• Published 13th Dec 2012
  • 765 Views, 4 Comments

Blast from the Past - Uber_Shy

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A Visit From an Old Friend

Princess Luna flew to the Canterlot watchtower. She had just raised the moon, and was ready to assume her duties. She landed on the balcony where her sister Celestia was standing.

“Hello dear sister.” Luna said.

“Hello there Luna. You have a nice evening?” Celestia responded.

“Yes I did thank you,” Luna paused, not sure what else to say.

“That’s good. I will let you assume your duties now. Goodnight.” Celestia said before turning to the door behind her.

“…And to you as well” Luna managed to say before Celestia walked inside. Luna wanted more time to be with her sister. They had only briefly caught up when she returned after one thousand years. She only had a week of re-acquainting in Canterlot before she re-assumed her usual duties. It was still awkward, only seeing her sister at the beginning and end of her night duties. The worst part about it was that Celestia had opted to act like the thousand years of separation had never happened. She just went about her business as usual, regarding Luna as if she were there the whole time. Luna had so many questions left. More than that, she wanted to be as good or better friends with her only sister than she was before her banishment.

Luna took a look through the telescope on the balcony. She saw the same curious sight she saw every time she started her duties. The telescope was always trained on the same window of the same house every time. Luna never saw anypony in the window, so she didn’t think much of it. She moved the telescope to look out on the horizon. She saw the outlands beyond Equestria, where many mysterious creatures lived. She was always wary of that place. She frequently watched the border in case any of those creatures decided to come into Equestria.

Luna reminisced about her first successful nightmare night the week earlier. She was pleased to see that her subjects liked her again. She had also made friends with most of the elements of harmony while she was in Ponyville. Celestia’s faithful student Twilight Sparkle occasionally wrote her letters now and again.

Just then, she felt the presence of dark magic. She had not felt that kind of magic since she had become the fearsome Nightmare Moon. She turned around in time to see a pale blue wolf with a white crescent moon on its forehead materialize from the shadows. Luna had not seen a wolf such as this in a thousand years. If Celestia kept them around the castle still, she had failed to inform her sister. Luna was taken aback by this wolf’s appearance. It was huge, nearly as tall as her at the shoulders, and had piercing blue eyes. Its muscles were drawn tight across its thin frame. She composed herself and stood boldly in front of this stranger.

“What is it you want wolf?” Luna asked.

“Only to serve your highness,” the wolf responded calmly. Luna’s eyes widened. She recognized that smooth tone and that deep growling voice.

“Canis?” She asked.

“Yes your majesty. It is I,” the wolf said and bowed. He then yelped as he was picked up by magic. Luna brought him in for a bone crushing bear hug.

“CANIS it is you! How have you been you old wolf?” Luna exclaimed. When she didn’t get a response she looked over her shoulder. His eyes were bulging out of his head and he was gasping for air. Luna blushed and set him down. Canis caught his breath and composed himself again.

“It is a great pleasure to see you again as well your highness,” He began, “All these years and you have finally returned. Welcome back.”

“Thank you. And you need not be so formal with me. You are one of my best, and definitely my oldest, servants.” Luna smiled at him and noticed how differently he looked from the last time she saw him. His muzzle was white and his eyes were heavy. His coat was not elegantly groomed like she remembered. “You HAVE become an old wolf haven’t you?”

“That tends to happen when one is subjected to enough time on this plane.” Canis remarked. “I see that you have taken quickly to the new customs. I dare say I will not be missing the royal Canterlot voice, if I may be so bold your highness.”

“No no it’s fine,” Luna said, “I will not be missing it either.” Canis’s formalities were already starting to bug her. In the past she had enjoyed it. Now it just seemed like an annoying redundancy for a friend like him to act in such a way. “I would prefer it if you referred to me by my name Canis. Every time you say ‘your highness’ I look behind me and expect to see my sister.”

“Of course… Luna. I am just so excited to be here in the presence of the princess of the night once more.” Canis began to bow again but thought better of it. Luna smiled to herself. Canis’s version of excited looked exactly like everyone else’s nonchalance.

“Are any of the other shadow stalkers around?” Luna asked. Canis wore a brief look of dismay before answering.

“No they are not,” Canis said flatly, “the Night Watch has been absorbed into Celestia’s Canterlot guard, and the Shadow Stalkers have been… disbanded.” Something about the way Canis said ‘disbanded’ unsettled Luna.

“Well I’m assuming you didn’t take the time to explore the castle,” she added.

“You would be correct.”

“Well I have a little time before royal duty calls, would you like a tour? Much of the castle has changed since you were last here.”

“If you would think it advisable your- erm- Luna. It would be an excellent diversion.”

“I’ll show you the new gardens first. They are even better than I remember them being a thousand years ago.”
Luna led her old friend down the spiral stairs and into the rest of the castle.