• Published 2nd Dec 2012
  • 3,289 Views, 34 Comments

Derp with a Dash - Gecko

When Rainbow Dash invites DItzy to watch the Wonderbolts with her, things get... Weird.

  • ...

Chapter 1

Well, this is weird... I’m in bed now, right? Yeah, I’m in bed, thing is, I’m not alone... I’m in bed with a mare... And I am a mare myself. Now, that’s not really the weird thing about the situation. I just hope the kids aren’t worried about where I am... Wait, I should stay on track. You might know me, my name is Ditzy, Ditzy Doo. I have two children, one adopted and one normal, I love them to bits. They aren’t the main point though... Right now, I’m in bed with a very peculiar choice of mare, I can’t say I dislike my position, I always fancied her, she always were the awesome one. You see, I’m in bed with Rainbow Dash, the fastest pony in all of Equestria. I already know some ponies think she’s a fillyfooler, but I always thought the opposite, that was kind of the problem, what with me fancying her an all... So I’m quite happy with how yesterday turned out, since it turned out in my favor, did it not? I remember slight amounts of salt being involved, not much, just a bit. A lot of things happened yesterday, it was a pretty busy day, not from work, but from all the things that happened. I had things to do, constantly, ok, maybe not exactly when I woke up, but that’s the only time I was free, pretty much. Here’s how the day went:

“Ugh, my head,” I complained as I awoke. I am used to having headaches when I wake up, ponies might think it has something to do with salt, but it doesn’t... It’s really just a condition I have, I don’t even remember the name. Anyway, I rose from my bed and did a good stretch to awaken my muscles.

I had nothing special to do today, work was off, apparently the mail office decided to have a very impromptu vacation... Not really though, they just allow us everyday mares to have a free day in the middle of the week. For me, it has always been thursday, why? I haven’t got the slightest clue.

I walked out of the room and went straight for little Dinky’s room, I like to wake my kids, it feels good, in a motherly way. “Dinky? It’s time to wake up, school isn’t going to wait for you,” I said as I tried to wake her from sleep as calmly as possible.

Dinky looked up at me with a tired expression. She let out a huge yawn and nodded at me. “Ok, mommy... Even if I don't wanna,” she said as she made the cutest little grumpy face, I giggled at that as I went to wake up Sparkler next.

I opened the door to her room and smiled, Sparkler was a good filly. She never did anything bad, she had good grades, better than me at least... She was a very wonderful teenager to raise, even if she gets grumpy. I stepped inside and spoke with an authoritative tone. “Sgt. Sparkler, it’s time to awaken, Captain Dinky and Marshall Ditzy will be waiting for you in the kitchen.” This made Sparkler literally throw herself out of bed.

She looked up at me with a very grumpy face as she frowned. “Not funny, you know how I despise the military.” She says as she continues to just lie there on the floor for a while so I continued to look at her until she finally broke. “Ok, ok, fine, I will get up, happy now, mom!?” she said as she trotted off to the lavatory.

“Yes, I am very happy my daughter knows how to respond to military commands, considering the fact that it goes in the family,” I commented as I went for the kitchen.

You might not believe this about me, but I am part of a really big military family in Equestria. I’m not part of the military though, my dad didn’t allow me since I had my bad eye. I guess it was good for something then. I still had to go through some basics, I completed that with a very small margin... It was taxing, and having a very strict dad didn’t help either. He was a very grumpy stallion, but that doesn’t mean he was a bad dad, I loved my dad. My family has a lot of spot in a lot of important circles as you might expect. My grandfather used to be a captain for the royal guard, I think he even got an award when he retired, the Princess is too nice not to do something like that. My uncle is actually the Equestrian ambassador in the Gryphon kingdoms. So yeah, we have a lot of connections in our family. What’s even more funny is me, I am the most normal pony in the entire family, I’m the only one born in the family not to do something related to politics or the military, I say that’s an achievement.

As I entered the kitchen, Dinky had placed herself in a chair as always. She looked tired, and I couldn’t blame her, she always disliked mornings. As I prepared the food for the morning, Sparkler came into the kitchen, now widely awake. At least, she seemed like it, it was hard to say with teenagers. They can be very good at hiding that fact. We all enjoyed breakfast, even if it was pretty uneventful, nothing ever happens during breakfast. But that’s just in our household. What’s funny is what happened next, you see, as soon as both of them left for school, I tried sleeping some more. I like to do that on off days, it’s relaxing, but fate didn’t want me to do this because a knock could be heard from the door.

When I came to the door and opened it, it was the only pony I would expect to show up at this time, it was Carrot Top. She’s the only pony who knows the days I’m off, I have no idea how she does it though, could be magic... Except, she doesn’t have a horn, wait, wasn’t there that study about the thing? The thing where supposedly every pony has innate magic or something like that, I’ve always thought that sounded idiotic. “Top? What are you doing here?” I had to ask that, even if I knew she would come over. I had no idea what she wanted to do.

“Ditzy, I was wondering if you would like to go to a cafe, since you’re free and all. I’m also off today, which isn’t really a coincidence, since I decide my own times,” She said that with an awkward smile, what is the most annoying about Carrot Top is her ability NOT to notice that I’m smarter than she thinks. She knows about my family and Dinky’s origins... But she still treats me like a pony with a less that spectacular intelligence. I’ve never told her that it’s very degrading, ‘cause I know she doesn’t mean anything by it. She is the nicest friend I have after all.

“I would be happy to go to the cafe with you on this fine morning, I don’t exactly have anything better to do,” I said with a smile, making her smile back. I enjoy making other ponies happy, that’s one of the reason I adopted Sparkler in the first place. She never liked her orphanage, I can understand that, even if I never experienced it. I remember when I came to find a daughter, she was the only one not directly jumping at me. That’s why she caught my attention, I guess. I went over and asked why she wasn’t trying to get my attention. Her reply was not exactly what I’d expect really, you see, she replied with a very sad comment, it went something like this “there’s no pony in the entirety of Equestria who would want to adopt me, all the other orphans say so. So what’s the point? If you don’t have anything else to talk to me about, please go away.” That placed my decision in stone as it were. I remember when I told her that she was going with me home, her eyes lit up so much and she didn’t stop smiling for the rest of the week. After that, she was still happy about her new life. I couldn’t be happier with my two daughters, I love them, they love me, it’s perfect...

“Good, come on then,” Carrot Top said with enthusiasm, I had no idea what that was about, but I think she has something up her sleeve, even if ponies don’t normally have sleeves, but you get what I mean. Carrot Top is usually a nice pony, anypony could see that, she has her odd corners so to speak. I won’t release them, it’s completely irrelevant to everything, but still, there’s more to her than you know.

“Yes, yes, I’m coming,” I reply as I lock my door and we start to trot off towards the cafe that she wanted to go to. Now, the cafe in question is a regular old cafe, nothing special about it. I bet most ponies would think that we were going to Sugarcube Corner, but no, we weren’t going there. It might be a nice confectionary, but for a morning cafe, the place we were going is a lot nicer and calm for a morning cup of tea and such.

Now, we walked there pretty quickly, nothing really happened, it never does in this town. Well, that is, if you exclude all the hijinks the Elements of Harmony get into constantly. But I still don't count those as normal, they are more like regular and unexpected events that are easy to enjoy... Most of the time. Anyway, we soon arrived at the little cafe and took a seat.

Now, while we sat there, we had a lovely conversation about everyday things, like my kids and such. I told her the little joke I played on Sparkler this morning, she found it funny, I expected she would, ‘cause she didn’t want to hurt my feelings. But hopefully, what she said was genuine, and that made me happier.

What happened next though, was something I would never expect to happen on a day like that. You see, Rainbow Dash came down from the sky, looking for me, now, I found this very odd. She usually only looks for me when I do something silly and I haven’t done anything silly in quite a while, and that’s a good thing.

“Der... Ditzy, I need to ask you something,” I wondered why she was being so extremely awkward about the way she said that. She seemed like she was about to drop a bombshell about her being in love with me, but that was only my wishful thinking...

“Sure thing Rainbow Dash, what did you want to ask me?” I said with a smiled, I tried making this even more awkward for her by looking at her with lots of anticipation. It was funny seeing her like that. She’s funny when she’s awkward, and I love that.

“Well you see, I got these two tickets to a Wonderbolts performance... And well, none of my friends the girls could go, so I have this extra ticket and I was wondering if you wanted to come with me to Cloudsdale to see it with me.” I remember that my jaw almost literally dropped to the floor. It’s funny when you look back on it, you see, I was both touched and amazed that she asked me. I’ve already talked about how I had this teeny tiny crush on her, but that’s a thing I never thought would happen, but when she asked, something sparked, and I found that very funny. What actually touched me the most wasn’t the fact that she asked, it was the fact that I was the first pnoy that came to her mind after the other five declined. I could never ever go between those six, they were pretty much real BFFs so to speak, they were destined to be friends forever, what with the Elements of Harmony and whatnot.

So I said the only thing that went through my mind at that exact moment, I almost shouted “Yes, I would like that, I would like that a lot.” Now, what she said next, well, I did expect it, but not really. It didn’t exactly seem out of character so to speak, but it still surprised me. Not in a bad way, but still, it surprised me.

“Good, yes, thanks, is it okay if we go now?” She wanted to get there right away, now, I didn’t know when it was supposed to start, so I had to trust her. I looked at Carrot Top with pleading eyes, and she simply made a motion that I should follow Rainbow Dash directly. So that’s what I did.

What surprised me the most with the entire journey to Cloudsdale, where we were supposed to go, were the fact that I didn’t mess up my flight even once, I felt proud of that. I think Rainbow Dash was surprised at that as well, she’s used to me being, well, clumsy. That’s usually because I am clumsy, most of the time.

As we landed on Cloudsdale, we didn’t speak, that felt incredibly awkward at the time. We didn’t speak at all till we got to the colosseum itself. The Cloudsdale colosseum is a very large stadium as you might expect, except it’s specially made with the Wonderbolts in mind. This stadium was erected just because some pegasi wanted the Wonderbolts to have an official arena or something like that, I can’t remember the details. We pegasi are taught these things at a young age, I don’t really know why, but I remember there being a class specifically about the Wonderbolts when I went to school. I never got that, it was weird in and of itself.

Ponies were already standing in line as we came closer to the stadium, the lines were extremely long, let em tell you. What surprised me though, wasn’t the length of the line, it was the speed, it moved at a very casual speed. You didn’t stand in the same spot for long, the ticket-masters seemed to be extremely good at their job on that day. I could hear Rainbow Dash sigh loudly as we had to go and stand in the line. I didn’t mind all that much at the time.

But then i had an idea, what if I could use my past to my advantage? Everypony in Cloudsdale knew who my father was and I could use that to my advantage. I flew off towards the pretty much nonexistent line to the VIP section, Rainbow called out for me to stay put, but I ignored her. I appeared before the ticket-master to the VIP section and spoke in an authoritative manner, which sounded, “Mister, me and my friend over there need to get inside, we also have special clearance from Marshall Doo, and I doubt you want to make him angry,” The ticket-master snorted at me when i had said that, I almost expected him to do that. “Well, I best go and tell my father that you wouldn’t listen to his daughter, I don’t think he will be happy with you.” This created a reaction from the stallion in question.

“How do I know you’re not faking this? I need proof, even if you’re his daughter.” I smiled at him, I knew he would say that. So I simply showed him my identification card (Which, I might add, is hidden in my mane, most ponies would think that sucha thing would be impossible, no, not really, I just seem to have this very conveient pocket inside of my mane, it's pretty useful... At times.) and he made a huge gulp and opened the gate for me. “You may go in, miss Doo.” I could hear the sound of defeat in his voice, it was glorious. I jumped into the air slightly and waved at Rainbow until she came over and we went inside.

Her face at that point was pretty funny, let me tell you. She doesn’t know that about me. She doesn’t know my past, which is funny, but at the same time, it turned out good, did it not? “How did you do that?” Was Rainbow could say as we entered our own VIP - lounge.

“Easy really, I just told him that if he didn’t let us in, I would talk to my father to practically kick that pegasus out of Cloudsdale.” Rainbow could do nothing but blink at me, I laughed, she had a funny face as she looked around the lounge, I guess she’s not used to the luxury. I grew up with luxury so I’m pretty much used to the idea at this point.

“But there’s no way anypony in Cloudsdale could possibly have the authority to something like that... Except him, but I don’t... Wait, your last name is Doo... Oh Celestia, you’re Marshall Strong Doo’s daughter aren’t you?” I giggled, her reaction was pretty funny, she realised that she hadn’t exactly treated my so perfectly after all, I didn’t care about those things though. “How come you never told me? I’ve been so, so, mean to you at lots of times, I don’t mean them, I never did, I hate being mean, it’s just something that happens. But at the same time, why didn’t you ever tell anypony that he's your father?” She was almost shouting when she finished that sentence.

I picked up a glass of cider and took a quick drink before replying with a mumble, “there’s a reason that I didn’t tell you, ‘cause I knew you would be all ‘oh no! It’s Marshall Doo’s daughter! Run for your lives’ okay maybe not that extreme, but you get what I mean. I hate ponies treating me as some kind of high ranking military officer when I’m not. I’m just his daughter, nothing more, nothing less. I was never even allowed the military training just because of my eye. If I didn’t have that annoying condition, I would probably be in the military and I am happy I’m not in the military, do you know how taxing it can be?” At that time, it was me who was on the brink of screaming. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to yell at you. But I’m serious when I say that I don’t want you to treat me as military, I’m just an everyday pedestrian with an important father, that’s all I am.”

“No, that’s not all you are.” Now this surprised me when I heard this. “You are a lot of things, sure, you might not follow your father’s legacy, does that make you a lesser pony? No, of course not, why would it? You are one of the greatest mothers in all of Ponyville, I see it everyday. You handle your kids in a way very few parents do. I feel inspired when I see it. Me! Rainbow Dash, feels inspired when I see you, I can’t help but smile everytime I see you having fun and enjoying a completely normal day with your kids and then I remember that it can’t happen to me ever.” After that, she stopped talking for a while, at the time, I had no idea why she suddenly turned so sad. So I simply had to ask.

“What do you mean it can’t happen to you? Of course it can, it can happen to everypony, it just takes time.” When I said that, the reaction I got was a pretty bad one, I didn’t see it coming, but I should have, she gave off enough signals for me to get, but I’m silly like that sometimes.

“NO! I can’t! Don’t you get it Derpy!?” Yes, she did say that, but I felt that it was appropriate, considering I had hurt her feelings. “I can’t have kids ever! It all was because of that stupid accident last year, you remember it don’t you? You were there, but nopony could have helped me, I was too stubborn, everypony told me not to do it, but just because I’m me, I just did it. It was the worst choice I’ve ever made in my entire life. I’ve never thought about being a mother, simply because I’ve never wanted to before, but when the doctor gave me the message that I had become infertile, what do you think I felt!?” Ouch... When I heard that, I froze, I had really hurt her feelings but I didn’t know at the time, it was sad, I know. I had no idea how to react, so I simply gave her a caring embrace and she pushed me away, making me incredibly confused. Thinking back even further, I actually remembered the crash at that exact moment, I still do. That day was horrible really, I wasn't even close to her and I could hear the crash itself. I'm pretty sure almost all the ponies in Ponyville became aware fo her crash, it did seem pretty devastating, but I would never have thought it could cause something like this, nopony deserves that kind of treatment. I remember hearing something about Rainbow flying all alone on a Sunday afternoon and without supervision or anypony on her close vicinity, she tried to do a Sonic Rainboom, and well, apparently, she lost control and crashed, luckily, she survived, I am happy she did, but mistakes happen to everypony, they just have different consecquenses. “There it is again! That mother tone that you bear about, I don’t know why, but I really envy you Ditzy, I want what you have, but now a days, all I can aim for is the Wonderbolts, but they continue to ignore me, I hate that. Anypony that looks at me and gets to know me directly asumes I'm the kind of pony who don't want to be a mother, no, that's not true at all, I do want to be a mother, just not directly, but when a thing like this happens, of course my mind directly jumps at the fact and I really, really hate that, I want to be my carefree daredevil old self again, but I can't, my brain and all the other things that drives the pony life forwards continues to scream at me that I can't ever have kids... I don’t know why, and I almost don’t care anymore, but I need to do something with my life, I just don’t know what. And no, before you even ask, I am not going to adopt a child, I know what you’re gonna say, what with you adopting Sparkler, but that’s not the point. Adopting a child might be great, yes, but I don’t want an adoption, that might sound silly, but I want one of my own, but I can’t get that can I?” I went forth and hugged her, this time she finally accepted it, I didn’t really know what had changed, but I had no idea on how to react, so my motherly instincts kicked in.

Then something popped up in my mind, it was the first thing I thought could make her happy at that moment... “Rainbow Dash, how would you feel if I made you the godmother of my kids? You’re a pony I trust, you’re the Element of Loyalty for Celestia’s sake. But at the same time, there would be no other pony I would rather have take care of my kids if I disappear. Now, I don’t exactly think I’ll be going away anytime soon, but I really want to know more about you, become one of your best friends. Not that I can compete with any of the five in any way, but I still want to try. Ponies might think you’re irresponsible at times, but you’re not, you just have a personality that makes you feel that way. I’m trying to cheer you up here, don’t be so moppy, the show is starting soon anyway.” I didn’t know what more to say really, I had expressed my feelings back at her the way I felt was best. Looking back on it, I must have looked even more motherly when I did that, but I think the godmother thing cheered her up.

“Me? The godmother to your children? I would be honored, but are you sure that somepony like Carrot Top shouldn’t get that job?” I knew she would say that, I simply shook my head and looked at the pegasus, who was now trying to clean out her tears of anger and sadness, I had seen Rainbow Dash cry, that didn’t happen to a lot of ponies, I was starting to think she really trusted me.

“I... Well, there’s a reason for that, I don’t want Carrot Top to be the godmother for multiple reasons. She treats me like I’m mentally ill, I don’t tell her off, since it doesn’t bother me all that much, but at the same time, she’s acting like a guardian of sorts. My dad wanted to hire somepony to look over me, just because of my eyes, and he was familiar with this earth pony family who had a filly the same age as me, that was Carrot Top. That’s why I don’t trust her as much. Then you’re probably going to mention the Doctor... He’s a good friend and fun to hang out with, at times. But he isn’t the pony that could take care of your kids, that’s just the way it is. So don’t go about being so sad, we have a game to watch.” I gave her a sincere smile. Friends are harder to comfort than kids, in most cases, but that’s only because you know your kids better.

“Yeah we do, don’t we”? She asked me as she wiped her eyes. I could help but smile as I looked away, it was touching to see Rainbow Dash shoving her feeling at me, she doesn’t really do that, like, ever. “I’m sorry for making this extremely awkward, it’s just... I don’t exactly know what to say to really express how sorry I am about that. At the same time, it felt nice to finally get that out, so I have to thank you for that Ditzy, you are a true friend.” I didn’t expect that at all. We never were the best of friends but somehow this just increased everything exponentially, I didn’t really get how it happened, I still don’t.

“I... Thanks. It means a lot, hearing that from you,” I said, trying not to sound too sarcastic, I didn’t want to sound sarcastic. That would have been incredibly mean and I don’t want that. I glanced over at Rainbow to check what she was doing, since the race was starting in ten minutes or something like that, I didn’t really check the time. She was sighing to herself, I understood that. I then realised that the day had just turned incredibly weird, it wasn’t what I had expected to do when Rainbow Dash invited me to watch the Wonderbolts. I couldn’t complain though, I learned a lot about the rainbow maned pegasus in that room and it touched my heart. I would never be able to see her the same way ever again... Not that there is anything inherently wrong with that.

Rainbow Dash sat herself down next to men in a seat in the VIP lounge. She had calmed herself rather quickly, I was happy about that, it reminded me what kind of pony she was when she was holding that mask in front of her face. Masks are something everypony wears all the time, it’s impossible to avoid though. It’s just the way the world works. Nothing really happened as we waited for the show, everything had just suddenly turned extremely awkward.

It didn’t bother me in the least that it had become so awkward... Well, it wasn’t that awkward, it was just that we didn’t talk, at all. All we did while waiting for the start was gathering a lot of snacks, VIP lounges are awesome like that, I love them. Infinite snack and drinks, it’s perfect. And then, the show started.

The show was as you’d expect from a Wonderbolts show, it was the most beautiful thing you would ever see, excluding a Sonic Rainboom. I remember seeing the first one happening, I was on the far side of flight camp when the race was supposedly going on, but when I looked over, there was the explosion of the Rainboom. It was a very average show from the Wonderbolts, but still, it was kind of awesome in it’s own way. The only difference in show than the other one I’ve seen, was, well, it was the performance of the individual Wonderbolts themselves. Spitfire was the best one as usual, that spot as captain isn’t for nothing, I’ll tell you that much. Soarin’ was cool as well, he was the second best... I’m the worst at describing what ponies do when they fly, so let’s skip that part, let’s just say this, it was amazing, but the Wonderbolts are always amazing, that’s just the way it is.

As we stood up from our seats we yawned, just because we had sitting for so long. Rainbow Dash had something to say, I could clearly see it on her face. “Ditzy?” I looked at her with confusion, even if I had a slight idea about what she was going to say. “I had fun, even if the pre-show got really weird. I didn’t mean to weird you out like that, I’m sorry. I have to thank you though, I’ve never been in a VIP lounge before, it was an experience. But if I had to choose in the future I would probably choose the outside, this little suit might be nice at times, but I prefer it in the crowd. I am not saying that it was boring in here, it was really nice to sit in a place like this, but I probably wouldn’t redo it. It was fun though, I really enjoyed this,” she finished that with a smile, and I couldn’t help but smile back.

I was thinking over what I should say at the time, I remember thinking pretty fast about it since I quickly replied, “hey, I’m not offended if that’s what you think, I understand what you mean when you enjoy being in the crowd. I do too, but I’ve always been force to being in these lounges, dad would never really allow me out there, he was too protective of me when I was little. He still is, in a way.” Yeah, my father was overprotective of his children especially me, because he didn’t let me into military training I was supposedly a lot more frail than my siblings. That was true, in a sense, but I could handle myself, I wasn’t helpless, I never was. “But hey, Rainbow Dash, wanna catch a movie or something like that? I don’t really feel like flying home yet.” I was trying to make this a day on town, I really wanted to learn more about Rainbow Dash, and this was just a simple maneuver. At the time, I was expecting her to say no, but that didn’t happen.

“Yeah, sure we could do that, but there’s never anything good in the movies, the last good movie I saw was ‘Lord of the Horseshoes’ and that was incredible. Nothing, and I do mean nothing, could ever match up to that, even if it’s pretty nerdy to be a fan of these thing, but I don’t care. So, what do you suppose we should see?” I had a pretty good idea what to say here, I remember being woken up in the middle of the night a while back, and how incredible when I heard that supposedly Rainbow Dash loved to read. And I just happened to know what book series it is as well.

“I have a pretty good idea on what to see. I heard they made a remake of the old Daring Do series of films, they say it’s pretty good. But that’s just the Equestria Daily, so you never know, they’re pretty biased at times.” Her reaction was pretty funny, in a way. She was surprised, I had expected that this would happen, so that was fun.

“Daring Do film? That exists, well, then it has to be good.” Yes, yes it has... Or at least, I hope it is, you never know with remakes. They’re either amazing or so horrible that it makes you want to scream so loud that even Nightmare Moon could hear you, when she was still on the moon. I giggled for a bit, it confused Rainbow, but I didn’t care, I simply shrugged it off, so to speak.

“Well yeah, let’s go do that then,” I said as we left the lounge, it was fun. I had fun. As we went past the ticket-master from before I simply leaned forward to him and said, “thank you mister,” I said as I looked at his name tag, just to make the next comment all the more powerful, as I said, “Fluffy Candy, I might recommend your usefulness to my father when I meet him next, so you might see an increase in income for your hospitality.” He blinked at me with amazement, he was probably believing me at the time. Good for him, I am still going to tell my father about that guy, he did a good job of overruling the rules, just because he was afraid of my father. It’s actually pretty funny, it’s almost illegal to do what I had done with the ticket-master. But, when it comes to my family, the law is almost overruled, since nopony wants to mess with my family, so that’s pretty funny so to speak. Rainbow probably knew this, but she didn’t say anything because we were in a VIP lounge. As we had gone a certain way away from the colosseum I talked to Rainbow about what I had said to that ticket-master, I said, “I am going to tell my father about that stallion, he deserves it.”

“I suppose he did, even if he seemed rather odd, I mean, what kind of name is Fluffy Candy anyway? What is he even doing, working at a stadium, he sounds like a pedophile or something, that is a name I would never trust.” I supposed what she was saying is a pretty accurate thing, I wouldn’t exact trust a pony with that name either, at least, not if it was a stallion... But lucky enough for this guy, he seemed harmless enough.

“That could be true, but doesn’t need to be, he seemed harmless enough, now, let’s get to the movie theater, it shouldn’t be that far away.” And then, something annoying happened, I tripped, this wasn’t exactly new to me, but the day had been going good so far, no accidents. So this just had to happen, well, at least it didn’t happen at a more inappropriate time, I was happy about that, even if it was annoying to fall over... What touched me about what happened though, Rainbow came over and helped me stand up, she chuckled slightly as she helped me. I chuckled as well, it was pretty silly, but I was very glad about the situation, she wasn’t laughing at me, she was laughing with me. Usually when I trip or do something clumsy, ponies usually laugh at me, I’m used to it I guess, it doesn’t really faze me anymore. Ponies are cruel beings, but that’s why I was so extremely touched by the gesture of the colombian blue pegasus in front of me. That reminds me of something that I’ve noticed, ponies seem to think that the color of Rainbow Dash is cyan, that’s wrong, if you ask her, she will also say colombian blue, it’s pretty specific name of the color. O get annoyed when people do it wrong, even if they don’t mean anything... “Well, that was silly.” Was all I could say as I stood up again. She smiled at me, not saying anything, but I could see that she was agreeing with my statement.

We arrived at the movie theater, it was pretty empty, it surprised me. I would have thought ponies would flock to a movie like this on a day like this. Or maybe, it was a lot crappier than I had thought... I couldn’t quite pick out the reason for it, but we didn’t care when we went inside. The ticket-master in this place seemed a lot creepier than the stallion from the stadium. It was this mare, with a very creepy smile. It felt as one of those fake smiles that pretty much said ‘hello there! I am going to brutally murder you in your sleep’ so yeah, that was creepy, I didn’t like her.

We went over to her, I only pointed at the Daring Do movie without making a sound. She raised one of her eyebrows as she did something with the cashier making the numbers show up as we payed for the movie. I stared at her as she continued to bear that incredibly weird smile. We went off to the theater for the movie itself as my mind was still caught on her creepy smile. But luckily enough, the movie started pretty quickly, almost as fast as we placed ourselves in the seats we had been assigned. What was funny about the saloon we were in, was the fact that we were alone, I got a very bad premonition.

I am never going to watch a Daring Do film ever again, that was probably the worst film I’ve seen in years, it’s was so incredibly horrible. “Well, that was bad.” I couldn’t manage to say anything else, because I had nothing more to say, it was so bad that it would be a compliment to the movie to even mention anything that happened. The story was about her finding these odd crystal pony skulls, it was bad, that’s all I can say.

“Yeah, I’m probably not going to trust the movie industry ever again. That was really bad, but it was still nice to see it with a friend, because now we can look at it and laugh together.” I remember when she said that, it made me smile, we were beginning to become better friends. But, as you might remember, I hoped for more, but at the time I could only dream. But now, heh, I loved the now, I remember last night, it was incredible... Anyway, when we exited the movie theater, the sun was still pretty high in the sky.

I was quickly trying to come up with something more to do, I didn’t want the day to end, it was too much fun. And then I felt it, I was becoming guilty about not being home with my kids, but then I remember how I had left, Carrot Top was a dependable friend, even if she was my guardian... I remember seeing her face when I flew off, she knew that I would probably be gone for the whole day, I don’t know how she does it, but she just does, I could stay away from home on this day, and thankfully for me, I was free the next day as well. But my worries about finding more to do was stopped as Rainbow poked me and spoke up.

“Ditzy? I don’t really feel like going home, I’m having a lot of fun hanging out with you today, so I think we should do something more. How about getting some food first of all? That could be useful,” did Rainbow Dash just ask me out for dinner? No, wait, that was probably just my imagination. “Let’s not bother with one of the boring old fast food places, I don’t really feel like it. I know a pretty nice place a bit away from here, we could go there.” Okay... I am thinking that she’s really asking me out for a dinner, or it could just be a very big confidence and my mind was playing tricks with me. Whatever it was, I liked it. I didn’t believe at the time that she was asking me out for dinner, but when the day went on, she pretty much said it to me... Well, we’re not quite there yet.

Rainbow Dash flew up into the air and I reluctantly followed her, since I really don’t like flying. But that’s just because of my clumsiness, so I guess it makes the argument invalid in a way. She was flying off towards a pretty deserted part of Cloudsdale, I had never need there before, it looked pretty nice actually. As nice as a cloud city could look if it had a suburb.

Rainbow landed close to this homely looking diner, it looked very welcoming. It gave off an atmosphere, it was the kind that this was a diner that you know and only tell your closest friends about. When I saw it, I smiled, it gave of a happy feeling, it felt like Hearth's Warming for some odd reason, it just had that feeling of peace about it. I was touched just by looking at it, I knew that this place meant something to Rainbow Dash, I had no idea why though, but I do now.

When we entered the diner a voice was heard, which said, “Rainbow Dash? Is that you?” I checked on where the voice was coming from, I saw a stallion, probably in his early forties at the moment. He looked like a pleasant pony to know. As he came for us, I could almost hear Rainbow smile.

“Yeah, it’s me, it’s good to see you again, Perfect Dish, it’s been awhile, hasn’t it?” The stallion hugged Rainbow Dash right back, I then realised that the guess I had earlier had been mostly correct, this place really felt like one of those familiar places.

“Yeah, it certainly has been,” he said as they released from the hug and then he saw me and said, “oh, and who’s this then? Rainbow Dash, are you popping the cap again?” Ok, that was a weird way of saying something, I have no idea what’s that supposed to mean. It was obvious it was a term the two of them had invented, it was really clear and obvious, but I didn’t say anything.

“You could say that, she’s nice though, and we need the best dishes you can make, I’ve longed for one of your meals once more.” Yeah, I could have guessed that was what she was going to say. “By the way, this is Ditzy Doo. Ditzy? This is Perfect Dish. Perfect Dish, Ditzy. Ditzy, Perfect Dish,” she said, trying to get us to understand the name of the other pony, I had already got his name as soon as she said it for the first time. No harm done though.

I went forward and shook his hoof, he had a very steady and firm handshake. It felt like a father that was shaking your hand. I wondered and still wonder if he has any kids, I never bothered to ask. “Nice to meet you, Perfect Dish,” I said with a smile.

“Nice to meet you too Ditzy Doo.” And then I felt it, he had just judged my entire personality just with that single hoof shake, this guy was good, really good. But I guessed it was due to his experience in life. He seemed like a stallion that has been through alot in life but his personal life is not the greatest, and that was all I felt from the hoof shake, he smiled as we stopped the shake. “I’ll start making my specialty, I guess you will be taking your special seat, will you not”? He asked towards Rainbow Dash.

“Yeah, we are going to sit there, why wouldn’t we? It’s my spot isn’t it?” This response surprised me, it wasn’t what I had expected, I had thought we would just sit it a normal seat. “C’mon Ditzy, follow me, the special seats await us,” she said as she went for a nearby pair of stairs. I followed her as we continued to go up the stories, until we finally came out on the roof, it was really just a balcony, but it might as well have been a roof. This wasn’t the amazing thing about the location though. The table sat alone on this balcony, overlooking the world beneath the clouds. When we arrived at the building I didn’t see this hole in the clouds. This house was located in such a spot that when we sat on that balcony, you could overlook the world that existed beneath Cloudsdale, there was a waterfall down there. I was amazed by the sight, I couldn’t believe my eyes, it was stunning, the view on this patch of cloud was extremely beautiful. “It’s cool, isn’t it?” Rainbow said as she sat herself down at the table and looked at the view.

I was still amazed when I replied, “yeah, this view is amazing, I’ve never actually seen anything like it. It’s so simple, yet so beautiful.” I couldn’t say much more, I just sat down on the opposite side of the table. My mind had settled when I sat down at the table, it was a simple table, round and perfect for exactly two ponies. Then I felt it, this was Rainbow asking me out for dinner in the date sense, or, that’s what it felt like. It was almost too much. And the secret line the two of them shared, I was getting increasingly suspicious, but I didn’t complain, because I liked where it was going.

We didn’t say anything for a while, it was a silent conversation, nothing didn’t really need to be said. We simply just stared at the horizon and I continued to be amazed at the sight, I was really loving it. Even if nothing was said, this was really perfect for me, and at that moment I looked back at the day and saw just how fast things had turned around. It started with Rainbow asking me to watch the Wonderbolts with her, she was incredibly reluctant at the start, I remember it. I might be completely wrong and she was just too awkward about having a crush on me, if that were the case, I would have been laughing at the silliness of the situation.

Then the owner of the diner arrived with our food. “Here you go ladies, Perfect Delight.” apparently that was the name of the dish, good name for a specialty, it certainly looked delightful to the eyes. The foundation was made up of lettuce leaves in a circular pattern, surrounding a foundation for cake. Which house the rest of the meal, on this cake batter thing, I didn’t know what to call it, there was all sorts of wooked vegetables. They were placed in a very stylish manner, making it look professional, just because of the symmetry. On top there was a stylishly curved whipped cream cone, just to make it look all that more delicious. He left us alone with the dishes and I looked up at Rainbow Dash and she looked back with a slight smile. We nodded to each other before we started to eat.

The meal surprised me in a lot of way, it was so tasty, I’ve never felt anything like it in my life, honest. It was better than anything I’ve ever tasted, I’m not joking here. I was so surprised at the time that I might have gave of a sound of delight at the taste, I heard Rainbow giggling to herself as she saw me eating the dish. She must be pretty versed in the way of the Perfect Delight. It’s hard to explain the taste, just trust me when I say this, take the best food you know, multiply that by ten and then double it. That’s the taste of the Perfect Delight, it really is perfect. I was feeling more and more honored the more I ate of this dish, I still can’t believe it. My taste beads were practically having a party in my mouth. I’m happy I decided to follow Rainbow Dash to the arena, that day was one of the best I’ve had in a long time. When I finished the dish, I sighed, I was sad that the amazing meal was over, but amazed t how good it was. I looked over at Rainbow Dash, she had apparently finished her meal a while ago, I hadn’t noticed. I was too grossed up with eating this food. “Thank you Rainbow Dash, for taking me here, it was delicious and I loved it.” She only looked at me with a grin. “I have actually noticed something about this place. It’s a very personal spot for you isn’t it? You know the owner pretty well and you even have this private spot, it’s obvious that you’ve been here a lot of times. And that in and of itself means that you really treasure this place, which means you rarely bring other ponies with you over here. So I say thank you for that. This day has been incredible.” And it had and would continue to be, I just didn’t know it yet.

“Yeah, this place is pretty special, I lived just down the street from here, my parents knew Perfect Delight even before I was born. So I’ve come to be pretty close to the old man. And you’re right on every point that you just said, this place means so much to me that I rarely bring ponies here, it never actually happens. The last pony I brought here was Fluttershy and that was almost ten years ago. I think you heard Perfect when we first came here, something about popping caps, that’s a term he has for making very close friends. And yes, I know we suddenly blew off today, I really like that too. You are a great mare to hang out with, and I’m sorry for never really trying to talk to you before. Today has been incredible in a lot of ways. I feel like you are one of my best friends already and trust me when I say this, I don’t say that very easily. I am a hard mare to make friends with, and even harder to court, for those who want that... Anyway, I wanted to say that I had fun today and that’s why I had to show you this place, it would be unfair if I didn’t.” Okay, she said a lot there, didn’t she? I think I even heard a comment about courting her... I am starting to think she wants me to follow up on that, I could do it, but it would be really awkward if that wasn’t the case... I didn’t say anything in return, I just gave a huge smile and went over to hug her, she embraced me right back, it was rather comfortable to say the least. And it was all ruined by one thing.

“Awww, well that’s just adorable.” It was... Wait... It wasn’t Perfect Delight, it was... Oh god, not those three, I despise those three. It was the three idiots from flight camp, didn’t even care to remember their names. Rainbow Dash quickly release from me and flew towards them at a quick speed and started to shout.

“You get out of here right now, I don’t want to kick you fat flanks out of here, so if you are going to be jerks, just go away, we don’t want anything to do with you”! She screamed at them, I couldn’t have said it better myself, though, I’ve never been good at scolding, I’ve never needed to be good at it. But at the same time, their attitudes were off, in a way. I thought they stopped after Rainbow did her second Rainboom, but apparently, that was just temporary. I guess jerks never change do they?

“Oh, just look at little Rainbow Crash, she’s trying to be all high and mighty when in reality, she’s just a filly fooling pansy.” Ouch, low blow from those guys... I hoped that Rainbow wouldn’t kill them, I could almost feel her anger from here. I hate it when ponies use one's sexual orientation as an insult, that’s just really immature to do.

“Yeah, and just look down there on the balcony, is that Derpy Hooves? Yeah it is, are you two marefriends with one another or what”? The brown one mocked, god these guys are so annoying. I really dislike that kind of attitude, I can’t condone it, especially not when I have children.

“So what if we are? What would it make for a difference to you? Maybe you three are all colt cuddlers? How about that for a change”? Did she just say that it was possible that we could in theory be marefriends? Well, my heart jumped. But luckily enough for us, before anything could happen to us, a very familiar voice entered the fray.

“YOU THREE”! Perfect Delight shouted as he flew up into the air. “ You should really think through your next move, it would be smart if you get the hay out of here before anything bad happens. You wouldn’t dare do anything on the three of us”! He shouted as he began to hover at the side of Rainbow Dash. The three of them barely moved a muscle and just laughed.

“You think we’re afraid of you? You’re an old timer, you’re not prepared for anything that we can do old man”! The brown one shouted again. This was getting hard to resist. I didn’t want to do anything, I hoped things wouldn’t lead to the worst outcome. But I had to end this before anything serious happened.

“YOU THREE SHOULD GET THE HAY OUT OF HERE!” I shouted as I flew up to Rainbow and Perfect. “You three should think about what you’re next move is, ‘cause you don’t want to make the wrong choice here, trust me.” I winked at Rainbow who simply smiled, she knew what I was referring to.

“Oh yeah? Why should we be afraid of you, Derpy Hooves”? He exclaimed in my face, I remember the breath he had, it smelled really bad, he must have eaten garlic or something even more horrible because I couldn’t stand what ever that smell was it was extremely bad.

“Firstly, I’m not the one with the worst breath in the world. Secondly, my name is Ditzy Doo, daughter of Marshall Doo ana I doubt you want to invoke his wrath so before you go about doing anything stupid I recommended the three of you to get the hay out of here before I decide to throw the three of them out of Cloudsdale for the rest of your life. Got that?!” I said as I eyed him with a serious face.

“C’mon on guys, let’s get out of here,” the brown one commanded and they soon disappeared from view. The looks on their faces were hilarious, it always is when I threaten people with my father. That just proves that it’s good to hid ones past so that you can use it to your advantage later in life. We landed back on the balcony and Perfect stared at me with amazement.

“Wait, you’re the daughter of Marshall Doo? I didn’t expect that, did you know about this Rainbow Dash?” She nodded. “I see... Well, it’s kind of an honor then, I don’t really know how to treat you military people.” Oh no, he was one of those that almost instantly obeyed the authorities, I don’t like people like that, they’re annoying.

“No, stop, don’t call me anything that has something to do with the military, I have to rank, I’m simply just the Marshal’s daughter, I’m nothing special. So stop, just stop, I hate it when people treat me better than an everyday pony. Even if it can be funny to use for my advantage at times,” I had to admit that, I couldn’t leave it out, it’s just a part of me. I hate leaving out my past, but I have to, otherwise ponies will treat me like I’m some kind of goddess, and I’m not, I hate it when ponies do that.

“Oh, of course not, I promise not to do that then. I can understand that it gets annoying at times... Well, it’s still kind of cool to meet you,” He said with a smile, I smile back at him awkwardly. “Now, I have things to do, even if the day is slow. So off you two go. Oh and Rainbow?” Rainbow Dash looked over at him with confusion and said, “I think that Rose’s rare pub is open today, I think you would want to go there.” Rainbow smirked at him and smiled as he went back into the building, leaving us on the balcony.

“Well, that’s kind of perfect, I hoped that it would be. I love that place.” I had understood that it was a pub and things would probably go to the gutter pretty quickly when we arrived there. I couldn’t deny to wanting to do though. I nodded at her, signaling that I also wanted to go. And thus, we were off. We didn’t fly that far this time, the location we landed was maybe one block away. From the outside, the pub or whatever it was supposed to be, looked like that neighborly bar that everypony always goes to. Just because it’s close to where you live and the salt liquids are of high quality.

When we came inside, it didn’t exactly look like a bad bar, it looked very friendly. I didn’t think this place was very Rainbow Dash-y so to speak. But at the same time, I could understand why she could like it, it was nice to be here, the atmosphere was really nice. Ponies were sitting in booths and such, having a merry time. I could already see that we would have a pretty nice time here. Rainbow went over to the bar itself and waved over the bartender, she was a crimson mare with a sly smile. It wasn’t a menacing smile, it was the kind that welcomes you in a weird way. She seemed to recognise Rainbow Dash as well, it didn’t exactly surprise me. She seemed to be well versed with the neighborhood, so I guess that’s the reason. “Rose? Give us the Crimson, we are starting slowly,” Rainbow said to the bartender, who nodded and started to make the drinks. Rainbow waved me over to a table that sat over in the corner of the pub. It was one of those that have a sofa thing, so it was pretty comfortable to sit down in it. Rainbow smiled as we sat down, I could see that this was a home turf for her. It was nice, seeing her being at home. Even if she has a really good life in Ponyville, this place will always be her childhood and early adulthood, so I guess I can’t blame her all that much. “So, Ditzy, what do you think about this place so far”? She asked me, ok, I hadn’t been prepared for that, but I had to answer.

“It’s really nice, I am already enjoying my time here, even if it is a bar. I don’t usually go to pubs, but that usually because I need to take care of the kids.” This made Rainbow’s eyes go wide, as she realised that I haven’t gone home yet. “I can see the worry in your face, but don’t worry about it, Carrot Top is taking care of them. She knows these things. I go out for an evening so rarely that she can spot it on my figure when it’s going to happen, so don’t worry.” This immediately calmed her down, that was good. But i had just lied to her, Carrot Top couldn’t foresee today with a friend, she knew I would stay for one reason and one reason only and that was what happened too. So I guess her premonition was real.

“Right, right, that’s good. Thank Celestia, I thought I had ruined that.” Yes, she did say that, good thing too, at least she didn’t continue to worry. Now, Rose was coming for our table, and I have to tell you that it was after that first drink that the day started to get awfully blurry for me. But, I still remember the big things. Alright, let’s continue... “Oh, thanks Rose, prepare a pair of the special Rose concoction.” That’s a word I never expected Rainbow to say, but she did and that worried me. It seemed like something really special, I just had no idea what was special about it.

“Wait, the concoction? Are you sure it’s the one?” I remember her saying that, because it was so cryptic and still have no idea what it meant... But Rainbow nodded at Rose and her eye twitched for some reason and she went back to the bar. I was pretty curious about both of the drinks. But the first would have to be that Crimson thing.

Rainbow looked at me as she held up the glass of Crimson, and I picked up mine and we clinked our glasses together and we both took a huge sip of the liquid. It didn’t taste like normal salt, it was more of a strawberry juice taste. It was a huge difference from the usual taste of salt, so I give it a 7 out of 10, could be better, but it was refreshing, I could tell you that much. But it made me very giggly at the time, I can remember that. And it was hilarious, it was a good thing, getting giggly from salt is better than getting violent. “What did you think?” Rainbow asked me after I finished the first sip. What I was to say was quite clear at the time, so I practically blurted it out, which made it weird.

“I liked it. It was pretty refreshing from the normal salt drinks, I can say that much. I’ve tasted better wines, but that’s just a personal taste.” Yes, I’m a wine pony, don’t judge me. I like being classy, and wine is classy. It might also come from the fact that my father practically trained me into enjoying wine. It was the way he was, he loved the fine wines, but couldn’t stand things like everyday beers or cocktails or even the finest whiskey. He loved wine, but that was it. Anything else, and he would say that it wasn’t worth his time, he was pretty classy.

“Yeah, that’s what most ponies say when they taste the Crimson for the first time. It’s good but not the best. Bear in mind this, the concoction that Rose is making is better in every way, it will be the best beverage you’ve ever tasted, trust me on this.” I nodded slowly, I had no reason to doubt her, she had been right with everything else that day, for the most part. I didn’t even know where I was at the moment, all I really knew was that I was in Cloudsdale, and it’s pretty easy to find one’s way back from there.

I didn’t say anything, I just took another sip of the Crimson as it was called. I could already feeling the salt coming on. I was trained by my father to notice these things, he likes his children to have control. Sure, it’s pretty nice to have control, but at times, I just want to ignore it and today was one of those times. It’s good to have this control when I’m at home, that is, if I want to take a quick glass of wine or something. In those cases, I will know if I drink too much, it’s a good skill to have. The Crimson became even better when i drank it for the second time, it was almost as if it had extra taste, just because I had that little sip from before. “It somehow just got better, does that happen often?” I had to ask that, I just had to. It was pretty much odd, that’s all I can say about it.

“Yeah, that’s what I would expect you to say actually. This place is pretty magical.” That sentence triggered something in my mind, and I simply had to look around the pub with my eyes. And I saw it, there were only pairs of ponies, they all looked like marefriend and stallion and all the things in between. That finally made me realise it, she had turned this into a casual date, she had to, I had no idea how she managed to do it without me noticing it. The table were either seated with one mare and one stallion, or pair of the two, and everything in between those kinds of groups. I then knew that she was interested in me, she had to be, it was painstakingly obvious at the time. But I decided that I shouldn't let her know that I knew. I would play along with her little game, because I totally wanted it to happen. I took a final swig of the Crimson, it was amazing the last swig there. I remember it being more wonderful than the singing of angels, it was really magical. It was awesome, there’s really no better way to explain it. I smirked, but I didn’t allow Rainbow to see it, I didn’t want her to. “Today was pretty great,” Rainbow comments as we await the concoction from Rose. I was still curious at what it could be but I had to focus on the things at hand.

“Yeah, it was, let’s hope that the evening makes it better,” I said suggestively, I think she got the hint, but I had no idea, but I really wanted her to get it. I could see her looking away towards the bar, where we could see Rose mixing drinks at a hurried pace. I thought I knew why she looked at the bar, she probably didn’t want me to see her expression. As we sat there, glancing at the bar, I could see Rose looking this way and winking at Rainbow, and that pretty much confirmed everything, it couldn’t be anything else, if it was, I couldn’t see it.

“Yeah, let’s hope it does,” she said with happiness, it sounded like Pinkie Pie, in some odd and mysterious way, but still, I really enjoyed it, a lot. Her voice made me smile. And then, Rose finished, and began to walk over to us with a grin. I had pretty much figured out what was going on, I just had no idea what the concoction would be.

Rose placed the plate with the two drinks on our table and said, “here you go ladies, hope you enjoy the concoction,” she said in a very sly manner. I already knew why so I didn’t question it. The concoction looked a bit silvery in a way. It didn’t look much unlike water, it simply had a silvery tint to it. I couldn’t make out what could possibly be in it. For all I knew, they could have changed the color using some kind of ingredient. I knew these things exist, I just didn’t think about it at the time. I had bubbles on the top as well, slightly reminding me of cider in a relaxing manner, I like it. I could see that I would really like the drink, even before I had tasted it.

Now this, is where things got insane. I picked up the drink and took it to my mouth. It tasted like... Oh Celestia, I don’t remember what it tasted like, all I know is that it was the best thing I had ever tasted in a liquid form. I had no idea how Rainbow Dash could have all these connections in so many different places. As soon as I took the first sip of the concoction, everything went to a blur. I only remember certain situations that happened at the bar and one one the road...

I was laughing loudly at a joke that Rainbow Dash had just made, I don’t even remember the punch line, but I know it was funny. We were drinking multiple different beverages, the table was filled with a lot of small glasses that had hold different liquids. We never drank the same liquid twice. We were experimenting a lot that night. I remember Rose coming at sitting at our table when the business started getting slower, since nopony wanted anything more complicated than the casual beer and unmixed drinks. “So, are you two enjoying yourselves?” Rose asked as she took a sip of her little wine glas.

“Yeah, Ditzy and I are having a wonderful time here! You always had the beet pub, didn’t you Rose?” Rainbow blurted, it sounded funny, had I heard it now, I probably wouldn’t have been able to understand what she said. But at the time, I did. It did sound funny, so I giggled at her voice, because it sound so weird.

“Yeah, Rainbow is delicious!” I remember saying that in a weird way, I even think I accidentally kissed Rainbow Dash on the forehead. But everything was so silly so I don’t think anypony there took it especially serious. Rose laughed at me, Rainbow did so to. I couldn’t help but laugh at myself either. I was being very silly.

“Right, good on you two, just don’t go about destroying things, and have a nice evening,” she said as she stood up and started to walk back towards the bar. “Rainbow Dash? Would you two like the Falcon”? She asked mysteriously. At the time, I thought it sounded delicious so I nodded my head in an excited manner along with Rainbow Dash as Rose made a smile and went for the bar to make this beverage... Then a blur appeared again, something must have happened because the next thing I remember is me and Rainbow trying to make a huge dance floor in the middle of the pub. All the other ponies tried to help us. Until we finally made such an open area that it was now the perfect dance floor.

Somehow, Rose had been able to take forth this disco ball, I was surprised when I saw it, because it wasn’t your everyday disco ball. It was ENORMOUS! So, that was placed in the ceiling and music started to play. Rainbow and I immediately decided to jump into the fray and dance as maniacs. It was hilarious at the time, but I must have looked incredibly ridiculous. But it was fun, boy was it fun. The time we spent in that pub was not a waste, not in the slightest. “RAINBOW! This is so much fun!” I blurted out in that weird and gurgly way that only happens when you are drunk. Or maybe that’s just me, but meh...

“I know right!?” She shouted back at me as we suddenly started to dance with each other, it wasn’t exactly a dance, it was more of wobbling around the place and having fun while doing so. We spontaneously decided to hug one another in the middle of the dance and we started to wobble off towards out corner again. “Ditzy?” Rainbow asked me as we sat down on the table. I looked at her with a silly grin and nodded. “This night has been so much fun... I don’t think we would be able to fly home tonight...” She was totally right on that point, wasn’t she. But that was one of the reasons that what happened later actually happened.

“You are very correct on that statement,” I blurrily said with a giggle. For some reason, when I drink too much, I get complicated, or at least, I think I do. I can’t really tell most of the time. Because I almost never get drunk, the kids are too important for me to do that. “But why are you bringing it up now?”

Next thing I remember is the two of us walking down the streets of Cloudsdale toward the supposed suburban part of the city. The fact that Cloudsdale even had a place that could be called a suburb is a surprise to me. Cloudsdale always seemed like that military city. But that might only be because of my family. I remember asking Rainbow rather clearly as we walked down the road, both of us too tired to fly. “Rainbow Dash? Where are we supposed to go now?”

She stopped and I looked at her, then it looked as if a light bulb went off over her head. “That’s easy my dear Ditzy! We can just go to my parents old place and sleep there, they won’t mind since they’re dead,” I giggled at the time, but I feel horrible for doing so. I just nodded at her and we started to walk off towards the place Rainbow was leading me towards.

“There was this robbery at the weather facility for something a couple of years back, I don’t even remember what they stole. My parents tried to stop the robbers from doing whatever it was that they were doing. But the robbers had this pointy object that he stabbed my parents with. I had just become 18 so I got to live on my own in the place where we are now going.” I was saddened when I heard it and I am still am when I think about it. Rainbow doesn’t have the happiest past, does she? At least, she seems okay nowadays, and I am happy about that.

“That couldn’t have been very funny.” I just had to say that, didn’t I? I hate myself when I do those stupid things that are painstakingly obvious. I just hope Rainbow won’t remember when she wakes up...

“No it wasn’t very funny. But I don’t really care, I hated my parents, they were horrible. They never hit me or anything, but they didn’t exactly like me either. Dad wanted a boy not a girl so he practically ignored me. Dad had ordered mom only to make me able to live, besides from that, she had to ignore me too. So no, I don’t miss them, but it’s still sad that they are gone,” no wonder Rainbow is heartless at times, her parents never taught her anything as a kid. If they just ignored her, she wouldn’t develop on the same way as other kids. Luckily enough, she’s turned out alright, at least in my eyes. “Oh look! We’re here!” Rainbow shouted as she ran for a house in the near vicinity. She ran straight into the door, it looked funny. “Ouch”! She exclaimed as she stood up, caressing her nose because it was hurting.

She picked up the keys from underneath the doormat, not very creative, but it works. We stepped inside and it was very clean, that’s the obvious traits of a cloud house, you don’t have to clean them. When I closed the door behind me, I followed Rainbow further into the house when we came upon a door. Rainbow stopped and looked at me, very seriously. “What is it, Rainbow Dash? If there’s anything on your mind, I can handle it.”

“I like you.” Yes, she did say that, I didn’t react at first. I don’t even think I heard her at the time. I just tilted my head to the side in confusion and she spoke in a louder voice. “I LIKE YOU”! She practically shouted at me. And then my brain started to realise what was going on and the dopamine started running wildly in my body and I couldn’t control myself. I kissed her, and she kissed back, forcefully.

I am going to stop right there, because if you are an adult or teenager, you probably knew what happened next. I don’t think you’re stupid, but yes, that happened. And now, I am awake in her parents former bed, I just had an incredible night that I will never forget, and I’m closer to Rainbow Dash than I’ve ever been before, I couldn't be happier.

Comments ( 28 )

Great story :twistnerd:maybe you can read my called my day in ponyville

1725381 Please leave. I feel inclined to downvote your story just from these comments.

I liked this! :rainbowkiss:

Now for some constructive criticism!
The flow of the story seemed to be rushed, in that way,the presentation and wording of your story is cramped. Kinda like word vomit (i do that irl!).
The best prevention of this is to get it all out, then go back through and make small changes with wording, punctuation, or spacing.
Only do one of these at a time though! This helps with keeping the story intact as well as keeping the readers attention.

Other than that, me liked. So I :yay:!

:fluttercry::fluttercry: Why You No Finish:raritycry::raritydespair:

:rainbowkiss::heart::derpytongue2: Fuck yyyyeah

Me gusta. Never thought I would go for a couple like this.


“I am going to stop right there, because if you are an adult or teenager, you probably knew what happened next. I don’t think you’re stupid, but yes, that happened.” Haha, love this part.

The story was good but there was a bit of grammar mistakes, not to major, but enough where I'm going to mention it.

Refinement is necessary, but you have a good rough. Just expand and proofread and you will go from good to great.

This is either really rough or a great example of an unreliable narrator, in which case this is very well done.

Two words come to mind. Fuckin' A. I just loved that ending. Next on your agenda, write a sequel where they move in together and tell her kids, or some such. Last thing, like the only thing I have a problem with, it ended :fluttercry:

1734084 Thing is, I wanted it to simply end the way it did and people can think of the rest themselves :raritywink:

But if I were to do a sequel, it could take a while, I don't want to do it wrong, and besides, I don't think it will be the same, because it wouldn't be from Ditzy's perspective, because I would have to do it with the both of them then and that could become weird... And if I would do it, I would continue here, I would submit a new story, because this can be added to really easily if I wanted to and sequels only fit if the story REALLY ends...

Wow, my mind really wants to do that... We'll see, okay? We'll see :twilightsmile: (I have a lot on my plate, so this is getting the shaft, for the moment... That is, if I'm going to continue :derpytongue2:)

that isnt true actualy. (not self promoting) i am writing what is basicaly a sequil to this (but with diffrent characters and i had no insperation from this story). its about dash and an oc meeting for first time and eventualy ending up in a relationship. writing from the point of view of one pony in a relationship isnt that hard, you just have to expirament untill you find the perfect balance.

1735801 Not really what I meant, but still, I know you'r right, but if I were to make a sequel, it would have to be in the spirit of this story... I wouldn't want to do it otherwise :twilightblush:

Okie Dokie Lokie, if you decide upon it an need a prereader, I can do it :pinkiehappy:

1737010. still a very good story, weather you continue or not.

Sorry i could not finish this, there were so many random thoughts and background being placed into a short that it kept drawing me away from the story.

The emotional escalation was incredibly fast and the resolution was practically instantaneous.

You present Ditzy as just a friendly and caring, if sometimes clumsy mare and have her use her story placed familial status to threaten a side character, then go on to have her say she would take his acceptance of her deception as a favor and see he gets a pay increase, which she was lying about the whole time? That is not very caring or friendly for the Ditzy portrayed in your introduction, it is straight manipulative. You then switch back to having Ditzy go back to being friendly and rejecting her implied status even though she has been abusing said status for her own goals. I could not get past the two-faced characterization when you have established Ditzy as having rejected that lifestyle and being a thoughtful friend even to the point of accepting someone assigned to watch over her as a good friend.

The story writing gives off a British feel but doesn't hold to it with the phrasing perhaps that was just spelling errors and critical sentence junctions but it appeared several times, some spell checking or another shot a revision could help with that. Perhaps a pre-reader if you did not use one.

The story could certainly use some revision and polish, but as for now, sorry but no thank you.

1769973 I actually want to clear something out here:

Firstly: yes, I know the story has bad grammar and all those other things, it's pretty hard to improve on those places when every single pre-reader i've ever asked have pretty much never replied, without any reason what so ever, so there's that.

As for the Ditzy thingy, I never completely said that she ignored or hated her status, I simply said that she decided to live on her because she wanted to, it's simple as that. She is friends with Carrot Top because she wants to, she doesn't despise her in any way shape or form, she is simply slightly angered at Carrot Top's attitude, but she can't be bothered to ask her to stop because she simple doesn't want to. As for using her status, she never said that she didn't want to that outright,though she did say that she didn't want to hurt anypony with it and that's true, she wouldn't have sent her father on the guys if he didn't let them in, she simply tried, as for the promotion thing, when did she have time for that during the story? never, that's right, she was going to, she clearly remembered it, she just hadn't done it yet. She never intended to use it in a bad way, for the stadium bit, she simply did what she did because she wanted Rainbow to have a good day, and she doesn't mind using the status thing sometimes, she just think's it's immoral, she still does it, because she' doesn't want to wait, it annoys her.

As for polish, yeah, that could be useful, i have no one to do it though, since I'm horrible at doing such things...

And the end, yeah it was quick, but it's rated teen for a reason, I don't want to include unnecessary scenes and truly, I actually despise clop, can't stand it, but, alas, people do what they want.

I hope this opened up some things, I appreciate your feedback, it's these kinds of things that makes an author improve, that's just the way it is. You don't have to like my story, I've never forced anyone to like my stuff and I don't intend to. So yeah, hope this cleared up some things and may your future be bright (That was incredibly corny wasn't it?)


Yeah, it would be quite difficult to get polish on it when you don't get enough feedback. It is quite unfortunate that you didnt get enough feedback to fix the grammar and spelling in places. ---> (As i understand it there are groups of pre-readers on this site though i do not know where or any other qualifying information, i have heard other members mentioning that such groups do exist.)

I went back to the part about the ticket master, and i do apologize.

First, i saw the line

he was probably believing me at the time

as Ditzy saying she was actually tricking him into keeping quiet about the vip box.

Secondly i do see that you resolved that in the same paragraph and i must have misread that particular part due to my previously stated inference.

Finally on that note, Ditzy was surprised at the quick speed of the line and Rainbow was upset. Seeing as how Ditzy was clearly interested in impressing Rainbow, that makes the Ticket Master tricking fiasco a more understandable.

As for:

As for using her status, she never said that she didn't want to that outright,though she did say that she didn't want to hurt anypony with it and that's true, she wouldn't have sent her father on the guys if he didn't let them in, she simply tried, as for the promotion thing, when did she have time for that during the story? never, that's right, she was going to, she clearly remembered it, she just hadn't done it yet. She never intended to use it in a bad way

I did not make it past the scene of them heading to the movies. The aforementioned misunderstanding forced a character assassination into my mind and i could not continue past that point because it seemed like Ditzy was betraying her inner thoughts with rash decisions (Which is not the actual case).

The whole

I actually despise clop, can't stand it, but, alas, people do what they want.

I am with you on that note. Did you think i was implying it needed it cause a story certainly does not require descriptive physical intimacy to be good. Like i said before i did not make it to that part of the story.

When i input on stories in a negative manner i try to make it so as to point out flaws and holes to assist in making the story better (Especially when i can see the story could have been better and i know how to help address the issue.). I certainly hope you did not take this as an attack on your character. It was half complaint (The complaint being void now) and half wishing the story were edited better.

Since Ditzy was not actually being presented as contradicting herself i can go back and try reading again.

Once again, I am sorry for misreading the story.

1771465 Well, no problem really, I don't see it as an attack on me, I really don't. I am actually pretty new with the whole getting feedback on the internet, but I've heard from multiple locations that you simply need to deal with the 'haters' in a very natural way, don't feed them and such. I appreciate you trying to make me better, I really do, that's what I love about smart people, they can help you become better. What's so good about it is one thing, once upon a time, I actually got a pre-reader, but due to specific reasons, he can no longer do that, and I don't blame him. I tried getting pre-readers from the group on this site, I tried messaging almost all of them, but they either ignored me or never replied, for no real reason.

So yeah, thanks for taking your time to try and improve my writing, and finally, don't worry about misreading, I do that a lot too, so no bad feelings on that front :twilightsheepish:

And finished.
There of course are still some annoying issues with the dialogue.

I go out for an evening so rarely that she can spot it on my figure when it’s going to happen,

This one is actually kind of funny, but i think you meant : "She can spot it on my face and figure when it's going to happen." OR "She can spot it and figure out when it's going to happen" or something like that. Some of the spelling mistakes i found could have been eliminated with spell check if the program you made this one has that.

Also as to your previous comments

I do not see at all why Ditzy using her status to stop a fight from ruining her day would be out of place.

And as for the Physical aspect of the ending, The Internet Exists and if someone came to Fimfiction to read clop, there is plenty, i am sure, for one to read if they disabled the mature filter, and i really doubt that someone would get mad over there being no descriptive clop in a romance story. (I have been proven wrong before though, it just seems a very silly thing to be upset about when the internet is full of pornography and they could simply go look for that to begin with rather than pester a writer.)

The amount of background information you place in this story makes it seem like you could have easily made this longer and kept it engaging, though the lack of proofreading would have been a critical issue.

All together it is a good story, though it would greatly benefit from a more edited version. :twilightsmile:

PS: Perhaps you would do well writing about Rarity seeing as the more refined mare would easily benefit from the British background details you present. :raritywink:

1771526 Hello fellow writer. I am currently writing a Derpydash fic and seeing as you have written the only other derpydash i have yet to see, i was wondering if you would like to assist. I seem to have a perminate writers block. I read this story and loved it and would be very grateful to get some pointers from you. If you would like to take a look at what i have so far you can find it in the Main folder of the group The Herd. (I have barely anything written so far but feel free to look) I really need someone to just push me in the right direction.

1725886 Make them sound like people.....:facehoof:

1867108 XD i was just kidding

1867155Your new to me so i wil forgive you. Me being serious is a Rarity:raritystarry:

1725919 hahaha the video that that video originally came from is funny and as such your video made me smile
maybe time for sleep as punctualtion has stoippped

Gotta admit, I'd like a sequel to see how their life is going to be after this.

Love this story... You successfully converted me into a DashDerp fan... one of my many Dash ships. :derpytongue2:

I believe this takes place in universe 13.5 I like that universe and how the story flowed was fantastic

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