• Published 4th Dec 2012
  • 4,890 Views, 227 Comments

Eye of the Hurricane - InsertAuthorHere

Raindrops goes too far in dealing with her anger problems. (Lunaverse story.)

  • ...

Boiling Point

Near the center of Ponyville sat the local weather patrol station, the tallest building in the whole town. Despite its impressive size, however, the inside was actually quite hollow; pretty much a necessity, considering the kind of ponies employed within. Within its imposing exterior flew a cadre of pegasi, all of them in charge of making sure Ponyville's weather systems came and went on schedule and in the right amounts, not to mention fighting back the Everfree Forest's own ideas of what Equestria needed.

Not that it mattered much to one special employee. Raindrops, the yellow-coated, cobalt-maned Bearer of the Element of Honesty, came into work looking about as happy as she possibly could. Not that it was very evident, mind you; Raindrops' default expressions tended to be “stoic,” “very stoic,” and “has no idea what expression is.” Still, there were the subtle ways one could tell how she was really feeling inside, from a tiny spring in her step to the way she folded her wings. Needless to say, she was ecstatic.

“Hey, Raindrops!”

The mare was so trapped in her own little world of euphoria that she barely registered the pony landing right next to her. Cloud Kicker, second-in-command of the weather patrol and the one pony actually keeping the place running efficiently, only managed to get her attention after a tap along the shoulder. “Um...Raindrops, we need to talk.”

“Is...this about my vacation?” Drops' voice was about as flat and deadpan as ever, but beneath it all there was just the slightest dash of excitement.

“Well...yes.” Cloud Kicker...kicked at the ground nervously. “I-I have to tell you that...”

“It's all approved, right?” Drops spun about mid-sentence, her eyes locking with her superior's in a way that made the violet pegasus rear up nervously. There was just so much hope and a lust for life just waiting to be crushed into a fine paste. “Can you believe this'll be our first family vacation in years? Mom and Dad have it all planned out down to the hour. And Snails...can you believe they have a gastropod museum right next to the beach? You could probably lock him in there the whole trip and he couldn't be happier.”

Cloud Kicker took a couple steps away from the other side of this conversation. She knew the next part was going to be painful, both to Raindrops and possibly somepony's muzzle. “B-But we have to...”

It was no use, however; Raindrops was officially lost to the limitless realms of her imagination. “Sprawling coastlines, sunny weather, hunky stal-” The mare's face blushed as she caught her slip. Fortunately for her, Cloud Kicker was too nervous to care. “W-Well, I'm sure this is going to be the best vacation of my entire life. Thanks for helping me...”

“You didn't get it.”

Raindrops' face froze mid-word, her ears twitching at the strange phrase she had just heard. “D-Didn't get what?”

“The vacation days. They weren't filed in on time, so the head office had to...well, deny them.” Acting on pure reflex, Cloud Kicker stretched out her wings and looked around for any safe place to escape to. Outflying Raindrops was never that difficult, but when she set her mind on something, not even the Tyrant Sun herself could stop her rampage. It was just common sense.

Raindrops didn't move right at first. Her lower lip started to tremble after a few seconds, but everything else remained completely frozen as if she had been chiseled from stone. The other ponies above, sensing that an explosion was evident, took to the ceiling as quickly as they could. There was no way Raindrops could kill them all, even if she wanted to. Break every bone in their bodies, perhaps, but not kill.

“B-But how?” she squeaked, every inch of her strength already being drained to keep her from losing control. “I-I submitted them months ago! You helped me fill out the forms yourself!”

“And...um...” Cloud Kicker shied her face away from Raindrops. She knew the next words were going to be very, very bad. “Look, I...gave the forms to Rainbow Dash to send in, but she...um...forgot to send them in. I-I'm so sorry!”


Deep within Raindrops' metaphorical heart, something snapped, while her literal heart began to pump harder and faster. Something cold and mean began to course through her veins, darkening her features, extending her wings, and making her hooves tremble with white-hot fury. “Rainbow Dash...Rainbow Dash did this?!”

The ponies above scrunched together even tighter than before, with more than a few simply flying out of the spire as quickly as possible to avoid the upcoming hurricane. Cloud Kicker's eyes wandered back and forth between the angered Raindrops and the door to Rainbow Dash's office. Unfortunately, the lights were still on, meaning she was in the room. And if she was...

“Raindrops, I want you to listen to me,” she said quickly. “I want you to go home and take the day off. Relax a little, let yourself cool down. I'll try to figure something out, but until...”

“No....” Raindrops growled. Her teeth were bared like a snarling Timberwolf, ready to rip into the first pony she came across. And unfortunately for her target, she knew exactly where she would be. “No more waiting. No more cooling off. I had to work through the trip to Cayo el Bayo because I her. I got written up for letting a storm through Ponyville because of her.”

She spun about on her hooves with the speed of a dashing cheetah. Every inch of her body was primed and ready for the showdown to end all showdowns. A tiny portion of her brain still screamed for her to relax and take Cloud Kicker up on her offer, but her rage had escalated beyond the point of any self-control, even one as well-disciplined and tested as her own. To make the situation even more of a brilliantly-designed catastrophe, Rainbow Dash just so happened to pull the door open at that very moment, her head turned towards the office's interior. She had nary an idea that her demise was imminent.

Sensing her opening, Raindrops let out a primal scream and charged. She raced forward about five steps before leaping into the air, her wings spread as wide as possible for the greatest possible drift. Rainbow Dash barely had enough time to process that something was coming at her before the two collided, sending both ponies rolling back into the office in a tumbleweed of limbs and feathers. The spectacle slid to a stop just as the two went crashing into a far wall, with Raindrops standing over her dazed and confused boss. “D-Drops? What the hay are you...?”

“SHUT UP!” A tiny stream of spittle, not unlike that of a mad dog, escaped from Raindrops' lips as she looked down at her pinned prey. “You and I have a long...”


Raindrops' head snapped about towards whatever pony had dared to interrupt Rainbow Dash's much-needed dressing down...and soon felt her rage being replaced with fear. Standing opposite her were a trio of ponies, all dressed in fine suits with slicked-back manes. Attached to their lapels were visitor badges, the kind that usually denoted somepony who was important, but not necessarily a member of the Night Court or nobility in general. In other words...

“Um...Drops?” Rainbow Dash squeaked nervously. “I'd like you to meet the district supervisors...”


My little pony, My little pony

Ahh ahh ahh ahhh...

My little pony

Friendship never meant that much to me

My little pony

But you're all here and now I can see

Stormy weather; Lots to share

A musical bond; With love and care

Teaching laughter; It's an easy feat,

And magic makes it all complete!

You have my little ponies

How'd I ever make so many true friends?


Raindrops' hooves slammed against the top of soda parlor's bar. “Hey, barkeep! Another Cider Surprise! And make it hard this time!”

The soda jerk rolled his eyes and began mixing the ingredients together, keeping things out of view just in case this was all a brilliant ploy to discover the secret ingredient for the parlor's latest concoction. Despite it still being well before nine o'clock, the parlor had adopted a small adaptation to the rules. They now served the alcoholic versions an hour early for anypony who had just had to deal with Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, the Mayor, and a double shot if their problems had anything to do with Trixie. So far the last one had proven to be the most profitable by far.

Once the abomination against the beverage world had been finished, the jerk plopped it onto the bar and sent it sliding down. Drops' hoof just barely managed to catch it before it could crash into the seven empty glasses to her side. With a partially drunken flourish, she stuck the straw into the glass and began sucking away. In an instant, she was struck with the combined flavors of alcohol, apples, and a strangely unidentifiable substance that she was probably better off not knowing anything about. It didn't matter, anyway; no matter how many she drank, she was still stuck in the same soda parlor, drinking the same cocktails, and just waiting for the day to finally relent and let her rest.

“Oh, there you are, Raindrops!”

And that wasn't going to happen today.

Carrot Top, bearer of the Element of Generosity, trotted up to the counter and pulled herself a seat right next to the ailing pegasus. Her hooves and coat were still covered in a fresh layer of top soil and mud from the day's planting and chores, but such was the lot of the lowly farmer. Not that Drops really knew anything about that stuff. She was a weather pony by trade, and as such spent a lot more time floating above the ground than standing on it.

Sensing that her friend was ignoring her, Carrot Top gave Raindrops a tiny nudge along the shoulder blades. All this did was make her teeter a little before stabilizing. “So, I...guess you don't want to talk about it?”

“Nope.” Drops took another big sip, cursing the alcohol for not working fast enough. By this point, even Trixie would have been slipping into her Neigh Orleans accent and started hugging the whole group.

Carrot Top sighed. “Look, I...I heard what happened. After all the stuff Dash put you through, I wouldn't blame you for snapping like that.”

Raindrops turned her head and scoffed. “You're friends with Rainbow Dash, right? She tell you all this?”

“W-Well, friends is a generous way of putting it.” Carrot rolled her eyes at all the memories of the madness her “friend” had gotten her roped into, from being clawed by weasels to getting trapped in a spa by a mad fashion designer. “But yes, she told me everything. She also said there was nothing she could do. She wasn't quite as polite when she said it, but I could tell what she meant.”

“I can't believe I did that.” Raindrops shook her head slowly, her friend's words finally getting through to her. “After the whole mess with Gilda, I promised I would never lose my temper again. Trixie even helped me learn to take it one step at a time. But when she ruined my vacation...all because she was lazy...” Drops could feel something trying to flare up again inside, but the combination of her restored willpower and the alcohol served to simmer it to a light boil. “She deserves to be fired.”

Carrot Top shook her head. “You know that won't happen.”

Raindrops replied with yet another frustrated snort. Everypony who knew anything about Rainbow Dash also knew about her best friend, the mysterious hermit pony Fluttershy. And anypony who knew who Fluttershy was could tell you of her family connection. According to what she had gleaned from Carrot Top, the only reason she even got her job as weather manager was because Fluttershy's father wanted to turn her into a glorified foalsitter. And as much as she hated to admit it, Raindrops couldn't help but confess that Rainbow Dash had some skills when she actually got off her lazy flank and did something. In other words, she was competent and connected. In other words, untouchable.

“And besides,” Carrot continued, “she told me all you have to do is attend anger management. Finish the course, and I'm sure they'll lift your suspension.”

The rage heated to broiling temperatures. “Anger management... Don't they know I've already tried that?”

Carrot Top tapped on the counter and ordered an orange soda float. Fortunately, that particular mixture didn't involve things that may have oozed out of a meteor, so it was in front her just in time for her epic rebuttal to Raindrops' indifference, an argument that would echo throughout the hallowed halls of Equestria for generations to come. So great was it that centuries from now, the Night Court would only speak of Carrot Top the Persuasive in hushed whispers, lest her spirit come to debate with them some more.

“It couldn't hurt to try again.”

Unfortunately, her skills were of no use against an opponent of such stubbornness as Raindrops. She suckled down the last remaining vestiges of liquid before turning back to the friend. Carrot Top's smile was about as broad as the bough of a ship, but nowhere near as watertight. “Look, I...know you mean well, but this isn't going to do anything. It's not just Rainbow Dash that's bugging me. It's...everything.”

Carrot Top cocked her head. “What do you mean?”

“For starters, look around you.” Carrot Top obliged, and for the first time noticed something significantly off about the current seating arrangement. For starters, not a single pony was seated within three chairs of them. Despite the parlor being as busy as ever this time of night, nopony seemed to want to be anywhere close to them. “I'm sure everypony else at headquarters already told them what happened. The whole town knows I'm always angry, just a few moments from snapping and breaking somepony. As far as anypony cares, I'm just the perpetually perturbed pegasus who just so happened to save the world a couple times. Even Trixie was terrified of me for a long time.”

Sighing deeply, the mare looked into her big glass. “Sometimes, I just wish I could stop feeling like this, that ponies would have no reason to be scared to be around me. But I've already gone to counseling and psychiatrists and everything else. It never works.”

A few beads of sweat worked their way down Carrot Top's brow. She had no idea things were anywhere near this bad; then again, Rainbow Dash was usually a poor judge of others' feelings, so there was no way to tell until she actually spoke to her friend. Normally, this would have been Ditzy's department, but she was already preoccupied with something Dinky was doing and couldn't make it over there. Still, she was Generosity, and the most generous thing a pony could give a friend was their time. Money didn't hurt either, but time was a bit more precious. Just a bit.

“Drops, I'm not promising anything, but you have to give it a try. You need your job back, anyway. And perhaps this time it'll work out. The other groups you went to just might not have been the right ones for you. If you want, I can even tag along. Just promise me you'll give it one more try, okay?”

Raindrops was silent for a moment, her brain weighing in on the pros and cons of her possible actions. If she went to the meeting, it would no doubt be a huge waste of her time. Even if she did rejoin the weather patrol, she'd still have the same lazy manager making her life miserable. But she couldn't lose her job...

The yellow pegasus groaned and took another chug. “Alright, I'll give it a try. Meeting's tomrrow night at town hall.”


The next night, the perpetually perturbed pony and her plucky sidekick ventured forth into Ponyville's town hall. Official business had already concluded for the day, save for the occasional pony trying to muscle out some overtime and/or trying to make up for Ivory Scroll's latest mishap, and thus the only group in attendance was the small Anger Management Session in one of the hall's small conference rooms. By the time the two arrived, there were already five ponies in attendance, all of them sitting in a circle of chairs and wearing faces that perfectly reflected their desire to not be there. And then there was the pony running the session. Or rather, the minotaur.

Sitting at the head of the circle was an overly-muscled bull-like being, with razor-sharp horns and a ring through his nose. Any sort of intimidation he might have been going for was offset only by the silly tie he wore around his neck and the large clipboard in his claw-like upper arms. Raindrops had barely enough time to realize what has happening before the minotaur noticed her. “Ah, you must be our newest member,” he said in a half-growly voice.

“Y-Yes, I'm...”

Before Raindrops could get another word out, the minotaur had already risen to his two hooves and walked over, stopping but a hair's breath away from her. The pegasus smiled nervously and began to back away, but only managed to bump into Carrot Top, who shook her head at her friend's retreat. The group leader returned his eyes to the clipboard, flipping through pages and shaking his head. “Weather patrol sent you here, huh? Well, no matter. Iron Will's the name, training ponies is my game!” He finished his declaration with a sudden thumbs up to the two, who just looked at each other in utter confusion. Sensing that nopony was going to follow this up, Iron Will dropped his salute and grabbed Raindrops by the scruff of her neck. “Now that you're here, we can get this show on the road! Hey, everypony!”

Drops tried to fight free, but to her horror the minotaur's strength exceeded even her own. Before she or Carrot Top could protest any further, Iron Will charged forward with the furious speed of a locomotive, plopping Raindrops' hind quarters into the nearest available seat before jumping right back into his own. The other ponies clapped their hooves together in a mixture of awe and amazement, while Drops settled for rubbing her bruised hiney.

“Good evening! My name is Iron Will, and today is the first day of your new life!” The minotaur's voice echoed and boomed through the small room, his speech sounding less like a psychiatrist and more like a used wagon salespony. The others, having apparently heard the same speech before, rolled their eyes, but Raindrops just watched in a combination of stunned silence and general apathy. So far, things were still not exactly looking very promising.

Too bad her poor attitude was not subtle enough to escape Iron Will's notice. “Now Raindrops, Iron Will knows you're only here by court order, but so are all of the other ponies here! Every one of us has done something out of anger at one point or another. And that's why we're here to get well!”

“No!” shouted a burly, mussy-maned unicorn sitting across from Raindrops. The others instinctively pulled away from him, causing both Drops and Carrot Top no small measure of concern. “Everypony else here might be a bunch of psychopaths, but I'm trying to save Equestria!”

Iron Will shook his head and snorted. “How many times does Iron Will have to tell you not to act up, Trajectory? We have a new member with us today. We don't need..”

“Um...how are you going to save Equestria?” asked Carrot Top. No sooner had the words left her mouth than the entire room turned their eyes towards her dismissively, causing the mare no small amount of anxiety. “I-I mean, I was just wondering...”

Trajectory gave a proud smile and crossed his forelegs. “You know those catapults we use to launch pumpkins every year? After everything that's happened the last two years, I decided to recalibrate one of them and use it to destroy Equestria's greatest enemy.”

Raindrops' eyes doubled in size. There was no way he just said what she thought he just said. “Y-You mean...You're going to try and...”

“That's right,” Trajectory boasted. “I am going to DESTROY THE SUN!

And with that, the moment was lost. Even the very air molecules in the room seemed to freeze from the sheer stupidity of what was just said. Raindrops' pupils shrank back to normal while she assumed her typical stoic expression, while Carrot Top hoofed herself in the face. “W-Wait, you mean you're the pony who's been launching things all over town? A safe crashed into my field last week!”

“I almost got flattened by a piano during my morning jog two days ago!” Raindrops added.

“Just some minor miscalculations,” said Trajectory. “After that cannonball went through the representative's window, I finally figured out how to enchant my ammunition to achieve the appropriate distance! Soon, that anvil will make contact with the sun itself!” He turned to the minotaur, half-mad with rage. “And I would have sent more if this monster hadn't told the mayor on me!”

Iron Will, however, remained unimpressed. “Iron Will apologizes for that. Trajectory was a client at Iron Will's Assertiveness Seminar, and...he took my lesson to heart. Now, how about we skip introductions for the moment and work on some self-control techniques? Let's start with deep breathing...”

To be honest, Raindrops simply tuned out the rest of the lesson. She already knew this technique by heart; indeed, it had saved her from more than a couple outbursts in the past. But that hadn't stopped her from punching out Trixie, or fighting Gilda, or exploding at Rainbow Dash. By the time Iron Will had begun handing out stress balls (for two bits a piece), she knew exactly how this night would go...


“What a bucking waste of time!” Raindrops growled as she and Carrot Top stepped out of town hall. The rest of the group had already left, with the two newcomers holding up the rear so the complaining could occur out of earshot of Iron Will. “Breathing techniques? Stress balls? Next he'll be telling me to buck a pillow!”

“B-But those could help,” Carrot Top said sheepishly. “And besides, now you're a step closer to getting back to work. Isn't that worth it?”

“For that job? No way.” Raindrops shook her head, her back still turned to her friend. “Look, I...I'm glad you came with me, but I...I want some time alone for a minute. I'll see you tomorrow.”

Carrot Top opened her mouth to protest, but no noise dared to emerge. Despite her desire to stand up for her friend, that accursed weak little part of her brain quickly knocked her willpower back down to its usual levels, and she just as quickly acquiesced and began to trot back to her home. Once she was gone, Raindrops fell back on her haunches and extended her wings limply. “Why am I so surprised?” she said to nopony in particular. “Better ponies have tried to help me get over this, and it's never been enough.”

Her head gradually drifted upwards towards Luna's beautiful night sky. So far, the dancing stars overhead were the only highlights of her entire day. She still had no job, and no recourse against Rainbow Dash's baffling laziness. Her friends could all offer her the usual platitudes, but nothing that would actually get to the root of the problem. And now she was stuck attending meetings led by a money-grubbing minotaur and with a legitimately insane pony who wanted to destroy the sun itself. Granted, Trixie herself said that Luna got about a thousand petitions a day asking for the same thing, but at least she didn't have to get locked with them in a tiny room. And besides, she never beat somepony until he had to walk with a limp for the rest of his life.

And stress balls? That stupid minotaur thinks those help? Snails gets me one of those every time I lose my temper, and...

Her eyes opened wider than ever. “Snails...” Her brother still didn't know what happened; he had enough problems in his own life without worrying about his sister. If anything, she could...

And then she turned her head just enough to catch the hall's bulletin board. There, attached right between a notice for a Farmers Union meeting and a posting for a magic tutor, was a small, unassuming piece of white paper. It wasn't the size that mattered, however, but how you used it. And written on this little sheet was something that make Raindrops' eyes pop open with new hope...


Morning crept up on Snails with all the sneakiness of a cat burglar. The colt struggled under his bed covers as the first rays of light pierced his window and cast its unforgiving glare across his tiny bedroom. In any other house, this would have been considered a slightly large broom closet, but considering the size of the house, he actually got one of the best rooms out there. Granted, his bed took up about three-quarters of it, but hey, at least he got a window. That was more than Raindrops could attest to.

Gradually, however, his desire to remain asleep was defeated by a fear of being late to school, and he pushed himself up...


And immediately jumped half out of his skin at the sight waiting for him. Standing with both front hooves on his bed was his big sister, looking just as awesome as ever. But even to his young eyes, he could see that something was...off about her. There was no moisture on her hooves, despite her usually going for some morning workouts. Her mane and coat were already perfectly cleaned and brushed, something she could only manage after a few prods from their parents. And then there was the biggest problem of all.

She was smiling. Not just a little smile, but a great, big, look-at-how-clean-my-teeth-are smile. To make things worse, she started giggling at the sight of her confused brother. “And how are you this fine morning?!”

“Um...uh...fine?” Snails stammered out. “D-Did something happen?”

“You bet something happened!” Raindrops punctuated the expression with a slam of her hooves against the ground, causing the entire room to shake and send the colt bouncing again. “But enough for now! I'll tell you everything at breakfast! So let's get moving downstairs before we run out of waffles!”

And with that, the mare bounded out of the room, bouncing like she was on the highest of all sugar highs. Snails simply watched in confusion, his brain already trying to rattle out what could have caused such a dramatic twist in his sister's behavior. Wow, she must have gotten some really good vacation time! Oh, and waffles! Nopony can say no to that! No wonder she's so happy!

Having solved this mystery, the colt jumped to the ground and cantered off to join the rest of his family for breakfast, pushing his sister's odd behavior to the very back of his mind. After all, if Raindrops was happy, then nothing could possibly be wrong...