• Published 1st Dec 2012
  • 1,817 Views, 71 Comments

Of Scooters and Hooves - butterfield pancake

I became Scootaloo I hope no one teases me cause I'm now a Blank flank

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I'm Scootaloo and Whoa I'm not in Control

My name is Andrew Ng, and I am a young man who is still currently living with his mother and father. My family and I live in a small 2 level house in the west side of the city of Edmonton. It is not the most fancy community. Apparently a lot of retired people live around there. The community is pretty much at the edge of the city. So I suppose, it has it own rustic charm.

I currently work as a cashier in a Safeway store, it can get hectic. For me however it got even more annoying as the week became the length of an entire year. I'm gonna say this, as I'm almost 100% certain but I think, Discord had a hand or is it a paw?, in all of this whole mess.

Usually before I go to work I like to watch MLP FIM. For one thing my mother understands and is okay with me being a Brony. My father has the opinion that any male who watched MLP FIM is a person with a few screws loose. Then again he believes, if someone is surprised they are complaining. And for the most part I listen to whatever he says cause I knew that if I didn't, and started arguing back, his temper would go to the boiling point, and he would start slapping me with full force about 5 times in the same spot.

Anyway After I got back from my shift at Safeway, which in this case was a 5 P.M to 11 P.M shift, I was so tired I ended up going upstairs and passing out on my bed. The night before I had set my alarm clock for 7:30 A.M since I had an 8:30 A.M to 1:30 P.M shift the next day. Ironically I had forgotten to put the alarm on.

When I awoke the next day, which was Marsday, even though I had forgotten to turn on my alarm clock, I ended up waking up at exactly 7:30 A.M. Sleepily, I say to myself while my face is buried in my memory foam pillow, (Well I guess I should get up, as I recall Mom has already left for work and Dad left at about 7 this morning, to help my older sister Allison, with her Craft Show called Handmade Mafia.) That's when I notice something is amiss my security pillow, which I always hug before I go sleep was a lot larger this morning, and my already decent sized bed seemed, quite huge this morning. That's when I realize for some reason I can't feel my hands at all. That's when I notice I have an orange hoof instead of my hand. Seeing as I am still not fully awake, I mumble something along the lines of "I hope I can see a Sonic rainboom today."

That's when recognize the voice I had just yelled in. Worried at what I might see, I slowly turned my head towards my left side, which had directed my vision to the large mirror in my room. I didn't see my reflection in the mirror at all, instead I saw the image of Scootaloo of the CMC.

I manage to say in Scootaloo's voice, "What the heck? This must some kind of a strange dream. Well time to wake up, I'd better pinch myself." Since I now didn’t have hands at all I ended up getting my hooves tangled inside my blanket, and I fall off the bed and land in my laundry basket head first.

I hold my head with my front hooves, trying to soothe the pain of falling on my head. After about 5 minutes or so, I put two and two together and it had hit me, like a ton of bricks. That’s when I realized that the news report about Laureen Faust becoming Princess Celestia, while Tara Strong becoming Princess Luna, was real. I had thought it was a clever way to promote the show, and that random bronies were becoming ponies was a cover up,

My eyes widened in realization it will be physically impossible to wear my Safeway uniform, since I obviously can't fit in it anymore. I yell out loud "Darn it I will have to call them and tell my boss that I'm not feeling well." I look up and the phone is attached to the wall. Seeing as I can't fly I'm forced to move the footstool so I can reach it, however since I'm now in the body of an 8 year old filly, my stamina and physical strength has been diminished by a decent amount, but its no biggie as I'm sure I'm still strong enough to move the stool, after all my 4 year old niece can lift and move it.

I manage to reach the phone and make the call, I was redirected to customer service and, it picked up by the Manager Dave McBride. Dave yawned a little while saying sleepily, "Hello this is Dave McBride may I ask who's calling?" I respond in Scootaloo's voice "Umm Hi Dave, its Andrew, I won't be able to come to work today. Probably not gonna be able to come in for aout a week or two." Dave replied, "Umm May I ask why Andrew?" I sweat-dropped and reply "Umm I don't have hands at the moment?" Dave had his suspisions, about the situation, "You turned into one of ponies on the news didn't you?" I answer my boss by saying "Yeah I did Dave, I just hope its not an issue" Dave chuckled a little, "No Andrew it is not an issue at all, I can see why you need the time off. Once your human again call me, okay?"

After I made the call to work I could swear I could hear Scootaloo's thoughts inside my head, since I am still getting used to how a pony walks I end up tumbling into the walls, as well as tripping on trips both going up and going down the stairs. I do however pack some granola bars and nonperishable foods into my old laptop case. I also slip my wallet and the garage door opener into the front pocket.

After I finally understand how my new legs work I get the garage door open, and when I do I look around for my old scooter I used when I was a child, it was roughly the size of the Scootaloo used in the show.

After I remove the Scooter, it turned out my father's giant Blue 6 foot long Crayola Crayon Piggy bank was placed in between the scooter and the wall, and it set the crayon falling right towards my head, and the result was I got knocked unconscious. Let’s just say it did not feel good, as it really hurt a lot. When I awakened I realized my body is using the Scooter, the bad news is I don't think I'm in control. It had turned out the result of getting knocked out by the gigantic novelty crayon piggy bank, made my mind and Scootaloo's mind, let's just say they swapped places.

That's when I hear a female voice, and the voice is very familiar, its of the orange, pink maned pegasi whose body I'm currently sharing at the moment. She is currently using my or, rather her wings to move the Scooter up and down the street. She had obviously noticed that it was cold outside, since it was clear that it was cold enough to snow, so Scootaloo ended up fitting into my 4 year old Niece's old coat. It was a good thing that my niece had recently outgrown the coat.

Scootaloo looked around in wonder, while oohing and awing at things she had never seen before, before saying, "Wow so this is an interesting world you have. Your kind has all sorts of neat things, some that we do have and some we don't have in ponyville, like that big metal cart in your garage.” I realized what Scootaloo was referring to, so I said, “I see you are talking about my mother’s car.” Scootaloo has never heard of a device called a car before. So she ends up asking me, while she is jumping about “What is a car and how does it move?” Personally I knew very little about cars, so I replied, "Well this is a different world than the one you used to be in, but we do have similar things I guess. Personally for the car beats me I don’t have a clue how a car works, all I know is that it has an engine, which makes it go, " Scootaloo not was completely excited, nor was she satisfied with my answer. She grumbled, "I guess so, but how come you don't have pegasi clearing the clouds away. Are they being lazy?" I mentally facepalm and answer, "Well Scootaloo the thing is the clouds in this world are more like the ones in the Everfree forest.” Scootaloo was rather confused about this, so she asked, "But what about Pegasi and Unicorns?" I explain to her by saying, "Pegasi and unicorns in this world are only in ancient legends, mostly legends about gods, goddesses and magical, dangerous monsters like the Medusa."

I could tell what Scootaloo was thinking. Since we basically shared the same body, I can tell the face reactions, and in this case I could tell Scootaloo was getting interested. I sigh, and say "The Medusa is a monster that has a mane made of snakes." Scootaloo was a bit, or should I say pretty scared of the mention of the word snakes. She ends up saying, with excitement and fear in her voice "Snakes as her hair? That's gotta be dangerous, not to mention poisonous. Why I'll bet that's why she’s dangerous!" I laugh a little. After I had finished my laugh I say "Not too sure about the mane-snakes being poisonous, but that's not the reason why its so dangerous. Do you remember the monster, I believe it is called a Cockatrice?" Scootaloo starts shaking a little as, she did not want to be reminded of that experience "Yeah one almost got me, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle. That was when we were being babysat by Fluttershy, and we were chasing her chicken in the Everfree Forest, why do you ask?" That’s when I say to her, "The Medusa is a monster who was known to have what is known as a stone gaze, if you were to look into her eyes, she turns you to stone. According to the legend the hero Perseus had defeated the Medusa by using a polished shield, the helm of darkness from Hades, so he could be unseen by her. After he had successfully snuck up to her, he then sliced off her head with a sword. After which his friend who was a Pegasus gave him a lift to the castle." That explanation made Scootaloo gasp in fright, as the monster did sound a lot like a cockatrice.