• Published 10th Dec 2012
  • 2,196 Views, 51 Comments

The Fall of the Rainbow Factory - ShadowBrony

A story about the destruction and downfall of the Rainbow Factory.

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Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Rainbow Dash scanned the room around them, “Lock Breaker, nice name.” Lock turned to face BDP, “hey, are going to sit there grinning or are going to fight us?” The blue pony frowned then signaled for them to attack as he raised his hoof and then pointed in their direction. At once chaos erupted around them as hordes and hordes of pegasi rushed them. Rainbow Dash got up on her hind legs while supporting herself with her wings. She brought her fore-hoof down on her first attacker, smacking him in the face and breaking the goggles he was wearing. She then spun and high kicked the Pegasus that was standing beside him. Both went down at the same time as she did this in fluid motion. Grinning RD looked at the pegasi running toward her as they continued to poor forth from the army surrounding them. “Is that all you got? You guys should really consider hitting the gym,” said Rainbow Dash as she brought her hooves down on the next opponent.

Scootaloo was kicking at every that Pegasus that was stupid enough to get close to her. Every time one of them tried to come at her with a tazer she would swat it out of their hooves with her wings. Holding it in their mouths did no better as they soon found themselves with a face full of feathers, followed by a swift kick with her back hooves. Most of the pegasi that had the tazers in their mouths where now finding it hard to breath as the tazers were forcibly shoved down their throats due to hard hits from Scootallo’s hooves.

Lock was busy slashing the throats of ever black coated (though soon red coated) pegasi that came near him. As they tried ever tactic to bring him down, he would counter and bring down death to all who opposed him. Eventually, the number of black coated pegasi started to dwindle.

As it turns out, most were trained to handle little fillies that had little fighting skills or just panicked escapees. What they hadn’t been trained for, were three vengeful ponies that actually were not trying to escape and instead were trying to fight back. This soon became apparent as the remaining pegasi started to back off in fear of getting killed. This of course sent BDP into a rage shouting at them to attack or face The Pegasus Device. It seemed that not even the threat of the machine was enough to get them to fight as some started to run away. Even those most loyal to the Orchestrator, were having a tough time between Loyalty and survival.

As the pegasi started to back off, BDP jumped from his platform and landed in front of the engine. “If you want to destroy this factory you will have to go through me.” Reaching into the pocket of his coat he produced a radio device. He moved the analogue on the device downward. There was a rumble from the ceiling above. The rumble continued to get louder and louder as the grin on BDP’s face became bigger. Lock tensed himself for whatever was coming. But what broke though was the last thing he was expecting. As debris rained down around them, RD grabbed Scootaloo and dodged all of it as it continued to rain down everywhere in the room. When the dust finally cleared, Lock could only stare in awe as the Pegasus Device loomed over him.

It was an arm with claw like mechanism with four syringes coming out of the claw on the device. A small little tube appeared to be connected in the middle. It was awful looking as it seemed to be covered in blood and rust. And then it launched itself towards Lock as he barely managed to dodge it. It then lunched at him repeatedly as a BDP laughed over and over as Lock continued to dodge the machine. At one point he dodged to late as the one of the needles on the syringes caught his cape and knocked the dynamite hidden under it free as it flew across the room. Lock noticing that he had lost it tried to get it back but was blocked ever time by the device. Rainbow Dash seeing Lock was in trouble flew just above BDP and tries to swipe the device only to be knocked out of the air as he swung around the Pegasus Device.

Rainbow Dash felt the air leave her lungs as she slammed against the wall on the other side of the room. Her whole body went limp as she fell to the floor unconscious. Scootaloo ran to Dash’s side. She bent down as she tried reviving RD. “Rainbow get up. Come on this isn’t the time for a nap. Please.” She got no answer as RD hung limp in her hooves. Tears started to fall from Scootalo’s face. She tried to hold them back but they continued to flow. She had already lost Rainbow once… She didn’t want to lose her again. Then the tears turned to rage. Rage that had only had been seen released earlier just a by a small amount was being released full force. She wanted this nightmare to end. It was time for the Rainbow Factory to pay.

Locking her sights on the dynamite, she spread her wings as far as they would go and took off like a bullet. Just as she was within inches of the dynamite, she grabbed it with her teeth. She then pushed all of her power into BDP’s direction. He didn’t even have time to react as he was too distracted to notice her until she ran right into him full speed, slamming him full force into the engine. The door to the engine itself came loose and fell to the ground with a loud clang. Fire came forth from the now open hatch. Ignoring the pain and bruises, Scootaloo got to her hooves and threw the dynamite as hard as she could in to the heart of the engine. BDP having been dazed watched as the flames engulfed the dynamite. He screamed in fear and anger as, with a last act of insanity, dove into the flames after it.

As his flesh started to burn he crawled to the stick that had at this point ignited. BDP’s body gave out just as his hoof rested on the stick. Lock quickly ran over to Rainbow Dash. He slung her over his back. Scootaloo half limped, half ran to him. As soon as she was within a few feet, they both took off running. Scootaloo looked at Lock while they ran, “so Lock, how we plan on getting out of here?” Lock knew what they had to do to escape. He knew it as soon as they reached the top of the stairs and saw the balcony. Lock looked back at Scootaloo, “When we get to the balcony, take RD and jump.” Scootaloo now at the balcony stopped and looked down then up at the night sky before looking back at him. “But I thought you where an Earth pony? You can’t teleport and you can’t fly.” Lock looked at her with a smile, “I know but we don’t have much time left. I made the dynamite myself and I made sure that I would have enough time to get out if I needed it. Just trust me.” Scootaloo looked at him like he had a death wish. Which in this case he might very well have one.

Lock Breaker handed Scootaloo the unconscious Rainbow Dash. “Go, trust me.” Scootaloo looked at him with a pained expression then nodded. She grabbed Rainbow Dash and took off from the balcony. Unable to really fly with the heavy RD, she slowly started to glide down to the forest below.

Then a sound was heard. The Rainbow Factory exploded.

The sound was deafening as the shock wave caused Scootaloo to drop RD as they both crashed into the forest just as they made it to the tree line. The sound of the explosion was followed by more as each one obliterated every remaining part of the factory. The sound could be heard throughout Cloudsdale and even as far as Canterlot. The night sky was lit up with fire and debris. Scootaloo watched for any sign of a pony falling away from it or some sign that Lock had gotten out of there. But she saw nothing but debris and fire fall from what was left of the factory. Scootaloo felt a tear fall from her face. Just then, she heard Rainbow Dash groan. Scootaloo turned and ran over to where RD was just starting to come too.

“Scootaloo? I…What happened to the Factory? Where are we?” Scootaloo felt every last tear fall from her face as she embraced Rainbow Dash. She wrapped her hooves tightly around RD as she wept into her fur. “Rainbow I thought I had lost you again. I was so worried. And then Lock…” Scootaloo found she was unable to say more. Rainbow Dash just lifted her wings and wrapped them around Scootaloo returning the embrace. They stayed like that for a long time.

Rainbow Dash just sat there comforting Scootaloo as weeks of nightmares had finally come to an end. When Scootaloo finally found her voice again, she tried to tell Rainbow what had happened but when she got to the part of leaving Lock behind she found herself again at a loss for words. Rainbow Dash brought her close and told her it was ok. “Scootaloo, I think this is what he wanted. He knew how much we meant to each other and he was willing to allow that to continue even if that meant his own life could not. All we can do now is thank him for freeing us and destroying the nightmare, by living our lives. I think he would have been happier if we did. But when you are ready we will tell the princesses what went on here and we will get justice. And perhaps a little something for Lock as well. Scootaloo nodded as she hugged Rainbow again. Rainbow Dash looked up at the night sky. It was a clear night.

And the Nightmare was over.

Author's Note:

And so ends my first fanfic. Sorry it took so long to get this out. Life kinda got crazy. I found myself starting another fanfic that I came up with after watching BDP's Clouds. Now this story is done and I am happy to have finally found time to finish it do to a big snowstorm we just had. Don't forget to check out my other stories as they should be better since I have have written them recently. Hope you enjoyed the story.