• Published 1st Dec 2012
  • 1,760 Views, 13 Comments

Hallowed Beats - Nether

Anonymous and Octavia deal with Vinyl's Passing.

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Chapter 1: In Loving Memory

You didn't want to be there, but you were. God, your heart-- No, your fucking soul was ripped by what you'd been told. But she was right there; curled up as though she was sleeping. Her goggles had been placed around her neck, like she used to do when she needed to see regularly. You were looking down on her form. She looked so peaceful, lying there in the red velvet. Like nothing had happened. Like she was frozen in time.

A part of her was. She would be forever one of the best friends you'd ever had. She'd impacted so many lives. Why the hell couldn't you have done something more? It had just been a couple of drunk brawlers at one of her raves. She was rocking out like she usually did; driving the crowd wild. Unknown to you, a couple of ponies had snuck some spiked cider into the show. Vinyl's bouncers got to them once they started causing trouble; shoving other ponies around, Boasting. One pony in particular was going out of his way to try and stop the show.

Well, he fucking succeeded. He'd gotten up on stage before anyone had time to react, and smashed his bottle into Vinyl's face. God, just thinking about what had happened dredged up the rage inside you. The dumb fuck pony that hit Vinyl probably wouldn't walk again. Her bouncers had made sure of that. It was just a few cuts and bruises for Vinyl. She should have been fine.

The doctors had done all they could. They were just too late. A stray shard of glass from Vinyl's goggles had gotten shoved into her brain. It didn't kill her instantly. No, it dragged out her death. Twelve hours. Twelve fucking hours she was in that room.

Rainbow had since convinced you to sleep. That cyan pony took care of you, that was for sure. After agreeing to sleep, you awoke the next morning, and went through your motions. Right up until breakfast.

"Any news on Vinyl?" you inquired, causing Rainbow to stop eating. You looked at her, and she had tears in her eyes. "No."



She choked out what the doctors had told her through sobs. Vinyl was gone. The damage finally took its toll. The only comfort you had was being told that she died in her sleep. With no pain.


"She really meant a lot to you, didn't she?" That voice. You'd heard that voice before. You looked over to where the voice had come from, and sure enough.

"Octavia? What are you doing here?"

She looked over at Vinyl's corpse. "I didn't choose to come. I was required to come. Apparently, I'm mentioned in her will." Octavia never liked Vinyl. That much you knew. You'd met her a couple times before. She wasn't the nicest of ponies, but she wasn't a bitch either.

"You're avoiding my question."

"Yes. Yes, she meant a great deal to me. I appreciate you showing your respects, I know it must not be easy for you." She sighed.

"We never got along. I hated her even. Her music, her raves, her running on attention. But I miss her."

"We all do."

The burial didn't lend to well to your emotions. Nor did the long walk back to Vinyl's auditorium, where the reading of the will was to take place. You and Octavia went together. You'd told Rainbow to head home. She'd been up nearly 18 hours trying to help you. You didn't need to stress her out more than she already was. She'd been allowed to head home, seeing as wherever she was mentioned in the will, you were too. As a couple.

So, you walked to the auditorium with Octavia. It was a silent walk. And it was a long walk. The auditorium only reminded you of Vinyl. It brought tears to your eyes when it came into view. When you and Octavia finally made it to the main room in the auditorium, the reading of the will proceeded. Only yourself, Octavia and one other pony were present. Princess Luna was reading the will.

"Now that you are both here, I shall proceed in disclosing Vinyl Scratch's will. ‘If you're reading this, then know I died happy. Why? Because I died before I had to witness any of your deaths. I don't know that I'd hold up that well at a funeral. At any rate, I've got a few things for you guys. I leave my entire auditorium and everything in it, to Princess Luna, with the following exceptions: To Rainbow Dash and Anon - you guys were awesome friends. I can't tell you how happy it made me when we'd hang. So, that being said, I leave you each a pair of my goggles.’”

Princess Luna used her magic to grip a box and moved it over to you.

"’I also leave you my entire collection of records, save for one. Tavi, I leave you this golden record, on the condition that you play it. Anon, make sure she does.’”

Again, Luna used her magic to move a sleeved record over to Octavia. "’I know it doesn't seem like much, but once you play it, you'll understand.’”

Octavia took the record with a quizzical look on her face.

"’Anon, make sure she plays it. Princess Luna, I thank you for reading this if you did, and I ask that you let Anon and Octavia use the auditorium to play this record. I know it's not much, but it's what made me think of you guys.’ That's all she wrote. I'll leave you now. My condolences to each of you. This loss was unnecessary." With that, Princess Luna left.

You looked over at Octavia, who was still lost in thought.

"Why would she leave me a record? She knows I hated her music!"

"Just play it. It's her dying wish, Octavia."

She sighed. "Fine, let's just get this over with. Would you mind? I don't know how to work her... instruments."


You took the record out of the sleeve. You held it in your hands. Both you and Octavia had to stare at it for a minute. It was gold plated. You took the record, and carefully placed it on the turntable. You started the player, and placed the needle onto the record. Silence.

"I figured as much. She would do someth--"

Vinyl's voice boomed out over the speakers. "Oh! Sorry guys, wasn't paying attention. Anyway! Anon, you've heard this before, but you're the only one. Octavia, I figured you should have this song. I know we've never seen eye to eye, and that I could be a bit annoying at times, but there are more than a few things you don't know about me. That being said, I'll let my music tell the rest. I hope you guys like it, it was my first time with what Octavia would call a 'real' instrument." More silence.

Once you flipped the record, you placed the needle in its appropriate position, and let the record play. It started out with a low bass sound, a couple of Vinyl-style beats, and you could see Octavia start to cover her ears.

"Turn it off. TURN IT OFF, I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!" Before you flipped the switch though, the beats stopped. "Oh sweet Celesita, THANK YOU! I was starti--"

"This one is for you, Octavia. Let’s drop this beat." Vinyl's voice again. A bit of silence, and you and Octavia looked at each other.

"Was that it?" As if on cue, a cello started playing. It was a song you recognized; A song that Octavia had gotten you to play from your phone when it was working. The song was performed by a single cello, nothing more.

The song ended. Octavia was silent. You were silent. You'd heard that song before, but it had been remixed. This… This song was her original, unedited performance. Well, aside from the intro. The record finished, and you cut power to the table.

"I... I don't know what to say..."

"If you don't want it, don't destroy it. Please." She was silent again. She walked over to the table, and placed a hoof on the turn table's arm. She moved the needle back to the starting point.

"One more time, if you please." And so you played it again. Octavia moved to the center of the stage, and sat down. You went over and sat down next to her. Once the song finished, she started crying. She sobbed over, and took you in a hug. You returned it, your eyes starting to water.

"I miss her, Anon."

"I do too."

It was that day again. Three years had passed since Vinyl's death. It had left a gaping hole in you. But you visited her grave each year. This time though, something stopped you. It was music. Music from Vinyl's golden record. You stopped once you saw what was producing the music. It was a cello. A cello, being played by Octavia.

You read the tombstone to yourself.

"Here lies Vinyl Scratch. May her and her music never be forgotten."