• Published 4th Dec 2012
  • 15,912 Views, 460 Comments

Spike's Scootaloo - MallaJong1

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Life's Many Obstacles

Life exists to provide constant challenges. There has never been any doubt of this fact. Each and every day life unleashes a new test for its subjects, watching in amusement as those confronted stare in awe. It enjoys teasing and taunting at the pathetically bewildered. It’s pleased by the actions of the humble and wise. It’s never slow to ignore those who walk away in surrender. And it always rewards those who stand victorious at the very end of the trial. Because life isn’t just the entirety of all things present and surviving. No, it’s much, much larger. Life in its essence can be defined as the ultimate teacher of this infinite universe.

Those who disregard the lessons encountered automatically fail by life’s standards. Yet, for those who decide to take the lessons seriously, life tends to give a few chances to pass with flying colors. Because it truly does want those who attempt to learn to succeed. Whether the true benefits of these chances are efficiently put to use relies solely on the receiver. The student either comprehends what it’s been given or throws away an opportunity to advance forward.

Spike the baby dragon had become one of life’s students. A game had been dropped in his path, and it seemed he was set on playing it. He didn’t know if he was going to win. For all he knew his decision to open that little bag had already determined his downfall. But in the midst of his confusion, he was sure of one thing. No matter what came his way during the game, he knew he’d push on. For Spike, making the right moves was indeed a daunting task. However, since he was now a labeled a contender, he felt he needed to at least try. The faithful assistant wasn’t one to go down without a fight.

He just wanted a certain orange filly to hold the same sense of determination. He hoped she’d be able to provide support in his pursuit for that lustrous win. Because if she wouldn’t, he’d be left battling life’s many obstacles all on his own.

Spike’s Scootaloo

To label Spike as ‘nervous’ would be quite the understatement. A better term to substitute would be ‘panicky’. As he stood alone on that field of grass, the baby dragon feverishly shifted his eyes about, searching for his date. Wait, his date? No, he couldn’t be calling her that so easily. There was no way he was planning to go through with it, anyway. She was only a fellow acquaintance that had been pulled into one very bothersome misunderstanding. Poor Scootaloo, Spike thought concernedly. Earlier she had just been innocently frolicking alongside her fellow Crusaders without a care in the world. Though due to the devious scheming of two foolhardy unicorns, the orange pegasus had suddenly become the victim of torment. Because that’s exactly what it was: torment.

Spike turned his head to the culprits concealing themselves in a nearby bush. He clicked his tongue in disgust at them, glaring daggers. Scootaloo had nothing to do with their bet, so why was she involved in the first place? Were Snips and Snails really that willing to sacrifice a blameless bystander for a gamble to watch the baby dragon squirm? Well, they got what they were hoping for. Yet such cruelty could not go unpunished, Spike determined. Once this whole fiasco was over justice must be served!

If only he hadn’t stupidly slipped into such a ridiculous bet. In an alternate reality, Spike would have avoided the humiliation of asking somepony out, Scootaloo would have miraculously discovered her cutie mark, and Snips and Snails would have continued to dumbly go about their own nonsensical business. Nopony would have been harmed. Alas, that reality shall remain conceived purely through fantasy. To the baby dragon’s chagrin, he’d never be able to run away from the true light of his current dilemma. The tiny ounce of honor he somehow retained within him forced Spike to stand his ground. Instead of letting it spread, he needed to the face and extinguish the fire. And meeting Scootaloo at noon for their picnic luncheon was the first step.

His plan to fix the situation was foolproof. He’d formulated the surefire strategy during the two available hours he had until noon. It was an impenetrable plot that guaranteed success. The first step was to admit to the orange foal that he had merely undergone a punishment. The second step was to watch as Scootaloo immediately accepted without further questioning. The third step was to confirm with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle as they understood wholeheartedly and nodded their heads. Lastly, the fourth step was to exact retribution upon the tyrannical Snips and Snails. According to Spike, by the end all would be forgiven and forgotten, and the world would be able to experience a longtime period of serenity. His plan was perfect. Nothing could go wrong if he followed these four easy steps…right?

Seriously, who was he trying to kid?

Spike groaned in exasperation. “I’m doomed.”

Flicking his arm up to the front of his snout, Spike eyed his wrist to catch the time. He then gawked fretfully at the encounter of another pressing issue. He wasn’t wearing a wristwatch. Face-palming for the tenth time that day, he began interrogating himself. Why didn’t he have a watch? If there ever came a time to own one, now was that time! But had he ever owned one? He probably should have possessed some kind of timepiece by now, right? And where was that orange filly? It had to already have been noon! If it was, she was late! Maybe Scootaloo wasn’t coming? Oh, please let that be the truth, Spike pleaded.

“Psst! Psst! Spike, hey!” A hushed voice called out, shocking the baby dragon.

Spike jumped back, alarmed. “Huh? Who said that? Who’s there?”

“You were just looking at us before. How do you not see us?” The voice replied.

Spike’s expression dropped at the realization. “What do you want, Snips?”

It seemed Spike had been too invested in the chaotic workings of his own mind to notice Snips and Snails’ whispered pestering. The two colts poked their heads out from their bush, beckoning their friend with protruding hooves. Spike didn’t budge, however. There was no way he was going to listen to tweedle-dee and tweedle-dum any longer. What were they up to now? Whatever it was, it couldn’t be good.

“I’m not moving.” Spike grumbled. “And I told you guys to get out of here already. There’s nothing to see.”

“We still don’t get why you’re so angry with us.” Snips said, nodding with Snails. “You should be thanking us for this. Scootaloo’s hot, and you’re going to break up with her so soon. You’re wasting such a sweet chance!”

“I’m not breaking up with her because we’re not even going out!” Spike turned his head away in frustration.

“Dah, you’re officially dating her thanks to us, though.” Snails said in defense.

“Agh, we’re not dating! How many times do I have to keep telling you guys that?” Spike recoiled angrily. “It’s enough I had to go through with your punishment, so leave me be!”

“I bet you won’t even do it.” Snips said, ignoring Spike’s demands. “I bet you’re actually really happy you’re dating her. Man, I can’t believe how lucky you are.”

“It’s like even if we win, Spike still ends up winning.” Snails drawled. “That’s so unfair. I want to date Scootaloo, too.”

“Remind me why we’re friends again.” Spike muttered, feeling defeated.

“You’re right. We are friends.” Snips winked to his draconic companion. “Don’t worry. We can help you out with the date if you ever get into trouble. Right, Snails?”

Snails stayed silent for a moment before giving in. There wasn’t any point in hoping for a date with Scootaloo. To Snails, she was Spike’s mare now. Plus the ‘bro code’ refrained the unicorn from ever messing with another bro’s girl. One should never mess with the ‘bro code’, after all. Never.

“Yeah, we’re friends.” Snails stated his resolve. “We’ll be here when you need us, Spike.”

“Trust me, guys. That’s not going to happen.” Spike rolled his eyes. “I would never ask–“

Spike cut himself off short. His pupils constricted into tiny dots, catching sight of three familiar fillies appearing at the peak of the hills ahead. The time had finally come. It was noon.

In a panic, he straightened up his spine and ordered Snips and Snails to hide. The two colts spotted the Cutie Mark Crusaders nearing, and in a similar panic bumped their heads together before finally sinking back into their bush. Spike’s claws clenched and unclenched repeatedly as he took big breaths. This was it. At this moment he needed to remain composed. Stay calm, Spike. Stay…calm…

It was useless. They were getting closer, and he was feeling tenser. No amount of meditation could calm him now. It was really here. His first…date. No, it was not his date! He really needed to stop calling it that. It wasn’t a real date, remember?

“Sweet Celestia, it’s my first date…”Spike uttered, his eyes widening in fear.

Okay, he had to accept he couldn’t control his impending fate. Being in denial wasn’t the correct answer to his woes. Maybe this was in fact his first date. That was okay, right? Spike could handle something as insignificant as a mandatory meet-up. There was nothing more to it…

Still, he probably should have done a better job at preparing for it. He practically wasted two whole hours waiting for Scootaloo. Those hours could have been used more productively. He could have at least taken a quick shower or something. Yet he didn’t. He didn’t do anything but claw at his head like a mental patient. Why didn’t he purchase a rose for her? Why didn’t he race home and put on his Gala suit to appear remotely presentable? Why didn’t he do anything when there were so many opportunities to? His lack of initiative rendered Spike a naked, sweating, empty-handed baby dragon with a frog in his throat.

Wow. The date hadn’t even started and he was already sucking at it.

As Spike fussed over his own stupidity, he forced himself to look over to the encroaching trio. Because the Cutie Mark Crusaders had been huddled closely together, he hadn’t noticed a few odd details in their demeanor. Although when they eventually split into three identifiable fillies, Spike was stunned.

To the left was Apple Bloom carrying a suitably sized picnic basket with her teeth. The food she had promised to bring fit snugly inside. To the right was Sweetie Belle carrying a saddle-pack latched to her back. The picnic blanket, Spike guessed. There was nothing particularly abnormal about those two. They were simply beaming like always. What especially astonished Spike, however, was what Scootaloo brought with her. At first glance he thought she might have been wearing her costume for Nightmare Night. It wasn’t until he carefully examined her that he realized how very wrong he was.

Scootaloo seemed to have been wrapped in some type of mustard-colored garment. Sprinkles of glitter formed patches on the attire’s surface, and Spike could almost make out crayon marks scribbled about randomly. The edges of the cloth were jagged and messy. It was as if the fabric had been cut out with a pair of old safety scissors. Pink, frilly lace dangled freely at the sides, swaying with every step the orange foal took. He gaped when he discovered duct tape was keeping the whole thing intact. Was Scootaloo wearing…a dress? If that’s what one could even label it as.

She was also riding on her trusty scooter. As she eased in closer to his location, the sounds of grass and soil crumpling under the weight of the wheels traveled to Spike’s ears. The baby dragon wondered as to why she had brought the transportation device. Was she perhaps thinking about escaping? He sure would have if he had entered the scene wearing such a failure of an arts and crafts project. Harsh, yes, but it was the barefaced truth.

And her hair! What happened to Scootaloo’s signature mane and tail? Instead of its regular unkempt style, the pegasus’s hairdo had taken on a new look, and it was…interesting. A pronounced fluff of hair creating a bob rested at the top of her forehead. Her tail had curled in on itself, as if it was hurriedly rolled and kneaded into a funny-looking whirlpool. Staring at the mess, Spike could imagine two pairs of hooves simultaneously grooming the foal. Too bad that must have been the case.

Finally, the expression on Scootaloo’s face confirmed all of Spike’s musings. Her visage was the very definition of embarrassment. The height of her shame couldn’t be matched. Averting her eyes in all directions, the orange pegasus gradually sunk into her scooter’s handlebar as she drew nearer. Scootaloo was utterly mortified, and Spike couldn’t help but feel sorry for her.

“H-hi, girls.” Spike said awkwardly, greeting the three fillies as they reached his spot.

“Yer date’s here, Spike! Noon sharp, as promised!” Apple Bloom chirped after dropping the picnic basket. “I got yer food all ready in the basket. I hope y’all like apple pie!”

Apple Bloom bounced around Scootaloo excitedly as Sweetie Belle pulled out a large blanket from her saddle-pack. After she had promptly laid out the plaid sheet, the unicorn filly smoothed out the corners with her hooves before speaking up again.

“Everything’s ready for you two.” Sweetie Belle smiled brightly. “You don’t have to worry about returning the stuff back. Apple Bloom and I will be back to collect it when your date’s finished.”

Sweetie Belle nudged Apple Bloom knowingly, winking at her friend with a cute snicker. The yellow filly winked back and whispered something inaudible to an alarmingly silent Scootaloo. Not surprisingly, the pegasus remained discomforted as she stepped off her scooter, staring away from the baby dragon.

“Okay, we’re going now. Make sure to get all nice and snug on the blanket.” Apple Bloom cooed, wrapping her hoof around Sweetie Belle. “Don’t wait on us. Go ahead and enjoy yerselves.”

“No need to rush things either. Just go with the flow.” Sweetie Belle giggled, stepping backwards with Apple Bloom as they took their exit.

Oh, please stop talking, Spike thought. It couldn’t get any more awkward than it was now.

“Good luck!” Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle cheered, hopping away.

Spike and Scootaloo watched as the two fillies headed straight for a large bush. Diving inside, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle disappeared within the thicket of branches. Spike slapped at his face with an open palm, feeling as if he was about to blow a gasket. He couldn’t believe how conspicuous the two Crusaders made their departure. They weren’t planning to leave at all. Observing the date was their main motive. It didn’t even seem like they cared to hide that fact either. It was like they wanted the dragon and pegasus to know they were peeping in the bush!

Unbeknownst to Spike, though, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle thought they were being pretty sneaky.

“Seriously?” Spike complained quietly.

“Seriously?” Scootaloo followed, not having heard the baby dragon.

Spike quickly analyzed the situation. Two doofuses were spying at his six o’ clock, and two overeager fillies were at his twelve. Well, if there was any doubt in his mind before, it had vanished by now. Because it was painfully obvious how doomed he was.

Eyeing Scootaloo wearily, Spike decided to assuage both of their nerve-wracked brains. What could he say to break the tension? He figured a compliment should come first.

“Hey, Scootaloo…” Spike said cautiously.

Scootaloo whipped her head to Spike in shock. “Huh?”

Spike gulped. “U-uh…I wanted to tell you that I think your…”

“You…think my what?” Scootaloo asked apprehensively.

Twiddling his thumbs, Spike continued. “I think your, uh, dress…is beautiful?”

Ending a compliment in a question. Spike was the smoothest baby dragon in the land.

Scootaloo didn’t respond. Her face went red from sheer humiliation. She knew Spike thought it looked as grotesque as she did. How could she let her friends convince her to try on something so degrading?

Praising the dress didn’t work in either’s favor, Spike assumed. Because an excruciatingly awkward silence was consuming them as the seconds went by. Maybe complimenting Scootaloo’s new hair would help chip away the uneasiness in the air. That couldn’t possibly backfire, could it?

“I-I think your hair is really pretty!” Spike lied again. “It’s…unique. I really like it?”

Spike watched as Scootaloo’s face went even redder. Why did he keep terminating his flattery with questions? Did he find amusement in interrogating her? Things couldn’t get any worse than this.

Scootaloo couldn’t stand being so helpless. Enough was enough. Her dignity as a rambunctious little filly was being tossed out the door. Was this what it was like to date somepony? Was it required to become somepony she knew she wasn’t? To dress and act in a manner not coinciding to her own? No wonder she always found romance to be nothing but mushy drivel.

“Just say it, Spike. You hate the dress.” Scootaloo groaned. “And the hair, too.”

“N-no, I don’t hate them.” Spike held up a hand in protest. ”You look nice. I swear.”

“You’re lying. Admit it, I look awful.” Scootaloo lifted her hooves to her muzzle. “They even wanted me to get a manicure or something like that. But there wasn’t time. Thank Celestia.”

“I don’t think it looks that bad.” Spike scratched the back of his head.

“Yeah, right.” Scootaloo began squirming uncomfortably. ‘I was too blinded by their kindness. But I can’t do this anymore. This isn’t me. I hate this, ugh, dress.”

Spike’s sympathy for the orange foal reached new heights. If only he hadn’t lost that damn bet!

“Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle did this to you, huh?” Spike gave up trying to lie through his teeth. “And here I thought I was underdressed.”

Scootaloo fidgeted restlessly, her frustration searing. She couldn’t wear this terrible ‘thing’ any longer. She just wasn’t doing it. And nopony was going to stop her. So when she started using her mouth to tear the garment off, she was surprised that it persisted to stick to her frame. She tugged and pulled, but to her distress the ugly frock wasn’t coming off. Her irritation was at its limit as she opted to aimlessly kick at the dress.

“Why isn’t this THING coming off?!” Scootaloo squeaked angrily, wriggling impatiently. “Agh, why is this happening to me?”

Back at Snips and Snails’ bush, the two unicorns gawked in wonder at the proceedings of the date. Unbelievably, they still couldn’t discern whether the date was going well or not. It was taking place a bit too rapidly for their tiny brains to sufficiently take it all in. Was Scootaloo acting so restive because Spike was so charming she couldn’t help it? Was she squealing with joy for being able to date the baby dragon? They had no idea Spike was so suave.

“Spike’s the ultimate ‘bro’, Snails.” Snips whispered in admiration. “The date’s just started, and Scootaloo’s already got the hots for him.”

“I know. We should ask him for some advice after this.” Snails agreed. “Look at him go. He’s just standing there like nothing’s happening.”

Yes, Spike was just standing in place, but it’s not because he desired to. He didn’t have a clue what to do as he stared at Scootaloo battling the piece of fabric latched to her body. Should he help her? Or should he ease off and let the pegasus tucker herself out? Why couldn’t somepony tell him what to do? He was running out of ideas here!

“Why is she destroying the dress we worked so hard on?” Apple Bloom asked Sweetie Belle from within their bush. “Did you hear Spike? He said he liked it!”

Sweetie Belle shook her head. “I don’t think he was telling the truth.”

“What? Are ya sure?” Apple Bloom scrunched up her face, confused. “He at least liked her new haircut, right?”

Sweetie Belle bit her bottom lip. “Maybe we involved ourselves a bit too much, Apple Bloom. Scootaloo’s not having fun.”

Apple Bloom’s expression dropped as she realized their efforts had been in vain.

“We messed up, didn’t we?” The yellow filly muttered sheepishly. “Should we help her get the dress off then?”

“I think we should stay put for now. Once she gets it off I’m sure the date will go back to normal.” Sweetie Belle assured, truly hoping for the best case scenario. “Scootaloo’s a Crusader, and she’s a tough filly!”

“Right!” Apple Bloom nodded.

Watching the orange pegasus combat with the unrelenting outfit was a stressful experience for Spike. He had to help. If he didn’t, Scootaloo would likely burst into a fiery tantrum. That wouldn’t be fun at all for him. Not. At. All.

“So annoying!” Scootaloo wailed, her wings fluttering wildly. “Why doesn’t this thing let go?!”

“O-okay, stop moving for a moment. Let me take it off of you.” Spike said, moving towards the agitated filly.

“Get it off of me! Get it off of me!” Scootaloo cried desperately, ruffling up her hairdo with her hooves.

Scootaloo was too muddled to notice Spike trying to grab at the cloth. Her focus was solely on getting out of the dress, and that was it. She leaped and sprang in circles as she clashed with the duct tape. All the while Spike chased in order to assist. The pegasus’s wings propelled her away from the baby dragon’s claws, however. Each time he swiped a talon to snag the garment off, Scootaloo would inch out of the way a split second later. Spike wasn’t able to catch her, and he was beginning to grow just as frustrated.

“I’m trying to help you! Slow down!” Spike yelped, tripping over himself. “Listen to me! You need to be still!”

“I’m trapped!” Scootaloo screamed. “I can’t get it off! It’s stuck!”

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle poked their heads out of the bush.

“I-I think she really needs our help now.” Apple Bloom said worriedly.

Sweetie Belle concurred. “You’re right. Let’s go.”

Before the two fillies could jump to their friend’s rescue, though, Spike had already been pushed enough to the edge to finally take matters into his own hands. In a moment of absolute spontaneity, Spike pounced upon the panicked pegasus, hurdling the two entangled beings across the grass. When the ball of scales and feathers ceased its rolling, everypony gasped.

Spike was only trying to help the poor little filly. His intentions were pure. But instead of ripping away Scootaloo’s attire – which was his original goal – he ended up on top of the immobile pegasus. There they were, a baby dragon lying atop a pegasus’s prone body. The contact of their warm bodies silenced Scootaloo into a stupor. Was…Spike pinning her down? But why?

Spike wasn’t actually pinning her to the ground, though he could understand why she would see it that way. The dastardly garment had not only stayed on the orang foal’s frame but had also snagged itself on one of Spike’s protruding spines. So all Spike did was trap himself along with Scootaloo.

He acted quickly. Using his forearms, Spike lifted himself off the mute pegasus. But that only tightened the bonds of the cloth wrapped around them. He couldn’t create a gap between himself and Scootaloo. As he strained against the pull of the fabric, he was inevitably recoiled closer to her. It was useless. He was stuck…because of duct tape.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle didn’t dare make a sound. They couldn’t and knew deep down that they shouldn’t. For some reason, this moment was not to be interrupted.

“Spike?” Scootaloo said suddenly, her eyes meeting his.

“S-sorry about this. I’ll tear the tape off right now.” Spike reached his arm behind himself.

“Okay.” She replied quietly.

Their noses were only centimeters apart. Scootaloo could smell the soft smokiness of the baby dragon’s breath. She was reminded of a homely campfire aroma. And she liked it.

In this type of situation, wouldn’t Scootaloo be trying to push Spike away? Strange, though, that she wasn’t. The thought to do so didn’t even cross her mind. She only stayed silent as Spike picked at the duct tape sticking to his back.

Scootaloo’s cheeks went crimson. She’d never been so physically close to a male before. Studying the dragon’s facial features carefully, she noted the faint glimmer of his purple scales whilst in the sun. As opposed to fur, Spike’s skin was a mystery. They were slick and rough at the same time. The shells of the dragon represented both fortitude and splendor. Dragons in general were considered a danger to the ponies. Yet Spike wasn’t a danger. He was a special dragon.

Blushing, the filly’s heart raced in her chest. Spike had asked her out on a date. When he had asked, she hadn’t known how to respond. She had to admit, though, that she was a little happy that he had. But she still didn’t understand why.

She didn’t know what she was doing. She didn’t feel like herself, yet she didn’t fight her actions. An unfamiliar sensation was possessing her, but she didn’t resist it. Why? Well, she didn’t know that either. Allowing her body to move on its own, the orange filly halted Spike’s extended arm. Startled, he looked back to her.

“What are you doing?” Spike asked, swallowing hard.

“I don’t know.” Scootaloo answered honestly.

The two stared at each other, not knowing what life was to toss at them next. Could there be another obstacle coming their way anytime soon? If so, then what could it be?

Unable to keep their excitement down, Snips and Snails exploded into a grand applause. The noise completely dissolved whatever moment Spike and Scootaloo had created.

“SPIKE’S MADE IT TO SECOND BASE!” Snips hollered, whistling. “HE’S THE BRO OF BROS!”

“GO SPIKE!” Snails bellowed.

Touché, Life. Touché.

Comments ( 208 )

Thanks for the support, everyone! PARTY ON, SCOOTS!

You go Spike, you've already got Scootaloo hooked. :moustache:

ooooo spike and scootaloo kissing :)

I've seen 10 Things I Hate About You, and know where this is going. The cool Bad Ass with the heart of gold is in this scenario where he has to date the tough chick who deep down is very vulnerable. At first he does so to satisfy a set of conditions, but as time goes on and he gets to know her, he starts feeling some level of connection towards her. Then the drama hits when she discovers his reasons for courting her and then he has to proof his worth to get her back.


Hahaha! It's not going to be that cliche, dude!

I kinda like that movie. :pinkiehappy:

YOU ARE AMAZING :heart: enough said

I am so glad you liked it, guys. :) Writing this chapter was tougher than I thought. But if I succeeded in entertaining, then I'm satisfied. YEAH!:pinkiehappy:

:facehoof:DAMMIT YOU TWO!!!

I think interrupting at that point is inadvertently breaking the bro code:ajbemused:

Comment posted by Breakfateschain deleted Dec 12th, 2012

1784833Thank You:twilightsmile:

I HATE that cliche with a fiery passion!!!:twilightangry2:

Spike and Scootaloo's messy hug: Oh, boy! This gonna be good :rainbowwild:

Ending: :flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage:
They couldn't stay quiet, could they? :facehoof:

Damn it Snips and Snails! I hate you!

Moment. Killed.

BEST CLIFFHANGER EVER!!!!!!!!!!!! :pinkiehappy:

any one else read the beginning monolog in Morgan Freeman's voice?

Awesome. I would love to see a new chapter up soon.

Comment posted by ShagDragon deleted Dec 12th, 2012
Comment posted by ShagDragon deleted Dec 12th, 2012


1784705 Bet that was how Scootaloo actually felt at some interval of this chapter.

:facehoof: Why Snips and Snails why???? That is awesome Dude Brohoof /)

Oh snips and snails... :raritydespair:

an impenetrable plot

After that all I could think of was this...(note the pants)
Not gonna read the chapter, NOPE! You have already given me a laugh infused heart attack. I can't take another one so soon.

1784995 Holy crap! You mean I'm not the only one?!?! :pinkiegasp:

I swear to God I was reading not only the beginning, but the entire chapter in Morgan Freeman's voice :pinkiehappy:

Yes! Not a cliche story! (I hope). And great chapter by the way! :yay:

Spike: what are you doing?
Scoot: I don't know..

Another good chapter which only leaves me wanting more. I would say update faster, but I don't think that needs to be said. It's implied. Very heavily.

Also, Snips and Snails... Please go crawl fall in a hole and hide break something. That was just... So very... I've got nothing to say other than /sarcasm Way to go guys, you did awesome! /endsarcasm

(For those two boneheads)

Comment posted by DarkPhoenix deleted Dec 12th, 2012

MY god.

This story is hilarious and adorable. I can't wait to see what you'll do next chapter!

I wonder if Scootaloo and Spike are unstuck yet? The dress-trap she wore seemed like it got them awfully tied together. It would be hilarious if they tried to buck in Snips and Snails's faces but couldn't get to them because they were still taped together.

btw it doesn't really take me 40 minutes to read a chapter, I just had a break for something

1784995 Honestly, whenever I read anything by MallaJong's narrator, the voice in my head is that of the cowboy from "The Big Lebowski". Perhaps it's the tonal disconnect between the stories and the narrator.

Dammit snips and snails y u no be quiet??!!!

seriously! stop with the fucking cliff hangers!:fluttercry: its starting to feel like an anime boxset

1785142morgan freeman just got a new freckle

1784932 yeah, first they ruin Trixie's life by waking a freaking URSA MINOR up, and now, they are ruining Spike's Love life. :moustache::scootangel:

Spike will definitively need therapy after this and snips and snail will need coffins :twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile:
I like this it have DRAMA, Don't know who the worst date partners Sweetie and Apple bloom or Snips and Snails

Nope but now I have to.

Time to find or create a shirt with Snips an Snails on it with 2 arrows pointing left an right saying Epic Fails.

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