• Published 10th Jan 2012
  • 6,376 Views, 116 Comments

Surprise - Cyber V

A boy founds himself in equestria what will happen to him. please Read and Review I need it.

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Chapter 15: Loves Reveals itself More

Chapter 15

After my shock of learning I became an Alicorn,everypony examined the new me, and me falling on my face multiple times of me getting use to this bodily, after I finally got the hang of this bodily a thought came to mind.

"If the pony me here, what about my human me? "I asked to everypony there.

"Let's see then, "said Luna. She walked a bit away and bowed her head, her horn started to glow, and then a blueish haze appeared.

Luna looked in it and smiled, after a few seconds she said, "come and have a look at this. "

We all gathered around Luna's spell, and looked inside of it.

Earth J.C. POV

As I laid on the ground with my eyes closed, I noticed that it was colder then it should be. I opened my eyes and found that it was dark and on a trail.

I got up and I realized that I was back on the trail where I was brought to Equestria.

It's like I never left, I wonder, I started running back home. As I got near my house, I opened the door and said as I was walking in, "I'm home. "

"How was your run J.C., "my mom said as she stuck her head out of an doorway down the hallway.

"It was fine, "I said, silently relieved that time in Equestria isn't the same here.

As I was walking back to my room, my mom spoke up, "oh, and before I forget, your brother has something to say.

I looked back and say my brother walking out of his room with his head down, after about a minute he said, "J.C. I'm sorry that I spilled apple juice all over your computer."

I bent down and gave him a hug, after I broke up the hug I said, "it's ok, I'm not mad anymore."

He looked up at me with a smile and ran off to his room.

When I got to my room and closed the door and locked it, I got a feeling that I was being watched.

I looked around and focused on an area on the ceiling where I feel the feeling of being watched is the strongest, I could see a faint blueish haze on the ceiling.

"I know you ponies are there watching me, and let me say that the spell is a success, "I said the haze.

I felt looks of surprise looking at me, "and in case, some of you ponies are thinking this, yes I can feel you there, once again Pinkie thanks, and no I Pinkie Swear so you leave the pony version of me alone."

After a few moments of feeling more feelings of surprise, I continued, "and Luna, I will never forget you, and that I still love you ok, and who knows I might be back someday my friend, but for now goodbye, and see you all later."

"Oh and before I forget, Pinkie try and not to break the 4th wall ok, there is enough craziness here, and we don't need anymore ok, and the pony me, love Luna for as long as you live."

I can see Pinkie in my imagination saying, ooo he's goood.

I smiled and waved goodbye at the haze. It disappeared along with the feeling of being watched.

Equestria J.C. POV

"Ooo he's goood, "said Pinkie as the human me gave Pinkie and I those advices.

Luna let the spell go as the human me finished waving goodbye.

Few of us was a bit teary at what the human me said.

"Your younger sibling is so adorable, and he looks just like you, "Rarity said, she realized what she said and quickly said, "or at least your human self. "

We all laughed at that, "ya, but I wonder what my brother would look like, if he has a pony, "I said.

"Anyway I'm hungry let's get something to eat, "said Rainbow Dash, and at that moment as if my stomach was waiting to hear those words it let out a huge growl.

Everypony stared at me, I quickly said, "what I'm hungry too, I guess that spell took a lot more out of me then I thought."

Everypony laughed once again, after everypony calmed down, we all agreed to get something to eat.

As we all entered Ponyville, a few ponies I noticed that were out, gave me an wide eyed expression, some even bowed as we walked by.

"Why is everypony staring at me like that? "I asked Luna.

"Well you see Alicorns are really rare, and most of them are royalty so... "she said trailing off the last bit, but I got the message.

"They think I'm royalty, "I said, feeling really uncomfortable about that information, Luna and Celestia giggled at my discomfort.

"Don't worry J.C. after you explain to them that it is you, I am sure that they will stop all this bowing, "Twilight said.

"Well how do I explain to everypony here at once, because I don't want to repeat myself multiple times, "I said.

"Well only one solution then, "said Pinkie.

"And what will be that Pinkie dear, "said Rarity.

"A party, "said Pinkie, and with a pink blur and a pop, she was gone.

We all stared where Pinkie was, "How in Equestria does she do that sister, "said Luna with wonder written all over her face.

"You know sister, even I don't know how she does that, and the only pony here that knows can't and won't say, "Celestia said as she looked at me.

I grinned at her and said, "hay don't look at me, even I don't know all of her secrets."

As we all got to Sugarcube Corner, I noticed that there was fewer ponies on the streets.

"Ok where did everypony go? "I asked.

Everypony shrugged and walked into the shop, as I walked in it was dark, a horse apples not again, I thought as the lights came on and everypony saying, "SURPRISE."

And once again everypony got quite, but instead of whispering they all bowed down.

"Come on everypony, we all been through this already, "I said.

Everypony looked up at me surprised when they recognized my voice, there was questions for me immediately, but they quickly died down, when Twilight stepped in once again, and I explained to them what had happened to me.

Wow talk about deja vu, I thought as everypony got back to the party.

Pinkie bounced up to us and said, "this is a party for the new you, do you like? Do you like? Huh? Huh?"

I put my hoof on her machine gun of a mouth and said, "yes Pinkie I like it, and this is a new record, and how did you pull this off quickly?"

I took my hoof off her mouth and she said, "you know that I can't tell you it's my secret, and because they are watching."

"Who everypony here? "I asked.

"No silly, "she leaned in more and whispered, "I mean those behind a one way wall, "and with that she bounced away into the pack of ponies.

I smiled at what she said and joined in the party also.

Around noon, everypony started leaving saying they have work to do, so I found myself wondering around Ponyville.

I didn't have a particular destination in mind, so I was surprised to found myself outside of Ponyville at the meeting place of Luna's and I.

I sat down and a few minutes later Luna appeared and I asked, "how do you know that I am always here?"

"I put a alert spell here whenever you are here, "she replied smiling.

I nodded and started to smile too, we sat there enjoying the breeze that comes by once in a while.

"Um, J.C. can I asked you something? "

"What is it?"

"Well, um, I was wondering if you... "she took a deep breath and continued, "if you would like to become my consort?"

I quickly looked at her with surprise written all over my face, she giggles at me and said, "well?"

I quickly kissed her, after about a minute I broke this kiss and said, "does that answer your question."

She smiled and hugged me, crying tears of joy.

I felt the presence of somepony watching us and recognized who it is, "come on out Dash, I know you are there, "I said as I looked up into the tree.

Dash poked her her head out of the foliage with a look of embarrassment and asked, "how did you know I was here?"

I looked at her with a quizzical expression.

"YA ya you Pinkie Swear to Pinkie that you won't tell anypony else."

"how long were you there and how much have you heard? "I asked.

"The whole thing, "Dash said with a guilty look on her face.

"It's ok, you might as well tell everypony, "said Luna.

"Really? " Dash asked.

"Really, "I answered her.

Dash flew of with a rainbow haze towards Ponyville.

Luna and I sat there with the rainbow over us.

I am going to love it here more, as we embraced each other, enjoying each others company.

The end


Thank you all for being with this story to the end, I enjoyed writing this story so much that I might be writing another story, look for for my next story, and (I'm sorry to write) there is not going to a sequel to this story but there might be, thank you all for reading this story, but you know what they saw all good things must come to a close. Good bye

Comments ( 45 )

Your welcome to come and enjoy my story if you want a change of pace .As for yours it was good and all that but you definitely need prof-read, Its a cute story anyway ![I guess I could help with prof-reads and ideas if you need !]

EPIC, idgaf about spelling errors! SEQUEL SEQUEL SEQUEL! Yay for shipping! Make the sequel about Luna and J.C having a kid and Pinkie has a baby shower and that thing :D :yay::yay::yay::yay::rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

Fiks yore spel and gramatic erors.

Fiks yore spel and gramatic erors.

#5 · Jan 18th, 2012 · · ·

i agree with the others check your stories before posting them. alltogether it was one of the bets fics i'veread so far and you should make a sequel:pinkiehappy:

I demand a sequel, immediately. Maybe put in the sequel another human. Or zoidburg.

amazing story its favorited lol and i think there should be a sequel focusing some more on the human celestia fell in love with

439700 I might not:fluttershysad:, BUT, I might be able to one later on, might is the key word here

440724 Let it be know that from this day , The Evil Halosnake hate the word Might with every cell in his body

this was really really good and touching i love storys like these if there was a seqel it'd be soooo cool! but if not still :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy: 5 pinky pie's for you!

497060 Thanks and who knows I might be making a squel someday.

497065 sweetness, keep up the great work!

588448 I haven't been on this story for months so I don't know what you are talking about


767057 ok first of all this was my first attempt at writing a fanfic:ajbemused::ajbemused: so I know that it will suck cause of the grammer, but I am just as surprised like you about the thumbs up, but my second story is where my writing had improved

791599 Why are you on this story? :duck:

I just cant believe it :rainbowhuh:
How can a story like this get so many thumbs up? no really i can't even read it and i've tried reading but I stopped at Chapter 4.

I'm sorry if i'm being offensive (i know i am :\) but it's impossible to read, or maybe it's just me cuz it seems like everybody else doesn't even notice that grammar.

793470 I am just as confused as you are :duck::duck:

The only thing wrong with this story is it leaves me wanting more lol. great story mate

1026238 Wow this is unexpected, I wrote this just to get into writing and practice before my major story, and if you think this story leaves wanting more then check out my second story A New Point of View, also thanks for the fav.

1026273no worrys mate actually didn't think this was you first seeings as you only hit a few cliche and even then only when they fit the situation so i'm a bit surprised. and honestly i've been putting off reading your other story because i wasen't too hot on the discription but now that i've seen your writing style i'll definatly give it a look.

I loved this story....but the grammar will needed to be worked on
(im guessing you don't have a proofreader)
anyways keep up the good work

1817140 why are you reading this story?:duck::duck:

damn good story:rainbowkiss:

1847098 wow, I'm surprised that you actually like the story, and also thank you for favoriting this story.

so this is what you have been working on

2009269 no actually, this story was my first fic, I had another idea for a luna fic, but I don't have time to write it though.

Good short story, i like it. Good definite ending, but again a bit rushed... though it was really good for a first time fic
Good luck with future fics!

2534204 Wow, I don't usually find someone commenting on every chapter on my story, I'm glad that you like it as well as my other stories.

2550566 yeah I do that, almost every fic I read I comment on every chapter ^_^
Good luck!

good story in general i enjoyed it but there is one problem, while the first half of the story is great, the second half feels kinda rushed. but all n all its a great story and i hope you will continue :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

Is this going to have a sequel.

5731682 probably not as this was my first story I've written to start with to see how I feel about writing fanfiction (which I loved to when I finished this story).

I love stories like this!!! I miss many of the stories that I fell in love with last year, because they have disappeared from fimfiction. one of my favorites, was a story involving dr whooves and a vortex manipulator, which transported a human and his guitar to equestria. he shipped with lyra, and they became great entertainers. their greatest concert was a goth affair with the great Voltaire. I miss the stories of teens falling into equestria for the first time. it seems that most of the stories are geared more for mature adults. the adventures are much more mature, with soldiers and older adults dropping into equestria, for some reason. I miss the freshness of the teen adventures. it was like seeing equestria for the first time, with fresh eyes. the stories now are so grownup that the newness of the adventures has gone. its like comparing the first series of star trek, with the new generation series.

6038365 huh, now that you mentioned it, I rarely do see any stories like this anymore. Well thank you for your comment and reading this story.

6816047 okay, that was a complete coincidence as I completely forgot his real name when I started writing ANPoV

that was a really good story :D

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