• Published 17th Nov 2012
  • 981 Views, 4 Comments

Pact: Nullification : Lost - SerriTovoka

  • ...


Everywhere seems to be empty.

Like half of the omniverse just picked up and left.

Like there was never anything here at all siding the evidence that something once was.

I close the gate to prevent any unnoticed fauna from joining me in the stable.

With a huff and a feeling of hopelessness, I sit against a wall.

- … -

This has been a lot.

This has been more than one person could ever handle.

I lean my head against the hard, cold stable wall.

A reminder of where I am.


Always lost.

Unknowingly, I feel myself begin to dose.

No...I'm not done yet.

I'm not done being mad yet.

I'm not done...bitch...ing...