• Published 26th Nov 2012
  • 467 Views, 6 Comments

To fly with your own wings. - Dr.SmileyWilly

A therapists develops a relation with his young patient. How will things go?

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Chapter 2: How to earn a Cutie Mark

Chapter 2: How to earn a Cutie Mark.

''And it's because of this that you broke her vase.''

''It was an accident! I didn't mean to!''

''I believe you.'' I reassured. Today was my fourth day since I opened my clinic. It was already Friday. My client, a brown earth pony with a blond mane, had anger issues and was very desperate to try and calm himself. He was working in constructions so he had a strong body for that. I went on to explain him a little what I thought with all of the information he gave me. ''From what I get you have been punished a lot in your childhood, but not only that, you've also contained all of your anger inside for all these years. Your parents didn't allow you to express yourself. Therefor today you have a lot more difficulties to hold back your anger.''

''Yeah...'' He sighed.

''We'll do something together. I'd love to let you express yourself as much as you need to when you're angry, but the results could be very bad. That's why I want to offer you an exercise to do to help you lower your stress.'' I told him. He nodded to me in agreement. ''All right. It's a breathing exercise that will help you breath correctly.'' I said then raised my hoof in front of me. ''When I do this,'' I slowly went up with my hoof ''You will breath in deeply. Not with the lungs though, I want to see your tummy inflate.'' I explained, then I began to go down slowly as I reached a certain point. ''And when I do that, you let it all out until I go up again so you can breath in. All right?''

''Yes.'' He said.

''Perfect then. Let's begin.'' I said. ''Breath in,'' I commanded as I went up with my hoof. My client followed well. ''Let it all out.'' I said calmly when I began to go down from the top. He did as I said again and we did it for approximately five minutes together. At the end I asked how he felt.

''Much better.'' He answered honestly. ''I feel like it all came out that way.''

''That's very good to know.'' I smiled. ''I suggest that you do this at least twice a day for five minutes each time. It'll help you evacuate some of the stress and anger that you keep in, but it'll also help you endure more if you need to. The next time you come here I'll be able to tell you more.''

''Thank you very much!'' he exclaimed.

''Was there anything else you wanted to discuss about today?'' I asked.

''Nope. Nothing else for now.''

''Good!'' I smiled. ''Would you like to take the next appointment right now? It could be next week at the same time as today if you want to. For one hour.''

''Yeah, I think I'll do that. I really feel like I need it.'' He answered and got up from his place then came next to me with a small pouch of bits that he deposited on my desk while I wrote down his next appointment. ''Again thank you very much.''

''It's not a problem. I'm happy I could help.'' I said as I finished writing.

''I'll tell all of my friends. I think some of them would like to have a session with you. It'd be good for them.'' He added.

''Hehe,'' I laughed a little. ''Well it's up to them really. I don't like to force anyone to meet me. It's not everypony who needs it even when you feel like they should.'' I said as I walked to him.

''Yeah, haha.'' He laughed while I was accompanying him to the exit. ''Well anyway, I'll be on my way now. Have yourself a nice day, sir Thinker. We'll see each others next week.''

''Yep. Next week it is. Enjoy your week-end and take some rest.'' I said and he went away whistling a song. It was already a good day. My agenda was starting to fill up with a few names. It was a pretty empty week, but the weeks after were starting to give me something to do. Most of them were adults so far. When I was thinking about it, Ponyville is a pretty nice town to live in. Not because of my job, of course! I don't like to think that I take advantage of the ponies' problems, but the citizens were all so nice. I was getting along with most of them with ease. It had been only two weeks and I didn't have any difficulties to speak with anypony. Of course it's impossible to say that ALL of them were nice to speak with, but it was safe to assume that most of them were and I wasn't afraid to approach any of them. I thought I had made a very good move with moving in here.

I had enough time to do other things today. I was seeing my next patient only in four hours and I wouldn't have any other after that. So I decided to take my lunch time to walk around in Ponyville.
And when it was lunch time for me, it was also lunch time for the students and teachers at the school.


By taking my little walk outside of my house I decided to quickly pass by the schoolhouse of Ponyville. They were having their lunch outside and their teacher was with them all. I stopped by the fence and took a look at the schoolyard. I just wanted to see the fun they were having is all and I began to walk again, but I was quickly interrupted by the teacher. ''Sir Jolly?'' she called. I turned and followed the sound of her voice to find her. I remained silent while she was making her way to me. ''Well hello, there. I didn't think I'd see you here.''

''It's lunchtime for me too and I thought I'd use this time to have a walk around the town. I never really came here before so I wanted to at least see the place with a closer look.'' I explained.

''Then why don't you come and join me?'' She asked me.

''Well...'' I hesitated. ''Why not?'' and I made my way around to find the entrance. The teacher waited for me there. ''How are the students?'' I asked as soon as I entered.

''They're all doing fine. Today's a special day for them.'' She told me.

''Really? What's so special about it?'' I wondered.

''We're viewing the many possibilities of what our little ponies can do later in their lives.'' She said.

''You mean careers?''

''Yes, that's exactly what I mean.''

''Is that why you wanted to talk to me?'' I asked, then a sudden thought hit me. I didn't remember her name... I remembered she was at Pinkie Pie's party, but remembering all of the names there was an impossible task for me. ''I'm sorry to ask, but could you remind me what your name is?''

''It's Cheerilee.''

''Ah yes, now I remember. Thank you.''

''To answer your previous question, yes it is why I wanted to talk to you while I have the opportunity.'' Cheerilee replied. ''And I'd like to know if you're free this afternoon so you could tell the students about what you do?''

I looked up to think about my schedule. ''I don't really have any patients this afternoon and it's Friday.'' I thought out loud. ''I think I'll be able to make it.''

''Great! I'm sure they will all be happy to hear about what you do. We don't get many of your kind around here.'' Cheerilee said cheerfully. I guess it'd give her a break and it would be different for the students to have somepony else talking to them. They wouldn't have to worry about Maths and English. We continued to talk about this and that, nothing too important other than the weather and such. Sometimes Cheerilee was speaking to me about the students, how each of them were unique. She told me that once they had a talent show and she was impressed with everything the students had done. It was really nice to hear about all of these things and I was interested in hearing more. She then talked about the 'Cutie Mark Crusaders' who had made a very funny 'comic show'.

''The Cutie Mark Crusaders?'' I repeated.

''Yes, that's what they call themselves.'' She said.

''Who are they?''

She pointed with her hoof a table where three fillies were talking and eating together. When I looked I instantly recognized Scootaloo in there. ''The three of them. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.''

''I had no idea Scootaloo had talent in comedy,'' I smirked.

''Oh you already know Scootaloo?'' Cheerilee asked a little surprised.

''I can't say I totally do, but we've talked to each others a few days ago.'' I said taking my glance back to her. ''The first time we 'talked' was at the beginning of the week. Her two parents came with her and they tried to get her an appointment believing she is being desperate.''

''Have they?''

''This is why she was probably late for class that day.''

''Now that you say it... I remember she was late, but that wasn't the reason she told me.'' Cheerilee said thoughtfully.

''Maybe it was too embarrassing for her.'' I said. ''Yet in the evening of the same day, she came back at my house because she wanted to talk to me about something she saw that I was doing.''

''And what were you doing?''

I decided to put my sight on the trio again. ''Twilight Sparkle came to find me because a pony needed some help. It happened to be not too far from here and Scootaloo noticed during recess.'' I explained. ''So I told her a little about what I do,'' I then looked at Cheerilee with a small grin. ''After I tried to understand why she wanted to know all of that, she said that she needed to pick a subject for a work you gave them.'' I said then laughed a little. Cheerilee laughed a little as well.

''Oh the things they can say.'' She said. ''But when I think about it, it's not a bad idea! It would be interesting to know what they have in mind about their future.''

''I agree,'' I chuckled. We kept finding things to talk about until it was time for everypony to get back inside. Class had to continue for them and I would be part of it for a short time. I was eager to start explaining everything I could. I could already imagine the questions the students would ask me! I was certain I would have a lot of fun.


''All right class! During lunch I was able to have a special guest to come and talk about his profession.'' The teacher said. I was standing at the entrance of the classroom and waited for Cheerilee to introduce me in. ''Say hello to Mister Jolly Thinker!'' she said as she pointed at me.

I walked forward while hearing the whole class say ''Hello Mister Jolly Thinker!'' in unison. I scanned the class quickly with my eyes as they spoke and I could notice that Scootaloo was not very eager to see me. She even seemed a little afraid, but I brushed that off my mind. I wasn't here for that.

''Thank you, Miss Cheerilee.'' I said looking at the teacher before turning my head to the class, ''and hello to all of you. Your teacher and I have been speaking together outside and she told me that you were talking about your future careers.'' I explained and took a short pause before continuing. ''Well, she proposed that I'd tell you a little about what I do. Would you like to hear about it?''

Most of the class answered positively, but I overheard one who didn't have the same enthusiasm as the rest. A small pink filly with a purple and white mane wearing a tiara supposed that I wasn't going to be interesting at all. Well trying to please everyone was impossible, after all. Anyway, I had to begin with something now. ''I am what we call a therapist,'' I paused. ''What does a therapist do?'' I waited a few seconds again. ''Well, they help other ponies with different problems. But not just any kind of problem.'' I was looking at the class from left to right to look at all of them while I was speaking. ''I can help with mental problems.''

''Like what?'' a young white unicorn asked. I turned my sight on her and smiled.

''It could be depression.'' I told her and the rest. ''Or anger issues.'' I added. Then I went on looking at the whole class again to tell them more. ''You see, through our lives we live many, many things that will affect the way we behave.''

''Oh, oh!'' a young colt with a grayish opal coat did while waving his hoof in the air. When he got my attention he went on with his question. ''Did you get to meet any strange ponies?''

''Snips!'' Cheerilee called with authority.

''Don't worry.'' I laughed a little. ''I wouldn't say 'strange', but troubled.'' I corrected. ''In fact nopony here in this town is strange, Snips. It's because of the way we grew up and the differences that we have with the others that can make one seem strange to your eyes.'' I explained. ''But to answer your question, then yes. Yes I have met a few ponies with problems.''

''Who?'' Snips asked quickly.

''Ah, but that is a private matter!'' I answered instantly. ''I will never tell the life of my patients to other ponies. Only they can do so. It is their things to them and only them. Getting in the private life of others is not respectful.''

I looked more at the back of the class when an orange leg was raised. ''Could you tell us more about what depression is?'' Scootaloo asked still seeming a bit embarrassed. I looked over at Cheerilee. She nodded to give me the permission to talk about it, but I decided to stay simple with it.

''Depression is when a pony lives great sadness. Most of the time they have a loss of motivation and may even think they are not worth anything.'' I simply explained. I didn't want to scare them with further details since I knew that this kind of illness was tough to live with.

''How can you cure it?'' She asked me right away.

''Well doing exercises regularly can be a good way to help it.'' I said.

''That's it?''

''Oh, there is more to it.'' I chuckled. ''For example, one who feels depressed shouldn't be shy about his problems. Talking about them is an excellent way to be helped. There also exists a medication that doctors can prescribe to help one with depression while they try and find a way to cure it efficiently.'' I explained. ''But there is also another thing that can help.'' I paused as I looked at them all. ''Being surrounded by our friends or families is very important. They can be there for us when we need to be comforted.'' I winked at Scootaloo subtly at the end. I felt that she was asking these questions for more than just general knowledge. It was probably for personal matter. In her case I didn't have to worry about depression. Just the other day she told me she was seeing her friends to try to get their cutie mark. She was already surrounded and motivated in doing things. ''Does anypony else have a question?''

''I have one!'' this time it was the turn of a light amberish gray coated filly with a brilliant scarlet coloured curly mane and a pair of purple glasses to ask something. ''So the medications won't cure depression, but why do the other things you said do? Aren't medications made to heal ponies?''

''That's an interesting one we've there.'' I said before chuckling. ''What's your name?''

''Twist.'' She answered.

''Well you see, Twist, the illnesses we cure with medications are caused by viruses and bacterias that attack our body. Medications taken for that will destroy these microscopic beings, but depression is a mental illness.'' I said and took a few seconds to let the information get to them. ''The difference is that mental illnesses are caused in our brain. Certain parts of it can be affected by different events, like I explained earlier. Medications can't really suppress that, but they can temporarily help with it.'' I explained. ''Do you understand?''

''Oh, yes! That's really interesting!'' Twist nodded.

''I'm happy to hear.'' I smiled. ''Does anypony else have a question?''

The class remained silent and Cheerilee took the place. ''Well, how did you like to have mister Jolly talk about his job?'' She asked. We heard a few of them show their interest, especially the young filly unicorn and Twist. ''Very good!'' their teacher went on. ''We will be able to continue with more different choices of career now, but first we will thank our special guest for his explanation of his profession.'' And with that I heard the whole class say 'Thank you Mister Jolly Thinker' as a whole again. I smiled even more hearing this.

''Thank you all for listening and enjoy the rest of your day!'' I said and waved before stepping outside of the class. I could hear Cheerilee behind me who went back to teaching. It was very pleasant. Maybe short, but pleasant. I could now go back to my place and get prepared for the next appointment.


My day ended when my last patient left my office with hope written all over her face. I accompanied her to the door and she left. After our final good-bye I closed the door and went in my office to take some time and think. I thought back about my short time in the schoolhouse. I smirked at the thought of it. All of the students in there, some more interested than others and all of them listening to me. I didn't know if Ponyville had any therapists or psychologists before, but I was happy to share my profession with others, even if they were very young. Maybe some would anticipate it and go that way too.

I loved to answer their questions too, some of them were really fun to answer. I liked how the young Twist and her other classmate the unicorn were interested. That unicorn... I had forgotten who she was already and yet Cheerilee had showed me who it was in the schoolyard. She was a friend of Scootaloo... it was either Apple Bloom or Sweetie Belle.

And yet again I thought of Scootaloo, who also asked me a question in class. ''Could you tell us more about what depression is?'' her question echoed in my head. That young filly had something special to me. I didn't know what it was exactly. I felt like I really wanted to help her and even get some time with her. I always liked youth. I always loved to see children be happy and their curiosity was so strong.

Now the more I was thinking about it, the more I realized that I was giving Scootaloo a few hints when talking to her, but at the same time I wanted to believe she was fine. Anyway, there was no way that I would force her to come over here. I shook my head to try and get these thoughts away from my mind. All in all I had a great day and now the week-end was here. I'd be able to have more time around Ponyville.

But still... For some time I kept thinking about Scootaloo. If I was somewhere in a crowd of ponies, I could notice Scootaloo. When I helped Snow Breeze I saw Scootaloo. When Cheerilee introduced me to the trio called the Cutie Mark Crusaders I saw Scootaloo first. Why did I want to help her so much? She approached me and I knew she wanted to answer a few questions she was asking herself, but I wanted to lend her a hoof too. Well only time would be able to answer my questions. For now, maybe I should enjoy the week-end.


Sunny day on a Saturday afternoon! The pegasi cleared the sky of all the clouds for the whole week-end apparently and because of that I was enjoying a good meal outside of Ponyville's café. A dandelion and tomato sandwich was on my table and I began to take just a few bites before I got interrupted by a young voice. ''Sir Jolly!'' I turned my head toward that voice and before me were standing the Cutie Mark Crusaders. The young unicorn was the one who spoke.

''Hey, how are you three doing today?'' I smiled.

''We're doing great! We actually wanted to talk to you about something.'' She said.

''Of course, of course, but first you'll have to tell me your names.'' I replied. I'd get on with knowing who's who.

''Oh, I'm Sweetie Belle, this is Apple Bloom and-''

''Scootaloo.'' I decided to interrupt.

''You already know her?'' Sweetie asked.

''Well, your teacher and I did talk to each others before I went into your class. She told me about the famous Cutie Mark Crusaders.'' I answered.

''She did?''

''Yep. She spoke about the talent show and-''

''Oh, that's nothing. We're onto something else now.'' Sweetie Belle said cutting me in the middle of my sentence. ''Actually I thought it was really interesting to know about what you do. We wanted to know if you could show us a few things.''

''Show you a few things? What could I show you?'' I asked a little confused. ''Psychology isn't that easy to understand, you know.''

''Well, it's kind of really new for us and we thought maybe we could try getting our cutie marks that way.'' Sweetie Belle replied. Oh how cute that was.

''You see, Sweetie Belle,'' I chuckled ''Earning a cutie mark isn't the same as working to get what we want. A cutie mark represents who we really are and what our special talent is.''

''Yeah, yeah, we already know all about that.'' Apple Bloom spoke.

''Then if you do, why aren't they there yet? I'm sure something's missing.'' I said.

''Well...'' Apple Bloom looked away. ''We're testing all sort of things to discover our special talent, but it doesn't always end well.''

''Maybe you're looking too far? What about the things you like?'' I asked.

''Again with that!'' Scootaloo threw. ''We've already checked that one and it didn't work.''

''Like I said, I'm sure something is missing.'' I repeated. ''When did you check that possibility?''

''At the talent show. We got the best comedy award, though!'' Sweetie Belle jumped as she said that.

''Girls, I'll be serious here.'' I said to get their attention focused on me. ''I'm touched that you came to me to know more about what I do, but it's nothing to play around with. It needs a lot of understanding.'' I explained. ''Besides, don't you girls already bring something important to those you love?''

The three of them looked at each others with questions all over their faces before coming back to me with a shrug. I took a moment before answering. ''Love. I am mostly certain that you're all able to bring support and love to those close to you. I'm already sure that you do it between the three of you, am I right?''

''Well, yeah. We would never leave any member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders behind!'' Scootaloo said with determination. ''We've formed that club so we could all find our cutie marks together!''

''See?'' I smiled. ''If you can do that between the three of you, then you can do it with all of the others that you love. You can do a part of what I do, but it's important to remember that you must respect others' private life. If they don't want to be helped, then maybe it's best to leave them alone.''

''Oh... well that makes sense.'' Sweetie Belle said looking at the ground, then back at me.

''Hey, blank flanks! Needing a session of therapy?'' a voice said followed by two laughters. All of us looked over to see a silver coated pony with light blue glasses and her friend from yesterday who wasn't interested in knowing about what I was doing. They came closer to us and stopped to look at me, then at the trio.

''Well good afternoon.'' I told them.

''What do you want, Diamond Tiara?'' Apple Bloom angrily asked.

''Oh, nothing. We just wanted to encourage you in seeing a therapist, because, you see, you still don't have a cutie mark. Maybe you've got a problem.'' Diamond Tiara said ignoring my greeting.

''Well, that's not very nice to say, you know.'' I dared to say.

''Hm. I'm sure they understand. I don't want to be mean, I really care for them, right Silver Spoon?'' She said and turned her head to her friend.

''Yeah, like totally!'' her friend answered.

''That's not what your body languages says though.'' I replied.

''Yeah, we know you're lyin'.'' Apple Bloom said with a smirk.

''Now if you don't have anything nice to tell them or me, then I'll politely ask you to leave us.'' I told them with a bit of authority.

''Hmph! Fine, we'll leave the three of you have your session!'' Diamond Tiara dared to say before leaving the place with a laugh that was accompanied by the one of Silver Spoon. I watched them walk away easily with their 'fun', but I didn't like how they were.

I wondered if they were always like that, so I turned my sight back to the Cutie Mark Crusaders to ask them. ''Is it always like this with them?''

''Yeah...'' Apple Bloom answered sadly and annoyed.

''They never leave us alone, not even at school.'' Scootaloo replied.

''Even when Miss Cheerilee interferes they still pick on us just because we're blank flanks...'' Sweetie Belle explained. So that's where their obsession on finding their cutie marks came from. I had to make sure though.

''Girls, why do you want to find your cutie marks so badly?''

''Because we're the last ones of our class who don't have it!'' Apple Bloom answered instantly almost desperately.

''And since these two got theirs, they never miss an occasion to make fun of us!'' Scootaloo said with an angry air and tone.

''I see...'' I said lowly and a thoughtful look. ''Well, would you like to have an advice then?'' After I said that the three fillies stared at me with their eyes wide opened and wide grins, forgetting all of their problems. Right now they wanted to discover their special talents. Yet I felt that I would maybe deceive them. ''Maybe that first you should stop trying to earn your cutie marks that way.''

''What?!'' the three of them almost screamed in unison. I backed away a little so much it was loud.

''What I mean, girls, is that now you're not doing it for yourselves, but simply to stop being the last ones behind and so you can gain their respect.'' I explained. Again they reacted together by lowering their ears and looking down. Did they realize something?

''Then...'' Apple Bloom began, ''does that mean we created the Cutie Mark Crusaders for nothing?''

''Oh ho ho!'' I laughed. ''Of course not! By all means, your little club brought you all together and you've developed an incredible friendship relation.'' I said. ''You can all keep looking for your cutie marks together, but do it for yourselves, not for those two,'' I touched the tip of their noses with my hoof gently, with each one slightly reacting with their eyes following it. It made them smile at least.

''That's awesome!'' Scootaloo exclaimed and made her wings flap rapidly with that. She even hovered for a second. ''You hear that, girls? Now we know how to find our cutie marks!''

''Yeah! Let's get to it then!'' Apple Bloom said next.

''Thank you very much, Mister Thinker!'' Sweetie Belle said happily while looking at me. Then all together they high-fived each others while saying out loud 'Cutie Mark Crusaders, always together! YAY!' and they ran away happily, already ready to try anything they could to get their cutie marks. In their race, Scootaloo looked behind her at me with a smile. I was happy that she was grateful for what I told them, but it's because they wanted to try something new that it happened.


I was finally back at home after a day in Ponyville. I quickly reviewed all that I did today. I remembered, of course, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo who came to see me so they could try to get their cutie marks.

After that I ran into Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle. Twilight explained that she was helping her friend with her little critters. It seemed to be true since I saw a white bunny on Fluttershy's back. They were together so they could find ingredients for a giant meal that all of the small animals could eat. Shortly after AppleJack joined us since she was passing by. She greeted us with her southern accent and we began to talk. I was able to tell them about the three fillies with who I spoke during my lunch. AppleJack made sure to know if her sister Apple Bloom did any trouble or not, though it seemed to be more of an habit than anything serious. Anyway, I reassured her that the three of them were real little angels. I explained what I told the girls about getting their cutie marks as well. The three mares agreed with it and AppleJack and Twilight told me that they tried to explain the same things to them, or close to it. We had a very good discussion, but it was kept short since they all were busy doing something. After saying good-bye, I made it back home, which is where I was now. And while I was in the process of remembering what I did today, I heard someone knock at my door, so my attention went on the sound of it.

I got to the entrance of my house to open. Who did I find there? The young Scootaloo was staring at me. ''Hello again.'' I greeted, but the young pegasi didn't seem to be all that happy. She was uncertain, undecided. She looked here and there, down on the ground, then on the sides before coming back to me. Had she made the right choice by coming here? She wasn't too sure, I thought.

''Can I come in?'' She then asked. I allowed her to step inside the house by moving away.

''What's wrong?'' I asked. It was obvious that something was off.

''I...'' she paused. ''No, it's nothing...'' she turned her back to me, looking defeated.

''Scootaloo... I doubt that you came here just to tell me that. You can keep it for yourself if you want to, but the purpose of your visit would be rendered useless.'' I told her. ''You can speak to me, you know.''

''It's just that...'' she turned around to face me, '' I think I'm in depression.'' She said looking at me straight in the eyes. Her eyes were starting to fill with tears. I stared at her as well, my eyes being semi-closed.

I smiled a little only to say with a soft voice. ''No you're not.''

''How can you tell? I've got everything you told us in class!'' She insisted raising her sad tone.

''I doubt it, Scootaloo,'' I shook my head from left to right slowly, ''do you truly think that you aren't worth anything? Name me one thing that you're good at.''

''Well I can easily ride my scooter...'' She answered.

''And what do you do during your days?'' I asked.

''I usually hang out with my friends...''

''Do you have fun with them?''

''A lot.''

''See. You recognize that you have others around you and you even know at least one thing you're good at.'' I said, then I crouched down to get at her height to look at her. ''But I think there is something inside of you that isn't satisfied.'' Scootaloo looked down and sniffled once. ''Can you tell me one thing, though?'' I asked. She looked back up at me with her teary eyes. ''Can you explain to me why I'm the first pony you would ask help from?''

''It's because...'' she looked back down again. ''Well you seem to know a lot about these things... I thought maybe you could help me.''

''And what would you like to do?'' I asked.

Scootaloo remained silent for a few seconds before looking back at me. ''I'd like to have an appointment with you.'' She said. I couldn't help, but smile and even laugh just a little. I got back up and rubbed her hair gently.

''See, it wasn't that hard to ask. I promise you it's not scary at all.'' I said. Already she smiled and laughed under my gesture. ''But first I want you to ask your parents and come with them, all right?''

''Okay, I'll ask them.'' She said and already began to walk back to the door.

''Wait.'' I said before she could get out and she turned around. ''Tell me, why did you refuse the first time we met?''

''Uh... I thought that it sounded really lame, to be honest.'' She said, then lowered her ears in embarrassment. ''Then during the day it made me realize that I wasn't feeling too well and well... you look like a pretty cool guy who can help ponies with all sort of problems.''

''All right, that's enough of an answer.'' I laughed. ''Go advise your parents and come back with them. They'll surely want to hear a few things.''

''Okay! See ya, Mister Thinker!'' She said before galloping away. So in the end I was really going to have a few sessions with her.

Comments ( 3 )

1688636 Thanks for the comment and the fave :) And yes I plan on making it sad and harder for the characters as the story goes on.

yayayayayayayayayayayayayayay! :yay:

davelearningstuff.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/please-sir-war.jpg?w=580 ]

wait, no, bad ollie >:c I want more, not war!

Oookay not sure exactly where this is going XD;

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