• Member Since 13th May, 2012
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Comments ( 52 )

That was actually much sweeter than I expected. However, I doubt it will stay that way. Have my thumb.



Yes, it was good.

Moustashe. :moustache:

"F:yay:k you rarity, I do wut I want! #YOLF"
Robert Paterson.



Scarves are all the rage this season, Sweetie, were this one.

Werewolves? Or Wearwolves? Or was it Warewolves?

Regidar makes a serious story... Hell hath indeed frozen over

Not bad. The emotions felt genuine and the scenario is believable. I also love the bond that the sisters share. :twilightsmile:

And if they get me and the sun goes down into the ground...
Love that song. Therefore, I love this.

DAMN IT REGIDAR! I decide to stay awake to 4 in the morning to see you posted another story involving My Chemical Romance...with their first album...and their song Vampires will never hurt you...god...stop tempting me to watch you (the hipster in me will kill me for following any more mainstream people)
I like the idea and the fact that ponies are being killed because they are suspected of being a vampire (don't correct me...I know...) which gives off the same vibe as the Salem witch trials where females were being persecuted for being suspected of being a witch. I love the idea of having it revolve around Sweetie Belle instead of an adult pony. More raw emotion as someone so young would be susceptible to live in a dangerous environment such as this. As much as I hate supernatural mixing in with ponies...I will have to favorite this story because...I just want to see what happens as ideas are forming in my head at who can and can't be trusted and who is and isn't a vampire.

Sorry if I sounded rude...during the spiel...I is just how I write when ranting..I mean commenting:twilightblush:

Looks like our glorious god leader has been busy.
I love it.

Yes.. My Chemical Romance! :D
I'm going to give this a read. It seems interesting. :3

1814078 I'm not exactly "mainstream"... I'm the epitome of the underground. I've gather so many followers without being featured.

1815740 Doesn't mean you aren't mainstream, Some people are still popular even though they don't have featured materials. Look at me, I got a featured story but still only amass 50-60 followers. It really doesn't matter if it gets popular or not. It really depends on the content and how many "fans" a person earns. same goes for bands. You also have...a lot of Popular people following you that I am sure people would want to be followed by. So with 400 followers, and over 20K first story views, a fan club...I am pretty sure you became a household name for the site.:twilightsmile:

Ponyville has vampire hunts? Interesting.

1815708 It's an amazing song.

1816466 They're pretty brutal about it.

Ponyville has vampony hunts. Cheerilee is (supposedly) dead on suspicion of being a vampony. Everypony in town is terrified of them.

This seems appropriate:


Calling it now: Rarity is a vampony but doesn't want her sister to be ... I dunno, what's the proper lingo? Infested? Converted? Turned?


Most questions are rhetorical.
I'm no English Major.

Using her magic, Sweetie levitated an apple from the rest of the fruits. She sunk her teeth into the skin of the apple, taking a bite of the sweet fruit.
-Nice foreshadowing.

The filly shook her head. “No, they took her to the town center to do it. They made us stay behind.”
“Was she a...”
Sweetie shook her head again. “I don’t know!
-So a full-on witch-hunt without proper testing? Justifying that "Dark" tag... which probably means I am not going to stick with this story, but whatever. I would think that Twilight could run such tests at the least. Or Celestia could make the rounds and use her sun-magic to test imprisoned suspects since they are vulnerable to the sun, even if it doesn't do enough that you can just drag a suspect into sunlight and see if their fur starts to char. Maybe if vamponies get much stronger/can turn into mist but only at night then trying to hold suspects for several days would be a problem? I can't imagine that a version of Equestria dark enough to generate lynch-mobs wouldn't also have jail cells in every town.

“Scarves are all the rage this season, Sweetie, wear this one. Besides, I don’t want you to catch a cold, winter is coming.”
-Knowing Rarity she did something equivalent to the following: wrapped flexible mithril wire in yarn, and used the right sort of weave (to keep the wires from spreading apart) that two layers of scarf would keep the average vampony fang from penetrating to the artery.

“Not if you take the proper precautions against them, you won’t!
-Should be "they won't!" I think.

In the dying evening light, a small ray seemed to shine off it. An aura of warmth seemed to radiate from within it, making Sweetie Belle feel safe.
-Let me guess... it contains a single concentrated sunbeam or burst of light that releases on command, or when the wearer is sufficiently terrified and/or experiences X amount of blood loss, or maybe just when a vampony gets within a few hooves of it?

being adorned on her.
-Awkward phrasing.

I’ve got to get this scarf order done by the day after tomorrow, and I still have-” Rarity check a form next to her. “SEVENTEEN LEFT?”
-Ah, so she is selling armor-scarves... they better have some magic in them to hold them closed, since if the customers she is selling them to know, and the vamponies are hiding among the populous then the vamponies probably know too. She could be handing them out without telling people what they are out of Generosity, but the word "order" would tend to contradict that.

“I’ll make us dinner!” This time, Rarity did faint.
-*Small snort of amusement*

but her excelsior for the next day drowned it out.
-I wondered if this was proper English, but I decided not to look up the definitions of that word since rules are made to be broken occasionally, and this would be sufficient cause.

1821557 Thank you for the full review!

So a full-on witch-hunt without proper testing? Justifying that "Dark" tag... which probably means I am not going to stick with this story, but whatever. I would think that Twilight could run such tests at the least. Or Celestia could make the rounds and use her sun-magic to test imprisoned suspects since they are vulnerable to the sun, even if it doesn't do enough that you can just drag a suspect into sunlight and see if their fur starts to char. Maybe if vamponies get much stronger/can turn into mist but only at night then trying to hold suspects for several days would be a problem? I can't imagine that a version of Equestria dark enough to generate lynch-mobs wouldn't also have jail cells in every town.

Twilight's got a lot on her plate, as will be proven in the next chapter. Celestia too, but more so: Because vamponies are burned by the sun, she is busy cleansing Equestria, starting with Canterlot onward.

Let me guess... it contains a single concentrated sunbeam or burst of light that releases on command, or when the wearer is sufficiently terrified and/or experiences X amount of blood loss, or maybe just when a vampony gets within a few hooves of it?

Think of it to be the equivalent of a cross, with an added sun enchantment. :raritywink:

Ah, so she is selling armor-scarves... they better have some magic in them to hold them closed, since if the customers she is selling them to know, and the vamponies are hiding among the populous then the vamponies probably know too. She could be handing them out without telling people what they are out of Generosity, but the word "order" would tend to contradict that.

Well, she's got to pull in bits somehow. She is selling them at a reduced price, I'll mention that in the next chapter.

I wondered if this was proper English, but I decided not to look up the definitions of that word since rules are made to be broken occasionally, and this would be sufficient cause.

Excelsior actually menas "Upward and onward", but I twisted it to be a synonym with "euphoria".

Thank you again for the review!


Twilight's got a lot on her plate, as will be proven in the next chapter. Celestia too, but more so: Because vamponies are burned by the sun, she is busy cleansing Equestria, starting with Canterlot onward.

Twilight would have to be VERY busy to put up with innocent ponies being killed with stakes because of a witch-hunt. Even if she is doing Pro-grade vampire hunting or scouring the Everfree for hiding vamponies I can't see her canonical personality not dropping that to do testing, even if it would result in more deaths overall. She may be an egghead but she isn't that cold and calculating. I guess a general order to that effect (let alone something addressed specifically to her) from Celestia(or maybe Luna) could override that, but anything less than that I would see her appealing to Celestia via Spike either immediately or after the first incident.

The Princesses might be that pragmatic when they have no other choice, but in a world where Friendship is Magic it is slightly harder to believe.

Well, she's got to pull in bits somehow. She is selling them at a reduced price, I'll mention that in the next chapter.

Both good points, but I wasn't considering the situation vis-a-vis Generousity/Economics/Profiteering. I was considering TACTICS.
Scenario One: Most ponies don't know what the scarves do. All scarf-wearers might, but, if so, none of them are vamponies themselves, or go blabbing about the fact.
-Vampony pins pony
-Vampony bites pony.
-Vampony realizes that scarf is stopping fang penetration.
-Vampony PROBABLY releases, and MAYBE goes "What the Buck!?" distracting it.
-Vampony tries to move scarf or pull it off, unless bloodlust at the immediate prospect of feeding turns them too animalistic to think of that.
Analysis: With an extra second to act, little to no loss of blood from first bite attempt, and perhaps ability to escape scarf (or at least to rotate neck within scarf at the cost of some nasty long scratches at most), pony has a somewhat increased chance of survival/avoiding transformation.

Scenario Two: Sign in front of Carousel Boutique "Get your armored scarf! Only 50 bits! Subsidies available for the poor! First Come, First Serve!" It can be assumed that any vampony hiding in plain sight knows what the scarves do and will take them into account.
-Vampony pins pony.
-Vampony rips off scarf or moves it out of the way before even trying to bite.(Perhaps in reverse order from the previous step). OR Vampony has elected to strike indoors where the scarf would be removed... unless they aren't very insulating or the pony is willing to put up with a little over-warmth (or turning down their heating*).
-Vampony attempts to bite.
Analysis: Extra step adds some incremental degree of chance to escape/rescue, but not much. Pony has a mildly increased chance of survival/avoiding transformation.
*Which could be an open hearth in many houses in Equestria due to schitzotech.

I would also suggest as a story facet idea that if vamponies can live on stored blood, then Celestia might have instituted an amnesty program for those that surrender. This depends on how much blood they need, how easy they are to keep imprisoned(again super strength and/or mist form limited to night-time hours could explain how the mob could get a potentially vampiric Cheerilee, but she couldn't be kept in prison if she was a vampony), and if killing a vampony is considered a mercy to it. The last point is important because even if one assumes that the original soul is gone on to the afterlife, and that what you are left with is a complete monster in its morals and ethics, then offering amnesty is tactically and legally sound. "You can't legislate morality."** so if you have someone who WOULD be a complete monster given the chance, but is too afraid of the legal repercussions***, then the law has done its job. Of course if it is causing suffering that the average vampony desires, rather than merely feeding, then there might not be many taking them up on that offer... or if Princess Celestia doesn't have good enough grip on her citizens' panic to keep them from breaking the bargain she offers vamponies.

**Or do you think that it is possible to legislate morality, at least as far as Equestria goes?
***Including the special case of being physically constrained because they were afraid at an earlier time of the repercussions of not surrendering.

I understand if you don't want to take things to that level of complexity, but I am a BIG fan of world-building and paying attention to such details.

Expect a supplementary PM from me explaining some details you might or might not care about.

Just being Brony-fic isn't enough to make it non-mainstream? I guess not...

I assume you mean "Supernatural", as in the TV show, since this is a world in which most of the (non-animal) characters have supernatural abilities. True, we only know about the earth ponies supernatural abilities via stuff that the creators have said but even if you ignore that you are still left with about 2/3s of the ponies, plus dragons (fire breath and flight despite large size), alicorns, and Pinkie Pie.

1822835 well...for the site. I do it for joking reasons.

Well true. A lot of things are crazy but I mean the supernatural for the show itself. They never mention anything about ponies who suck blood and become werewolf in the show (Halloween Special...hopefully next year the CMC befriend on of them) . Only one story I read has that (Song of the moon by Blackwing) that has those ghosts, vampires...etc.

1822799 I too am a fan of world building, and I'll probably introduce scenario two on in. The thing with Twilight is that she's trying to lobby against the vampony hunters, but everyone else in the town is so gos damned terrified of them that they ignore her. She has rescued a few for research purposes- again,t his will be explained in the next chapter.

Celestia is both dealing with cleansing and curing recently bit ones, and Luna is using her powers of the night to try and cull them.

Feel free to drop me that PM! :pinkiehappy:

1822928 Wait, wait wait.... Something you said doesn't make sense....

Celestia is both dealing with cleansing and curing recently bit ones

So let me get this straight... The almighty god ruler is turning your loved ones back into normal ponies, but because you are so afraid of them you say 'Fuck you!' To the one thing that can save them and instead KILL them permanitly?! I do not believe that at all. :ajbemused:

1823589 Hm, let me clarify: It takes some time for them to be fully infected. Celestia is dealing with those ones. Those who have been affected= No help. The HAVE to be cleansed. And She's so busy with Canterlot and all the other refugees that Ponyville had to take matters into their own hooves.

1823667 Ok, so kinda like how Werewolves work, got 3 nights, or till next full moon, to be cured or be turned and incurable?

1823743 Yeah! I'll be explaining this all when Sweetie Belle gets to Twilight's library. Oh, the books she'll find!

all these MCR referances

The song is just so damn good. I've been on an MCR binge for about a month and this is my favorite song.

Just got around to reading this, why isn't this being updated?
also, inb4 Rarity is a vampony.

This is pretty cool so far!
aaaaand now I got the song stuck in my head again:pinkiecrazy:

2249165 And if they get me and the sun goes down into the ground...

Please write more. This is an awesome fic, and i can't see it fall into the hellish pits of Hiatuis.

2839756 I've been meaning too, it's just that I'm so lazy :raritydespair:

2839765 You did it, you fucking did it. You let the story fall into hiatus.

5999606 It is an expectation by now to many people that I fail them in every possible way

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