• Published 18th Nov 2012
  • 781 Views, 2 Comments

Twilight Sparkle's Anguish - Trailblazer Rocker

Twilight Sparkle tries to find a coltfriend, but preserving the world becomes a priority.

  • ...

The Showdown


Rounds of applause and cheers rang out in the arena as Twilight Sparkle and Rarity pulled off a victory against two other unicorns.

"Pfft, please..." Twilight said, smug.

"What did they expect?" Rarity smirked as well.

They were taken back to the locker, where Sapphire paid all seven of them their fight money, then left. Their rank was now at two. There was one more fight to win to get a chance at the title.

"Well, lookee here..." said Trailblazer as he was in the middle of checking their ranks. "Another letter came for us... Might be R again..." He opened it and read it out loud. "Find the key behind the souvenir shop.

-from R"

"We have another key to find. Again, behind the souvenir shop."

They easily made their way to the same shop and found another key lying on the ground with a tag on it. Just like before, it read, "For The Devastators". They picked it up and headed back to their locker room. Another letter was waiting to be opened.

"Just like clockwork... Ahem... Unlock the door on the second floor of the storage room.

-from R."

"Allrighty then, R," said AppleJack. "Might be somethin' REEEEEAAL interestin' back there..."

They headed back to the storage room. Once they got back up with that spiral staircase, they saw the door to their left. It was locked with a big padlock.

"This must be it," said Pinkie. She unlocked the padlock and opened it. As they walked inside, more wooden crates were lined along the walls. There was a big crate in the back corner, along with a few smaller square crates stacked on each other.

"There's nothing in here..." said Twilight. "Nothing but more crates."

"Not quite, dear..." Rarity sniffed the air. "Does something smell in here? I'm picking up some sort of stench."

"Really?" Rainbow Dash started to smell, and caught it. "Oh yeah, I caught it too."

Trailblazer walked towards the big crate, and started catching whiffs. "Ech... It looks like it's coming from behind these crates."

"All right, stand back. Let Rarity and I handle it," Twilight instructed.

As the other five got behind the two unicorns, they charged their railbeam attack, and struck the crate. It blew into pieces, which scattered around the room. Twilight shrieked and Rarity gasped simultaneously.

"What?? What's gotten y'all so riled up?!" AppleJack raised her voice.

"Look!" Twilight looked frightened as she beckoned the others. They all looked at what was behind the crates, and they too, were shocked and yelped. Several shriveled up ponies were lying in a pile. Most of them lost their muscle mass, and looked dyslexic from it too. Nearly all of their ribcages could be seen. Literally, skin and bones. All of them were alive, but in an incredibly weak state, unable to move around to get comfortable.

"Oh my God, what happened?!" asked Trailblazer.

"Trail... blazer...?" a familiar voice groaned.

He gasped. "Super Shine?" He took another look and saw his head sticking out of the pony pile. "Oh God, Super Shine! What the hell happened??"

"Trailblazer... Don't... Go in the... Ring, when... It's empty..." He moaned.

"Why? Why?? Stay with me!"

"Oohhhhhhhhhhh..." Super Shine lacked the strength to continue talking. Trailblazer noticed the other two Precious Metals in the pile, Go Getter and Bronge Age. They remained silent.

"Oh my God... Have you seen anything LIKE this??" Rainbow Dash asked, knowing the answer.

"Who could've done this??" Fluttershy said, shivering heavily. "How could he have done this?? This... It's unthinkable!"

"It's sort of beyond belief. Who's gonna believe that there are a bunch of shriveled bodies in this here storage room??" AppleJack thought.

"Were they, like... DRAINED? Look at them!" Pinkie Pie said. "They're nothing but bones!"

"I don't think we can do anything for them..." said Rarity. "Don't you worry, you poor things... We'll find out who's responsible for this!"

A few of them turned their heads to face them, but could only go by just a little bit. They moaned just by trying to turn them.

"We'd better get going. Maybe we'll find more clues as we advance," said Trailblazer.

"Yeah, I'm with you on that," said Twilight.

They all turned around to see Sapphire peeking at them from the partially opened door. As soon as she saw that they all noticed her, she backed off quickly and closed the door.

"Hey, that was Sapphire!" Trailblazer sprinted to the door and opened it back up, but she was gone. "What the hell, she's gone!"

The other six ran out of the room and saw that she was gone. They spread out to all of the corners of the storage room, on the second and first floor. She was nowhere to be seen.

"But... She was JUST here!" AppleJack looked around thoroughly along with the rest of them. Around each corner, behind some crates, she couldn't be found. "How? How did she do that??"

"What's going on in this place?" Rainbow Dash said as she gave an aerial view of the room. "This is crazy!"

"Hang on, we shouldn't discuss it here," reasoned Twilight. "Let's go back to our room."

Upon getting back into their room, they talked it over some more.

"Super Shine said that he wanted to discover some secrets in this stadium..." Trailblazer was filling them all in on what Super Shine told him one night. "We've found the truth behind three of them: the hidden room in this locker room, the second floor of the storage room, and what made all those moans on that second floor."

"Did he have anything else to share with you?" questioned Twilight, a bit worried.

"Yeah... He said that there was some controversy behind the ring when it's empty, and about Smash Crash and Sapphire."

"Well, don't leave us in suspense! What about it?"

"He said that there's something REALLY odd that happens when it's empty, almost as if it HAS to be kept secret from the public. And he's told me that Smash Crash has been fit almost all his life, despite being over 60 years old, and that Sapphire's been disappearing every so often too."

They looked at each other silently. In their minds, they tried putting the pieces together, but still, something wasn't adding up.

"I think..." Twilight said. "I think that the Sacred Star is the final piece to this puzzle, and the key to solving these mysteries..."

"It has to be," said Trailblazer. "We'd better get that star before anything else happens to any other fighter here." He scheduled the next match, a 1-against-1 versus the highest-ranked major leaguer, Dark Wizard. Twilight was called to fight, and she entered the ring to do just that.

After her victory against him, they all got paid again by Sapphire. She left without saying anything else.

"Take a gander at this..." AppleJack checked the rankings of all the fighters. They were ranked One. The next battle was the title match against Grub Gut.

"If we get that trophy..." Fluttershy said. "Then the Sacred Star is ours."

"Yeah, it will be."

The white envelope showed up on the corner of the screen again.

"Could that be R?" asked Pinkie Pie.

"Could be..." AppleJack opened the letter and read it.

"This is your final warning! Quit searching for the Sacred Star! If you keep it up, you'll wish you'd never show your face in the ring!"

"Oh, great. It's our angry pen pal again..." said Rainbow Dash. "Still, he knows about the Sacred Star. What could THAT mean?"

"Hold on now..." Twilight started to think some more. "You know that champion here? Grub Gut? He barged in here one time and told us not to fight him in the ring, didn't he?"

Rarity thought for a moment. "Yeah, he DID!" She gasped. "You don't think... HE'S the one behind those threatening letters, is he?"

"He just might be..." said AppleJack. "Hey, he has the Sacred Star on the trophy too! I think... That coward want us to become the champion!"

"That all makes sense!" yelled Trailblazer. "...But..."

"But what, sugarcube?"

"What about those weakened fighters tossed aside in the storage room? How are we supposed to know if he's the one behind that?"

"Hmmm, good point..."

"Well, if that's the case, we'll have to fight the truth out of him."

"Tommorow, the title match for champion can be scheduled to fight Grub Gut," said Pinkie.

"Yes... Well, I'm going to get a good night's sleep. It's almost 10 at night."

"Yeah, me too."

With that, they all got into the bedroom and started to sleep. It was going to be a big day tommorow.

In the afternoon, Trailblazer began to schedule the next match. As usual, Smash Crash answered the request.

"Well, howdy, Devastators!" he greeted. Then, he laughed excitedly. "This is it for you guys! Yer next match is the Title match! That means, you'll be going up against... The champion, Grub Gut! Now here, he's his own team, so only one of ya's gonna go up to fight him. Ah don't have any special rules for ya this time, just go and fight for the trophy!" He faded away from the screen.

"Just leave it to me," said Trailbazer. "I can get the job done."

"No need to worry with you, sugarcube!" cheered AppleJack. "Make me proud!"

"Get to it!" yelled Dash.

"We'll cheer for you on the sidelines, Trailblazer. Make him beg for mercy!" Twilight let out her battle cry with a hint of evil in her voice.

They left the locker room to get in the stadium as spectators. A little bit later, a guard came into the room to escort Trailblazer.

"Match time. Come with me," he said.

Trailblazer followed the security guard, but he started to go in the opposite direction.

"Hey, wait a minute here," he said. "The ring is the other way."

"Oh, this? You just go this way because it's a special match."

The guard led him to the opposite side of the ring, but didn't take him into the other enterance. Instead, he took him to the opposite minor league locker room, and took him in there.

"You just wait here."

Trailblazer was confused. No guard has ever taken them to a room prior to going in the ring.

Back in the stadium, the stage was set for the championship battle. The other six had their seats near the ring, waiting for the fighters to show up.

"And now, today's main event!" Smash Crash announced. "The fight to decide who will become the Mega Ring Champion is about to begin! First to enter the ring, the Hulk of Bulk, GRUUB GUUUUHHHHHHT!"

At that signal, Grub Gut walked in from one of the stadium's double doors. A lot of cheers were heard throughout the stadium as he walked onto the ring. Smash Crash walked up to him for a quick interview.

"So, what do ya have to say 'bout your challenger?" he asked.

Grub Gut blew a loud razzberry. "He's gonna be in a world of hurt. I'll crush his puny body!"

"But Champion! These guys have climbed the ranks faster than you've ever have. They even broke records on how fast they could finish a fight, and how fast they've climbed those ranks too! What do you have to say 'bout THAT?"

"Hey, shut it! There's only one champion, and that's ME! I'll show him who's boss!"

"Big talk coming from our champion, fillies and gentlecolts!" He turned around to face the opposite side of the ring. "And now, our challenger! Representing, the Merciless Soldiers, please welcome, our Devastator!"

The crowd cheered some more, but the doors on Trailblazer's end didn't open.

"Hold the phone, folks. What in the hell is goin' on here?"

"I'll tell you what's going on! He fears getting squashed like a bug!" Grub Gut laughed obnoxiously.

"Ah'll tell ya this, folks. If he doesn't show up, he'll end up a-forfeiting the match!"

The six were wondering what exactly was going on. They were as confused as any other pony.

"What's this all about?" asked Rarity. "Why isn't he here?"

"This is strange..." thought Twilight. "...But we can't give up that Sacred Star! I'm going to see what the deal is here. Save my spot, please." She got out of the ring and into the hallway, looking for him.

Back in the minor league locker room, Trailblazer was growing impatient.

Okay, that guy is SO late! he thought. Screw his rules, I'm getting on that ring!

He walked back up to the door, but it wouldn't open. He tried harder, but he found out that it was locked from outside.

"Hey," he said out loud. "I'm trapped in here!" He pounded on the door, shouting. "Hey, help me! I need to get out of here!" The pounding turned into loud slamming. "HELP! I can't miss the title match!"

Twilight Sparkle walked through the hallway that was outside the stadium, wondering where he was. He wasn't back in the locker room they've all stayed at. She kept on walking around to look for him, and went to the opposite side of the ring, where Grub Gut entered. She heard the loud thrashing against one of the doors, but it had no security guard in front of it.

"Hey! Get, me, out of here!" Twilight heard.

"Trailblazer?" she wondered.

"Twilight! Is that you!?"

"Yeah, it is. What are you doing in there!?"

"I'm wondering the same thing! That damn security guard locked me in here!"

"What?? Why?

"This is no time for a game of 20 Questions! The Sacred Star is at stake!"

"All right, no argument there." She turned the deadbolt to unlock the door, and heard it unbolt. Trailblazer popped out of the room.

"Thanks. Now I gotta hurry! I'll see you after the match!" Trailblazer yelled back as he ran to his predetermined stadium enterance. After seeing him run away, Twilight ran back to the lobby and made her way through a bunch of fans to get back in her seat with her friends.

Just then, the doors on the opposite side opened, and Trailblazer walked into the stadium.

"Look at that, fillies and gentlecolts! Stridin' into the ring late like he owns the place! Let's give it up for, Trailblazer, representing the Merciless Soldiers, THUHHHHHHHHHH DEVASTATOOORRRRRRS!"

The crowd roared as Trailblazer slowly made his way on the stage, savoring the moment, waving at the crowd as he passed them. He walked on the stage, ready to face off against Grub Gut.

"Listen to that there crowd hootin' and hollerin' for our Devastator! This is goin' to be one HELL of a fight! All right! Without further ado, let the battle... BEGIIIIN!!"

The gong was struck, and they were called to fight.

"All right, tough guy!" shouted Trailblazer. "You think you're so smug as champ, but enjoy it while you still can!"

"Heh heh heh... You should've stayed locked up all safe and sound!" said Grub Gut.

"What...? What's that supposed to mean?? Don't tell me that it was you that got that guard to lock me in that room!"

"Ding, right! I warned you not to go in the ring, and now, you're gonna face the consequences!"

"So it was YOU that sent those threatening letters about the Sacred Star!"

Grub Gut looked clueless. "Wait, what? What, letters...? And what's a Sacred Star?"


"Wait, no, I don't care! I'm gonna crush you!"

"It's ON!"

Trailblazer and Grub Gut charged at each other. Trailblazer jumped just before making contact and started to bounce on him. He tried getting out from underneath him, but Trailblazer kept on pounding him from his big size. When he landed, Grub Gut took a swing at him, but the brown earth pony swiftly ducked, and then tripped the fat red one. The distance reopened as Trailblazer ran back to his corner, waiting for Grub Gut to pick himself up. He tried chasing him, but Trailblazer was much faster than him. In the time it took Grub Gut to complete one lap around the stage, Trailblazer would've completed three of them. He then started to tease the champ by standing in place, letting him catch up. Once they got back to each other, Grub Gut started to make more swings at him. Each punch was dodged as Trailblazer continued to tease him with some quick comments at each punch.

"Nice aim!" "Dummy!" "Slowpoke!" "Ace reflexes!" "Denied!" "Wah-haa!" "Too slow!" "Punk!" "Ohwhat'sup?" "WHUNunununun..."

When Grub Gut finally had enough, he tried landing a hammer swing at him with both forelegs, but once he punched the ground, Trailblazer was already behind him, and gave him a hard kick with his forelegs.

"Nice hustle, Tons-O'-Fun! Next time, eat a salad!" he taunted. Rainbow Dash snickered at that comment.

Grub Gut was becoming increasing frustrated and angry at the fact that not a single hit struck his opponent yet. He charged again, but he got out of the way at the last second.

"Over here!" Trailblazer teased yet again. He was off to Grub Gut's right, and saw that he charged again. Trailblazer dodged again. "I am owning you, you fatty fat, McFat- Fatty, FAT fat!"

Grub Gut growled deeply, and then chased him again. This time, he finally got a hold of Trailblazer, grabbed him by his chest, and threw him into the ground. He readied himself for a body slam, but Trailblazer rolled out of the way just as he landed. As he was down, he took the opportunity and kicked him at his side again. When he was getting himself picked up, he jumped back on Grub Gut and started punching him. He jumped back off to get more distance again. He noticed that Grub Gut was panting.

"What's the matter, Thunder Thighs?"

He let out a weakened war cry, and charged at Trailblazer again. He jumped on top of him again, giving him a kick with each bounce. Grub Gut swayed from side to side, dizzy, trying to get focused. Trailblazer simply walked up to his side, pushed him, and he fell over, landing with a loud thud. His mouth hung open, and he didn't get back up.

"I think you've come down with a case of Being-Too-Fat-itis!" teased Trailblazer one last time.

"And this here battle is OVER!" yelled Smash Crash. "This was, without a doubt, one of the greatest bouts in the history of the Mega Ring! The challenger has won the battle! Congradulations, Devastators! You are now, the Mega Ring Champions!"

Confetti rained down on him, and the stadium roared with applause and cheers. Trailblazer stood on his hind legs and started beating his chest.

"YEAAAAUHAAAAAAGH!" he screamed as he was standing. After that, he stopped beating his chest and stood back on all fours. He took his right foreleg and pointed towards the ceiling and started to headbang, which lasted for several seconds.

After the fight, everypony headed back to their rooms. Sapphire showed up to them once more.

"That was quite a beating you dished out, Trailblazer," she said.

"Did I look worried?! Was there EVER a doubt?!" he asked rhetorically. "It was with my pleasure!"

"Anyways, two things. One, your fight money." Sapphire handed them 50 coins apiece.

"Look at all this cash!" exclaimed Rainbow Dash. "We could go swimming in it all by now!"

"And two, to your new room."

Sapphire directed them past Smash Crash's office and past the storage room. At the end, a wooden door was in place, and Sapphire walked into it. Beyond that door was the Champion's room. It was just the same size as the other locker rooms, but it was all one big spacious room now, rather than being separated into a locker area, and a bedroom area. The room was lined with red carpeting. Seven canopy beds were lined along the wall on their left. At the corner of that left wall was a dining area, with two tables for them. At the right back corner was an area separated from the rest of the room with red-brown tiles. A hot tub was surrounded by those tiles. On wall to their right was a living room area, complete with a dark-brown leather couch and white marble coffee table. Standing on that coffee table was the trophy.

"From now on, you will be using this room for future fights. The match registration will still be the same as always. Anyways, enjoy your time spent here." Sapphire left the room.