• Published 10th Jan 2012
  • 596 Views, 4 Comments

The Exploration of Mist in Equestria - Raine

This is his story of Mist, the lost pony, and who he is why he is in Equestria.

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The Kiss

The Exploration of Mist in Equestria (working title)

Chapter the first

A kiss...is never just a kiss.

Let me explain.

My name is Mist, I’m an Explorer. I’m not from Equestria. I’m from Gaittysburg. A land of ponies, danger and hate. A lot of hate. I don’t know why, or how we survived for so long. I was an outcast, I still don’t know what my family did. But somehow, it’s still my fault. I tend to spend a lot of time in the forest by my city of Harmonia. Its a Trading city right next to a forest for lumber. I was doing what I love, exploring. I found a cave a long time ago, and that’s what I was looking for. I was thinking I found it but nope.

The cave was vast with some odd looking crystals. Green, with purple strips. I touched one, and BAM! I am out coldonly I come to in a forest. Very different from the one I was in. With a note, in hoof writing I had never seen.

“Welcome to Equestria”

Now, that land? Equestria, it’s kinda like my home, but smaller, and brighter. There are other ponies too! But they look different. Bright colors. Blues, pinks, greens. Even Yellow, white, and purple. I stand out. I’m gray with light gray hair. There is green strip in my mane, and my tail has green and purple. Odd...

Back Home, I guess I can call it home, There is one race, Pony. They can use Magic. Here though,there are 3 kinds of pony! Only one kind can use magic from what I can tell... I think they’re called Unicorns. There is one that looks like me the Earth Ponies, but they cant use magic. There is one more. The Pegasi. They can fly and I think control the weather. How tho I dont know. All the ponies that are my size has a mark of some kind on there upper thigh. I don’t know why though... Wow, I’m going to be learning a lot.

I can live here. Its nice. There is no ponies trying to kill me for my gear. I have a back that holds my rain coat, cloak, food water and a hunting knife. Its strapped to me, and made of leather. Yes, animal leather. Were i came from, animals tried there best to kill you, and eat you. That means some times I had to kill. I used all the parts I could, so there was little wast. I still wont eat meat. Some in Harmonia. Eww, just gross.

I can get close to any large cities. They’re too full, and packed, with ponies going about their day. Going to their jobs, or shopping or just hanging about. I will stand out too much. you know missing the Mark by my ass and all... Well I can, with Magic, but My mother never wanted me to use magic unless I needed too...
"Now Mist, remember you are differnt. Magic flows in you even tho you lack a horn. You can use it, and controll it as if you have one. That also means it can hurt you if you use it all the time..."

If I can find a smaller city I bet I can get around. After a few weeks, I find a village, I’m guessing. It’s by a forest, and its not very busy. I don’t want to get close, yet. So I find a place in the forest to sleep for a few days. Soon tho I get closer to here them talk...

“...apple eating ponies! Don’t know a thing!” an orange pony said, with carrots on her back end.

Wow, I missed something... Like Who is male and who is female...

After a few weeks, I see that there are 5 ponies that every one knows and talks to. I deiced to trail them.There is an orange one with blond hair, bucks apple trees, knocking the apples off. Thats a cool thig to see! There is a white one with purple hair, a unicorn. I really don’t know what it does. I can’t find were it works, or what it does. A Drama queen maybe? A yellow flying one with pink hair, a pegasus, It takes care of animals. Like a vet does. The a blue pegasus with rainbow hair. It can out fly anything, and does that all day! Then there is a Pink one. All Pink. It is a happy pony, all the time. Hopping about, throwing parties. It seems to know every one.

I decide to watch the pink one closer. I trail it for a few hours. Its getting dark. I wonder where it sleep for the night.
I sit on a roof, looking over this village, wondering how I can get back. What is going on in the new land. Been wondering around for a while. Watching, thinking. With no mark on my ass I may stand out. With my back covering me though, you cant tell, but the knife what will they think...



That pink pony popped open a trap door, scaring the hell out of me!

“You have been watching me for a while. Are you a spy for some evil doer? Maybe Discord? Are you?” It squeals eyeing me. Still recovering from the scare of a lifetime, panting. And Just my damn luck. That pink pony HAD to be here.

“For a spy you need to hide better... and my Pinkie Sense for a spy...hmm... Then... you’re not a spy are you?” it says. Its getting close to my face. Its nose touching mine. I look in to its blue eyes. So much sorrow and pain yet I smell Frosting and Strawberries... Why do I smell frosting and Strawberries? who this pony...?

“ No” I whisper “I'm not. My name is Mist. Im an explorer. Who, and what are you?”

“I’m Pinkie Pie! I’m a Pony!” it says, hopping back, striking a pose.

“I know you’re a Pony. So am I, but I can’t tell If you are a guy or a girl.”

“ I’m a Girl, silly! You don’t have girls where you’re from?”

“ We do. But it’s by color there. Guys are lights, girls are dark.”

We talk. It goes back an forth for many hours, us talking. About her, about me. Discord. Cutie marks. Cooking her favorite things. Her friends.... well, she did most of the talking really. But it was nice. I like her. There is still that kiss right? I'm getting to that...

“You see, my other friends need some help. Our friend, Twilight has been hiding. Spike-”

“Who is spike?”

“Spike is her assistant baby dragon. Spike says she did this one other time in school. She locked her self is her room, studying for close to a year! Not eating till he forced her to. Or bathing. Just reading and reading... She stared to see things. Talking to ponies who were not there. Se is doing now! No one knows why We are all scared.”

“Well, I can take a look. But I don’t know were she is. I can watch her. She what is going on. Hell, If I see her I can tell her, 'Hay, Pinkie says to stop hiding!'

“That's SO funny! You Should!”

“However, I need to head to my hut. It getting late and Im hungry. ”

"Were is that at?"

In the forest," I point to it."

"GASP! Thats safe! OH! I know! We can have a sleep over! I got an extra bed. It will be SO fun!”

“Pinkie, as much as a miss a bed, I can't. Its a bad idea. What if someone sees me? Its not like every day you see a blank flank my age!

“I know silly! You can make your self invisible remember! I will know were you are, so I can wake you. So Mister and Miss Cake wont see you. I will even give you some cupcakes! OH! Do you have cupcakes were you’re from? Where are you from? Is there a sea? There is no Seas here. The land keeps going, as far as we know, it’s been explored. It just become a water-less desert. No life, nothing but sand...”

“Really? That's odd. But it’s really hard explain and I still don’t know why I’m here yet. Maybe after I help your friend, I can tell you.”

“ I would like that. Come on! Lets get to bed. I'm tired.” she says, climbing in her trap door. I follow her into, what I guess is her room. Its like a party just happened, but cleaner.

“Here is where you can sleep. It’s small, but its a nice bed!” She showes me to a closet. I look around, it’s a small ,with a bed, and some boxes.

“It’s nice. Thank you, my friend.”

She smiles. “I hope you sleep well.” She nuzzles me, I nuzzle back. She walks out, closing the door. I sigh, looking around.

I cant sleep here. Its nice. But its not right. I like the idea...

“No.” I whisper to myself. “I wont fall asleep. I miss a bed, but I know better.”

“You can’t? Why not?" Pinkie says behind me.

“GAH! Pinkie! Don’t do that!”

“Why not? It’s a bed right? And you like me right? Well not like, like, but as a friend?”

“Its a bed, Yeah, and you are my friend. But I won’t fall asleep. I felt better in the woods, in a tree. I have my hut.

“The Everfree Forest, It’s full of so many monsters! It’s dark and scary...” She starts to look around the small room in fear.

“Maybe for you yes, but not to me. The monsters don’t wander where I sleep.”

“And where is that?” she asks, eyeballing me with one eye.

“Its by a hut. Where a stripped pony lives.” I reply, leaning closer, eyeballing her back.

“Wow. Your eyes are so small... and purple? Wow...”

“Thanks? But I have a bit of a walk, so I will be going...”
“If you must. Come back in the morning. I will keep the door unlocked!” She opens the trap door.
“Tell Zecora, if you let her see you, I say HI!”

“Who?” I ask as I walk to the trap door.

“The Zebra pony you’re sleeping by.”

Pinkie closes the trap door.

“Maybe...” I smile as I start the walk.

The next day I start to look for Pinkie's friend. But seeing as I know nothing about her. I wander about the small town, no one cares Im here. That's good.

“SPIKE FOOD!” some one yells. Where did it come from...


I trace the yelling...

“Twilight, we are OUT OF FOOD! You need to go shopping NOW if you want to eat!” a voice yells back.

...its in a tree? Wow, that's a new one to me. I start to climbing up to what I think is a window, I check to see if I can be seen. I look in to window...

“I’m sorry Spike.” a unicorn says. A purple unicorn! I need a better look, seeing as she is walled off by SO many books. There are trails leading everywhere. I need to get in there... I HAVE to know what she is doing! I see smaller trails. Ones I can fit in, but I don’t think she can. I try pushing on the window only to find there is not one there. Wow... this is odd. I climb in hopping down.

THE SMELL! MY GODS! I gag on the smell. Twilight looks up, and I duck still gagging. Its so BAD!

“What was that...” she whispers. I hear her moving, and groaning like she has not moved in a long time. I move to an edge on some book stacks. She walks by... I see her Cutie mark. Its like Pinkie described. Twilight is thin. I can see her ribs. I can only guess how little she has been eating. There is a bit of a limp on one of her back legs, like there has been a lack of use. Wow, she must be in some kind of rut for some reason. If I...

“What in the...” Twilight just stares at me.

Oh crap...

“Um... Pinkie says to stop hiding?” I smile... Twilight just stares at me, with a confused look on her face.

then she dives at me! I roll left, she however runs in to the wall of books. Glaring at me, she rears up, putting her hooves up trying to punch me. I dodge and counter, trying to deflect them. She getting winded vary fast, she spins to buck me! She kicks I dive right. She kicked the wall of books, she does nothing to move them. She must be weak.She moves to buck me, I catch her hooves I can feel the lack power. I push back, knocking her over. She is stunned. I run like hell. Looking back, she gets up, walking back where I found her. Looking her book, pushing it aside sighing.

“Spike! Lets go shopping!”

I watch as she leaves, with her dragon friend. I decide to let Pinkie know she is out of her house. I cast an invisibility spell, as I run to Pinkie's shop, home thing. As I get closer I see her letting the her 4 other friends in. She holds the door to let me in, almost running in to the yellow and pink pegasus.

“Come on, Pinkie, darling, what is so important?” the white and purple unicorn asks.

Very un-Pinkie like, she takes a deep breath. Letting it out slowly. Sitting on her butt, she looks at all of her friends. I move to stand close to Pinkie, as I watch. All of them with worry, and fear in their faces. With a calm I thought she would never have, Pinkie addresses her friends.

“As you all know, Twilight has been researching for 6 months. Never coming out, or letting us is. Going so far as to lock us out! We have tried everything. Sadly Spike has had to stay there. Only coming out when she falls a sleep to eat here at Sugercube Corner, or Fluttershy's. Spike has said she is not eating, or bathing. So I found some one that may help. My new fri-”

“Wait! New friend? No party? Wow, Pinkie, that’s not like you...” The blue rainbow one says shocked.

“Yeah I know but he does not want one till he meets all of you. He is even in the room! Say “Hi” Mist!”

“He? In the room! Show yourself!” The blue one yells. Rearing up, punching the air.

“I would, but I fear the shoc-” A bright flash blinding me, occurs.

“GAH! What in the 9 hells was that!” I gasp, putting my arms up to block it.

“Well, I see what you mean by a shock!” The white unicorn gasps.

At that moment, the orange one moves to buck me Pinkie jumps in her way, pushing her back.

“STOP!” she yells.

“Pinkie, he is ARMED! And has no Cutie mark!” The White one screams.

I think calling a hunting knife armed, overkill.. wait a sec...

“Oh no...” I whisper. Not good. That light must have dispelled my spell. I was all invisible, hoping to talk to Pinkie alone.

All Pinkie can do it stare, mouth open in shock, as her friends react. The orange one moves to buck me. I jump into a wall. I feel the wind move past me, with a lot force. She jumps closer. With my magic, I pull cooking sheet from behind me. She kicks, I block with the flat of the sheet. I get knocked back in to the wall, while moving the sheet to slide her hooves off to my left. She is pushing hard, making an indentation in the sheet. Moving, I drop the cooking sheet. Rounding, the rainbow one grabs me from behind, lifting us in to the air, fast! I move my weight making us spin as we get to the ceiling. If I don’t do something, we are going to hit hard! I flip up on to her back, putting myself in the way. With my feet up, we land, so to speak. I kick off, hard. I grab her wings, making us fall...

“WHAT! NO ONE DOES THAT TO THE DASH!” she yells! To the Dash, really?

I let go as we get closer to the floor. She catches herself. Landing softly, with a confused look on her face. I land, running past Pinkie, “I’m so sorry!” I say as I run out the door. I round a corner and start to climb. Not caring where I’m going, just getting a way.

“ What was all that noise? Why were you shouting?” I hear Twilight ask. Looking down I see Twilight looking in the shop, confused, with Spike in tow. The white pony come out.

“Twilight? Look at your coat! And OH! You need a bath! Inside, please.” At that same moment, the white one looks up sees me. At this point I have tears coming down my face, looking at the White one, and continue clamming. All of the ponies inside start to shout with joy.

I get to the top, where I first met Pinkie. I don’t know why, I just found myself sitting...

I hear the trap door open slowly. Without looking...

“I guess you want me to leave now?”

“No, It’s Ok. My friends will come around. Hell, It was Rarity that said you were crying. She said she is sorry... But, why are you armed? Do you not trust me?”

“No, Pinkie. I do. You are my friend. My only friend. Its just that... I’m an explorer. I have to be ready to defend myself. I had to were Im from. I had all my knife hidden so I don’t scare ponies. Anyways it looks like it was a good thing Twilight is talking to you all ” I look down at my feet, and the roof.

A Kiss...

Pinkie start hopping in place “I know! I’m so happy! I could just, just...OH!”


Why to I taste strawberries? Why am I tasting strawberries...!?


...is never just a kiss. Till Next Time, Space Bronies!

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