• Published 15th Jan 2012
  • 1,570 Views, 25 Comments

Rainbow's Song - DMDash71

Rainbow Dash gets a royal invite to a contest that's normally not her specialty.

  • ...

Chapter 8

Rainbow Dash walked slowly out across the flagstones of the court floor, her golden shoes clicking clearly in the still, quiet air. She reached the edge of the light and paused for a moment, ears flickering nervously, before slowly walking in.

The multicolored hue of her forelock and mane caught the light at once, a glittering scrim of color that flowered into full blossom as she centered herself in the spot. The light ticked off of the gleaming golden laurel leaves that Rarity had fashioned for her, as close to a tiara as Rainbow would ever willingly wear. The unadulterated brilliance of the spotlight stole away her vision, reducing her sight range to the two or three pony lengths that it spread around her. The massive crowd was lost in the darkness outside it, and although she could hear their rustle and murmur, she felt unutterably alone.

Glancing up, she could, just barely, make out the form of the white-maned unicorn conducting the orchestra above. He glanced down at her, then over to her score sheet, pausing for a moment. “Hmm. Eine Moment, bitte." She heard a quiet rustling, and squinted through the glare until she could see that most of the orchestra had set their instruments aside. Only one violinist and the piano player remained poised, awaiting a cue. She could hear a startled murmur from one corner where her friends stood, and fought to repress a sudden, welcome laugh. Surprise!

The conductor nodded back down to her. “Ach, so. Now, Rainbow Dash. We begin, ja?”

She nodded back to him and looked back out into the rustling darkness. Scootaloo’s voice came tearing up out of it, full of hope. “Way to go, Rainbow Dash!” There were several chuckles, and she allowed a small smile to sneak out. Thanks, kiddo.

She heard the piano begin, leading her along. Closing her eyes and lifting her voice, Rainbow Dash began to sing.

Rainbow's Song

There are days
When things just all go wrong
Like clouds of rolling thunder,
But have you ever seen their wonder?

And I’m amazed
It took me oh, so long
To climb up past the lightning
Every moment so exciting

When I fly
The clouds I leave behind
When I soar up there, my only care
Is zooming past, I’m going fast
And try
To let my thoughts unwind
No worries here, the sky is clear
No oddball stares or angry glares
Can reach me, nothing beats me
When I fly.

There are nights
When gloom is all around
Trapped down in the pouring rain
It makes me feel so small and plain

All those sights
So high above the ground
Call me, make me flap my wings
And climb above ordinary things

When I fly
The clouds I leave behind
The stars are bright, my heart so light
The world’s out there, I’ll race you there
And try
To let my thoughts unwind
No worries here, the sky is clear
A brand new start, no aching heart
Can reach me, nothing beats me
When I fly.

Things I’ve seen
And done with all my friends
Days all full of laughter
And nights that follow after

Like a gleam
Of sunlight that begins
When thundershowers pass on by,
Well, I guess that now that is why

When I fly
The clouds I leave behind
Blue sky above, this thing I love
No way no how, can’t catch me now
And try
To share my love in kind
No worries here, the sky is clear
Dark skies behind, my friends remind
Life can’t trip me, you’re all with me
When I fly.

The final notes lifted into the room, carried along with the last chords of music as they drifted away into the silence that followed. Rainbow Dash opened her eyes, seeing the spotlight fade out around her, hearing and counting her own heartbeats as they passed. One, two, three…

Was it that bad? For Pete’s sake, why doesn’t anyone say something?

The dimmed lights began to come up in the room, and with them came the sound of a set of hooves-small ones-stamping in applause. It was followed by another, heavier set, and then another upon another, and as the lights rose to their former brilliance, she saw the entire room begin to cheer for her. In the very back row, even the cooking staff and waiters had come out to watch, and she saw one pony in a ridiculously huge puffy chef’s hat stamping madly. “Bravo, mademoiselle,” he shouted over the din. “Tres magnifique!”

“Uh, thanks!” she yelled back, waving at him, sending the crowd into another bout of cheers. She could feel the dull heat of embarrassment mounting in her cheeks. Not knowing what else to do, she gave a quick bow and turned to trot back over to where her friends were, only to see them rushing her and surrounding her in a group hug of epic proportions. “Whoaa!”

“Oh darling, that was beautiful!” Rarity scrubbed at her eyes with a foreleg. “I didn’t know…I wasn’t expecting that at all!”

Twilight sniffed and nodded, laughing. “Yeah, not what we expected from Ms. Awesomeness.”

“Yeah, well…”

Rainbow Dash felt an odd touch, as if something were tickling her between her ears, and a quiet voice spoke in her mind. That was very brave of you, my little pony. I am very proud of you.

Startled, she glanced around to look at the Princess Celestia. The alicorn met her gaze, the silver horn on her forehead ablaze with light.

Thank you, Rainbow thought back, a bit shaken by the contact. Um…did I win?

Celestia’s laughter rang through the hall, simultaneously sounding clearly in Rainbow’s head. This was no contest, my little pony. No winners or losers. I just wanted to spend some time together with you, and get to know all of you better. You would be surprised what you can learn about someone just by listening to them sing. To what they sing.

“Yeah, I kinda figured that part out on my own.”

Pinkie Pie giggled at her. “What part of what?”

Rainbow grinned sheepishly. “Oh, um, nothin’.”

I shall leave you to your friends now, Rainbow Dash. The Princess smiled gently at her as she rose and left the dais where she had stood during the performance. Thank you for not…skipping out on this…for me. You would have been sorely missed. The royal guards took up station on either side as Celestia and Luna left their guest to their celebration.

Rainbow felt a touch on her foreleg and looked down. “Scoots! I heard you out there, kiddo!”

The little filly’s eyes were wet, but she had a smile on her face as she gazed up. “I brought you something.”

“What’s that, squirt?”

Scootaloo fiddled with a knot on the side of her dress, finally undoing it and producing an apple from the folded fabric. “Is this one okay?”

Rainbow Dash simply stared for a moment, and then burst out laughing. “That’s perfect, Scoots. Thanks for remembering.” She ruffled the little filly’s hair. “Sorry I couldn’t fit the word ‘awesome’ in my song for ya. It just…didn’t fit, ya know?”

Scootaloo frowned and shook her head. “That’s okay, Rainbow. It wasn’t an awesome song, anyway.”

Rainbow Dash blinked, taken aback for a moment. “Really?”

“No.” Scootaloo fluttered her wings for a moment, and then settled them at her sides again before offering the sky-blue pegasus a small smile. “It was better than that.”

The End

Comments ( 14 )

Thanks, I'm glad it works for you. :) Working with an established character is tough; you can't make them do what you might like to, because it grates wrong. And with somebody like Dash, you're liable to end up chasing after her, your original idea unraveling behind you as you fight to catch up. Still, it's fun. I LOVE fun things! :rainbowwild:

That was such a perfect ending! I love Celestia's talking to Rainbow.
Rainbow's song was so sweet and it just proves that she's beyond awesome!
The addition of Scootalove made it all really cute and adorable. I like to think that Rainbow Dash has hidden depths, which are always fun and interesting to explore.

Great job!

Very good, but it's a shame it's only a fic so I couldn't actually hear the song. Reading the lyrics to a song just isn't the same unless you know what it actually sounds like:(.

Very true; one of the limitations of text, I'm afraid. :/

Thanks for reading, though!

#5 · Jan 16th, 2012 · · ·

I love fanfics like this that show a deeper side to Rainbow, well done good sir :moustache:

Was I really the first to put a dent in the ratings? Huh.

I just... I can't. That was too beautiful. Complete adoration over here.


You know, I totally forgot about the ratings. You are first pony! And thank you for the kind comments. :)

Seventy-nine weeks since this went up?? Wow, I've been missing it all this time.

This fits SO WELL with the pitch of the first/second seasons, and it's a wonderful story. I've only started, but I wanted to pitch in and say how disappointed I am that this has not gotten more attention. LOVE IT! :rainbowdetermined2:


Thanks, dude! I'm really glad you like it; I tried hard to keep it authentic.

Seriously, glad it works for you. Thank you so much. :pinkiehappy:

Oh, wow. This was as beautiful and unexpected to me as it was to everypony else. I teared up a bit.

3581302 Thank you. I really liked trying to stick with what felt almost like an episode in this; I've dived out of my comfort zone since then, but this still has some of my favorite feels.

Mainly RD coming up through the clouds and seeing everything spread out below her...a private image I tried to share just a bit. :rainbowkiss:

You know... I started this over a year ago. At the time, the opening premise didn't grab me, and I got distracted, The pace was measured when I was looking for something exciting off the bat, and I think I dug into CouchCrusader's "Wingmares" and then Bronius's "At Home On The Range."

I really regret that, because the ending was a wonderful study of what Rainbow's character can be.

This is one of those fics that I'm going to come back and re-read every once in a while because it resonates with me and does really nice things with a character I like, but who is often left sort of two-dimensional. And, also because it's a good way to learn how to flesh out the characters I want to create. There's a smoothness, a well-roundedness that I can't achieve yet, that speaks of a LOT of thought and refinement.

For all that some people say this or that part of the show has shown "character growth," all of it pales besides how you've given depth to her character without changing it.

4327615 I really should read my story comments more...honestly, I kinda wrote this one off (wrote, ha ha) because it was my first fic effort and didn't get a lot of traffic.

I'm glad I checked back...thank you very much for the compliments and even more for just coming back to try it again. I'm really glad you found it worth the read! :rainbowkiss:

I wrote a review of your story. You can see it here.

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