• Published 27th Nov 2012
  • 2,372 Views, 249 Comments

A Soldier's March (Abandoned) - Diokno44

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8. The Shadows That Never Fade

Celestia and the others had walked for over an hour now, and still could not find King Terran or Queen Solaria. The walls around them were covered in beautiful tapestries, featuring a golden plaque detailing the event taking place.

Micheal observed these images, as he had an admiration of artwork, his mother having been a small-time artist. One that interested him the most was titled, "The Eternal Guardian" it featured a tall, muscular Alicorn, with a fine bronze coat and a golden mane and tail. The Alicorn stallion was clad in shining silver armor with golden accents, a ruby red cape billowing in the winds. A heap of slain Manticores, Behemoths, Basilisks, and many ferocious monsters lay at his hooves as he stood atop them all, a hoof holding aloft a gleaming broadsword to the sun, the glare reflecting off the blade.

The picture reminded Micheal of a small incident he and a group of recruits had during a training exercise, the POW Game as it was called. They were being hunted down by "enemy soldiers", which were either U.S. troops using live rounds, or dummies dressed as German, Italian, or Japanese soldiers, with replica weapons. The scenario was that they had been captured by a group of Nazi soldiers, a scouting party, and had been held in a well-guarded prison camp. They were to knock out the "gate guard" played by Captain Denvers, and escape. David Sanders, a member of their group, had led them into a group of training dummies.

Due to the harsh punishment given by Major General Jacob "Barrage" Carson, was as sadistic as could be. He physically, mentally, and emotionally berated the men, always telling them he was "conditioning" them, if they ever were captured. Sanders had found out Carson had slept with his sister, and started yelling at him. Carson only chuckled at him, before ordering his men to open fire.

It was a furious firefight, men being shot left and right. It was going poorly for Micheal and his group, until Carson yelled this out to Sanders, "Your sister gave me a REAL good time, Sandy-boy! If you live through this, I might just let you watch, or better yet, you might be able to join in!" and that was when Sanders when nuts like a bat outta hell.

David grabbed a "Grease Gun" from a dead soldiers, and began firing at will. bullets spraying into the rest of Carson's remaining squad. Men fell like dominoes. A stray bullet hit Carson in the shoulder, knocking him to the ground, beating his face in with the rifle. David stood over Carson's still form, rifle raised, not soon after.

It had been several hours since their initial search, ad they had found hide nor hair of King Terran, Queen Solaria, or Lady Faust. Upon reaching a guest room, they decided to rest for the night. As Luna raised the ethereal "moon" into the aurora sky, the darkness of sleep overtook Micheal, and he entered the warm embrace of Morpheus.

Micheal's eyes snapped open. He stood up, and looked at his surroundings. He was dressed in his uniform, save the combat harness. He was standing on a worn asphalt road, a vast forest was off to his right, and to his left. Feeling a chill in the air, he saw a dense fog that covered the ground and obscured the way ahead, so much that he could barely make out the road. Every breath he took released white smoke.

"Hello? Is anyone out there?" Micheal called out into the fog, hearing only the resounding echoes of his voice. Feeling a compulsion to do so, Micheal started walking briskly into the thick fog, keeping one hand on his combat knife.

Micheal emerged from the fog, after an unknown amount of time wandering in it. He came out to a large sign. It featured a smiling sun over a city, with bright reddish-orange letter saying; WELCOME TO HOPE, PARADISE MADE REAL. A few miles from the sign lay what Micheal assumed must be Hope, yet it to was obscured by the thick fog.

A few minutes later, Micheal made it onto Glenview Way, the first street in or out of the city. Upon stopping by a sporting good store, a friendly voice called out to him, "Hey there stranger, whattacha doing standing by a window?" which caused Micheal to turn around in surprise. The person who spoke was a man, who appeared to be in his mid-thirties, he had auburn brown, though graying hair, emerald eyes, and a square goatee from chin to nose. He was dressed in a dusty grey business suit, with what appeared to be soot on parts of it, brown dress shoes, and a gray fedora with a slightly off white trim, a small smile on his face., a cane tipped with golden eagle handle lay in his hands.

Micheal recoiled slightly before asking, "Nothing, you just startled me is all. where is everyone?" as the man held out his hand, which Micheal hesitantly shook, causing the man to chuckle heartily.

"Its fog season 'round here. People always stay indoors durin' fog season, only go out if 'ey need to." The man said, a Cockney accent in his speech. "My name's Jacob, Jacob Hood. I'm an accountant and lawyer from Whitechapel, England. I started a firm here in Hope a few years ago. You?" Jacob said, placing both hands on his cane. Micheal told his story to Hood, causing him to grin, before turning around, walking away, he placed his cane on his shoulders, and saying, "Well, seeya aroun' Micheal. I got things to do." before he vanished into the chilly fog and the cool night air.

Micheal took a breath then, the chill causing his breath to appear. "Odd old timer, but polite." He muttered to himself, as he started through the street. His jacket did little to protect him from the frosty winds. Soon, he came upon a small, one story house, inspecting it, the place looked recently vacated, the previous owners (if any) had left the place unlocked. "Well, I DO need shelter." Micheal stated, as he gently opened the oak door, and stepped inside.

Looking around, Micheal made himself a quick dinner on sourdough bread, some beef, and a glass of cold soda. Going into the largest room, he checked his Browning pistol to see if it was loaded, tucked it into his jacket holster, and rested his head.