• Published 28th Nov 2012
  • 1,614 Views, 35 Comments

Vita Ultimum - Kapwnage

You are a survior in an infected Ponyville. What will you do? -Interactive Zombie Story-

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(This story has soft gore. Nothing hardcore mature- Rated: Teen)

The burning afternoon sun beamed down on my dirty face. My legs grew tired and my back gave way. I tumbled down a hill, scraping my legs on every rock. The grass wasn't soft, it was rough and coarse like concrete. The horde grew closer and followed me down the hill. They wanted nothing more than to dig their teeth into my flesh. Crazy bastards. What had the world come to?

Before I could get up, a yellow , bloody pegasus jumped on me. I noticed her cutie mark was torn off and replaced with a large wound. I was terrified, with one chomp and I'm a goner, I'll be infected once saliva makes contact with my blood. I lashed around and socked its snout with my iron boot. It's body fell limp, and began to bleed thick, black goop. No matter how many I killed, I felt sick. It was like I was murdering somepony. I finally was able to get up and run away. The adrenaline in my bloodstream allowed me to finally reach an end to my escape. A cliff. It looked like an easy enough to jumped across. My eyes betrayed me. *Smack!*


Before the outbreak...

The soft afternoon sun beamed down on my tired face. I had been walking all morning, and what vigor I had faded as the walk grew longer. I figured that I'd take advantage of the nice weather, and calmness to walk around and get to know the place. Though I just moved here, it already felt like home.

I entered the park, watching the trees in the cool breeze. The day grew more comfortable, yet tiring as time went by. I feel like nothing could possibly go wrong. I also took note of the large oak trees, perfect for shade. Groups of Earth ponies trotted by, most likely having a small friendly competition. They had earphones in, which surprised me. This technology was somewhat new, as are powered wagons, electricity, radios, and telephones. Though it was a part of a normal day, it had only been five years since they started factory production and almost ten years since the industrial revolution. They began testing new technology that did not require use of magic. Everyone could connect and interact digitally and fly to different parts of the world. Planes carried thousands of passengers to and from different parts of the world. Technology not only brought goods to the modern day, but problems. For every one new discovery, there's a thousand problems. Being new to Ponyville, I don't have a lot of money therefor I can't afford those flashy televisions or automobiles. I can barely afford a house.

Moving to Ponyville was only for one reason, to get away from the city. I like to think of myself as a country colt rather than a big city buck. Nonetheless I do enjoy the huge, steel skyscrapers. They were built quickly too, made by pegasi, and could scrape the very edges of Cloudsdale. The cities spread like a virus. Ponyville itself has already expanded over 10 miles in the last six years, I read up before I moved, go figure. Its still the same as it used to be, my mother told me. She had gone here for business over the last couple years before and after my father passed away. Maybe I should continue walking, I didn't move here to dwell in the past.

"Hello!" The trotting pony team said as I moved by. I gave them a smile and continued walking. My legs began to grow tired and my back went out. I had to sit down, luckily I was in the park and there was a bench nearby. It was cold and hard, made of sturdy oak and smoothed down to comfort the weary pony. I looked at the sky. It was bright and blue, a healthy color for a summer day. After some time, I grew bored of watching ponies walk by. The sound of powered wagons and busy ponies began to grow louder behind me, rush hour.

I got up and continued walking, slower and steady making sure to not strain myself. I feel a bit lonely right now, though the warm and homey feeling of the town. It was truly welcoming, but I need a chat with somepony. Maybe even start an argument on comic books. Oh early teen days, where have you gone?

Going into town, wagons rushed by. Most powered, some were old fashion. Being surrounded by lots of ponies and buildings made me claustrophobic, even if there wasn't too many. The sweet sent of baked bread filled the air, and was quickly fought with the small flower shop next door. New and old aromas filled my nose. This is how I got around, by the smells of a place. If it was sour, it was marked "kept away from', if it was sweet, it was "inviting". Anything else was either unknown or simply a boring place to go. I began to sweat in the beaming, direct sunlight. I quickly crossed the street and checked out the bakery. My eyes said eat, but my mind wanted conversation. A quick cab down the street would take me to the library. There has to be something interesting there.

"Taxi!" I yelled, watching ponies rush by, going to work. Most ran small shops spread throughout the large center of town, which most I had checked out. All completely useless and boring. Tools shops, antiques, banks, and lots of food and flower shops. A taxi pulled up, and I hopped in.

"Where to sir?" The driver said.

"The Library, please."

"Will do."

I rolled down the window and peeked out. We stopped at a red light next to an old school. Small fillies and colts played in the jungle gym and ran around. Next to a tree, I noticed a particular colt crying next to his mother. She pulled him up close to her, and rubbed his back. Over the loud play of the kids, I couldn't hear what she said to him, but I could tell she was trying to calm him. His leg was dripping blood, and a small chunk of skin was torn. He was pointing towards another kid. The little brown colt that hurt him just stood there, legs stiff and eyes pale as paper. Before I could get a better look, the light turned green.

The library had been replaced, an old mare told me. It once was a tree, much to my surprise. Now a two story, red brick building, it used to remain pretty empty other than the occasional pony checking out a book.

"I used to live here." The old unicorn said. She was a purple unicorn, and covered in wrinkles. "Lived with my dragon."

"Dragon? Aren't those extinct?" I asked.

"They are now." She began to shuffle, and sat down on a couch. I was beginning to think she was messing with me. Old ponies these days. They love telling false stories about their past to impress.

The new library was fresh and clean, and full of old and new books. I moved my way to the comic book section and looked for a victim to argue with. Nothing better than a good toss-around, I tell you. I noticed one mare in particular. She was holding the latest issue of Spider-Mane.

"I agree with you." I chuckled.

"I'm sorry?"

"I said I agree with you," I looked at the comic she was holding with her magic.

"Oh, hah, yeah. I always preferred super-hero comics." She said.

"Me too, they are much more diverse, and offer a better story."

"I know!" She looked excited, "I think they are better than films too! That theater down the street can't even compare to the awesome paper and print that is a comic."

"You read my mind." I laughed.

"Hey, aren't you new in town?" She asked, smiling.

"Yeah, I am. How'd you know?"

"I know just about everyone in town."

"How do you have the time to meet everypony?"

"Well when your mother is the element of magic, and one of the towns most popular ponies, you get to know a lot."

"Oh you're-" I smiled, "I see the resemblance. So do you work here?"

"Yeah, I was just skimming through."

"I actually have some classic Marvels at home, do you want to maybe," I shuffled my feet and tried hard to keep eye contact, "have dinner? I could bring some." I smiled.

"That would be awesome! I'm actually having a hard time finding any. They make new comics like its the end of the world!"

I went for a good argument, but instead, I invited a beautiful mare to dinner. Well that turned out good. I smiled to myself as I walked out of the library. Ending up not interested in anything it had to offer, I decided to go home. I have too much free time, I should get a job.

(Your vote will affect how the story plays out!)

A: Being an earth pony and being in big city law enforcement for the last three years, I bet Ponyville police would welcome me in.

B: I used to work in construction and it seems likes there's a lot of tall, unfinished buildings. An easy job for a pegasus.

C: I majored in medical, and being a unicorn, I'm thinking the hospital could use an extra hoof.

D: Random.

(The deadline is when the next chapter comes out)