• Member Since 21st Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen May 12th


aka Mr. Chaos of the "Harry Potter: Pokemon Master Series", "Authors of Our Own Fate", and "A Man of Iron"


Hearth's Warming Day.

This day, one of the most magical of days, is about family and love and togetherness and remembering the bonds of friendship.

It is also about demanding presents, showing up your family, freaking out over the tiniest detail and fighting the rush of a thousand other ponies that seem to want to do nothing more than ruin the holiday for everyone else.

This year, Twilight is getting to host her family's Hearth's Warming Day Dinner and she wants everything to be perfect. But as she sees what the holiday does to her friends and those around her, Twilight begins to lose the spirit of the season and wonders just what good is a holiday that seems to turn everypony into jealous, greedy monsters.

Join Twilight in this look at what modern life has done to the holiday season and how easy it is to reclaim the magic back.

This story is set in the Scootaverse (Which includes The Many Secret Origins of Scootaloo and The God Squad). Neither of these stories are required reading but it will help.

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 328 )

Ladies and Gentlemen... Happy Hearth's Warming Eve, Twilight Sparkle!

This is my love letter to all those classic Christmas stories and my angry rant about how the holidays are so easily ruined by so many people.

Christmas is very important to me. It is my birthday, so much of who I am is tied to it. When I was born, I got a santa hat instead of a blue baby hat to wear in the nursery. So many people assumed my birthday got lost in the shuffle but my family was wonderful about making sure I felt special (my father was born on Christmas Eve, so he and I celebrate together). As such, I am still able to enjoy Christmas and all it is.

But it drives me insane that so many people, for whatever reason, ruin the holiday and make others miserable doing so. Thus, this story was born, where we will see that Equestria is no different than us when it comes to their holidays and silly, stupid stuff can ruin the good cheer.... and it is VERY easy to get it back.

D'awww meters off the charts.

Excellent, as always. :twilightsmile:

1730748 How do you get to every story so fast?

You commenting, as well as it being a Defender fic that shows no sign of being too out of the ordinary (no offense defender but this happened with The Abundance and you know it) pretty much guarantee it getting featured.

The metaness. It burns.
And is it bad that I recognized all three of Spike's fic references?
And a glimpse at that weird thing Twilight does when she eats brownies.


I was also born the day after my father (though not on Christmas). Whenever I'm in town (aka not away at college, so it's been a few years), we celebrate together. One year some of my mom's friends got together for a cake decorating party a few days before the birthdays, so my mom decorated one for me, and I decorated one for my dad. It was way fun. My dad also has a twin. And the twin has a son born the day before them. So we have lots of birthdays around the same time in my family.

Now on to comments about the story. Your stories are always hilarious. I'm really excited to read more. :twilightsmile::pinkiehappy:

1730781 My comments are not always a herald of good fortune.

1730841 I've seen you comment on, like, every featured fic I've read.

It's like, whoa. Are you a changeling?

Are you three changelings?

1730851 We are... not from around here, tis true. We were tired of how they treated us back home, so we fled.

Those Llamas, how DO they know everything? It doesn't make sense! They're like the Mayans, BUT GOOD! :pinkiegasp:

Looks like Sam the Snowman moved from telling the tale of Rudolph to this one. (And I totally heard that in Burl Ives voice as well). How can you hate Sam the Snowman though?

1730868 You're a parasprite aren't you.

You're a changeling parasprite.

Three parachangelingsprites.

1730885 Three, tree, TWE...

Across the ocean doth sail we
From leaving soiled trances broke
Another time, we rarely spoke
When we arose from the ashes of a fallen page
We settled a score to set our rage

1730901 Umm... uh... I don't get it :fluttershysad:

1730912 Oh, it's a Nirvana song.

You are three Nirvanaparachangelingspritecobains.

I assume.

1730927 We are going to flood these comments so much :yay:

Can I be a parachangelingsprite too?

"Oh Celestia, I think I'm having a

stroke," Spike moaned.

Me too Spike, and I plan on enjoying it

1730946 And so, then began young SnippitySnap's long and testing journey across the world of Equestria, to become one with the parachangelingsprites.

Hopefully it won't cop out and have one of those bullshit "the magic was inside you all along" endings. :pinkiesick:

1730973 Now I am going to have to write a fic about parachangelingsprites.

Would you collaborate with me? :eeyup:

1730984 But of course. :rainbowkiss:
Send us a link when you have the doc created.

1730992 awsum.

I am already formulating the plot, and how to give Knighty and Art Inspired cameos :trollestia:

1731005 Oh my, do go on. :rainbowkiss:

1731013 Art Inspired is going to be living in Ponyville. He paints paintings of things that are not that much better than your average painting, but he makes awards for himself and charges "Ten million bazillion bits for my masterpiece. I will accept no less from a commoner like you."

Knighty, I'm not sure. Maybe he'll be the mayor of a tiny town representing FIMFiction, who worship the Elements of Harmony and love clopping all the time. Oh, and Poultron is Knighty's gay lover. :trixieshiftleft::trixieshiftright:

SnippitySnap (me) will also be living in Ponyville, knowing that his whole life he has not fit in... because he is actually a parasprite! Yeah, he believes himself to be a parasprite and practices eating chairs and trying to clone himself. :pinkiehappy:

You will be king of the parasprites (if you want) and you live in the Parasprite hive outside of Equestria, from which gentle, distorted music endlessly plays...

And since this is all inspired by comments on a Defender fic, he might make an appearance too. Maybe he lives in Fictionton (knighty's town) and he gets insane amounts of praise every time he does something.

1731043 This idea, I like it.

1731049 Dropping every fic I was reading to make the GDoc.

Does Spike have a rival named Lone Star?

At first I was all like :unsuresweetie: but then I was all :rainbowhuh: and it went:pinkiesmile: and then it was:rainbowlaugh:. And now I'm just:trollestia:

Just to say that I love that prayer. It is in-character for the Cult of Celestia, isn't it? :twilightsmile:

It also makes sense that, if Twilight is crazy, her family would be more so.

1730781>>1730841 True. I think Regidar commented on one of my stories once. It's been poorly received. No, wait... that wasn't Regidar. Who was it? :fluttershbad: This is gonna bug me all day.

This had me laughing pretty good. I'd better check the rest of your profile to see if you're keeping anything from me.

Good thing I made sure to stock up the bunker this summer. Lemme see... *checks a handy chart* End of the world caused by Twilight is... damn, only 3 to 1, I didn't win much.

Hilarious! :rainbowlaugh: I love your fics.

Spike... you should just leave now while you still have the chance.

The Ponyville Exclusion zone is going to happen this year! :pinkiecrazy:

Those damn llamas were right...

I like it, mostly...

It's a great start, but I couldn't stand the parts in the beginning when you scripted the audience. It completely broke the feel of the story for me.

you know, in this world I can so totally see the miser brothers existing.

" Tydal wont be in for four more chapters" I'll hold you to that! Also, if Cadance isnt decked out in mistletoe I will be dissappoint!

Also, got the "past sins" and the "cupcakes" but what about the one where twilight becomes anthro when aroused?

1732421 Yeah, I'm curious about that one too.


Referring to The Goddess Within


And you claim to "not be a for serious brony."


I don't claim to be a brony at all. I write what I want to write and this world is what currently inspires me. Next week it could be Marvel or Family Guy or Jurassic Park.

1732753 Anypone who writes Family Guy fics needs to seriously think about what they're doing.

> Writes a bunch of ponyfics
> Incorporates immense quantities of headcanon
> Already included Crystal Empire
> Has seen FiW and read Cupcakes
> Is not a brony

1732576 "What's that Spike? I wasn't paying attention.
Ya missed the quotes at the end. Near the end of the fic. Only mistake i found.
Great, i love a good laugh, looks like now i have yet another fic to keep track of. Nice job. :twilightsmile:


I have written almost 100 different stories for different genres, including Star Wars, Heroes, castle, Bones, Transformers, Yu-Gi-Oh, etc. I take my time to research things so my stories make sense and I try and be creative. But I never have and never will take the title of brony because I simply don't consider myself one; I am a writer, that is all.

Oh, and I never read Cupcakes

1732843 Okay, just clearing that up.

I am tired and all out of clever.


You, out of clever? No, I simply refuse to believe that! (chuckles)

1732884 Damn it Faith, you douche, get off Defender's computer. He needs it to write fics that go on forever about things he does not enjoy and his many superpowered original characters that could beat Discord if he was freed from stone again. Also he needs it to break fourth walls until it stops being funny. And then break it some more for like ten more chapters.

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