• Published 19th Dec 2012
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Command and Conquer Equestria: New Lunar Republic - smoers06

The New Lunar Republic Faction story of the "Command and Conquer: Equestria" Series

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Prologue: Plans must be made...

(Be sure to read this if you haven't already)

“We can’t take this Course of action,” Talisman argued. “Not without looking at all alternatives.”
“We HAVE looked at all the alternatives,” Trixie shot back. “And we have agreed that this is the best way.”
“Not all of us share your ideas of aggression Trixie!”
Sitting in her office, surrounded by four of her top Military Commanders, Princess Luna felt a migraine coming on.
It wasn’t just the arguing that was going on before her that brought the pain, it was the heaviness of the decision that was laid out before her, what it could mean.
Currently, it was just her, Trixie, Talisman, a human Commando named Phoenix, and a grey Earth Pony with a dark mane.
“The Human Alliance is pressing on our borders,” The blue Unicorn stated. “They’ve increased their fleet patrols along our waters tenfold, harassing our Naval ships and daring them to engage in battle. This is an obvious prelude to war, and Trixie suggests that we strike at them before they strike at us!”
”That’s a nice idea Trixie,” Talisman said sarcastically. “But we can’t just strike at the Alliance just because they call us bad names on the school-yard.”
“And there’s another fact we have to consider,” The other mare suddenly spoke, her voice flavored with an accent. “If we start a conflict with the Alliance, the Solar Empire won’t just sit it out. We must realize that if we go through with this, we will be starting a World War, the first one in nearly two centuries.”
“We’ve all heard your opinion on the matter Octavia,” Trixie said. “But we can’t just sit here and allow ourselves to be bullied by the Alliance simply because we’re afraid to defend ourselves!”
This argument had been going on for nearly an hour, and they were no closer to agreeing than they were when they started. Luna had remained silent throughout the battle of words, wanting to hear every angle, and she had gotten a pretty strong sense of where each commander stood on the issue.
Trixie was, as ever, aggressive, believing that the Republic should strike hard and fast against the Alliance before they could see it coming.
Talisman, however, disagreed. She argued that they were rushing to quickly into a war with too little information.
And although she didn't agree with the somewhat aggressive state of mind, she found herself somewhat agreeing with the Unicorn's points.
Ever since the First war ended, the Solar Empire, Human Alliance, and New Lunar Republic had all been eying each other carefully, the scars of the last conflict running far too deep for things to ever return to the way they were. Although Luna despised the war, she knew that every human and pony that came to the Republic seeking refuge had their own scars of war, and most still harbored bad memories of one faction or another. With the lines drawn, Luna knew it would only be a matter of time before the Solar Empire and Human Alliance would duke it out again, and her beloved New Lunar Republic would be caught right in the middle of it. Understanding that both factions wouldn't hesitate to attack the Republic if they saw value in it, Luna had been forced to join the Arms Race that was already going on between the two other superpowers. The Princess knew that peace would eventually crumble, and she honestly hadn't expected it to last as long as it did.
And she never would have imagined that the Republic would be the ones forced to make the first move.
Octavia was not against the idea of striking against the humans, but pushed that they should consider the consequences such an action would take.
Phoenix appeared to be on the fence, standing to the side and not speaking a word during the argument. Ever the loyal soldier, she knew he would agree with whatever decision she chose to make.
But, she could tell he was deep in thought.
“Captain,” She said. “I’m sure you have an opinion on the matter.”
The human looked up, his steely blue eyes glancing at the princess.
“I can’t give you an ethical analysis,” He said. “Only a tactical one.”
“I will take it.”
Phoenix stepped over to the desk, pointing at the plans that Trixie and Octavia had made out.
“The plans are solid, we would be able to strike at the very heart of the Alliance without too much trouble.” He said. “However, once we attack the Human Mainland, they WILL retaliate. They have too many fleets, and the Evening Armada won’t be able to hold them all by itself. If we choose to strike at Coronet, the Alliance will bring war to Republic soil. We have to be ready for that.”
“But if we don’t act soon, war will come to our front door anyway.” Trixie noted bitterly.
Luna took in a deep breath, then let it out slowly.
“I think I’ve heard enough.” The Princess of the night said. “We’ll take it to a vote. I abstain.”
“The Great and Powerful Trixie votes yes.”
“And the Intelligent and Sensible human votes no.” Talisman said flatly.
“I abstain.” Phoenix said.
They all turned to Octavia, whose vote would, quite literally, determine the future of the world.
The Earth Pony looked to the ground, then shook her head.
“Yes.” She said quietly.
Luna nodded, a note of finality in the movement.
“Very well,” She said. “Gather our forces, we will strike soon.”
“I don’t like it,” Talisman grumbled. “But if we’re going to go through with this, we’re going to need some new blood in the command structure. We’ll need to start looking for new candidates for Command positions.”
Luna glanced over to Phoenix, who now had a small smile on his face.
“You have an idea Captain?”
“Maybe,” He admitted. “Someone I met a long time ago…”