• Published 16th Jan 2012
  • 3,019 Views, 251 Comments

The Sour Grapes Chronicles - The Incredible Werekitty

The story about Sour Grapes, and her vineyard

  • ...

Royal Delights and Canterlot Nights

Several days later, Stormy’s birthday party was held in the barn. It was a quiet affair, with gifts, and reminiscing. Grapes prepared a simple lemon ice-box pie for Stormfront’s birthday, since the Sugarcube Corner was still recovering from the parasprite infestation. A simple recipe, with a pleasant tartness but not too tart that made Stormfront’s day. The big gray pegasus’ smile was worth the effort, in Grapes’ mind. Gifts were given, songs were sung, and the pie was eaten. And that day went very well for them all.

It was a couple of days later that Sour Grapes had a rare visit from Twilight Sparkle. She arrived, with Spike, after lunch looking about the same as she did when she was told to forward a message from Princess Celestia. Spike seemed to be looking around at the pegasai who were working in the vines, and around the grounds.

“Hey, Twilight. What brings you here?” Grapes said trotting over to her guest.

“Looks like you got another letter,” Twilight said with a smile. “You’ve been writing to Princess Celestia, since that first time, I take it?”

“Yup. Been keeping her up-to-date on current events, around here. Providing some insight, that sort of thing,” Grapes said with a shrug. “Wonder what the Princess wanted to know about, that it was so urgent?” Twilight looked at the seal, then blanched a bit.

“I, uh, don’t think this was written by the Princess...” she uttered.

“Huh?” Grapes uttered, then unrolled the scroll.

“To: Sour Grapes care of Grapevine Hills Vineyards

From: The Desk of Princess Celestia

It has come to the attention of her solar greatness that several diplomatic functions are approaching and are currently without any planned wine provider. It is at the bequest of Princess Celestia that Sour Grapes will come to Canterlot via royal chariot with a broad sampling of her Vineyard's product for evaluation. Rapid response to this message is appreciated.”

“Who wrote this?” Grapes said raising an eyebrow.

Twilight looked at the scroll then at the wax seal and shuddered. "Uhm... well... you know that Equestria is a very large union of territories, it would be silly to believe that Even a being like Princess Celestia herself could possibly keep it all straight without assistance... right?"

"Hmmm... True. Whoever wrote this, though, sounds rather... officious."

"I know... But you really don't want to get on the bad side of Impertinence. As Celestia's Personal Assistant she has a LOT of clout... nearly as much as the Royal Vizier's."

“You should know by now I don't tend to give a flying flip about 'clout'," Grapes said calmly. "But this does seem like a letter written by a pony named 'Impertinence'. Glad it was delivered on a Monday. I should have a nice selection by the weekend, and be able to pester Rarity into working in some kind of uniform vest into her queue."

"Uh yeah. Look. I've been in and out of the Palace a lot since I was a foal. I know the ponies there and... there's two you gotta be careful around. One is Impertinence. She's as inflexible as Iron when it comes to keeping Celestia organized. Please be careful around her."

"So... She teach you about being organized did she?" Grapes asked, raising an eyebrow, catching on to Twilight’s nervousness about Impertinence. "Possibly why you're so worried, aside from the obvious motivation of not letting your mentor down, about being tardy, hm?"

Twilight hung her head and nodded. "She only taught me things because Celestia asked her to. The only Pony that seemed to get away with anything around her is Guarity... the Royal Vizier.”

"I see. Hmmm... Well I'd better RSVP, with the time I will be able to return. Should I be just as official?" Grapes mused, thoughtfully. "If so, I'd better go inside and get some letterhead."

"You have Letterhead?" the purple unicorn asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, because sometimes we've got to do some official missives for officious ponies. Be right back," Grapes said going inside, briefly, and coming out with her stationary kit.

"Hmmm. 'I, Sour Grapes of Grapevine Hills Vineyard and Winery, is most grateful for Her Solar Radiance's regard in the area of fine inbibables. However, it is with great regret that my schedule prevents me from bringing forth a sampling of my fine vintages before the weekend. Come Saturday, I shall be at your disposal at your earliest convenience with a sampler crate of my most celebrated wines: Chateau D'Chevalier, Chateau D'Royal, and Chateau D'Imperial. I also plan on bringing something different for Her Royal Highness' perusal.

Thank you again for your invitation. I await the weekend with great eagerness.


Sour Grapes

Proprietor Grapevine Hills Vineyard and Winery," Grapes muttered, as she wrote the letter. "Officious enough for dear Impertinence?"

Twilight Sparkle read it over quickly and giggled. "Definitely. I think she grazes on red tape and thrives on bureaucracy."

"Can Spike send this to Perty?"

"Certainly. He's just down in the fields at the moment. He's kinda facinated by your workers," replied Twilight with a chuckle.

"Why is he fascinated by pegasai? He sees them all the time around town, doesn't he?" Grapes asked raising an eyebrow.

"He does... but even though he's seen them with businesses and doing a lot of ordinary pony things, he's never seen them as Farmhooves. You have to admit it's interesting."

"Tell it to the weathermares who tend to take their breaks here..." Grapes groused. "They act like a construction crew would, if Rarity or Fluttershy walked by."

"Oh yes... I remember Rarity's big debut in Cloudsdale when I gave her wings,” Twilight uttered with a roll of her eyes.

Grapes chuckled. "So who's he checking out? Either Queenie or Sirocco, I bet. He seems to have a thing for the ladies."

"He was impressed by Queenie, but I think he's more into darker manes. So it's probably Sirocco.”

A sharp "GAH!" came from inside of the barn followed by the short purple dragon they were just talking about. He was running as fast as his stubby little legs could carry him, stopping only once he was behind Twilight's legs. "Twilight! There's... some... THING in the barn!"

"Let me guess, he's a short pony with yellow slitted eyes and bat wings?"

"All I saw were the eyes... wait... there's a pony attached to them?" A gray head with wide golden eyes and a purple/black mane popped out of the doorway looking around.

"Miss grapes! Did you see it? There was some... THING in the barn a moment ago! It was purple and scaly and..."

"Earshot, this is Twilight Sparkle's assistant, Spike. He's a young dragon. Spike this is Earshot. He's a night pony."

"Hello." Spike said quietly, peering out from behind Twilight's legs like a shy foal and it's mother. Earshot stepped out from the barn and with a smile trotted over.

"Oh wow... You're even smaller than Smudge. Hey there. I'm Earshot, pleased to meet you."

Spike looked at the strange figure and blinked. "So... are you some kind of Pegasus?"

"Oh yes. Thank you for noticing. I'm a Night Pony, we're a sort of Pegasus that happens to be built for night-flying," Earshot said with a nod.

"Oh. that kinda explains all the creepy stuff,” the young dragon said with a slight grin.

"Spike!" Twilight griped.

"Sorry Twilight, I didn't mean to call him creepy..." Spike uttered, trailing off.

"He grows on you," Grapes said with a smirk.

"It's okay. I'm not offended. I know ponies find me different... That's why I came out here. I'm hoping to get people used to ponies that look like me. That way when the rest of my breed comes out of hiding maybe... we'll be treated fairly. You know, judged on who we are instead of how we look," the night pony said wistfully.

"How... how many MORE of you... night ponies are there?" Twilight sparkle asked, her curiosity getting the better of her.

"Oh... I can't tell you an exact number. Probably a town's worth at least. But we're way outnumbered by daylight pegasai and... Well... Daylight Ponies in general," Earshot replied.

"So Night Ponies are real, and numerous but not... dangerous," Twilight uttered, musingly, obviously happy to have learned something new.

"Yes, yes and no... We're no more dangerous than any other kind of pony. We have our good ones and bad just like out here. But like out here the good outnumber those who don't play well with others,” Earshot observed with a smile.

"That's... amazing. I have so many questions I..." Twilight paused and looked at Grapes who was standing there patiently. "But they can wait for another time. Sour Grapes, please hand the message to Spike and he'll send it on it's way."

"If you would be so kind as to send this to Impertinence, I would be grateful, Spike," Grapes said levitating her official reply to the dragonling.

Spike gave her a look that was similar to 'Are you nuts?' as he held the scroll in his hands a moment. "Are you SURE you wanna send HER mail?"

"Yes. She sent me an official missive, and I replied in kind," the chocolate brown unicorn replied with a slight smirk.

"Well, okay," Spike said before took a deep breath and huffed out a short burst of green flame across the scroll. It was amazing how the paper was reduced to ash in a heartbeat, and the ash to just a swirl of swirly, sparkly purple with green accents rising up into the sky.

"Well I need to head to town, and pester Rarity for a nice uniform vest. I'll get a label so she can work with the logo," Grapes said thoughtfully. "I'll tell Stormy he's in charge, while I'm out... And you can chat with Earshot, if you like Twilight."

"Oh! That would be... I mean if you can spare him," Twilight said excitedly, obviously happy to learn more about the mysterious night ponies.

"What were you doing in the barn, Earshot? Maybe you could do whatever work you were doing between chats with Twilight and Spike," Sour Grapes asked.

"Oh certainly! I was cleaning out the hayloft, nobody's really done anything serious up there for a while."

"You weren't cleaning the hay out, were you? We use that during the winter to keep the vines from being killed by frost," Grapes asked.

"Well to be honest I don't think anyone's put fresh hay up there in a while. It really should be changed before winter comes in. But mostly it's cleaning out behind old crates and labeling what you got in them... mostly old clothing and stuff. Really nice stuff, but old," Earshot replied nodding toward the barn.

"Hmm. Okay. Cleaning out the hayloft sounds like something you can talk while doing it. Knowing Twilight, she'd want to put her organizational skills to the task," Grapes observed with a slight smirk at Twilight.

"Oh Spike and I can be of good use up there," Twilight said excitedly.

"That would be great. Thank you Miss Sparkle," Earshot uttered with a grin at the studious purple unicorn.

"Thanks, Twilight. Enjoy your talk, too," Grapes said, before going to find Stormfront, and telling him he was in charge in her absence. Once the small details were taken care of she headed immediately into Ponyville. It was fairly quiet, and Rarity had just finished speaking to the Mayor on some matter as she entered the shop.

"Oh don't worry Mayor Mare. everything will be just fine. Oh Grapes! Darling! Welcome back so soon," Rarity said to the departing official, then turned to the brown unicorn who had shown up on her threshold.

'About time,' Grapes thought before saying out loud: "Hey, Rarity. I've got a bit of a rush commission to ask of you, if you're not too busy."

"I have a little time on my hooves for a friendly face. What do you need?"

"Promise not to... Overreact?" Grapes asked, just knowing that Rarity would do so, more than likely.

"Very well... you have my word that I shall not overreact. I am not some Drama Queen you know," Rarity uttered with a toss of her royal purple mane.

"Well you have this 'thing' about royalty, Rarity. And I just received a Royal summons from Princess Celestia, via her personal assistant mind you, to bring a sampler of my wines to Canterlot,” Grapes explained, apprehensively. This Rarity, after all, and she had nearly caused a death by corset whilst daydreaming about Prince Blueblood.

"I see," Rarity said with a short nod. "Oh, pardon me a moment." She stepped into a changing room and Grapes watched in amusement as the hooves below the curtain 'danced' in excitement as a muffled squeal of joy could be heard through the pillow she was probably biting. The curtain opened again and dazzling white unicorn stepped out looking back in control. "So what is it you wish of me? Oh! I know. A lovely frock with Prance-styled ruffles on the collar and..."

Grapes gave her this look. "No. Seriously no. I would like a nice uniform vest, with the Grapevine Hills logo on it. And it has to be done by Friday afternoon, or early Saturday morning... And I'm paying for it, since it's probably bumping the queue."

Rarity looked as if she were wrestling with her conscience, her desire to create stifled by her desire to do what a customer NEEDED from her. She trembled slightly before taking a deep breath and nodded. "Very well. Because you need it so quickly I shall keep it... 'Nice'.”

"And if it makes you feel any better, you could work on that Gala Dress... I could always use a nice 'special occasion' dress, for formal things," added Grapes, and then she chuckled, noting that Mayor Mare had left after Rarity's reassurances. "I don't suppose you helped Applejack with the positioning of her sales cart?" she asked with a slight smile. "It just seems so... convenient."

"Me? Why whatever makes you ask that? Well... of COURSE I made a suggestion or two, that being such a nice spot in the shade, out of the hot sun and I DID note that ponies often keep to the shade when the weather grows too warm. No sense in Applejack, her produce and her customers being inconvenienced by overheating,” Rarity said airily, as she searched for just the right fabric for a good vest.

"And right across from your boutique, too. Easy to go and grab a fritter, or an apple."

"You know me, I often have a... a 'hankering' for fare without fanfare. Applejack's product may be many things but it has never had to resort to anything too superfluous to taste so good."

"So... No hankerings for company of a more... wholesome nature, hm?"

Rarity paused a moment then smirked at Sour grapes as she walked over to her seamstress' dummy and began to drape fabric across it with intent. "Well, I will admit that Applejack's... uncomplicated nature is somewhat refreshing. However it's not like I wish to.. pick out curtains if that's what you're trying to get at."

"Just seems like you two have gotten a bit... closer after that rather disastrous sleepover," Grapes said oh so casually.

"Who told you...? " Rarity started before catching herself and reigning in her emotional moment. "That is to say, how did you even hear about that sleepover?"

"Twilight mentioned it. Never mind the tree falling through the Library wasn't something that went unnoticed."

“Well the tree in itself... well that's not really an indicator. Twilight on the other hoof..." the purple maned unicorn’s voice dropped a tone, indicating she wasn't pleased such information was shared so openly. "Well she DOES like to talk. I'd take anything she says on such an evening with a grain of salt. After all she DID try to organise a slumber-party like one would an inventory day."

"Heh. Yeah, Twi loves to organize things," Grapes chuckled, then paused, and levitated out a label. "I almost forgot. I brought a label so you'd have a Grapevine Hills logo to work from. And all Twilight said was that you two had a horrible argument, then worked together to move the tree."

"Oh really?" Rarity queried, pausing in her work and laying her tools down to come over and take a look. She scrutinized the image before continuing her work, and saying: "Well we may get on one another's nerves but we are FAR from being enemies you know. Friends fight, one cannot simply have a friendship and agree upon everything. It's just one has to be willing to accept those differences and move on."

"I've always been something of an observer of the equine condition... And I notice things," Grapes said with a slight smirk.

"Oh? And what things would that be?" Rarity asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Little glances, little smiles. Things that most would miss. From what I've observed, I could infer that you think dear Aye Jay has nice legs," the brown unicorn observed casually.

"Uh... well..." A hint of rose colored her cheeks, looking positively elegant upon her flawless white face and indicating the comment struck true. "Of.. Of COURSE she has nice legs. The dear runs about all the time on her farm, doing all sorts of farm.. things. So strong and yet retaining femininity. How can one NOT stare. I am... positively... JEALOUS of legs like hers. No long days at the spa or the gym to keep her body well in shape. No. For her such legs come naturally."

"I would also infer that you find Aye Jay to have an appealing physique," Grapes added, looking ever so innocent, a slight grin on her face.

"Well... YES!" Rarity managed to say, apparently getting into her plausible excuse. "Again it comes down to simple envy. You see my body?" The white unicorn did a turnaround to show off her own graceful form to her customer. "Oh how I SUFFER to keep myself in good condition. And yet Applejack does it with clean country living and hard work. Why shouldn't I look upon her physique? There is nothing wrong with looking through the windows of a shop, even if one isn't there to buy. Is there?"

"Hmmm... I guess not," Grapes said musingly. "I have to admit, though, even I'm envious of her hair."

"Ah yes. Her hair is nice I suppose. Although it looks like straw and has a similar smell."

"You haven't really looked at it, have you? Especially compared to my mane," Grapes uttered, running a hoof through her own.

"I assure you that I got a VERY good look when I was at the Slumber Party. I DID wind up sharing a bed with her."

"Well she's changed something, since then, 'cause it's like corn silk," Grapes said.

Rarity was at the window in an eye-blink and looking out. "What? Where? I didn't... " She then paused and glanced back at Grapes. "Well-played Miss Sour Grapes."

"I seem to have overstepped a boundary. I apologise. But I tend to tease my friends, so..." Grapes added with a shrug.

"No. Don't apologise. As you said you were just teasing. Perhaps I DO have some feelings for Applejack but we are close friends, and she is attractive... Not to mention we are both bearers of the elements of Harmony. Such an... infatuation is no doubt fleeting in nature, but our acceptance for one another's differences will remain long afterwards," Rarity observed quietly, seeming rather glad to have spoken that bit of hidden truth.

"That's good. Though you two have a lot of common ground, as well," Grapes mused. "You're both hard workers, you're both dedicated to your families, and you both have good hearts."

"Yes, YES! Precisely! Dedicated is the correct word," said Rarity as she seemed to get a slightly sad look on her face yet managed a smirk. "Although it's easier for her to really... mesh with her family. My parents come from a rougher cloth than myself. Like the difference between silk and cotton, but I love them and my sister."

Grapes smiled. "Nothing wrong with cotton," she said. "Not quite as good as silk, but at least cotton won't slide you off the bed when you least expect it." She then launched into a silly story about how she tried jumping on her parents' bed, the day after Hearts and Hooves Day, as a filly. And ended up simply sliding off the other side. It was a story that Rarity could laugh along with.

"Oh dear oh dear oh dear. You poor dear. I always liked slipping between the sheets but it's so easy to forget one can slide out of them... or across them. Very well Sour Grapes. I'll work on your vest. It's a simple enough project, I should be able to get it done before Friday."

"And I'll have the bits for you by then. I remember you add ten percent to the fee for a rush job," Grapes said, nodding. "And since it IS a rush job, I'm paying for the vest."

"Very well. It's customers like you that keep me in business," Rarity said beaming.

"You're generous to a fault, Rarity... And you can put up with my teasing... Twilight's crush is a touch dangerous to tease about..."

"Oh? Twilight has a crush? It's hard to imagine our bookish little friend harboring such feelings but I suppose locking herself up with all those books means they have to come out sometime," the purple-maned unicorn mused thoughtfully.

"Eyah... Considering WHO it is... It's a bit... Risky to even mention." Rarity placed a hoof on Grapes' shoulder and smiled.

"Then don't. Rumor has a way of running about on it's own, and once it gets out there's precious little that can be done about it... It's juicy, isn't it?"

"Indeed. But this is from my own observations, though... IF you think about it it's really obvious," Grapes said. "I'd better head, and let you get back to work. Oh... And if you want to see Applejack’s mane look like spun gold, wait for her to step into the sunlight."

“We’ll see,” Rarity murmured, as Grapes left her shop. The fashionista shook herself out of her reverie, and went back to work, while keeping an eye on her front window. The moment that the orange earth pony stepped from beneath the tree’s shade, Rarity found herself sidling to the window to take a peek, gasping quietly at the golden shimmer of her friend’s mane. She shook herself, then with a more determined hoofstep went back to work, once again. “Blast that Sour Grapes,” she muttered.

After the visit to the Carousel Boutique, the week seemed to fly by. There was the daily business of the Vineyard that needed to be attended to, with the harvest coming along quite nicely. Grapes also checked on the aging wine barrels, and determined that the new watermelon wine was ready for bottling, and tasting. This prompted a trip into town to ask around for Rainbow Dash, since Sour Grapes had promised her the first taste. Quite to Grapes’ surprise Rainbow invited all her friends to taste, as well. Of course, Applejack had to be there, but Rarity being eager to taste the experiment was still quite the surprise. Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity all found the watermelon wine to be quite delightful. The broccoli wine didn’t go over quite as well, until Grapes brought out a nice sharp Trottingham cheddar. Applejack, predictably, grumped about losing yet another wager.

Friday, Rarity surprised Grapes with her uniform vest in a dazzling white with well-done embroidery. Grapes was more than happy to pay the seamstress the bits owed, because the white unicorn did fantastic work.

"Oh, my dear Sour Grapes, I only wish you would have let me make you a proper dress or... or something like that for this visit. Still.. I bowed to your common sense and made what you felt you needed. I hope you Like it. I went with the best cotton fabric I could get my hooves on, this has a thread count of over three hundred. Very sturdy and yet it still will breathe. Never, let royalty see you sweat, darling. Although I prefer not to be seen sweating anywhere other than a sauna." Grapes coughed, sniggering, obviously NOT rising to bait. “I cut it a little roomy for comfort and double-stitched it for strength. It simply wouldn't DO for it to fall apart while in Canterlot. Also as per your request I added your Family Vineyard's logo upon it. Not my best work, of course. But in the end I am... satisfied I did a good job.”

"If this isn't your best work, it's darned near close."

"I'm just used to far grander projects with much more time to work in," said Rarity as she nodded at a curtain blocking off her display area from her workshop and with a flash of her horn slid it aside. Grapes saw six more dressmaker's dummies each with a similar vest, each in state of incompletion, and each a different color. "It took me several false starts before I finally found a color that seemed to work. White adds a sense of purity, and cleanliness to the vest. Hopefully this still reflects your occupation and family holdings while saying to the world ‘I did not just come out of the fields to visit’."

“I think it looks wonderful, and considerably better than my old pruning vest,” Grapes said with a nod. “Thanks for this, Rarity. It was well worth the extra bits.”

"I'll finish up the other six so you have some spares you can use. I'd rather they not be 'wasted' material..." Rarity giggled. "One for each day of the week."

“Heh. Or at least a variety of colors, for different situations. I could commission some uniform vests for my farmhooves, in the future, too,” Grapes said musingly.

"I belive I would like that. I hear some of your farmhooves could be a challenge designing for," Rarity said, obviously relishing the thought of a challenge.

"Well you've already met Icestorm," Grapes said sounding amused.

"Oh yes. Such a lovely, darling Mare. Such an attention for detail... no wonder you have her working your deseeding... uh... shack," Rarity said with just a hint of distaste.

"The place is a work in progress," Grapes uttered with a sigh.

“I also heard from Twilight and Rainbow Dash that you have a Big Macintosh of your own. Although this model has wings. Care to comment?" Rarity asked archly, with a slight grin.

"I don't think he's quite as big as Big Macintosh..." Grapes observed thoughtfully.

"Well yes... he has to be aerodynamic I'm sure. But still... Both walked away impressed," the fashonista observed with a slight grin. Grapes merely looked at Rarity.

"You were there for Twilight's near use of the phrase 'well endowed' weren't you?" she asked deadpan.

"Oh yes... Miss Dash was positively rolling about in hysterics while Twilight corrected herself. Poor dear,” Rarity mused, looking amused.

"I tried to warn her," Grapes uttered.

"And she TRIED to get it right... She stopped halfway though the word before changing tack,” the white unicorn said with a grin.

"No, I warned her not to use the phrase 'well endowed'," Sour Grapes asserted.

“Well to be honest Endowed is a perfectly clean word, it's just society that has added that spin to it."

"I know I know, but... When the phrase 'well endowed' is used in reference to a stallion, one's mind goes straight into the gutter."

"I know... Truth is now that we're speaking about it, I'm thinking bout it now. Not very ladylike but part of me is curious about that statement about the wings. Ah well... As you said. Gutter-thought. So... please try the vest on. If it fits badly then this is the time to find out,” Rarity uttered, primly.

"All righty," Grapes said, using her limited ponykenesis to slip on the vest.

"Mmm. Looks good... looks good. I really should have put a lining in but I really didn't have any truly suitable material other than silk, and that might have had you sliding about inside of that vest the whole trip,” the dressmaker mused, thoughtfully.

"And that would have looked incredibly silly," Grapes said with a smirk.

"Definitely. All right. So Fits fine? No tight spots or anything? Wonderful!” Rarity said gleefully clopping her hooves with glee.

"Quite so. You do fabulous work, even rushed," Grapes said with a nod. Sour Grapes paid for the vest, and left the boutique with a cheerful air. She was stopped en route to her home, however, by Twilight.

“Hey, I’m glad I caught you before you went home,” the purple unicorn said with a smile. “I got another scroll for you via Spike.”

“Thanks, Twilight,” Grapes said taking it from her. “This probably outlines my itinerary. May even have a ticket for the train. I’m just a common tradespony after all. I wouldn’t be brought to Canterlot in a chariot like you were brought here.”

“Well... Good luck with your visit. I hope it goes well,” Twilight said with a kind smile.

“Thanks,” Grapes said with a nod. “Oh, and tell Spike thanks, too, for being such a willing conduit for fast mail.”

“I will,” Twilight chuckled. They said their goodbyes, and parted ways. Twilight had to get back to her studies, and Grapes had to get ready for her trip. She had her vest. She just needed to get together the wines she was taking, a wedge of Trottingham Cheddar sharp enough to cut a pony’s tongue, and the tasting glasses. She was well prepared, and how that she had the ticket to go to Canterlot. The trip should be a simple one. A simple tradespony going to meet either the Princess’ personal assistant, or the Head Chef.

The weekend dawned quietly, with Sour Grapes getting up early, and gathering her things to head into town. The itinerary said that she would be picked up at the depot. So the mode of transport was going to be a stagecoach. Kind of odd, with the train being right there, but Grapes was not one to argue. She made her way to the depot just in time to see a pegasus drawn chariot come in for a landing. Grapes looked surprised to see it, until she saw an older mare hop off the transport.

“Red Ink?” Grapes exclaimed, sounding surprised, as she trotted up to the well-dressed mare. They had met, years earlier, when her rather snobbish grandmother, Pave Diamond, had the Vineyard audited. Pave’s plans backfired, however, due to her father’s good business sense and better record-keeping.

“Sour Grapes! What an unexpected pleasure. You’re going to Canterlot, then? Looks like you’re prepared for a personal wine-tasting,” the Auditor General of Equestria uttered with a smile. “I’m here to catch the train to Dodge Junction, then on to Appleloosa.”

“Why? 'Cause it's easier to travel by rail to Appleloosa, and Dodge Junction?” Grapes asked, curiously.

“Exactly," said Red Ink before dropping her voice to a more conspiratorial tone as she leaned in a little closer to Grapes. "And between you and me, I LOVE travel by land. It's the only time in my busy schedule that I get... well.. TIME to enjoy myself."

Grapes grinned, and nodded. "Well enjoy. I hear those Western towns are... interesting."

"I'm looking forward to it. Safe journey to you, Sour Grapes,... Watch out for turbulence."

"Turbulence?" Grapes uttered.

"Air travel can be as rough as land travel. Dips and bumps in the wind. I recommend using the harness in the chariot to reassure yourself and in the little pocket to your left is a small paper bag in case you feel your lunch making a curtain call."

"Huh... Thought I was going by train..." Grapes mused.

Red Ink glanced over at the two pristine white pegasai in golden armor who pawed the ground with their hooves while they drank from the water fountain. "I can only guess that since I was taking ground travel from Ponyville, Celestia must have thought this convenient for all parties involved."

"I guess so..." Grapes uttered, sounding surprised. "This is quite the arrangment for a simple tradespony," Grapes said. "Well, have a good trip."

"Thank you, Sour Grapes. Enjoy your own time in Canterlot."

Grapes climbed aboard the chariot, and settled her bags into the luggage rack, then strapped herself in. "Ready when you are, gentlestallions." The pegasai nodded, and after a quick check of their own barding and harnesses gave a CHUFF of satisfaction and started trotting. There was a moment of acceleration and they brought the chariot up to speed. Not too different from any Coach or Cab ride she had taken before. Then the world fell out from beneath them and her stomach along with it. She hadn't quite expected the sudden elevation, or was ready for it... or for that matter the sight of Ponyville shrinking so RAPIDLY beneath her. Grapes squeaked, then ducked down to where she couldn't see the rushing scenery.

"Are you all right, Miss?" one of the Pegasai asked, over the roar of the wind passing overhead.

"I just discovered I'm afraid of heights," Grapes said peeking over the edge of the chariot's front. "It was not something I knew, until now, but I'm fine if I don't look down."

"Oh..." the one of the left replied. No doubt the very same who asked is she was fine. "Air-travel isn't for everypony. We'll try to give you a smooth ride. Just stay low and try to keep your mind occupied, ...and in case you feel like you might ruin the upholstery feel free to make use of the small paper bag in the pocket there."

"Ugh... Okay. NOT looking down. Do not look down. Keep the mind occupied, and do not look down..." Grapes murmured, then looked behind her, and made a strangled squeak. "You just had to look down, didn't you?" She manages to scootch down into a corner of the chariot and try to read the small novel she brought along. At the recommendation of Twilight Sparkle she had started on the Daring Do books. They seemed fit for teenage foals, but... Well the story was surprisingly deep. And fun! It was easy for even a non-pegasus to identify with the main character. She had been so drawn into it that she hardly notice the soft 'bump' that accompanied the landing.

"We've arrived Miss Sour Grapes. Your inn is to the left. Just show them the same pass you showed us and they'll take you and your personals to your room," The one pegasus pointed out to her.

Grapes marked her page, and picked up her bags. "Thank you, gentlestallions," she said hopping off the chariot, and smiling at the guards. "The ride was smooth, and I had no sense of vertigo what-so-ever." They nodded thanks and trotted off to probably the Royal stables where they would be unharnessed and their gear properly stored. Grapes looked up at the Inn and examined it critically. It looked surprisingly nice. The description that Twilight have given on Impertinence made her half-expect some flea-trap dive. But no, it was a simple four story building, boxy and unadorned save the brass plaque next to the awning-shaded doorway that read "The Dew Drop Inn" "Wouldn't be surprised if the propriotor -or the founder- was named Dew Drop," Grapes mused, as she trotted to the Inn.

The lobby had a red carpet leading to an oak check-in counter currently occupied by a pleasant young Earth Pony mare who smiled sincerely. "Welcome to the Dew Drop Inn. I am Dew Drop, proprietor, owner, and chief desk clerk. How may I help you today?”

Grapes levitated her pass. "Sour Grapes, owner, and proprietor of Grapevine Hills Vineyard and Winery."

"Ah. We've been expecting you Miss Sour Grapes. We do a lot of business with the Palace, giving a place for visiting ponies to stay." She rung the bell and a trio of short ponies came out in a comically bumbling manner. "Please take Sour Grapes' things to her room while she checks in." They grabbed her bag and the crate that contained her wares and in a haphazardly excitable manner loaded them onto a trolley and vanished into the elevator. Dew Drop noticed Grapes’ pained expression and smirked. "It's all right. They may act like a trio of stooges but they're actually quite competent.”

"Oh... Good. Didn't want the wine bottles to be broken. Er... Any messages?"

"Just a welcome fruit basket left in your suite... Oh yes. And a message from the palace confirming your eleven-fifteen appointment. If you wish we can have a wake-up call for you. As I mentioned, before, we are accustomed to ponies with business with the Palace. Most often it's those who cannot afford hotels such as 'The Glitz' but we often provide a place for parents visiting their children in Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns,” Dew Drop replied.

"All right. I'll take the wake-up call, thank you. Early enough for me to get dressed, and properly groomed, please," the brown unicorn replied with a nod.

"Certainly," Dew Drop said as she slid a key across the counter. "We have a small restaurant next door that has an arrangement with us. If you wish to eat in your room rather than there, they can send meals up to your room, and we have a small pool out in the garden out back. You will be staying in Room 306. Enjoy your stay."

"Thank you, Miss... Is your family Dew or Drop? I've got a cousin who puts his family name first, because it makes more sense..." Grapes asked, obviously trying to be properly polite.

"We go by the surname Drop, but most often I'm just known as Dewdrop as if pronounced as one name."

"Well most of the time I go by 'Grapes'," Grapes replied with a smile. "Mostly because nobody wants to call me 'Sour' to my face. Except my cousin, but she's one in a million."

"Well Miss grapes, I hope you find Canterlot well during your visit,” Dew Drop said, cheerfully.

"Has Canterlot been ill?" Grapes asked as she took her key, her eyes gleaming with mirth. The young Mare giggled, and Grapes was lead to her room by the same trio of buffoons who brought up her luggage. She was grateful it was all there, intact, and the room was rather nice. It was far from the silk drapes and Prancian windows she might have expected from Canterlot but tasteful and functional. She could easily see why this hotel was a common stopover for parents and non-noble visitors. Sour Grapes quickly settled what few possessions she had brought with her, and was very grateful that the inn provided sample-sized toiletries, because she’d only expected to be there for the day.

For all the pretentiousness of Canterlot, Sour grapes was impressed. The sheer vertical feeling of the white walls and the spotless streets were a far cry from the warm 'homey' feel of Ponyville. And yet it didn't come across as cold... just... like the whole city was standing at attention. In her own way she was glad she was wearing her white vest. People seemed to accept her as a professional tradespony of some kind, neither snubbing nor going out of their way to greet her. The Restaurant Dew Drop had pointed out, The Jolly Duke, was like going back to Ponyville. Rich dark wood with low light and earth tones made her feel like the business itself had opened it's arms in a welcoming hug like an old friend. The Owner certainly did. Oak Cask was a portly Pony who treated every customer like they were family, sometimes even sitting with them for a spell and getting into long discussions on their business and families. Grapes smiled around at the restaurant, feeling at home. She ordered a simple meal, and simply pony watched, while she ate. The meal was quite hearty and delicious, as was the thick wheat-grass smoothy that came with it. She enjoyed watching Oak Cask keep things on the level with his employees and still greet everypony personally, making new friends and greeting old customers and asking them about details that astonished Grapes that he could remember them all. He even found time to sit and speak with her about her own visit... And he remembered her parents.

"A wonderful couple. When they were seeing one another they would come in here because... well... Pave Diamond would never be caught dead in here. In fact the only other pony from your mother's family that ever came in here was Cabochon liked him. Good customer, always paid his tab and was always friendly."

"Uncle Cabochon was always like that," Grapes said with a smile. The time passed quickly in the restaurant and by the time she left it was dark, and she found herself asleep almost the moment her head hit the pillow. It had been a slightly stressful day. Discovering a new phobia was a bit nerve-wracking.

The next day, Grapes received her wake-up call. She showered, and made herself presentable, then put on her packs to head to the Palace. The winemaker was sure that she would have to walk all the way there, because she was nothing more than a common tradespony, after all. This could get her some nice business with the palace. Something other than the Gala would be quite nice. Twilight had assured her that in spite of her lofty position, Celestia was a wise and fair pony and wouldn't rush any decisions about Grapes' wine one way or the other. She would be Fair and just with her selection as she was with all other aspects in Pony Society. Even so, she was still a humble tradespony, and was certain she'd be speaking with the head chef, and not the Princess, herself. Writing letters was one thing. But an audience? Hardly. She Found the Palace easily enough... it WAS the biggest building in the city. It practically WAS a city unto itself. Before coming she did a quick historical refresher for small talk, the castle was only as old as the Celestian age after Nightmare Moon's reign had been violently ended with enough force to devastate the old castle that once housed the Royal Sisters. Many facts, much trivia, and yet As she stared up at the edifice she couldn't help but wonder about that old adage about 'compensating for something' might hold true here.

Grapes wondered if she should take herself to the tradespony's entrance. She pulled out her scroll, and looked it over, to make sure of where she was supposed to go. She had to hoof it to Impertinence. Her writing style was forthright and blunt as a large hammer. She was to head through the East entrance (Direction of the rising sun, how clever) and head up the stairs and using the Pass to get beyond any guards along the way, report directly to the main Admissions area. The first pair of guards she unfortunately mistook for the pair that had brought her here. They informed her that Royal Guard uniforms contained a spell that kept a certain 'look' for the guard so they all matched. His 'bored' tone was a sign that this was not the first time he had explained this. Still it was informative, and after he looked the pass over the two let her by. It was actually alarmingly beautiful on the palace grounds. She even got a chance to see large stone urns with explosions of Royal Roses growing in them. Each nearly 'glowing' like iron heated cherry red in the sun. Sour Grapes now knew why her former farmhoof, Basashi, couldn't resist a taste. Her own mouth watered at this feast for the eyes. Her pace increased as she worked to put them behind her.

'Note to self: Ask for a sample,' Grapes thought, as she trotted on into the palace, seeking the admissions area. The guards at the main doors noticed her coming and again she produced the special Pass. They nodded to one another and slowly pried the heavy wooden doors open, allowing her to enter. She walked into the chamber within and found her hooves on a thick wall-to-wall rug. Heavy tapestries hung on the walls obscuring any sign of 'wall space' as ponies in garb that made her feel like she was dressed in a burlap sack waited on a long bench that went once around the room and back again. The carpet and tapestries ate any and all sound in this room, causing it to be dead quiet. In the middle of the room like an island in the middle of the decor was a doughnut-shaped mahogany desk where a Unicorn sat working with one of those new typewriters she had seen at the technology shop. Her typing was the only sound in the room as everypony had a very uncomfortable 'scared' look on their face. Approaching the Unicorn, Grapes realised the desk was subtly higher than any pony, forcing them to look up at this stern mare who looked almost like she had been cast from Iron.

"Miss Impertinence, I presume?" Grapes said with a wry smile, and a tilt of her head.

The typing came to a stop, and the mare turned to peer over her triangular glasses down at Grapes. For a moment Grapes had a feeling of smallness, as if she were intruding on this pony's vastly more important time. She took a quiet breath and centred herself. She had been invited here, after all. She had a Pass, and thus was supposed to be here, on time, and she was here, on time. "You would be correct. I am Miss Impertinence, Royal Personal Assistant to Princess Celestia, lady of the Solar Flame. Do you have an appointment?"

"Yes, ma'am. I am Sour Grapes, head winemaker, farmhoof supervisor, and head of quality control of Grapevine Hills Vineyard and Winery," Grape said sounding just as snooty and officious as Impertinence, obviously in mockery of the stuck-up mare. "I also have a pass that you sent me, as proof of said appointment."

"Ah yes. Princess Celestia did wish for a formal examination of your product for possible use at various upcoming events." She turned her head slightly to the large set of doors bearing Celestia's Heraldry and Grapes could see how her mane had been pulled back into a severe bun which only served to accent this Mare's angular features. "I'm afraid Celestia's meetings with the board of Agriculture has run long today, as has her time with the Pit-Pony guild. Please have a seat and you will be called in rotation." Grapes saluted, and sat herself down, pulling out her Daring Do book, obviously well prepared for a long wait. She did have time to reflect on the room. How it had been designed to intimidate those who came in. To force them to sit in silence at the whim of somepony who's gaze could make royalty squirm. She was aware that a Pony she was certain was a Prancian Aristocrat, was politely as possible reading over her shoulder. Then the silence was shattered as a happy voice sang out from nowhere

"Ahhhhh... Impertinence my sweet! And how has the morning been to you?" Glancing up she saw a White and black figure wrapped in ebon and silver robes sweep across the carpet to an obviously irritated Impertinence.

“It WAS absolutely well, until your arrival, Oh... Royal... Vizier."

"Ready for me to turn the page?" Grapes whispered to her co-reader, as she watched the Vizier irritate the oh so stuck-up Impertinence. He looked evil, but something about him put her at ease. Maybe it was because he didn't care for Perty's overbearing personality any more than she did. Her co-reader blushed and nodded, but also seemed distracted by the sudden appearance of the Royal Vizier. He looked... gaunt. His bone-white coloring clashed with the greasy tangled black of his mane. He grinned through sharp-looking ivory yellow teeth as his red eyes scanned the room, and even caused a few ponies to try to duck. And yet for the goat-like features he had, and the robes he wore, the one part that stood out in her mind was that horn. She had seen many unicorns and most horns had a graceful spiral to it. certainly some had been nicked or notched from injury, she had even known a Unicorn who's horn had been broken in an accident and he had it capped with a flat golden crown, but the Viser's actually TWISTED up like a corkscrew. It was a shocking detail that you couldn't help but stare at. Again the Vizier grinned at the Personal Assistant and majicked her day-planner out from under her nose.

"Looks as though you're going for a hat-trick today, my darling. Let me see if I can speed things up. Mmmm... No. No. Nope. Uh-Uh. Not my style," the gaunt looking unicorn mused, as he looked at the entries for the day.

"Guarity!" she hissed looking not unlike a teakettle starting to boil. "Return my Day-Planner. I will not just sit back and let you disrupt..."

"YOU!" Guarity shouted, pointing at Grapes with his hoof. The ponies on either side of her 'scootched' away from Grapes slightly hoping not to get hit by... whatever was about to happen. Grapes sighed, marking her place, shrugging helplessly to the Prancian Noble.

"Can I help you, sir?" Grapes said calmly. Sure he was ugly, sure he looked sinister, but she was NOT going to let him intimidate her. She wasn't sure HOW he did it, it was like his legs hadn't even doing anything under those robes. Like he just... flowed over like mercury. He smiled and slipped a hoof behind her. The touch made her skin want to crawl but she had been ready for it. He seemed the type.

"Come along young mare. You don't wish to keep the Princess waiting for your appointment, do you? We'll take the service entrance and bypass all those uppity guards," Guarity said with a smirk.

"Guarity! I swear, by Celestia herself..." Impertinence uttered threateningly. Grapes, honestly, couldn't help it. She was finding Impertinence's frustration incredibly amusing. It was about as much fun as she had teasing Rarity about her crush on Applejack. She was guided over to one of the tapestries that rolled aside to reveal a hidden passageway behind it. Just as she entered she heard 'Guarity' call back to Impertinence.

"Keep fighting the good fight, my precious!" Guarity called back as he closed the service entrance.

"OOOH!" was the last thing they heard from the uptight personal assistant. Grapes waited until the service entrance door was closed, before she started snickering.

The passageway was narrow but far from cramped and softly lit nicely by razor thin, beams of light streaming through slits in the wall, and striking a series of crystals high up on the wall. The dark gray walls and oak and iron beams that supported the castle's weight were a far cry from the pristine white stone and plaster she had seen making up the palace on the outside. "So, Miss Sour Grapes, how are you finding your trip to Canterlot so far? I hope that the Dew Drop Inn is to your liking."

"It is quite cozy, I have to admit. The restaurant owner knew my parents, so that was fun. I wasn't expecting accommodations, but I have to admit the treatment of Equestria's tradesponies is not something to complain about," Grapes said with a nod.

"Well too many ponies in Canterlot seem to forget who's backs they stand upon. I find it easier to extend some small gestures in the now than to ward off pitchforks and torches later." Guarity paused a moment to open a small slot on the wall and peer through it. "And here we have the royal library where much of Equestria's written history is stored. Care for a peek?"

Grapes looked through the slot. "Doubt many ponies are here, considering it's the middle of the day on a weekend."

"There used to be only one regular. But she had special privliges. From this angle you can see on the glass-encased podium the original Treatise Equestriorum, the original agreement between the three tribes of Ponykind before the Hearth’s Warming unification," the Vizier observed, as the winemaker peered at the library.

"That was probably Twilight Sparkle," Grapes said musingly. "She did say she used to spend a lot of time there."

"Why yes. Yes it was. Nice pony but rather antisocial... More interested in her studies than meeting other ponies. I'm pleasantly surprised she's actually wound up with some friends,” Guarity observed, thoughtfully.

"I've met her. She's fun to talk to." He closed the hatch ont he wall and led her further down the hidden corridors, taking lefts and rights at various intersections. Pointing out points of interest both inside and outside of their crawlspaces. Despite her initial reaction to him, Guarity came across as a quirky tour guide than a Royal Vizier.

"And if you look through this small hatch right here..." he said opening up a another peephole for her.

"Mmm. What will I see, this time?" Grapes mused, peeking through the hole.

"The Stallion's changing room for the Royal guard." Guarity said matter-of-factly. "I belive you're catching them just after the changing of the guard."

Grapes blushed and backed away. "Now that there is just plum improper," she said.

He grinned and gave a rather sinister-chortle. "Sorry. Couldn't resist. But I suppose no tour is complete without seeing SOMETHING inappropriate. Ah... here we go. Just down here will take us straight to the throne room." Grapes couldn't resist one last peek before shutting the peep hole and following the Impish Unicorn. She couldn't help but wonder a bit about Stormy... But she wasn't about to start putting peep holes into the bunkhouse for her personal titillation. She clip-clopped behind the Vizier with a grin.

"So... I take it you're whole 'evil vizier' thing is a front?"

"Mmm? Why, Miss Sour Grapes, whatever brought you to that conclusion?"

"Let's see... First and foremost, your demeanor. You're too cheerful, and impish to be truly evil. Secondly, you're very 'over-the-top' in your costuming. The robes have an enchantment to ooze, making you look like some kind of slug, or oil slick. It enhances the 'evil vizier' image. Considering the literary device of the 'evil vizier' most of them try, at least, to hide their nefarious plans, not lampshade the whole trope," Grapes observed. "However, most ponies are not careful observers, and will think that an evil look means an evil heart."

Guarity paused and glanced back at her with a wistful smirk. "I wish I knew more ponies like you back in my days at Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns.”

"Heh. We're rare. We stand outside, and look in, and know what makes weaknesses, or strength. We know that Life is bucking strange, and just go with it," Grapes said with a smile. "And would never judge somepony because of where they came from, or how they look, or who they choose to love. Life may be bucking strange, but love is even stranger."

"Well I suppose I DO lay it on awfully thick, but I find I can get SO much done when ponies overestimate what I'm capable of. Truth be told it really helps in the long run. Everypony skittering out of my path or assuming I'm up to no good... and few ever questioning my actions. Impertinence and myself work our hardest to pick up the slack of the pony sisters. Need an accord negotiated between two factions. Let the Princess do that... but when it comes time to write it up, and sew up the loopholes... well... let's say Celestia is a better DIPLOmat than a BEAUROcrat,” the vizier observed with a helpless shrug.

"Bit of a mother hen, but that seems to be part of her nature."

"She worked hard to earn her domain and defends it fiercely. Ah here we go. Let me go first and introduce you," Guarity said as he nudged a hidden switch on the wall and a segment of wall opened up letting in harsh white light. He moved into the hall quickly and quietly, and when Sour Grapes’ vision focused she could make out that she was not just IN the throne room, but behind and slightly to the left of the great throne itself. If she leaned just right, she could actually see the princess herself there. In spite of Grapes’ self-assured cynicism her breath caught in her throat as she saw the sculpted beauty of the Princess and the pastel-rainbow of her ever-flowing mane. Seeing her in person, so close felt like every rainbow and sunrise she had ever seen in her life all at once. And there... silently standing next to her in the blindingly white room was Guarity. A patch of sinister shadow in the sea of light. The fat bejeweled pony who was speaking to her only just now saw him and started to stammer and stutter at the silent distraction. Grapes rolled her eyes at the sight of the fat pony, and huffed a bit. Nobles.

"And so, that is... I ah... must insist on the uh... redefinition of... the... price for corn on the open market. That is to say... "

"Yes, yes, Mister Porkbarrel. I assure you that I will give this matter to my highest official for immediate processing. Oh what a coincidence. Here he is." Celestia hadn't even turned her head, there was no way she could have seen Guarity, her guards certainly didn't. Grapes noticed how their wings bristled as they turned back in surprise and glared at him.

"Ah yes. The Maize Re-evaluation Reform Bill. Has that come up again? Do not worry yourself Oh Luminescent one. I shall take this off of your hooves and give it the attention that it duly... deserves." Porkbarrel seemed to cringe inside of his jewelry and robes before nodding graciously and backing up all they way out of the room.

"Thank... thank you your grace, and thank you your Majesty," Porkbarrel uttered.

"So Royal Vizier. What brings you to my throne room? Some important matter of state?"

"Nothing escapes YOUR notice great Celestia. We have some issues to bring to the fore... but please... not in front of the guards."

"Very well. As always you have my COMPLETE faith, Guarity. Guards... please form a perimeter outside of the throne room. I wish to remain undisturbed." The guards bowed low but gave Guarity such a GLARE that a lesser pony might have burst into flames. As soon as they were out Guarity motioned to Grapes to enter.

"Might I present to you Master Winemaker, Owner of Grapevine Hills Vineyards and keen observer of pony society, Sour Grapes of Ponyville."

Grapes trotted to the front of the throne, set down her crates, and genuflected, properly, before the sovereign. "Good day, your Royal Highness. I hope the nobles haven't been too obvious in their desire to take advantage of the common ponies."

"No more than usual. Fortunately I have completely TRUSTWORTHY ponies such as my Royal Vizier to call upon," she said, a slight telltale smirk on her face. No doubt she wasn't just in on the joke, she authored it, notarized it and distributed it by hoof.

Grapes grinned, impishly. "Glad to hear it, Your Royal Highness. You certainly surround yourself with interesting, and lively personalities."

Celestia rose and descended the dais with a grace that reminded grapes of how the light of the sun slowly moved across the floor when it came through her bedroom window. She stood a moment before Grapes and then smiled. "You've guessed the truth about Guarity, haven't you?"

"If one knows what to look for, it's obvious," Grapes said, nodding, then continued with a slight smirk. "The main give-away is how he lampshades the whole trope. The scheming, conniving 'evil vizier' He is the very epitome of the stereotype, from oozing robes, to what is obviously a naturally less than savory appearance. I was, however, taught to look beyond the surface, and see things for what they are, not how they appear to be."

"I may have to include a lampshade-shaped headpiece now," Guarity said as he went to the balcony and opened the Prancian doors wide to let in fresh air.

"It's a turn of phrase," Grapes said to Guarity. "It means to call attention to the very obvious use of a trope. It's also a literary device used to help preserve suspension of disbelief."

"Guarity is perhaps one of my most loyal and indispensable members of my royal staff," Celestia agreed before motioning for Grapes to follow her to the balcony. "He is an absolute GEM of a find. He has a talent for dealing with the... the seamier side of politics."

Guarity smiled at Grapes and pulled his robe up in the back, showing off a cutie mark that bore a green cloak and a silver dagger. "It's a gift." Grapes merely grinned, as she picked up her crate and followed Celestia out onto the balcony.

"Nothing like a natural talent in cloak and dagger dealings," she said.

The three of them stepped out onto the balcony and there was a small table set for tea-time with a gorgeous view of the city and a large portion of Equestria. Guarity brought out a pair of Velour pillows for the mares and setting them at the two plates, bowed.

"If you'll forgive me, Princess I have some matters to attend to. Annoying Impertancance, Terrorising the staff, accepting bribes... the usual. Please enjoy your wine tasting. The server will be bringing up an assortment of small cakes shortly," the sinister looking unicorn said bowing.

"Thank you Guarity," Celestia said with a regal nod.

He left without fanfare and only once he was gone did Celestia speak. "He really does keep the Palace staff on their hooves. I cannot keep track of every detail, even with the return of my sister it is a full trough to keep track of, especially those who wich to take advantage of my good nature. I found him at my school for gifted unicorns some time ago. He was frequently snubbed, teased and bullied... but of all the students there, only he had the wit to recognise the entry examination for what it was." Grapes raised an eyebrow, and began unpacking her crate. Chateau D'Chevalier, Chateau D'Royal and Chateau D'Imperial were set by a pair of unassuming bottles. One of a glorious pink substance, and one of a... well... light green. She then brought out the cheese, and unwrapped it, and after that the tasting glasses. Grapes nodded at the arrangement and opened the Chateau D'Chevalier to breath a bit.

"And what is it, exactly?" Grapes asked.

"Well tell me this, Miss Grapes. You have studied hard to use your magical potential and come to the entry examination, and suddenly you are presented with a magical task not covered by the basic texts. Say... hatching the egg of a Dragon," Celestia posited, gazing at the brown unicorn intently. “What would you think?”

"I would think that the teachers had set me up to fail," Grapes said bluntly.

"Precisely. But while the solution of the test is not the failure in itself... but how well you handle it. We're teaching students how to harness magic... unless they can accept failure as a stepping stone to success then they could be more of a danger to themselves and the world than most would believe. Not only did Guarity see the test for what it was... he surprised the judges by pointing it out to them," the solar princess explained.

"Hm. Interesting," Grapes observed, thoughtfully. "Well, as for the wine, I'm sure you're acquainted with my most well known vintages."

"Oh yes. They are often a big hit at the Galloping gala every year... especially by those ponies who wish to be seen with a glass of them in their possession," Celestia observed.

"Well, at least they're helping me live another year, pay my bills, and workers," Grapes said deadpan.

"Sometimes you look at your hard work and wish it was appreciated for the effort you put into it, don't you?" the gloriously white alicorn queried with a raised eyebrow.

"Is it that obvious?" Grapes uttered deadpan, with a slight smirk, then chuckled. "So... I hope I haven't disappointed TOO much. It's rather nice to meet you, in person, by the way."

"And I am pleased to meet a Fellow Tradespony on equal hoofing," Celestia said with a smile. "You work in soil and vine while I work hard at constantly building, shaping, fixing and in general keeping Equestria in one piece. All these centuries of peace and comfort are not easily come to... or maintained. To be honest, you do NOT disappoint.”

Grapes grinned, and poured a sample of the Chateau D'Chevalier. "This is my most popular - and least expensive - wine. Well known for being perfect for anything from a simple dinner, to relaxation. Apparently it's good in cooking, too." A quiet servant brought in some brightly colored pastries, just in time for the tasting. Celestia looked at the wine through the glass, examined the color, smelled the bouquet then took a sip.

"Very pleasant. I can see how it would work well as a cooking alcohol as well."

"The other two are exclusive Gala vintages," Grapes said opening the Chateau D'Royal. "I find them to be exceptional, but it's all a matter of opinion."

"I'm certain they'll be quite nice. So I hear you and my... I mean Twilight Sparkle are getting along nicely. It's gratifying that her social circle is slowly expanding," Celestia observed, correcting herself for some reason.

Grapes raised an eyebrow at the correction, but said nothing. "It's nice to have somebody to talk about literature, science, and astronomy," Grapes said. "She seemed to be quite happy that I knew who Starswirl the Bearded was, and what he contributed."

"I must confess it hurt me a little that she preferred her studies to meeting other ponies and making friends when she was under my tutelage." Celestia drained her glass and returned it to Grapes for a refill with he next vintage. "One really shouldn't let school get in the way of one's education."

Grapes chuckled, as she poured the next vintage into the glass, not putting TOO much into it. "So very true. But that seems to have changed for the better... Having my cousin, Applejack, drag her to the vineyard, along with the others was funny."

"Oh yes. She was impressed by your pegasai workhooves. I believe that Guarity said they are also in my employ as part of the Royal Equestrian Rogue Weather Bureau. It's good to see somepony is keeping them out of trouble in their less active moments," the alicorn said meditatively.

"Well... They all have a fantastic work ethic, and have been doing very well on the Vineyard," Grapes observed with a smile. "They're becoming good friends, too."

Celestia sipped at her wine and nodded. "A much bolder flavor with smoky undertones. I like it. I have to admit that Ponyville has seen much in it's time... truth be told it is a 'hot-spot' for strange activity. It was no accident that I chose it as the location to have my thousandth anniversary of the summer sun festival, nor to send Twilight there. It shouldn't have surprised me so much that you wrote me a Friendship report out of the blue like that, and yet it did."

"Well... It was a case of Friendship Report from a random pony who just happened to be Applejack's cousin," Grapes said jokingly. "But it just seemed appropriate for some odd reason. "You seem to enjoy my letters, so I keep writing," the winemaker added with a shrug, opening the Chateau D'Imperial.

"Well after so many ponies bowing or plotting it's good to hear from ordinary citizens on what's going on. I sometimes wish I could be like Guarity and use illusions to disguise myself and walk unnoticed among the other ponies,” Celestia said wistfully.

"You're kind of a hard pony to hide, Your Highness," Grapes uttered with a slight smirk.

"Why thank you."

Grapes chuckled, with a slight grin. "I don't suppose Twilight's been writing about me has she? I showed her how I balance both sides of my heritage, and she seemed intrigued by it."

"Actually she has. She mentioned you were like sandpaper. Abrasive at first, but often resulting in a smoother finish once you were done."

Grapes smiled a bit, as she unwrapped the cheese, and sliced it. "That was nice of her to say."

"Yes. And now that you are here in person I can say that I find your blunt honesty to be refreshing. I might tire of it if exposed to it too much but in small doses..." the Princess said as she took another sip of the wine and nodded. "So you've had an evening to take in the sights of Canterlot. What is your opinion?"

"In all honesty, I didn't see much. I discovered, quite to the dismay for someone who's friends are, for a large part, pegasai that I'm afraid of heights. I'm fine as long as I don't look down, though, so the chariot ride was all right," Grapes said thoughtfully. "Oak Cask's restaurant was very nice, and the Dew Drop Inn was incredibly pleasant, and homey."

"I'm so pleased to hear that. It was on Guarity's suggestion that we currently use it for visiting tradesponies and I suspect Impertinence doesn't put up a fuss over that because it's on the inexpensive side. I wish I could see it for myself but he assures me that it's rather nice, and the restaurant next door quite pleasant... he's even brought me some boxed lunches from there on occasion,” Celestia mused, with a small smile.

"Makes you wish for a good illusion spell, hm?" Grapes observed, as she waited for the Princess to finish her current glass of wine.

"Well, one that can disguise a full-grown Alicorn, reasonably well. I just love Oak Cask's wheatgrass smoothies, and would love to have one as it was meant to be drunk. With him talking your ear off," Celestia said smirking and placed the empty glass down and arched an eyebrow at the cheese. "I didn't realise you brought a selection of cheese as well. Branching out, are we?"

"It's for one of the selections that I brought. It absolutely has to have a good sharp cheddar to taste right," Grapes said pouring a measure of Chateau D'Imperial. "You notice that one of the wines is a distinctive green color, correct? I will explain when we get to it."

"Oh. Very well.. I like surprises... most often anyways. There are always some that I'm never prepared for... like Parasprites. I found your letter on what happened in Ponyville to be.. informative."

"It was... interesting. I think Twilight tried a smidge too hard. But it is, apparently, a mistake that many mages have made," Grapes mused, thoughtfully. “Though it’s often hard to tell which would be the better choice. Save the food, or the structures.”

Celestia nodded and sipped at the Chateau D'Imperial. "Yes... I made the same mistake when in Fillydelphia."

"Tried to save the food, and ended up with a town full of holes, hm? I hope you found the solution, in time..." Grapes smiled up at Celestia. "Nice to hear that even you can make mistakes, though. Makes you seem more equine, instead of the plaster icon that most prefer to see you as."

"Oh yes.. fortunately I thought to undo the spell, making them normal once more... and then Pinkie Pie arrived shortly afterwards. She is rather talented, even if I had that song in my head for DAYS afterwards," the Princess uttered, with a roll of her eyes.

"I know, right?! Even now I find myself humming that blasted polka," Grapes uttered, bringing her hooves to her head in an overly dramatic gesture.

Celestia laughed and nodded. “I only got the tune out of my head after I transcribed the music into the Canterlot library of musical scores. I didn't know what else to call it other than Pinkie Pie's Parasprite Polka."

"Annoyingly catchy, isn't it?"

"Oh yes. I noticed the archivist started humming it after he read the sheet music," Celestia observed, chuckling.

"And how are you enjoying the most expensive wine of my Vineyard, Your Highness?" Grapes said, moving oh so carefully away from the subject of the annoyingly catchy Parasprite Polka.

"Oh it's delicious. It's so very... rich. I can nearly taste the history of your vineyard in it."

"Thank you," Grapes said with a grin. "These two, though... They're interesting. From a line I call 'Applejack Wagers'. There's a story behind that."

"Oh really now?" Celestia asked with a smirk. "Care to share the tale while you pour?"

"Well, as you know, I love across the road from Sweet Apple Acres, so Applejack and I grew up together. When I was young, impetuous and rather full of myself, after I had learned how to make wine, I bragged to Aye Jay that I could probably make anything into a potent potable. So Applejack took it upon herself to see if that was true," Grapes explained.

"Oh my. Such bravado to be called upon,” Celestia chuckled.

"Well... The first ever experiment was a failure, and a success. I made an alcohol from asparagus, but it wasn't palatable... But then Applejack forgot to make that a condition."

The princess giggled and nodded. "I cannot imagine asparagus alcohol."

"It tasted horrible, but made good lamp fuel," Grapes said drolly. "Now this is broccoli wine," she added pouring a very small measure. "In order for it to taste good, you need to take a bit of the cheese, chew it a bit, then take a sip of the wine."

"You came prepared," Celestia observed taking up some of the cheese. "And thank you for the warning... Between you and I, broccoli has been the bane of my existence since I was a foal."

"Really?" Sour Grapes asked, curiously

"Yes... well broccoli and alfalfa."

"You too?" Grapes asked sounding astonished.

"You as well?" the Princess asked, surprised.

"Alfalfa... I hate alfalfa..."

"I often made Luna fear the Alfalfa monster when I was forced to eat the horrid stuff," Celestia said with an air of nostalgia.

"Alfalfa monster?" Grapes queried, giggling. "Seriously?"

The princess giggled, and rolled her eyes. "I'm afraid so. She was my little sister and so I would do what an older sibling would do with a younger when eating such nasty stuff. "

Grapes tilted her head. "Uhm... I wouldn't know what an older sibling would do with a younger, when eating that horrid stuff. I'm an only child."

"Ah... well it involves chewing alfalfa then displaying it and growling out "Alfalfa Monster! Bleaugh!" the white alicorn exclaimed, waving her forelegs in a mock-menacing manner.

Grapes made a face. "Bleugh..." she said, then chuckled.

"Oh it was oodles of fun. She would squeal out 'eww' and giggle and somehow having to eat it wasn't quite so bad," the Princess chuckled, smiling at the happy memory. “The only way I would eat broccoli back then was when cheese was poured all over it first."

"Yeah. I'm kind of perturbed and amused about making a wine that practically requires cheese to taste good," Grapes observed.

Celestia chewed thoughtfully before sipping at the green drink and making a slight face. "I think... it could be a hit at a wine and cheese party.”

"Now you know why I didn't give you much," Grapes said with a slight grin. "Do you like watermelon?"

"Actually, yes. I can't be seen enjoying one in public... not the way they were MEANT to be enjoyed anyways." Celestia rolled her eyes dramatically and gestured in a very un-royally dramatic manner. "Oh yes! It's perfectly FINE for a princess to have small cubes of watermelon on little toothpicks but Heaven and Earth FORBID you want a large slice and a spittoon."

Grapes blinked. "You'll have to excuse me, Your Highness, but I need to collapse in laughter, right now. I'll be right back." And with that rather polite declaration, she did. "Oh, by the sun and stars," Grapes gasped between guffaws, "that's about as good as Grannie Smith going on about Hasslehoof!"

The princess grinned and nodded. "I'm sorry if that came out less than princessly but I have been dying to say that to somepony they way I felt about it. There is only so much I can confide in Guarity about.”

Grapes slowly got back to her feet, still giggling. "So... One-at-a-time, or repeater crossbow?"

"It's been so long I don't honestly know... " the alicorn admitted with a smile. "If on your next trip you could smuggle a watermelon in I'll share it with my sister and let you know."

"All right. I'll have to see what I can do. Maybe get Twilight to help me with that. Some kind of holding bag so it won't be obvious," Grapes mused, thoughtfully. "ANYway," she continued, pulling out a clean tasting glass, "I present for your tasting pleasure watermelon wine. I have it on good authority that it's twenty percent cooler than other wines... But that's just one pegasus' opinion."

"By all means. Let's see what we have."

"Fluttershy seemed to enjoy it too," Grapes said, as she poured the dark pink hued wine into the clean glass. "Actually they all did."

Celestia looked at the pink colored fluid through the glass and smiled. "Well I can honestly say that I like the hue. It's so cheery."

"I hope you'll enjoy the taste, Your Highness. I haven't come up with a good name for it, yet, but I think I'll leave that to my new marketing manager."

Celestia savored the sample for a moment, then smiled. "Something with the word 'summer' in it would not be amiss. I can see this as a picnic favorite."

Grapes nodded. "I can see that."

"Oh I am so enjoying this one. I may have to have a crate shipped to my personal stock... but then I'd need a personal stock to begin with," the Princess mused, thoughtfully.

"Well thankfully I can get you started with a 'personal stock' with this stuff. Hmmm... 'Summer Sunrise' sound good?" Grapes asked, after a moment’s thought.

"That sounds very pleasant. I'd go with that, myself."

"Glad you like it. I'll be sure to ship you a case of Summer Sunrise, then," Grapes said with a grin. "And anything else you'd like, of course. I'd use the D'Royal, and D'Imperial for your formal functions. Known expensive, so your delegates will think you're going all out for them. A little pampering makes ponies pliant."

"Wonderful. I'll have Impertinence deal with the appropriate paperwork for shipping then." The princess agreed before taking another sip. "Do you have anything cheap that can be passed off as Elite? Blueblood's birthday is coming up soon."

Grapes did a full body shudder. "I'd be tempted to foist off the broccoli wine on him, Your Highness. He is a complete and utter git."

She smirked and nodded "I know... and yes. I do belive that your Broccli Wine would no doubt be a big hit at his party. The rich and witless would spend incredible amounts of money if they thought bad taste was trendy."

"And it'd probably help the Trottingham cheese makers," Grapes said with a smirk. "Never mind get that barrel of broccoli wine out of my cellar."

"I'll take it," Celestia laughed. "Put it in some expensive-looking bottles and I'll tell him I spent four times the price it actually cost."

"Deal, Your Highness," Grapes laughed, offering a hoof to either shake or be bumped in triumph.

The deal was sealed between the two mares, and after sharing some more time together with small talk, tea and danties, Guarity made his appearance to show Grapes the grounds while Celestia got back to business. As the two walked through the Royal Gardens, Guarity paused to look up at a rather impressive statue of a draconequus before he glanced back at her.

"So how was your time with the Princess?"

"It was nice to finally meet her in person. She's quite likeable," Grapes observed.

"I know... I so wish all of Equestria could see her that way, but there are far too many who would try to take advantage of her in that respect. She used to get so... lonely. I try to be her friend as much as I can without breaking protocol. She got a little better when she took Twilight under her wing, and now that Princess Luna is back she's nearly beaten all those spells of melancholy she used to fall into. I suspect that having an ordinary pony to speak to openly and honestly will be good for her,” Guarity said, as they trotted along. Well Grapes trotted, he flowed, as usual.

"I bet nobody appreciates how positively impish she can be," Grapes mused, thoughtfully.

"Oh yes.. she has quite the sense of humor. Twilight helped to rekindle that a little... she used to 'sic' me on her to teach her illusionary magic."

Grapes chuckled heartily. "So how do YOU eat watermelon? One-at-a-time, or repeater crossbow?" she asked with a smirk.

"One at a time, thank you very much." Guarity said matter-of-factly. "I get better accuracy and distance."

"I'm definately going to have to see if Twilight can make me a holding bag, now..." Grapes chuckled. "Princess Celestia can't remember which one she preferred."

"Now that's proof that you're helping her out of her shell,” the vizier said with a grin. "I can always smuggle the watermelons under falsified documents. I can claim them as Books, or vases or some such."

"Oh, it gets even worse," Grapes snickered. "I brought a libation of mine that's... interesting. A broccoli wine. Our beloved Princess thought it was a fine idea to foist it off on Blueballs -er- Blueblood's birthday."

Guarity laughed, a surprisingly rich voice from the sinister pony. "Oh... I don't know what's funnier. The gift, or your nickname for that boor."

"So he hasn't changed in the past four years. He's still the biggest nothing in the principality."

"Well I wouldn't go QUITE that far... There are others worse than he. But he's still a contender for first place,” the vizier said thoughtfully.

"He still does nothing to help the equine condition, and contributes nothing to the greater good, apparently," Grapes said, sourly.

"He believes his only purpose is to 'inspire' other ponies to his 'ideal',” Guarity muttered with a roll of his scarlet eyes.

"Hemph. So the only thing he's good for is paying tradesponies like myself his bits for the trinkets he thinks are imporant. Typical. I think half of Canterlot heard me tell him that to his stuck-up snobby face. Too bad Rarity's setting herself up for a huge disappointment," Grapes said shaking her head, sadly.

"Is she a smart pony?"

"She's a savvy businesspony, and one of the up-and-coming fashion designers, but she's got a 'thing' for Royalty, unfortunately. I'm sure she, and my poor cousin, Applejack, are probably setting themselves up for disappointment."

"But they are bright enough to know when the truth is right in front of them?"

"Possibly. Though Rarity may convince herself she can change a sow's ear into a silk purse," Grapes said with a roll of her eyes.

"Hmmm... Depending on the strength of her resolve, she may have a chance of succeeding. To date YOU have been the only pony who has ever confronted him on ANY issue. All the others think that his fewmets smell like roses, and tell him so," Guarity observed, casually.

"If I didn't dislike the Gala so much, I'd want to be here, when Rarity finally gets tired of his boorishness."

"Can you keep a secret, Miss Grapes? Ah! Of course you can, silly me," Guarity said with a chuckle. "Very well then... Between you and I, there is another reason for my existence as the Royal Vizier. It's more than just keeping the ponies on their hooves thinking a sharper mind that Celestia is stalking about. Sometimes... sometimes..." he grew quiet and Grapes saw the puckish caviler attitude drain out of him for a moment. "...Sometimes our Princess needs to make difficult decisions. Hard choices that are for the greater good, but extremely unpopular in the eyes of her subjects. Some of these decisions can undermine the people's trust in her, and so... I am... I'm...here to provide her with plausible deniability.”

"So you're a professional scapegoat, hm? I can see the need, though. Everypony needs to see her has a benign ruler, not somepony who makes harsh decisions which may seem horrible in the short term, but will have long-range benefits,” Grapes said thoughtfully.

"Not many ponies have a long-term view of things... They see one, ten maybe twenty years down the road at best. Dear Princess Celestia has to see her kingdom in centuries. What seems harsh today may have a glorious repercussion two hundred years from now,” Guarity observed.

"Not everypony has her longevity."

The vizier hesitated and gave a giggle. "I might... after a fashion. I've only been doing this for a few decades now, but I've been doing such a good job Ponies are SWEARING that I was the one who suggested Luna's banishment."

Grapes had to laugh. "Your reputation is retroactive," she uttered with a grin.

"I know... I hate to say it but even Princess Luna is second guessing herself. Her memories as Nightmare Moon are... befuddling for her,” Guarity said, obviously concerned.

"Well, she may need to get out more. Being stuck, here, can't be good for her."

"It's hard for her to take that step. She's ashamed of the actions of her other self, because she gave voice to her own secret feelings... as distorted as they became. She's actually coming out into the garden during daylight now," Guarity observed, as they strolled about the guardens.

"Hm. Foal-steps, I suppose," Grapes mused.

"FORSOOTH! ANOTHER GLORIOUS DAY IN THE ROYAL GARDENS! MY, MY SISTER'S ROSES LOOK LOVELY THIS AFTERNOON!" came a painfully amplified voice from the middle of the gardens.

"GAH!" Grapes yelped.

"Ah... that would be her. Pardon me."

"Oh my poor aching ears," Sour Grapes groaned.

Grapes followed behind Guarity, trying NOT to be seen by the lunar princess. Mainly not to disturb the alicorn. She watched as Guarity stuffed cotton into his own ears and ducked quickly behind a large hedge.

"Gooooood afternoon, your Majesty. Good to see you up and about."


"As you wish oh, luminescent one. May I direct you to the grand Lunar fountain in the eastern portion of the garden. The Sculptors have repaired the damage you accidentally caused last month."


"True, but it is part of Equestrian history. We DID however add a statue to represent your current countenance. It comes across as rather striking."


Grapes simply sat on her haunches, her ears covered. "Great googlie mooglie... Does she think we're all deaf?"

“I hope it pleases you as well, your grace. Oh yes, we did get an assortment of wine samples today. Your sister may wish your opinion on them later on."


"Good day to you then, Princess. I shall let your sister know of tea time." Guarity returned to Grapes and winced as he pulld the cotton from his ears. "Well... my horn is extra curly today."

"Why does she talk with her volume cranked to eleven?"

"It's how they... that is, Canterlot ROYALTY, used to speak in the way back time. I'm uncertain if she even remembers how to speak quietly. "

"They used to shout? Why?" Sour Grapes asked with an inquisitive tilt to her head.

"I haven't the foggiest. It's up there with them using the royal 'WE' when speaking... I'm just glad that the trend has fallen out in the last thousand years. Luna is somewhat behind the times, trying to adapt to innovations and new social conventions... she actually was fearful a Stallion's unshorn fetlocks would incite the present mares to a riotous lust."

"Not my thing," Grapes said drolly.

"No... I suspect your thing might be more towards practical ponies with strong backs and an even stronger work ethic," Guarity observed with a smirk.

"Got to have a brain, too," Grapes uttered with a smirk. "I actually like intellectual stimulation."

“Ah... were I younger... and better looking, better shape too, I might take the risk of rejection. As it stands I'm enjoying the relationship, I have with Impertinence. She's so... cute when she's furious."

Grapes raised an eyebrow at that.

"What? I personally would like to see what she's hidden under that armor plate she calls a personality."

Grapes chuckled. "It's been said it's always the quiet ones," she chuckled. "I wouldn't exactly quantify Impertinence as 'quiet', however. But somebody that... well... repressed has got to have a really bucking wild side that's just itching to be let out."

"Oh. I would like you to know that SOMEhow your room has been booked for five days rather than a day. Fancy that. If you wish to make the best of it there are a lot of things about Canterlot you might wish to take in before heading home," the Vizier said impishly

"Wait.. what? I thought I was here for the weekend... I don't suppose we could ask the Princess to send a letter to Lady Weathervein... I need to tell Stormfront he's in charge for longer than I thought..."

"I can deal with that, quite promptly. As Royal Vizier I have some resources at my disposal too, you know," Guarity said with a smirk.

"Unless you can send a letter to someone who could receive D-Mail directly... That would be quicker," Grapes mused, thoughtfully.

"You mean Twilight Sparkle? Consider it done.

"Actually, I meant Stormfront. He can get a letter sort of 'poofed' to him from Weathervain... But I'm not sure how that would work, but Twilight does know Stormy, so that may be quicker... Just wasn't expecting an extended stay."

"You don't HAVE to stay. It just seemed a little silly for you to come for a day of work and leave," Guarity said with a shrug.

“Well, it does, kind of, to me, too, but... Well... It was what I was expecting. I haven't really had a vacation in ages, either, but now with the Storm Riders as farmhooves, I can take advantage of the extra time," Sour Grapes said with a grin.

"Alright then. I'll inform Miss Weathervain of your extended stay and she can have Smudge pass along the information to her charges," the bone white unicorn asserted with a nod.

Grapes nodded, and smiled. "Sounds good. I guess I could wander around a bit, and see the sights. Never been here before, after all."

"Oh... and one more thing..." A small silver key came out of his robes and levitated over to her. "To the Royal Library. I believe you will find it rather illuminating."

"Thank you," Grapes said with a nod.

"Twilight did mention that you were one of the most well-read ponies in Ponyville. You actually read that book on Obscure Unicorn History."

"Yes, yes I did," Grape asserted, with a grin. "And I know who Starswirl the Bearded was, as well as Geode the Earthy."

"Oh! That's not a commonly known obscure Unicorn, either," Guarity said, sounding impressed.

"I rather like old Geode... Heh... I've also read 'On the Confluence of Magics'. Starswirl the Bearded seemed to have quite the thing for pegasai, if chapter six is to be believed," the winemaker said with a small laugh.

"Mmm Yes. Of course one has to read between the lines for it," the vizier mused, thoughtfully.

"True. I'm kind of good at that," Grapes said with a slight smirk.

"It may have been such an infatuation that lead to his study of the inherent magic all three pony species. How else would he hide it?" Guarity queried, obviously enjoying the conversation

"Hm. True. But that chapter helped me balance my earth pony abilities with unicorn magics. Can't do much with either, they being at half power, but I'm good at what I can do," the brown unicorn explained, as they walked back to the entrance.

"I noticed how well you manipulated that heavy crate. That's some rather strong Ponykinesis," the vizier observed.

"Earth pony strength bleeds into ponykenesis. But I can only levitate one thing at the time. I can lift heavy things, but I can't juggle them to save my life," Grapes explained.

"But still impressive. So the guards now know who you are, and have instructions to let you come and go from the library as you see fit," Guarity explained.

"Thank you, Guarity. I appreciate it."

"Now go forth, remember that your meal bill at the hotel is covered by the castle but everything else is up to you... Are you good?" Guarity asked, obviously concerned.

"I'm good. Both in virtue, and in well being," Grapes replied with a slight smirk. With that, she bid the Royal Vizier adeau, and went back to her hotel, for the evening. Tomorrow she was going to start on her long overdue vacation, and explore the city.