• Published 6th Dec 2012
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Starfall: Dominion of the Night, Part I - AuroraScribe

The course of time has been changed... and as the war of the sisters begins, will Star Swirl's involvement change things for the better, or has the mage doomed Equestria to an even more terrible fate?

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Chapter Five: Wayward Harbinger

Stretching from leg to leg to give a bit of relief to her frozen joints, Scarlet Blossom ignored the visitors at the main gate and instead kept herself distracted by adjusting her gold and silver trimmed armor. Finding it wasn’t fitting quite as snug as she’d prefer, she then thoroughly checked each strap and buckle, a process she had made a habit of repeating many times throughout any given day. As she found the culprit – a neatly tied strap on her shoulder plate that obviously hadn’t been tied as perfectly as it should’ve been – she shook her head at how unsuitable it was to deal with such nuisances. With a forced sigh she yanked the tiny knot loose then sulked over how pitiful her armor had become. It was, after all, at least three weeks old now – a relic for a royal guard of her stature, especially now that she was head of Canterlot Castle’s main gate watch.

After retying the strap into the perfect knot it should’ve been originally, the dark red unicorn raised a foreleg and looked to the frozen cobblestone to count the evenly spaced holes she had pressed into the snow. By her estimate, there was one for every minute that had passed since she had allowed a messenger to be sent to notify the princesses of an unscheduled visitor. Thinking a moment, she stamped her hoof forward to create another.

“Thirteen… fourteen… and that makes fifteen,” she mumbled her count aloud but quickly glanced side to side as she realized other guards were within earshot. “Fifteen minutes…” she said as she pointed to Star Flare and the elder pony that called himself Star Swirl standing idly outside the gate. “That’s much too long. Much, much, much too long! I never should’ve agreed to this, Star Flare, you know this is completely against the rules!”

“There’s no rule against announcing a visitor, even with the city so busy – and even if there was, you’re always allowed to make a judgment call,” Star Flare waved her foreleg at the massive golden gate before her and smiled. “Try not to obsess over it too much, Scarlet. It’ll be fine, you’ll see.”

“Obsess?” Scarlet Blossom stood straight then shook her head letting loose a few thin strands of her pink mane from under her helmet. “You think I'm obsessing? It’s concern, I’ll have you know. You might be able to come and go whenever you please, so of course you have nothing to worry about... But some ponies – like myself – had to work very hard for our positions and would like to keep them, thank you very much.” Confident she had made her point, she finished with a smug turn of her head.

Hearing the other guards laugh, Star Flare couldn’t hide her embarrassment and shrunk back. “That’s a little cold, don’t you think? I live in the city... I have to follow the sames rules as you or any other royal guard. Besides, I told you I would take full responsibility and I will.”

“Of course, of course. You say that... But when Princess Luna asks who was head of watch and allowed this to happen, it’ll come back to me-“

Star Swirl's brow wrinkled in concern then he loudly cleared his throat to interrupt. “I can assure you – both of you – there is absolutely nothing to be concerned with.” He stood a moment looking as if something else had just crossed his mind then solemnly nodded. “Unless the messenger cannot find Princess Celestia and only speaks with Princess Luna. That may be a problem.” He finished with a half-hearted chuckle.

Star Flare gave a nervous side glance to Star Swirl then looked back to Scarlet Blossom. “It won’t be a problem. I promise.”

Scarlet Blossom rolled her eyes. “Oh, I feel better already.” With a dramatic sigh, she turned and stamped another hole in the snow. “Sixteen.”

* * * * * * * *

“Star Swirl?” Princess Luna spoke the name loudly, a mocking tone in her voice. “Here? In Canterlot?”

The royal guard messenger continued to stand in his straight posture as Luna moved closer, her sparkling mane floating out before her like a living entity. “Yes princess, that’s who he said he was.”

Princess Celestia didn’t know what to say. Outside of the occasional historical reference or inquiry from the magic order, Star Swirl’s name was rarely spoken these days. “Did… you see him? Please describe this pony for us.”

Luna held in place then pivoted to look to her sister. “Sister, do not even entertain the notion that it is him. You know whoever this pony may be it is not – it cannot – be Star Swirl…” she let the name hang in the air as she waved a foreleg before her. “If it were him, he would never come to the gates of the castle; he would have simply appeared before us.”

Celestia’s lips pressed into a firm line. What Luna said did make sense, but a part of her couldn’t give in – ages ago Star Swirl had done so much to help Equestria, and with the state of the world so bleak, the very idea that the mage could be here now was just too comforting to ignore.

Luna’s attention switched to the royal guard as he tapped his chin and thought a moment. “If it helps, I can tell you he’s an elder unicorn and a very strange looking fellow… And, he looked pretty frail, at least from what I could tell.”

Luna’s eyes narrowed then she shook her head. “Then, as I said, it is not him," she stared at the guard and adjusted her posture, as if considering what to do next. "I am being forgiving this night. Tempting as it may be, I will not have the one responsible for this prank thrown into a cell... but make it clear he should leave before I change my mind.”

“Um, ye-yes princess! I will tell him immediately!” A look of relief crossed the royal guard’s face as he saluted and turned to leave.

“Just a moment!” Celestia blurted out, unsure of what else to say.

“Was there something else, your highness?” The guard asked as he turned. Luna turned as well, her eyes questioning.

“Can you tell us anything else about him?” Celestia spoke but her voice sounded weak and she lightly cleared her throat. “Was there anything peculiar?”

The guard thought a moment. “Well, he was wearing some unusual robes. Seemed like strange attire for winter, especially on such a cold day. Oh, and he had a floppy hat to match. I… doubt that’s of any help, though.”

Celestia smiled, a hopeful spark making her feel warm inside. “No, it does help quite a bit, thank you. Please have him escorted to the grand hall with the greatest of care. Give him any assistance he may need.”

“Sister!” Luna whirled and shook her head. “Are you seriously going to waste time on this farce?”

Celestia looked to Luna and nodded gently. “It is him.”

Luna waved for the royal guard to go then scowled at her sister. “You say that with such bold certainty… But tell me, when disappointment steps through those doors,” she pointed to the main entrance of the grand hall and sighed. “What then, sister?”

Celestia weakly smirked. “I suppose we’ll see when that time comes.”

* * * * * * * *

“Are you certain?” Scarlet Blossom stared at the royal guard standing before her almost as if he wasn’t real. “Princess Celestia and Princess Luna agreed to meet with him? This… isn’t some kind of joke?” She finished and looked to the gate, her expression frozen in disbelief.

“Yes Ma’am… and Princess Celestia made it sound like he’s pretty important,” the royal guard said then turned to look at the gate as well. “She asked that we give him any assistance he requires.”

Overhearing the guards speak, Star Swirl suddenly felt lightheaded at the good news and found himself sitting back on his haunches to prevent himself from falling over.

“Are you alright?” Star Flare quietly asked and gently touched the mage’s shoulder.

“I’m fine, my dear. Just... very tired.”

Scarlet Blossom nodded to the two royal guards standing at either side of the main gate. “Open it; the princesses have agreed to see him.”

The guards stepped forward and began turning the massive cranks for the elaborate gold gates of Canterlot Castle. As the gates fully swung open, Scarlet Blossom stepped outside and saluted Star Flare then quickly bowed to Star Swirl. “It seems I owe you an apology… I’m really not sure what this is all about, but please follow me. I’ll escort you to see the princesses. Are you coming as well, Star Flare?”

Star Flare really wasn’t sure what to do at this point. She turned to Star Swirl looking for an answer.

“No, my dear, you have other places to be.” Star Swirl smiled and tilted his head. She could see he was being thoughtful, but there was a hint of sadness in his eyes. “I’m glad we had this chance to meet.”

“Maybe next time we run into one another I’ll be a familiar face.” She smiled and laughed softly, but deep down she really wasn’t sure if she’d ever see Star Swirl again.

He returned the smile. “Indeed. And be sure to tell Skystrider I said hello. He won’t know who you’re talking about, but it should still make for good conversation.” He gave a crooked grin then turned and nodded to Scarlet Blossom that he was ready.

“Take good care of… him.” Star Flare thought hard, but suddenly wasn’t sure what the old pony’s name was. He’s… important, right? That’s odd; I’m normally so good with names, why can’t I remember? And… why am I here, at the castle? I’m off duty; this isn’t where I’m supposed to be. She blinked then looked around confused. Skystrider! Oh no, I’m so late! She shook her head then took a few quick steps and leaped into the air, taking flight and flying as quickly as her wings could carry her home.

* * * * * * * *

As the large doors to the grand hall opened wide, Scarlet Blossom stepped in front of Star Swirl and held a foreleg out to stop for a moment. “First, I’ll need to go inside and announce your arrival. It’s only proper that-“

“That won’t be necessary, my dear.” Star Swirl waved his foreleg dismissively and took a ragged breath. The walk through the castle had seemed agonizingly long, and he was certain every part of his body now ached. “Time is of great importance.”

Scarlet Blossom shrugged then turned to lead the way. “Then I’ll make the announcement as we enter. Please follow me.”

Star Swirl watched as his escort moved forward, but he wavered for a moment and struggled to steady himself. Not now… I’m so close! He awkwardly shifted to stay on his hooves then shakily regained his balance.

Taking a deep breath, he followed in step behind Scarlet Blossom but kept his eyes on the floor, his thoughts in endless debate over what must be done. He painfully swallowed and came to the conclusion that despite what he had encountered over the course of his life, never had he felt this terrified. He blurrily heard his name spoken but didn’t lift his head to acknowledge it; instead his attention held on where he now stood.

Though it was called a hall, the grand hall was actually a massive chamber designed to allow ponies and other friendly races from all over to meet in peace. Ornamented and elaborate decorations from across the world were displayed prominently around the room, a visual testament to the peaceful connection the princesses of Canterlot had worked to build.

They’ve worked so hard… and if I do nothing, there’s no point to any of it. He closed his eyes as he envisioned the room covered in ash, a horrifying memory of a distant future. I must set things back on course. This is the only way…

He glanced across the shining white floor and realized he stood on the only section where colored tiles had been laid to create a mural of Celestia’s sun cutie mark with Luna’s crescent moon cutie mark half covering it. While he knew it was meant to show the princesses were united it looked more like the beginning of an eclipse. He inwardly cringed at the coincidence as he heard his name spoken once again and slowly raised his head.

“Your majesties, it has been far too long.”