• Published 29th Nov 2012
  • 7,404 Views, 500 Comments

Geoverse Part Six: A Season Of Adventure - GeodesicDragon

Geo and Twilight deal with more stuff in Equestria — all of it leading to a big surprise for both of them...

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B8. The Neighsayers

A few weeks into my new job as Prince passed and finally the elation had faded. Life returned to normal and I was able to get stuck into the duties that I had been assigned, which mostly involved overseeing trade disputes. With another meeting over I made a mental note to relax in order to reduce the chances of me throttling the next gryphon I saw.

As I left the meeting room my guards started to follow me but I dismissed them, saying that I would be fine on my own as I was just going for a walk around the castle grounds with Twilight. They nodded in affirmation and went back to the barracks.

Walking along the corridor I caught sight of Twilight leaving another room with Celestia close behind. I walked up to the two, both of them acknowledging my presence with a nod, and waited for them to finish talking.

"That'll be all for today, Twilight," Celestia said, "and don't worry about you-know-who. I'll have a word with him if and when I find out where he is."

"Thank you, Pri—," Twilight cut herself off, "Celestia. I'm sorry I had to bother you with this. It just seems so trivial."

"Nonsense," Celestia scoffed, "you are a Princess now, Twilight, and that's not going to change. But as I said, I will have a word with the stubborn mule when I get a moment."

"Thank you, Celestia," Twilight replied, "I appreciate your help."

Celestia nodded and went back into the room. I draped an arm around Twilight's neck as she ruffled her wings.

"Something wrong, Twi?" I asked, "And please don't say there isn't, because I can tell from your conversation with Celestia that there is. Is somepony giving you grief?"

"It is nothing," Twilight replied as she leaned into me, "other than somepony who doesn't like the fact you and I are royalty now."

"Oh," I said as we both started walking, "I see. But why does Celestia have to get involved? Surely this is a matter for the guards and not somepony of her stature?"

"Well," Twilight said hesitantly, "I had to tell her because the pony in question... is her nephew."

"Seriously?" I spluttered, "Wow, that's... I don't know what to say."

"You can start," a voice spat, "by saying you will give up your positions as Prince and Princess and go back to Ponyville."

Twilight groaned as we both stopped walking and turned around. We were greeted by the sight of a unicorn stallion sneering at us with open contempt. He was white with a flowing light amber mane and tail. His cutie mark appeared to be a star of some kind.

"I'm sorry," I said, "but could you say that again? I thought for a minute there that you were disrespecting my wife and I."

"Be silent, ape." the stallion replied, "Equestria has indeed sunk to a new low appointing you as a Prince. I know the story of your kind. You seek to achieve what your primitive ancestors could not, and conquer Equestria in your own name."

"Not this again, Blueblood." Twilight groaned, "Why don't you take yourself away and go find some actual conclusive evidence before you accuse Geo of something like that?"

"The evidence," Blueblood snarled, "is in front of me. He is a human, and humans tried to destroy Equestria all those years ago. I know of the portal he used to get here and how it functions. What's stopping him reaching out to his kind back where he comes from and asking them to bring their army back?"

"My my," I said sarcastically, "you've certainly done your homework like a good little colt. But can I just say that I am nothing like the humans of Old Equestria? You can relax, Blueblood, because I'm not planning anything nefarious... and neither is John."

"And what of the third human?" Blueblood said, "Lieutenant Sorou? My sources tell me that he hasn't been seen for a while."

"Ace is going through a rough patch in his marriage," Twilight countered, "so it's only natural that he would want some time alone to think about things."

"Or he's plotting something." Blueblood snapped, "You never can tell with humans. They are devious individuals."

I sighed.

"Look, Bluey," I snarled, "you are starting to wear down what little patience I had left after talking to those gryphons. So why don't you take your well-groomed prejudices and get the fuck out of my sight before I say something I might regret?"

Blueblood's eyes widened in shock.

"How dare you address me in such a manner!" he roared, "And you are also threatening me as well! I knew you'd revert back to your primitive ways eventually, human. You may not be related to the humans of Old Equestria, but your species is still untrustworthy. Mark my words, Equestrians everywhere will soon see you for what you really are and when they do... you will have nothing but the moon for company."

"And until that time comes," I replied with narrowed eyes, "I am still going to serve Equestria and its citizens, while you get out of my face and do some preening, or whatever is you actually do."

Blueblood stomped a hoof into the ground and snorted before turning around and walking away with his nose up. I cursed under my breath and turned to look at Twilight.

"You know that I'm not bad, right?" I asked, "You know more than anypony else what I'm like."

Twilight nodded and wrapped a wing around me, pulling me to her side. I returned the gesture by wrapping my arms around her neck and looking into her eyes.

"I know that you are a sweet, caring man," she cooed, "who will do anything he can to help Equestria. But always remember that the vast majority of Equestrians support us, and that ponies like Blueblood are thin on the ground."

I smiled broadly and leaned in for a kiss. Twilight giggled and prepared to meet me halfway when a cough cut through the air.

"I'm sorry," another voice said, "but are we interrupting?"

Twilight and I both groaned and looked towards the source of this latest interruption. Two earth pony stallions looked back at us with sneers on their faces. I recognised them both from Ponyville — Filthy Rich and Sterling Silver, the towns two richest stallions.

"Gentlecolts," I said politely, "is there something we can do for you this fine day, or is this merely a social visit?"

"Neither." Filthy replied, "We just wanted to let you know that we don't appreciate how you two noponies have got it made simply because Twilight is Celestia's student. Sterling and I worked our flanks off to get what we've got, whereas you two get everything you ever wanted overnight. It's just not right."

"Awww," I put on a fake pout, "it sounds to me like somepony is jealous of our new-found status."

"Yes," Sterling said sarcastically, "we are jealous of the librarian and her pet ape getting the world on a silver platter simply because Celestia cast a spell and made it so. At least we understand how important it is to work for what we've got."

"So you don't think that we work?" Twilight snapped suddenly, "Contrary to what you believe, we don't have 'the world on a silver platter'. Each of us only asked for half of the standard royal stipend, and even then that money goes towards helping Ponyville and other towns across Equestria. We also have to work for our money — Celestia is teaching me new spells while Geo meets with ambassadors and dignitaries from across the world."

She stomped a hoof into the ground and flared her wings angrily.

"So don't you dare stand there and assume that we don't work." she growled, "Make sure you know the facts before you open your mouths next time."

Filthy and Sterling backed away cautiously before turning tail and galloping down the corridor. Twilight snorted and folded her wings back to her sides before bursting into laughter, followed closely by me. We laughed for a good minute before composing ourselves.

"That was brilliant, Twi." I said, "You really took those idiots down a peg and put them in their place."

She giggled and wiped her eye with a forehoof.

"I know," she said, "but I had every right to. I'm tired of ponies always assuming things before they know the full story."

"Hopefully they've learned their lesson," I replied, "and will take your advice to heart the next time they feel like having a go."

"Yes," Twilight sighed, "hopefully. But enough about them, I believe you and I were in the middle of something before they arrived?"

I tapped my chin in thought for a moment before I grinned and took Twilight into my arms again, to which she responded by draping her wings around me again. We both leaned in for a kiss and this time there was no interruption as our lips met. Several seconds later we separated and smiled.

"Come on," I said, "let's get the kids and go to the park."

Twilight nodded and the two of us started walking back to our room, confident that the neighsayers had been silenced.

At least for now.

Author's Note:

Greatodyer's Idea: Twilight and Geo deal with some ponies who aren't happy about them becoming Prince and Princess.

I hate Blueblood so much and I also hate Filthy Rich. Sterling Silver is the name I gave to Silver Spoon's father, as I wasn't aware if he had one. I think it fits him nicely. But I still hate him too because his daughter is a bitch.

Anyway, greatodyer, I hope you enjoyed this chapter.