• Published 16th Nov 2012
  • 6,145 Views, 190 Comments

School of Hard Knocks - flutterdashforever

The mane six are humanized and in high school. Let the shipping commence.

  • ...


“Daddy, I-I-I- we were just- we-” Fluttershy was flushed, her lips still a little red from her and Rainbow kissing. There was no denying what they had been doing.

“I thought you got over this years ago! Why would you take part in this nonsense?”

“I-I was just-”

“I don’t want to hear it. Do you know how hard it was for me and your mother when you first told us about your little problem? It was hard but we thought we’d fixed it.”


“I’m very disappointed in you.”

Fluttershy looked stunned. Her great teal eyes had a hurt, scared look.

Rainbow had had enough. It wasn’t just this argument, it was the way Fluttershy was always flinching and worrying about her parents. “Look,” she snapped, jumping to her feet. “Your daughter is gay, that’s not going to change no matter how much you try and stop her. One day she won’t be under your control and she’ll do whatever she wants. You can either accept her for who she is and stand by no matter what or you can kick her out and never hear from her again. I know where I stand on that.”

“So you’re the one who’s been filling my daughter’s head with this crap?” He glared at Rainbow with utmost contempt. “And what right do you have? She’s my daughter, what are you to her, the one who got her mixed up in a path to depression and suicide? You have no right.”

“Wrong. I’m her girlfriend and I have every right to stick up for her when she’s being bullied.”

The man turned his attention back to his daughter. “Fluttershy, get away from her. And you,” He returned his gaze to Rainbow. “You get the fuck out of my house this instant. Fluttershy, you’re going to stay in here until you’re ready to apologize.”

Fluttershy got up. There were tears glistening in her eyes. She looked long and hard at her father and, in that moment, Rainbow wondered if she’d ever actually stood up to him. “And if I don’t? What would you do if I told you that I have no intention of ever leaving Rainbow’s side?”

“Then you would have to hope that Rainbow can feed you and put a roof over your head because you wouldn’t be staying here if you were determined to follow that path.”

The tears were falling freely now but there was a determined glint in Fluttershy’s eyes. “Come on then, Rainbow, help me get some of my stuff together.”

The man in the door looked a little shocked but he nodded curtly. “You’ve got five minutes, then get the fuck out.”

Rainbow walked through the front door of her flat and tossed the pile of stuff she was holding on to the couch. She turned to Fluttershy who was staring at the ground, her hair hanging across her face, probably hiding tears. Instead of speaking, Rainbow merely walked over and took the girl in her arms. Rainbow was slightly surprised that Fluttershy didn’t even flinch, relaxing instantly in to the loving embrace. She sat them both down on the couch and rocked the now crying girl on her lap.

What do you say to someone when you know they have every right to be sad? Rainbow wondered. this was not the time for empty platitudes like ‘I’m sure it’ll be ok,’ or ‘There, there, I’m sure it can’t be that bad.’ The fact was that Fluttershy had just lost her house, her parents, her inheritance and everything she’d always taken for granted. And she did it for me… That thought wouldn’t go away. In a way, he was right. What right do I have? I’ve known Fluttershy for only a few weeks and suddenly I’m assuming that I’m more important than everything she left behind.

Fluttershy stirred in her lap “I’m scared.”

The quiet voice snapped Rainbow out of her private reveries. “It’s ok to be scared.”

Fluttershy drew closer, pressing her face in to Rainbow’s neck. Rainbow lay a loving hand on Fluttershy’s back. The two lapsed in to silence, content in each other’s company. Rainbow reached a hand up and ran it through the soft pink hair, breathing in the scent of flowers.

At last, Fluttershy spoke again. “Rainbow?”


“When you said that... thing, did… did you mean it?”

“what thing?”

“When you said you were my girlfriend.”

Rainbow flushed a little but Fluttershy didn’t see. “I-I just- well, we were kissing and- I guess I just spoke without thinking and-”

Rainbow would have said more but at that moment Fluttershy sat up and brought their lips together. It didn’t last long, it didn’t need to, Rainbow knew what it meant. “Thank you for sticking up for me.”

Rainbow’s heart went cold and bitter when she heard those words. “Are you kidding? I got you kicked out of your house.”

“It'll be ok, I’ve got a fantastic girlfriend, I’m sure I’ll be fine.” She bit her lip. “I just- I just didn’t think he would actually kick me out… I knew he wouldn’t be happy but…. It’s just scary not having that security anymore.” More tears welled up in those beautiful teal eyes.

“I know.”

Fluttershy leaned forward again and Rainbow resumed playing with her hair. They fell in to another contented silence as the night drew on, neither caring that they had school tomorrow. It was so nice to finally be there as a couple, the future could wait.

“Well top of the morning to you Dashie. And Fluttershy, how sweet you two look holding hands like an old married couple. Mazel tov.”

Rainbow only gave a half smile, she had suspected Pinkie might react this way. “Morning Pinkie. Yes, me and Shy are now officially a couple.”

“Shy and I.” Fluttershy corrected.

Pinkie smiled broadly. Just at that moment, Applejack walked past, murmuring, “Morning,” as she passed.
Pinkie shouted after her. “Hey, AJ, you owe me fifty bits.”

“Dangit!” she cursed and continued on her way.

“Now as I was about to say: wow, this is quite a shock.” Pinkie grinned. “Totally wasn’t expecting that one.”

“How many of our friends did you bet that we would get together?” Rainbow asked, raising a skeptical eyebrow.

“Well, let’s just say that I won’t be struggling for my lolly money for quite some time," said Pinkie, winking.

Rainbow snorted. “Should have known. Well, I’m off to catch up on some flight practice, you with me Shy?”

“Oh, you go on ahead, I just need one teensy word with Pinkie Pie.”

“Ok.” Rainbow walked off, leaving Fluttershy and Pinkie alone.

“What was it you-”

Fluttershy stepped forward, fixing Pinkie with a spine melting stare. She didn’t know what was happening but it felt like she was suddenly able to convey, with a look, a sense of terrifying threat and menace. She drew up so she was only inches away from Pinkie’s face. “Rainbow. Is. Mine. Got that?” She emphasised each word with a prod in the chest.

Pinkie was momentarily taken off guard by that stare but she bounced back. “Don't worry she wouldn’t stand a chance with me, to be honest, she’s not really my type. However, I am glad that you two finally hooked up. You make a cute couple.”

Fluttershy stepped back, freeing Pinkie from her withering gaze. She smiled sweetly. “Excellent. Then you and I should be the best of friends.” Still smiling, Fluttershy walked away, following after her girlfriend.

“Now and then I think of when we were together.” Applejack stood against a wall, feeling distinctly invisible. She was watching a slender girl with a build most boys, and girls for that matter, would kill for, a look of sadness in her eyes. “Like when you said you felt so happy you could die. I told myself that you were right for me, but felt so lonely in your company. But that was love and it’s an ache I still remember. You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness like resignation to the end, always the end. So when we found that we could not make sense, well you said that we could still be friends-”

“Hey AJ, why are you singing?”

Applejack looked around to see a grinning face. “Um, oh, hi Pinkie. I was-I was- I was just…”

Pinkie frowned slightly. “What’s wrong? You look all glum.”

“It’s nothing.” Applejack avoided the bright blue gaze, she never had been any good at lying.

“I wasn’t born yesterday,” Pinkie deadpanned.

“Alright, let me rephrase that: it’s nothing that concerns you.”

“Look, let’s just assume that I win this argument and that you tell me what's going on. That way we can skip the actual argument and get to the part where you tell me what’s wrong.”

Applejack began preparing a new counter argument but sighed and gave up. “Rarity broke up with me.”

Pinkie’s face fell. “Oh. Fuck.”

Applejack nodded. “Yea, fuck.”

Pinkie wrapped an arm around her friend’s shoulders and began walking them off in some random direction. “Now you come with auntie Pinkie Pie. Tell me what happened.”

“She said…" Applejack thought for a moment, then made an attempt at a smile. "She said, ‘You don’t know me, you don’t even care,' oh yea. She said, ‘You don’t know me, you don’t wear my chains,' oh yea.”

“Gallows humour I see," said Pinkie, unimpressed.

Applejack shrugged. “Couldn’t help it. We just had a really big fight.”

“Do you think it’ll blow over?”

There was a long pause before Applejack answered. At last she said, quietly, “I don’t know.”

“What were you even fighting about?”

“She’s decided my music is in bad taste.” This was true but it wasn't the real reason.

“Well who can blame her?”

“I know you don’t exactly get it but Queen is my life.” This new subject seemed to cheer Applejack, slightly.

Pinkie reached a hand up and patted her friend comfortingly on the back. “If that’s the case, then you should commit suicide.”

Applejack scowled. “Freddy Mercury is an inspiration.”

Pinkie nodded thoughtfully. “Quite right; he nearly inspired me to do drugs.”

“Wait," Applejack stopped walking and looked at her friend in surprise. "You don’t do drugs?”

This was met with nothing but a disapproving silence.

“Oh, lighten up.”

“What are you doing being so cheerful? Are you seriously telling me that your girlfriend broke up with you over your taste in music and you’re upbeat enough to make jokes with me?”

“Alright, it had nothing to do with Queen. I’m only joking ‘cause it’s either that or cry." Applejack looked at her feet. When she spoke again, her voice was quiet and sad. "And I’m stronger than that.”

Pinkie stopped in the middle of the hallway and turned to face Applejack, her eyes were bloodshot, and it was obvious she had been crying. There were also bags under her eyes, suggesting that she had lost sleep. “Alright, AJ, you’re going to have to tell me what this is about.”

“That’s between me and Rarity.”

“Ugh, that's not helping.” Pinkie had to stop herself from tugging at her hair in frustration.

“It's wasn't supposed to."

“How am I supposed to help you if I don’t know what’s going on?” she tried.

“Look, I just need to talk to Rarity, I’m sure I can work this out," said Applejack, once more avoiding her friend's gaze.

“Then why don’t you do that?”

“She won’t listen to me, she just gets all snippy and getting her to actually agree to talk is impossible.”

Pinkie smiled. “Ah, dear Jacky, where there is a Pinkie there is a way, and you have a Pinkie.” She thought for a moment. “Well technically you have five, but that’s not the point. You have one that’s spelled with a capital P and that’s the one that’s going to fix your sad, pathetic and broken relationship. Now I’ve got things I need to sort out, ciao.” Without waiting for a response, Pinkie skipped off.

I must be imagining things, thought Applejack, dazedly. I can’t have just seen Pinkie walk, uh, skip, towards the library.

“Hey Twi, could you get me an A plus please?” There was a thump as a pile of homework hit the table that one Miss Twilight Sparkle had been studying at.

Without missing a beat, Twilight said, “Just as soon as you tell me your ulterior motives.”

Pinkie leaned back, pantomiming shocked hurt. “Twilight, are you saying that I couldn’t just want you to get me through my school work without having to lift a finger myself?”

“Well when you put it that way, yes I suppose so, but go ahead; tell me I’m wrong.”

“Well…” Pinkie grinned sheepishly. Spending increasing amounts of time with Twilight wasn't exactly doing wonders for helping her resist making a move but she couldn't help it, she was just so much fun. And with Dashie and Fluttershy kissing on a cloud, I'm without any other partner in crime.

Twilight smirked triumphantly, sliding the homework closer so she could get started. “Go on.”

“I need you to get Jacky and miss pricy princes pants back together, they broke up and AJ's being all depressing and glum, I want them back together as soon as possible so she can go back to being fun," Pinkie said, glad to have one of the things she wanted to ask about out in the open.

“Need I ask more or are you planning on telling me anyway?”

“Look, you’re not making resisting you any easier." Pinkie frowned, every time Twilight made a witty remark or clever insight, not asking her out became a more difficult chore. "AJ’s having trouble just talking it out with Rarity, I need you to find a spell that would just let them talk. Hopefully drugging them won’t be necessary.” Pinkie had told Twilight about her little crush but had neglected to mention why she couldn’t act on her feelings.

Twilight just snorted. “Fickle aren’t you? First you’re going after Rainbow and now me, make up your mind girl.” She paused for thought. “I’ll see what I can do but this isn’t exactly something I’ve done before. I’ll do my best.”

“That’s all I ask," Pinkie said, smiling.

Sensing there was something else, Twilight said, “I doubt it, what’s on your mind?”

“I swear girl, get out of my head.”

Twilight grimaced. “If only I could. Seriously, you might want to clean up in there occasionally.”

Pinkie giggled. “Alright, you got me.”

“So? What is it?”

“Ugh, I’m no good at this, this has always been Dashie’s area of expertise. Do you have a crush on anyone?”

Twilight grinned. “Is that your way of asking me out? You didn’t last long in the whole resisting game did you?”

“No, no, not me. Is there anyone else?”

“Oh, quite nosy today aren’t we? And what would you do if I were to drape myself all over you and tell you that I fancy you and always have?”

Pinkie thought for a moment. “Fob you off and then take a long, cold shower,” she decided. “However, that doesn’t really answer my question.”

“Did it occur to you that that might have been deliberate?” asked Twilight, smirking.

“Spill already," Pinkie whined.

Twilight sighed in resignation. “Fine, yes I like someone, happy?”

“That depends, I’ve got a lot invested in who you decide to sha—”

“Oi, none of that. I said I liked someone I didn’t say I was sleeping with them.”

“I never said you were getting any sleep.”

“Well played,” said Twilight, blushing.

“Could you at least tell me?” asked Pinkie, hoping that a non joking, reasonable tone would get the answer she was after.

Twilight raised her eyebrows at the change of tone. “I could.”

“But you’re not going to?”

“Bravo, fifty points for powers of accurate prediction”

“Fine, be that way.” Pinkie sighed in mock despair and flounced away.

“I’ll just be here,” said Twilight, grinning, “getting you an A plus.”

“What did she say?” Derpy looked nervous, pacing back and forth as she awaited Pinkie’s response.

“She wouldn’t tell me but she said there was someone she liked.”

“You don’t think it’s you, do you?”

Pinkie raised her eyebrows. “Sit down, girl, you’re making me dizzy.” She reached up as Derpy was passing and pulled her down on to a chair.

She looked in to those great big, golden eyes, edged with worry and tears. “What if she doesn’t like me?” The query was quiet and sad.

“Then she’s a fool,” Pinkie said firmly. “You two would be perfect together, she’s smart, she’ll see that.”
Derpy managed a small smile. “You really think so?”

“Of course.” Pinkie grinned. “Oh come here, you.” She pulled Derpy close and held her in a tight embrace. “Come on, let’s go and spend some time admiring attractive girls who we’ll never have a shot with.”

“Sounds like fun.” The two stood and headed off towards the oval, occasionally shoving or bursting in to random fits of giggles. Despite a shaky start, it was looking to be a pretty good day.

Rainbow had always believed that the first kiss was the most special. Of course she knew that couples got together and kissed more than that first time, but she had thought nothing could ever match that first time, with the adrenaline and tension that wracked the body. That overwhelming joy when they kissed back. Until now that is. Now, with her whole world centred around the soft lips pressed against her own, the warm body wrapped in her arms and the sweet smelling hair tangled in her fingers. There was always something to be said for a first kiss, but this was wonderful.

Fluttershy leaned back, a little cross eyed and smiled. “Hmm, you kiss so much better when you’re not drunk.”

Rainbow grinned, a little sheepishly. “I wasn’t that drunk.”

Fluttershy smirked playfully. “You had nearly a whole bottle of really strong apple cider.”

“It wasn’t as strong as all that.”

“I talked to Applejack about that, actually.” To the casual observer, this might have seemed like just an idle comment, but Rainbow heard the subtle shift in tone that meant she could very well be in a whole lot of trouble.

She attempted to keep her tone casual when she asked, “Oh? Do tell?”

“Yes, she said it was some of the strongest stuff she had.”

“She did, did she?”

“Oh yes. She also said something else that I found interesting.”


“When I mentioned that I hadn’t actually had any and told her what I had instead, she seemed somewhat surprised.” Fluttershy carefully raised a hand and inspected it thoughtfully.

Rainbow had suspected something like this might be coming. What had she been thinking?

“Shocked in fact.” Fluttershy’s tone was still dangerously sweet.

“I can explain?” Rainbow tried, hopefully.

“Forty percent alcohol, Dashie."

“Good thing alcohol doesn’t affect you, isn’t it.”

“So you’re telling me you knew that I wouldn’t get as rascally drunk as you?”

“Well, 'know' is a pretty strong word.”

“Yes, and vodka is a pretty strong drink." Fluttershy's voice had reached a peak of dangerous and it seemed as thought the storm was about to break. She turned her gaze to Rainbow and near pinned her to the cloud with the stare. After a long pause, she said, thoughtfully, "I don’t suppose you have any more of it do you.” She grinned.

Rainbow looked a little surprised for a moment, but then began laughing. Fluttershy giggled quietly and said, “If I didn’t know better, Dashie, I’d say you were trying to get me to kiss you. If you’d had your way, I’d probably still be drunk.”

“Well, I admit that I was curious what you would act like.”

“That must have been a very disappointing experiment.”

“Yea, it was kinda. The result was worth it, though.”

Fluttershy snuggled closer and Rainbow pulled them both in to a lying down position so she could gaze up at the sky. They lay there in contented silence for a while.

At last, Rainbow spoke. “If all of school was like this, it wouldn’t be half so bad.”

“Are you saying you don’t enjoy having ignorant sex ed teachers out you in front of the entire class?” Fluttershy asked, innocently.

“Since when did you become so cheeky?”

Fluttershy leaned up and lay a gentle line of butterfly kisses along Rainbow’s neck, causing her to squeak in surprise. “I learned from the best.”

Rainbow flushed a little. “Humph,” was all she managed.

Fluttershy snuggled in again.

Yup, definitely a good day.

Author's Note:

Wow, sorry this took a minor eternity to finish. Troubles arose as I ended up making an impromptu trip to visit a friend for while and the power conked out due to heavy storms leaving me completely computerless. THE HORROR. Also I would like to blame Skyrim for the delay as it still hasn't relinquished it's hold on me.

Anyway, now to actual things I need to say that aren't excuses. First of all I would like to thank all you awesome people who have read and favourited this story. I really didn't have any idea the reception for this little idea of mine would be so fantastic. Ok, so this probably deserves an explanation. I was recently very happy when I realised that this story has now gotten more likes than IMBTFOLPO. So I figured that this was a good time to say a great big thanks for that.

A lot of authors notes this time I see... anyway, I should probably clear up that I happen to love Queen and that Pinkie Pie's opinion is her own and I do not share it. The first song I referenced was "Somebody That I Used To Know," by Gotye, and the other one was "Boston," by Augustana. I hope you liked this chapter and that the next one won't take so long.