me realize that I wanted to have foals some day. Not right away, but... I think we’ll be okay in this department.”

Fluttershy squealed and threw herself at Dash, kissing her on the lips.

Angel dropped his carrot in horror. Then he buried his head in his paws, sobbing.

Tank was to his side, watching the scene.

<...So what was the explanation as to how Miss Fluttershy got such a high tolerance level?> Tank asked.

<After Nightmare Night, Princess Luna thought a great way Fluttershy more comfortable around her was a few nights of alcohol drinking,> Angel said, managing to keep his voice steady.

<...That hardly seems shameful.>

<It wasn’t until the night they broke out the Alicorn Wine.> Angel actually shivered. <Trust me, a pony with that much political power shouldn’t be allowed alcohol. And really, you don’t want to know what Fluttershy was like.>

Twilight stopped in the doorway to her bedroom. She looked around. It felt good to be home, but the extra guest bed they had tried to use for Applejack and the absence of Spike’s basket made it seem odd.

Spike had declined moving his basket back, having grown accustomed to having his own room. While that was what Twilight had been hoping for, she’d felt a sense of loss at the same time. Almost like...

No, not like a mother watching her child grow up. It certainly wasn’t anything like that.

She sighed, getting into bed. No Spike, no Applejack, whoever forced them together was still out there. She was going to have trouble getting to sleep tonight.

For hours she tossed and turned, hoping sleep would find her. She had gotten too used to sharing a bed. She was never going to get to sleep.

Then she heard the library’s bell ring.

She got up. Somepony had come into her house. Nopony locked their doors in Ponyville, there was no need, so whoever this was wasn’t breaking in.

She got up and went out into the main room.

“Applejack?” Twilight asked.

The cowpony was indeed at the base of the stairs. She looked up at her fillyfriend with a weak smile. “Hey, sugarcube.”

She looked tired, like she had been struggling to sleep as well.

“Listen... this might sound silly, but... I got used to havin’ ya around... now I can’t sleep. So, do ya think... fer just one more night...”

A purple aura practically dragged Applejack upstairs.

In no time at all the two were in bed, under the covers, stealing kisses and holding each other tightly. Their relationship might have its troubles coming, but they felt like they could take on anything.

Author's Note:

Well, here it is.

Got kind of out of control there for awhile, but it's finished.

I was originally thinking of having Rainbow Dash's story about Scootaloo being abused be real, with the joke being that Angel was worse off than ever with Fluttershy acting as a mother to Scoots as well, but I decided that was too off the wall.

And, a bigger one. You might remember, early on, that I wrote that Twilight's parents drifted away from her. The original plan was to have them suddenly show up to push Twi and AJ's relationship. Then it would have been revealed that they were really changelings, and that they had replaced her parents since a mere month after Twilight's entrance exam. However, I took a step back and realized this twist was way too dark for this story. Plus, Twilight would have had no time to grieve.

You know, I might do another chapter of Luna and Fluttershy's drunken night...

Comments ( 70 )

So... is it finished? Because l see an "incomplete" tag:trixieshiftright: ?

I'm kinda glad you didn't make a chapter out of that Scootaloo joke. There's quite a few stories identical to that already.

You know, I might do another chapter of Luna and Fluttershy's drunken night...

That however sounds like it would be a fun read.

Are we going to get a spin-off story? Because I kinda want to see that discussion with Spike.

...it seems out of character for Rainbow to say that bit about Scoot's parents, especially with it being a fake out.

So, does this take place before Twilight's ascension? And if so, does her ascension happen like normal?

I much preferred the "scoots has abusive parents" thing as a joke non-sequitur. I've enjoyed stories with that as an element in the past, but it would have been completely wrong in this.

I really enjoyed this story! Can't say there's a lot of really good TwiJacky out there, but this one definitely qualifies. Nice to see it fulfilled to its potential.

Well... all's well that ends well. Or begins well, I suppose.

The Flutterdash resolution felt a bit rushed. Maybe I was just weirded out by the fakeouts, which is a matter of taste and not of writing, but something about bringing up Fluttershy's tolerance level again so suddenly made it feel more like meta-commentary ("oh, people still ask about this, okay, happy now?") than anything else. On top of Rainbow's rapid-fire conversational turns, it was a more discordant note than usual from this story.

But then again, it ended on a sweet one.:twilightsmile:

Pretty good ending. I enjoyed that little self reference bit with Scootaloo's alcoholic parents. That spin off sounds hilarious.

An interesting ending however the Pinkie/Big Mac storyline was never really finished and I would have enjoyed seeing Cadance get caught for her part in this whole scheme. Otherwise great to see this story finished!

This was awesome to read over the years. Sad to see it over but it gets a standing ovation from me!


I missed that too. IT seemed something was supposed to happen with Pinkie and Big Mac and nothing ever did. Feels like a hole to me.

With how this ended with a few things not wrapped up... Really makes it feel like you are going to make a continuation story... I don't think you will, but that's what it feels like.

I'm still happy to have read it though!

story was great but I still feel blueblood deserved a karma dump.

I want to know if Big Mac and Pinkie got over their... issue, or not.

The Luna and Fluttershy drinking chapter, WILL BE GLORIOUS!

Well, I'm glad that Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash are still together. I was a bit worried the story would end with them breaking up and getting back together in the sequel. Speaking of which, with this issue resolved, what will occur between Rainbow and Fluttershy in the sequel?

I've been following this story for a very long time, and I have to say, I rather like the way you've ended it. It feels like if you wanted, you could continue, but at the same time it feels completed, so that there aren't really any loose ends to be tied up. Wonderful job. Can't wait to see what you might put out in the future, whether it's related to this or not.

This is the funnyist story I seen in a long time
I leaft out loud multiple times
I loved the relation ship with Twi and applejack
I started out not liking the blue blood and rarity story but by the end I was looking forward to more
The cadence and discord revele was hilarious and probably one of the best out part of the book in my
And I have seen a lot of people wanting some closure on the Big Mac and pinky ship I thought it fit pinky very well she started dating Mac In a very piny maner in fact that was probley my favorite get together seen in the
Finally I think your idea for twilights parents would make a good story I just don't it would have fit into this
Story all though it is a cool idea that as preveisly stated would probley make a good story.
PS I often like story's that have the exact scootalo abusive parent thing in them so I personally fond
That joke extremely funny.

“Listen, I was thinking about what you said today and while I was, Scootaloo came up to me and started pestering me. Something about the other fillies having an argument about a kissing contest or something. Anyway, she just kept pressuring me to hang out with her and just kept being annoying, so I figured she needed a trip to the Rainbow Factory.”

"so I figured she needed a trip to the Rainbow Factory.”

"trip to the Rainbow Factory."

"Rainbow Factory."

What has been seen cannot be unseen... You... Rainbow... You have beautiful eyes...

It's nice to see the fic ending with warm fuzzies; thanks for writing it! :twilightsmile:

Minor typos or continuity glitches:

missions for them

...Should that be "missions for her" (Celestia)?

True to the doctor’s assessment, Applejack’s Earth Pony magic resulted in a quick healing

We didn't see a doctor deliver that assessment; we (and AJ) heard it from Celestia. Perhaps "true to Celestia's assurances"?

Minor tone quibble:

When I got there, I found out her parents were abusive alcoholics and I was the the only one who cared about her. So I went to police, had them arrested, and adopted her.

I realize you're mostly poking fun at various fics that run along those lines, but if Scootaloo's parents are decent, this seems like the sort of thing you wouldn't even joke about. Much as with child sexual abuse, it's the sort of thing that authorities jump all over if they think there's even the slightest chance that it's true.

“So... when Applejack marries Twilight, is that gonna make Apple Bloom Spike’s aunt?”

Considering Twilight is a mother figure to Spike and she hatched him, yeah.

“Yeah, and it worked. We went on a guided tour and she loved all the machines and ran around in the play area. I had a lot of fun too. By the end, she was so tuckered out I had to carry her home. When I got there, I found out her parents were abusive alcoholics and I was the the only one who cared about her. So I went to police, had them arrested, and adopted her.”
“...Okay, not really. But it did make me realize that I wanted to have foals some day. Not right away, but... I think we’ll be okay in this department.”

Fair enough.

Angel dropped his carrot in horror. Then he buried his head in his paws, sobbing.

Best reaction ever.

<It wasn’t until the night they broke out the Alicorn Wine.> Angel actually shivered. <Trust me, a pony with that much political power shouldn’t be allowed alcohol. And really, you don’t want to know what Fluttershy was like.>

On the contrary. I DO.

You know, I might do another chapter of Luna and Fluttershy's drunken night...


When I made my account back in 2013, this was one of the first stories that I followed. It's kinda bittersweet to see this one finally end

So, a happy ending is had by all except Angel.


(Though what about Pinkie...?)

Well, that was cute.

Wait I feel like I'm missing something here.

What did Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo hang out before this chapter [where was it shown]? And when did Sweets, Silver Spoon, Diamond Tiara, and Spike hang out [chapter]? I don't remember seeing those things.

Still allinall, a little sad to see this end. But it was a pretty good fic.


I did a double take and shivered when I read that


I know right... I was just like 'you did not just fucking do that...'


It really scared me for a second there

I was like

Wtf rainbow

While a nice ending to a great story, I can't shake the feeling that it was kind of rushed. So many stories resolved in one chapter, and not a lot of time to let any sink in. But I still enjoyed it either way.

i great story, thanks for writing it

It wouldn't have been a chapter, just Scootaloo suddenly showing up at RD's door, the joke being an entire fic like that had happened off-screen.



Rule of funny, really.

I hope you're exaggerating that reaction...

And Cadance? Wait until the sequel...

I'd always intended Fluttershy's tolerance levels to be a joke. At first, the explanation was just going to be something underwhelming. In the end, I decided throwing Luna in was funnier.

Wait until the sequel

Sequel's coming.

That was the joke.

Thank you.

Dash and Scootaloo wasn't seen. the joke was that the problem got resolved offscreen.

And DT and SS hanging out with the Crusaders was a subplot. The CMC got the idea to try a kissing cutie mark after Spike brought up a kissing booth, causing Spike to run since he was the unwilling test-ee. Then DT and SS got involved when the CMC told them they were just bad kissers. then, after they all had kissed him, they kept hanging around him, demanding he pick a winner.


There is going to be a sequel?! Sweet looking forward to that happening!



>> Tatsurou
>> AcademicPony

Rule of funny, really.

In something deliberately written as a crack-fic (like Wedding Bell Blues), certainly. In fact, I was disappointed that you backtracked on Cadence's actions in the last chapter of WBB.

In a more conventional comedy, not so much. You'd set up the expectation much earlier in the story that the world was exaggerated-but-still-mostly-plausible, and both Rainbow's crack at Scootaloo's parents and Shining's axe-crazy blood-knight rampage broke that badly enough to break immersion.

Do you see where I'm coming from on this, at least?

No, that's just Chrysalis's incredibly warped view of A Canterlot Wedding.

Yes, I do.

I might undo that backtrack in the rewrite, if I can keep it at a T rating.

...Why do so many readers think I don't know that? It's part of AJ's informal speech. It's intentional.


Holy crap I think you just made my week!

Await I shall.

Good ending. You had me laughing the whole time.

Applejack winced as her hoof slammed into the trunk. The apples remained stubbornly in the tree. She'd been working all morning, and she had nothing to show for it but a couple of empty baskets and sore hooves. She hadn't been sleeping well, and it was starting to show.

Giving the golden band on her hoof a long glare, Applejack wound up for another buck. THWACK! A couple of apples dropped into the waiting baskets.

It would have been so much easier if it had been anypony else. She spent every night nestled against that soft coat, listening to the faint sounds of breathing, barely audible over the relentless pounding of her own heart. Imagining the warmth of those hooves wrapped around her. Those bright eyes locked on hers. The taste of those lips--

Applejack yelped as she missed the tree entirely, losing her balance and crashing to the earth. She lay still for a moment, drawing a few shuddering breaths.

Her eyes drifted back down to the ring. With a wordless bellow that rang through the orchard, she leapt to her hooves and started tearing wildly at the ring. She slammed it into rocks and trees, she crushed it with her hooves, she tore at it with her teeth until her hoof was bloody.

Applejack finally stopped, chest heaving, trembling limbs flecked with blood and sweat. The ring was still there.

She wasn't quite sure when her ragged gasps had turned into muffled sobs. Twilight deserved so much better! Twilight was a hero three times already, full of fire and courage and magic, and learning wisdom from the Princess herself! She was the kind of pony a whole country could rely on! And Applejack? Applejack kicked trees for a living.

There was only one thing she had ever done that might have deserved a mare like that, but-- green flames and mocking laughter-- she had even bucked that up.

As the tears faded, a grim determination took root in Applejack. Maybe I'm not good enough. She hardly registered her hoofsteps carrying her to the barn. Maybe I don't deserve Twilight. She stretched her leg out, the light gleaming brightly from the golden band, untouched by the sweat, or blood, or heartache. Beautiful. But I can still do what's right. I can set her free.

Applejack swung the axe.

Those Two Terrible Tricky Trolls.

That was quite the ride. From the over-the-top reactions, the road trip from hell, and insane invasion schemes i loved every bit of this fic. It was funny, romantic, dramatic, action-packed, and just all around enjoyable from beginning to end.

Most excellent and i would love to see a chapter of Luna and Fluttershy based shenanigans.

Everybody laughs because it's funny.

Ahhh this story was utterly hilarious, and the reveal of the true masterminds behind it all was brilliantly done. That said, it was sweet how it was all done for the benefit of Applejack and Twilight, who truly do work well together. And how many of the other happy couples of the story, Rarity/Blue, Rainbow/Fluttershy, also get reasonably happy endings of their own. Its funny and heartwarming in equal measure. Bravo.

Very good! I agree with fictionfreek that it felt a little rushed, but I can definitely understand. It was still very entertaining and I actually laughed out loud at the rainbow factory bit, so, well done! :yay: An excellent tale overall and a heck of a ride, I've certainly enjoyed this story from start to finish, and I'm looking forward to more from you!

Please keep writing, I'll keep reading!

6845262 I feel like I have made a grave error...


However if would have been more funny if instead of Cadence and Discord everything was arranged by superpowered!drunk!Twilight, because she's the Element of Magic and can do anything if she just believes in herself.

It's kind of unfulfilling to read just the end. Oh well, guess I'll have to read it all again.


They did some stupid stuff, and their friends laugh, fine. But there's a third party in play here so things were done to them while they were drunk.

They have no idea who made those rings or for what purpose.

Stalkers are not funny.


Amazing at the end ^^

A sequel would be good. But the Fluttershy-Luna's drunken night is TOTALLY necessary! :pinkiehappy:

Could have done with at least 700% less JewBlueblood, but whatever. The rest was entertaining. A good read.

Also, I totally called Cadence and Discord as the culprits.

6997551 i was think when i start reading this story it was cadance and discord behind it.

Well, that was a fun story. Dramatic but still lighthearted and silly throughout.

Angel just can't win.

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