• Published 28th Oct 2011
  • 12,119 Views, 60 Comments

Twilight's Horn - Ganymede

  • ...

The Spell on the Hill


The Spell on the Hill

Ponyville's town square bustled with energy and activity as ponies gathered for meals and entertainment. Colorful displays of umbrellas blossomed over lunch tables, surrounded by giggling and gossiping ponies. Others slouched on park benches, their eyes lazily wandering over some of the fountains. At one end, ponies crowded so closely their hides touched, window shopping the marketplace carts as they bargained over the fresh picks of the day.

At the opposite end, Twilight Sparkle trotted forward, trying and failing to focus on a hill beyond the square. Her head was bowed, body weighed down by her saddle bags, mumbling to herself as she walked.

"It's okay," she said to herself. "It's not your fault. He'll get over it. Just give it time."

Spike had always been rather subdued about his infatuation with Rarity. Of course, it was always painfully obvious how he felt whenever he was around her, but he still at least liked to pretend that his feelings were concealed.

As of a few days ago, however, Spike had started openly swooning in the library. Why he had started acting like this was still a complete mystery. Perhaps Rarity gave him another gemstone, or another tie. Perhaps he had found a book in the library on unicorns, and read something about their relationship with dragons. Whatever the reason, all it meant to Twilight was an added irritation to her studies. She couldn't quite remember how it happened, but somehow Twilight's exasperated attempt at quieting him down had gotten a little out of hand, and Twilight's chiding was soon directed at a sulking and sobbing baby dragon.

Of course, that was a few days ago, and Spike had calmed down since then. Twilight had tried and failed many times to break the ice since their argument, and could tell he wasn't quite healed. She kept telling herself that this would all blow over with time. After all, he was only a baby. Babies get upset about things all the time, right? They cry, they sulk, they throw tantraums, and then they get over it. Twilight just needed to give him time, right?

Regardless, Twilight was finding it difficult to get off her mind. She had hoped that simply getting out of the library for a while would help, but unfortunately it only prompted her to think about it even more.

Her mumbling continued as she headed up the path, looking but not seeing as a she approached a hooded figure up ahead. It wasn't until Twilight was right next to the figure that she recognized the distinctive way her hooves propelled her forward.

"Zecora?" She stopped mumbling and looked at the equine, hoping she wasn't mistaken.

The figure stopped her ritualistic walk, lowering her hood to reveal the striped face and bristling mohawk of her Zebra friend.

"Twilight Sparkle by my side? Come to join me as I stride!" Her warm eyes welcomed her companion.

"Zecora!" Twilight perked up, "It is you! I had a feeling it might be. I'm assuming you're here to get more supplies?"

Both turned and walked towards the marketplace as Zecora continued. "Seeds to sow and food to stock, to the marketplace I walk."

"Well, that answers that question. Anything in particular this time?" she said.

"There is little that I seek that is worthy of a peek" Then, turning to look back at Twlight, "But while my tasks might be bland, I'd like to hear what you have planned."

"Me?" Twilight thought, forcing Spike out of her mind. "Well, I was just, um, on my way to practice a spell," she said meekly. "You know. Just standard stuff here. Nothing special." This was almost true. It was, indeed, a rather special spell, but Twilight wasn't keen on drawing attention to herself.

Zecora could sense Twilight's worried thoughts, but thought it best not to intrude. She turned and smiled instead, eyes piqued with interest. "Magic my friend has to cast. For what purpose, might I ask?"

Twilight turned her head and gave a nervous laugh. "Well, if you really must know, Ponyville is hosting a wedding in a few weeks and they asked me if I could create some fireworks during the reception. They're unicorns, so they want a lot of stuff done with magic. They said it's kind of a big deal...ya know...to have me there..." She trailed off with a blush as she turned to gaze at the hill. "I've...well...it's my first wedding. I don't really know the couple that well. But, you know, it's the whole town, everypony's invited..." she trailed off, looking up at Zecora. "You don't have anything like that where you're from, do you?"

Zecora gazed ahead again as she thought. "Love and passion are complex: never quite what one expects. We praise it much in my homeland, and cherish each and every strand."

"Oh?" she said, seeing an opportunity to steer things away from her. "How so?"

Zecora smiled. "Rites and spells and customs play a role in nearly everyday. Simple remedies and brews to shape the lives that we pursue." Her eyes glowed as she continued. "Love especially plays a role in our culture, you should know. We have our own spells for that too, and they can be of use. It's true."

"Spells? Really?!" Twilight felt an unexpected surge of excitement upon hearing that word. "You mean you have magic for stuff like this? Like, actual, real magic?!" Her eyes went wide at the possibilities. She had never quite considered Zecora being able to cast spells. "Oh, wow. That's...that's amazing! I wonder if - Wait!" she said, turning towards her. "Could you teach me? I'd love to learn some new ma-"

"Do not misinterpret me" she interrupted, the warmth in her eyes diminishing as she turned to gaze at Twilight. "We take things more seriously."

"Zecora, I didn't mean like that. I always take things-"

"Spells and incantations can affect a being for a span," she continued. "Never underestimate how feelings change through magic's gate." She leaned forward. "It is inadvisable to toy with things this volatile."

"What are you trying to say, Zecora? I learn new spells all the time! Magic is part of who I am!" Twilight raised her voice without realizing it.

"True. I've heard much accolade, and I have yet to be dismayed. However, that is not to say you'll never find yourself astray. Caution I must then confide, should you choose to not abide." She leaned in as she spoke the last words softly, "You might just be surprised to find another to yourself entwined."

Twilight's breath caught as these words passed through her ears. Her head spun as she tried to work out what Zecora was trying to say. "What? Entwined? What do you mean, entwined? What are you..."

"You know exactly what I fear," she said in the same hushed voice. "Think, and it will be quite clear."

Twilight let the words simmer in her mind. "Another...entwined..." Twilight thought. "Another...pony? Wait, you don't mean you..." Twilight looked up at her, hoping it wasn't what it sounded like.

Zecora nodded, making Twilight's eyes go wide. Zecora leaned in some more and whispered. "Do not speak of this offhand, for it is sacred to our land." She pulled back, eyes gleaming. Twilight couldn't tell whether they glowed in warning or insight.

"Why are you telling me this?"

Zecora gave a hint of a smile. "My purpose is to prevent harm, not to simply cause alarm. I warn you not to meddle much. You might could find yourself - " Zecora stopped short. She looked around and noticed a few ponies who had apparently stopped to listen. Her smile faltered. "I've said too much, now I must go." She lifted a hoof before taking off. "Kwaherini ya loe!"

Twilight watched as Zecora trotted into the distance, disappearing into the crowd of the marketplace. "Well, that was interesting," she said to herself, shaking her head as she faced the hill again. "Was she really saying what I thought she was saying?"

She trotted forward again, her mind pulled towards the library, but stuck on Zecora's words. Curiosity trumped guilt as she considered exactly what Zecora's people would use that kind of spell for. Her culture was just so different than anything around here.

Twilight was forced back into reality by a large burst just inches away from her. "Rarity!" Twilight jumped back, startled at her friend's sudden appearance out of thin air.

A dazed face with singed waves of purple hair looked around, tiny whiffs of smoke fizzling from her mane. She sighed exhaustedly upon seeing Twilight. "Oh, good! It worked." She glanced at the ground. "For once..."

"Rarity! I can't believe it!" Twilight gasped. "You actually learned to teleport!" Twilight recalled Rarity borrowing that book from her library ages ago.

Rarity waved her hair around, trying to hide the scorch marks as she turned towards the hill. "Here, walk with me," she said. The crowd had diminished and almost disappeared as commercial structures turned to residential.

Rarity turned her baggy eyes towards her. "Twilight, dear, let me tell you. This magic stuff is simply driving me mad. I honestly don't know how you do it! I mean, sure I've always been able to bat my eyes and make miracles happen, but when it comes to magic..." She glanced at Twilight, and sighed. "Oh, some days I'm not sure how I'm going to get by. My business really needs this!"

"Your...business?" Twilight trotted up beside her. "You know, you never exactly told me why you needed that book. Why do you need to teleport, anyway?"

Rarity strained her face, holding back a sarcastic glance. She countered it with a fake smile and laugh.

"Oh, Twilight, you silly mare. You ask that like I intend to teleport around the carousel!" She flicked her hair, accidentally revealing a few singed hairs. "I need to commute, dear. You see, there's this...this client in Canterlot who wants to work closely with me next week. I practically need to be there every day. But unfortunately I simply can't leave my carousel. There's simply too much to do! My entire business could be at stake!” She looked at Twilight again, who was staring in amazement. “This was simply too big an offer to pass up. And, while magic really isn't my thing, at this point it's practically the only option I have." She let out a breath as she trudged up the hill.

"Well," Twilight responded, "I think you should be quite proud of yourself, Rarity. Now you can go anywhere you want!"

Rarity shot her a look. "Oh, yes, if only it was that simple," she said sarcastically. "Obviously, Canterlot doesn't let you appear just anywhere. I mean, imagine if Princess Celestia simply let anyone teleport inside the castle!"

Twilight opened her mouth, but couldn't quite think of anything to say to this. She had never exactly asked about this stuff back when she lived there.

Wildlife now swept around them, scattered trees standing on uneven ground as whistling wind and singing birds replaced the sounds of conversing from the town. Their coats were now brushed with the web-like umbra of the overhead tree branches.

"I apologize if I sound a bit exasperated at the moment, dear." Rarity shot her a compassionate glance. "I guess it's just...between Fluttershy being out sick, and having to learn magic on top of my business, I think the stress might be getting the better of me."

Twilight braced herself for what she knew was coming up.

"And can you believe those two?!" Rarity let out. "Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash, leaving town just like that! I mean, obviously they'll be back in a few days, but still. They shouldn't run off to some competition like that just because they're butting heads." She blew at a strand of her hair. "Pfft! Sports! Is that all they ever think about?"

Twilight stood a few paces away now, having nothing to say. The ground inclined steeply now, and some of the roots of the trees were extending above the lowering slope.

"Speaking of friends," Rarity said, changing the subject much to Twilight's relief, "Where's Spike? I always see him with you when you're out doing errands."

"Spike?" Twilight jumped, panicking slightly as she said the name. Her mind raced as she thought about what to say. She really didn't want to bring up the argument she had with him the other day, considering Rarity was the topic.

"Spike is a bit...well...moody at the moment." she compensated. "I didn't want to bother him. Besides, there's really nothing I have for him to do."

"Oh, really?" Rarity said, looking concerned. "Is he all right? Is there anything I can do? I'd hate to see the poor little thing be-"

"Oh, no!" Twilight blurted. "No, no. I'm sure it's nothing. I mean, he is a baby after all. I'm sure he'll be fine. It's...it's not like this is the first time this has happened or anything. I'm pretty sure he'll be feeling better by tomorrow."

"Oh, you're sure?" Rarity said, glancing Twilight a concerned look. "I mean, I wouldn't exactly say I'm an expert with children or anything, but I do know a thing or two that might help cheer him up."

Twilight blushed. "Ha!" she laughed sarcastically, looking frantically for a change of subject. "Well, looks like we're here!"

They crested the top of the hill, trees giving way to a clearing extending across the apex. The sun shone relentlessly in their eyes. The rugged buildings of Ponyville extended below them as Rarity followed Twilight to the center. Twilight glanced at her nervously as she discovered a flat plain away from the rocks and obstructions.

"Ah, that's right!” Rarity said, seeing the book levitate from Twilight's saddlebags. “You're attending the wedding here in Ponyville! I hear you're responsible for some of the festivities?"

"Yep!” she said. “And I really need to practice my spell. I've been so busy lately that I haven't had much time."

"Oh, don't talk to me about time, Twilight. The wedding's not for another few weeks, but that still doesn't give me much room to prepare. I myself signed up to design all the apparel and decor, you see." Twilight narrowed her eyes, which Rarity apparently caught on to. "Well, you couldn't possibly expect me to pass up such a marvelous opportunity to present my designs, could you? In an elaborate ceremony like this? I mean, really."

Twilight sighed. "Could I maybe just have a little room to practice my spell? I haven't even gotten a chance to look at it yet."

"Oh? Well first you'll have to satisfy my curiosity. You still haven't told me what spell they're having you perform!" Rarity peered at the open page, adorned with fluid cursive and strange symbols. The title "Romare Candles" showed at the top, but much of the other diction was unfamiliar to her.

"Twilight, dear! This is...highly advanced!” she said in surprise. “I mean, even for pyrotechnic enchantments, this looks like a very hefty piece of magic!"

Twilight's nervousness was heightened by embarrassment. She hid her reddened face as she familiarized herself with the new incantation. "I...I don't think it's that complex. Just...how about I give it a try, first?"

Rarity looked a bit unsure, but backed away regardless. "Well, you are the Element of Magic, dear. I'm not going to be getting in your way." She trotted behind a tree for cover, observing the view of the town below as Twilight read through the spell.

Rarity was right. It certainly looked tricky. Many of the steps were as complicated as entire spells she had performed. And some looked quite odd...almost out of place. But this was not the first time she had seen spells with strange steps in them. She bent her head, feeling the magic before her as her horn answered with a haze of light that thickened and magnified with each step.

Minute after minute passed, as the glow turned to fizzling, which turned to sparks. Nothing resembled rockets yet, but she plowed forward anyway. As she performed the final lines, there was a flash, as if light bulb burned out, a thick searing light fogging the hilltop.

Just...how much further...until...something happens! she thought, nearing the end of the spell.

The final step retracted the haze as it turned a vivid pink, resembling bubble gum blown in reverse. Magic particles swirled threateningly around her before retracting into the cloud.

Wait a minute, she thought, looking up from the spell book. This isn’t right!

She flipped hastily through the book for a counter curse, the spell continuing without her. Most spells diminished without conscious reinforcement, but this spell was different. A feedback loop had been established, cycling through her own body as it strengthened. Twilight looked up in a panic as the spinning particles compressed, accelerating into a blur of raw power.

A scream escaped her lips as the spell condensed inside her, heating her like a forge as it lifted her effortlessly into the air. Her own screams were met with the shouts of another pony, shouting out her name. As the last of the spell condensed inside her, all senses were engulfed in pain, her body paralyzed, her eyes blind. The last thing she remembered was a deafening explosion echoing around her before everything plunged into darkness.


Twilight's eyes slid open, stopping halfway as she stared at the rough wood ceiling above her. A groan escaped her lips as she realized her back was resting uncomfortably against a leather bed with stiff sheets, her head propped slightly on a small springy pillow.

She thought back to her last memory, drudging it up from the back of her mind. She remembered being on the hill and trying to cast a spell that would shoot off rockets. However, she also remembered a strange sensation, as though her mind was telling her she had missed something: perhaps she had turned to the wrong page, or had skipped a few steps - whatever had gone wrong, the result was anything but pyrotechnic. It was almost as though she had cast an entirely different spell.

Moving her hooves brought pain as her muscles contracted for the first time in hours (or days). Sitting up was nearly impossible at first, but by shuffling on her left side and using an elbow, she managed to bend her torso up before rolling back on her flank. Rocking back and forth a bit, she let the painfully satisfying feeling of her lower back being pulled taut roll through her body.

Lifting her head, Twilight observed the half-open clinic of Ponyville, bathed in the light of the setting sun from outside. A set of identical beds were strewn across the floor, surrounded by the semi-circular walls of the building itself, which formed a sort of open gazebo around the room.

Apparently, a pinata had decided to splatter itself all over her bed beds, soaking it in festive decorations. Twilight looked up at the myriad of balloons hanging above her, then down at the cavity-inducing baskets of sweets surrounding the bed. Looking up, she noticed the other bed, sporting the same set of party decorations. A white pony lay unconscious on her side, the golden rays of the setting sun shining off her white coat. Twilight doubled up as her stomach contracted.

Rarity... she thought.

A second pony stood with her flank towards Twilight, preoccupied. She was thinner, but her coat shone just as white, a distinguishing medical cap adorning her head. Normally there were two nurses in the clinic, but Nurse Tenderheart appeared to be out today. Twilight watched curiously for a moment as she gathered her thoughts.

"Oh, thank Celestia! You're awake!"

Twilight blinked as the nurse turned around, trotting over with hopeful excitement. Twilight felt her horn sear with a dull burning sensation, her hoof automatically reaching up to rub it.

"Ohhhh..." she groaned, "What happened..."

Nurse Redheart walked around to the left side of the bed, placing her hoof on Twilight's forehead as she spoke.

"You slept through all the excitement." she said in a quietly energetic voice.


"Well, after the explosion on the hill, there was practically chaos in Ponyville! The mayor herself had to help restore order. AND..." she added, emphasizing with her eyes, "Princess Celestia was here!"

"What?" Twilight asked, jumping in her bed slightly as the nurse's hoof on her shoulder held her back. "The Princess was here?"

"Indeed! In fact, it was the Princess who saved you!” she continued, relief spreading through her as she shared her experience. “She saw the explosion, and traveled to the hill herself. You wouldn't believe the look on our faces when we saw her carrying you two to the clinic! We thought you might be..."

She trailed off, looking away for a moment as she searched for a less disturbing topic.

"What exactly were you doing up there, anyway?" she asked.

"Fireworks," Twilight groaned automatically. She considered elaborating before falling silent. The nurse merely looked confused.

"Well, it was certainly a frightening display, whatever it was," she said at last. "I'm just glad there weren't any other ponies that got hurt! As far as explosions go, it was actually pretty tame...more like a mist or a fog than anything."

Twilight wanted to ask more questions, but got the feeling Nurse Redheart didn't know much more than she did. Looking around, Twilight caught the shimmering form of her friend resting lifelessly on the other bed.

"Is Rarity going to be all right?" she asked.

"Hmmm?" the nurse asked, turning back before gazing off in the direction Twilight was looking. "Oh, yes, of course!" she said, recognizing her concern. "She's fine now, at least, thanks to the Princess. I expect her to be up momentarily."

Twilight looked up at the balloons again. "Where's Pinkie Pie? I'm assuming she was in here before at some point?"

"Pinkie Pie?" Redheart followed her gaze absentmindedly. "Oh, wait! I know that name! She's the one who made those bad muffins, isn't she?"

Twilight cringed at the memory. "Actually, that was Applejack. Pinkie Pie just helped."

"Oh." Redheart looked around at the decorations again. "Well, in all honesty, I didn't really get a good look at her when she came to see you. It was more like a pink tornado turning this place into a fiesta. I had to remind her this place was for resting and healing, not for partying. I'm not entirely sure she took it all that well..."

The nurse caught Twilight's look of disappointment. "Oh, don't worry", Redheart said. "I'm sure she'll be back. Probably very soon now, too."

Twilight cringed at the thought of Pinkie Pie nagging at her in her groggy state. She almost wished the others were here as well, but there really wasn't much she could do about that. Pinkie could be fun sometimes, but she didn't make for the most soothing visits.

She shifted her hooves to the left, swinging them over the edge of the bed before pushing herself forward to test her weight against them.

"What are you doing?" the nurse said, backing up to give her room, "You're not getting up, are you?"

Twilight ignored her as her hooves struck the floor, her body sinking and wobbling under the weight of the impact.

"Twilight, you've been out for a couple days. You're really going to want to take it easy," she said, apprehensively grimacing as she indicated her head towards the bed. Twilight felt like she had gained 200 pounds, her muscles almost giving out under her own weight.

"I should be okay until I get home," she said, thinking only about how much softer and cozier her own bed was in the library. "Thank you so much, by the way. I really hope Rarity wakes up soon."

Both sets of eyes veered towards the occupied bed. For a fleeting moment, Twilight felt like apologizing to her on the spot, even in her unconscious state. However, fatigue kept her hooves rooted to the floor.

"Home?" the Nurse said, "You...you don't want to wait for your friend?"

"I really should be heading back." she said, the thought of Pinkie Pie urging her to get out of there. "Spike is probably worried sick!"

"Oh?" the nurse said, "You're sure? You really want to go home?"

"I should be fine," she said automatically, forcing her hooves to carry her over the threshold and onto the grass outside. "Thanks for everything."

The nurse teetered for a moment, her mouth crinkling anxiously before lunging forward to stop her.

"One more thing, dear!" the nurse called, bolting around her before she could get too far. "Your horn. It-"

"My horn?!" Twilight's hoof reached up to her forehead, her eyes darting up to follow it. "What about my horn? Is it all right?! Is it-"

"Twilight, do calm down! Your horn is fine!" the nurse said, helping Twilight get her balance. "Just...here, let me explain."

Twilight's initial anxiety was soothed by the feel of the dry grass blades tickling her hooves, a breeze gently caressing her hide. The words of the nurse rolled over her, backed by the ambient sounds of the outside.

"Your horn apparently got damaged during the spell. The Princess told me about it when she brought you in. It was one of the reasons she wanted to get you here so quickly. Horns can get damaged by magic, if the spell is powerful enough, and the spell you cast was devastatingly powerful!" she noted. "The Princess explained that, had she not gotten you here soon enough, it could have escalated into something permanent!"

All this was said so quickly that only bits and pieces reached the destination of her mind. The word permanent struck her harshly, but subsided when she realized it was conjecture.

"Of course," the nurse continued, "she also explained how horns have amazing healing powers, but she still told me you shouldn't use any magic for the next few days. Until it's fully healed, you simply won't be able to cast any spells without substantial risk."

Twilight gaped as her bottom lip curled under. "No magic?!" she repeated. Her front hooves went onto a startled Nurse Redheart's chest. "You're sure!" she leaned in. "You're absolutely positive that's what she said!"

"I'm sorry," was all she said, half-surprised at Twilight's reaction, half-sorrowful. Twilight mouthed wordlessly for a few moments as her hooves fell back onto the grass, trying to remember all the things she used magic for. Her brain didn't seem to be fully working yet, though, and she simply stood there, doltishly flexing her jaw with wide eyes before giving a "I'm...I'm sorry. You're right. Thanks for everything."

What happened next, Twilight couldn't recall. All she remembered was suddenly arriving at the library door after an indeterminate time, her body weighted with fatigue, her mind weighted with concern.


The green and purple streak of her number one assistant rocketed into her with an "OOF!", causing Twilight's front hooves to slip out from under as she sank down to his level. They embraced together, Spike's arms wrapped tightly around her neck.

"Twilight! I was so worried!" he said, words muffled as he spoke into her coat. "And the town! And the mayor! And...I even heard that that the Princess...!"

"Everything's all right now, Spike," Twilight reassured him, rubbing his head with her hoof. "Once Rarity is awake, we can all get together and work out what went wrong." Spike let go, giving Twilight a chance to hoist herself back onto her front legs.

"Are you hungry?" Spike said, jumping away excitedly. "Thirsty? How about a game!"

"It's okay, Spike!" she said with a small laugh, heartened by his sudden change in mood. It was so nice to have the old Spike back. "I think right now I just want to relax..."

“Relax?!” Twilight outright giggled at Spike's antics as his eyes bugged and his arms flew down in shocked disappointment. "You just got home!"

“Exactly, Spike," she said, slumping towards the stairs. "I'm exhausted! I think I’m just gonna go rest for a bit. I promise we’ll spend plenty of time tomorrow discussing every last little detail!”

“Oh, okay...”

Twilight's head dipped as her smile crested, adoring the sulking dragon now dragging his feet along the floor. It was enough for her to ignore the strain of her muscles as they struggled to heave her up the stairs. Collapsing at last on her own bed, her body rewarded her with a glowing warmth of pleasure as she sank into the sheets. With hardly a thought, she felt her head sink into the velvety pillow, and drifted off to sleep in seconds.


A sharp knock from downstairs jolted Twilight awake, cascading into tingles all over her hide. The bed was still comfortable, but the effect was ruined by her return to consciousness. She lay on her side a bit longer, letting the early afternoon sun drift through her window, hoping the sound was just some colt kicking their sports ball into her door.

Three more knocks struck. Twilight's groan grew to a yell as she roughly wiped her eyes with her hooves and flung the sheets off of her, the cold air making her coat stand on end.

"I'm coming!" she said as the guests started incessantly pummeling the door like a nail. She stumbled out of bed, sliding roughly down the stairs. As she reached the bottom steps, everything went silent.

A battering ram slammed into the door, shaking the tree and making Twilight leap a few inches off the ground. Was there an angry mob at her door?

"OKAY, OKAY!" she shouted, reaching the bottom floor, eyes lined and hair disheveled. "Don't get your hooves in a tangle..."

Stumbling to the window next to the door, she peered out to see only the grass and sky, the dirt path to her door devoid of the mad crowd she had expected. The only sign of life she recognized was a cockatoo resting on the library sign at the far end of the path.

More knocks prompted her to lean forward, revealing more of the path. And then even more of the path. And then something flicking in and out of sight. What was this? Her eyes widened as she saw the purple tail – the white flank – the gemstone Cutie Mark.

"Rarity!" She galloped to the large wooden door, rearing as she swing it open. "Rarity! You're awake! I can’t believe you’re-"

"TWILIGHT!" Rarity shouted so explosively her voice nearly knocked Twilight on the ground. She had reared on her hind hooves, pupils dilated and mouth so wide she could swallow a saddlebag. "I'VE BEEN THINKING ABOUT YOU ALL DAY!"

Twilight smiled awkwardly, stunned into silence as she fumbled with the words to respond with.

"Well, Rarity!" she finally said. "I'm really glad to see you're okay and everythi-MMMMM...MM-M--MMM...!"

Rarity had shoved her muzzle right up against hers, kissing her so firmly that she toppled over and crashed painfully onto her back.

"MMMMMM! MMMM-RARITY...!" she screamed, struggling as Rarity landed on top of her, pressing her body against Twilight's so hard she was struggling to breathe. "RARITY! WHAT – ARE – YOU – DOING!"

Rarity was now frantically kissing Twilight on the neck as her hooves explored more and more uncomfortable places.

"OH, TWILIGHT!" she screamed between great smacking kisses, her face strained so much in ecstasy that wrinkles had webbed around. "DON'T YOU THINK...*smack*...THAT WE WERE JUST...*smack*...MADE... *smack*...FOR EACH OTHER...!"

Twilight wobbled and wormed underneath her, working her way onto her stomach so she could claw herself out. Her eyes strained from panic as she screamed out for help.


Rarity continued holding her lovingly, resting her head against her back like a pillow as she rubbed it back and forth, eyes closing against an enormous smile.


"Oh, Twilight!" Rarity mused, her voice softening in texture but just as loud. She pressed her head into Twilight's coat with every emphasized word. "There I was...sitting heeelplessly in that awful bed...and all I could think about was YOU!" she said, each word more passionate than the last. Twilight dug her hooves into the wood, forcing herself forward little by little until her flank was the only remaining captive. "Your hair, your face, your tail...your BEAUTIFUL EYES!"

Twilight gave one last tremendous pull before explosively freeing herself, crashing into the bookshelf and scattering reference books of flora and fauna across the floor.

"Oh, Twilight!" Rarity continued, grasping her own torso in Twilight's absence. "You really MUST come back to the Carousel with me! Just think of the SCENE we could make together!"

Oh gosh, oh no, oh Celestia...Twilight thought, frantically looking for a book that could help her as Rarity sprang onto all fours. What have I done! GOTTA be a spell here somewhere...

Twilight magically reached out for a large purple book that had a promising gold title woven on the spine and felt her horn sear with pain.

"Ugh! Stupid horn!" she said, bolting for the ladder in the corner of the room and scraping it noisily against the wood floor.

"Oh, and the makeovers! All the ponies of Equestria can see our love for each other, in all our glamour!"

Twilight reached the top rung of the ladder, frantically throwing books down from the Relationships section of her bookshelf as she ticked off title after title, littering the floor below her.

...Improving Appearance...Creating Gifts...Guide to Making Out...uuurgh! Where are all the books on ARTIFICIAL love!


Twilight's hooves went to her ears in a grimace as Rarity's piercing voice vibrated the ladder. For a moment she closed her eyes, hoping all this would just go away.

"Oooh!" Rarity sounded exasperated. "If you're not coming down, then at least let me hold the ladder for you, dear!"

Twilight only had a second to think before Rarity bounded forward. Looking down, she watched as Rarity passionately lunged at the ladder, striking it so hard that the bottom slipped out completely, slamming Twilight and the ladder into the floor.

Rarity jumped at the resounding crack of wood striking wood, bouncing over to stand uncomfortably close to Twilight, head leaned over, mouth right next to her ear.


Twilight launched off the floor with her hair on end, flopping spread-eagle back on the ground, ears ringing against her aching brain as Rarity's words echoed around the room.

"Where does it hurt?! Let Rarity kiss the boo-boo!"

Without a thought, Twilight bolted off the ground and galloped across the room, making a break for the door. She blasted right through it, not even bothering to close it as it swung so hard it slammed into the brick of the outside. Rarity screamed out behind her as she ran, eyes forward, heading anywhere but back.

"TWILIGHT!" Rarity yelled from the threshold. "COME BACK, TWILIGHT! Widdle Wawwity needs to cuddle..."


Twilight walked wearily into Sugarcube Corner, pushing lazily past the loitering lunch crowd. Most of the ponies stood gossiping or leaning satisfied against a wall, having finished their desserts already. Twilight caught a glimpse of Mr. and Mrs. Cake walking wearily, catching their breath now that the crowds had died down.

"Twilight!" Pinkie Pie said, popping out of nowhere and making Twilight jump backwards a few steps. She was bouncing so fast her body was just a blur. "You're back! Oh, Celestia, you’re back, I'm so excited! I saw you in the clinic, but you were sleeping for so long! I was so worried! Did you get my treats? OOO, wait!" She bounded to the counter to grab something. "Wanna try a cupcake? They're apple-flavored! I spent all day coming up with the recipe just for you, Twilight! You absolutely must try it! It's the most deliciously-supertasty-sugarpastry-treat in the entire confectionary!" She presented the small cupcake on the tip of her hoof.

Twilight was speechless, but reached her hoof out anyway. She carefully grabbed the cupcake from Pinkie's own outstretched hooves, nearly dropping it on the floor in the process.

"Hey! What happened to your horn? Is it hurt?! Oh no! Did that big nasty spell do that do you?" Pinkie chimed, helping Twilight balance the cupcake on her hoof so she could bite into it.


"You didn't use your magic to pick up the cupcake! You always use your magic, Twilight!" Pinkie said, lowering both hooves back to the ground as Twilight took a bite, letting the sweet tang of apple icing flow down her throat.

"Oh! That..." Twilight said, flicking her eyes to her horn and back, realizing at the last minute how much it looked like she had rolled her eyes. "It's...nothing, really. Just a minor injury, that's all."

Pinkie made a frown, tilting her head to the side as Twilight took her next few bites. "Oh my gosh, that's no fun at all! My poor friend is hurt!" She thought for a moment before bursting in the air. "OOO! I know what'll cheer you up!" Pinkie said, springing against the ground like a pink playground ball. Twilight cringed as she swallowed her last bite.

"Pinkie," Twilight said, lowering her empty hoof to the ground, "I really don't have time for a party today..."

"Oh...?" Pinkie said, her smile faltering as she bounced a little lower. "You're sure? Like, really sure sure?"

"Yeah," said Twilight, watching Pinkie sink into the ground with a frown. "But you know, I think I could go for a few more of these cupcakes," she said with a grin.

The bubble gum pony popped again, her curled hair positively shaking with delight as her face lit up like a firework. "OOOO! Yes! Aren't they DELICIOUS!?"

Pinkie Pie bounded back into the kitchen and brought out a large tray of cupcakes stacked three layers high, which she balanced lightly on her hoof. With the lunch crowds dying down, Pinkie was free to join Twilight outside.

"MMM, that's GOOD!" Pinkie said, chowing down on one as they sat down at the umbrella-laden picnic table. Many of the other tables were becoming unoccupied as the ponies finished their treats. "Say, you still don't look happy, Twilight. What's wrong?"

Twilight sighed at the weepy look on Pinkie's face as she finished her cupcake.

"Well...it's Rarity," Twilight said, lowering her head with a scowl. "She hasn't exactly been the same since she woke up. I'm worried that it might have something to do with what happened on the hill."

Pinkie Pie gasped. "Now that was exciting!"

Twilight's startled jump quickly became an eyeroll, and then a facehoof as Pinkie bounced up from her chair and started charading her thoughts.

"There was this biiiig explosion that went, like, POOOW!" she said, waving her arms. "And then all these ponies started screaming, like EEEEEEEEE!" she said, squishing her cheeks with her hooves. "And then, there was this big pink wave! And it went WHOOOOSH! right over the whole town! And then everypony started racing around, and ducking for cover, and screaming some more! And then, OOO-OO-OO-OOOO! Princess Celestia showed up! And she was carrying you! And I was standing there like *GAAAAAASP*, TWILIGHT! And then she took you into the clinic, and I went in there and saw Rarity with you! And I got so upset! So I brought balloons and confetti and streamers and sweets and tried throwing a BIIIIIIIG party for you in the clinic! Only, the nurse didn't let me, and she made me stay outside, and said I should come back at the end of the day. Only, I didn't see you! And THEN!" she finished dramatically, wide-eyed and mouth gaping.

Twilight had been staring at her, thin-mouthed and narrow-eyed the whole time.

"And...then...?" Twilight repeated, hoping for once Pinkie would actually make sense.

Pinkie stood there a few seconds. Then, turning suddenly back to normal and bouncing back onto her seat, "And then you showed up here," she finished.

Twilight exhaled loudly, her face sinking into her hoof again as Pinkie grabbed another cupcake.

"So you didn't think to visit me or anything when I got out?" Twilight said, looking back up and sinking her shoulders.

"Oh, Twilight!" Pinkie said with a sideways wobble of her head, "I knew you'd come to see me first thing when you got better! That's why I wanted to throw you a party just now!"

"Pinkie, you offered me the party because I-"

"See, Twilight! Everything makes perfect sense now!"

Twilight opened her mouth to argue, but after finding it still hanging there after a few seconds with no words to accompany it she ended up simply closing it again.

"So!" said Pinkie Pie, reaching her hoof out for another snack. "You were saying about Rarity?"


The splash of dumb on Twilight's face hadn't quite worn off yet, so she shook it a few times and rubbed her eyes.

“Oh, right!" she said, blinking, the image of Rarity at her door popping back into her head. "Well, anyway, Rarity showed up at my door, and she seemed...well...very happy to see me!"

"Awwww!" Pinkie cried, holding another cupcake to her mouth. "Isn't that sweet!"

"Well, not really," Twilight continued to the sound of Pinkie swallowing. "She seemed...well...she kinda jumped on top of me...and kissed me..."

"She KISSED YOU?" Pinkie leaped away from the table again. Twilight quickly looked around, noticing that some of the ponies at the other tables turning to eavesdrop. "WOW! I didn't know she was into both colts AND fillies! I just think that's SOOO cool! She's, like, totally open-minded! And I-"

"NO, NO, NO!" Twilight exclaimed. "It wasn't her! It wasn't her at ALL!"

"It wasn't?!" Pinkie Pie said, slanting her face to one side so one eye was more open than the other. "You mean it was...an IMPOSTOR!" Pinkie said dramatically, raising her hooves over her head with an evil scowl like the one she had at the end of her Zecora song.

"Ummm...no," Twilight said, her eyes so thin they were almost closed. "Like, I think something's wrong with her! Like, I don't know...maybe she hit her head or something!"

"Or MAYBE," Pinkie started energetically, "that spell you cast was really a love spell! And all the ponies in Ponyville are going to start falling for each other, and this whole place will turn into a giant town of love and affection and cuddling and-" Pinkie took a deep breath, which Twilight used to respond to her.

"Uh, no. First off, there's no way my spell had anything to do with this. I was casting fireworks. Second, Princess Celestia was here. I seriously doubt she'd let something like that happen. And third, even if it was the spell, and even if the Princess just so happened to leave us without fixing it, wouldn't there be more ponies acting like her? I mean, I don't know about you, but..." she looked around at the few occupied tables and wandering ponies, "I really don't see that much zany love-making going on around here."

Pinkie dropped her wacky demeanor as she leaned into the table. "Give it time..." she said quietly from the corner of her mouth. Twilight sighed heavily.

"In the meantime," she said as Pinkie slouched back into her seat, "I have a swooning Rarity in the library doing...gosh-knows-what! And no spell to reverse the effects! I mean, I've never even seen a spell for love! Where would I-"

She stopped mid-sentence, completely forgetting to close her mouth. She blinked a few times before leaning back and slapping her hoof to her forehead with a small cry. "Pinkie!" she said as she lowered her hoof. "You wouldn't happen to have seen Zecora here lately, would you? Like...today?"

"Hmmm..." A few crumbs escaped from her lips, her cheeks puffed out from stuffing three cupcakes in her mouth at once. "i no-iv sehna ebra ere dee oder day, ut-" She stopped and swallowed the entire mouthful in one gulp. "She's probably long gone by now." she finished.

"Oh, great," Twilight said, her head leaning into her hooves again. "I was really hoping I wouldn't have to go into the forest..."

"Oh, Twilight!" Pinkie said, grabbing all but the last cupcake off the platter. "She'll be back out here soon enough!"

"Pinkie!" Twilight said, striking her hooves on the table as she raised her voice, "Zecora might have a cure! She told me her people have spells for this kind of thing! Or, at least, I think that's what she was saying..." She lifted a hoof to her chin as she looked up.

"A spell for what?" Pinkie asked, popping the last cupcake into her mouth.

"For curing Rarity!" she said, flailing her hooves wildly in the air. "For curing her...affection..."

Pinkie's entire expression vanished, leaving a set of eyes and a mouth staring blankly at her.

"Uh, why would you want to cure affection?! Isn't affection a good thing to have?"

Twilight sighed, getting up from the table. "It's been really nice." she said. "Thanks for the cupcakes, by the way."

"Oh, Twilight! You're leaving already? Are you sure you don't have time for a party?"

"I'm...pretty sure, yeah," she said, pulling away from the conversation like taffy. "I really gotta go!"

Twilight turned around, leaving Pinkie sitting at the table with a hoof outstretched and her mouth slightly open, the empty platter still lying in front of her.


"Okay, Twilight," she said to herself. "You're good! Just be careful...and you'll be there in no time..."

Twilight trotted, quivering, through the darkened forest, hooves striking the dry earth as her head turned from side to side, her eyes piercing the surrounding trees. Light from above shot through small breaks between the ceiling of leaves, but most of the undergrowth of the forest floor was cast in shadow. Every rattling of a leaf in the wind, every cry of a bird, every movement of critters racing through the foliage at her hooves sent her heart racing as she stopped in cold silence to listen silently.

As Zecora's gnarled twisted tree finally came into view, she let out a deep breath as her muscles relaxed. Her pacing slowed as her eyes lazily watched the bulky form approach with every one of her steps.

At first, she ignored the blackness peering from the windows, as well as the lack of incense and homely cooking smells of foreign spices, waltzing straight up to the door and giving it a few hopeful knocks. She bowed her head after the silence before knocking once more just to be sure.

"Yeah, this doesn't look good..." she mumbled to herself.

She turned to the right, peering through the darkened window, placing a hoof on the sill so she could lean her head in. A few shapes could be seen, including the faint highlights of the cauldron in the back, as well as some ceramics on the back shelves haunting the darkness with their hourglass shapes. One thing was perfectly clear, however. The tree was completely devoid of any zebras.

"Well..." she sighed, slumping her flank onto the dirt and leaning her back against the trunk. "I guess I can always wait for her to get back!"

Twilight lay still for a few moments, placing her head in her hooves as she cleared her mind. Wind gently rustled her coat as the sounds of the forest tickled her ears. They were quite calming, actually. The wind blowing, the birds chirping, the pony singing, the-

"Pony...singing?" Twilight said out loud, looking up with her ears perked. She looked around for the source of the voice which was clearly an older filly, and obviously not trained in choir. Twilight guessed that, had the voice sung any louder, it probably would be an accurate depiction of what most ponies sounded like in the shower. However, what was particularly strange were the lyrics. She had heard them before.

"You gotta caaaaaaare...you gotta shaaaaaaare..." it sang serenely and lovingly. If Twilight hadn't heard the original rendition, she would have guessed it was a serenade. It was so much calmer and more soothing than Pinkie Pie's version.

Twilight got up slowly and walked in the direction of the voice, carefully weaving through the thicket of tree trunks, roots, and vegetation.

"Hello?" she called into the trees around her, her voice suddenly sounding strange in the emptiness of the forest. The singing voice was unperturbed. She kept following the sound, taking careful note of the path she took away from Zecora's tree, and soon found herself at a clearing, the sun reflecting brilliantly off the glass surface of a small pond. The source of the song appeared to be a light-blue filly with flowing white-blue mane standing on the shore as she gazed alluringly at something in the water.

"Hello?" Twilight repeated, walking up to her side. The filly stopped singing, but didn't look up.

"Oooh, Great and Powerful Trixie! What fabulous hair you have!"

Twilight took a step or two back. "Trixie?!"

The pony kept staring at the pool, Twilight struck dumb as she observed the strange sight.

"Oh, and those eyes! So stunning!"

Twilight hadn't recognized her at first without her magical garb. But now that she saw her silver mane, there was no mistaking her.

"Oh, Trixie! You're all I ever dreamed of! Why don't you come out of the water so we can show this forest what TRUE love is!"

Twilight opened her mouth to say something, but ended up closing it and stepping over to the pool. She leaned over and looked at what was in the water. A replica of herself peered back, plastered against the blue sky and clouds, a few overhanging tree branches visible in the reflection.

"Ummm...I don't think that's a real pony in there, Trixie."

Trixie reared up as she continued. "Oh, how I loooong to hold you! To be with you! To love you forever and EVER!"

Twilight walked over with an exasperated sigh, raised her hoof above the water, and brought it smashing down on top of Trixie's reflection. A loud splash sounded around them as droplets sprayed over both of them, the smooth glass now disturbed with turbulent ripples. Trixie's rant immediately stopped, her eyes wide and her mouth thin.

"Trixie!" Twilight screamed. "Snap out of it!"

Trixie blinked a few times, lifting her head slowly before turning towards Twilight. She stared at the purple unicorn in front of her for a moment.

Then her eyes narrowed.

"You!" she exclaimed dully, her face scrunching in pain. "YOU!" she repeated, rearing on her hind hooves, radiating heat from her quivering body. "What do you want! Come to mock me again, huh? Come to cause more shame and embarrassment to...to...the Lonely and Defeated Trixie? Huh?! Is that what you're all calling me now?"

"Trixie!" Twilight said, blinking hard before pointing her hoof at her. "You were infatuated with your reflection!"

"Don't try and fool me, Twilight! I know why you're here!"

"I'm not trying to trick you!" Twilight said, "I just helped you! You were under a curse!"

Again, Trixie reared up, projecting each word with increased emphasis. "I – was – NOT under a...wait, did you say curse?" Her hooves dropped onto the ground, face suddenly losing its taut lines of pain.

"Uh...yeah!" Twilight exclaimed, shaking her head sarcastically like some of the fillies did back in Canterlot. "Unless you're always trying to make love to yourself! You should have seen the way you were treating your reflection!"

Trixie's mouth opened, drawing her eyes shut as she let out a rattling breath. She lowered her head.

"Oh, nooo! I didn't! ...did I?" She lifted her head pleadingly. "Oh, tell me I wasn't!"

"What's wrong?" Twilight said.

"Oh, I was afraid of this!" she said, energized as she cantered around the area with frantic antics. "There I was, wandering the forest like I have been the last few months, when suddenly..." she threw her hooves at the sky, making the same "whooshing" motion Pinkie Pie made in her own depiction. "It was HUGE! This...massive pink cloud...or fog...or something! It was like an explosion of some sort! I had hoped it was nothing, but..." She looked up at Twilight. "I just came to get a drink of water a few minutes ago and completely phased out! Next thing I know, you're here, telling me how I was..."

"Swooning?" Twilight put in blankly.

"...yes. Swooning over my own reflection! Oh...I should have known it was a curse! And to think! I was-"

"Wait!" Twilight said, putting her hoof out to stop her mid-sentence. "You said explosion? That sounds like..." Twilight's eyes went wide with fear as she remembered Pinkie's crazy prediction. "Oh no...this is not good!"

Trixie stared blankly at her now, prompting Twilight to fill her in on the details.

"The explosion on the hill, Trixie! The spell! The curse! Your infatuation! It's...latent!" Twilight was now wandering nervously back and forth as she spoke. "This...this doesn't make any sense! It was just a fireworks display! How could this be making all the ponies go crazy like this? This isn't how magic is supposed to work!" Her eyes went wide. "This is all going seriously wrong. If this thing really is the spell I cast," she put a hoof to one side, "and it didn't start affecting you until just now," she moved her hoof to the other side, "then that means all the ponies in Ponyville could..." She put her hoof down and lifted her head. The picture that Pinkie had painted swarmed into her head. An entire town filled with ponies falling hopelessly in love with each other. "Ooooh! This isn't good. This isn't good at all! Whatever spell that was could wreak havoc through all of Ponyville! We have to find a way to stop this, Trixie!"

"We?!" Trixie exclaimed, backing up a few feet, her pained expression returning.

"Well," Twilight argued, "you don't want to be amorous towards yourself forever do you?!"

Trixie's mouth opened and shut a few times as she stammered. Finally, she bolted herself around to face away from Twilight, digging her front hooves into the ground. "Fine! What choice do I have!"

Twilight was staring at the ground, mumbling to herself as Trixie turned back to face her. When Twilight looked back up, she launched straight into explanation.

"I've been looking for Zecora. She's a zebra that lives around these woods. I heard she might have a cure for this kind of thing. I know she lives in these woods a bit further back, but she wasn't home the last I checked. We'll need to split up to find her. If we're lucky, we might-"

"Hold on!" Trixie interrupted, sticking a hoof up. "I do believe you're in luck. I just so happen to have seen a zebra walking around here just before I got my drink! She was heading off this way." She pointed her hoof to the right of the pond.

"Well what are we waiting for! Let's go!"

No sooner were these words spoken than Trixie bolted into a gallop. Twilight was left behind a few paces as she watched Trixie round a corner and disappear into the treeline.

“Wait!” Twilight yelled, racing after her, glimpsing her silver tail just as it flickered out of sight. Picking up speed, Twilight raced around the pond, delving through the same opening in the trees.

Every so often, Twilight glimpsed a blue tail and flank as the jungle labyrinth of Everfree swished past her. Twilight found herself constantly falling on her face, tripping over roots and small stones as she tried to match the incredible pace Trixie had set. Many times she found herself racing blindly, going on instinct as to which turn to make, exploding with speed each time a silver flicker waved amid the green. Finally, the filly ahead of her was fully visible, quickly getting bigger as she caught up.

“Trixie, slow down!” she said, racing right up to the filly. “I’m having trouble-”


Twilight rebounded, nearly colliding with Trixie's hoof as she held it out in front of her, peering quietly into the trees like a game hunter. Twilight's heart pounded, unsure whether what lay ahead was a threat or a destination.

“Is this it?” she whispered. "Did you find her?"

As an answer, Trixie moved her hoof from sideways in front of Twilight, to out in front, pointing at something amidst the trees. Twilight followed its trajectory, squinting at the rustling leaves. It was subtle, but the tinge of black and white, as well as the familiar rhyming rhetoric, could mean only one thing. Twilight listened carefully, picking up on only a few lines.

"I see before me beast of plume, what grace and fairness I presume."

Twilight inclined her head towards Trixie. “What’s she doing?” she asked.

Trixie didn’t say anything. continuing to stare ahead blankly. Twilight turned back, trying to make out the rest of the words, most of them shrouded amongst the rustling leaves.

“I’m gonna go ask-”

“No!” said Trixie, her hoof shooting in front of her again, “wait...”

Twilight peered again closely, and thought she recognized the strange way the zebra was poised. It was very similar to Trixie's demeanor in front of the pond. Listening intently, Twilight caught another set of lines as she realized exactly what was going on.

"Body serpant crowned by fowl, passionate the way you prowl. Pronounce my love I do hereby, as I gaze upon thine eye."

She couldn't see it clearly, but there was something else in front of Zecora now. Something white was slithering out of the leaves, peering into Zecora's eyes. Twilight's mind put two and two together and jumped, shooting forward towards her foreign companion.

“NO!” Twilight shouted as she sprang forward, Trixie suddenly unable to hold her back anymore as her hooves slipped frantically against her hide.

“Twilight!” she yelled.

A crackling noise sounded as Twilight rounded the corner, watching Zecora's half-stone body looking enchantingly into the eyes of a cockatrice. "ZECORA! NO!" She caught right up to the zebra just as the stream of gray crested her head and ran together at the temple. The statue tipped under its own weight, thumping at Twilight’s feet.

“ZECORA!” she yelled, leaning her tear-stricken face over the swooning stone form of her zebra friend. She turned back to Trixie, pleading for help with her eyes. Trixie pulled back, her eyes focused on something just beyond her.

“Twilight!” Trixie yelled, rearing on her hind hooves as she turned around. “RUN!”

A loud cry behind her threw Twilight's eyelids so far back they disappeared into her wrinkled forehead. A moment later, the bush exploded behind her with a piercing shriek, sending Twilight galloping forward in a surge of panic as she shouted uncontrollably. “Trixie, WAIT UP!”

The blue flank and tail flickered and disappeared again as Twilight blindly flew through the trees. The screaming cry of the cockatrice echoed around the forest as it swam shark-like through the thick brush, leaping out every so often a little further ahead of Twilight. She kept her head down, avoiding obstacles as they appeared in her peripheral vision, her hooves roughly colliding with rocks and stumps in shocks of pain, suppressed only by her adrenaline.

“Trixie! Where are you!”

Trixie's ghost of a voice could be heard in the distance, but her form was nowhere to be seen. Twilight slowed as her hooves gave out, panting frantically as she burst into a cough, finally stopping to look around. Trixie's voice kept echoing off to her right.

“This way! Almost there!”

The silence had become deafening as her pounding heart drowned all other noise, her vision blurred and her mouth dry. Everything was perfectly still for a moment.

An burst of leaves and twigs startled Twilight into nearly falling over as the cockatrice charged out of a mangled flower bush. Red eyes gleamed from the clearing fog, a screech burning her ears. Twilight put her head down, saving herself before the spell set in motion. The cockatrice was now twisting deftly around her, trying to set its face in front of hers.


Something crashed out of the shrubbery, striking Twilight in the side and knocking her to the ground. Pain shot through her as she forced herself back up, hearing a battle between pony and beast beside her. She stumbled to her hooves, regaining her balance as a blur of blue and green chaotically fought beside her.

“Run, Twilight!”

She hesitated for a bit, eyes stinging, body sore, mind racing. All she could do was stare blankly at the wild fight before her.

"Don't think!" Trixie screamed, "Just RUN!"

Trixie's voice heated her blood, charging her hooves into an uncontrollable gallop. Her mind fought against it, but there was no stopping the cascade of adrenaline. A crackle sounded behind her as the cockatrice at last reigned victorious over its victim, but Twilight fought past it, her mind flooded with fear.

Racing to the edge of the forest, she bolted beyond the tree line, revealing the blinding sun quickly setting before her. She charged forward, hardly even realizing where her body was carrying her until the town buildings rose up before her.

She turned in the direction of the library, and charged into the sunset.