• Published 8th Jan 2012
  • 1,526 Views, 6 Comments

TCB: Yellowstone The TV Movie: Immunity - videomaster21XX

It was suppose to be a simple mission... It wasn't...

  • ...

Part 1: Blood Curse

The TV Movie
Original Concept by Anonsi
This Special TV Movie by Videomaster21XX

Part 1:
Blood Curse


For ages, Equestria has existed separate from the rest of the world, protected by a magical barrier that prevented it from being seen, touched, or reached by humans and their machines. But five years ago, the ponies of Equestria landed on the shores of human lands claiming to be there to save the earth and humanity from pollution, hate, and greed. To do this, the top human scientists and pony magicians created a potion to turn humans into ponies in places called, Conversion Bureaus. Within two years of its release, more than half the total human populace on Earth has converted. The balance of the world has been forever altered, as the remaining human nations form new governments for those humans that remain.

Twilight Sparkle, along with the rest of the gang, have been taking it rather easy these last couple of days. With no news of any ‘supernatural’ creatures, or special situations garnering their attention. Their peaceful days remain unimpeded for once. We join them now responding to a minor disturbance requiring the skills of Twilight Sparkle and a couple of her friends. A welcome small clean up job from their usual monster hunting.

Of course, peaceful days never last, and everything isn’t always as it seems. Something has surfaced, and there are many who want it...


Most of the gang were simply lounging around in one of the bureau’s lobbies, amusing themselves with whatever various small task they could. Zorro, along with Rarity, were both spending their time on the completion of a rather large jigsaw puzzle featuring the Colosseum in Rome. As they worked, Zorro took the time to tell her about the many ‘wonders’ of Rome, much to her enjoyment.

Dimitri was in the middle of having a rather animated conversation with Pinkie Pie about that thing humans called ‘Dungeons and Dragons’. Something everyone hoped didn’t lead to a ‘special’ themed party sometime in the next week. Though knowing Pinkie Pie, most figured they hoped in vain.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash were busy messing with some annoying little machine that you apparently had to put the pieces into it before it popped them back out. Twilight wouldn't have minded it so much if it didn’t make a low buzzing sound while the timer ran, only for it to ‘ping’ rather loudly once the timer ran out. This was making if rather difficult for her to concentrate as both ponies had been going at it for a while now. Each trying to beat the other’s record.

Though neither of them could beat Pinkie Pie’s record of two seconds. Achieved from when she somehow ‘slapped’ the pieces in perfectly. A feat that only Pinkie Pie could ever manage.

Finally there was Twilight herself who, along with her friend Fluttershy, were both off in their own little corner reading books. Twilight had picked up a book titled ‘The Brother’s Grim Fairy Tales’. A tomb she had decided to read based on the possibility of some of the stories manifesting due to the leakage of magic from Equestria. While Fluttershy had her nose stuck in a book about animal care. Which by the serene look upon her face, she was thoroughly enjoying.

Twilight actually hadn’t seen Megan or Hawk all day, though it didn’t really surprise her. Hawk was off doing what ever he pleased, while Megan had actually left on business the day before. Scheduled to be back at any time this evening. Twilight only hoped they didn’t need her before then.

As if cosmically timed. Hawk happened to pass through the lobby at the very same moment a small light on one of the monitors began to buzz, indicating an incoming call. Staring at the little light with tickled amusement, Hawk pressed the button to receive it. In mere seconds the President of the United States appeared on screen.

“Hey Joey Joe Joe. What’s the news?” Hawk asked once the President’s face stabilized on the screen. Though Twilight knew she wouldn’t see the Princess with him this time, she still found herself glancing around his office by habit. Due to the lag in activity, and apparently by some side project of the President. Princess Celestia had decided it was the perfect moment to take some time away so she could discuss a few things with her sister, Princess Luna.

As such Twilight half expected the message to be grim news about something having gone terribly wrong. It’d just be too perfect without the Princess there. The only thing that kept Twilight calm was the fact the call hadn’t set off the emergency alarm when it came in. Indicating that this call was casual in nature.

“You’ve been watching the Simpsons again haven’t you?” The President asked Hawk with a frown, but didn’t let him answer. “Anyway, I’m calling you because we have a small problem, nothing major mind you. Merely a clean up job so to speak.”

Hawk raised his eyebrow at this one, while most of the others turned their attention back to what they had been doing. Only Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Twilight were still watching out of the ponies. Out of the humans, only Hawk still had his eyes on the screen. Twilight mainly due to her curiosity on what might be transpiring.

“About an hour ago we received a call on our ‘Request Hotline’ if you will. As you are aware, each Conversion Bureau has been equipped with a communication device that links directly to us here at the White House. The purpose of the line of course, is to report any signs of ‘Supernatural’ trouble. Well the Bureau in Atlanta contacted us with such a sighting not to long ago...”

The President let himself trail off as he proceeded to hold up a file that had been sitting upon his desk. After a few moments of glancing over it, he continued to speak once more.

“At first all we got was a frantic pony repeating a message of gloom. When we finally managed to get a less panicked pony on the line, we learned that a flock of Cockatrices have apparently invaded the Bureau, turning any person or pony into stone. While evacuation has been set into motion, that still leaves the problem of the cockatrices.”

He glanced at another file.

“Twilight Sparkle, I am to understand that not only are such creatures indigenous to parts of Equestria, but you yourself have run into one before?”

Twilight nodded at the memory of the creature she had once unwillingly run into long ago in the Everfree forest while on her way to visit her friend Zecora.

“I have sir.”

“It is also my understanding that you possess the spells to not only protect yourself and others against their petrifying gaze, but a way to return those effected to normal?”

“Correct again sir. After feeling the effects of their glare myself, I made certain to study up on them in order to find a way that would not only resist their stare, but allow me to reverse it if necessary.” The President nodded his approval when she finished.

“We believe these to be among the escaped creatures the PER attempted to smuggle out of Equestria nearly two weeks ago. As you are aware, the Princess asked to round up and transport any of those missing creatures back to Equestria. In hope that they might be released back into their homes.”

Twilight nodded while she went over the report of the incident in her mind. Most PER members were generally caught trying to enter or exit Equestria. Of course it was impossible to catch them all, and this had been one of the few intances where a band of them had managed to get in. Apparently, their plan had been to gather up any transportable creatures they could muster from the Everfree forest.

While this particular group had gotten lucky enough to gather some of the more ‘aggressive’ species found there, they had been caught attempting to leave. While most of their ‘cargo’ had been released back into Equestrian wilderness. Some had managed to escape into the human world. These cockatrices obviously being among them. Twilight might have found it a bit odd that they’d show back up in Atlanta, except for the fact that with the magic leakage, all sorts of strange things had been happening, and it wasn’t uncommon for one or two creatures from Equestria to pop up in a random part of the human world.

“Fluttershy,” The President continued as he looked her way, “If you could prepare a place for them to be contained at your location. I’d like some of the rest of you, lead by you Twilight, to gather them up and transport them safely from the area. As well as return any petrified creatures back to flesh of course. We’ll arrange a transport for them from your Bureau back into Equestria after that.”

“Oh y-yes of course,” Fluttershy stammered as she stood, “I know they may be a bit dangerous, but I simply couldn’t stand to see creatures hurt unnecessarily!” With that she fly off down one of the halls. No doubt to set everything up for the creature’s arrival. Twilight felt it was her turn to speak next.

“Of course Mr. President. I’d be happy to help!” Giving the President a polite nod as she spoke. With that done, she turned her attention to Applejack who was still watching them speak. “Mind helping me out AJ? If we are suppose to herd these things, then I think you’re just the pony for the job!”

“Darn tootin I’m the right gal for the job. I’ll help ya rustle those critters up in the time it takes my sister to come up one o’ those crazy ideas for a cutie mark!” The earth pony sang with a laugh.

“I’m coming too!” Rainbow Dash suddenly exclaimed as she zipped from her spot next to Applejack to the front of the TV. “I can help keep them from flying away, and besides ANYTHING is better then sitting around here bored all day! I’ll take any action!”

“Glad to hear it.” The President said with a nod. Twilight hadn’t quite noticed it before, but it seemed like something else had been eating at the man for a while now. His eyes looked baggy, his normal confident expressions, just slightly strained. “I’ve already informed Captain Barnes of the mission. She should have the copper ready to transport the Cockatrice by the time you get out there.” He stopped speaking almost abruptly, making Twilight feel as if he had more to say. After a few seconds of waiting however, Twilight decided to ask a question that had popped into her mind the moment the President mentioned taking the helicopter. As it seemed whatever he might have had on his mind wasn’t going to be shared.

“We aren’t taking the Odin?” She asked. It wasn’t that she enjoyed flying on the experimental ship, but between the two Twilight had to admit the Odin was a lot faster. The President’s response was a short shake of his head.

“It’s not exactly built for transporting a flock of cockatrice, so you’ll just have to put up with the flight time this trip.” He replied. Twilight and her friends nodded, all secretly glad they could skip the Odin for once. It was at this point that Hawk asked a question that had been eating at him.

“While I’ve got ya on the phone Joe, any news of what we were talking about yesterday?” The President’s facial expression grew grim.

“No contact. I’m beginning to fear the worst. I was just about to use some of my spare time to look into the matter some more after this call.”

“And his son?”

“Where abouts still unknown.” Came the reply. Upon hearing this Twilight, along with her friends Rainbow Dash and Applejack, were all staring at the two with inquisitive looks.

“Wait, what is this about?” Twilight decide to ask. She didn’t like being kept in the dark about things, and took the chance to learn more. Hawk however, just shook his head.

“Later.” Was all he said. Twilight wasn’t happy, but she nodded glumly.

“Oh Hawk,” The President added suddenly, “One last thing. With Megan not due back till later this evening, I was wondering if you could be the one to accompany them with this task?” Hawk’s expression fell.

“Me? Why not have one of the other guys in the room do it?” He replied with a bit of disdain clearly in his voice. Even with the slow days seeming to drag on a bit to long for his liking, the thought of having to essentially babysit three ponies as they herded chickens wasn’t all that appealing. Even if they were chickens that could turn living creatures to stone. Even despite the seemingly tiredness that hung around The President. His mouth still managed to twist into a big smile at Hawk’s words.

“Hawk.” He said with some amusement. “What other guys?”

Hawk instantly spun around, taking a good look around the room. Sometime during the call, both Dimitri and Zorro had snuck out, taking along with them the ponies they had been entertaining. Hawk could only swear under his breath before turning back to the monitor with a sigh.

“Remind me to put snakes in their beds or something later.”

“I’ll be sure to do that,” The President said with a laugh, “But seriously Hawk. I’d just like to be on the safe side. I’ll make it up to you alright?” Hawk actually seemed to ponder this for a moment, running his hand over the edge of his hat as he did so.

“Will you tell me what you’ve been working on this past week?” The President, however, feigned innocence.

“Why Hawk, what makes you think I’ve been up to anything?” Hawk just raised an eyebrow. After attempting to keep up the charade a bit longer, the President finally let it drop.

“I’ll see what I can do.” He said at last. With another sigh, Hawk caved.

“Not like I have a choice but to go right? I’ll be holding ya to that promise Joe! You know I don’t like surprises!”

“I know. I’ll see you again this evening Hawk.” With that the screen went blank, the President’s face vanishing. Hawk continued to stare at the blank screen for a few seconds seemingly cursing his fate before turning to the three ponies who he’d be accompanying. With a possible fourth when she finished setting her ‘accommodations’ up.

“Well, guess nothing to it but to get ourselves equipped and going!”

* * *

“So explain ta me again why Fluttershy ain’t with us?” Applejack asked as she trotted from the helicopter. The still rotating blades of the vehicle attempted to part the ponies hat from her head with the winds it was kicking up. Being that this wasn’t the earth’s ponies first time riding the thing though, she had taken precautions and had tied the hat down before exiting.

“Yeah, I mean Fluttershy already stared one of these things down right? So she’d be perfect for dealing with them after Applejack rounds them up!” Rainbow Dash added besides them. Twilight merely sighed at the questions from her friends. She had already answered this earlier.

“I told you all this before we left! Fluttershy has to get ready to take care of the dozen or so cockatrices we bring back with us!”

“How hard can THAT be?” Rainbow Dash asked as she trotted along, eager to get far enough away from the helicopter so she could use her wings again. Attempting it now would only fling her through the air. A feat not even the great Dash felt like attempting.

“I’m sure it’s harder then any of us know.” Twilight said in desperation.

“Suppose we shoulda seen this coming. Knowing Fluttershy she’s cooking up a meal for these critters as we speak.” Applejack’s said with a sigh as they moved. “Long as I get ta round up some varmints, it’s all the same to me. It is the reason I’m here after all.”

“I’m just here for some action!” Rainbow Dash said with a smirk.

“And I have no idea why the hell I’m here...” Hawk exclaimed as he exited the helicopter himself. One hand on his own hat to keep it from flying away. Twilight couldn't help but grin at the man’s comment. Attempting in vain to hide the smile from him as she turned to look at his face.

“You’re here for uh... Moral Support?” She replied, her voice shaking a bit with laughter. The look he gave her for her remark caused her to give up any attempt she was making to hide the smile, letting it shine through. Her obvious amusement only seemed to ruffle him up even more though.

“Let’s just get this over with...” He said with a sigh as he walked toward the building, idly checking his revolver as he did.

“You think you’re going to really need any of that?” Rainbow asked eying not only his gun, but the small black duffel bag slung over his right shoulder. Hawk glanced at the same bag and shrugged.

“Possibly not. Can’t be to careful though.”

They walked on in silence after that, Rainbow Dash taking to the air the second they were far enough away that the wind from the rotor blades no longer effected them. Applejack also took off the tie around her hat.
Twilight, on the other hand, couldn’t believe it had only been a little over an hour since they had left their own Bureau in Manhattan. She was fairly certain she read that the distance they traveled should have taken a bit longer to transverse. The unusual short time this had taken gave her a sneaky feeling Captain Barnes had done something to the helicopter.It certainly wouldn’t surprise her...

“Oh thank goodness you’re here!” Cried a voice before them, breaking Twilight from her thoughts. Running up to them was a trio of Ponies. All three familiar to her. The first one, a pink pony with a green mane and tail, was the one who had spoken.

“Nice to see you again Daisy!” Twilight said running up to meet her. Applejack and Rainbow Dash echoed her greeting. All three ponies were former residents of Ponyville, and all were ponies Twilight and her friends hadn’t seen in such a long time. Hawk remained quiet behind them as they caught up. Using the time to give the area a stern look over.

“Oh Twilight! How good to see you again!” The second pony of tannish color said with glee. Her mane and tail a mixture of both red and pink.

“The Horror! The Horror!” Cried the other pink pony with a blond mane and tail. A Lily resting next to her ear.

“Rose Luck, Lily.” Twilight said, addressing them in the same order they had spoken. “So we hear you have a cockatrice herd running around in there?”

“They just came out of nowhere. It was strange.” Rose Luck answered looking at the bureau.

“Before we knew it, they had petrified some of the staff and Ponificationiees. The rest of us managed to evacuate most those left outside before anymore could be gotten, but there are still some people and ponies in there! It was impossible to get them all!” Daisy replied next.

“The Horror, THE HORROR!” Lily added once again, earning irritated glares from her friends, and looks of dismay from Twilight and her group.

“With those things running around in there, we haven’t been able to get in there to help those turned to stone. Nor evacuate anypony else.” Daisy said, trying to ignore the dramatics from Lily. Rose Luck did the same when she spoke next.

“We’ve already set up the remaining people in hotels till this situation is handled. As for who is left in there, we aren’t sure on the situation. The police surrounding the building won’t let us near for our own safety, but they wont’ tell us anything about those still trapped either.”

“Figures,” Hawk said, finally joining the conversation, “The authnorities don’t generally like sharing that kind of information.”

“But I’m worried,” Rose Luck continued, “Will those left be okay?”

“Don’t you three worry! I have just the spells for this situation. We’ll have those cockatrices out of your hair before the hour is up!” Twilight said with confidence. Both Daisy and Rose Luck smiled with great relief, and while they couldn’t tell how Lily felt, she had at least stopped screaming ‘The Horror’. With a few more minor pleasantries, they made their way through the front doors of the Bureau center, the police offering no resistance, though Twilight could catch what appeared to be a few disapproving looks.

“Hey quick question...” Hawk asked as the doors closed behind them. “That Lily Pony can say other things besides that one phrase right?” The three ponies shared a look for a few minutes. All three with the same flat expression on their faces. Finally Twilight turned to face him.

“Um... We’re pretty sure she can...”

* * *

“Just what we need...” One of the Sergent’s growled as he watched the group enter the building. More complications. It had already been a few hours since this operation had started! To think it was suppose to be so easy! Over so quickly! Just move in and grab the target, then get out.

Still, it was just three ponies and one man. Probably sent here to round up the cockatrice for a relocation or something. They still didn’t know. If they could just keep everything looking unimportant for a while longer...

With the earlier group entering however, this could prove very bad for their mission. It had taken enough work just to keep the news of that intrusion into the building a secret from those outside. Now there were even more to deal with. They wouldn’t be able to keep the public in the dark forever...

Even with those complications, the simple fact was they couldn’t let this catch get away. It was simply too valuable. To important the HLF obtain it for themselves...

Switching his headset radio to a secondary frequency, he took a quick glance around to insure that none of the ‘normal’ police were listening. It was a risky move to contact the squad inside, but they had to wrap this up. SOON.

Whoever was interfering already had turned this quick job into a nightmare. He knew they had them as long as they were trapped in the building, but the longer they took, the more likely that would change. They were running out of time...

“Attention HLF Specter Units. We’ve got more intruders entering the building. We need to wrap this up. How is your progress?” He waited for the response feeling extremely jittery. The Specter unit’s, while made up of their own men, weren’t exactly what he’d have picked for the honor of being in such a squad. Unfortunately, those men on the force that were HLF had to remain on duty to keep the area under blackout. They had simply used the best the could get. In the end it shouldn’t have mattered. Of course things didn’t want to go as planned.

“The obstacles are proving... difficult.” Came reply on the other end. The speaker sounded winded, frustrated. “The target is also surprisingly allusive. I am happy to report that our herding tactics appear to be working. It hopefully won’t be much longer. As for our new guests, we’ll make sure to allow the Elite Guard to preform their mission... Unheeded. The monsters are of no further use anyway.”

“What about the other obstacles?”

“Perhaps we can arrange a meeting between them and these new guys. If they take each other out, we kill two birds with one stone right?”

“Very well, but be ready to proceed with the plan established in response to their possible escape. As we all know. The risk of it getting away is too great to allow.”

“No need to lecture us.” Came the curt reply. “We are prepared to sacrifice ourselves for the mission. We shall NOT let it leave.”

With that the radio signal went silent. A moment later the Sergent switching it back to it’s default frequency, gazing at the building with longing. If only he was in there with them. He’d have managed-

“Is there a problem Sergent?” Came a gruff, nearly emotionless voice from behind him. If not for his training he might have jumped out of his skin! Spinning around he saw a tall blond man in a green suit standing behind him. The man was large. Easily around eight feet in height alone. Though the man wore a suit, it was clear to anyone that he had some serious muscle underneath.

This person unnerved the Sergent out something fierce. He always stood perfectly still whenever he was around. Appearing more as a large lumbering statue then a man. Not only that, but he was constantly wearing a pair of shades over his eyes. Making it impossible to guess what he was thinking, as he face seemed stuck on permanent poker face. About the only defining thing about his features that didn’t scream ‘robot’ was the smooth mustache he wore.

“Mr. Gomez, I didn’t hear you walk up.” The Sergeant said slowly. How much had the guy heard? How long had he been standing there? If he knew about him being HLF, this operation could be over already!

“I do apologize. I just wanted to know who those people are that just entered the building.” If the guy had heard anything, apparently he was ignoring it. That suited the Sergeant just fine. He had no desire to challenge this brute.

“Huh, I would have figured the FBI would have known already. Frankly I’m surprised you aren’t impeding their entry. To answer you question, they are the Elite Guard under direct orders from the President himself.” Course they were under that Princess’ orders too, but he didn’t feel like saying that part.

“I see so they have arrived. Very well. Also Sergeant, I’m only here as an observer. At least for now...” Gomez said in the same monotone voice he had been using the entire conversation. With that, he turned and walked away, leaving the Sergeant alone once more.

‘Hurry up you idiots!’ The Sergeant thought to himself as he watched Gomez leave. ‘There’s too much at stake to be lounging around!’

* * *

A sense of unease hung over Hawk as he walked down the empty corridors of the bureau. From the way his pony companions were moving, he had a feeling they felt the same. It had been fine when they had entered earlier. Applejack and Rainbow Dash had been boasting to each other about who’d round up the most cockatrices, almost before Twilight had finished the anti-petrification spell on them. The spell would only give them about an hour of time to complete their task, so they had thought best to cast it in the reception area of the building. Located at the main entrance, as they mused the creatures would stay well away from the noise coming from outside.

That had been right on the money. However, after fifteen minutes of searching they hadn’t come across one cockatrice. Nor had they seen any of the supposed petrified inhabitants who hadn’t been able to escape in time. NOR had they seen anyone else period. The entire place seemed abandoned, giving the entire building a horror movie feel.

Then there were the smaller things that seemed out of place. Overthrown furniture. Some broken doors to various rooms. Granted, they anticipated seeing some of this with the initial chaos that must have happened earlier, but the way the damage seemed laid out was off. It was less like the aftermath of a panicked crowd, and more like something, or someone had been doing a systematic search of the building.

“So...” Applejack whispered while nervously looking around. “Anypony else feel like something ain’t right here?”

“You mean besides the fact that it’s too quiet?” Twilight asked back. The very air in this place was wrong. It was almost like they had walked into a trap. But that was silly right? If this was a trap, who was it for?Them? Could someone want them dead that badly? Twilight was still mulling over this as they walked through one of the smaller lobbies when Hawk raised his arm to single them to a halt.

HUSH!” He hissed, his eyes darting swiftly around the room. All chatter and movement ceased immediately, the three ponies straining their ears and eyes along with him. Twilight was most alert of all next to Hawk. Frantically searching her mind for spells that might prove useful in case of an ambush. They heard nothing at first, then a click. Another click. This progressed into several more clicks, followed by a slithering sound coming from behind a set of couches near the lobbies edge.

They had found one of the cockatrices.

Feeling a bit silly, Hawk motioned for Applejack to get to work. She nodded once with a grin before galloping off in the direction of the sound. Calling out as she did.

“YEE-HA! Get along there little fella!” Her sudden appearance along with her call, was enough to frighten even the cockatrice into a run. It made it’s way quickly through it’s side of the lobby before disappearing behind a corner. Applejack was quick to follow it.

“Dang it AJ don’t get to far away from us!” Rainbow Dash called after her, while flying to catch up. Hawk and Twilight just gave each other a look before taking off after them, not being nearly as fast.

Rainbow Dash, meanwhile, had just turned the corner fully prepared to help Applejack cut the cockatrice’s path off when the sight before her caused her to stop mid flight. Applejack sat a little ways before her, having already stopped in mid tracks mere seconds before. Both forgetting about the cockatrice completely.

Standing in the middle of the hallways was a rather peculiar sight. One Caucasian human male sporting a shotgun, and one earth pony stallion who was standing next to him. While they both knew there were still people and ponies left in the building, the thought of finding one ARMED like this wasn’t something they had expected. Even the way the stallion stood there seemed off given the situation.

Upon their arrival the two males had looked up from the cockatrice to stare at the newcomers who had just turned the corner. Each one reacting to them in very different ways.

The human looked disheveled. His short black hair mattered as if he hadn’t had time to comb it that morning. His green eyes frantic, darting. He had visibly twitched when he saw the ponies rush around the corner. Almost looking as if he was about to bring the gun around to fire. Only to relax when he realized what they were.
His entire body shook, making it look like he was on the verge of panic. His clothing wasn’t in any better condition. His black sneakers were covered in dust,. His blue jeans were torn in the legs with fresh tears. His black t-shirt covered in filth. Visible enough to be seen even on it’s dark fabric. The markings of the shirt’s decorative picture were hard to make out under the dirt that caked his shirt. Between the both of them, they could barely make out something about rule number two being a double tap. All in all the guy looked like something Rarity’s cat Opalescence dragged in.

The pony Stallion on the other hand, looked calm and collected. His blue eyes only combing over the new ponies with mild curiosity. While his grayish coat looked a little dirty, it was in far better condition then his human companion’s. Although his dark gray mane and tail had the same mattered look to it as the humans.
Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but notice how familiar his cutie mark appeared. A set of three four leaf clovers, stems touching. Hadn’t she seen him around Ponyville before? While they sat there looking at each other, the cockatrice had made it’s way closer to the human and stallion, forcing them to return their gazes to it.

“Careful Lucky! Don’t look at it!” The human said cautiously. He hadn’t bothered to raise his shotgun at the cockatrice as he spoke, showing he had no intention of using it on the creature. Much to Applejack and Rainbow Dash’s relief.

While Applejack wasn’t sure if Rainbow Dash took notice, but guessed she didn’t by the looks of her, she herself couldn’t help but pick up on just how... Unconcerned this guy appeared in the presence of such a monster. Though both fillies were wondering just who this person with a shotgun was in the first place, and why he’d even have one or get one.

“Don’t worry Jason, I’m already covering my eyes.” The Stallion said, a single foreleg already up and over his face blocking his vision. The guy now known as ‘Jason’ breathed a word of relief as he moved toward the creature, attempting to shoo it into a nearby open doorway.

NO! WAIT!” Both Rainbow Dash and Applejack frantically shouted while attempting to get in between him and the creature all at the same time. Much to their utter shock however, the creature freaked at the movements of Jason. Squawking frantically for a second before running right into the very doorway Jason had been trying to herd it to. The second it was in, he wasted no time in slamming the door shut. Revealing the lettering on the door to read ‘Janitor’s Closet’. The two fillies stared at the sight for a second before finding it in them to react.

“Did... Did he just single handily lock a Cockatrice in a broom closet?” Applejack asked Rainbow Dash. The pegasus could only blink in reply for a moment.

“You mean you saw that too?” It was at this point that Hawk and Twilight rounded the corner. Hawk only had a couple of milliseconds to pull his gun before Jason lifted his own, aiming it directly at him. He was silently glad he hadn’t let his guard down even after finding the noise was only one of the loose cockatrice. The uneasy feeling having still clung to him afterward. The entire time he’d been expecting to find something amiss.

THIS wasn’t something he had anticipated though.

“BACK OFF!” Jason yelled, his hands surprisingly steady as they held the gun, “I’M NOT GOING ANYWHERE WITH YOU!”

It wasn’t often that Hawk found himself at a loss for words, but that’s exactly how he felt at this moment. The guy currently aiming a shotgun at his face looked incredibly spooked for what was suppose to be nothing more then a few loose cockatrices. It was also fairly obvious to him that this guy had no combat training in the least. Considering it a miracle that the guy managed to keep his hands from shaking.
At the same time, Hawk knew it’d be a bad idea to try and disarm him. His eyes might have been wide with fear, but he could see the anger and determination within them as well. Even someone who had never fired a gun before would be able to blow him away the second he tried to move toward them. Also, judging by the guy’s words, something, or someone was after him. Whatever had this guy spooked it was clear he was prepared to do whatever it took to protect himself.

Besides the guy Hawk finally took notice of the gray stallion that was eyeing him with careful evaluation. The guy with the shotgun might not have been use to combat, but the stallion certainly was. He also noticed the stallion glancing at Twilight in confusion. As if he was surprised that they’d be side by side. The prospects of what that might mean wasn’t lightening the mood in the least bit.

“Hey now, I don’t fancy a gun fight okay partner? How about we just lower that shotgun there...” Hawk said in the best soothing voice he could muster. Predictably it didn’t seem to deter the guy at all. Hawk never would have thought he’d have found himself wishing Fluttershy was with them. Out of all the ponies though, he was fairly certain she’d have calmed him down.

“I’m not letting you take me...” Jason growled, slowly backing away from Hawk, while making sure not to trip backwards in the process. The pony was still eying them with confusion and unease. Thankfully, it was around this time that Twilight decided to try and assess the situation.

“Um Hello. I’m Twilight Sparkle. I assure you we have no desire to take you anywhere! We only came to gather up the cockatrices, so if you could just explain...”

“Wait. Twilight Sparkle?” Lucky suddenly exclaimed, cutting her off. “My neighbor Rarity’s friend?” Twilight blinked as she took a good look at the earth pony before her for the first time. After a few moments recognition lit up in her eyes.

“Y-you helped pull our carriage that one time to the Grand Galloping Galla!” She said dumbfounded. It was so strange. Ever since this ‘Elite Guard’ of the Princess’ started up and Twilight had begun to travel, she had met so many of her old friends from Ponyville spread out all over the human world. Here before her was yet another old friend. But just what was he doing here? More importantly, why was the human with him so panicked?

“Wait, you know this pony?” Jason asked Lucky, lowering his shotgun barrel by a small degree. Hawk forced himself not to rush forward and grab the gun at that moment. For once he was hoping to end things peacefully.

“Indeed I do! And if this human is with her, then I’d say we don’t have to worry about him. Besides, how many members of the HLF do you know that run around with ponies for team mates?”

“The Human Liberation Front!?” Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack all exclaimed at once. Hawk merely raised his eyebrow. He thought something was up the second he had entered this building. The odd number of police forces for a mere lock in job shouldn’t need nearly this many bodies guarding the exits. Then there was the eerie silence of the building, the lack of any stone statues that were once living beings. It was almost ironic. This little outing was turning out to be much more interesting then he could have hoped for. Zorro and Dimitri were missing out.

“So wait, are you saying the HLF are responsible for this infestation?” Twilight asked, her face scrunched up in concentration. “It does seem like a terrorist tactic they’d use, but if that’s so-”

“Why be so secretive about it?” Hawk finished. Lucky and Jason exchanged a dire look before replying.

“It’s...” Jason’s began. His voice strained, “It’s because of-”

“JASON! YOU AND THE PONIES GET OUT OF THE WAY!” Came a loud gruff scream, followed by the heavy pounding of footsteps. The voice originating from behind both Jason and Lucky. Startled, the entire group of two humans and four ponies had just enough time to watch a very large man with short brown hair come charging down the hallway at them. A large strange looking sword posed to run through anything that got in his way.

“No! Gally! Wait!” Jason tried to yell at the man, but it was to no avail. The man had stopped listening the moment he had begun his charge. With a curse, Lucky grabbed Jason’s shirt in his teeth before yanking him out of the way. While Jason had just enough time to insure his shotgun wouldn’t go off before being slammed into the wall. Rainbow Dash and Applejack were just as quick to dodge to the side. Thankfully, it appeared the man’s true target was Hawk, as he didn’t even shoot them a glance as he approached.

Hawk on the other hand, had mere moments to react as the strange garbed man shot right at him. To say this man was large was an understatement. This ‘Gally’ was seven foot easy, and built like a tank. His entire upper body was decked out in a strange type of grey armor. Looking both medieval and yet futuristic at the same time. The man’s boots were of the same type of armor, yet didn’t seem to slow the man down in the slightest. Oddly, the pants the man wore bore no armor upon them at all, appearing to be normal green fabric, though Hawk theorized otherwise.

Finally there was the man’s weapon. A sword nearly as large as Hawk himself was. Yet even it looked strange and out of place. While large, it had the appearance of something more akin to a toy rather then an actual weapon. Though shaped like a broad sword, there were two holes in the center of it’s blade. Long oval like shapes one atop the other. Though it was the other oddity that really caught one’s eye. For whatever reason, the very outer edge of the blade was glowing with a dull blue light. Only proving to further it’s alien appearance.

Hawk of course, wasn’t taking any chances and was quick to push Twilight out of the way as the man lumbered near. He took special notice that the man appeared to be doing his best to avoid hurting any of the ponies anyway. Focusing his charge solely on Hawk.
‘Guess he doesn’t like me.’ Hawk thought to himself as he prepared to counter. Though the man wore armor on his upper body, he had no helmet. Had the two newbies not called for this man to stop, Hawk might have just tried to shoot the idiot in the head and be done with it. Sadly, since it appeared this guy was on the ‘good side’ that plan would have to be passed upon.

Instead Hawk waited till the last possible second he could before ducking to the right aiming his pistol for the guy’s head in the same moment. He stopped only to find the sword held up between his gun and the head of the man who wielded it. The guy wasn’t as slow as he thought...

“Ha! You didn’t think that I, Gally ‘Vanish’ Gregman! Would be able to anticipate your next move so easily did you?” ‘Gally’ boasted before giving a hearty laugh. His brown eyes almost sparkling as he did so. Hawk was almost floored by this guy’s lack of sense. Did he not realize how stupid it was to let your guard down like that?

“Anticipate? If I wanted to shoot you, I’d have put a hole in the useless brain of yours. You realize a blade with gaping holes in it, ain’t going to be much protection against a bullet right?”

“Well, if you think that’s the case, why not give it a try?” Gally shot back, his grin ever so cocky. Hawk nearly actually pulled the trigger, except not only did he know he shouldn’t, but Gally did something he hadn’t expected. Gripping the sword handle even tighter, the blade itself seemed to crackle with an unseen energy. The dull glow around the blade intensifying. Hawk’s eyes narrowed. Just what kind of tech was this guy using?

“Gally Stop! This man isn’t HLF!” Lucky yelled from the side suddenly. Having trotted up to the two during their banter. Gally stopped just long enough to glance down at the pony with a confused expression.

“He isn’t? How can you be so sure?”

“Well,” Lucky replied with a sigh. “Didn’t you notice how he pushed that purple unicorn pony out of the way of your charge? Would a member of the HLF do that?” It was easy to see the thought process upon Gally’s face as he pondered this. After a few moments he lowered his sword and smiled.

“You’re right! I guess he wouldn’t! Come to think of it, you wouldn’t have all been standing next to him so casually either!” He said with another hearty laugh. All four ponies and the two humans watched him with weary looks at that.

(Gally ‘Vanish’ Gregman)

“Anyway. Sorry about that. The name is Gally. Gally ‘Vanish’ Gregman! Though I guess I told you that already huh?” Gally said with another quick laugh as he extended his hand toward Hawk. “So who do I have the pleasure of meeting?”

Twilight was actually surprised when she saw Hawk take the man’s hand in a handshake. She had half expected him to decline.

“Name’s Hawk. Now if you don’t mind my asking. Can ya fill me in on what’s going on?”

“Love to, but I think we’d better meet back up with the team leaders first.” Lucky chimed in glancing around the hallway.

“Especially since I’m certain our little clash here has compromised our location.”

“You mean to the HLF?” Applejack asked, darting her eyes around as well. Lucky, Gally, and Jason all nodded simultaneously.

“What do you think Twilight?” Hawk asked, looking down at his pony companion. Twilight glanced at the odd new group they met for a moment then made a decision.

“I don’t know what’s going on, but I think we can trust these people. Besides, I know Lucky from Ponyville, so I can confirm his loyalty to the Princess.” Lucky beamed at her praise. Hawk nodded at her answer and turned to the new group.

“To be frank, I think you’re a bit of an odd bunch, but I suppose you seem legit. I do have on condition though.” Hawk said, his voice cool and steady.

“So? What is it?” Gally asked with what appeared to be annoyance. “This isn’t about my charging you is it? I already apologized!” Hawk shook his head.

“Not that. That.” He said pointing at the shotgun in Jason’s hands. “I suggest we disarm him before he accidentally shoots one of us. With the rest of us, he won’t need it.” He was expecting the guy to protest. Or even comply with annoyance. What he didn’t expect was the longing he saw in Jason’s eyes to do exactly as Hawk has suggested.

“Y-Yeah, there’s enough of us now that I don’t need it right?” He asked nervously, preparing to hand it to Gally. But both Gally and Lucky shook their heads.

“Better not son. That gun might be the only thing that can protect you if we fail.” Gally said, the amusement that had been in his voice mere moments before had vanished completely.

“I agree, better safe then sorry.” Lucky added. Jason could only nod solemnly as he repositioned the shot gun for a better grip to aim and fire it if needed. Hawk simply couldn't believe what he had just witnessed.

“Are all of you mad? The kid obviously doesn’t know how to use a gun. He’s a danger to all of us the longer he continues to wield that thing!”

“I’m nineteen, I’m no kid...” Jason mumbled halfheartedly. Twilight was as confused as Hawk. Why were these two making him carry something he obviously didn’t seem to want?

“Like I said we can’t risk it.” Lucky said sternly. “If the HLF get him, it’ll be a disaster!”

“Just what in the hay are you talking about?” Applejack added, feeling just as frustrated as Hawk felt at the moment. Even Rainbow Dash was getting fed up with all this mystery.

“Yeah, what makes him so special?” She added. “There are plenty of other humans around they can grab!”

“You don’t get it.” Gally answered, his voice still grave. “He’s the reason they are doing all this. The cockatrice swarm. The shady tactics. It’s all to get their hands on him!”

“But..But why?” Twilight asked. Her mind at a loss. Dear Celestia. What on earth had they found themselves involved in this time?

“Inside me...” Jason replied quietly. He voice shaking with too many emotions to name. “They... They want-”

He never got to finish. At that exact second, what appeared to be a a type of grappling hook hurled out of nowhere to close around Jason’s arm. In an instant it was dragging him back in the direction that Hawk and Twilight’s group had come from.

“SHIT!” Gally screamed, as he swung his sword at the wire. The blue light, which had dulled when he had stopped fighting, blazed to life once more as it sliced through the wire like it wasn’t even there. Hawk watched in baffled silence as he saw the guy plunge the sword into the grown with ease. The blade sinking into it as if it was nothing more then dirt. Without missing a beat Gally grabbed the wire before it could retreat any farther. With one arm gripping it, the large man tensed his entire body.

With a mighty heave, Gally yanked it back with all his might, pulling forward the guilty party on the other end. Standing before them was a human dressed in what appeared to be a special kind of swat uniform. It appeared similar to the normal SWAT uniforms except for the four small red lights in a square pattern among the guy’s chest. While the helmet certainly looked military issued, it’s face gear appeared as if lifted right out of a science fiction movie. Red glowing goggles covered the eyes, the face was covered by what could only be described as a gas mask.

The wire had been shot from what appeared to be an arm mounted launcher, which is what caused the guy to fall forward when the cable had been pulled so suddenly. Upon finding himself out in the open before them, the man appeared slightly panicked. He stood there for a few seconds before pushing a button on his arm launcher. Causing it to unattach and clatter to the ground.

“Specter Unit...” Lucky growled. Hawk’s attention immediately turned to him.


“We heard them call themselves that earlier. We don’t really know what it means yet...” Gally replied while watching the man carefully.

“Who sent you?” Lucky asked.

The man regarded them for only a moment more as both Hawk and Gally prepared to attack if needed. With a quick press of a button on the man’s belt, the four lights blazed to unnatural intensity, bathing the entire hallway is a brilliant red glow. Hawk and Gally had barely enough time to cover their eyes before the flash went off. The ponies however hadn’t been so lucky and saw nothing but what appeared to be a sea of moving red ocean before them.

Hawk could already hear the man rushing toward them as he desperately tried to get his eyes to clear just enough that he could see. Despite his best efforts, everything before him were just a bunch of abstract colors. He could just barely make out the blur of the guy that was moving faster then the other blurs, but it wouldn’t been enough to aim and fire upon him.

“Hawk!” Twilight called at that moment, trying in vain to recall the layout of their positions using her memory only. When Jason had first been grabbed, he had dropped his shot gun. A gun Twilight had quickly used her magic to prevent from falling as she knew enough of guns by now, that if it hit the ground, it’d be very bad.

Though all this she had not let it fall. Realizing what was probably happening, she did her best to levitate the gun to Hawk. Thankfully, despite being off about a foot, it was still close enough for Hawk to grab it out of mid air. The blob that was the enemy had just gotten close enough For Hawk to actually make out some details rather then see a blur when he aimed the shotgun and pulled the trigger. Hitting the guy almost point blank in the chest.

The guy nearly rocketed backward, flung helpless by the force of the blast. A single combat knife he had unsheathed to attack with, fell from his grasp and clattered harmlessly to the ground. He hit the ground rolling, falling backward several feet before managing to stop himself. He was alive, but not un-phased. Clutching his stomach in obvious pain, it appeared as if the man decided retreat was the logical option and took off running down the nearest hallway.

“Hey! Get back here you little-” Rainbow Dash began to shout, preparing to rocket after him.

“Wait Rainbow! Let him go!” Hawk shouted as he adjusted the bag upon his shoulder. Looks like he’d get some use out of these explosives after all.

“Let him go!? But aren’t we suppose to hunt monsters? We can’t just let it leave!”

“That wasn’t a monster.” Hawk replied blinking his eyes to clear the last bit of his vision. He was fairly certain the rest of the group nearly had their eye sight back as well. It was time to do what Gally and Lucky had suggested earlier. Move.

“Excuse me? What in the hay do you mean that was no monster? You shot that thing point blank, and the sucker kept moving!” Applejack called as she began to trot after Hawk, who had already begun running. Gally and Lucky had only nodded to him once when they saw he was ready to take their advice and began to lead the way. Jason doing his best to stay in between them. Twilight had been caught off guard at first, but quickly fell in behind them. Rainbow Dash simply gliding along with them.

“Whoever that was, he was human, but that armor is top notch. It would have taken three more of these shotgun blasts to take one down, and I have no doubt he’s off to gather his buddies.”

“I’ve never heard of the HLF having stuff like that!” Twilight huffed as she ran, “As AJ would say, what in the hay is going on!” Her eyes desperately scanning the hall as they ran, weary of anymore of those things jumping out at them.

“I’d say someone with a lot of cash is funding the HLF right now. Any ideas on who that is?” Hawk asked Gally and Lucky, but they merely shook their heads.

“Not yet, but whoever it is is powerful, and has enough informants that they were able to find out about Jason!” Gally called back as they neared a crossroads in the hallways. Gally took one look at Lucky, who seemed to be judging each each hall with ferocity before choosing one and running down it.

“Yeah, Lucky for us, we happened to be passing by on our way to a mission, when we heard about the cockatrice nest. We figured we’d help out in rounding them up, only to run across those men trying to capture Jason here. It’s been a game of silent cat and mouse all morning since!” Lucky added as they ran.

“Wait mission?” Rainbow Dash yelled, having an easier time speaking then the rest due to her natural speed in flight. “What do you mean you were on a mission?”

“I’ll let one of the team leaders explain that one!” Lucky replied stopping at another splitting hallway. This one a T-Intersection. Whatever he had done at the previous hall didn’t seem to be working this time as he constantly shot glances down each hall in a frantic motion. Each one going only a short distance before turning sharply once more.

“What’s up Lucky? Luck run out?” Gally asked making sure no one was coming up from behind them.

“Possibly. I can’t seem to get a good feeling from either side. Guess I can’t be lucky all the time.”

“So what, you change your name at these times?” Hawk added in, a grenade in one hand. If any Specter unit’s showed up this time, he wanted to be ready. The pony meanwhile, just shot him an amused look.

“Nah, it never lasts long enough. So what do you all say? Left or right?”

“If I may make a suggestion,” came a smooth feminine voice from their left, “I’d choose to follow the yellow Pegasus!”

As the speaker finished, the entire group turned their gaze to toward the direction of the voice. Just in time to see a yellow pegasus mare with a fiery orange mane and tail, come swooping around the corner with the same level of speed as Rainbow Dash normally displayed. Though this pony had a bit more grace to her.
The pegasus flew in till she was a mere foot from the group before performing a back flip and landing elegantly upon her hooves on the ground. With a flick of a forehoof, she adjusted a pair of goggles that had been over her eyes, moving them up to her forehead. Seeming unable to help herself, she struck a pose, her cutie mark of a flame almost dancing as if it was actually burning. Rainbow Dash was the first one to react.

“OHMYGOSH! OHMYGOSH! OHMYGOSH!” She said rather rapidly, putting one of her hooves up to her mouth in surprise. “It’s Spitfire of the Wonderbolts!”

“Indeed I am!” Spitfire replied with a sense of pride, “And you’re Rainbow Dash. I’ve got to say, it’s nice to see you again! Though I’d never have expected to run into you at a Bureau of all places.”

Rainbow Dash’s squees went up to a slightly higher pitch at that. “OHMYGOSH! OHMYGOSH! OHMYGOSH! You remembered my name!” Spitfire gave a joyful little laugh.

“Forget the mare who saved my life at the Best Young Flyer Competition, as well as the one who made the Grand Galloping Galla a wild night to remember? Perish the thought!”

“Not that I’m sad to hear you’re all still alive,” Came another feminine voice from around the same corner. Hawk relaxed the hand he had gripping the pistol at the sound of her. He’d thought he’d sensed someone nearby, but by the clam reactions of Lucky and his companions. This newcomer was yet another one of them. It certainly was interesting how many members this team seemed to have though...
Seconds later a young women of intense beauty came walking around the corner. Two pistols, each in a holster, at her sides. Hawk was able to tell instantly that whoever these people and ponies were. Whoever this woman was, she was one of the leaders.

“But what are you all doing just standing around?” She finished, placing one hand upon her hip as she did so. Hawk nearly let out a low whistle at the sight of the lady. She may look rather elegant, but one could tell right away just by her eyes that she wasn’t any sort of push over.

Her appearance caused her to stand out even among the rest of them combined. For one, her hair was pink, tied off to the side in a loose ponytail. Her green eyes shined mischievously as she watched them. But most shocking was her outfit.
Her upper ‘shirt’ was nothing more then a striped bikini, though Hawk could tell it wasn’t made out of any ordinary cloth. It was positioned in such a way to give a nice view of her ‘assets’. She wore long red arm gloves upon each arm. Shorter pink gloves atop those which appeared to be made of a leather like material. Her lower half was even odder in dress.
She wore what appeared to be a pair of pink pants, consisting of only the left pant leg. The right being non-existent. Two tan belts crisscrossed on her waste, imposed over a third one of white. On her right leg, she wore what Hawk could only describe as a leg of sexy panty hose. Finally, to complete the out of place image, was a pair of pink boots, many red buckles running up them.

Hawk wasn’t the only one thrown by this woman’s appearance. Twilight and her friends were just as bewildered. Since hanging out with Hawk and his human ‘friends’ all three of them knew by now that what she was wearing was no sort of combat garb.

(The Enigmatic lady Leslie)

“And I thought we had some strange ones...” Rainbow Dash muttered, before Applejack could elbow her with a foreleg. The woman took a few moments to look over the group of three humans and five ponies before finally speaking once more.

“See you’ve made some new friends here guys. By the looks of Mr. Cowboy here and the three ponies. I’m going to guess You’re Agent Hawk, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack.” Twilight and her two pony friends gasped. Hawk was much more collected.

“And judging by how you know that, I’m going to guess you have something to do with that secret project Joe’s been working on. I freaking TOLD him I don’t like surprises.” He said with a sigh. With all his work in the field, he hadn’t ever run across these two agents before. A fact that bothered him greatly. He never was one for being caught in a mystery.

“Well we weren’t suppose to meet just yet. President McCullough and our own employer had a much more formal event planned for that.” The woman replied with a playful quip before extending her hand. Hawk took it without hesitation, using his grip to conduct a minor little test against her. He was surprised to find that her grip wasn’t just firm, but powerful. His hand felt almost tingly as he shook her hand.

‘That’s odd.’ Hawk thought to himself. ‘Either I’m falling for her, or there is something very peculiar about this lady...’

“But I suppose this is as good a time as any.” The woman continued as they shook hands. “The name’s Leslie. I’m the human Team leader of what I guess you can call Group B.”

“Group B?” Twilight echoed. A mischievous smile crept upon Leslie’s lips.

“You didn’t think you’d be the only group of agents gathered to hunt these manifestations of the magic leak did you?”

“Ah, so that’s the game.” Hawk said with a smirk of his own. “So which country decided to help out?” Leslie’s grin became wider.

“Can’t you tell just by looking at me?” Hawk had to chuckle.

“Well considering hair color alteration became a pretty popular fad in Japan a couple of years back, I’m going to guess that country.” He had never really paid it much mind before, but he had heard about the ‘boom’ in anime popularity with Japan’s mainstream public. Give it enough time and the public will latch on to anything to appear ‘hip’. With anime having been around for a while now, certain youths had decided to start styling their hair to look similar to how some wore it in anime shows. After a while, the fad spread and soon everyone in Japan was doing it. As for the rest of the world though, it never caught on.

“Wouldn’t have taken you for the type to follow such a fad though.” He added in.

“Hey a girl can have many hobbies,” She replied with a dismissive wave, “Never the less, you are correct in your guess of Japan Mr. Hawk. But I fear we haven’t time for this. As I’m sure you are aware, Mr. Jason here is in danger of being taken by the HLF. If that happens, it’d be very bad, get my meaning?”

“But why?” Twilight spoke up, still trying to piece it all together. “Why go through all this trouble to capture him?” All eyes turned to Jason after that, who had been standing between his two ‘protectors’ while still nervously clutching his shotgun.

Once more Twilight couldn’t help but notice just how tired he looked. He had barely spoken a word the entire time they had known him, though granted that hadn’t been a long time, it still felt weird. He didn’t look like any other normal human. He certainly wasn’t some great fighter or possessed any extra ordinary abilities that she could see. So why him? Why go through all this trouble JUST to get their hands on this one guy?

“We only learned about it this morning when we came here.” Leslie replied, her face becoming grim. Whatever playful spark that had been in her eyes before died out. To Twilight, it felt like the very air around them had gained in pressure. Rainbow Dash on the other hand, was getting tired of all the overdrawn theatrics.

“Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Lucky told us that part. You found him being captured by those Specter goons. Now get to WHY already!” Jason flinched at her tone, but said nothing.

“They want his blood.” Leslie said flatly, “It has a special property to it I can’t believe. Simply put-” She stopped, her hand twitching involuntarily. Hawk’s did the same as he sighed for what had to be the tenth time that day.

“It’s going to have to wait for later isn’t it?” He said tensing his body for the action he was about to perform.

“Looks that way. On one?” Leslie asked, her hand finding one of her own pistol’s handles.

“ONE!” Hawk shouted as both he and Leslie turned and fired down the hallway Hawk and company had originally come from. Both bullets hit the Specter Unit that had been attempting to sneak upon them. Hawk’s bullet ricocheted off the helmet, throwing the man into a daze, while Leslie’s bullet impacted upon one of the chest lights, obliterating it.

They continued to fire for a few seconds, Leslie seeming to shoot two bullet’s to each of Hawk’s one. Three of his shots got lucky. Two impacting upon the guy’s shoulder, while the last one took out the right lens of the man’s goggles. Leslie’s shots however, not only took out the remaining three chest lights, but managed to impact upon the eye piece Hawk missed.
Her aim had been insane. Hawk had known a few sharpshooters in this time, but never saw anything like that. Even more impressive was the fact she had one handed the entire ordeal. Hawk could already feel the strain upon his arm for trying the same one handed technique she had just used. Yet unlike him, she didn’t seem phased at all. Just who was this person?

“Aw, you didn’t leave anything for me!” Gally lamented as he watched the now deceased man slump to the ground. More of that human style humor... Twilight thought to herself with a groan.

“You’ll have your chance, I’m sure three more are about to come following in his footsteps any second now.” Leslie childed as she spun her pistol in a flashy motion before placing it back in it’s holster. “I suggest we keep moving. Any objections Hawk?”

“Just one.” He said as he finished fishing a couple of small cylinders from his bag. “We make it difficult for anyone to follow!”

Wasting no time, he pulled two pins atop the containers before flinging them down the hall. The instant everyone saw the two explosives bounce down the hall, they bolted in the direction that Leslie was already running. Mere seconds later they heard the explosions, followed shortly afterward by a dreadful human scream.

“What were those?” Rainbow Dash asked as they fled. Hawk grinned.

“SCNs. Or in layman's terms. Super Condensed Napalm Grenades. No matter how great that armor of theirs is, it’s not holding up to that stuff!”

“Wild!” Spitfire cheered with a grin, as she flew alongside Rainbow Dash with ease. Twilight couldn’t help but grin at the look Rainbow Dash had on her face as the ‘Wonderbolt’ flew with them. In any other situation, Dash might have challenged the pegasus to a race, but not Spitfire.

Ohmygosh-Ohmygosh-Ohmygosh!” Rainbow exclaimed as she flew beside her hero. Twilight couldn’t help but roll her eyes with a smile.

“So if ya don’t mind my asking,” Applejack interjected as she caught up with Leslie and Hawk, “But where we headed?”

“A safe room where the other team leader is finishing setting up a little ‘surprise’ for our pursuers. If all goes well, it’ll hopefully be where we end this.” Leslie called back as she lead them flawlessly down hall after hall. Twilight had to wonder how she knew where they were even going. Surely having only been here for a few hours at most, this woman couldn’t possibly have memorized the layout. Though by the unconcerned look on Leslie’s face, it certainly didn’t look like she was lost.

“Just how many more of you are there?” Hawk asked as the ran.

“Only the Pony Team leader.”

“She anything like you?” Leslie scoffed.

“Not in the slightest. She’s... Unique”

“That bad?”

“Oh I dunno. She can be a bit boastful, but she has a good heart.” Spitfire added. The conversation died out as they concentrated on moving for a while.

“One other thing...” Applejack added after a short time, “Don’t suppose we should like use that radio thingy in Hawk’s bag or something to call Captain Barnes?”

“Oh I wouldn’t worry about her.” Hawk replied with a grin. “Given the situation, and knowing her. I’d say she already has her hands full!”

* * *

‘Check the wind, steady the body. Aim and fire.’ The woman known as Captain Barnes thought to herself before pulling the trigger and letting fly a tranquilizer dart into one of the surrounding ‘officers’. She had brought these things to help ‘quiet’ the cockatrices if required during their transport. She never would have guessed she’d be using them like this.

A mere ten minutes after Hawk had entered the Bureau with the ponies, she had confirmed something was wrong. Something hadn’t felt sound the moment they had landed here, and she’d bet her gun Hawk had been thinking the same thing. Sure enough. when she attempted to contact HQ to report they had arrived safely, she was met with static. Something was jamming the radio, and she didn’t feel like asking questions she could already guess the answers to.

Watching the ‘police’ while making sure no one tried to occupy the helicopter beside herself. She studied those present. After a time she managed to catch one Sergent speak into his radio after seemingly changing frequencies. With a bit of work, she was able to get a lock on the frequency that had been used. After that it was a simply matter of sending a shrill little distraction through it and watch for which officers reacted.

There had been far more then she had anticipated. Whatever they were there for, they were serious about it. Still, the odds weren’t... Impossible. Long as the one man in the green suit wasn’t involved. She had only glimpsed him for a moment when him and the Sergent spoke. After that it was like the man had vanished into thin air.

With that last shot, three of the corrupted officers had already been suppressed. It wouldn’t be long before they caught on to just what she was up to. When that happened, they’d rush her for sure. At the moment they were simply looking around wildly like lost sheep. Of course when they did go for her, it’d be difficult to take out the false police while sparing the normal officers. Not a big deal. Life never was without it’s challenges...

“Fwip!” Another dart in a neck. Another enemy down. Her eyes washed back over the grounds, collected and still. There was no need to rush things. They wouldn’t rush the building as long as the cockatrices were in there, and they wouldn’t start a public scene if what they were after was as important as she assumed it was. After all, why else go through all this trouble?

She also wasn’t worried about any of the ‘defeated’ getting back up anytime soon either. The amount of tranquilizer she had loaded into these darts were enough to put an elephant to sleep. After all, how was one to know the amount needed to suppress a cockatrice? Course she had no idea what sort of lasting effect these might have on human beings, but such were the way of things.

“Another one bites the dust.” She said silently to herself, as another man fell to the drug she had just shot into his neck. The remaining had finally started to converge on her location. The few true cops asking a dozen questions a second.

“I hope you are having fun in there Hawk.” Captain Barnes said with the merest hint of a smile, while she loaded another dart.

* * *

“So,” Twilight said as she cast another spell of immobilization on one of the men chasing them. “We having fun yet?”

Hawk gave her a big smile as he unloaded a few rounds from his revolver into one of the armored men’s helmets.

“I know -I- am!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she shot down a hallway in order to buck one of the men who had gotten a little ‘too’ close.

“Likewise party ponies!” Spitfire seconded, flying back down the hall they had come to deliver a buck of her own. Applejack in the meantime, had moved up to help guard Jason alongside Gally and Lucky. Gally seemingly disappointed that he couldn’t join in the ‘games’ as they were.
Leslie, who still leading the way, was quickly ushering them into a pair of double doors with the words ‘AUTHORIZED PERSONAL ONLY’ in big bold letters above it. The task forcing her to cut herself off from the battle proper for the time being as well.

The Specter Unit’s had swarmed upon them from a side hallway to their left, the moment they arrived at these doors leading to the area normally reserved for the pony staff who carried out ponification. The set up was certainly much different then the one Twilight had at hers. This door was stuck smack in a corner of a hall. The corner even seemingly shaved off with an extra wall added in that contained the door itself.
The first thing their enemy had done was fire more of those wire cuff things the first one had shot earlier. Leslie had shot these out of the air reflexes so lightning quick that Rainbow Dash herself didn’t think she could match. Not long after that, a dozen or so more had come rushing down the hallway behind them. Boxing them in.

Thankfully, they had all managed to rush in before the Specter Unit’s could cut off their path. Still, if Twilight knew how bureau’s normally worked, this meant they had no means of escape other then the way they had just come in though. Whatever ‘surprise’ this final member of Leslie’s team was setting up. Twilight certainly hoped it was a doozy or they’d be in trouble!

Unfortunately, seeing that Jason had been ushered into the doors beyond, the men after them decided that holding back force was no longer an option and began to unsheathe small sub-machine guns from their backs. Seeing this, both Spitfire and Rainbow Dash decided that diving for cover would be a better option then being filled with holes, and dived into the doors, leaving only Twilight and Hawk exposed in the hall.

Before Twilight could attempt any sort of spell to either blind their pursuers, or bring up a shield to block the incoming bullets. Hawk had picked her up with one arm before diving through the double doors. As they disappeared beyond them, he let drop a couple more explosive canisters he had wrestled from his bag seconds before.

Twilight could hear the distinct sounds of bullets impacting upon the walls around them, followed shortly by two blasts that immediately filled the outside hallway, as well as part of their own, with a thick black smoke.

“That won’t slow them down for long with their visors, and those gas masks will prevent any hopes of inhibiting their breathing.” Hawk said hurriedly before he began fishing into his bag once more. “Twi, can you cast a spell to lock and fortify those doors for a little while?”

“I think so...” Twilight responded summoning the magic in her horn as she spoke. She knew of only one spell that might be of any use in this situation, though obviously it had never meant to be used in such a way.
There had been a time during her studies with the Princess, when the weather pegasus had gotten a little too enthusiastic with making it rain. The result had accidentally flooded part of the castle in Canterlot where she had been staying. One of her teachers had taught her a spell that would ‘seal’ a doorway so to prevent the flooding from spreading. She had no idea how it’d hold up against a group of armed men with guns, but since it was suppose to be able to hold back several gallons of water, it should at least deter them for a little while.

“Hey! Hey Twilight! Hawk! Quit falling behind! This way!” Rainbow Dash was calling to them, peeking her head around the corner the rest had apparently disappeared around. Twilight just shook her head while Hawk sighed through his nostrils before both headed down the hall to join their companions. The sounds of gunfire against Twilight’s ‘barricade’ blaring behind them.

“How are you holding up Jason?” They heard Leslie ask while they rounded the corner. The area they found themselves in was nothing more then a large alcove. A single door to their left the only thing breaking up the white monotony of the walls.

As for the Jason, the poor guy was shaking bad. Twilight couldn’t imagine what he was feeling, let alone what he may be thinking. For whatever reason, those men wanted him. Something about his blood that they’d not only send a group of men with such equipment, but release a group of cockatrice in this very bureau in order to mask their movements.

‘Oh Celestia!’ Twilight thought to herself, remembering the cockatrice. In all the excitement she hadn’t managed to ask Leslie or her group if they knew where the petrified people and ponies ended up, or if they had found any other survivors. She certainly hoped they weren’t still out there in the bureau. Alone and forgotten with those Specter Unit guys running amok...

“Well...” Jason replied while attempting to regulate his breathing, “I’m still free and breathing. I guess that counts for something... All things considered...” Leslie gave him a sad smile as she patted his shoulder.

“I promise you we’ll protect you. We won’t let them capture you. You can trust us.” Jason gave her a sad smile of his own.

“I know. After... After you shared your secret, I believe you. Looks like we both have a hard life ahead of us... Thank you for protecting me because I’m human...” He trailed off staring at the ground, while desperately trying not to shake. Twilight was fairly certain he had added, ‘And not because of my blood’ in his head.
She found herself wishing very much that Pinkie had come with them. Jason looked so miserable as he sat there. Knowing the men were doing all this just to get him. Twilight couldn’t even begin to imagine how that must feel. Pinkie would have had just the right thing to say in this situation. Or maybe even Fluttershy, who’s gentle way of speaking would have surely lifted his spirits. Twilight doubted she could have come up with anything if she had all day to think about it.

Leslie, standing up from where Jason was crouched, motioned for Gally and Lucky to stay with him. Both gave her a nod of confirmation before taking up positions on each side of him.
Applejack decided to take the front, staring at the boy as if she wanted to say something comforting herself, but seemed like Twilight, to lack the words. Both Rainbow Dash and Spitfire were flying next to Leslie. Who was making her way to Hawk and Twilight.

“So what did you end up telling him?” Hawk asked as she walked up. His voice was friendly, but Twilight could sense the firmness in his tone. Leslie answered with a smile.

“The truth. That he’s not the only one who's living with a curse. When we rescued him he was a mess. I’m honestly surprised he’s collected himself as much as he has. Given what he’s probably been through the last few days. Any other person may have completely withdrawn by now. If he’s who I think he is... Then this isn’t the only thing he’s had to endure...”

“Given that I believe we’ll be interrupted if I ask why he’s so popular all of a sudden, or who you think he is. I’ll ask this instead.” Hawk began with a grin. “You confirmed that Japan was the one to help put this ‘Group B’ together. Then why are you in America?”

“Because this is where the leak is causing the most damage,” Leslie answered with that playful tone of hers.

“You know...” Rainbow Dash said from her spot in the air. “Both Zorro and Dimitiri are from other, what were they? Human lands then this America right? How come you don’t speak in weird words like they do at times?”

“Not much of a answer there. It’s simply because we aren’t native to Japan.” Leslie answered with a shrug, “We just had... Some ties to the higher ups.”

“Who put this together? Is this because of our President’s efforts?” Hawk asked as Applejack came trotting over. She had felt useless where she had been standing, unable to think of anything to help that human guy out. Plus, with everyone talking over here all secret like something she should be apart of.

“...That’s part of it,” Leslie answered after a pause, “The Emperor wasn’t planning on doing much at first, but when your Princess asked if he could help, he ordered Prime Minister Sayaka to pick a couple of agents to add to the small team of Ponies the Princess had already collected.”

“Wait what?” Twilight asked interrupting her. “Princess Celestia is the one who gathered the ponies on your team? She never mentioned anything about that to me!” Leslie looked as if she was about to answer when a proud feminine voice suddenly erupted from behind the one door near them.

“I can’t believe YOU of all ponies would display such IGNORANCE Twilight Sparkle!”

Twilight, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash all recognized the voice immediately. Though none of them wanted to believe it.

“Seems our other team leader has finished with our surprise.” Leslie commented as the door began to open.

“That voice sound familiar to anypony else?” Applejack groaned as the door finished opening, revealing a pony mare beyond it. Twilight could just see the glow fading from beneath the hat she wore. Indicating the pony before them was a unicorn, her magic being what had opened the door. Though they knew this pony well enough to know she had magic. No one could EVER forget that about her.

“Ugh, that OUTFIT look familiar to anypony else?” Dash snarked at the pony. Referring to her purple hat and cape. Twilight wasn’t normally one to feel dread at meeting a pony, but this one was an exception.

“Say it isn’t her...” She mumbled. Hawk on the other hand, was finding the entire ordeal rather amusing.

“So I take it you know her?” He said before the unicorn mare walked the rest of the way into the alcove, her head held high.

“Well, Well, Well, I see you’re still a bunch of NEIGHsayers as always!” The pony exclaimed while flicking tail. She appeared well groomed, her mane and tail a subtle hue of lightish blue, with a white streak down it’s center. She was blue in color, with a coat that seemed unmarred by dirt or dust. She wore what could only be described as a purple wizard hat, with matching cape. Both with matching golden stars and moons decorating them. Clasping the cape together, was a small blue stone. The size of an apple and rectangular in shape. Her purple eyes seemed to mock the ponies before her their gaze.

“For your information, Twilight Sparkle, Your dear Princess Celestia is not the ONLY Princess of Equestria, as I’m sure you are well aware. It just so happens that Japan has many stories and legends of the Moon. When our beloved Princess Luna visited their country, she was met with as much adoration as I receive on an everyday basis.” Twilight and her friends rolled their eyes at that last part, but the unicorn pony ignored them.

“Why it was Princess Luna herself that asked I. The Great and Powerful Trixie! To assist in leading this group B that you see around you. What else was Trixie to do but accept?”

“Y’all kidden me?” Applejack asked unbelieving, “She gone and asked you? The mare who could only boast but not back up?” Trixie scoffed.

“While Trixie admits that it wasn’t the wisest decision to claim to have defeated an Ursa Major, she is by no means a pushover in magic. The Great and Powerful Trixie is MORE then capable of handling this task!” The glare Trixie sent Applejack’s way with that statement could have pierced stone. Thankfully, it was around this time that Spitfire spoke up.

“Alright GP, time to reel it back.” She said while giving Trixie a little nudge. Much to Twilight and her friends surprise, Trixie simply sighed in acceptance, rather then argue.

“I suppose you are right Spitfire. We are on a mission after all.” With that she trotted the rest of the way over to Leslie. Rainbow Dash watched all this with wide eyed shock.

“Wow! You really are AWESOME!” She exclaimed, bunching her face together as she spoke the last part. “You even got Trixie to listen to you!”

“Oh that wasn’t just because I’m awesome, though I thank you for saying that. I’ve just known her long enough to handle her that’s all.” Spitfire replied offhandedly before flying back up into the air.

“Wait, how long HAVE you known her?” Twilight asked.

“Trixie has known Spitfire since they were both little Fillies,” Trixie replied with what appeared to be mock annoyance. “She never did let Trixie have any fun!”

“That’s because your ‘fun’ was a sure fire way to prevent you from making friends!” Spitfire shot back.

“Ha! Trixie will have you know that she’s had LOTS of friends!”

“Name one besides me.”

“Bah, I don’t have time for that, we should focus on our mission. Leslie. How is Jason doing?” Trixie asked hurriedly, doing her best to change the subject. Twilight couldn’t help but notice that she had dropped her third person act when confronted about the topic though...

“He’s holding up. Somehow...” Came Leslie’s reply. Trixie nodded solemnly before turning to trot over to him.

“How are you? Have you been hurt?” She asked, her tone changing considerably from what it had been. Twilight actually did a double take at the display. She could scarcely believe Trixie was capable of such a tone!

“N-no I’m okay. No scratches or anything. They shouldn't be able to get a sample of my blood...”

“Is THAT what you think?” Trixie cut in harshly, causing Jason to stare at her in shock.

“Do you think Trixie so cold that she would ask of your health just to insure you hadn’t bled? Fine then! Trixie regrets asking!” With that she turned and trotted away, leaving Jason feeling to stunned and guilty at his response to say anymore. Though with Twilight, it just left her very confused. That certainly wasn’t the Trixie she remembered!

“Trixie assumes you found a way to block the door?” She asked coming back over to Twilight and the gang. This time it was Hawk who responded.

“Twilight here cast some sort of spell upon it. Dunno what it was, but it seems to be working for the moment.”

“As much as it pains Trixie to admit, having Twilight Sparkle here is a boon we can’t overlook. As you know, their target is Jason himself. We must prevent that at all costs.” Trixie said with a sense of authority that once again surprised Twilight to hear come from the mouth of well, Trixie.

‘Just what happened to you since that day in ponyville?’ She wondered while looking at the blue unicorn pony beside her. The old Trixie she remembered was certainly still there, but there kept popping up these moments already that were proving something had changed.

“So our ‘surprise’ all set up?” Leslie asked. Trixie gave a sly nod and smile in response.

“It’ll be a show that’ll put even The Great and Powerful Trixie’s amazing performances to shame!” Trixie had reared back in glee as she said the last part, earning a grin from Spitfire and Leslie, and eye rolls from Hawk, Twilight, and her friends. Gally, Lucky, and Jason seemed indifferent.

“Sounds good. Guess the only thing we need to do now is get set up. So who wants to go into the room with Jason, and who wants to stay out here and fight the bad guys when they break down the door?” Leslie asked the room, just loud enough for everyone to hear.

“Much as I like a good rustle, I’m a might bit worried about Jason there. Think I’ll stick by him for the moment.” Applejack replied while trotting over to where Jason was still sitting against the wall. He managed a weary smile as she approached, but it was clear he was still reeling from his scolding from Trixie.

“Much as I’d like to fight the bad guys, rushing into a hail of bullets when they break in, probably isn’t going to be the best thing to do.” Rainbow Dash admitted with a scowl. “So I guess that means I’m stuck in the room. This sucks!”

“Hey don’t worry Dash. I’ll be there with you! Not even a Wonderbolt wants to try dodging bullets.” Spitfire quipped flying up next to Dash. Upon hearing that Spitfire would be with her, Dash’s scowl vanished instantly.

“I’m going to be hanging with a Wonderbolt! Ohmygosh-” She began, but Twilight tuned out the rest.

“I’ll be staying out here with Hawk,” Twilight replied before looking over at Gally and Lucky. “I’m assuming both Leslie and Gally there will be taking up arms out here. As well as ‘The Great and Powerful Trixie’” The tone she used for Trixie’s ‘full title’ was the least mocking one she could muster.

“I guess that leaves only where Lucky is going. I’m going to assume he’s going with Jason?” Lucky, having apparently heard them, nodded his head.

“You bet! Nothing says protection then a lucky charm like me!” He said looking rather proud of himself. Was it Twilight’s imagination, or did Jason almost smile at that?

“Yeah? Well ‘Lucky’ for you two. I’ll be out here making sure those ruffians don’t get in!” Gally boasted with a laugh.

“Ha with my skills, those guys will never touch Jason! ‘Luck’ Has nothing to do with it!” Lucky shot back while placing a hoof upon his chest.

“Yeah? Well with my skills keeping you safe, you’ve hit the Jackpot of luck!”

“I guess you could say for the Specter Unit’s, their ‘luck’ has run out!” Lucky finished up. They both stood there staring at the other with goofy expressions for a few moments, before exploding into fits of laughter.

“Ugh, must you two do that?” Spitfire asked grimacing, “You’re worse then GP with these ‘one liner’ battles of yours!”

“Ha! The Great and Powerful Trixie, NEVER sounds so lame!” Trixie said with a huff, “Anyway, you are wrong on one account Twilight Sparkle. Trixie will NOT be staying with you in this hallway. She is needed much more in the room with them, not only making sure the surprise stays ready to spring, but to keep what’s left of the civilians safe.” The thought of the empty hallways, along with the missing petrified people and ponies once more shot into Twilight’s mind.

“So you found them? The ones who couldn’t get out? How many are there?”

“Only a few are left in here with us,” Leslie cut in, “We were able to return those effected back to normal, thanks to Trixie here. The Specter Unit members let us run around and do as we pleased at first. This allowed those we returned to normal, as well as those just stuck in here, to simply walk out unhindered. However, when we came across Jason, that stopped. Thank heavens there were only a small group left by that point. I shudder to think what may have happened had they managed to take any hostages.”

“So wait...” Hawk asked, holding up his hand. “You managed to stop them from capturing Jason, and kept these potential hostages safe? How in the world you manage that?”

“They may have fancy armor, but they are no soldiers. Most seem to have only basic combat experience at that. Being their target is Jason, we had him running around with Lucky and Gally to lure them away from myself and Spitfire. We went around making sure we hadn’t missed anyone. Trixie both set up our trap while getting those left behind to a safe place.”

“Huh, I wonder why Daisy and them didn’t tell us about the ones who got out?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“I doubt they even knew.” Hawk commented. “Given there are most certainly HLF members among those officers outside, I’d bet anyone ‘released’ were sent to some place nearby for ‘questioning’. You saw how far those three ponies were from the building. I doubt they received any information on the progress of things at all.” Twilight nodded before turning back to Leslie.

“So where are remaining people and ponies now?” She asked. Leslie pointed to the same room Trixie had come from, causing Twilight to blink.

“But isn’t that where the trap is?”

Leslie nodded.

“You have the civilians in the same room as the trap!?”

“They’ll be fine. I promise it’ll make sense-” Leslie began before an explosion from down the hall cut her off. Everyone braced themselves for a group of Specter Units to come swarming down the hall any second. After a few seconds it became clear they weren’t through the barricade yet, as nothing happened afterward.

“Well, guess they finally figured out to use their explosives on the barricade.” Hawk commented. “I’d say we get this party started. I doubt we have much time left.”

“Sounds good to me, but might I ask a silly question all quick like?” Applejack spoke up. Leslie gave a motion for Applejack to go ahead, and she continued.

“What became of the cockatrice. We only came across one out there, which Jason there locked in a closet.”

“He did huh?” Leslie said, while she gave a hand signal for Lucky and Gally to get started. Upon receiving said signal, both escorted Jason to the door of the ‘safe room’.

“That makes sense. Guess we missed one. Ask Trixie if you want to know about the others.” Applejack’s face fell.

“Do I havta?” She asked, to which Leslie only smiled. Twilight on the other hoof, wanted to inquire just why Leslie would say something made sense, when in fact it did not in the slightest. Knowing another explosion could happen any second though, she’d have to set her curiosity aside. At least for now.

Leslie and Hawk immediately went to set themselves up for the inevitable firefight that would begin the second those troops made it through the enspelled door. Twilight was about to canter after them when Trixie called out for her to wait. With a sigh, she turned to the unicorn mare.

“Yes... Trixie?” Twilight asked, trying her best to be friendly, though she refused to add the ‘Great and Powerful’ to Trixie’s name every time she had to say it. Much to her surprise, Trixie didn’t even seem to notice.

“Look... I... “ Her face was taunt, her voice strained. Twilight could tell it was taking a lot of effort for her to say what she was attempting to say. She wasn’t even talking in third person!

“Before you go help your human,” She said a bit of her regular manner of speech returning. “Trixie requires you to help escort Jason into the safe room. There is something Trixie admits only you can probably achieve.”

“Wait, did I just hear you correctly?” Twilight blurted out before she could stop herself. Even with all the time between their initial meeting in ponyville, and their reunion here, she had to admit that she hadn’t really expected Trixie to be all that different from back then. Even with the oddities that kept popping up. It was just, meeting her here, and being asked things like this. It was just too weird.

“Do not patronize The Great and Powerful Trixie!” Trixie hissed, “She simply needs you to protect Jason when he enters the room. The Great and Powerful Trixie...” Her tone softened at the end of the sentence, her head drooping ever so slightly.

“...Admits that you are better at it...” She finished, her voice barely audible.

“Protect him? But isn’t that why I should be in the hallway with Hawk?” Trixie sighed.

“You shall see what Trixie means.”

Baffled, Twilight could only follow along as Trixie lead the way. Applejack waiting for her along with Gally and Lucky. She hadn’t noticed that she had seen nothing of Spitfire or Rainbow Dash since shortly after Spitfire had broken up the ‘one liner’ contest. Assumed they must have entered already, she cast it from her mind. With a nod from Trixie, both Gally and Lucky entered the room. Jason right behind them.

“Stay close to him.” Trixie instructed before she dropped back a bit. Twilight still didn’t understand what was going on, but did as she was asked. Making sure Jason was directly lined up with her on her right, Applejack keeping pace on her left. Twilight snuck a quick peek at his face to see the oddest expression upon it. He looked as a child would when they knew they were about to be scolded...

The room they entered was large. Though it appeared much smaller due to the giant containers set in two rows down the expanse of the area. She quickly realized they were in the room that this Bureau kept it’s vats of ponification serum. She looked around with interest, taking note of the differences between hers and this one.

Her containers seemed a bit more up to date then these. As these looked like they had been meant for some other liquid before they were refitted for Bureau use. The biggest thing she noticed that differed from hers, was a stairway leading up to a metal walkway. The walkway leading all around the upper walls of the room. Upon this upper path she could just make out a small group humans and ponies. All huddled up in one corner. They stared at her for a few seconds as she entered. None of them moving from the spots they huddled in.
With a quick head count she was able to determine there were eleven in all. Seven humans and four ponies. The humans ranged from three men, three women, and a little girl. With the ponies she could see there to be two earth ponies, one pegasus, and a unicorn.

Twilight and the group walked silently into the center of the room. Gally and Lucky glancing at the figures up on the walkways wearyingly. A flash of motion drew Twilight’s eyes to one corner of the room where the missing Rainbow Dash and Spitfire were found. Both seemed to be looking at something bundled together in the corner. Twilight had to strain her eyes a bit, but was finally able to make out what appeared to be a group of stones.
After a few more moments she realized they weren’t shaped properly for normal stones. They looked like statues. Feeling concern for the possibility they were, as of yet, un-petrified victims, she rushed over, only to stop in her tracks as she saw they weren’t pony or human shaped at all. Rather they were the cockatrices!

“How...” Twilight began, before lucky answered.

“Trixie used a spell to deflect their gaze back at them. So they ended up petrifying themselves. I admit it’s a bit cruel, but it does make them easy to transport!”

“Well, I suppose that’s one way to do it...” Twilight said a bit uneasily.

“Personally I don’t see how we could have prevented the things from running amok and turning every poor sap to get in their way into a stone statue otherwise. Little terrors nearly got me twice during our little round up.” Gally commented as he looked at the small cluster of stoned creatures.

“Wait, didn’t you get anti-petrification spells cast on you?” Twilight asked.

“We uh, don’t have that spell I don’t think...” Gally replied sheepishly.

“But... Then how...” She mumbled trying to make sense of this new information. Jason had managed to capture that one cockatrice without even blinking. That might have made sense if he was a solider or had an anti-petrification spell on him. But it was clear he was no battle veteran, and if he didn’t have the spell... In fact Lucky had covered his eyes to save himself from being stoned. Then just why did...

Twilight was so lost in thought, that it took her a second to realize that Trixie had scoffed at her.

“Rubbing your advanced spells in the faces of us commoners Twilight? My My My. What boasting.”

“Wait I didn’t...” Twilight stammered.

“Now you wait a Cotton picken minute missy!” Applejack cut in, “I know we all had our little rustle back in the day, but that don’t mean ya get the right ta go finding ways ta make trouble!”

“AJ it’s-” Twilight tried to say, but Applejack stuck a hoof in her mouth. Twilight could just see Spitfire blocking Rainbow Dash from joining in off to the side.

“I ain’t gonna stand by while my friends are being made fun of for no reason.” She said. “Besides ain’t miss great and fancy here, the one that said the mission was too important for that kinda stuff?”

“Hmph, You have a point. The Great and Powerful Trixie lost sight of what we should be doing, and your job Twilight Sparkle, is most likely about to begin.” Before Twilight could inquire as to what she meant, she heard the humans begin to walk toward the railing. One by one they began to lean over and upon those below. Apparently finally over their fear of the new comers.

“Wait...” One of the men said suddenly, his eyes directly on Jason. “You’re that guy ain’t ya?”

“It is! It’s the guy they were trying to take!” Shouted another one. Twilight suddenly understood why Trixie had told her to help Jason. Whatever was so special about this guy that the HLF were after him, the people and ponies here knew about it. Or at least they knew it was him the HLF wanted. Twilight had some experience dealing with panicked crowds. Trixie most likely, did not.

“He’s the reason they came! Don’t bring him in here!” Shouted one of the woman.

“We’re all in danger with him here! Take him away!” Shouted one of the Earth ponies.

“He’s safest in here with the rest of you!” Gally bellowed out at them. His tone cold and stern. Anyone could tell he was disgusted by the display the civilians were giving. His face was a perfect mask one one who was trying to be nice when all they wanted was to knock some sense into the people.

“Yeah? Well what about us? Why should we risk our lives to keep HIM safe?” The first man called again.

“There are eleven of us and just one of him! Surely there is a better place to hide him then here!” The woman who had cried out first added. In the past, Twilight may have found herself at odds on what to say at such behavior. But after spending so much time with Hawk and his friends, that was no longer the case.

“Listen up everyone!” She screamed, trying to be heard over the commotion, “How can you even THINK such things in a time like this? Would you really abandon someone just to save your own skins?”

“I’m not saying give him to the guys, just hide him somewhere else!” One of the other men yelled back. This was followed up with cheers from the other protesters. Twilight couldn’t believe they included ponies cries.

“Hide him where? This is the most fortified room in the entire complex!” She shot back. She hardly noticed that Trixie hadn’t said a word the entire time. She also didn’t notice how tightly clenched Trixie’s teeth appeared to be...

“None of this would have even happened if he had just stayed home! Our lives are in danger the longer he stays with us!” The purple Pegasus pony screamed. Again this was met with cheers from the others.

“They want him right? Well let them chase him! Take him away, have them go after! We can escape while they are busy!” Another shouted. Twilight was much too upset to see who was speaking anymore.

“Escape right into the hands of their friends waiting outside!” Twilight screamed. “Do you think they don’t have members of their team watching for escapees? They’ll not let you go knowing what you know. They’ll kill you for certain! Don’t you understand this?”

“Ha! What proof do you have of that? We can at least TRY damn it!”

“You IDIOTS!” Gally screamed. The amount of rage in his voice silenced everyone present. “Of course they have friends outside! THINK! The monsters! The high grade armor! All the secrecy! They want Jason and aren’t going to let the outside world know why. “

“The Great and Powerful Trixie has a plan to force them to let us go!” Trixie added, speaking up at last. Twilight wasn’t certain, but she could swear she heard disappointment in her voice...

“This unicorn pony besides me is Twilight Sparkle. The prized student of Princess Celestia herself! While I have been chosen by the esteemed Princess Luna to aid you! Twilight is here on Princess Celestia’s behalf. Both of us have everything under control!” With this the crowd began to murmur amongst themselves. Disbelief and hope echoing in their voices.

“No way, from the Princess’?” They heard one whisper loudly.

“Maybe we aren’t doomed...” Another added in.

“I still say HE should be kept outside.” The purple pegasus spoke again. Trixie showed her opinion by turning her back on him. Apparently finished with negotiations.

“Look, I’ll go with them if they say they’ll harm you!” Jason called up to them at last. His face pale. His body shaking. The shot gun he carried hung weakly to one side. Barely gripped in his hand. Everyone on the ground floor could see the faintest hints of tears in his eyes.

‘He’s so scared...’ Twilight realized with a start. ‘Dear Celestia, he looks ready to collapse any second...’

“Then why not go out there and tell them that?” One of the men growled, “Don’t give us some bravado bullshit! You came here knowing full well what could happen didn’t you? There was all that commotion two days ago about you. Why didn’t you leave then huh? You knew you were in trouble and now you’re trying to get someone to bail you out of it! So don’t talk to me like you’re some victim!”

“Why I ougta-” Rainbow Dash said under her breath. If it wasn’t for Spitfire still holding her back, she might have shot up and gave the guy a piece of her mind. Or a swift kick in the face.

SILENCE!” Twilight suddenly screamed just then, causing the room to once more plunge into silence. All eyes were upon her now, wide with shock. Even Jason hadn’t expected such an outburst from her.

“What shall we do if they demand one of you?” Twilight asked the crowd. “We know they want Jason, but how do we know they don’t want one of you as well? Will YOU be willing to leave this room? Shall we banish YOU away as well? Reduced to nothing more then mere bait to draw them away?” She glared at those who had been demanding Jason’s departure. Daring them to say anything.
None would. Each of them could be seen mulling over what she had said. Seemingly finally getting the idea of just how things were at the moment.

“BRAVO! BRAVO!” Cried one woman from the human side. All eyes fell upon her the second she had begun to clap and shout. Though she looked worn out, there was a fire in her that Twilight could tell wasn’t about to be put out. The woman wore a simple pink shirt with a pair of blue jeans. Her head a fierily red mane of hair that seemed to match her spirit perfectly.
Twilight was just able to recall that the woman hadn’t been with those speaking against Jason. Instead she had been comforting a young girl who Twilight guessed to be the woman’s younger sister. Least that was her theory given the similarities in their facial structures.

“It’s nice to see someone, or somepony I guess you would say, with a bit of sense around here! Would you really have just thrown the poor guy out? Do you really think that would have changed things?” The woman demanded of the ponies and people upon the walkway with her. The ponies all look utterly displeased with themselves, for the exception of the pegasus who merely avoided her gaze. The humans shared the other ponies looks of displeasure. None of them were feeling any of the animosity from earlier.

“We just... I... I just want to live to see tomorrow...” The man who had spoken first said. His voice having lost all sense of anger. All it sounded with now was despair.

“So does he!” The young girl shouted suddenly, surprising everyone. Even the woman who had been comforting her was shocked at the young girl’s outburst. The man who had spoken looked the most off put of everyone. All he could do was stare blankly at the small girl before him. Who looked scared as she stood there clutching a small stuffed panda to her chest. Her blond hair was a mess, so was the small white dress she was clothed in. But her green eyes shown with a fire very similar to the woman who had spoken first.

“W-what?” The man asked feeling put on the spot. It was funny in a way. A child causing a grown man to loose his nerve.

“Can’t you see how scared he is!?” The young girl continued. “Big sis is right! Being mean to him won’t make the bad guys go away!”

“I... I know... I’m sorry...” The man said quietly before he turned and walked away. Twilight could feel herself breath a sigh of relief. Looked like that little problem should be taken care of now.

“Don’t worry mister! Everything will be okay!” The girl yelled down to Jason, giving him the biggest smile she could. “You have lots of friends down there that will protect you! And I’ll help too if I can!” The last part of her sentence was aided by her making a ‘strong arm’ pose that managed to make Jason smile despite the situation.

“Th-Thank you miss...” He called back up, pausing at what he should call her.

“Rose! My name is Rose Mr. Jason!” She called down, her tone all smiles. Jason smiled back before giving her a thumbs up.

“Right Miss Rose. I’ll make sure I don’t give up.” Though his face was smiling, his eyes were streaked with tears. Thankfully it looked as if Rose couldn’t see from up on the walkway.

“You’re gonna be alright man.” The woman with red hair called down, placing a hand on her sister Rose’s shoulder. “It sounds to me like your friends have a plan to end this. I’m sure it’ll all be over soon!”

Jason nodded once more before walking over to the wall farthest from the door. Once there, he leaned up against said wall and slumped down into a sitting position. Gally meanwhile had made his way over to the stairway that lead up to the walkway.

“I, Gally ‘Vanish’ Gregman. Promise you. ALL of you that they will not get up there to harm you. In fact, I’m going to insure they can’t. Right... NOW!”

As he spoke he had shifted his sword in his hands, making ready to swing it. The second he shouted the word ‘now’, the sword edge blazed to life with the blue glow he was constantly having it emit. With it ablaze he swung it with all his might at the stairwell, slicing it clean through. After a few more slices, he stopped, jamming his sword tip in the ground.
The moment it hit the floor, a large portion of the stairs fell away. It’s absence creating a large gap that would force anyone wishing to go up there the use of some sort of climbing tool. No one was walking up there by any normal means.

“Well...” Applejack whistled looking over the broken pieces of rubble. “That’s one way of doing things...” Twilight had to agree. Thankfully in regards to the ones stuck up on the walkway. They seemed too shocked by what had just happened, and too intimidated by Gally to speak out about it.

Realizing it was probably time for her to get back to Hawk, Twilight took one last look around the room to see what everyone was up too. Rainbow Dash and Spitfire were still in the same spot they had been when she arrived. Both in a heated discussion about something Twilight could only guess at, and had no real desire to find out.
Applejack had moved closer to the rubble, Lucky now taking a chance to begin a conversation with her. Gally was making his way to the exit door himself. Though Trixie, she noticed, had moved to speak with Jason. Feeling curious, Twilight decided to get a bit closer.

“-Still be able to handle it?” Twilight heard Trixie ask him as she approached. Jason’s response was a steady nod.

“I can. I promise you, I won’t mess up.” He said. His voice was still shaken, but his eyes showed well enough that he was up to the task.

“I apologize for all these ungrateful urchins.” Trixie said giving a short glare at the walkway above them. “Some it seems have never experienced hard times...” The last part struck a cord in Twilight. The way Trixie said it seemed a bit more passionate then her usual words...

“It’s... Fine...” Jason said, placing a hand on the shot gun he had set aside him. “It’s not like I can blame them. After all, in a way... The reason for all of this. It’s my fault.”

“Thinking so little of yourself again?” Trixie asked, the same irritation she had shown during their last conversation back in her tone. This time though, Jason shook his head.

“No... It’s like my dad would have said... We can’t predict everything. When he told me to come here... There was no way we could have known it’d end up like this. I know I can’t change how things have happened. Nothing we can do but work with what we’ve got.” He stopped for a few moments, visibly fighting back tears. Twilight had a feeling today wasn’t the only day he had been dealing with something painful. Sadly there wasn’t time to find out just what the entirety of this guy’s story was.

“Still...” He said, finally able to continue. “I can’t help but wish that I hadn’t come here ya know?”

“Trixie supposes... “ Trixie said in a gentle soft whisper. “That everyone feels that at times...”

With that she turned and ambled away, paying no heed to the look Twilight was giving her.

‘That confirms it...” Twilight thought. Something certainly had changed in Trixie. For the first time since their re-meeting, she truly accepted that the pony before her wasn’t the same one from back then...

Another explosion rocked the room, instinctively causing Twilight to rush toward the door. She had no doubt that this one had broken through her barrier. Her job here was finished. For the rest she’d have to trust in her friends and Trixie. Her place now was out there with Hawk. Making haste in her sprint, she rushed by Trixie before bolting through the door she opened with her magic mere seconds before reaching it.

Was it just her imagination or was Trixie... Crying?

* * *

“Looks like they blew the hatch.” Leslie replied coolly as the smoke from the last explosion billowed on past them. Both Hawk and Leslie had been standing just at the section of the hallway where one leap sideways would throw them into the alcove. Gally had joined them shortly before the second explosion had broken down the door, though he had remained out of harms way in the alcove itself.

The moment the smoke began to clear, the two with guns began to fire round after round into the black haze before them. Hawk with his trusty revolver, and Leslie dual wielding her two pistols. Despite the surroundings, Hawk took special notice at how well and accurate she was handling the weapons even though the simple issue that doing so should cause too much of a strain on the arms to manage.

There was a reason it was suggested to use your free arm to steady your gun hand. The Kick back would always throw off your aim, no matter how great a shot you were. Of course with practice and time one could get adequate at using two guns at once, but the way Leslie was doing it was unreal. No normal human should be capable of such feats...

After a few moments of receiving no resistance from the Specter Units, gunshots from their sub-machine guns could finally be heard. Their bullets impacting upon the walls of the hallway harmlessly.

‘Leslie was right about them being rookies,’ Hawk thought to himself as he dived for cover. The bullets were hitting the hallway now, but it wouldn’t be long before the one handling the gun managed to sweep it past where he had been standing. ‘These people know nothing about real combat. Anyone with half a brain would have thrown some grenades down the hallway before rushing it with guns a blazing.’

“Sorry! I’m here! How can I help?” Twilight asked rushing to Hawk’s side.

“Can you emit an electro magnetic pulse?” He asked, Twilight blinked.

“A what now?”

“Huh,” Hawk said mildly surprised, “I actually thought you’d know what that was. Basically we need something to prevent them from using those blinders they have in their chest plates. They use those, and we loose any advantage. Any ideas?”

“Oh dear. Well I could try and cast small spots of darkness over the lights to prevent them from flashing, but that would take very specific timing and precision-”

“Yeah we definitely don’t have time for that.” Hawk said firing a few rounds around the corner. “How about something to slow them down?” At this Twilight beamed.

“I’ve been working on something I think will work!” She said. Her expression was similar to that of a young child wishing to show everyone something cool they could do. At the very least it was enough to manage a smile and head pat from Hawk. Much to her delight.

“Do it.”

With a nod, Twilight began to gather up the magic she needed for the spell. She had only tried this on small scales before, using herself to test it’s resistance, but she was confident that it’d manage.

Hawk diverted his attention back to the battle at hand, taking note of where everyone was. It only took him a second to realized Leslie hadn’t jumped for cover when the initial bullets from the sub-machine guns had been fired. Instead she was still standing directly where she had, her arms and guns moving and firing with incredible speed. Was it his imagination or were her eyes almost glowing?

‘What the heck is she doing?’ Hawk thought as he prepared to find a chance to reach out and pull her to cover. There was no way she was hitting any of them through the smoke, and with their goggles, it was only a matter of time before she was pelted with bullets.

Seeing his chance her leaped out from cover, his gun blazing away. Desperately trying to aim at anything that could be one of the armored men in the haze. The good news for him was that the smoke had cleared enough for him to make out a few silhouettes of the men attempting to storm the hallway. The bad news, was that meant they could most certainly see the two of them!

Shots from several sub-machine guns went off the very moment Hawk had leapt back behind cover, Leslie in tow. He had just enough of a grip upon her arm to feel her flinch as a few more shots went off. He cursed to himself as he pulled her the rest of the way into cover.

She had been hit.

“Twilight! Hurry!” He called mere moments before Twilight finished her preparations and let the spell fly. The magic from her horn flew down the hall and embedded itself in the walls, ceiling and floor. Seconds later several strands of violet light began to weave their way down the hall, creating a type of spider web of magic. The first few Specter Units who attempted to rush the hallway in absence of opposing gunfire found themselves entangled in the strands in the same manner a fly would in a real spider web. Hawk had to admit he was impressed, but he couldn’t dwell on it. Right now, he was far more concerned about Leslie’s injuries.

“Where is it? Where did you get hit?” He asked while quickly scanning her body for signs of blood. It took him a few seconds, along with Leslie waving him off, to realize that she was perfectly fine. There weren’t any bullet wounds at all.

“But... I saw...” Hawk said, his expression actually stunned. There was no way he was wrong about her getting hit. He had felt her flinch upon their impact!

“You know Leslie,” Gally said stepping around her as he prepared to enter the hallway himself, “Just because you can emit a field around your skin like that doesn’t mean you should. There was still a very good chance one of those bullets would have cut on through.”

“Sorry Gally, I’ll be more careful next time.” Leslie replied, the usual playfulness in her voice absent.

“Wait, what field?” Hawk asked, his voice suddenly suspicious.

“It’s like my sword.” Gally replied as he held it up. The edge once more glowing bright blue.

“We emit a certain amount of what they call ‘kinetic’ energy. It helps use move faster, and can help us enhance certain parts of our bodies. Like my vision.” Leslie added, pointing to her eyes as she did so.

“All within the territory of having cyber kinetics installed.” Gally replied with a huff as he leapt into the open hallway, his sword before him ready to block any incoming bullets.

“You have WHAT!?” Hawk exclaimed visibly appalled. “But I thought those didn’t work properly!”

“They don’t” Leslie replied. Her expression bleak.


“Every twelve hours.”

Hawk shook his head in light of the news.

“No wonder you told Jason you knew what it was like to have cursed blood. Why would you ever?”

“Long story, and we don’t have time” Leslie replied readying to make another strafe into the hall if needed. Gally however was practically blocking the entire thing with his large frame. Hawk was about to say something about getting the holy hell out of the way, when the large man spoke.

“Looks like they don’t like your web little pony!” He bellowed with a laugh as he watched some of the armored men help pull those stuck back out of the hallway. Gally grinned as he moved one shoulder toward them, flexing his arm in a peculiar way as he did so.

“Aw, Don’t Run Away!” He called as the same bluish energy he usually fed into his sword, now flowed across his shoulder pad. Much to Hawk and Twilight’s amazement, the pad actually popped open to reveal several small white cylinders. As the energy flowed across them, they began to launch out of their compartment, streaking across the hall at the men. As they impacted upon floor, walls and armor, small explosions began to rock the area. If Hawk had to guess, he’d have to say they were the equivalent of old style grenades.

“You keep explosives in your ARMOR!?” Twilight screamed after the shoulder pad closed back up. “Are you CRAZY!?”

“Relax, they are K-8’s.” Leslie replied.

“What?” Twilight immediately asked. Even Hawk wasn’t exactly sure what Leslie was talking about.

“It’s a special kind of missile. They only function and are explosive when the kinetic energy we produce is fed into them.”

“Otherwise they might as well be rocks.” Gally replied, his voice still full of laughter. Hawk and Twilight exchanged a single look.

They certainly had met some interesting people...

Moments later, several black cylinders came bouncing down the hallway, causing Gally to dodge back into the alcove, grabbing anyone close by as he did so.

“They got smart enough to use the grenades.” Leslie said as all four of them made their way toward the door that lead to the serum containers. Explosions blasting away behind them.

“I hope this plan of yours works!” Hawk said as he dived through the door, Twilight right beside him.

“So do I!” Leslie said from behind him.

* * *

Moments later found both groups in place from within the final stronghold. Upon entering, Gally had rushed to the area of the destroyed stairwell, and had motioned both Leslie and Hawk to him. Both of which he helped get up and upon the remaining stairs further up. Allowing them to make their way up to the walkway. With that done, he himself moved into position just far enough to not be under the walkway, while standing directly before Jason who was now clutching his shot gun anxiously.

Twilight herself had been ushered to stand next to Gally on his right. Trixie on his other side. Applejack had apparently been flown up to the upper level by Spitfire and Rainbow Dash earlier. Lucky was up there as well.

“Should I cast the same door block spell?” Twilight asked, feeling her apprehension grow. It was all she could do to keep herself still. Especially since she didn’t know exactly what this ‘surprise’ entailed.

“No.” Trixie replied, her voice lacking any of the bravado it usually held. “We don’t want them blowing a hole in the wall and possibly injuring someone. Just wait for the key words I told you upon taking your position. You know what to do after that.”

It felt really weird taking orders from Trixie, but never the less she nodded in acceptance. Turning her gaze back at the door, she waited for the first few men to storm in. The wait was agonising. Every second feeling as it if would drive her mad.

The wait ended abruptly. Feeling as it had never existed at all. Before she could let out the breath she hadn’t even realized she had been holding they swarmed into the room. Leslie and Hawk both doing their best to shoot those who came in first, causing the non-combatants to scream and recoil away in fear. Rose with her sister’s hands pressed firmly against her ears.

It wasn’t long before the men returned fire, forcing Hawk and Leslie to duck for cover themselves. As more Specter Units swarmed in, they quickly surrounded Gally and the two unicorn ponies. None of them had daring to fire in fear of hitting Jason behind them.

Before any of them knew it, the room was swamped with the enemy. Out of the many who had originally chased after them, it seemed only a few over a dozen were left. Still, it was a large enough number of them to make it nearly impossible to take them out without endangering the people and ponies above.

“We want the kid.” One of the men said calmly as he walked forward. He was flanked by three of his peers on each side of him. The ones closest to him pointing their guns at Gally, who was posed with his sword ready to fight. The final two on each end both leveled a gun at either Twilight or Trixie. Insuring they couldn’t use their magic without being blasted. The rest of the men were all pointing guns up at the walkway. Keeping not just Leslie and Hawk suppressed, but squashing any ideas of heroics from the others up there.

“We know.” Gally replied with a growl. The man raised his gun to point it at Gally’s head. Gally however, didn’t flinch.

“Look we’ve been playing this cat and mouse game all day. All we wanted to do was grab the kid and leave. You’re the ones who wanted to drag this out! Now just give us the target and it’ll all be over!”

“How can I be sure you won’t just kill everyone if I come?” Jason said suddenly his shotgun aimed and ready. “You’re HLF. No way you care about the welfare of pony lovers.”

“If we wanted to kill them, we could have done that by now!” The man yelled back. “You know very well what is in you. It’s far to valuable for us to risk you getting yourself killed. So just come along willingly and I promise we’ll let these people go. As long as they don’t pursue us, we won’t harm them.” Jason glared at the man long and hard. His arms were shaking, his body rigid. Finally with a sigh, he let his arms drop, the shot gun hanging limply at his side.

“I have your word?” He asked. The man nodded, a smile in his voice as he spoke next.

“You have my word. I promise. Now just come over here quietly alright?” A gasped sounded from above.

JASON NO!” Rose screamed before her sister managed to place a hand over her mouth to silence her. Several of the men watching the walkway aimed their weapons at the two, nearly firing off a round that very moment.

“She’s right Jason. Don’t trust them.” Gally said with a grunt, refusing to take his eyes off the men before him. Trixie simply gave a little ‘humph’ and turned her head away from him. No one else spoke a word. Twilight herself felt conflicted. Was this part of the plan? Or was he really planning on giving himself up?

“It’s over and we all know it.” Jason said with a sigh, his head down so no one could see his face. “There is no way any of you are getting out of here alive unless I do this.”

“Go ahead if that’s what you want to do then. Give up your freedom. Trixie is sorry she ever tried to help!” Trixie shot at him. Still, even then he didn’t flinch. Didn’t move. He merely stood there, defeated.

“I’m sorry...” He said quietly. “But I can’t think of anything else to do...”

With that he carefully put the shot gun on the ground and began to walk toward the man slowly. Gally refused to look at him as he sauntered by. Jason was halfway between Gally and the man when he stopped once more.

“Thank you for trying to protect me. Oh and one last thing...” He said turning back to face them. He looked up then. Staring at the man and two ponies before him with a mischievous smile of his own.

“I’m thirsty.”

With that he pressed the button upon the small detonator he held in his hand. Having removed it from where it had been tapped to the side of his shotgun earlier. Directly afterward, several small explosions went off at the bottom of the large vats of ponification serum by the door. The Specter Units caught completely off guard as they all spun around to stare in the direction of the blasts.

Upon hearing the code words, Twilight was swift to execute her own part of the plan. With a leap, Gally jumped straight up into the air. It was Twilight and Trixie’s job to insure he got to the walkway with the aid of their magic. A feat that was no problem with the both of them working together. With Gally safe, Twilight sought out Jason, her mind a mismatch of thoughts.

‘Dear Celestia, THIS is their plan?!’ She thought, trying to think over the sounds of the rapid explosions that were tearing apart the bottom area of the rest of the serum vats. Before she knew it, the ponification serum was flooding the room in a flurry of tidal waves. The armored men had no chance to avoid their fate as they were quickly swept up in the rage of the currents.

But what about Jason? He’d be swept up in it too! It was pretty clear that she wasn’t about to find him in chaos that was going on around her. Reluctantly she used a bit of her magic to protect herself from being thrown around as well. She only hoped that Trixie’s outburst earlier was all part of the plan, and that she even now protecting them both.

The next several moments were a blur to Twilight. With the serum crashing all around her, it was all she could do to concentrate on her magic. After what felt like forever, she could feel the serum’s surface level lowering to below her head. Feeling the currents die down to manageable levels around her shield, she let it drop, the liquid quick to splash around her lower body as she did so.

The first thing she did was search the top of the walkway with her eyes. She was extremely pleased to find Hawk and everyone else safe and sound. Then she began to scan the room for any sign of their group down here. Trixie was just fine next to her, apparently still using a bit of magic to keep the serum away from her. The thought of Trixie obviously not wanting to get ‘soaked’ would have amused her more if it weren’t for the fact that she had finally spotted Jason, and the... Enemy ‘men’.

Jason was in the center of the room, walking up to them in the knee deep serum that was still lowering in level. Spitfire was hovering just above him. All around him Twilight could see the ‘former’ Specter Units. Now every last one of them some form of pony, and all of them struggling within the confines of the armor that had fit them as men, but were nothing more then a burden to them as ponies.
All around the room she could see them. Unicorn ponies, a couple of pegasus, many earth ponies. Not one of them looked to want to continue bothering Jason. Instead they seemed more confused then anything else. Looking around at the room and their new bodies in silent awe.

“How is this possible?” Twilight asked staring at the many new ponies. “The serum doesn’t work without the activator agent. This shouldn’t have happened!” Trixie just rolled her eyes at her.

“Just what do you think The Great and Powerful Trixie was doing in here when you arrived outside the room?” She asked as she ambled by. “Setting the explosives? Trixie left that job to the humans. She, being familiar with how the serum works, was injecting them with the activator agent so they’d react this way when the trap was sprung!” Wasting no further breath on Twilight, she continued making her way to Jason.

“Trixie is pleased with your performance. Things went exactly as planned!” She said with a smile. Though Twilight was still processing certain little things she had been noticing, she did happen to notice that Trixie’s smile seem a bit more genuine then normal.

“Thanks, didn’t think I had it in me to be honest...” Jason replied with a bit of a blush. Then with a start he turned to look at Spitfire still floating above him.

“And thank you as well Spitfire! I don’t want to think what may have happened had those torrents slammed into me full force. Thank you for pulling me up enough to avoid them!”

“Hey it’s all cool.” Spitfire replied with a grin.

“Uh, I’m sure if Twlight wasn’t so busy thanking her lucky stars that everyponies alright,” Applejack called from her spot above, “I’m sure she’d be pointing out something that seems a mighty wrong with this picture.”

“Yeah!” Rainbow Dash seconded as she flew down to stare Jason in the eyes. “If the serum turned everyone into ponies, then why aren’t YOU a pony now?”

“It’s the reason they were after me...” Jason replied with a sigh, “It’s the reason this all started...” He paused, struggling with an emotion Twilight couldn’t deceiver before continuing.

“It’s my blood. Something in it makes me immune.”

“Hang on there pardner,” Applejack called down. “You saying you’re immune to the serum?”

“Wow, no wonder they wanted you so bad!” Rainbow Dash said with an enlightened tone, “But how did that happen?”

“Hang on a second Dash, that can’t be all there is...” Twilight said, finally speaking up. The truth was she had noticed that Jason had seemingly been walking in active serum without becoming a pony, and the thought of that did cross her mind on why the HLF would show interest in him. But something was off. Sure being able to resist becoming a pony would be very useful to them, but to go through all THIS to get him?

“What do you mean Twi?” Dash asked, her expression greatly confused.

“What they did here to get him. It’s all too elaborate. To great an operation for just the chance to be immune to becoming a pony. It just seem so... Overly dramatic...”

Jason had grown quiet once more. In the next few seconds she realized that Trixie had as well. Both wore rather dark expressions.

“Trixie...” Jason began, gaining the unicorn ponies attention. “Remember how we tested it? Do that last thing again.” Trixie nodded, but her expression was genuine concern.

“Are... Are you sure?” She asked, even as she began to gather the energy. Jason nodded in response.

“We already know what will happen.” He said. With a gulp, Trixie aimed her horn at him, using a small bit of magic to lift her hat in the process. Twilight had just about had it with people seemingly talking in riddles today, but held her tongue. She couldn’t figure out what Trixie was doing at first, but as she watched she began to recognize the feel of the magic. Her eyes widened when it became clear to her just what spell Trixie was about to cast.

“Are you mad!? That’s a fire starter spell!” Twilight screamed trying to bring up enough of her own magic to stop Trixie’s. However, she was much too late. A mere second later, a small orb of red magic shot from Trixie’s horn like a bullet. Heading directly toward Jason, who merely watched it come without interest.

Twilight watched in horror as the orb impacted upon his chest, blazing to life in a flash of red. Her horror was quickly changed to bewilderment as instead of bursting into a furry of flames, it merely... Fizzled out.

“W-wha?” Was all she could manage as she stared at him blankly. That should have set him ablaze! He should be burning even now! So what... Of course! The serum... The cockatrice he had paid little heed to...

“It’s not the serum that you’re immune to...” She whispered in terror. Jason sadly shook his head.

“It’s magic.” He said quietly. “Something in my blood makes me immune to magic. That’s why I can’t become a pony. That’s why those men wanted me so much... That’s why all...” He sank to his knees, “Everything this past week happened... All because...”

He was unable to go on. The weight of something finally catching up to him. His tears flowed freely as he sat there. Trixie giving him a surprisingly warm look.

“Wait, why is everyone so terrified by that?” Rainbow Dash asked as she looked around the room. It seemed that most of the people there who were in the Elite guard were wearing the same dark expression both Jason and Trixie had on just moments ago. Rainbow Dash and Applejack were the only ones who weren’t.

“Sure that means we can’t use spells on them, but it’s not like we can’t still kick them or something. Why is him being immune to magic so bad?”

“It’s not that the HLF would be immune to magic itself Dash.” Hawk spoke up from the walkway. “It’s what it’d allow them to do unhindered that’s the bigger problem.”

“Beg your pardon?” Applejack spoke up from beside him, being the only other pony who hadn’t figured it out yet. “What will being immune to magic allow?”

“The Shield.” Hawk said simply. The words hung in the air like death itself. Soon both Applejack’s and Rainbow Dash’s eyes grew wide as it sank it.

“If the shield is magic...” Dash began.

“And they’d be all immune to magic...” Applejack continued.

“That’s right.” Twilight said grimly, turning her gaze to Jason. “If the HLF are able to get their hands on Jason here and replicate the properties of his blood. Then they’ll be able to walk right past the magic shield around Equestria as if it wasn’t even there.”

“A free pass into Equestria, wherever and whenever they wanted.” Hawk finished with a sigh.

“Now you understand.” Leslie said walking up to the railing from above. “Why we have to do everything we can to make sure the HLF don’t get their hands on Jason, and why they’ll stop at nothing to capture him.”

End Part 1

Look forward to Part 2 whenever I get around to it! Assuming Anonsi doesn’t tell me to not write anymore. >_<

-After Credits Bonus-

The purple pegasus took one last look around before retriving the communicator he had hidden in one of the rooms. It had all been far to easy. None of the ponies in that room had realized that they had never seen him around before. Nor did any of those ‘Elite guard’ think to take a head count upon defeating those HLF fools. It almost angered him to think they had been granted the high gift of ponification. To think such human filth who had so openly opposed earth’s rebirth should be granted a part of it!

Never the less, that was not his concern. He had come here following up on the odd movements they had discovered the HLF performing two days ago. Their forces had intercepted a bit of info that the HLF had been after something for a little while now. Something their forces had given top priority to find. Having been on the look out for possible ponification failures, they had sent a recon unit immediately upon hearing of one such case here. Wondering what the HLF’s game was, they sent their own spies to find out.

He hadn’t been expecting much. What he had just seen and heard was far more disturbing then anything he could have imagined...

“Ah Purple Rain. How good to hear from you.” Came a cold feminine voice on the other end of the communication device as it connected. “Tell me. What have you discovered?”

“We have a problem Diamond Eclipse. The situation is worse then we could have ever thought.” The pegasus named Purple Rain replied. Named, predictably, after the album of the same name. He went on to tell the pony on the other end everything he had discovered by snooping through the bureau’s files. Then what he had seen and heard in the serum room itself. The pony on the other end listened without interrupting even once. Taking each tidbit of information with careful consideration. When Purple Rain had finally finished, Diamond Eclipse did not response right away. The line remained silent for a full minute before she finally spoke. Her voice deathly seriously.

“You are certain?”

“I saw it confirmed before my own eyes. You orders?” Another moment of silence.

“Gather what members of PER that you can.” She replied, her tone venomous. “Then contact me again to set up a rendezvous point. This ‘Jason’ is a poison we must purge from the world...”

Comments ( 6 )

Oh god you posted this here?!

I figured why not? There is no link to it on the boards, or the compilation post on EQD. So It's a good way to get more readers.

#3 · Jan 8th, 2012 · · ·

HOLY CRAP THIS IS BADASS, sorta mad that theres no zecora yet in any conversion fics but this is great!!

btw if you add legendary creatures here are some monsters

n Japanese folklore, the Gashadokuro, (がしゃどくろ) also known as the Odokuro,[citation needed] is a giant skeleton, "fifteen times taller than an average person." If a Gashadokuro sees a human, "it will grab it and attempt to bite its head off." Gashadokuro are created from "gathering bones from people who have died of starvation." The only way a Gashadokuro can be detected before it appears is by "hearing a ringing in one's ears."

Sazae-oni (Shellfish ogre)

One of the only mythological molluscs this side of a Kraken the Sazaeoni is a particular favorite of mine and one that has made several obscure appearances in Japanese animation.

Legend has is that when a promiscuous woman drowns to death as sea, her spirit is transformed into a turban-shell snail. After thirty years or more in this form, the woman/snail undergoes metamorphosis into a most peculiar monster frequently portrayed as a colossal humanoid phantom with a snail's shell for a head. Dwelling deep beneath the waves, the Sazaeoni rarely surfaces, but can sometimes walk the land in human form. It is said that if this woman is allowed into a home to stay the night, the master of the household will be dead or missing by morning.

In the most famous story (CAUTION: ANCIENT FOLKLORE MAY CONTAIN ADULT SITUATIONS!!!), a pirate ship rescues a drowning maiden who is really a Sazaeoni in disguise. The entire crew falls in love with her, and they turn against one another for her attention. She agrees to sleep with all of them if they will stop fighting, but the following morning they find that their genitalia have vanished. The Sazaeoni restores them only in exchange for all the treasure on their ship, and disappears with it into the sea.

#4 · Jan 8th, 2012 · · ·

I love Yellowstone, (And i recognize the character that you use and all i can say is awesome sauce. now all i need is a mlpfim/lupin the third xover and i be one happy bastard

#5 · Jan 8th, 2012 · · ·

cool story! (To jason) its dangerous alone, take this sweetoe belle with a bunny suit with you


♫♥I look forward to reading what happens next in your story♥♪

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