• Published 8th Jan 2012
  • 5,313 Views, 239 Comments

Parental Problems - Speven Dillberg

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Rainbow Dash stomped off from the rather disturbing scene that was playing out in the kitchen. She didn’t care what they said, seeing her parents doing what they had been doing was far from pleasant. Even if it was in the kitchen. Especially if it was in the kitchen. After all, that’s where food was prepared.

She entered the bathroom with every intention of showering. Yesterday’s mild panic with Post Haste meant that she had forgotten to take one. She stood under the shower head, letting the warm water cascade over her in an attempt to let it wash away the problems (or more accurately, the images of her parents doing... things) plaguing her mind. She was so focused on trying to push those thoughts from her mind she failed to notice when somepony pushed open the door to the bathroom.

Post Haste knew he should have knocked. After all, it would have been momentously awkward if he had walked in on Tranquil Sky showering. It would have been downright terrifying if it had been Thunderhead. As it stood, this was incredibly... pleasing. He closed the door as quietly as he could, though it was still loud enough to catch Rainbow’s attention. “Wha - ” she blurted out as she spun.

“You definitely know how to take my mind off things,” Postie said as he stepped closer to the mare.

The smile on his muzzle was nothing compared to the grin being worn by Rainbow. “Come any closer, I’ll blow your mind.”

“I bet that won’t be the only thing,” the stallion said as he joined the mare under the water.

Thunderhead ascended the staircase and headed for the bathroom, a towel draped around his neck. He intended to take a shower before leaving for weather duty. When he got there, he found the door locked. He could also hear something beyond the sound of running water, the sounds of grunting, groaning and pleased moaning.

“You two, stop rutting and get out!” he yelled loudly as he hammered on the door. From within he could hear a pair of surprised yelps and somepony falling to the ground. It wasn’t long before Post Haste and Rainbow Dash emerged, still damp and blushing a very bright red at having been caught. Thunderhead gave them both a very dirty look before shaking his head and stepping into the bathroom, leaving the door unlocked.

Barely a minute later Tranquil Sky slipped in, giving the large weather pony the best surprise since his last birthday.

“Your father is a dirty hypocrite,” Postie, slumped at the kitchen table, said glumly. He had his hooves over his ears, not that they had much effect.

“I know,” Rainbow groaned, in a similar position. From above they could hear... things they wished they couldn’t. She stood up. “That’s it. We’re going out.”

“Whuh?” Postie asked, looking up in surprise.

“You spent most of yesterday in the house, and I didn’t really see much because I was helping dad.”

Postie blinked in confusion. “Wait. Your father got you to help with his weather duties?”

Rainbow shrugged. “He needed another pony to help demonstrate a few things, and I’ve got experience. He spent most of his time at the Weather Factory maintaining the Storm Generators,” she explained. “You would not believe how sloppy those griffons are.”

Postie nodded absentmindedly, completely clueless. “Well, I suppose we should wait unti - ” A particularly loud moan changed his mind. “We’ll just leave a note,” he said loudly.

A hastily-scribbled note was left on the table and the two younger pegasi were out the door less than a minute later. “So,” Postie turned to Rainbow, “you’ve been around town a bit, where should we go?” He didn’t even notice the slight chill. Earth ponies are incredibly strong and durable, unicorns have magic and pegasi have flight, the ability to walk on clouds and the power to almost completely ignore the temperature.

“I dunno,” Rainbow replied, shrugging with her wings. “I was just gonna look around, maybe find something to do.”

The walked aimlessly through the streets of Hippogriff. Or rather, Postie did, with Rainbow content with hovering just above him. “This place is disturbingly similar to Ponyville,” the mailpony commented.

“What do ya mean?”

“Well,” Postie pointed at a few buildings. “There’s a bakery. That’s a library. That looks like a tailor’s.”

Rainbow just gave the stallion a flat stare. “Yes, because no other town in Equestria has those,” she said as sarcastically as equinely possible.

“I mean where they are relative to each other,” Postie explained.

Rainbow rolled her eyes. “Postie, you’re crazy.”

“I thought you liked crazy,” he asked with an exaggerated pout.

“Not in public,” she replied. “Besides,” she continued, “I bet Ponyville doesn’t have one of those.” Postie followed her hoof and found her pointing at a building like any of the others. The main difference was that there were absolutely no ponies anywhere near it, while the number of griffons seemed larger than anywhere else. “I wonder what that is, anyway.”

The stallion looked at the sign and immediately realised why. “I don’t think we’ll want to go there,” he said quietly as he turned away.

“It can’t be that bad,” she said confidently as she hovered over to a window and peeked inside. Half a second later she pulled back and retreated. “Okay, you were right,” she said quietly, her expression somewhere between horrified and disturbed.

“Let me guess, dead animals being carved up?” Postie asked.

“Yeah,” Rainbow replied. “How are you so okay with that?”

“You forget where I came from?” Postie asked. “Remember? Omnivorous biped? Those kinds of places were common,” he said, pointing at the building in question.

“Huh. Never really thought about that.” Rainbow tilted her head. “I really should be a bit calmer about the whole dead animal thing, I suppose.”

“Yeah, you should,” a new voice said. The owner sounded female, and arrogant. “You hung around me for years, you know I ate meat. Maybe you decided to forget all that when you abandoned me for all those lame-o ponies.”

Both pegasi turned to see who it was. The owner of the voice was a griffon hen. The tips of the feathers on her head were tipped with a light-greyish purple, as was the area around her eyes, like eyeshadow. “Gilda?” Rainbow Dash asked, not sure that it was her.

“Hey, dweeb.”

Author’s Notes:

Oh hey, it’s Gilda!

Short chapter, yes, but I just wanted to get this out.