• Published 8th Jan 2012
  • 7,609 Views, 114 Comments

Magic and Moonlight - AutumnRose

After finding Trixie clinging to life, Twilight must decide whether or not she is ready for love...

  • ...

Chapter 1 - Twilight's First Murder?

Magic and Moonlight
Ch.1, Twilight's First Murder?

Twilight tossed and turned in her bed. The violet unicorn had an unbearable headache and her muscles were very sore. She turned onto her side, which felt comfortable for a moment before a small throbbing sensation in her ear began to bother her. She decided to try sleeping on her back, for the twenty third time tonight.

Something was definitely wrong.

She looked at the clock on her nightstand.

1:30 AM

Twilight couldn't understand why she hadn't been able to get a good night's rest in over a week and it was REALLY getting to her. Twilight tried to repeatedly identify something, anything, that would have so much precedence in her life that it would interfere with her normal sleep patterns. Well... nothing stuck out as particularly stressful or extraordinary.

At least by Ponyville standards...

She giggled at her own joke. Silently muttering an, “Oh, Twilight...” to nopony in particular. In all seriousness she was starting to get rather worried. After all, how could she study when at this point she had trouble even seeing properly. No, that wouldn't do at all. Twilight pondered for a bit and thought to herself-

Well there is something I haven't taken care of in a while...

Twilight was pretty content with that idea, but unfortunately she decided it was out of the question as Spike was sleeping only about 2 meters away. The disappointed unicorn loudly groaned in irritation. Twilight squeezed her eyes shut and audibly spoke in a frustrated tone, “ Sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep ,SLEEP!”

“I'm trying to, but you keep waking me up!” grumbled a very aggravated Spike.

Twilight sighed deeply and turned to face her number one assistant. As she rolled over she felt as if almost all of her energy reserves went into just making that one movement.

“I'm sorry... ummm... Spike. It's just that these sleepless nights are really taking their toll.”

To this she only got a muffled


Twilight Sighed. She found it more and more difficult to remember names by the day. This had to end now. Maybe some fresh air would help?


“I'll be back in... ten minutes okay? ... I just need to clear my head a bit.” This was a lie. Twilight knew the probability of this working was next to zero and she didn't really have any thoughts on her mind.

“Alright, but I'm leaving the library door unlocked. I'm not getting up again.” Spike yawned as he shut the door. The purple dragon slowly made his way back upstairs. Finally some rest! Twilight's constant tossing and turning had kept him up all of those nights as well, but he was fortunate enough to be able to sleep during the day.

Twilight was a bit worried about the door being unlocked, somepony might want to come in and steal all the books! She imagined them, a mob of angry bloodthirsty hooligans, shoving row after row of books in sacs. Oh! And what if Spike tried to stop them! Who knows what the wretched creatures would do to him! And all to get at her favorite books! Who would do that anyway! What kind of heartless monsters would kill for books! Why, she ought to teach them a lesson. Nopony messes with her books and gets away with it!

A breeze of cold night air snapped the violet unicorn back into reality. Twilight had been standing in front of her home for about twenty minutes making faces of varying degrees of fear and anger while stomping her hooves on the ground. The unicorn reasoned that in her state she wouldn't be able to fight anypony off anyway. So, worries aside, the cold mare walked alone through the empty streets of Ponyville.


Twilight shivered as she walked throughout the night. What was supposed to be a quick ten minute walk was more like a grueling 3 hour workout. Twilight, though, hadn't noticed as her mind had finally settled and she began to do what she did best, think.

All of this started a week ago... what happened a week ago... nothing in particular... except... no that couldn’t be it... the sun will be up soon. Princess... Celestia... she's such a nice pony... I love her... tomorrow... I'll send her a letter... with a flower in it... she'll like that... I'm such a terrible student...

The violet unicorn's mind began to cloud again. Every time she thought she might finally have the answers she desperately craved, she got this strange feeling and her mind muddled up again. Why couldn't she concentrate! Twilight soon came to a small stone bridge. She walked onto its cobblestone like surface. Every hoofstep she took echoed off in the distance. About halfway she leaned over the edge. She noticed how calming the quiet sounds of the sloshing river current were. Twilight closed her eyes... and opened them again. Nope that didn't work.

Twilight reasoned that Spike would be worried if he woke up and she wasn't there, as the walk home would take a very long time and he was likely to be up and about doing his morning chores.
As she turned around, something blue caught her eyes. The object lay half buried in the mud of the riverbed. The unicorn's curiosity got the better of her and she crossed over to the other side of the bridge to investigate.

Twilight trotted up to this object. What ever it was, it sure was oddly shaped. Gosh, if only it were a bit brighter out. The unicorn paused for a bit. She grunted softly as she tried to summon enough magic to make a small light. Luckily it took little effort. Twilight smiled at her small accomplishment.

"Ok, now to see wha... w-wha... WHAT THE!” Twilight screamed as she realized what she was looking at.

Trixie's frail lifeless body was filthy and half covered in mud. She was soaking wet and had gashes of varying intensity covering her body. The worst of them were around her throat. Twilight slowly extended a hoof out and desperately hoped that Trixie would wake up.

“T-Trixie! TRIXIE!” Twilight could feel her stomach churning. She turned away and heaved into the nearby river.

Oh Trixie!, who could have done this to you! If only I had gone after you that night! You might still be...

Twilight glanced over to Trixie's body. No, it couldn't be. She couldn't be dead. Twilight concentrated and watched for breathing. She couldn't make out any movement in the blue mares chest. Twilight quickly levitated Trixie's body onto her back and concentrated really REALLY hard on getting to the library.


In a brilliant flash of light, they were there. Twilight was exhausted. The blue unicorn tumbled from Twilight's back and landed on the floor with a loud sickening squish. The violet unicorn cringed at the sound and quickly scooped Trixie into her hooves... Cradling the blue unicorn like an infant, Twilight squeezed the lifeless body while pressing her own cheek against Trixie's cold, wet forehead.

“I'm so sorry,” whispered Twilight, “I never knew this would happen to you Trixie... I... you deserved better...”

Tears streamed down Twilight's cheeks and mixed with the stains that Trixie's blood had left on Twilight's own fur. She sniffled loudly as she stroked Trixie's mane.

“It's ok, It's ok, nopony can hurt you...n-now... ever a-again..” Twilight suppressed a scream of pure agony as she rocked back and forth, “I'll never let anypony hurt you... I promise."

Twilight barely heard the pitter patter of a pair of tiny feet descending the staircase. Spike rubbed his eyes as he looked up half-asleep. He slowly backed up against the wall of the tree, He couldn't understand what he was seeing, but it scared him.


“She's dead Spike! Dead, dead, dead, dead, dead,dead, dead, dead-DEAD!”

Spike walked up to Twilight very cautiously. “H-HOW!?!” This was the best and only way Spike could muster the coherent thought necessary to describe the thousands of questions piercing his tiny brain all at once.

“I d-don't know, I-I just found her washed up along the river!” Twilight began to vent her guilt with loud melancholy screams of pure unfettered pain. “I did this, it's my fault, I'm a murderer Spike, a murderer!”

This display only got Spike so worked up he began to panic.

“I'm gonna send a letter to The Princess right now!” Spike ran towards the libraries storeroom, where he kept the royal parchment.

Twilight hadn't heard this over the sounds of her own lamentation. She carried Trixie upstairs and gently placed the body in her own bed, on it's back. She's so cold. “Why did this happen to you,” Twilight looked away for a moment, then turned back,”It's my fault, I could have helped you...but instead I let my stupid arrogance get in the way!”

The violet unicorn dropped to the floor and covered her face with her hooves. She began to sob again but soon realized that there were legal matters to attend to. She couldn't just let Trixie rot there. Twilight felt another heave work its way up her throat at the thought of it. And so the unicorn left the bedroom in order to find a book that would help her with this whole ordeal.


Trixie groaned and slowly opened her eyes. She wasn't outside anymore. She was indoors. She felt a wave of happiness flow through her aching body as she snuggled into a pillow.


Why was she in a bed?

What happened...

Trixie tried her best to remember the last few hours, to no avail. It only succeeded is giving her a worse headache than she already had. Reluctantly, the blue unicorn slowly sat up. Her frail body shivering as she looked around. Her aching muscles screaming in protest.

I'm in somepony's bedroom?

Trixie looked down at her body. She noticed all of the deep gashes, and the mud that had caked on her fur. But, what was particularly strange to her was the provocative position in which she was lying on the bed.

Oh Celestia, please tell me that nopony did anything to me!

The frail mare laid down once again and turned over on her side. She looked out the huge window on the back wall. The stars were beautiful tonight. But suddenly the creaking of the bedroom door caught Trixie's attention. Her little pony heart was beating faster than she ever thought possible for a little pony heart to beat without rupturing. She breathed in loud obnoxious gasps out of fear. She could feel the unnamed stallion staring at her back. It sent shivers up and down her spine. Trixie gulped as the hoofsteps drew closer but she dared not look. She curled up even more. What could this monster want? Money? No, she didn't have any. Replaying an earlier thought, Trixie cringed.

Trixie lifted her tail slightly and stuttered out, “J-Just d-do whatever your going t-to d-do to Trixie and p-please l-let Trixie go!” Her body shook with fear as she began sobbing quietly. A pair of violet hooves turned her over onto her back. Trixie shut her eyes tightly as she felt the warmth of a soft belly make contact with hers. “Please be gentle...”

“You're alive!”

Trixie opened her eyes and saw only the beaming face of a violet mare who was now frantically singing, “You're alive, you're alive, you're alive, you're alive! I though I killed you, but you're ALIVE!”

Trixie felt a rush of relief, then confusion, but that lasted only for a second as she realized who this purple unicorn was. In fact she began to feel angry.

“Oh, It's you.”

“You're alive! Oh thank Celestia! Your alive, I was so scared, I thought I'd lost you!”

Twilight pressed her face up to Trixie's and was now crying tears of joy while stroking her mane. All feelings of anger dissipated with this tender embrace. Trixie couldn't for the life of her understand why this unicorn was crying so hard. Or why this violet mare even cared enough to rescue her. But it didn’t matter to her, her cheeks turning a deep shade of red.

Though, to be honest, Trixie had thought of Twilight. Trixie had relived that night for over a week now. It haunted her. And so did the face of the beautiful violet unicorn standing in the cool glow of the moon, Twilight.
Trixie had assumed that Twilight would never ever want to speak to her again. Much to her dismay. But Twilight was much more than a pretty face to Trixie, to her Twilight represented to Trixie what she had always wanted, but was never able to attain. Power, friendship, fame, love...

And now they were in bed together.

Trixie gasped in pain as Twilight nuzzled one of the open gashes on her throat. “OH MY GOSH! I'm soooooooooo sorry Trixie, I forg-” A shivering blue hoof graced Twilight's lips.

“Don't be sorry Twilight, Trixie should be the one apologizing for what she's done.” Trixie shed a tear.
Turning away from Twilight, Trixie continued. “Sometimes you don't see good things that come into your life because you just want to desperately believe that-”

“Trixie if it wasn't for me you would have never gotten hurt! You would have stayed safe, I almost killed you, I'm the one to bla- “ This time Twilight was interrupted by a pair of soft lips, pressed up against her own.

I'm sorry Twilight, but I may never get another chance.