• Published 8th Jan 2013
  • 1,408 Views, 44 Comments

Welcome To Equestria! - BluPony

An adventure of a lifetime turns into an adventure for a lifetime.

  • ...

-5- Party with the Mares!

Welcome to Equestria
First Arc...

~~~~Chapter 5~~~~

~~~~Party with the Mares!~~~~

You know how this is going to roll, don’t you? Well, we’re here to say you’re wrong! This ain’t no regular Pinkie Party! Get ready for more twists, turns, and ‘interesting’ interactions.

~Blu and Hotshot

~~~~Viewpoint: Hotshot~~~~

Walking outside once again, we were faced with Luna’s starry sky.

“Well, what do you think the time is?” Blu asked me while gazing at the stars.

“They had a clock in there, you derp.” I replied with a laugh. “I managed to glance at it before we left. It said 9:30.”

“Alright, that should give us a bit of time before we head in for the night.” He said with a glint in his eye. “I wonder how fast I can go...”

“What do you mean?” I started, but Blu had already started running to the nearest hill. “Hey! Wait up!” I called as I started galloping to him.

The race was short-lived, since it was a short distance, but I managed to beat him to the hill.

“Dang it.” My blue friend said while still trying to catch his breath. “No fair. You used your wings.”

“Or you’re still as slow as ever.” I laughed between my own panting. “It doesn’t matter too much though. It’s not like our lives depend on how fast we go.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” He responded and fell back onto the grass. I joined him and looked up to the night sky for once.

“You know what’s amazing?” I asked.

“What?” He responded curiously.

“The fact of how we got here.” I answered.

“To the hill? Or to Equestria?” He commented.

“Both I guess.” I replied. “I mean, really. I flew! With wings! You went 20% faster on hooves then you did on legs, too.”

We both shared a chuckle at that. Blu was destined to be slow, no matter where we travelled, but at least he could feel a bit fast. “Yeah, and we made it to Equestria from a random chance at that letter. How cool is that?” He asked while he spread his forelegs to his sides.

“Very.” I said with a sigh. We chilled out for a few more minutes while a brief wind gust blew in our direction.

“Another advantage about being a pony is not being too cold without clothes.” Blu said with another laugh. I put in a chuckle as well. Another gust of wind came, but from the opposite direction this time.

“Is the wind suppose to go two different directions near the same time?” I asked curiously.

“When a pegasus is flying over your heads, yeah.” A cyan pegasus casually called from the air.

“How long have you been listening?” Blu asked, a bit startled from the sudden vocal intrusion.

“Not too long, but what I did hear was pretty weird.” The rainbow-maned pegasus said.

“Okay, you are?” We both asked the obvious.

“Rainbow Dash, the most fan-freaking-tastic flyer in all of Equestria and future Wonderbolt. I’m surprised you need to ask.” She answered.

“Uh-huh.” I commented casually.

“What? You don’t think its possible?” Rainbow dash asked, getting quite close to my face.

“I never said that.” I answered with a small blush appearing on my face. “Anything is possible, we definitely know that by experience.”

“Good, good.” She said as she backed away with a smirk. “So, where you two staying for the night?”

“The Inn.” Blu told the fancy flier. “The mayor set it up for us.”

“Impressive, if I do say so myself. If you two are lost I can show you the way.” She offered.

“Why not?” I said with a smile as we both started getting up again.

The walk to the inn was an interesting one, full of questions from RD. Luckily, she didn’t ask the annoying alicorn question, so I took a bit more to liking her then I would have.

Once the inn was in sight, our cyan guide pointed it out. “Alright, there it is. Meet you guys there.” She said with a wink as she sped to the door and went inside.

Me and Blu both shared a laugh as we decided to take our time on the rest of the way.

We’ve arrived at the entrance of the room at the Inn that we were staying in and unlike Blu, I knew what was going to happen when we opened that door.

“Blu.” I whispered so the ponies inside couldn’t hear me. “Before you enter that room, I have to tell you that there is a surprise party for us.”

“I kinda figured that, being it’s Pinkie Pie.” He said as he opened the door and as I expected, we were met with a dark room. I assumed if lights were turned on, there would be a whole crowd of ponies in the small living space. In an instant, the light went on.

“Surprise!!” Everypony said with smiles on their faces.

“Woah!” Blu exclaimed, almost falling over for the third time today. I kinda figured he’d jump anyway, so I was ready to steady him.

“I thought you saw that coming.” I joked.

“So did I.” He said with a chuckle. “But I guess that’s the wonder of Pinkie and her parties.” He commented as the pink mare came up to us

“Were you surprised? Huh huh huh?” She asked excitedly.

“Blu was, but me? Not so much.” I said matter-of-factly.

“Really? But how could that be?! I’m the most amazing person at party planning!” She exclaimed.

“I overheard you at Sugarcube Corner talking about a surprise party.” I answered simply. “It looks good so far though.” I added with a smile.

“Okie-dokie. Maybe I should talk less but who would I be if I didn’t talk?! I mean, that would be just horrible! Like that one time in the poison joke I couldn’t even talk! And it was even more horrible when...” I managed to sneak away while she kept on with her ramblings. Only to be confronted by one of the more “fashionable” ponies in Ponyville, Rarity.

“Oh hello there, I’m Hotshot. What’s your name?” I asked already knowing the answer.

“My name is Rarity, owner of the Carousel Boutique.” She answered with the Canterlot accent in her voice. “And I must say, I love your shining amulet darling. Where did you ever get it?”

“It was a gift from a friend of Blu and I’s. He also has one.” I told her.

“I couldn’t help but notice that you’re an Alicorn.” She continued as I thought ‘Here we go again.’ “Would you happen to be related to royalty?”

“I don’t want to talk about it.” I said with the same depressed look I gave Applejack only with a little more agitation.

“My apologies. I, in no means, meant to agitate you.” The white mare said apologetically.

“It’s quite alright, it’s just that i’m getting those constant questions and weird looks from everypony just because I’m different.” I explained.

“So don’t take it personally.” Blu said as he joined us.

“Alright then. Whenever you’re ready to talk please note that I’m here darling.” She offered generously.

“Thank you.” As this conversation ended we started walking around the party so I went to a table with refreshments and got a glass of punch. However, I still wondered where the music was coming from, but as I turned around there was Vinyl Scratch cranking up the bass. ‘Of course.’ I thought as I continued to drink my glass of punch and walked around the room.

“Well, since this is a party, I might as well dance.” I said to myself as I started dancing awkwardly and ended up bumping into the last of the mane six, probably the most shy pony in Ponyville, Fluttershy.

“Oh, um, sorry, don’t mind me.” She said quietly.

“It’s alright, I’m Hotshot.” I said while I held out my hoof though kinda figuring out the response i was going to get.

She took a few moments, but finally responded. “Oh, I don’t do too well with shaking hooves, but I can try introducing myself. I’m Fluttershy.”

“Nice to meet you, Fluttershy” I put down my hoof, hoping she would pipe up a little.

“Um, it’s nice to meet you as well.” She spoke sheepishly, still up against the wall, but a little bit calmer than before.

“Hey bro!” Blu’s voiced called as he trotted up to us. “Do you recognise the song that’s playing right now?”

I leaned back up and took a listen. The bass did sound a tad familiar. I listened a bit closer to the lyrics and it hit me.

“Yah! I own this beat!” Blu started singing along to the song. “You can call me the king or the ruler, Fellon on base, gettin’ hoarse at the mic.”

“We’re gettin’ 20% cooler!” I started singing a bit too with a laugh.

The song went on and we continued to match the lyrics, sometimes getting a weird look, but we didn’t care, it was a party and we wanted to have fun.

“It’s amazing that it exists here, doesn’t it?” Blu said after the song was finished.

“Great minds think alike, no matter where they reside.” I said simply.

“Alright you ponies!” Vinyl Scratch shouted as the music died down on the last track. “Time for some awesome pony games.” She announced with a laugh.

Pinkie took over with a smile and nod to the DJ. “Okie-Dokie everypony. Now that we’re done with the dancing for now, I’d like to try something that I thought of a few days ago. The game is called “Wink”. It starts off by everypony choosing a partner and forming a circle.”

‘Hmm, this kinda reminds me of an old game I used to play at camp.’ I thought as I watched the ponies partner up. Blu came over to me like I thought he would so we were ready. Out of the elements, Rarity partnered up with Fluttershy, AJ with Rainbow Dash, and finally after a bit of internal debate, Twilight went over to Pinkie.

“Alright, does anyone not have a partner?” The pink game leader asked. One brown pony shot a hoof up. “Great! We needed an odd number of ponies to play so it looks like you’ll be the winker. Now, with your partner, you gotta ride em!”

Blu and I giggled a bit, along with a few other ponies. Twilight, however, shot a look at Pinkie before the party pony tried to ‘mount’ her. “I think it would probably be better if we sat on our haunches if I see where you’re actually going with this.”

Pinkie puzzled for a bit. “Yeah, probably. So anyway, let’s have one partner sit on their rump and the other have their hooves on their shoulders. Okay, good. So now that we are set up the objective is to get away from your partner. However, there are a few rules. One: The pony that’s behind their opponent has to have their eyes closed until a partner is chosen. Two: No unfair advantages like wings, magic, or excessive strength. Third: No trying to get away unless your winked at. And last, but most importantly, HAVE FUN!!!!”

“Well, this won’t end well.” Blu said as he got in front of me. “Ready as I’ll ever be.”

I gave a nod and got ready. “Is everypony ready?!” Pinkie asked quite loudly. Everypony gave a nod, even Fluttershy. “Alright! Whenever you’re ready winker!”

The brown pony nodded as I closed my eyes. A few seconds into it and I heard a small shuffle. Blu gave a small giggle. At first, I almost thought Blu was picked, but as the circle of ponies got louder, I heard a certain mare struggling to get free. When I opened my eyes, there was Derpy off to my right being held down by Roseluck, a mare with a rose-colored mane and a Rose for a cutiemark. As the match continued, Derpy ended up slipping out of Roseluck’s hooves and ended up making it to the brown pony.

“Nice job, Derpy!” He said to his new partner.

“Thanks, Doctor.” Derpy commented as she got behind him to prepare for the next wink.

I gave a small chuckle as I closed my eyes again. A few more moments passed as the ponies kept relatively silent. Then I heard the crowd ‘Ooooo’.

“Yeehaw!” Applejack shouted as she clasped her hooves around Rainbow Dash as the cyan-colored pegasus tried to get away from the farmpony, it was a very violent seen as they each tried to prove their strength. They went at it for a good few moments. Dash really struggling to get to Roseluck and pushed with all her might but ended up getting pulled back to the end she started at and was where she was at the start of the whole match as time was called.

“Alright Dashie, It seems you're done. Better luck next time.” Pinkie said. “Try picking another one, Roseluck.” She said with a wink of her own.

The rose-maned pony nodded and waited a moment as everypony closed their eyes. I heard another giggle from Blu. I had no idea if it was him or not though.

“Woah!” I exclaimed as Blu jerked out of my hooves. Trying to regain myself, I grabbed a hold of his hind legs which plopped him down to the ground once more. He, however, had another thing in store for me as he swatted my face with his tail.

“Pbbbbbt.” The sound passed through my lips as I tried not to get hair in my face. I held on tight as he struggled to break free. This, however, is where his brain triumphed over my brawn. Since we both were pretty new to being ponies, we hadn’t figured out too many things without instinct to help us out.

With his forehooves, Blu started a standing gallop, which ultimately went nowhere until he suddenly put down both hooves and pushed as hard as he could which sent him flying into the middle of the room. I jumped for him but he managed to make another jump to hit Roseluck’s hoof. The room gave an applause for Blu’s excellent escape method.

So... I ended up losing my partner, which meant it was time for me to choose a new partner to tag me. I looked around the room trying to decide which pony pair to choose next and as everypony closed their eyes once again. I found the perfect group. ‘Lyra and Bon-Bon’ I thought slyly. This was gonna be fun. I winked at Lyra and the match began.

“Bah!” Bon-Bon exclaimed as Lyra made a sudden dive for me. Bon-Bon pulled back bit by bit.

“I can do this!” Lyra said, a bit strained from exertion. She kept trying to lunge out of Bon Bon’s arms getting slowly closer and closer to me. I held out a hoof, and as I did that, Lyra made a humongous lunge that broke free of Bon-Bon’s grasp and sent her flying towards me. But before she smashed into me, I stopped her in midair with my magic as her muzzle brushed up against mine briefly. Slowly, my green aura slowly set her down and I let out my hoof one more time as she tagged it.

“Thanks, for stopping me.” She said as she slowly was turning red.

“No problem.” I responded as I looked around the room everyone was looking at me with surprised faces. “What?” I asked as I turned my own shade of red.

“That was quite impressive.” Twilight commented. “That was a great reaction time along with some pretty powerful magic.”

“Well, thanks I guess.” I said as Blu gave a small whistle. “Shush.”

He gave a small chuckle, since he knew I was more embarrassed about how close Lyra got to me, which I didn’t intend at all. A couple other chuckles came out of a few other ponies came out, which was Pinkie’s signal to keep things moving with the game again.

“Alright you lovebirds, get to your spots and let’s continue the game, shall we?” She said with a small giggle of her own.

Lyra moved over to get to her spot behind me. “Sorry.” She whispered into my ear as she put her hooves on my shoulders.

“Don’t worry about it.” I whispered back as I looked forward to Bon-Bon.

Bon-Bon looked around for another pair. Luckily for Fluttershy, she was only a bit more than a quarter circle away, making her a perfectly good chance at getting picked and being able to get away from Rarity. Bon-Bon saw this too and thought the same thing. So, making sure Fluttershy was ready, she acknowledged her with a hoof and the next struggle began.

“Woohoo!” Fluttershy shouted softly as she made her move.

“Not so fast, darling.” Rarity smiled as she toppled the timid mare over and began tickling her stomach with a hoof.

“No!” The pegasus gasped as she tried to get out of the laughter trap. Little to Rarity’s knowledge however, she started moving from side to side until she could roll over and make a small leap for Bon-Bon and meet with her hoof.

Everypony applauded the shy pegasus with their hooves.

“Drat! I thought I had that one.” Rarity mumbled loudly. “Oh well.”

Now everypony went back in place again and it was Rarity’s turn to choose her next partner. I kinda guessed she’d pick her fellow unicorn friend Twilight, but never have I been so wrong. She ended up picking me! ‘Great.’ I thought as I got ready for my escape.

Slowly, I moved a hoof, then the other. Then, with a sudden movement, I ducked down and made a quick dash to the middle. Earning a satisfying “Gah!” from my mint-colored partner. As I moved to make another dash, I was caught in her grasp and pulled back. Scraping against the floor, I struggled to get anywhere and ended up going upright. Lyra had put herself upright as well so I looked to take that to my advantage.

With a look to Rarity, I figured out how far I was from her and put my hooves on Lyra’s midsection. With a pull, I toppled us back down to the ground in Rarity’s direction. The white mare jumped, but put a hoof out, and with a few extra hops, I managed to touch it.

Another applause came from the circle of ponies.

“Thanks for the interesting match, Lyra.” I commented. She nodded with another blush and went back to her spot.

Once that was over, the circle of ponies got picked one by one and multiple duels were had until it was time for the last one, which ended up being Pinkie Pie and Twilight. The winker, which ended up being Derpy Hooves, tried winking at Twilight but her eyes made it a bit difficult to tell who she was winking at, which left ponies confused. After two other failed attempts to wink, she gave up and just pointed to the lavender unicorn.

I had to resist face-hoofing myself, but soon enough, Twilight thought of something she could do. Knowing Pinkie had her little Pinkie Sense, there was no way she was going to start out slow. So with a sudden burst, she went forward and almost did a faceplant.

“Gotcha now, Twi!” Pinkie exclaimed as she grabbed a hold of her stomach. It seemed pretty tight too so I had a tough time imagining how she would be able to make it out of there. She tried doing a jump, which only got the pink mare to ride on her back and make Twilight fall flat back down, doing a faceplant.

“Wait a sec.” Pinkie started. “Twitchy tail, itchy stomach, what was that for again?”

All of a sudden, a blue unicorn with shades teleports in front of the two.

“Would you ponies be quiet? Other ponies are trying to sleep around here.” The familiar fancy pony scolded. “And that doesn’t look very proper, mind you.”

And with that, he teleported out as soon as he came. I tried holding back my laughter, but to no avail. Good news was, everypony else burst out laughing as well.