• Published 24th Nov 2012
  • 2,335 Views, 37 Comments

A Piercing Light - Eagle Heart

Rainbow Dash becomes a padawan under the jedi master Thalos Rigalan.

  • ...

New Beginnings

It had been 3 years since the ponies had settled in at Coruscant. Some had moved to other planets, while most remained. During this time, Thalos and Celestia had become friends. They talked about the war, it had been so devastating that she told Thalos she was once different before. Calmer and more collected with her thoughts, but when a war brings your race almost to extinction; even the most solid shatter. She told of Chrysalis taking her power over the sun and how sometimes even basic magic could be difficult.

Thalos had told her more about the way of the Jedi, about emotion, attachments, self-discipline, and love. Each of them must be tamed for one to be a Jedi. He explained more about the Force, what it is and what it can do. He went into detail of the light and dark side, about how neither of them are good or evil. It was all about how the user used the Force, was how it became the dark or light side.

He also met Twilight Sparkle, celestia’s former student. She’d pounded him with questions and assumptions. But Thalos did his best to explain without giving her so much information that she had to write an entire book about it. She was disappointed to hear that she wasn’t Force sensitive, but she didn’t mind so much; since she still had her magic. They each told each other stories of their adventures and how their worlds were. Thalos already knew quite a bit from Celestia, but it was always nice to see another perspective.

Two years after the ponies had merged with the modern society, Thalos had been sent on a mission. A critical one. Long story short, he failed. His mortal enemy, Darth Desius had murdered his former padawan right in front of him. His padawan had just been promoted to Jedi Knight of the order. Thalos just couldn’t get there in time. He blamed himself and his doubt lead him to put himself into self-imposed exile. Now he lives alone in one of the forests of Alderaan. Keeping away from society, but still doing good whenever the chance comes.

After the battle of Alderaan, spearheaded by Darth Malgus, Darth Desius had remained behind; knowing of Thalos’s presence. Desius and his two apprentices searched for weeks. They never found him, for the Force was shrouding Thalos’s location. Desius began to get angry and ordered his apprentices to destroy a small village in the midst of the same forest Thalos had been hiding.

Thalos was resting in his small home he had built for himself. He was meditating in the living room. Until he began to feel weak, he felt a disturbance in the Force. A disturbance big enough to make his head throb. He had not touched any of his Jedi clothing in two years... but he knew what he must do.

He put on his Jedi robe and slipped on the hood, he grabbed his lightsaber and put it on the latch. It felt good being in his old robe, both good and bad memories were coming back to him; ones he was trying to avoid. Regardless, he rushed out of his home, and to the village.

Now this village was small, but there was something of interest there. A pony named Rainbow Dash has been living there for only a few months now, but what made her interesting was, Thalos could sense that she was Force sensitive. He’d never seen a pony that was, even when he had gone to their homeworld. She was the only one. Thalos had watched over her, but never approached. She got suspicious of him once, but Thalos never let her get to him.

He found out she was Force sensitive when he caught her flying around over the forest, testing her speed. He pondered how something of that size could fly so fast. He eventually began doing the math and after a few days, he determined that she had to have some kind of help. So he changed his meditation time to noon, when she was often out flying. He felt around with the Force and he could feel it in the air when she was flying. She was not using it intentionally, but accidentally. To the point of it now being instinct.

Now the two apprentices just arrived at the village. Disguised in their black robes, they entered the village and caught everyone by surprise. They began destroying vehicles, burning buildings and killing the villagers. Luckily, Thalos got there just as it began.

Rainbow Dash had tried to run, or even fly. But, she was no match for the Force. One of the dark apprentices had cornered her, and raised their lightsaber. Things slowed down for her, and she closed her eyes. She took a small peek, only to see a booted foot smashing into the apprentice’s face. A small burst of Force coming from around the foot like a small shockwave. The apprentice was sent like a baseball, through the air and straight into a tree, causing the bark to crack all the way up the trunk.

The other apprentice had caught attention of this and ran over to Thalos.

Thalos turned to where Rainbow Dash was. “Are you alright?” He asked.

“Y-you... you’re that robed man that’s been following me around!” She said back while standing up. Both anger and disbelief were in her voice.

“You need to get out of here. Head to the west side of the forest and wait until I get there.” Thalos said while he removed his lightsaber from the latch.

“No way! I’m not listening to you! You’ve done nothing bu- WATCH OUT!” she yelled.

Just as she alerted him, he felt a huge push of energy slam him in the back. Along with painful electrocution. He was sent flying into the side of a building. He laid there, his back sizzling. He groaned and stood up. “I am so out of practi-...” he thought to himself, before he saw both of the Sith standing a few feet away from him, lightsabers ignited.

Thalos wiped the blood off his lips and ignited his lightsaber, holding it in one hand. During the years of his exile, he had developed his own unique fighting style with a saber. But it was still new to the point of where he had to mix it with the normal style... but then he realized, this gave him more of an edge than a whole new style. So he stuck with it.

The two Sith charged and so did he. He lept in between them and they began to attack both his front and back. He used the force to guide his blade, to protect and to attack. He was almost overwhelmed, but through the Force, he held his own. Thalos spun around and deflected the incoming blade from behind by kneeling and holding his own blade above his head. At the same time, he held his left hand in front of him and used the Force to stop the red lightsaber mid swing, now they were all at a stand still of strength.

Rainbow could only stand and watch in awe, mouth agape. The two dark Jedi had ransacked the town with ease and killed the guards like they were nothing. And now, this one Jedi was standing against both of them.

Finally, Thalos sent a quick burst of Force energy and sent the one in front of him flying back. Then catching the one behind him by surprise. He pushed up and backflipped things moved in slow motion for him, thanks to adrenaline, and once the flip was finished, he reached his right foot all the way out and kicked the apprentice behind him in the neck, sending him flying back.

Both the apprentices recovered mid air and landed. Only getting angrier every time the Jedi countered them. They both nodded to each other and reached their arms out, they both sent torrents of purple Force Lightning from each side of Thalos. Thalos was right in the middle.

The Jedi quickly turned and brought his saber up. It began to absorb the lightning, he reached his other hand out and used the Force the absorb the lightning too. He began to sweat as this was overwhelming, his body began to get weaker every second.

Rainbow knew she had to do something, so she ran over and caught one of the Sith by surprise and bucked him in the back. He fell face-first onto the ground, and stopped casting the lightning.

Thalos sighed with relief and turned to the other one, while he still absorbed the lightning with his saber, he used the Force to pick up a front half of a speeder. He sent the hunk of metal right into the Sith, dazing him.

The Sith that Rainbow kicked was furious now. He threw his lightsaber at the pony. At the same time, Thalos threw his, and leaped high into the air, covering at least twenty feet high. Thalos’ lightsaber collided with the red one, just before it hit the pony. Each lightsaber returned to their master. But just as the red one returned to the dark Jedi’s hands, Thalos landed on him and drove his lightsaber into the apprentice’s chest.

Thalos quickly picked up the other red lightsaber, and held it in his hand. He pushed his foot off the wall to backflip over the other apprentice that swung their blade at him. Just as he was in mid-backflip, he hurled the red lightsaber at the Sith.

The Sith caught it, and threw their own right at Thalos when he landed, at the same time, he raised the other lightsaber in the air to get ready to throw it at Thalos.

Thalos landed and dodge-rolled toward the apprentice, under the incoming blade. He stuck his saber out just as the dark Jedi raised their own blade. The apprentice looked down in shock, the blue lightsaber was going straight through their chest.

Thalos deactivated his lightsaber, and the Sith fell limp. Dead. Thalos fell to his knees and panted heavily. He hadn’t fought like that since his last battle with Darth Desius.

Just as the last dark Jedi died, Rainbow instantly flew to where she was told to go, both excited and shaken from what she just witnessed.

A couple minutes later, Thalos got back up and put his hood back on. He began to walk back to his home, still sweating... and bleeding. His nose had begun bleeding from the amount of strain he put on himself to keep from being electrocuted to death. Sith aren’t a laughing matter, no matter how powerful. The fight lasted around sixteen minutes, and in that short time, Thalos had been more exhausted than he’s been in years. He really was out of practice.

He returned to his home to find that Rainbow was pacing inside. When she saw him, she instantly began to praise him. “Wow! That was so awesome! Are you some kind of magical guardian or something?!” she asked. She’d never heard of the Force before, nor had she seen a Force user.

“I am a Jedi... was a Jedi...” He said while he removed his hood and sat in a chair. “That wasn’t magic either, it was the Force.”

“Well, whatever it is, how did you do all that?!” she asked with disbelief.

“Through many years of practice and connection with the Force. The Force is everything, it guides us, keeps us alive, keeps the universe together. It is the universe itself.” Thalos explained.

“Force schmorce. I could’ve taken those guys on if I hadn’t spent 3 hours flying and practicing my moves.” Dash said, becoming rather proud of herself for bucking one of the Sith in the back.

“Your arrogance will be your undoing, but there is one thing... You can use the Force as well.” Thalos said to her.

She just began laughing, she fell on her back and laughed hysterically. “Yeah right! I’m a pegasus, not a unicorn! Everyone knows you can’t cast magic without a horn!” she said mid-laugh.

“Do you see a horn upon my forehead?” Thalos asked rather seriously.

Rainbow stopped laughing, she never got a good look at him. He always had his hood on. She stood up and looked at his forehead... no horn. “... You don’t have a horn... then how were you doing all that?” she asked.

“Through the Force. But only those who are Force sensitive may begin to use it. Like yourself.” Thalos said. Over a matter of 4 hours of talking and discussion, he explained about the Force and how she had been using it most of her life, over dinner. The first time she used the Force being when she did her first sonic rainboom. He deduced that after she had told the story.

He said he’d never heard of such raw power with the Force, to create an explosion of energy in the appearance of a rainbow through high speeds, and on command. If the Sith had got to her, the republic would’ve been doomed. He explained to her about her raw capability with the Force, much like Twilight’s raw talent with magic.

Rainbow couldn’t believe this knowledge was right under her nose the whole time. “How would I go about learning how to use the ‘Force’ as you have been calling it?” She asked.

“Through training. I am willing to be your master, if you are willing to be my apprentice.” Thalos said.

“Of course I am! I can’t wait to kick some bad guy butt!” she said while doing a backflip in the air, using her wings to do so.

“You have a lot to learn...” Thalos said while putting his hand to his face. He didn’t want another apprentice, not after what happened. But he knew he had to do this, or no one else would. Why had the Force been drawing him to these ponies?! “There is an extra room upstairs. Get some sleep and sleep well. For tomorrow we begin training.” Thalos said.

She nodded and went up to the room she was given and went off to bed. She was getting tired anyways.

“This one is different, arrogant and ignorant... but strong and loyal. She hangs at a balance of light and dark. One small addition and she could tilt either way. I just hope she doesn’t turn out like Rolan did...”

A month had gone by, and Rainbow was a quick learner, but not so quick on the meditation parts. She had gotten to the point where she could move small objects, like cups or datapads. But it was still hard for her to do so.

“You need to focus Rainbow, your mind is too focused on other things and that can only get so far. If you do not calm your inner self, you won’t ever improve.” Thalos said while she was attempting to move a small crate.

“I’m sorry, it’s just that I miss home sometimes... I’ve been gone from Coruscant for almost a year now. I miss my friends.” she said.

Thalos realized she was homesick, but he said, “You must not let attachments bind you. Forget about them for now and just focus, please.” he calmly said.

“I’ll try...” she sat down and closed her eyes, after a few minutes of meditation, the crate began to float in the air. But, it was still a slight bit too heavy, and she lost concentration. “Ha! I did it! Finally!” She said, celebrating her achievement.

“Very good. Keep at it, and it will begin to become easier for you.” Thalos said. He then returned to his home to go meditate.

Rainbow nodded, and returned to practicing.

Seven more months had passed and Rainbow had gotten to the point of where she could use basic core Force abilities. Basic levitation, push, pull, jump... and speed. The time had come to where a forest would no longer do for her training... No... it was time to return to Coruscant.

Thalos never thought he’d ever have to go back, but in order to continue his padawan’s training, he had to face his fear and return. Thalos had made Rainbow her own Jedi robe, they wore theirs mainly when they would head into the city.

Thalos and Rainbow both put their robes on and packed their things. Thalos would always use this place as refuge if he had to. They left for the spaceport and got on their shuttle to Coruscant. The entire time Thalos said nothing, even when Rainbow had tried to talk to him. In the year and from his teaching, she’d became more calm and collected, but still had the same attitude she always had. Just, it wasn’t as visible.

She’d been learning faster than any padawan he’d ever trained. Learning what would normally take a child’s entire life, in just a year. He could tell she was special... but why? Perhaps everything that has happened with the ponies was purely for this. Or just coincidence... all Thalos could tell, was that he was a part of something bigger than himself.

When they finally arrived, instead of going to the Jedi Temple, they went to another hanger. There, Thalos’s old ship was waiting for him. He had asked that it be kept safe in case he ever came back. After he had filled out the electronic forms for its release, they went to an old droid shop where he sold his old T7 droid.

He got the droid back, and sent it to the ship.

“I don’t think I’ll ever get used to this planet. It’s just so different from where I’m from.” Rainbow said as they walked the streets of the city planet.

“That’s what I thought too when I was a child, having grown up on Tattooine. I’d never been to a city planet before or any planet for that matter. Never had the credits.” Thalos said. After he said this, he noticed something strange, two men in white and red robes. One looked older, while the other looked younger. One even cast fire from their hand. Perhaps they were Jedi? Then, the older one smacked the younger one in the shoulder. After that, they both disappeared through a strange portal.

Thalos payed no attention to it, and returned to the conversation.

“Oh... Well, who were some of your padawans before me?” she asked next.

Thalos made sure to not talk about this subject very much, so she was in the dark about it. “...” he replied with nothing, not wanting to talk about it.

“How bad could it have been?” she asked.

Thalos sighed, “My first padawan, Amadal, became a successful Jedi. But he was killed by a rancor. My second padawan Rolan became a Jedi Knight. He turned to the dark side after he had witnessed the death of his family. Then there was Aidan, he was killed by Darth Desius...” Thalos said. “To be honest, I didn’t want you to be my padawan, fearing the same result... but now that fear is subsiding...”

“Oh... but why did Rolan turn to the dark side? I thought only fear and anger would do that, not sadness.” She asked while they got onto a tram.

“Sadness leads to fear, fear leads to anger. He feared what happened to his family would happen to others and began to be corrupted.” Thalos said to her while they sat in their seats.

“Where is he now?” she asked.

“Now... he’s known as Darth Desius...” Thalos said to her... almost wishing he didn’t.

Listen to this for added epicness and dramatic effect. If you want.