• Published 9th Jan 2012
  • 8,939 Views, 218 Comments

I AM DEATH - Ravenwood11

A collection of short stories about the pony reaper Death as he travels around taking souls.

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Ride into Obsession

Ride into Obsession (Faster)

A.N: This and all following chapters take place BEFORE chap 1 but don't worry about spoilers as each chapter is self contained.

They say dreams are the mind replaying the incidents of the previous day; a way to sort out the confusing muddle of life. For me my dreams are a constant reminder of my guilt. A replay of the atrocities I commit every day. Atrocities I commit completely of my own will.

I wake up in my home early in the morning. It is not a luxurious palace, nor is it a sty of decay. It is bare, it is simple; it suits me. No pictures adorn the grey walls; no trophies line the empty shelves but dust. No rug colors the dirt floor. My room is empty, save for a bed in the center. Like the rest of the room the bed holds no cheer, its grey sheets cover a black mattress with black pillows. But it is soft, and it is warm. It is the only comfort I allow myself.

This bed is the only way for me to escape my miserable existence, though the dreams follow me always. It is the price I must pay for my rest. If not for them I believe my slumber would last forever.

The silk sheets slide off me like water as I sit up, they pool about my waist. I throw them off me and exit my bed. Taking one last look at my life raft of solitude I leave for the mortal realm.

The sky blanketing the world today is grey. Grey as my sheets. All the creatures living below the mountaintop I perch on revel in the summer sun, but Celestia’s radiant orb parches the earth as much as it feeds the lush flora. So the guardians of the sky must make up for the long spells of sun with a torrential downpour. It is into this I fly.

The heavy downpour has driven all other ponies inside, but it does not trouble me as I head for my first job of the day.

My journey brings me to the majestic city of Cloudsdale. Usually a shining opal in the azure sky, today its grey spires look ragged and torn as they are buffeted by the storm. A few tenacious pegasi are tending to the city’s structures and a few more are flying through the clouds and keeping the raging storm in check.

I fly over the city gazing upon its ashen state, and then fly past it. It is not my final destination. My goal lies just beyond the city limits a few kilometres away.

After around ten minutes flying I reach my target, a small but elegant cloud house floating high above the misty surface of the world. It hangs lonely in the raging storm, fragile and isolated. As I aprais the house one feature captures my interest, a waterfall made of rainbows pours slowly from the top of the house, down several terraces and to finally to the earth below. These ponies must work for the weather factory to have such an elaborate feature. They also obviously enjoy their privacy.

Landing on the cloud lawn in front of the house I realize something is wrong. I sniff the air and realize the stench of death has not yet defiled this home. I am early.

I sit down outside the house waiting for my time. The rain passes through my corporeal body and is absorbed by the cloud beneath my hooves. I can suddenly hear voices from inside, muffled but distinct. I can hear an adult, possibly two, talking. A shrill laugh that can only be the sound of a young pony, most likely a filly, peals across the air only to be lost in the heavy rain.

The hackles on the back of my neck rise, I can feel my time drawing near. I do not look forward to fulfilling my duty but stand vigilant and ready all the same. The muffled sounds of the happy family were a rare, pleasant distraction; I fear such contentment will not come again for those inside. Suddenly I feel the air grow charged.

It’s time.

A blinding flash accompanied by a massive, earth shattering boom splits the sky in two. The echoing thunder resonates across the whole sky, but the world eventually grows silent again. As abruptly as the first a second explosion now rocks the sky home, this time not accompanying a blinding streak of light, but a colossal ball of fire rising from the roof of the house. In an instant I hear a soft but ominous “whoosh” and multicoloured flames spread from the roof of the home down the rainbow falls. Within seconds of the disaster beginning the whole house in on fire, the roof missing, pillars collapsed.

Surprisingly the simple cloud door stands. I enter the ruined home.

The damage inside is even more devastating than it appeared on the outside. I look around at the entrance hall which seconds before must have been gorgeous. Hoof made paintings of various subjects, mostly weather phenomena, are either sitting askew on the walls or lying on the floor in flames. The grand staircase is littered with debris from the ceiling and the walls resemble cracked glass. But the greatest damage comes in the form of the two broken ponies in front of me.

I approach slowly, anticipation and anxiety mixing in my chest. The male pony’s coat was azure, the color of a cloudless sky, but is now singed and covered in rubble. His snow white mane is almost completely burnt off; a delicate wisp of smoke still rises from his once proud form.

I transfer my attention to the second prostrate pony before me, a mare. The female must have been a beauty before I arrived. Her coat, also charred and blackened, was a bold purple, the color of the sky at night. Princess Luna herself would marvel at the color, were she not banished. Her mane however is what catches my eye most. Despite the damage done to it, it is still magnificent. Long silky locks flow from her head, every color of the spectrum weaved into it. It looks as if the rainbow waterfall which adorned the house is flowing from her head and neck. I’ve never seen a pony adorned with such colours.

A rasping breath however breaks me out of my reverie. I should not tarry here. I have many more souls to attend to today, and these ponies are suffering greatly from burns and broken bones. I step up and lift my hoof to the colt deciding to take him first as he is most badly burned. Suddenly the colt shifts. I back up in surprise, and then realized it is not he who has moved, it is a tiny body under him.

My heart sinks as a tiny filly pokes her head out from under the colt’s seared body, her eyes groggy and confused. She eventually pulls her whole self out from under her father. I can see she has inherited her father’s stunning coat and her mother’s unique mane.

She stares at her parents who had taken the force of the blast to protect her small body, unable to think, unable to move. She is clearly in shock. I wish I could put a comforting hoof on her shoulder, but I cannot. I watch her as she sits dumbfounded. I am unable to perform my task while her small magenta eyes watch, brimming with tears.

“Dash...” a weak voice breaks the silence. The mare’s frail voice breaks the small pony out of her stupor as she rushes to her mother. “Dash...get...help.” The filly’s eyes brim with tears.

“But I can’t fly.” Dash squeaks out, her voice breaking. Suddenly the tears begin to flow unchecked. Her mother opens her eyes slightly putting on a weak smile.

“You...can. I...believe...you.” The mare manages to finish before passing out, her slightly raised head making a dull “thump” as it hits the floor.

“Mom! MOM!” The filly screams, seeing her mother collapse. She nuzzles her mother’s ruined mane, still crying.

I still stand before the trio, unable to do my job.

The filly gently tries to wake her mother by gently pulling on her extended wing. It only flops lifelessly when she lets it go from her mouth. Suddenly Dash gets up, wiping the tears out of her eyes. A new resolve grips her and she sniffs once then clears her throat. “I won’t let you down.” She promises, her tiny voice almost lost in the pounding rain of the storm. “Just please don’t die on me.” She pleads quietly, giving both her parents a gentle kiss on each of their bloody cheeks, before walking towards the door.

I follow the pegasus out of the house and into the still pounding rain. For a moment she only stands still with her eyes closed; a statue in the storm. Then she begins breathing deeply, mumbling to herself; probably repeating flight techniques learned from her parents on happier, sunnier days. After half a minute of revision she opens her eyes. They blaze with determination and purpose as she steps to the edge of the house. She does not look down, only ahead to the city, an indistinguishable blob in the dark sky. I hold my breath as she steps back a few feet, pauses, then runs towards the edge.

And leaps into the void.

I wait.

One second.

Two seconds.



I scan the rain soaked air looking for her, but see nothing. I let out my held breath in resignation. It seems I know who is next on my list.

Suddenly however I see below me a tiny blue speck shakily flying through the storm, her small wings propelling her forward. Starting out slow and uncertain at first she quickly gains speed, resolution and fear driving her on through the pelting rain.

Minutes pass as I watch the tenacious filly fly, her colourful form losing clarity as she blends into the rain. Even after her tiny form is lost from my sight however I continue to watch, the rain passing through me.

Eventually I pick up my heavy hooves and turn back towards the house, my duty calling me again. It drives me ever onward. I look upon the two barely breathing ponies, my too large heart aching to do something other than the inevitable. The only think I do though is advance on the two.

The colt stirs slightly, this time of his own volition. He manages to place a tender hoof on the pale face of his love, his lips barely parting to say his final goodbyes. I step closer.

I wish I could give the filly more time, give her the chance to save her parents, but I will not. I wish I could wait until she got back to let them all say their goodbyes, but I will not. I wish I could stop taking lives, but I will not.

One more step.

I look back one last time at the open doorway, the gray dawn filtering through. I turn back, and lift up my hoof. I fulfill my duty.


Rain pelts the desperate filly, mixing with her tears; tears not from the hard lump in her chest, but from her speed. She has never flown so fast before. The only flying she has ever done was in her former cloud home, hovering barely a foot above the ground as she moved from her father to her mother.

But now she is like lightning.

The rainbow filly cannot think of anything else but flying faster and faster. Her parent’s lives are in her hooves, if she can get to the hospital in time then they’ll be alright. She’ll be alright.

Icy barbs of rain sting her but the pain barely registers. Her mind focuses on nothing but the beating of her wings. She feels no pain from the rain, from her burning lungs, from her wings which scream in agony for relief.

Speed is all that matters to her.

The blurry shape of Cloudsdale becomes sharper as the distance between the speeding filly and the city closes. As fast as a bullet Rainbow Dash speeds through the drenched city towards the hospital, its large glowing “H” a bulls eye for the filly.

She can now make out the double doors of the hospital, just a few meters ahead. Barely slowing down Dash enters the hospital. She lands on the smooth tile and, unable to find purchase beneath her smooth, soaked hooves, slides twenty feet into the reception desk. The receptionist barely has time to register the rainbow streak before her desk is nearly upturned.

“What in the name of Celestia...” is all the mare has time to say before Dash, ignoring her aching wings, burning lungs, throbbing head and fractured legs, leaps onto the mare, rambling incoherently.

“Calm yourself my dear!” The receptionist cries out over Dash’s panic. “Take a deep breath and tell me what’s going on.” The professional pony tells her as she gently pushes the sopping filly off and sits up.

Rainbow takes a deep breath, noticing for the first time the searing pain in her lungs, but starts again. “Please you have to help me our house was struck by lighting and my parents are hurt they are going to die please please please come quick and save them!!!” She belts out all in one breath.

“Oh my goodness!” The receptionist exclaims, unsupervised lighting strikes are a rare event in Equestria. Seeing the worried filly’s expression however she forces herself to calm down. “Don’t worry my dear, we’re going to take good care of you and your parents.” The pony says in a soothing voice. She returns to her desk and picks up a phone, calling the EMT ponies into action. She asks Dash where she lives, surprise once again lighting up her face when she learns that the tiny filly in front of her flown several kilometres all by herself in a storm.

Dash is too tired for adulation though. As soon as the receptionist hangs up and assures her that the doctors are on their way Dash collapses in a heap on the floor, her exhausted body finally winning out.
The world fades to black.


The room Dash wakes up in is warm and cold at the same time. A snug blanket is wrapped tightly around her now dry body, but her eyes are greeted by nothing but white walls and sterile equipment.

An old colt, his coat and mane greyed with age, sits by Rainbow Dash’s bedside, his face grim. He hears her rustle as she unwraps herself and groggily rubs the sleep out of her eyes. Her whole body aches in unbelievable pain. It was worth it though, she thinks confidently.

Then she notices the doctor sitting beside her bed and her confidence flees.

“Ah, good, you’re awake.” He says, his voice is soft but carries weight behind it. “How are you feeling? Do you need anything?” He asks kindly, but his act cannot hide his solemnity from Dash.

“Where are my parents? Are they okay?” Rainbow asks, her fragile filly heart still clinging to hope; a hope which is soon lost when the doctor shifts uncomfortably in his chair. He opens his mouth, about to say something, then closes it. Explaining this to one so young will not be easy. He tries to choose his words carefully before he begins.

“What you have to understand is the wounds your parents sustained were quite severe. Along with third degree burns present across most of their bodies they also experienced internal bleeding caused by broken bones puncturing-” Rainbow suddenly hits the metal edge of her bed with a hoof. Her sudden angry outburst renders the doctor mute.

“ARE THEY OKAY OR NOT?!” She screams, cutting short the doctor’s rant. She immediately regrets her shouting however as her throat feels like she has swallowed a bag of razors.

The doctor sighs heavily, the burden of his news weighing on his chest. He looks straight into her wide magenta eyes however as he relays the news. She may be young, but she deserves that much respect at least.

“No Miss Dash, they are not. Your parents are dead.”

Silence hangs in the air like a thick fog. The way the doctor states it, such irrevocable truth, strikes Dash like a kick to her face. The doctor eventually resumes his initial jargon filled rant after his patient says nothing. He explains about how a stray lightning bolt had ignited the highly unstable liquid rainbow that had decorated their home and how it had blown up the house, setting everything on fire. Rainbow can’t even hear him however.

All she hears is the disdaining voice of failure ringing in her ears. She had not been fast enough. She had failed her parents; let them down when they needed her most. And now they are dead.

Tears fill her eyes as the realization of her loss comes crashing down on her young mind. Suddenly she begins to sob, interrupting the doctor’s speech yet again with her cries. The doctor tries to comfort her but it was no use. The broken filly merely grabs the pillow her head had rested on and cries into for the rest of the night.


Dash couldn’t remember when she had stopped crying. Most likely it was the unavoidable wave of sleep that had finally stemmed the tide. Thin Rays of sunlight filter through the window and rest on the sad, empty pony. The storm which had claimed her parent’s lives is over. Celestia’s sun hangs alone in the sky. Rainbow Dash laments her loss, no tears left to cry, knowing she is and forever will be alone.

“NO!” Rainbow cries out to herself. That wasn’t going to be her fate! A grim determination grips her as her pain transforms into anger and determination. She will not give into the grief, not give into the fear of the future. She is going to survive this. For her parents. For herself.

The doctors had said some lazy pegasi on the weather team had let a thundercloud get away from them, causing the accident. Dash resolved that when she grew up she would join the weather team, she would join them and then lead them. Never again would this happen to another pony. No one else would suffer as she did.

And she would never be too late again, never be too slow. Sitting up on her bed she vows to become the fastest mare in all of Equestria, in all the WORLD!

Her body screams in pain again at her small exertion. Rainbow Dash lies her head down on the soft hospital pillow, relenting to her tired limbs and wings.

Her body still aches and her heart still hurts, but she decides will not let that pain control her. She will control it, use it, own it. Let it fuel her drive, her passion.

The blue filly with the rainbow mane falls asleep again, her eyes dry this time. Her last thought before sleep takes her is that she will never lose anyone ever again. Never lose anyTHING ever again. She will be the best, the most dependable, the fastest in all Equestria.

A promise she knows she will keep.


The storm never ends. Though the sky eventually clears and the sun shines through, the storm never ends for me.

I enter my bleak home after an arduous day of pain and heartache. No one greets me but the echo of my hoofs on stone.
I hang up my cape on the bed post and crawl under the silk sheets, my body ready for sleep.

Every night I wonder where my dreams will take me, who I shall see again from the previous day’s work. Tonight however I know whom I shall see; the tiny sky blue filly with the bold rainbow mane weeping in the dark.


Author's Notes: I was originally not going to continue this story. It was only supposed to be a one off, but very positive feedback and a rush of new ideas have inspired me to continue. I hope to update this at least every week but with school who knows, BUT I will aim for once a week nevertheless.
This story and all that follow will take each be separate, contained stories in the life of Death. All will take place BEFORE the events of "Road of No Release"
Thanks for reading! Please rate, fave (if you like it), and especially comment. Good or bad I'd like to hear how you guys liked it and how you think I can improve!