• Published 25th Nov 2012
  • 1,540 Views, 19 Comments

The Deity Star - Laarsgaard

Celestia has been the omniscient ruler for millenia, but how did she become so powerful?

  • ...

The Future

Celestia stood in her magic room with the massive windows. Another one had shifted and changed to show her. The image depicted her casting a massive spell and all around her cowering in fear. She sighed to herself as she felt the burden of her actions. First her own father and now this, she didn’t know what to do.

Had Aquilinus foreseen this? Why hadn’t he warned her about how hard it would be to get them to believe her? She had so many questions and no one to answer them.

Celestia left the massive room looking for a bedchamber. She was quite tired and felt like rolling up in a big comforter to cry herself to sleep.

Soon enough she found a massive bedchamber with a huge four poster bed. The room was covered in frills with gold trimming and a massive fireplace. It was hung with blank tapestries and empty frames. The devoid yet regal natured of the room screamed at her with its wrongness and she felt her heart twist at the thought of how empty and lonely it appeared to be.

Celestia didn’t care though. She made her way to the big bed and crawled under the covers and began to cry. She reflected on her short life and how quickly things had appeared to change. She just wanted to go back, back to the days before the mountain before she had caused the accident when her father loved her and she wasn’t meant to be a goddess, Luna should’ve been chosen.

Celestia felt a presence enter her mind. It was familiar and comforting to feel its weight gently will her to sleep. Her eyes shut and her breathing slowed as she fell into a quiet sleep.

Do not worry young one. A voice whispered in her dreams. The voice was soothing and deep and achingly familiar.I have been given leave to grant you one free pass and to give you the next step. It told her. Then images began to flash.

There were shots of ponies but they were different than what she had seen before. The first thing she witnessed was the very earth. Grass and soil began to writhe and dance before her very eyes as it began to shape something. The color began to shift to shades of pink until a solid being had been created. The earth and grass had come together to form a bright pink pony, no horn, or wings but a pony nonetheless.

Then it shifted to show a raining sky. The drops of water slowed before they hit the earth and began to form a ball of water. The clouds stirred and began to move in a cyclone like motion to add to the water to form another being. The pony that the water and clouds formed was the color of the clear sky and had a mane the color of a rainbow. This pony, unlike the first, had only wings and could use them to fly about.

Then her vision shifted to the stars above. She watched as the sky blackened and the stars came out. She was pulled up into the stars to see them up closely. They were beautiful and appeared graceful even. Celestia was awed as one of the stars burst open before her in a torrent of fire and light. The light gathered itself into a spinning vortex adding layer upon layer to itself until Celestia could make out the silhouette of a being inside of the whirling ball of energy

Ball burst apart revealing a purple pony with a horn upon its head. The pony was given only the horn but Celestia guessed was the only type of pony given over to the use of magic.

Celestia’s mind faded back into a regular sleep as the presence pulled itself from her mind gently like a hand closing a book. Celestia settled into a deeper sleep without any more dreams to haunt her.

Aquilinus looked down at the sleeping form of Celestia through the pool of water. Prophet stood next to him.

“That was risky.” Prophet said still staring at Celestia. Aquilinus nodded.

“It was, but She gave me permission to do this.”

“But that was quite a bit of meddling, She really gave you that much leeway?”

“Yes and I was also granted permission to see this one through to the end.” Aquilinus said smiling as he cut the scrying spell’s power. Prophet looked to his colleague and long time friend.

“Interesting.” was all he said.

Celestia awoke feeling refreshed and surprisingly upbeat. She knew what she had to do. She threw the covers from her body and quickly trotted from the room. She left the castle and stopped as she came to the streets. Not a soul was in sight but she could feel massive amounts of energy so much so the air was practically humming. The power thrummed through her soul and it gave her hope.

Celestia spread her wings and leapt into the air making for the plains that surrounded the city.

She flew for some time as she searched for a good spot all the while looking for clouds to gather and move. Soon she had found an enormous patch of clouds hovering in the air. Celestia manipulated the clouds and moved them over an enormous field.

Celestia began to will the clouds to condense and rain. The clouds obeyed releasing the water to the ground. Celestia caught the rain and forced it together just as had been shown to her in her dreams. She began to pull the clouds down and pushed them into water. She held the concoction there and waited. Nothing happened. Celestia swirled the mixture about and still nothing happened. Then it struck her, the surge of power had somehow followed her through her journey here.

Celestia focused on the power and began to channel it. The power flowed through her like she was some kind of conduit and forced itself into her water/cloud experiment.

As more power moved into the water and clouds the mixture began to move and shine. Energy poured into it and the boundaries began to flux and strain. Celestia could feel something happening as the elements came together.

Celestia released the flow of power and the clouds and water danced before her turning into a bright ball of light. The light danced and flexed until with a loud ‘pop’ something gently deposited itself onto the ground. Celestia looked down upon two small foals. Each was a different shade of blue and had tiny wings. The foals looked up at Celestia confusedly trying to discern their world as best as their tiny minds could. Celestia felt confused. Her dream showed her that a fully grown mare had come from the sky, not two foals. Celestia saw that one was male and the other was female and she realized embarrassingly that they were to grow up and help populate the land. Celestia blushed at the idea.

“Pegasus.” She said. The word just falling from her lips without her really thinking. The word fit perfectly somehow.

Not to be deterred by this one odd setback Celestia began to work on the next step. She spread her hoofs and began to gather the earth and grass about her. This time she channeled the energy into her creation from the start and the results were immediate as the grass and soil took on a mind of its own and began to form two more small beings.

These two were also male and female but devoid of any horns or wings. Celestia smiled as they each came out a shade of green, her favorite color.

“Earth ponies.” She whispered. It also seemed a fitting title for these new beings. The new earth pony foals crawled over to the pegasus ponies and they began to playfully tumble over each other and laughed as they played in the grass of the field. Celestia smiled and lifted the four foals.

She took to the air and made way to the palace. She landed in her empty city and calmly strolled through streets with the foals in tow. The children were fascinated and stared on in tiny awe as their, now impromptu, mother took them to their new home.

Celestia was under no delusions about raising these little foals. They would need a mother and Celestia felt some joy at the thought of raising them. She thought about food and how she was going to care for them and then she realized that she was the most powerful thing that would ever be in Equestria and her worries faded away.

She took her new children through the palace and into her new bedchamber. She set her little foals down on her bed and tucked them in. They each yawned adorably and snuggled down ready for a nap. Celestia remembered a little song that her mother used to sing for her when she was filly.

“Hush now, quiet now, it’s time to lay your sleepy head.” She sang quietly. The foals had gone to sleep but Celestia sang on anyway as the memory of her mother pushed forward.

“Hush now, quiet now, it’s time to go to bed.” She finished a small tear falling from her.

Celestia left the bedchamber and quickly ran out of the palace. She still had one more thing to do. She spread her wings and took off into the sky flying straight up. She hadn’t considered how one would travel to see the stars but she was determined to have this one redeeming chance.

Up and up she flew through the sky her wings flapping and propelling her into the sky. She flew for hours trying to reach for the stars and she seemed to never tire as she continued her sojourn.

She felt resistance begin to push back but she was not to be stopped as she broke through some form of invisible barrier only to be met by a second and third. She was not dismayed as she used some of the extra power to force herself through the barriers until she was free.

She looked up into the blackness that surrounded her and she could see the tiny dots that were the stars she so sought after. She climbed through the darkness seeking after the brightest one she could see.

Celestia lost track of time as she climbed higher and higher. She passed smaller stars on her way to the enormous one that continued to grow in her sight making her want it just that much more.

Finally she came to the star. She could feel the heat and the power flowing from it and she was humbled by this giant. Celestia pushed out with her mind and found the power from the star to be lifelike almost as if it had a mind of its own. Without warning the extra power she had brought with her channeled its way into the star leaving her.

The star burst apart in a glorious show of death. Celestia shielded her eyes from the blast as it carried over her with so much as scratching her. Celestia lowered her hoof to see two new foals, each with horns, floating where the center of the star had been only moments before.

"Unicorns." Celestia told herself.

Celestia collected foals and looked at them. They each had one tiny horn upon their cute little heads. Celestia felt a tear of happiness roll down her cheek. This was the future of her race. She thought back to her sister and her heart flinched.

A thought crossed her mind. Maybe if she combined all three she could bring Luna back. Celestia placed both of the foals upon her back and set off for another star. It did not take her long to find one. She threw power into like before and it burst apart but there were no foals in it this time. Celestia reached out with her mind and collected the dying star’s energy and harnessed it within herself.

Celestia turned and flew as fast as she could for her home. She flapped her wings desperately. She didn’t know if this would work but she had to try, for Luna.

She came back to her planet and looked for clouds. She found a thunderstorm not too distant from the city and she harnessed it. She landed beneath the storm. Thunder crashed overhead scaring the infants on her back and making them scream. Celestia cooed to them, calming their tiny minds with her own.

Celestia began to catch the water and move the clouds holding them in place. By now her mane was soaked through but she didn’t care as she had underestimated the size of the storm.

Celestia moved the earth beneath clouds and brought up to the water and cloud forming a muddy, cloudy goop. Holding the mixture in the air she released the power from the dead star. She didn’t just hit it with power she pushed her love, all of the love she could muster and her regret into it. Images of Luna flashed through her mind her baby sister who had never wronged her, Luna who had never hurt her. Luna.

There was an enormous flash of light and huge bang making Celestia take a step back. The foals had started crying again from fear and the chill.

A crater had appeared before her. The edges of the hole were smoking and steaming as the power had discharged. Celestia stepped forward and looked down. The crater was fast filling with water and in the large pool sat two little Alicorns. One was bright pink with cute inquisitive eyes, and a small blue filly who was larger.

“Luna!” Celestia called down. Luna stirred some.

“Celestia?” Luna asked groggily. Celestia leapt into the hole and lifted the two. She placed the little pink Alicorn onto her back with the other two foals and the three squalled together as the rain came down.

“Oh Luna.” Celestia said as she held her sister close. Luna rubbed her eyes. Water had dampened her mane.

“Where are papa and mama?” Luna asked looking up at the rain.

“They had to go away.” Celestia said crying. “But it’s okay, big sister is here.” Luna smiled up at Celestia.

“Everything is better with my big sister.” Luna said. Celestia held her sister there in the rain crying tears of joy and pain happy that she had her sister back.

Comments ( 5 )

Oops -- you made a boy and girl unicorn, pegasus, and earth pony but two girl alicorns. So much for a little bit of everything ponies.

Had to have Luna back and the other one was a cute little 'accident' nothing against Cadence but this is best how I can describe she appeared.

I appreciate a good origin of the Alicorns story. this one appears to be well thought out.
Finally a Celestia that isn't perfect....

Love this story

This was OK. I didnt like how luna was only secondary... It made her seem second to celestia. :fluttershysad:

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