• Published 29th Nov 2012
  • 22,603 Views, 570 Comments

Maternal Instinct - Magic Man

Chrysalis has never been what most would call an 'ideal mother' to her only living daughter, the sickly Crown Princess Pupa. However, after a dreadful incident, the Changeling Queen is forced to confront her missteps as both a mother and a ruler.

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Chapter Ten

Maternal Instinct

Chapter Ten

When Celestia regained her senses, an incessant ringing lingered in her ears and a dulled pain throbbed in her well-toned muscles. Her memory put together what had happened to her: she had just been blasted through a hospital wall. She coughed up some dust and steadily rose to all fours, rubbing her pounding head. It was not necessarily the force of the crash that temporarily stunned, but the concentrated power of that fearsome bolt of energy. It struck her square in the chest; a few inches higher and it would have struck her heart, and that would have left some serious damage.

She looked up and narrowed her vision through the hazy cloud of parting dust, where she saw a predator’s harlequin eyes, accompanied by the hulking form of their owner, emerging from the next room over, both fixed on her malevolently like a famished owl on a tasty rodent.

Queen Chrysalis wore a straight face, too calm and restrained to be natural. The fires of Taratarus roaring in her eyes said it all. Her wings were open wide, casting a guard of sorts over the gaping hole in the wall. Protecting who? The Princess could only figure the filly sleeping peacefully in her bed, totally unaware of the chaos unfolding around her.

An animalistic growl emanated from her long, thick throat, “You have picked the wrong day to try and attack me, Celestia!” It came out sounding like a strange crossbreed between a death threat and a hollow snicker.

“Chrysalis, wait! Listen to me!” Celestia shouted over the dying ringing in her ears, holding a defensive position but trying hard to not appear threatening. “I am not here to—”

She did not have time to respond as she barely had enough to deflect Chrysalis’ next assault, sending it into the nearest wall, which was reduced to rubble.

“Silence!” Chrysalis snarled beastly, her voice sharpening for a moment but lowered in an instant, her buggy eyes glancing regularly back into her daughter’s room. She slowly approached Celestia, crouching down like a leopard ready to pounce, the plates on her belly narrowly scraping against the floor. “How dare you show your face here?!”

“I didn’t—”

“You have the gall to slither your way into my kingdom – my home – at a time like this?!”

Celestia looked upon the mare who had caused her and her subjects so much grief in the past, not with anger but with something close to what she would call a wrench of pity. A part of her even wanted to comfort her. She had been through every mother’s worst nightmare come true and she was speaking and acting out of pain and grief (for the most part). Celestia herself did nothing to help the situation by bursting in on her and her child in what was surely a very private moment.

“It was wrong of me to burst in on you both, and I’m sorry! But I haven’t come here to harm you or Pupa!”

“You may be more powerful than me, Celestia, but don’t you dare take me for an idiot! I know what you’re up to...” Chrysalis’ voice lowered to a dangerous level. “You have the audacity to use my daughter’s condition to strike at us when we’re most vulnerable!” she scoffed with disgust, angrily blowing her loose mane from her face. “You will not lay a dirty hoof on me or my child!”

Angered by her baseless accusations, Celestia shouted over her, her tone not far off from the Royal Canterlot Voice and her eye squinched shut from the heat of the beam, “Chrysalis! I haven’t travelled thousands of miles, for days on end, just to pick a fight with you!”

But Chrysalis was still not hearing any of it. “Why should I expect anything more from the likes of you?” She cracked her neck and pawed at the ground, gearing up to the charge. “I’m going to give you one chance: get out of my kingdom or fight me!”

Celestia stood her ground resolutely, ironically looking as if she were to do battle. “I will do neither.”

The changeling’s eyes now glowed so bright with rage that Celestia had to cover her eyes with her hoof; her wings roared deafeningly with life.

“Have it your way!”

A barrage of green beams of power fired from Chrysalis’ horn at Celestia like a dozen fireworks launched at once, casting the grey room in sickly green, with the intention of burning the Princess to a crisp.

Celestia dodged each and every beam effortlessly, receiving only a singed cheek from the last one. She looked ahead and saw Chrysalis taking to the air and lunging at her. This time, Celestia was ready; she caught the changeling in mid-air, but the force sent both hurling into one of the remaining walls.

Both matriarchs fell back and rolled around the floor, grunting and screaming, legs locked around the other as they fought. In actuality, it was Chrysalis who was doing all the fighting; Celestia was busy reeling from the collision and trying her hardest to keep the Queen from burrowing her oversized fangs into her corneas.

She had never anticipated her old foe to put up such a vicious, hooves-on fight. The last time they fought was in her throne room in Canterlot Castle on that fateful day, years ago, and even then, that was a magic duel. Chrysalis never struck her as the type to lower herself to a catfight.

When Chrysalis’ teeth were centimetres from piercing her tender flesh and her rancid breath was burning her nostrils, she resorted to a cheap shot.

For a split second, Celestia’s horn became a fragment of the sun, glowing with brilliance so intense Chrysalis covered her eyes and screamed. Celestia managed to pull her legs up and
deliver a rock hard kick to her spongy belly.

The force of the buck sent her flying right back through the hole in the wall, skipping momentarily against the polished floors before crashing hard into the metal frame of an empty bed.

Her body aching all over, she found her footing and picked herself up on the metal frame. She searched for her nemesis, but to her dismay, her vision had been reduced to nothing but a thick purple haze.

“Where are you?!” she screamed, hysterically blasting in random directions. She could hear the sound of shattering glass and more walls being blown apart, until she felt a leg suddenly hook over her neck.

“Chrysalis, stop!” she heard Celestia’s voice shout into her ear. “Your daughter!”

The changeling’s heart skipped a beat. In her attempts to protect her daughter, she had near enough forgotten all about her presence in the room.

“STAY AWAY FROM HER!” she roared in maternal rage.

Before Celestia knew what happened, Chrysalis’ rapid beating wings had taken both off the floor and straight up at the ceiling. The Princess grimaced and shut her eyes for the next impending...


“Lunch, prisoner.”

A tray was slid under the bar doors, carrying a full meal of boiled rice, fried mackerel, sliced daikon radish, noodle salad and a cup of coarse tea. This was a standard lunch for inmates in changeling prisons.

Cerci did not bother lifting her head. She sat curled up against the uncomfortable cell wall, hindlegs crossed and forelegs tucked under the drab prison kimono she was forced to wear. Her unkempt mane was worn low over her face.

She had become introverted pretty quickly since she was dropped off two days ago by the royal guards. None of the prison staff heard as much as a peep from her, not when they gave her her food, not when they came in to change her sheets. She was, for the most part, a model inmate.

The jailer mare walked away indifferently, leaving her to her thoughts.

Cerci regarded the food with a blank expression. Her mouth filled up with saliva and her stomach growled pitifully with hunger. She had not eaten for a long time now. Licking her white lips, she levitated the mackerel over to her and gorged, finishing it off in minutes.

She did not know how long she was going to be kept here, nor when her trial was going to take place, if at all, but she did not care a great deal at this point. She brought her bowl of rice over and, forgetting the chopsticks set there for her, devoured it insatiably.

Cerci had never before much time to think over all the decisions she made in her young life. It was true that for a mare of her status and who was barely out of her twenties, she had accomplished so much more than most of her people.

Being born into a servant family for the palace, Cerci was raised to follow in their hoofsteps; she spent most of her fillyhood helping her mother fold bed sheets and towels as opposed to playing with dolls. Her young marehood remained mostly uneventful; she would wake up, work her flank off in cleaning and washing, and go to bed in her tiny quarters.

By a stroke of fate, the night came when the Queen laid another egg. She was assigned to watch over the egg while it sat in the incubator. When it finally hatched, Cerci was the first to hold the hatchling as she cleaned the slime and fragments of egg shell off her with a warm rag. Following her successful presentation of the royal newborn to Her Majesty, almost overnight, she suddenly found herself the official head nanny to the Crown Princess of the kingdom.

Her life really began when she became Pupa’s nanny. The moment she first held Pupa in her forelegs and looked upon her plump little face, Cerci fell in love with the handicapped hatchling. She knew the Kami must have made it so; they chose her, made it her destiny to raise and nurture her species’ future Queen.

The memories of their times together brought a weak smile onto her lips. Every bedtime, every painting session, every walk through the gardens, they provided her so much warmth in this dank cell. Many of her peers remarked on how she, at her age, had no children of her own; her reason was that she already had one. Pupa was all she needed.

A lump swelled up in her throat and she began quietly sobbing, the first time since her first night here. She kicked her empty rice bowl in frustration, sending it shattering against the wall.

It was not fair. Why did this have to happen? Her whole life cruelly snatched from her by that, that... she-beast! Pupa was all she had and Chrysalis took her away from her! She was happy she got to hook that monster right in her fat, ugly face. If the guards had not intervened, she would have done a lot worse than chip her tooth.

Cerci lifted her head. She could hear something outside her window. It was an unnatural noise to the city life buzzing on outside the prison, growing louder with each passing second. If she could put her hoof on it, she could best describe it as a whistle being blown miles away.

Finding her strength, she got up and stumbled over to her little window. She had become really weak in here, more than she thought. She held onto the tiny bars and pulled herself onto her hindlegs, standing like some kind of primate. The young mare looked out upon the two wooden and concrete towers blocking out most of the sky, leaving only a thin gap between them.

Cerci could see something far off in the distance: a pair of lights, one green, the other yellow. It looked like somechangeling had accidentally set off some fireworks. They were both glowing with increasing intensity and the whistling sound unmistakeably coming from them was growing so loud that her ears began to ache.

The abrupt boom that followed sent her falling to the floor before her the light could permanently blind her. Her head crashed hard against the concrete and the blow knocked her out cold.

Queen Chrysalis and Princess Celestia tumbled through the smoggy, grey sky of the city skyline, ricocheting off the towers and rooftops. The Changeling Queen screamed bloody murder as she used the confusion to unleash every last ounce of burning fury on the Alicorn. She was still partially blinded, but she could make out the large blob of blurry white in front of her and realised she was close enough to relentlessly beat it.

“Come on, Tia!” she yelled over the wind. “Show me some of that real Alicorn power!”

Celestia’s strong, durable body absorbed most of the blows, but both it and her defensive position could not hold out forever. If she wanted, she could cave Chrysalis skull in with one swift kick, but whilst she was tempted, she was a few thousand years wise enough to know that doing that was not in anypony’s best interests.

She could win, that much was certain. There was something off about the Queen: her strength was fuelled by the instinct to protect her offspring, yet she was unable to utilize it to fight effectively. She was becoming increasingly unhinged. Sooner or later, Chrysalis would either run out of steam, or....

They slammed into the wall of an old building - now converted into a hotel - and bounced right off like a rubber ball. Their fall was broken by landing in the middle of a busy market street, squarely on one unfortunate vender’s cart.

“My cabbages!” the changeling stallion cried, pulling at his mane and falling to his knees as splintered wood and shreds of greenery were sent flying all around him. His despair turned to indignation when he spotted two forms rising from the wreckage. “You’re going to pay for this! You’re-- Aaagh!”

He leaped back as Chrysalis, bruised and covered with cuts, stood up, holding the limp Alicorn up over her head. She grunted and flung her across the street’s pavement, skidding like a pebble over a pond until her ribs collided with a street lamp.

Celestia struggled for a moment before she could fully get up, holding the inflicted area. She was going to be feeling that one for a while. She wiped a trickle of blood from her lips and held her chest; to her surprise, she was covered in more bruises than her mortal counterpart was and noticed a black eye forming on the left side of her face in her reflection in a street puddle.

Meanwhile, in the commotion, anychangeling with a lick of sense fled the scene screaming, most of them taking to the sky like a flock of spooked pigeons, leaving the once bustling street all but deserted.

In an unofficial ‘time out’ that had developed, a little laugh managed to bubble from Chrysalis’ raw throat as she busied herself with nursing a gash on her leg and caught her breath. “You know, I have to give you credit, Celestia...”

“Oh, really?” A little smile appeared on Celestia’s face, head held down, humouring her.

“Maybe old age hasn’t hampered you just yet,” she rasped, wiping away a thick coating of sweat from her face. “You can actually hold yourself in a fight without your precious student and her band of flunkies doing your dirty work for you!”

“I work out,” she replied semi-playfully. Celestia then took the moment to realize just how out of shape and overweight the Queen now was in comparison to her own sleek and slender white body. In no uncertain terms, Chrysalis had well and truly let herself go.

Just as the dark mare was about to make her move, their sensitive ears picked up the loud clank of moving armour. They turned their heads to see at least two dozen stallions of the Changeling Royal Guard surrounding the premises, all armed with long, spiked spears.

Chrysalis formed an unhinged smirk. She now had backup!

“Guards!” she addressed them, trying to maintain an air of authority, but betrayed by her badly wheezing voice. She pointed at the Princess, shaking, “Arrest Princess Celestia!”

None of the guards moved. They instead looked at each other concerned, noticeable breaks appearing in their otherwise stony faces. Moments passed and both expecting monarchs grew more confused (one, however, more irate than the other) as nothing happened.

“Well...? What are you idiots waiting for?” she barked, veins rising on her neck. “Get her!”

A commanding officer in purple armour gulped and stepped out in front of his compatriots. He spoke shakily, while all his years of strict military training crumbled in her presence, “Your Majesty... we are under strict orders to escort you and Princess Celestia back to the palace.”

“What? What?!” Chrysalis’ pitch reached a near ridiculous height. Not once could she recall in her memory a single instance when a soldier outright denied her orders. “I am your Queen! You take your orders from me! And I am ordering you to arrest that pony pig, NOW!”

The guards could feel their stallionhoods being torn off by the tone of her voice alone, but they held their ground. None had the nerve to follow Chrysalis’ orders and advance on the Alicorn; to do so would be moronic, considering they knew this was a creature who could melt their faces off with the sheer intense heat of the sun with a thought.

“Chrysalis, stop this!”

Everychangeling looked up in time to see Prince Pincer landing gracefully within the triangle of equines. His horn glowed vivid amber, waving it at both monarchs in a warning fashion to keep them apart.

“Stay out of this, Uncle!” Chrysalis spat, unhindered by his interference. “This is between the Princess and I!”

“And you don’t mind destroying the city in the process?!” In truth, the damage to the surroundings buildings so far was bad enough, and it was inevitably going to get worse if these two super powered beings were allowed to continue fighting.

“If it’s worth anything, Your Highness,” Celestia spoke reasonably, feeling somewhat like she was being left out of the conversation, “I’m not exactly the one fighting here.”

“SHUT UP!” Chrysalis whirled on the cowering guards and growled, “I’m about to count down from three... and if you don’t attack by the time I reach one, I’ll have you and your hatchlings burned!” Madness glinted in her buggy eye as a very large ball of green magic formed on the tip of her crooked horn, growing only larger as she counted. “Three... two...”

Treating her magic as if it were a foal's ball, she reared her head and heaved it back, crackling and glowing in flashes of bright luminescent greens and yellows, filling more and more with her power, until she was second was from flinging her head forward in a wide arch.


Using every muscle in her body, she threw the ball of death at the stallions, its intent plainly and painfully obvious. But before it was inches away from her own muzzle, Chrysalis was suddenly rammed into by a glowing white force, once again robbing her of her vision.

The ball irrupted in a deafening explosion which threw her across the air like a swatted fly.

The capital city was well-known as a hub for the finest bathhouses in the Changeling Kingdom. These facilities were open to the rich and poor, but the most lavish were, naturally, only open to changelings whose money bags were big enough and heavy enough or whose names carried at least an iota of weight.

Baroness Apamea cringed as she lowered herself into the hot onsen up to her hips, the hot steam rising off her thick curves. The private room was completely fogged with it, blurring her sight as she tried steadying herself in her descent.

“Oh, Apamea, just get in.”

She glared at her much slimmer companion, who was contently submerged up to the neck with a self-satisfied smirk on her face. Lady Silkworm raised her slender hind leg delicately from the waters, admiring her freshly done silver palm tree hooficure.

“I’m getting fitted for a new swimsuit, tomorrow. How’re my legs looking?”

“Fine,” she said, not paying attention. Submerging herself up to her chest, Apamea scooped up some water and rubbed it against her face, shoulders and withers. Her chubby coat wobbled and squished under her hooves as she moistened herself.

“So, Apa,” Silkworm began silkily, lowering her now chilly leg back into the warm, healing waters. “How’s been your visit to the city, so far?”

Her muzzle wrinkled, saying with revulsion, “The air is filthy here.”

“You get used to it after a while,” she shrugged. Having lived in the capital all her life, she understood the gagging stench of smog in the air was part of everyday changelings’ lives, but at the same time, being an aristocrat accustomed to indoor living, for her, it was more of a minor inconvenience. “Have you done anything interesting?”

“Not really,” Apamea groaned, looking pretty dismal. “I visited the palace two days ago.”

“Judging by the miserable look on your face, I take it you didn’t get an audience with the Queen?”

“Of course not.” Apamea crossed her legs and sunk further into the onsen. “The best I got was Princess Danauria, and you know that’s not something you travel days on end for.”

The Lady rolled her eyes and dipped the back of her head in the water, washing her mane. “Oh, I know what you mean. I can’t stand being around Princess Pigeon Legs for more than five minutes.”

“Actually...” she now perked up, a sly grin working its way on her lips as she remembered something important. “I did get to see somechangeling else.”


“The littlest Princess.”

Silkworm blinked, half-grinning like her friend was playing with her. “No.”

“When we were playing croquette in the gardens and she and her nanny just showed up.”

“That’s rare. Say...” She pushed away from her end of the onsen to the middle and motioned her to follow suit, which she did. “The Princess, does she really look, you know...” she made a derped, wall-eyed expression.

Getting the hint, Apamea grinned toothily and replied in a hushed voiced, “Oh, really, it shows.”

The two were now huddled up with their backs pressed together, their voices covered up by the hissing and bubbling and their gossip confined to the whispering in each other’s ears.

“Can she walk?”

“Not from what I saw. She’s carried around a lot.”

“Like a grub?”

“Pretty much, yeah.”

“Oooh, that’s interesting. What else?”



The noblechangelings screamed out loud as the wall and their onsen both suddenly exploded and they were thrown across the room in a wave of spring water.

Chrysalis and Celestia skidded over the wrecked wet tiles, legs locked as they rolled over each other in a bizarre circular motion. Their short trip ended when they splashed into one of the still intact onsens.

As they sunk into the bubbling hot spring water, the changeling used the opportunity to strike a few more blows at the Princess. Unfortunately for her, Celestia, having had more than enough, caught her by surprise and delivered a swift kick to her jaw, resulting in a muffled cracking sound. Chrysalis tried striking back, but only received another rock hard blow to the jaw and a sharp jab to her stomach, knocking all the air out of her lungs.

Desperately, she swam to the surface, gasping for air. She felt something grab her by the leg and drag her back beneath the surface again. She looked around to see Celestia’s hoof torpedoing through the water in the direction of her face. Chrysalis opened her mouth to scream and bubbles streamed out before she was punched unconscious.

Back on the surface, Lady Silkworm was laying on her back, drenched and writhing with pain. She tried pulling herself up, but floundered like a beached fish. She lifted her head, disoriented, and saw Apamea’s big fat flank, tail and thick hindlegs kicking and wiggling helplessly from a newly made crevice in the wall, her muffled screams and grunts echoing from the other side. Silkworm snickered, holding her bruised, if not broken ribs.

She heard the sound of displaced water and saw her Queen’s bulking form arise from the onsen and flop face-first against the floor. She was followed right after by Princess Celestia, who was panting loudly and struggling with exhaustion to keep on her hooves.

She spotted Silkworm and said, out of breath, “Be a dear, would you, and call a doctor?”

With that, the Princess of the Sun gave out a final painful groan and collapsed against Chrysalis’ unconscious form.

Author's Note:

(A/N) Hey hey, everychangeling, it's me again, sorry for the two month delay. A lot of stuff has been going in my life recently, but I'm alright and don't worry, this story is far from dead. Also, as you can see, I'm not that great with action sequences. I hope you guys found it okay, but yeah, it's definitely not my strong suit.

Regardless, enjoy.