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Rainbows Make Me Cry

Dash grabbed the freshly-modded scattergun, specifically made for hooves instead of hands. Engi had made special weapons for all of them, capping it off by modding the regenerator so that the ponies could respawn. He even modded some of the clothes to fit the equines. Everyone stood around, firing their weapons to get a feel. Once they were ready, one by one they ran out the door.

Of Course, Dash was out first, flying over the bridge, past the enemy respawn, and down their spiral.

"I'll just run in, grab the intel, and run out. Easy" She peeked in, and the sight that greeted her was not a good one: A level three sentry pointed directly at her. She screamed and ducked behind the corner as the rockets missed by inches. "Okay, maybe not so easy. At least no Engis were around. That would have been embarrassing"

"HI DASH!" Pinkie yelled right behind her. She jumped backwards, back into the sentry's sight.

"PINKIE! wait..." She looked around as the sentry beeped to confirm her presence. Before she could say a word, the force of three rockets gibbed her across the room.


After what seemed like ages (but in reality was 10 seconds), she "awoke" in the regenerator chamber.

"Wha? What happened? All I remember is a sentry pointed at me, some beeping, an intense hatred of Pinkie at the moment, and now I'm back here!"

"You died" The Engineer said nonchalantly, taking a sip of coffee and reading through some blueprints. "My Regenerator sensed your death and reconstructed you. Now your not dead. So run along and try not to die again" He sounded as though he'd had to explain it more than a few times already.

Dash was taken aback. She'd died? No way. She was Dash. THE Dash! She'd show RED. No one kills Dash!

Her steely determination spurred, she bolted off, quick as a flash. She hasn't lost something she'd set her mind to yet! Not the Young fliers competition, not her first race, and certainly not these RED losers! She smiled wide, closing her eyes and picturing how she would utterly destroy them.

The lovely little dream of her's was cut short when something fiercely grabbed her tail, yanking her back. 'Why does everypony have to do that!?' she thought to herself. She swung around angrily, ready to fight whoever stopped her. "Alright, come and get s- Rarity?"

The pony with her tail wore a mask that was adorned with the enemy Pyro's face, but it was unmistakably Rarity. Nopony else could keep their hair that luxurious during a war. Rarity spat the tail out, making a show of it by spitting and sputtering. "My word, Rainbow Dash! How often do you wash that thing!?"

Dash gave Rarity an annoyed glare. "None of your business. Why'd you stop me?"

Rarity spat one last time and pointed into the courtyard that Dash had almost entered. "If you'd gone in their that court's walls would be painted in Rainbow Dash. There is a pair of sentries that I'm trying to get rid of. Honestly Dash, you need to learn to look before you leap"

Dash peeked in and, sure enough, a pair of level two's were in progress. "Oh" She sheepishly offered Rarity an apology. Rarity went invisible, sneaking up on the unattended sentries and placing sappers on them. Dash ran down the straight stairs. "Thanks Rarity, I'll pay you back later!"


She snuck around the RED basement. Not gonna get caught this time. No way.

A beeping around the corner told her that the sentry was still operational. The pegasus gulped. Although, again, the Engineer wasn't around. she poked around the corner, just enough to see the sentry, and shot it. A few sparks jumped out. Another five or six shots, and the monster sentry exploded, leaving the room open.

"Yes! Nopony outdoes Rainbow Dash!" She ran into the room smiling. At least, smiling until the second sentry in the room, hidden in the corner, noticed her.


She appeared back in spawn, looking incredibly surprised. "There are way to many Engineers on that team"

"I know, right?" The Scout sat in the room, bouncing a baseball off the wall. He looked over and the ball landed in his open hand. "Dey always do dat"

"Why are you hanging around here? You're on break. Don't you have somewhere to go?" She sat next to him. Talking to Scout sounded much more pleasing than getting plastered all over the walls again.

"Eh, I thought about takin' a trip home, but that'd take too long. Actually no one went anywhere. So what happened to you? Engi troubles?"

"You could say that. Any advice?"

"Don't do it alone. You're fast, Dash, but no amount of fast'll save ya from four hundred bullets in ya spine" He said with little enthusiasm, as if it had happened to him a thousand times.

"Use da Heavy, or Soldier, someone. Y'ain't gunna win without a little teamwork" He less said it and more recited it, a speech that he had apparently heard each one of those thousand reckless charges.

Dash looked thoughtfully out the door. For once she couldn't bruteforce something. "Thanks, I'll try that. 'course if I mess up, I'll be back anyway" She started toward the door.

"Hol' up a sec" Scout reached into his backpack, pulling out a soda can and throwing it toward her. She caught it and read the label.

"Bonk Atomic Punch? What am I s'posed to do with this?"

"Trust me, when you need it, y'll know" Scout went back to bouncing his ball off the wall.

The cyan Pegasus looked skeptical, but put the can in her saddlebag and ran out. she jumped down and sitting on the bridge, Pinkie had a strangely pleased look on her face.

"Uh, Pinkie? Shouldn't you be doing something? Like attacking the enemy?"

"Silly Dashie, I'm waiting for my sandwich to come back!"

Dash had long since given up on trying to figure the Pink pony out, but this intrigued her. "Come back? What, did it run away?" She giggled at the mental image of a sandwich running away from the ever-hungry Pinkie Pie.

"No, I ate it. But I found out that after I eat them, another one appears after a little while!!"

Just as Pinkie had said, a sandwich on a plate appeared in front of her. The only thing Dash could do was stand aghast as Pinkie devoured that one and sat waiting for the next one. Before any words could come to mind, She heard a voice from her earpiece. It was Rarity, barely audible. "Dash? are you there? I need help"

"Rarity? What's wrong?"

"I'm trapped, I can't get out of their intel room, They're standing in the exits. Please? I can't fight these on my own, there's Two Engineers and two of those dreadful Pyros"

"Why don't you just let them kill you and let yourself go back to respawn?"

"And lose all the hard work it took to get down here? Never! Oh no" She lowered her voice again to being barely audible. "I think they heard me. Please hurry, Rainbow Dash" Then the Earpiece went silent.

"Uh Oh. I can't deal with that either. But I do owe Rarity..." She cast her glance at Pinkie, rump in the air and eyes on the pile of plates that was slowly but surely accumulating. "Hey Pinkie Pie? Wanna help me for a sec?"

Pinkie nodded happily, sandwich in mouth.


They ran down the ramp, leaving RED team behind, either waiting to respawn or pointlessly firing at where they were a second ago. Dash put a hoof to her mouth, signaling to keep as quiet as they could. "Okay, stay here and wait for my signal" She bolted around one corner, calling the Pyros out of their posts at the doorways. She ran out, and once both were in Pinkie's sight, she yelled "Now!" and the pink pony unleashed a hail of gunfire from the minigun. Both of them fell quickly, Dash barely getting a scratch. One of the Engineers came out of the room, and was swiftly dispatched with the scattergun.

"Time for part 2!" She ran to the edge of the room, this time looking all over the room. Two sentries, Level 3 each, and an Engi standing by one of them, fortunately looking away. "Now or never" She pulled out the can Scout had given her, popped the top, and chugged the thing. Her eyes went wide. She could feel the energy surging through her, everything seemed to move in slow motion. 'No time to marvel. Hope this works!' She ran out, and the sentries started firing. She used her caffeine time to dodge the bullets, placing herself behind the hapless Engi and causing him to be gunned down by his own building.

"Pinkie! Stage 3!"

Pinkie ran in, and while the Sentries were trained on dash, her minigun tore through one, then the other. The room was finally clear, and Dash returned to her normal speed as the Bonk's effect wore off.

"We did it!" She was tackled to the ground by an unseen force. A spy pony appeared over her, thanking her profusely. She got to her feet. "We're not out of the woods yet" She grabbed the intel. "All those guys we fought on the way in will be back by now. So Pinkie, you go up the way we came. Me and Rarity will go up the other way. Got it?"

"You betcha!" Pinkie ran out, sandwich in hand.

"She is so random" Dash looked at Rarity. "You comin' or what?"

"You're not mad at me for dragging you into my mess?"

"Mad? That was the most fun I've had in ages! Besides, you didn't think the spirit of loyalty would leave a friend behind, did you?" she playfully jabbed Rarity on the shoulder.

"We better get out of here before we get caught"

They ran out of the room, past Pinkie mowing the enemy down, and out the front door, intel safely on Rainbow Dash's back.