• Published 16th Nov 2012
  • 1,678 Views, 240 Comments

No Longer an Enigma - enigmaMystere

How Enigma, from 'Epic Rap Battles of MLP', met his current friends.

  • ...

Meet the Supermodel

Enigma stared up at the quartet of ponies who were playing, awestruck by their amazing music. They didn’t try to conform to the normal classical music he’d heard so often, instead going with a more exciting, possibly even more emotional style.

When they stopped after a song about holding onto a feeling, Fancy Pants held up a hoof, glancing around. “Can’t continue without our pianist, can we?” He chuckled, trotting over to a small table with some refreshments as he wait for the apparently-late band member.

The red pegasus focused on the microphone still on its stand. It was there, and nopony was keeping an eye on it. Dare he try to sing? It seemed easy enough, looking at the sophisticated stallion doing it.

Before he knew it, he was up on stage, holding the microphone between his hooves. He opened his mouth, and-

A rather pitiful squeak came out.

Blushing brightly, Enigma let go of the mic, letting it go back into its original position. He covered his face, groaning softly to himself. Of course he couldn’t sing. He probably would have to practice the rest of his life to even be half as good as-

“My goodness! Dear, who is this?”

He slowly uncovered one eye, taking a peek at the pony who spoke.

He saw the one pony who was undoubtedly the most beautiful mare he had seen in his life, so far. Her slender, graceful legs. Her long, flowing pink mane that framed her majestic face. Those mesmerizing violet eyes. Even the way she was walking towards the stage in slow motion, as if she was from Baywatch. Of course, that last one was most likely just in his head.

She was also carrying a large black case in the air next to her.

Enigma quickly blinked, snapping himself out of his stupor. He smiled, bowing as politely as he could to the lovely unicorn.

She gave him a small smile as she passed, completely missing the quick glance he gave her cutie mark - three fleur-de-lis. She got onto the stage, pulling a keyboard out of the bag and setting it up near the microphone. She glanced over at him, eyes lidded. “You like what you see?”

He blushed brightly. Apparently, he wasn’t as sneaky as he thought. He curled up into a ball, hoping that if he didn’t see them, they wouldn’t see him. A childish notion, but one he held faith in.

At least, until she placed a hoof on his back. “I understand. It’s hard not to look at me; that’s why I decided to work as a model. And I’m flattered. Really, I am. It’s just ... I’m not into other mares.”

With that, the wing that had extended from her touch snapped shut against his side. In his head, he was screaming every single curse word he knew.

“Besides,” she moved over to the tall white stallion, giving him a long, tender kiss, “I’m a married mare.”

He sighed, slowly standing up and looking up at her. “I’m not a mare.” He flew back down into the aisles, sitting himself down and brooding. “Why does everypony keep thinking that I am?”

“Maybe it’s the way you carry yourself?” The mare calmly walked over to him, nodding slightly. “My name is Fleur de Lis. Pleasure to meet you.” When this didn’t garner a response from him, she turned to her husband for help.

Fancy Pants stepped forward, carefully cleaning his monocle on his vest. “Now, my boy, I see you are lacking a cutie mark.” The pegasus flinched as if he’d just been smacked, but the unicorn continued. “While singing doesn’t seem to be your talent, that doesn’t mean you don’t have one in another aspect of music. Why, I bet my daughter would be able to help you with that.”

He finally looked up at them, confusion on his face. Daughter? He looked at the mare on the stage, an eyebrow raised. She doesn’t look like she’s given birth. Not at all.

“Now, don’t get me wrong.” He gave Enigma a firm look, threatening without being threatening. “She is a busy mare, and has no time for romantic pursuits. Still, you should go see her.” He pulled a card out of his pocket, placing it in one of the pegasus’ saddlebags.

He blinked, looking at the two nice ponies in front of him. A small smile grew on his face, and he nodded at them. “Thank you for all the help.” With that, he turned around and left the building, smiling brightly and straining to hear the words of the song being played before the door closed.

As soon as he left, Fleur looked at her husband, an eyebrow raised. “Now, why did you say that? You might as well have said that you wanted him to date her.”

Fancy Pants chuckled, readjusting his lens. “He’s a respectable colt, if a bit unorthodox.”

“What do you mean?”

He nodded at the black bag. “Look for yourself.”

Slightly worried, the white mare carefully made her way over to her bag, peering inside. Seeing only a can of peanut brittle, she felt reasonably confused. Picking it up, she rolled her eyes playfully at her husband. “I fail to see-”

The can burst open, covering her with cookie dough. Shocked, she glanced at the case, seeing writing on the side. Slowly, she read it out loud. “‘Dear Miss Fleur, if you are reading this, I truly apologize. This was meant for Fancy Pants. If this is Fancy Pants, I hope you enjoyed my little prank. Sincerely, Enigma.’” She turned to Fancy Pants, her eyes narrowed. “Well played, dear. Come here.~” She hugged him, transferring the chocolate-chip batter onto him, both of them laughing all the while.

Thanks to gordobraveheart for helping me with the chapter by giving great ideas.

The choices for next chapter are:

1) Pipsqueak,

2) Octavia, or

3) Possible Reader Suggestion

Have a nice day!

Enigma out.~