• Published 6th Dec 2012
  • 7,674 Views, 83 Comments

Applejack the Stallion - Fattymagee1

Twilight turns Applejack into a stallion by accident

  • ...

What Feels Right...

Trixie gazed at Twilight, her mouth agape as she witnessed her opponent’s inconceivable acts of magic in the middle of the Ponyville town square. “This... just can’t be!”

Twilight stared back at Trixie, the devious grin of a determined mare plastered on the equine’s face. “Ooooh. One more.” Twilight turned towards and locked eyes with Applejack, who’s face lit up with obvious distress. Rarity, standing adjacent to Applejack, appeared startled as well. “I can turn a mare... into a stallion.”

As Twilight pointed her horn in Applejack’s direction, the rustic mare leapt into the air in obvious panic, attempting to gallop away mid air in the opposite direction in anticipation of Twilight’s incoming incantation. Her efforts were to no avail, however, as a prodigious streak of magenta-colored magic exploded out of Twilight’s horn.


When the purple and pink smoke eventually cleared a few moments later, Trixie’s mouth nearly dropped to the ground.

The orange mare, who had been standing in the same location just seconds earlier, was transformed into another entity. It was still orange, its signature brown stetson hat was still situated atop its head and long golden mane, and its cutie mark remained a trifecta of red apples.

However, there were several obvious alterations to what was previously Applejack, the most notable being its size. It was now nearly twice as large, its previously miniscule snout was now quite large and unusually elongated. Its golden tail, which previously flowed all the way to the ground, was now short and stubby.

There was no doubt about it, Twilight had successfully transformed Applejack into a male stallion. Rarity, who was still idling next to Applejack, gazed upon the wondrous site of the now large, and rather attractive stallion.

“Uh, Twilight,” uttered the deeper-voiced Applejack as he lifted a hind leg in embarrassment.

Not a second later, Twilight expelled another streak of magenta magic out of her horn in the direction of stallion Applejack, resulting in another enormous puff of smoke. However, when the smoke cleared, the same large male entity remained, completely unaffected by the spell.

A perplexed and even somewhat irate expression amassed itself on Twilight’s face.

“Well, what was that supposed to do?” sneered Trixie, her devious grin having returned to its former glory.

Twilight stomped both of her front hooves on the ground in frustration. “Big Macintosh! What are you still doing there?!”

Suddenly, everypony heard a loud thump as another stallion fell out from behind the statue stallion-Applejack and Rarity stood next to. His frame and appearance were nearly identical to Applejack, except his deep red coat was streaked with what appeared to be orange paint. It was obvious to everypony that this was Applejack’s older brother, Big Macintosh.

This could only mean one logical conclusion...

“What... what is this? Is this all some sort of trick?” demanded Trixie as she turned towards Twilight, her bright purple eyes flashing dark red as her Alicorn Amulet began to glow.

Plan B!”

Before anypony could react to Trixie or the shocking revelation, Twilight shot a massive red beam straight into the sky, where it exploded like a firework in spectacular fashion.

Immediately everypony heard the buildings shaking considerably, and the ground rumbling beneath their hooves. They all turned to face the sound of something approaching the village fast from the Everfree Forest. Whatever it was, it sounded enormous.

Seconds later, a massive creature came into view. It's skin was a light and near transparent blue. A white star sat above piercing yellow eyes, complete with ferocious red pupils.

“An... an Ursa Major?” said Trixie as she gulped, frozen with an all too familiar fear as she watched the formidable creature stop directly in front of her. She began to shoot all types of different spells at the beast, to no effect.

“Ursa Minor, actually,” assured Twilight as the creature picked up the wailing blue unicorn, placed her in his colossal mouth, and swallowed the once ‘great and powerful’ Trixie with the Alicorn Amulet whole. "Only creature that is immune to the Amulet's magic."

MMMMMMM... TASTES LIKE COCKATRICE” roared the Ursa Major in a surprisingly high-pitched voice, before spinning around and pouncing off in the direction of the woods and his mommy.

“What kind of monster could possibly want to eat a cockatrice?” murmered Fluttershy, still disguised as Rainbow Dash.

“Well, you’re the one who made friends with it,” giggled the real Rainbow Dash.

“You what?” carped Applejack in his now deep voice.

After successfully liberating Ponyville from Trixie’s short reign of terror, Everypony made the trip to Sugarcube Corner in celebration of their victory, sitting four to a table. Pinkie Pie, who to everypony's secret delight, still lacked her mouth, was running around serving an assortment of muffins to the ponies at each table.

Applejack sat across the rectangular table from his older brother. Twilight sat on one side,with Rarity on the other. The alabaster unicorn silently gazed at her new male friend. At one point their eyes met, both ponies blushing as the quickly turned away.

However, since Twilight happened to accidentally and successfully transfigure Applejack into a stallion, and didn’t know how to change her back, that kind of placed a rather... awkward mood over the festivities.

“Ah fell into the fountain,” said Big Macintosh as he took a sip from his milkshake.

“How in the hay does somepony just fall into the village fountain? Especially when he’s wearin’ paint and got somethin’ important to do?”

Big Mac simply shook his head again. “I told ya. I was just walkin’, and somepony’ I couldn’t see musta thought it’d be funny just to sneak up and push me in the water.”

Applejack sighed, rolling his eyes whilst shaking his head . He shifted his attention to Twilight..

“Twilight, why did ya actually turn me into a stallion anyways? That wasn’t part of the plan!”

“I already told you, it was an accident! That spell was only supposed to create a lot of smoke around you so you would have time to switch places with Big Macintosh!” asserted Twilight.

“She just doesn’t know what went wrong!” exclaimed Derpy from another table, who unsurprisingly happened to be digging her way into another blueberry muffin.

Everypony began cracking up. Oh how hysterical their beloved googly-eyed mailmare was...

After the onslaught of laughter subsided, Applejack was the first to speak in his deep, masculine, yet still Applejack sounding voice. “Well, I can’t stay like this forever, Twilight.”.

“I know, I know. I’ll begin research on a way to reverse the spell right away. But you may have to live with being a stallion for at least a few days,” explained Twilight.

Applejack sighed, before nodding in agreement. “Alright, Twilight, I think I’ll manage,” She gazed down at his new... stuff, “even if it’ll be mighty strange.”

Applejack had already begun to notice how strangely hungry he was. Thus, when he popped his own entire apple muffin in his mouth and swallowed it whole, then asked for ten more, he was beginning to understand just how different he was now.

Suddenly, Zecora appeared out of seemingly nowhere, and whispered into Applejack’s ear,

“My new young stallion, this transformation can win you many medallions... But beware, for if you give up the identity of a mare... you may end up wreaking like a scallion.”

Only one thought, however, came to mind in Applejack’s head.

Are all zebras as kooky as her?”

“I do not believe so, you little dodo,” said what seemed to be Zecora’s voice in Applejack’s mind.

Bewildered, Applejack spun around to face the mysterious zebra, who smirked deviously back at him.

Applejack stood next to an apple tree in the orchard, struggling with greatest predicament of his life. “Consarnit! How do you go without gettin it all over your le—”

“Hello!” declared a familiar voice behind him.

Applejack jumped and let out a little yelp in surprise, before falling and tripping over a tree branch, in the process urinating all over his left hind leg.

“Twilight, what did I tell ya about sneaking up and scaring me like that when I’m out in the orchard apple-bucking?”

Twilight smiled sheepishly. “Oh, sorry Applejack. I guess I forgot. Anyways, how are you doing?”

Applejack hoisted himself up off the grass and onto her hooves again. “Well, I’m alright I guess. Granny Smith and Apple Bloom still don’t believe I’m me, and Winona won’t quit barkin’ either. Big Macintosh also took the day off, saying ‘y’all more than capable of doin’ the farmwork by yourself. I don’t fit in my bed anymore, so I had sleep on the floor last night. Oh, and now I got piss all over my leg. Ever try using one of these things to go?”

Twilight just stood there, not responding to Applejack’s question.

The stallion shook his head. “Well, it’s a might bit annoying. Stallions gotta aim where they go, or they’ll get it all over themselves! Ain’t that just dandy?”

Twilight, who remained as frozen as Discord, was still unable to respond.


The unicorn jumped, looking in both directions before making eye contact again with the... enchanting orange stallion in front of her. “Oh, yes, yes of course. Anyways, would you mind coming back with me to the library? I want to test out some possible... solutions to your problem.”

Applejack’s face lit up with excitement. “Why, of course Twilight, anything I can do t’ help get me back to normal faster!”

A devious grin amassed itself on Twilight’s face. “Good, let’s head over there right now.”

Delighted, Applejack followed Twilight through the apple trees. They eventually exited Sweet Apple Acres, and trotted down the dirt road in the direction of Ponyville.

Twilight closed the large wooden library door behind her, and the two ponies ambled into the center of the library. Applejack couldn’t help but notice how unusually quiet the room was. he stallion was surprised to see books lying all over the floor in a disorganized manner. She carefully managed to step over the The Pony Sutra and The Egghead Unicorn’s Guide to Getting Laid without giving the titles much thought.

“So, Twilight, ya figure out how to change me back? What do ya need me to do?”

Twilight spun around, slowly pacing towards the stallion. The foxy grin still present on her face..

“What are ya doin, Twi? And where’s Spike?” questioned the now quite perplexed Applejack.

The Unicorn approached Applejack. She gently began to stroke his large and muscular body with her front hooves.. “Twilight, please stop. Y’all are making me uncomfortable. Unless this is necessary for changing me back, of course.”

“Why would you want to change back? Now you can have me. You don’t need to worry about the Apple Family code anymore—I’ve always wanted you Applejack. Your sexy voice just made me go crazy! But I knew we could never be together unless I changed you into a stallion.”

In response to that statement, Applejack leapt backwards out of Twilight’s reach.

What in Tarnation?! Are you saying that wasn’t an accident?”

“Don’t deny it, Applejack. I’ve seen the way you look at me. I know you want me. But you know your family would never approve since we’re both mares. Your family—with your traditional ways...” Once again, Twilight slowly approached Applejack.

“Uh, Twilight, really, I don’t think—”

“So I did what was best for the both of us. Trixie showing up was the perfect opportunity, I simply couldn’t resist! That little show I put on—and pushing Big Macintosh into the fountain. It was all in the name of true love!”

“Twilight, this ain't right!” With his back against the door, Applejack watched the possibly insane unicorn quickly approach. The stallion attempted to escape through the door, but Twilight’s horn glowed, magically sealing the door shut. This was so wrong—and there was no escape...

There was no use in trying to use force, since the unicorn could surely repel with her magic. The situation appeared hopeless for Applejack...

Twilight had nearly reached Applejack, when he suddenly recalled something. Something about being a stallion...

A small grin appeared on Applejack’s lips as he moved himself into position.

Twilight’s grin, however, faded into a frown. “Applejack, what are you—”

“You remember how stallions have to aim whenever they went? Well, I actually kinda like it now! Take this, Twilight!”

Suddenly, a stream of yellow liquid shot up into the air, arching through the air as if it were the most beautiful and glorious fountain in all of Equestria as it deposited itself into Twilight’s right eye.

Ahh!” Completely taken aback by Applejack’s unexpected move, the mare stumbled backwards and tripped over her own back hooves. Twilight landed on her plot, trying to remove the egestive material from her eyes.

For a split second, the unicorn lost concentration on her magic. Applejack used this precious time to launch the door open and escape into the Ponyville daylight..

Applejack sprinted away from the library. His massive hooves struck the ground with immense force, causing the houses to shake as he passed. He needed to get as far away from that place as stallionly possible, since Twilight’s psyche had once again become irrational. Nopony wants to mess with a unicorn who has lost its mind, especially one as powerful as Twilight Sparkle...

Applejack glimpsed over his shoulder in order to see if the crazy unicorn was trailing him, when “Wham!”

The large stallion walloped into a much smaller mare. Though the impact did little to the massive Applejack, it sent the squealing white coated, purple curly maned unicorn soaring through the air like a Pegasus, and right into a bush beside Carousel Boutique.

Stunned by what just occurred, Applejack galloped over to the bush in order to help whomever he just turned into a living cannonball. His eyes lit up when he discovered the mare was, in fact, Rarity.

Her normally glamorous mane was now completely ruined, with all sorts of leaves and twigs sticking out. Her false eyelashes were nowhere to be found.

“Rarity! I’m sorry! I didn’t see ya there. It’s just Twilight’s gone nuts, and she changed me into a stallion just so—”

Rarity placed a hoof on Applejack’s lips, who was surprised to see a grin on the unicorn’s face. “Darling, it’s quite alright. Don’t you worry now, I’ll take care of it.”


“My dear, you can trust me. When it comes to mares and love, there is nopony more qualified for the job than I.”

The stallion didn’t say another word. He helped Rarity back onto her hooves, before he began to trot off in the direction of Sweet Apple Acres with a smile.

Rarity knew exactly what to do next...

Spikey-Wikey?! Could you come here for a moment? I need to write a letter to the princess. I might even give you a kiss...

“Thy plot is not ‘plump’!” exclaimed Princess Luna with utter rage. “And your mane is certainly not loathsome. Why would thou personal student say such apocryphal things?”

Princess Celestia rolled her eyes whilst using her magic to levitate the extremely discourteous letter into the fire. The Sun Goddess seemed to have fire in her eyes as well. “I don’t know, sister.”

“What is thy older sister going to presenteth as punishment to Twilight Sparkle for her lunacy?” asked Luna.

Celestia levitated another blank scroll of parchment in front of her. “I shall start by sending her back to Magic Kindergarten. Maybe then she will learn some respect for her mentors. It is a shame, my sister, I truly believed Twilight Sparkle was ready almost ready for the next level of her studies. But obviously she is simply much too immature.”

Rarity opened the front door of Carousel Boutique, and there, with little surprise to the mare, stood Applejack.

“I knew you’d be back,” said Rarity, who had cleaned herself up since their last encounter earlier that day. “Please, come inside darling.”

“I just wanted to say th—”

Applejack had hardly taken a step inside when Rarity unexpectedly planted her lips onto his own. But instead of fighting the affection like he did with Twilight, the stallion returned the kiss completely. For some reason, this felt right to Applejack. It had always felt right. Rarity had been by Applejack’s side throughout the Trixie ordeal, but since she was a mare and her family would disapprove of such a relationship, Applejack couldn’t truly return her affection. Though only because she was mare—But now that she was a Stallion, well, all bets were off.

Together, the two passionately made out for several minutes, before being forced to break for air. Rarity proceeded to slide her hoof lower and lower down Applejack’s belly...

“Ya know, Rarity, I’m beginning to like this whole being a stal—whoa nelly!”

Comments ( 81 )

*shakes head in disbelief* Alright what shenanigans will happen here *sigh* will read later

Where's the alternate universe tag?

Well...it was only a matter of time lol. I'll give this a look over later when I have some time. :twilightsmile:

You're ending with Rarijack? :yay:

~Have a savvy day! :coolphoto:~

Cool story, I found it really humorous. Good job! :-)

-_-.................................................................................................................................WHAT THE FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA:facehoof::facehoof::facehoof::facehoof::facehoof::facehoof::facehoof::facehoof::facehoof:

no just no i regret reading this fanfic now

Please, do not take this story seriously... It was a spur of the moment thing I did for the hell of it since I hadn't written anything in forever. lol.

1750657 Shit lol... thanks, I'll change that.

1750657 What other errors were there?

Well, that was... interesting.

I'm surprised no one thought of this when they read the description. :rainbowlaugh:

Also might want to bump up the rating considering what you mention with Applejack's erm new thingy. :duck:

Wtf... lol. Liked and faved.


And to all those who dislike...


It made me laugh, so you've earned my upvote.

Why the hell did I write this... lol :facehoof:


Because you're random as hell, and that's what makes you an awesome writer :rainbowlaugh:

lol good job it amused me :trixieshiftright:

1751068 Meh, I wasn't being rude. Just playing. Sorry if you was offended!
I'll make it up to you, with the cuteness...

~Have a savvy day! :coolphoto:~

(p.s.: What part of "Epic Wub Time" is that Octy GIF from? I don't believe that I remember the moment.)

1751084 :rainbowkiss: D'aww. You didn't have to gimme such a cute Lulu gif...

When Zecora was behind Applejack with a devious smirk, I thought "Oh shit! Rape scene!"
And sending Twilight back to Magic Kindergarten?
This is me after reading the story:

What in the actual fuck was that?


You do realize that over 99% of fanfics are consider 'Alternate' since the stuff that happen in fanfics don't actually reflect what happen in the show to the fullest degree right?


1750893 Don't know, and don't care!!! What matters is you seem to have got your grove back!!!!
And just remember, being random makes people more aware of things happening.

As we say over here, "Keep alert. Britain needs more lerts"......yeah, you can blame that on on my mum!!!
Even I don't know what it means!!!

Applejack into a male stallion.

As opposed to a female stallion.. right?

I don't know what that was but I liked it

What. The. Fuck.

I was waiting for someone to write something like this after that episode... xP
Now do something with the Age Spell :D

Interesting start.
I'll wait and see where you go with this.

I cannot write review today, as this story has broked my brainy-thing.
Now if you'll excuse me I'm just going to lie here and twitch and drool.

1760463 Lol... I don't blame you. This was meant to be as weird and stupid as possible, and I wrote this for the hell of it because I was bored. Not my typical work lol... :twilightblush::facehoof:.

Hey, as long you got laugh out of it while you were writing that makes it worthwhile. It sure made me laugh!
P.S: You're probably wondering how I'm writing this after my brain broke. Luckily I always keep extra brains stashed all over my apartment for brain emergencies.

1761209 Well, that's what I'm fairly decent at. Making people laugh. I have much better ones then this though (A couple of my featured stories), though I'm glad you still enjoyed this a little bit. :rainbowkiss:

And love the Pinkie Pie :pinkiecrazy: reference. :moustache:

Wait. Who wrote that reference? I didn't.
Oh God. She's free.

You don't understand! I'm talking Pinkamena! Cupcakes Pinkamena!
You don't know what she's capable of! She could- ACK! *thud*
Silly Filly! That's our little secret.
Oh! Hi Fattymagee1! You didn't happen hear anything silly old Nicky said there, right?

1750618 Don't regret it. This story was awesome. :yay:

I have a new found respect for you since you were I think one of the first authors to use "Applejack got turned into a stallion" idea correctly,it was quite rushed but this could be one of the most amusing stories for me.


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