• Published 7th Dec 2012
  • 1,634 Views, 36 Comments

In Pursuit of Happiness - Spice of Life

Rarity has gone missing and her special somepony, Pinkie Pie has started talking to things. Can Applejack help save the day?

  • ...

I need to have a party

The train slowed as it approached Canterlot, passing through several tunnels as it wound its way up the mountain-side. The three mares watched rows of houses and shops spread out before them as the train exited the last of the tunnels and pulled into the station. They exhaled a collective sigh of relief when it finally ground to a halt.

Rarity slipped her necklace on and the aqua glow of her magic surrounded her mauve bag as she levitated it behind her. Pinkie Pie bit the string wrapped around the white box containing the last surviving cake she made especially for Rarity. With a flick of her neck, tossed it over her head to land perfectly on her back. Applejack adjusted her hat and trotted out of the cabin, followed closely by Pinkie. Rarity took one last look around the room before falling in step behind them. Someday, she thought to herself, I will be successful enough so that rooms like this to be the norm, I could even have extra's for Pinkie to destroy when she has one of her more rambunctious parties.

The three of them stepped off of the train. Pinkie trotted straight to the flatbed car to retrieve her hot air balloon. Rarity stood by Applejack. "So when does the train to Ponyville arrive?" she asked as she looked around the station. The only train she saw was the high speed one they had arrived on.

Applejack chuckled. "We didn't take a train. Pinkie flew us in her balloon."

Rarity's ears drooped and her magic suddenly released the bag she had been carrying. It fell to the ground with a plop. "Oh dear," she muttered under her breath.

Applejack looked over at her and raised an eyebrow. "What's wrong?"

Before Rarity could respond their attention was drawn to a scrapping sound as Pinkie dragged the basket over to them. "mmmhmmmmmmmffff mfmffmmmmmm MMMMFFMFMFFFFF!" she yelled.

"Take tha dang handle outta yer mouth fore ya try and talk, Pinkie."

Pinkie let go of the handle and hopped in front of her friends. "The balloon is missing! It's not in the basket! That mean ol' hydra must have stolen it to sell at the monster market... for profit!"

Applejack galloped over to the basket and looked in it. Sure enough, it was empty.

"The hydra didn't steal the balloon." Rarity shuffled nervously. "Sorry darlings, but I may have grabbed it and thrown it at the beast when it dared to try and harm my Pinkie Pie."

"Aww, that's ok Rarity," Pinkie said as she hopped over to Rarity and nuzzled her. "If that meanie-pants hydra was going to get my balloon then I'm glad it was you who gave it to her."

Rarity nuzzled back before something stopped her. "Her?"

"Oh yeah, that was totally a mean momma hydra."

"How in the world could you tell?"

"The shape of the horns is a dead giveaway."

"But how could you see anything in that downpour?"

Applejack pushed her way between the two of them. "Yeah yeah, that's all fine an' dandy, but we still got a problem. We're stuck in Canterlot with no hot air balloon to take home."

"That's no problem, Applejack," said Rarity as she flicked her mane with her hoof. "We just need to find out when the next train to Ponyville arrives." She trotted over to the ticket booth. "Hello my good sir," she said with a soft knock on the counter to catch the ticket master's attention. "Can you tell me when the next train to Ponyville will arrive?" She gave the colt a winning smile and batted her eyelashes.

The colt stood slack jawed for a moment and Rarity could swear she saw hearts fluttering around his head. Perhaps she had overdone it a smidge. The colt shook his head then dove under the counter and soon emerged with a scroll in his mouth, he unrolled it. "T-the next train should be here in a couple days. But in the mean-time m-maybe we cou-"

"Thank you for telling me," sighed Rarity then she walked dejectedly back to her friends. "I'm afraid we might be stuck here for a few days."

Applejack groaned and tugged on her hat. "Dang it! What do ya mean stuck? Ah gotta git back ta the farm."

"It would appear the next train to Ponyville won't arrive for two days," said Rarity as she fussed with on her mane.

Applejack growled again and threw her hat onto the ground. She looked up at Rarity with a glare, but before she could say anything Pinkie hopped up beside her and put her leg around Applejack's neck, pulling Applejack in close.

"Don't you worry your little hat about it, Applejack. Look." Pinkie pointed to a nearby store, the sign above the doorway said 'Balloons and Barrels'. "I'll just buy a new balloon there and we'll be back in Ponyville before you know it." With that she darted into the building, leaving Applejack and Rarity to stand there, pondering the bizarre combination of 'Balloons and Barrels'."

After a moment Applejack reached down and picked up her hat. Just as she flipped it back onto her head a colt came out of the store, carrying a large multicolored fabric canvas. But instead of turning towards the two mares, he turned away from them and started walking away, down the street.

Shortly after Pinkie slowly emerged from the shop entrance and dragged her hooves across the ground as she approached her friends. "Sorry girls," she pointed her hoof at the colt who was walking down the street. "He got the last balloon they had."

The colt looked back to the group with a smile on his face. "I'm going to make the best ghost costume ever." Then he turned and continued on his merry way.

"Now that jus' don't seem right." Applejack shook her head.

"Errrr, weeeeell it's going to be alright." Rarity patted Applejack's back as Pinkie came up beside them. "We'll just find a hotel, it's only for a couple of nights. It will be fine darling."

A thick accented call came up from behind them. "Privet, Pinkie!"

Pinkie's head spun around and a grin formed on her face. "OH, Hiya Thistle Berry," she called out.

"Pinkie?" Rarity turned in time to see the bundle of joy hopping over to a large white stallion with long a blue mane and tail. Wait, no, not a stallion. The pony was certainly large enough to be one, perhaps even as tall as Big Mac, but lacked the angular muzzle of a stallion. Not to mention that stallions tended to not have curves like she did. A closer examination of her coat revealed that while it looked white at a distance it was much closer to very light jade in color.

The smile on the new arrival's face fell into an uncomfortable look of shock as instead of just stopping in front of her, Pinkie jumped forward and wrapped her forelegs around Thistle's neck. Applejack chuckled and trotted over to join them.

Rarity's gaze scanned over the new mare. Her side swept mane was rich cobalt blue in color and was clearly in dire need of a good brushing. Her voluminous tail matched her mane in color and lack of style. Rarity squinted her eyes, noticing the tips of the mare's mane and tail were a very light cyan, nearly white almost white. Rarity's hoof unconsciously rose to her chin as she examined the mare. Such a unique look.

"Howdy Thistle." Said Applejack as she came up to the new pony.

Pinkie released her from the hug and Thistle backed away with an awkward smile. "Priv- Hello, Applejack." She looked to Pinkie then back to Applejack. "It is good to see you both again."

Her cutie mark was strange; given her size, one could be forgiven for expecting her to have a set of barbells or something similar. Instead, sitting upon her flank was a twig of some sort with three red berries hanging from it. They could almost have been cherries but the color was wrong and they had little... red leaves hanging off the bottom. Twilight would probably know what type of berries they were.

"I told you we would be back," Pinkie said with a huge grin. "We even found my special somepony. It is my extra-special pleasure to present to you…" Pinkie bowed aside, dramatically revealing the white pony behind her. “Rarity!" Streamers exploded from…somewhere to accompany the announcement.

Very broad chest for a mare, maybe.... 28 across, oh my, that is broad. Shoulder to haunch... 72. 32 barrel. 98 tall.

Applejack and Thistle just stared at Pinkie as the streamers floated to the ground. Then looked at Rarity who hadn't moved. "Is she alright?" whispered Thistle.

Pinkie fell back onto her front hooves. "Err Rarity?"

34. 12. 13. 41. 31. 31. 28.

"Hey Rare's, ya just gonna keep starin'?" Applejack waved her hoof in front of the unicorn's muzzle.

“Hm?” Rarity looked up to find all three ponies staring at her. "Oh! My apologies, darling. I'm afraid I let my mind wander for a moment. I was lost in the zone, as it t'were." She cantered up to the new arrival and held out her hoof. "I am Rarity, charmed."

After a moment's hesitation Thistle reached out and touched her hoof to Rarity's. "You may call me Thistle. I am glad to meet you."

"I must say, I have never seen a mare with quite so impressive a physique. And you have such an interesting accent as well." Rarity smiled warmly at Thistle.

Thistle's smile wavered, but before she could respond Pinkie zipped over to Rarity. "That's just what Applejack said when we met her, well not really, but it's what she meant. Thistle is from someplace far far far far north called Ponyvskov, she came here to get closer to Princess Celestia." Pinkie finished with a smile.

"Trying to get closer to the princess?" asked Rarity with a raised eyebrow.

Thistle grunted and shook her head. "Niet, no, that is not vhy I came here. I grew tired of Ponyvskov's long nights. If there is any city in Equestria where the night will never outlive the day, it is Canterlot." She kicked a pebble with her hoof. "Being closer to Princess Celestia is just... a happy coincidence."

A sly smile spread across Rarity's lips. "Sounds like somepony ha-"

"A PARTY!" yelled Pinkie as she appeared in front of Thistle, grinning. "That's what I needed to remember." She reared up but before she could do anything she was yanked backwards and landed on her rear.

"Easy there sug." Applejack spit Pinkie's tail out of her mouth. "Now what are ya talkin' about?"

Pinkie sprang up and grabbed Applejack's cheeks with her hooves. "A party. Remember, Thistle said she was new to Canterlot and that means we HAVE to throw her a 'Welcome to Canterlot' party, so she can have lots of friends and not feel so lonely." Pinkie let go of Applejack and swung her head this way and that before something caught her eye. "That's just what I need, wait here." Before anyone could object she shot across the street to a nearby cafe and started pulling one of the round tables, along with chairs from outside of it, over to where the others were standing.

A waiter ran out of the door. "Hey, you can't do that, let go of that table." He shouted as he tried to pull the table away from Pinkie.

"THIIIIIISSS. ISSSSSS. A PARTY. EMERGENCYYYYY." Pinkie shouted back as she struggled against him.

"I DOOOON'T. KNOW. WHAAAAT. THAT. MEEANS!" he shouted back.

Pinkie reached a hoof behind her. She pulled out a piece of paper and waved it in front of his face. "I'm the offfficial paaaarrty pony and I'm commandeering this table for a party emergency so LET GO!"

He hesitated and she gave the table a big yank, pulling it from his hooves and sending it skidding towards her friends with a shower of sparks. She put the paper back from wherever she had pulled it. "Thanks for cooperating." She said with a nod and trotted over to the table, quickly setting up the chairs around it.

The stallion just stood in place for a long moment before wandering back into the cafe, shaking his head and muttering.

Her friends just watched as Pinkie walked around the table. "Just oooooone morrrrrrrrrrrre thing." She grinned and pulled her party cannon out.

"Chto? Vh... vhere did that come from?" Thistle managed to stammer out.

Applejack narrowed her eyes. "If ya ever manage ta figure that out, let us know. Ah saw that thing get crushed under the train."

"Reality seems to be more of a... suggestion to Pinkie." Rarity said with a wave of her hoof.

Pinkie had one eye closed as she carefully adjusted the cannon to point at the table.

"Fer mah bits, the strangest thing she ever did was figurin' a way to get ya to go out with'er, Rares."

"Hmm, as much as I would like to argue that point, I simply cannot. The lengths she was willing to go to catch my eye were quite impressive."

"Vat did she do?"

"Oh, she tried all sorts of strange activities to convince me to agree to a date. Once Pinkie gets an idea, dissuading her can be difficult." Rarity shook her head as she thought back. "At least she got the 'make a dress party' out of her system quickly."

"Yeah," Applejack said with a chuckle. "That was a good one, how about the 'Rarity's mane is the best' party?"

"I was a bit... partied out by that point. If it hadn't been after five other parties in as many days. I believe I would have enjoyed it more. My favorite had to be when she somehow managed to put Opalescence in a dress and set her up on a date with Gummy." Rarity tapped her chin. "That was the 'opposites attract' party, correct?"

Finally satisfied, Pinkie slammed her hoof down on the back of the cannon. An explosion of confetti shot over the table. When it cleared, there was revealed a table cloth, several party horns, balloons, and other party paraphernalia, some plates, and one entire cake, inexplicably whole despite having been fired from a cannon.

"So how did the 'date' between Opal and Gummy go?" asked Applejack as she and Rarity trotted over to the newly set up table, ignoring Pinkie's more impossible antics.

Rarity sat down. "Ooooh pretty much how you would expect. I accompanied Pinkie to Fluttershy's cottage so she could remove Opalessence from Pinkie's side." Applejack let out a laugh and took a seat across from her.

"Yeah, that one huuuurt." Pinkie hopped into the chair next to Rarity. "Next time I'll setup a date between Opal and Tank, she seems to kind of like him." She turned and waved at Thistle. "C'mon over, this is your party."

"This still seems very strange to me." Thistle took a seat opposite Pinkie

"Pinkie jus' has a way about her, ya know?"

"And she truly throws parties for each new pony?"

"She certainly tries to, darling."

Pinkie cut slices of cake for each of them and plopped them onto places in front of each pony.

"It seems like much trouble. Vhy does she do this?"

Pinkie tossed her piece of cake into the air and devoured it in one gulp before turning to Thistle. "Because everypony should feel welcome in a new town. When I first came to Ponyville I was all alone and scared about being away from home for the first time." She reached out her front legs and put one around Rarity and the other around Applejack and pulled them to her. "But I met Rarity and she welcomed me to Ponyville and made me feel at home, then she introduced me to Applejack and Applejack helped find me find a place to live with Mr. and Mrs. Cake." A frown crossed her face and her voice turned almost to a whisper. "I forgot about that when Zecora came to Ponyville, I was such a meanie Pinkie to her." She banged her hoof on the table. "BUT, I'm not gonna let that happen again, no way no how."

Seeing the confusion of Thistle's face, Rarity answered her unasked question. "Zecora was a zebra that lived in the Everfree Forest. We were all frightened of her when she first arrived, it wasn't until much later that we realized she wasn't a," she turned to Pinkie. "What were the words?

"She's an evil enchantress. She does evil dances. And if you look deep in her eyes. She'll put you in trances. Then what will she do? She'll mix up an evil brew. Then she'll gobble you up. In a big tasty stew." Pinkie leapt onto the table with her front legs in the air and shouted. "Soooo... Watch out!" Then she hopped back down into her seat. "It's a silly little song, but I still feel bad about it, songs shouldn't be used to make somepony feel bad, or somezebra either." She sat still for a long moment before springing to life again. "But enough about that mopy stuff. This is your 'Welcome to Canterlot' Party, Thistle." She yelled as she pulled out a record player and a cheery tune began to overpower the noise of the train station.

A number of ponies who had been milling about the station began to creep forward, drawn by the commotion. A mauve colt slowly approached the group. "Uhh, can anyone join this party?"

A huge smile spread across Pinkie's face and she leapt into the air before suddenly stopping and hovering for a moment. "I'd love to let you join but it's not my party." She looked down at Thistle who was wide eyed as she watched Pinkie's... pinkieness. "Thistle, can they join your party?"

The large earth pony thought for a short moment, before slowly nodding her head as she stared at Pinkie. "If they vish to join then I vould be happy for their company."

Pinkie continued her ascent into the air. "YOU HEAR THAT EVERYPONY!" she yelled. "YOU'RE ALL INVITED TO THISTLE'S PARTY!" She hit the ground with an explosion of fireworks. "Oh wait! We need more tables." She dashed back to the cafe again before anypony could object.

Rarity was the first to recover. "Well, welcome to the party, the more the merrier."

Behind her shouts of, "YOU ALREADY TOOK ONE TABLE, YOU DON'T NEED ANOTHER ONE." and "YEEESSSSS I DOOO!" could be heard before another table skidded across the pavement. Sliding to a stop next to Applejack's chair.

"Careful flingin' those tables, Pinkie." Said Applejack as a group of chairs slid over to the new table followed by a hopping Pinkie Pie.

Several of the ponies who had been milling around sat at the new table as Pinkie produced a large cake out of... wherever she kept such things. The small party began to grow as more ponies decided to see what the commotion was about and subsequently joined in. Rarity took a sip of her fruit punch as she watched the proceedings and tried to avoid wondering how it had appeared. It was a Pinkie party, the unexpected should be expected. At least I don't have to worry about Gummy being in it, probably. She checked the bowl, just in case. Once satisfied that it was cleared, she turned to watch as a few ponies got up, said their farewells to Thistle and Pinkie, and then left. They were quickly replaced by more curious onlookers.

The sun crossed its zenith as the party continued.

"Pinkie certainly is in her element," Rarity said softly to Applejack.

The orange earth pony looked up from the piece of cake she was eating. "Yep, she sure seems ta be enjoyin' herself."

Rarity sighed "No, I mean watch how she moves. She greets each new pony who looks like they are on the verge of joining, introduces them to Thistle, gives them a piece of cake and tells them Thistle is new to Canterlot. They talk for just long enough for the new pony to make a connection with Thistle then Pinkie moves onto the next pony." She took a small bite of her own sliver of cake. "She may be completely out of her depth at a formal ball, but she's a true artist when it comes to a get-together such as this." A sigh escaped her lips. "Just watching her is..." her voice trailed off and a dreamy look spread across her face.

Applejack chuckled. "Almost like she's an important pony ta ya or somethin'." She finished her piece of cake. "All Ah can say is that Thistle is gonna have more friends than she knows what ta do with when this is ove-," a glimmer in the sky caught her attention. "Say, is that who Ah think it is?"

Rarity snapped out of her reverie. She looked up where Applejack was pointing and let out a shriek. "She can't be coming here! I simply look a mess."

Thistle was smiling at the new friends she had met as she ate the second piece of cake that Pinkie had given her. It felt nice to have ponies to talk to again, she had been getting lonely here in Canterlot. Her hometown might not have been the nicest place in Equestria, but she had at least a few friends there. Now though, thanks to Pinkie, it looked like she would have many friends here in Canterlot. She took another bite of cake, beside her two mares she had just met where talking. They had invited her to join them at a club of some kind and were now tal- why are ponies bowing to me? she thought as the ponies in front of her knelt down.

Princess Celestia delicately touched down as the ponies before her bowed. "Hello my little ponies." She said with a smile as she looked over the kneeling ponies. One by one, they slowly rose to their hooves. "Applejack and Pinkie Pie, and Rarity also. I'm glad to see you all returned safely. I just received a letter from Twilight Sparkle saying it sounded like you were on your way to Canterlot."

Thistle Berry went rigid as realization hit.

"Oh yes your highness. Applejack was gracious enough to accompany Pinkie when she set out to find me after I was late in returning from a trip to Prancington." Rarity tried to position herself so only her best side faced the Princess while the other ponies resumed their party activities and pretended not to listen in. "I am most certainly thankful that they did, I might not have been able to find my way home without their... Umm Thistle, are you quite alright darling?"

Thistle sat there, eyes wide, statue still, facing away from Celestia. Pinkie hopped over and poked her shoulder. "Ona zdes' , pozadi menya , vechnogo solntsa, Printsessa Selestiya," whispered Thistle. She suddenly spun around and prostrated herself against the ground. "Privetstviya moya printsessa , ya ne dostoin byt' v vashey prisutstvii!"

Celestia pulled back slightly then a warm smile spread across her face and she leaned forward to the prostrate mare. "Vstan' moy malen'kiy poni , vam ne nuzhno klanyat'sya , kak eto dlya menya," she said softly.

Thistle looked up at her with wide eyes and slowly stood up on shaky legs. "YA sozhaleyu," she shook her head and blinked. "I apologize Princess Celestia. I- I never thought I vould have the privilege of meeting you."

"You never had to worry. I welcome all of my ponies to visit me at the castle."

Pinkie walked over to Rarity and nuzzled her cheek. Rarity put her front leg around Pinkie's withers as they watched Princess Celestia and Thistle talk for a moment. "Ah reckon some ponies jus' ain't used ta seein' tha princesses." Applejack said from across the table.

"It would seem so, although you can hardly blame her. Don't you remember the first time you ever saw Princess Celestia?"

Applejack thought for a moment. "Suppose ya have a point, Rarity. After Ah first laid eyes on her, it took bout a week before I could be convinced ta git dirty doing farm work again."

Rarity let out a demure chuckle. "I wish I had seen that."

"Meee tooo," squeeked Pinkie. "I'll bet it was super funny seeing you tiphoof around dirt like Rarity does."

The orange work horse and the white fashionista both glared at Pinkie.

Pinkie looked back with uncomprehending eyes. "What?"

Princess Celestia stepped over to them. "Pinkie, Applejack, I don't suppose you could see to Thistle?" Behind her Thistle appeared to be hyperventilating. "I'm afraid seeing me face to face might have been a bit much for the poor thing."

"OH MY GOSH! LET'S GO AJ!" Pinkie grabbed Applejack and zipped over to the large mare.

Rarity started to follow after Pinkie and Applejack but Celestia stopped her with a gentle hoof. "One moment Rarity. Before you go can you tell me where you acquired that lovely necklace?"

Rarity looked down at the purple gem necklace that hung around her neck. "Oh this? Well it was given to me personally by Lady Amethyst when I was in Prancington." She puffed out her chest a bit as the Princess examined it. "Originally it was a cape and this was just part of the clasp, but I'm afraid the cape was destroyed by a hydra or some other monster."

"It certainly sounds like you have been through a harrowing ordeal." Princess Celestia said as she leaned down to get a better look at the gem.

The white unicorn shuffled back and forth uncomfortable under the close examination of Celestia. "Umm is anything wrong, your highness?"

Celestia didn't answer, she just kept staring at the gem.

"Uh, if you like it then-"

Celestia cut Rarity off with a wave of her hoof. "One moment please." Her horn glowed with a gold aura that surrounded the gemstone. The gem lifted off Rarity's chest and hovered in the air for a moment. There was something in that glow, more than just the glow of telekinesis one might expect. Rarity felt a tiny pulse of… something? Maybe. Rarity blinked. Just imagining things, surely.

"That is a very lovely tanzanite gem, Rarity" she said with a smile. "I hope you properly thanked Lady Amethyst for such a treasure."

"O- Of course your Highne-"

"I understand that you and your friends are in need of transportation back to Ponyville?"


"Then I shall send for a chariot. Now, if you will excuse me, I'm afraid I must attend to my duties." Celestia spread her wings. "When Thistle Berry recovers, please inform her that should she wish, she is more than welcome to visit the castle. Oh, and tell Twilight I look forward to her visit next week. Tata." She finished with a smile as she spread her wings. A single powerful beat carried her high in to the sky. The stillness of the air sent a shiver through Rarity. If she hadn't just seen Princess Celestia take off, she might not have even known the Princess had been standing there a moment ago.

Rarity stared up as Celestia vanished from view. She looked back down at the gem, it seemed to have lost a bit of its inner glow. She looked back into the sky and stood there until Applejack trotted up next to her.

"Ya'll alright sug?"

"Hmm? Oh, yes, I suppose." Rarity held up the gem with her hoof. "I think there might be something more to this gem than I first thought."

"How do ya mean?"

"I'm not sure, but I think Princess Celestia just cast a very powerful spell on it." Rarity let the gem fall back against her chest.

The sound of heavy hooves and wheels interrupted Applejack's response as four guards pulling a large golden four wheeled chariot with a throne built onto the rear, pulled up next to them. "You ladies ready to go?" asked one of the guards in a gruff voice.

"W-we get to ride in the Princess's royal chariot!?" stammered Rarity as she stood up with her front leg over her eyes then spun around into a faint, falling onto Applejack's back.

Applejack gave a grunt as Rarity swooned over her. "How come ya always fall on me?" she asked as she trotted over to Pinkie, who was blowing a noise maker into Thistle Berry's face. "C'mon Pinkie, Celestia is givin' us a ride home."

"Awww but I wasn't finished making Thistle all better." She inhaled deeply and started to blow on the horn again, only to be cut off by Thistle biting the end of it, making Pinkie's cheeks puff up as she blew herself away from the horn and into the chair behind her.

"It is alright Pinkie, you have already done more for me than anypony since I arrived in Canterlot," she trotted over to the pink earth pony and gave her a big hug. "More than I can possibly repay."

"It was nothing. I just want everypony to be happy." Pinkie said as she returned the hug. She trotted over to Applejack and poked Rarity's nose. "Wake up sleepyhead." When that failed to garner any response from the limp unicorn, Pinkie decided to take drastic measures; Pinkie unrolled her unfeasibly long tongue and ran it up the side of Rarity’s face.

"ACK PINKIE!" shouted Rarity as she sprang off Applejack's back and onto her hooves. "What have I told you about doing that?"

"Not outside the bedroom?"

A deep blush spread across Rarity's cheeks but she maintained her poise. "Yes, and this isn't the bedroom so I will thank you to keep your tongue to yourself."

"Aww, ok Rarity." Pinkie said before leaning forward and licking her cheek again.


One of the guard pegasi stomped his hoof and looked at them with an annoyed expression.

"As much fun as watching you two is, Ah reckon we outa git goin'. The Princess was nice enough to give us her personal chariot so we otta be quick with it."

"I wish we could stay in Canterlot a bit longer, but I suppose you're right, Applejack." Rarity fixed her mussed coat from Pinkie's lick. "It would be a terrible faux pas if we did not return it to her as soon as possible." She stepped up onto the chariot and let out a shrill giggle. "WAAHAHAAAA! I can't believe I get to ride on Princess Celestia's personal chariot."

Pinkie hopped up beside her and put down Rarity's bag and the white box. "It is a pretty neat chariot, and you totally deserve to get to ride on it Rarity."

"Thank you darling," said Rarity as she nuzzled Pinkie.

Thistle walked up beside the chariot, looking over it with wide eyes before she looked up at Pinkie. "Thank you for the party Pinkie. I have a feeling Canterlot vill become much more enjoyable for me now that you have helped me make some friends. I cannot thank you enough for vhat you have done."

"Oooh silly, Thistle." Pinkie patted Thistle's head. "Just seeing your huge smile fills my heart with joy, that's all the thanks I need."

Thistle smiled at Pinkie then turned to Applejack. "It vas a pleasure meeting you as well Applejack."

"Nice meetin' ya too, Thistle. If yer ever in Ponyville, come by 'Sweet Apple Acres', we got the best apples around.

"I shall." She turned to Rarity. "I am glad I got to meet Pinkie's special somepony. It is a shame Ve did not have time to get to know each other."

"I quite agree darling." Rarity flicked her mane with her hoof. "You must visit us in Ponyville someday. I would love to match an outfit with your unique physique."

"HEEHEEHEEHEE *snort* That rhymed, Rarity," chirped Pinkie.

Thistle chuckled as Rarity rolled her eyes. "I vill try to visit Ponyville soon, perhaps I shall even have friends from Canterlot to introduce to you."

"EEEEEE, I love making new friends, wont that be great, Rarity?"

"If you ladies are done. The princess would like her chariot back at some point." Huffed one of the pegasus guards.

Rarity glared at the pegasus who quickly turned and faced forward.

Applejack adjusted her hat. "Reckon that's bout all the time we have. Take care Thistle."

"You as vell. Schastlivogo puti." She said with a smile as the chariot began to move forward.

"Oh, and Princess Celestia says your more than welcome to visit her at the castle." Called out Rarity

"T-t-t-the castle?" Stammered Thistle as the chariot began to rise into the air.

"Ain't ya fergettin' tha ballon?" asked Applejack as she sat at the back of the chariot.

Pinkie shook her head. "Noppers, it's all taken care of," she pointed behind her.

Applejack looked around behind the throne and saw one end of a long rope tied to the chariot and the other end wrapped around the basket as it was dragged behind them. "Are ya sure that's gonna work?"

"Oh sure, it'll be fine." Pinkie said with a smile as the chariot sped away into the sky.


Celestia landed on her sister's balcony. "Wake up Luna." She said as she stepped inside Princess Luna's room.

Luna pulled a pillow over her head. "Whoever thou art, come back later. Tis still too early to wake."

"It's past noon. I just found and disenchanted one of Discord's old 'lure' spells."

"Lure spells?" asked Luna from beneath her pillow.

Celestia raised an eyebrow. "You must remember his 'lures'? He would enchant some object then when an unsuspecting pony found it, it would attract all sorts of monsters to them."

Luna blinked. "Ahh, the 'bait trinkets.' Did we not banish his old magic when we turned him to stone?"

Celestia nodded. "I thought we had, but it seems I was mistaken. Also, your speech is slipping."

Luna peeked out from her pillow and glared at Celestia. "Then it was an old lure that missed the purge. Or a newly created one."

"It felt like an old spell. I believe that it somehow avoided the purge of Discord's magic after we sealed him in stone."

"So what doth- *grrr* does this mean, sister?"

"It means that we must be vigilant and seek out any that may have been missed."

"I still do not understand why this required you to wake me before moonrise."

"Because I will need you to help me seek them out. We cannot allow our ponies to come to harm from his mischief."

Luna grumbled. "Then why do we not just ask the son of a jackal." She said sarcastically while pulling another pillow over her head.

Celestia paused and thought to herself for a long moment. "That isn't such a bad idea."

"Oh yes, that spawn of chaos would love to just tell you where the remnants of his magic tricks reside." Luna replied as she pulled more pillows over her.

"Of course he wouldn't just tell us. At best he would just give some horribly obtuse mocking riddle that we could have to solve. And in doing so would cause more problems." Celestia thought for a moment. "Maybe there is another way. Twilight and her friends have shown they are quite adept at confronting Discord, and he regards them as less a threat than he does us..." Celestia's voice trailed off and she raised a forehoof to her chin as she thought. Luna reluctantly peeked out from under the mountain of pillows she had raised on herself. "Perhaps her can be reformed."

"REFORM DISCORD!?" Shouted Luna in the Royal Canterlot Voice before she winced at the volume and groaned again. "Discord is chaos, disorder and just... badness. Thee- you cannot reform that."

Celestia waved a hoof dismissively. "I know he would never listen to us, but you saw how he reacted to Twilight and her friends. They seem to fascinate him. Perhaps... Fluttershy, yes, Fluttershy might be able to." She spread her wings and took off out the window before sticking her head back in. "Sorry for waking you, Luna. I've got planning to do." She said with a giggle and disappeared.

Luna pulled her head back under pillow mountain. "Sometimes we think our sister believes Equestria revolves around her sun," she muttered before falling back asleep.

Author's Note:

Whew, well that took entirely too long to finish, I thought this would only be like 10k words, ended up ballooning to almost 50k. Thanks for sticking with the story despite my horrible habit of only updating like once a month. I hope everyone reading this enjoyed it. I may come back and revisit Rarity and Pinkie someday, for now though I'm just glad its finally finished.

Id like to thank my two editors for helping make this not suck, Chrissy and Mike.

Comments ( 13 )

Luna pulled her head back under pillow mountain. "Sometimes we think our sister believes Equestria revolves around her sun," she muttered before falling back asleep.

:ajsmug: Ah' see what ya did there.


The line worked better with the original version of the scene, but I just liked it so I had to include it somehow.

So he was gonna make a ghost costume from a hot air balloon? That's going to be one pretty good looking King Boo. :rainbowlaugh:
This was a very fun story to read. Definitely stayed true to the characters. Perhaps one of my favorite RariPie fic's :raritystarry::heart::pinkiehappy:


Glad you enjoyed it. I hope I didn't go too far with Applejack's accent, sometimes it felt like I was going a bit too country with it.

3489360 I don't think you went to far with AJ's accent. It was very good. Definitely better than what I come up with when it comes to dialogue for her.

sweet endin to a awesome sweet n' sour fic :pinkiehappy:. I'm kinda hopin t day u revisit these two is sometime soon but, not tryin to rush u of course :twilightblush:


Wow, you just blew through these didn't you. I'm glad you enjoyed them, I have had an idea for some more stories in this continuity, but they will have to wait till I finish getting some other stories worked out.

yah it's a very cute story n' i'd luv to see more but, of course i must wait for u to either start or finish u're other ideas which all i can say is g'luck n' maybe i'll catch one of them in t future :pinkiesmile:

cute story great job

idk if you still read comments on this fic but I just read it and! I want to thank you so so so much for this it was absolutely gorgeous and it warned my heart so much 💖💖💖💖
I adored the fact that you gave such a long amount of time to just showing the two of them together! it was organic and fluffy and made me really happy and I loved it


Yeah, I still read comments on all my stories, I just almost never get any anymore. I'm glad you liked it, I tried to really show the affection between Pinkie and Rarity. I have a serious weakness for them together even though I think Rarity and Rainbow Dash would be a more logical (and still cute) couple.

"Chto? Vh... vhere did that come from?" Thistle managed to stammer out.

Applejack narrowed her eyes. "If ya ever manage ta figure that out, let us know.

Good luck; not even Princess Celestia's prized student managed to work that out.

...Then again, Rarity can do something similar - pull her fainting-couch thing out of nowhere. And Spike; he pulled an umbrella out of 'the foreground' during the Equestria Games, when he melted a big block of ice - only for the camera to pan out and reveal nothing but grass. Certainly no umbrella. Oh, and there's human Rarity, who can pull a couple clothes racks from the side of the frame, even though a) there's no reason for her clothes racks to be in the room (ex: Rainbow Rocks, when the gang fell down a trapdoor into a locked room), and b) SHE LIVES IN A WORLD (mostly) WITHOUT MAGIC.

Sooo...not that special after all; Pinkie just does it more often than any character not in control of chaos magic.

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