• Published 1st Dec 2012
  • 4,494 Views, 43 Comments

Keep On Trying - ColdGoldLazarus

Trixie has a heart-to-heart with Raindrops. A Lunaverse Story

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Never Give Up

Trixie stood on the path into Whitetail Wood, an unopened bottle of bourbon clenched in her telekinesis. Her cape fluttered in the wind slightly, and her expression was one of determination; her stance was almost heroic, if anypony else had been there to judge.

She really wasn’t sure about what she was doing.

She’d heard from her other friends that Raindrops sometimes disappeared into the forest after days like this, and Trixie, though still only a few weeks to Ponyville, had figured out by now that this was the sort of thing she’d do anyways, but there were still a lot of things that could go wrong. What if she got lost, or couldn’t find her friend? What if Raindrops had disappeared to somewhere else entirely? And if she did find her, would she still be angry?

Finally, the Unicorn drew herself up, putting back on the mask of confidence. She’d deal with those problems if they came, but right now she needed to take action; it wasn’t the time for doubt.

And then just as the Unicorn took a step forward, Raindrops walked out of the tree line.

Trixie was so startled that she forgot to put her hoof down, and ended up falling over into a large bush. The lengthening shadows of the sunset concealed the bit of her cape that was still hanging out, and the jasmine Pegasus walked past without noticing. Trixie pushed her way out, whacked by branches and almost losing her hat, and by the time she had stood up and straightened herself out, her quarry was lost.

Thankfully, Trixie wasn’t the sort of pony to just gi-

Well, okay, she sometimes was, but regardless, she set off in search of her friend. Putting off paperwork was one thing, but this? This seemed like another issue entirely. And so she went.

The hunter caught sight of her prey again down main street, and quickly honed in so as not to lose her again. Trixie didn’t make an effort to conceal herself, but nor did she approach or announce her presence, not yet anyway. Instead she hung back by about half a block, blending in with the few other ponies still out finishing their business for the day, observing carefully.

Raindrops’ motion was listless, half-stumbling, almost zombie-like. Trixie couldn’t see her expression from here, but a few ponies stepped out of the way when the Pegasus drew near, and a tense and somewhat melancholy feeling twisted in Trixie’s gut; this was worse than she thought.

Raindrops wandered the streets for almost twenty minutes, making turns at random and hardly looking where she was going; she didn’t have a destination in mind nor did she want one; she just needed to move. Her tail kept up, not questioning the aimless path, too worried for her friend.

Finally Raindrops came to a stop in the middle of a crossroads, looking around as though waking up from a dream. She stood in silence for several long moments, before turning to the west and trotting off.

Trixie found her sitting on a hill in the ‘buffer region’, watching as the sunset, almost over, turned the thick canopy of Everfree golden. An owl hooted and flew nearby as the moon rose in the other direction, and soon the sun disappeared entirely, while stars began to appear, one-by-one in the night sky. Crickets began to chirp in the tall grass, which rustled with every breath of wind. The moon was a tiny sliver of a crescent tonight, offering no illumination, and the stars were equally distant. The night sky was just as dark as the ground, the two blending seamlessly together. Ponyville’s lights were warm and inviting down the hill, and Trixie was thankful for the enchantments woven into her cape and hat as a chilly wind, left over from the recently ended Winter, blew over the open fields.

Raindrops was nearly motionless, and Trixie could have mistaken her for a statue were it not for the occasional flick of an ear or shuffling of wings. Once again, the Unicorn held back. Is this really the time? Can I help or will I just make things worse? After all, if it hadn’t been for my interfering, she might not have lost it back there…

Trixie finally walked forward, sitting down herself, though still keeping a respectful distance from the Pegasus. Raindrops didn’t make any movement at all, simply not acknowledging her friend’s existence, and after a moment of hesitation, Trixie decided to let it stay that way for now; she was still struggling to find the right words.

Every so often she’d open her mouth to speak, only to close it again a second later. The moment dragged on, two statues on a hill, and Trixie began berating herself for not speaking up immediately; the longer she waited, the more her presence felt like an intrusion. You did good, she deserved it? No, no; if anything, that’ll only make her feel worse. You shouldn’t have done that? What am I thinking; she’s already blaming herself enough over this! It’s going to be all right? If it was all right, we wouldn’t be having this conversation!

You could always apologize; it’s not like she wanted you to step in and screw everything up even worse.


“I lost control again today.”

Trixie was startled out of her reverie to find Raindrops looking at her now, the distant lights of Ponyville offering a faint outline to her silhouette. Her expression was eerily, frighteningly blank.

Trixie’s mind went on autopilot, spewing out the first words on her mind. “She deserved it.”

Raindrops blinked, considering those words for a moment. “Maybe, but it doesn’t matter in the long run. I lost control again today.” Her voice was equally lacking in tone or inflection, her usual bored-sounding drawl entirely absent, and that scared Trixie somehow. The Pegasus returned to gazing blankly at the last spot the sun had been.

Trixie scrambled for words, but after another long moment, Raindrops spoke up again. “And I’ll keep losing control. Again and again and again, and one of these times, I’m going to do something serious. It’s just a matter of odds.” She turned to Trixie again. “If you or somepony had stepped in to try to stop the fight, I’m afraid I wouldn’t have been able to tell. I was so mad, so angry, that I didn’t care what got in my way. I wanted to hurt her so badly, Trixie, and I could have hurt Rainbow Dash, or the foals… or you.”

The night was quiet and empty, the only sound now the rustling of grass, a wide flat string moving in places as the wind drew over it, like the bow of some invisible cosmic cellist. Both ponies just stared at each other.

And then Raindrops’ facade broke, and her mouth curled into a helpless frown. Tears began to form, and she desperately tried to brush them away with a hoof, tried to keep pretending everything was okay.

Trixie didn’t even realize she’d gotten up until she was settling back down, pressing her side into Raindrops in a manner she hoped was comforting. Were she a Pegasus, she might have tried to drape a wing over her friend. Or maybe not; Trixie was very much not a touchy-feely pony and even this was pushing it for her, but she steadfastly remained where she was. Raindrops looked like she needed a hug, and nopony else was around to do it.

“It’s not okay.” She said, without even planning to; the words came on their own and for once she didn’t try to stop them. “Gilda was acting unforgivable, but you weren’t at your best, either.” What was she doing? Trixie began screaming at herself mentally; was she trying to make things worse? But despite that, the words kept coming. “You’re right, you could have hurt somepony badly, and even Gilda getting seriously injured would have been bad.” Raindrops had backed away, looking at her with an expression torn between melancholy agreement and betrayal, and Trixie met her eyes.

But you didn’t.” Trixie scooted after Raindrops, pressing into her side again. The Pegasus was quivering. “And maybe in a few weeks this will happen again. Maybe you’ll lose control and maybe you’ll almost hurt somepony again.

“I don’t know if you’re planning to run off or seclude yourself so that can’t happen, but I have another option for you. Stick around. Stay with us, and keep trying, because even though you might fail, if you keep trying, you might not. I honestly can’t promise there will be no next time, but maybe if you keep it up, next time won’t be in a few weeks, but a few months. And the next time after that, a few years.”

Trixie smiled at her, though it was probably invisible in the darkness. “And really, we all need you too much to not let you try. Rainbow Dash needs you. From what I’ve seen, the entire weather team in this town would fall apart without someone competent to keep it going. Your little brother needs you. He needs a cool big sister to tell him not to worry about what the kids at school think, and to stop him from letting bugs take over the house.

“And we need you. Lyra, Cheerilee, Carrot Top, Ditzy, and me. Us. Your friends. We don’t just care about you, we care for you. And we want you to stay. Because we’re your friends.” And suddenly she'd run out of words, and her mouth clamped shut again.

Raindrops’ shivering slowly subsided, though Trixie hardly noticed, having suddenly withdrawn into her own mind to try to figure out what had just happened.

The moment seemed to pause, two statues on a hill, as the universe held its breath. Maybe they sat there like that for less than a minute, perhaps eons passed without them realizing. Even the cosmic Cello player left the fields unruffled, the winds stilled now as they waited to hear what would happen.

“I wasn’t going to run off, you know.”

Raindrops was giving Trixie a small smile. Still melancholy, yes, but also happy to a certain degree, with a hint of humor. Trixie coughed embarrassedly, and the scene broke, the tension built up over the past few days dispelled. It would come back eventually, but eventually was not now. “I mean, this happens every time; I lose my temper, I go away for a few hours, let my anger out where nopony else is, then I come up here and try to get my head back on straight.”

Trixie coughed again, looking down at her hooves and trying to hide her beet-red cheeks. Raindrop’s feathers tickled against her and she suddenly realized how close they were, and the next moment two ponies were awkwardly and frantically scrambling to opposite sides of the hill. “Um.” Trixie said eloquently, avoiding looking anywhere in her friend’s direction. A ladybug that was wandering around next to her right hoof was suddenly the most interesting thing in the world. The ladybug seemed to be looking for something, walking around in dizzy circles, much like Trixie’s mind at the moment. She felt like a broken record, blank of thought except for a repeating chorus of What. What. What.

A jasmine hoof stepped near the ladybug’s path, and it finally chose a direction -away- and scurried off. Trixie looked up; Raindrops was shifting back and forth awkwardly, and she took a moment to begin speaking. “But… thanks for talking to me anyway. Most ponies… don’t do that.” Left unsaid was 'They’re too afraid'. “I would have figured out all that stuff on my own, I always do, but that you came to say it anyways, and that you meant it…

“It means a lot. Thank you.”

Trixie just nodded, not sure what to say now. After all, what more was there to be said? She slowly stood up, watching as Raindrops self-consciously turned away and began walking back down the hill. The moon was fairly high in the sky now, so she might be able to get a few hours of sleep yet once she got back to the Residency. She did, after all, have something special planned for Rainbow Dash tomorrow...

“Oh, and hey. No offense, but how come you were suddenly all… wise?” Raindrops was back, wearing a sheepishly curious expression.

Trixie pulled the now-empty bottle of bourbon out from a pocket in her cape, giving it a half-shake. “I may have gotten a bit drunk before going to find you,” she admitted. Back at the residency, there were three other equally empty bottles.

Raindrops gave a small little chuckle. “I really shouldn’t be surprised, should I?” She nodded in the direction of Ponyville. “Come on, let’s go back home. And tomorrow?

“Tomorrow, I keep on trying.”

My Notes

Comments ( 43 )

Aw...this was really, really sweet,


...well, I don't think a scene like this could happen before "Tales of Ponyville." While Trixie certainly considered Raindrops a friend before then, she was also scared of her, and I don't think that even drunk she'd seek out Raindrops.

...but this is really sweet...ah, heck, I'll make it webisode attached to "Griffin" anyway. As long as Emeral approves, in any event.

1711530 Yeah, like I said, I wasn't entirely sure about the characterization here. Unfortunately, I don't think this could happen at any point across the timeline, as any later and Trixie would have been around long enough to know Raindrops works this stuff out on her own anyway.

I guess if nothing else we can stick this in the 'not canon unless specifically stated' section. Idunno.

Either way, I'm glad you liked it!

It would be sad if all of this would have to change in about 11 hours....

1717850 Good thing it won't, what with the AU and all! :P

I like this story. While I guess I agree that it doesn't work as much in the canon, I think it makes a splendid tie-in or fanfic. Nice going!

1717862 I'm glad! :twilightsmile: Yeah, I kinda got caught up in things there. And thank you!

Wow! I had no idea you were writing anything like this. Was I really paying so little attention to you these past few days that I missed this, or were you intentionally holding this back to avoid overloading me? Either way, I'm sorry to have been such a trouble, and my most simple response is that I like this fic. For a few more detailed notes...

I think this could work before Tales of Ponyville, I don't think Trixie was so afraid of Raindrops she'd never do something like this. Also, as that fic demonstrated Trixie fears losing her new found friends even more potential physical rebuttal. As for placement, thematically I'm just fine with attaching this to Griffin Over the Line as a webisode; I really do like how it addresses some of the emotional aftermath. There are, however, a few sticky spots that this fic or mine would have to address to make that work as smoothly as possible.

First and foremost, Ch4 ended with Raindrops resolved to go home straight home and just collapse in her bed from exhaustion (mostly of the emotional variety). So it's a little odd to me, that Trixie would instead find her wandering aimless about the town. To resolve that this fic might need to move in either place or time. One solution to be switching the location to Raindrops house (either her room or the roof), though that would require quite a bit or rewriting of this fic. Alternatively it could be set the following day, which Raindrops would have spent most of doing manual labor as best she could to help fix the damages, while dipping into her own savings to pay for materials and any professional services needed. She'd likely still be pretty melancholy and introspective after all that, maybe even more so than the first night now that she'd have had the chance to take stock of the damage she'd cause and access the reaction form the ponies of the town. Between the first too options the second would require the fewest changes here (mostly that Trixie would have already pranked Rainbow Dash), or the even simpler rewrite would be for me to go back and tweak the last few lines of Ch4. I'm not strictly opposed to doing that, but I'm understandably hesitant to do so, as I prefer the idea of her turning into bead early in a combination desire to just sleep off the resdiual anger and so she'll be well rested to get an early start working to start fixing stuff the next day.

The other bit would be that I think the part about hurting some pony that got to close to the fight. Rainbow Dash did so three times, but Raindrops did little more than raise her own voice. Now granted there should still have been fear on Raindrops part that it could have been worse; if someone tried to physically break up the fight, or simply if a pony had failed to get out of the way in time during one of the instance one of the two combatants got hurled into something. Things are mostly fine as is just maybe some minor tweaking might be in order.

1718157 this was in the 'heyo' PM. I just figured you were busy, so I didn't really pester you about it after that.

I guess I'll admit it's been a while since I read GOTL :twilightsheepish: I guess we could fix things up; I think it would be a fairly simple matter to switch things to the next day; all I'd have to do there is get rid of the line about RD near the end, as Trixie would have already done that by then. After that, the opening scene I think could use a bit more description anyway; I could talk about the efforts earlier in the day fixing things up there, since they might pass through the damaged sections during the wandering. (My original thought, having forgotten about 'Drops heading home, was that she went to that one clearing in whitetail to vent the last of her frustration, and Trixie starts following her as she's heading back out. That can easily be switched to taking place after the repairs; something big as a week of stress doesn't just go away, and seeing the damage she and Gilda wrought probably brought the issues back to the fore anyhow.)


this was in the 'heyo' PM. I just figured you were busy, so I didn't really pester you about it after that.

Great, so I was ignoring you. Now I feel triple lousy on top of screwing up the promised help with SC. :unsuresweetie:

I guess I'll admit it's been a while since I read GOTL

Really? Cause you just sent me that one new correction a few days ago, though I guess you were only looking back over Ch5.

As for the rest, the way I wrote Raindrops was mostly based on my own experiences with losing my temper. On occasions where I totally lose, once I recover my senses the last thing I want to do is vent any more anger, partly because I don't feel like I have any anger left to vent, but also because my embarrassment and shame are just to high and I wouldn't want to risk going off on anyone else, so I'm mostly incline to basically want to find a rock to hide under. Venting is all well and good to avoid losing my temper in the first place, bur when I lose my temper, really lose my temper big time, my first and foremost desire is to reassert control not lose myself again so shortly there after.

That's why I had her go home and to bed, rather than off to some field to punch rocks (that and the existence of said field hadn't yet been revealed). She just wants to shutdown and even if only briefly forget any of it ever happened. Of course she knows better. Raindrops is a responsible pony and when she makes a mistake she owns up to every last consequence of her actions, but in the short run, with her temper still running a bit hot, she'd be frightened of what she might do if she even tried to do anything else without basically performing a full reboot on her personal operating system.

Small Character Detail:
You know how some businesses keep those signs that say "X number of days without accident"; I imagine that Raindrops keeps her own personal such signpost in her room or something in regards to how long she's managed to go without losing her temper. Not sure if that's a useful idea for this fic; maybe something with Raindrops waking up the morning after to the old shame of that big ZERO mocking her, and/or a sense of renewed commitment when she comes home the following evening to flip the first card of the sign to ONE and start counting fresh. I'm sure that both scenes happened, but It's up to you if either is chronicled here.

Interesting. I may have to read up on this 'Lunaverse' thing.

Also the first paragraph isn't indented.

1718254 Indeed; it has it's issues, but it's still one of the better AU settings this fandom has made, if you ask me. :twilightsmile:

Yeah; I don't know what to do about that; it seems to be a glitch of the editor.

that. was. just beautiful!!! :raritycry:
I loved this fic and everything that happened therein! :yay:
Sorry I'd offer a more critical review with lists and the like, but I'm to overwhelmed :scootangel:


Great, so I was ignoring you. Now I feel triple lousy on top of screwing up the promised help with SC. :unsuresweetie:

I don't know how to impress this on you, but it's okay. You were understandably busy with your work on Wands, and seemed to have yourself in a similar situation to my whole TAS deal in the weeks leading up to S3. I wouldn't ask anyone to put my stories above their own, and I could be patient. I only posted this before you could get to me on it because RDD put it on the Lunaverse page and I was shortly after fending off a few PMs from people who wanted the password.

Really? Cause you just sent me that one new correction a few days ago, though I guess you were only looking back over Ch5.

Yeah, like the random selection of threads earlier, for some reason I felt like reading through Chapter 5 again without touching the rest of the story. I can be weird sometimes. :shrug:

As for the rest, the way I wrote Raindrops was mostly based on my own experiences with losing my temper.

That actually makes a lot of sense. (I guess my thought was that after the abrupt end to her fight with Gilda, 'Drops still had some unreleased tension, so she went off to the clearing to let the last of that out before she felt she could do a full system reboot. Changing things around to accommodate for GOTL would be fairly simple; right after the fight she was too exhausted for that to be an issue, though when she wakes up the next morning, it's resurfaced. She keeps it under control though the repair work, and then, first chance she gets, goes off to Whitetail to let it out as mentioned before.) Idunno, we can figure this out over the stream later.

You know how some businesses keep those signs that say "X number of days without accident";

And that, I think, is brilliant. :pinkiehappy:

so cute.....

You sir have just made #3 on my all time favorites! I must say though, my opinion of Trixy has changed. I now believe she was just misjudged and deserves another chance.:pinkiesmile:

1718826 It helps that this isn't the canon Trixie we're talking about here. :twilightsmile:

Anyway, thank you!

Well, I liked this one. It really feels like a nice coda to the main events of "Griffon Over the Line," and anything that helps build on Raindrops' character is fine by me. It also helps that it works perfectly with the story I'm going to be working on...:twilightblush:

Good work, man. :raritywink:

1724041 I'm glad you liked it, and really?
I am considering making some minor edits to make it fit in with GOTL's continuity better, but hopefully those won't affect the heart of the story.

Thank you! :twilightsmile:

ALL THE FEELS. :fluttershysad:

Maybe it's just the state I'm in right now, but I needed this. Thank you.

1789419 State? But glad you enjoyed it, and, um, glad I could help? :pinkiesmile:


I'm getting stressed out trying to keep someone I care about from giving up, and I was feeling on the verge of giving out, and this helped. Thank you.

1790293 Ah. I hope all goes well for them, and I'm glad that I was able to be of assistance to you. :twilightsmile:

Wow, this was great! Good on you, Trixie! We need more of that with her in the Lunaverse.

1797305 Glad you enjoyed!

And yeah, that would be nice to see. :twilightsmile:

This story wasn't so much sad a somber. I like it. :moustache:

2051679 Indeed. And glad you enjoyed!

I already made a comment in the Griffin fic, but it's worth mentioning here, too, since it's a different author: As someone who grew up having to deal with temper issues and learning how to control your emotions to prevent these sorts of dangerous outbursts from ruining your life or hurting others, I find myself deeply sympathetic to Raindrops here. Good job.

I loved it :raritystarry:

This definitely ties into my feelings which I wrote in Griffin over the Line...that Trixie and Raindrops both truly care for each other, and don't just see each other as caricatures -- Raindrops is more then just a volcano ready to burst at any moment, and Trixie isn't just a vainglorious waste: they truly respect and care for each other, and that's what makes them work so well.

It really was just a sweet story, and I love moments like this where we get to see Trixie's tenderness and love for her friends :trixieshiftleft:.


that Trixie and Raindrops both truly care for each other, and don't just see each other as caricatures -- Raindrops is more then just a volcano ready to burst at any moment, and Trixie isn't just a vainglorious waste: they truly respect and care for each other, and that's what makes them work so well.

:twilightblush: Indeed.

Thank you!


I really wanted to say something more worthwhile, but the words wouldn't come out :ajbemused:.

Just know that it was a really cute and endearing story :twilightsmile:

2596734 Oh well

Glad you liked it. :twilightsmile:

Don't worry Trixie, you're not nearly drunk enough... you're not speaking Prench or asking others to call you Lulamoon...

This was a beautiful chapter.:fluttercry:

7345178 You're welcome.

Comment posted by Chara Undertale deleted Feb 1st, 2018
Author Interviewer

The distinction between caring about someone and caring for them is honestly fascinating, I've never seen it before. :O

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