• Published 24th Dec 2012
  • 4,541 Views, 274 Comments

The Symphony of a Winning Lyrist - JaketheGinger

For Lyra, life is pretty swell. She has the best fillyfriend anyone could ask for in Bon Bon and she doesn’t need to worry about work at all. If only things stayed that simple.

  • ...

The Pony Who is a Lazy Bum

Bon Bon had brought up this subject time and time again, but each time she told me to get a job, it was little more than a suggestion. This time was different though; I could feel it.

“Maybe...” I began, yet nothing else came out of my mouth.

Bons sighed and opened the door, stepping inside the house. I went in with her, pushing the door shut with my hind hoof. She looked down the hallway that led to the kitchen and living room and gazed up the stairs.

“I’m going to bed, Lyra,” Bon Bon stated, slowly heading upstairs.

“Alright. I’ll, er, join you in a minute.” I only got a grunt in reply.

Entering the kitchen, I paused, staring blankly at the wooden floor. Why did I even come in here? The food at the party had filled me up more than enough. I guess I just needed to mull things over. After picking up a jug of orange juice, I went over to the sink and poured myself a glass of over it.

I couldn’t see what Bons’ problem was. I had enough bits to get by and so did she. A lot of ponies would probably call us very lucky, blessed even.

I drank the orange juice, and put the glass to the side. I let out a little sigh of my own, running a hoof through my mane. I don’t know, maybe she was just tired. I knew I was.

I dragged myself up the stairs, turned at the top and opened the door at the end of the hall. The lights inside the bedroom were dimmed and I could see Bon Bon already lying on the double bed.

I slipped in and shuffled over to Bons, putting my forelegs around her. She let out a little grunt in response. It seemed that I had to confront her head on about this because I was not prepared to sleep with my back to her.

“What’s the problem, sweetie?” I asked softly, giving her a gentle squeeze.

For a moment, I was afraid she wouldn’t say anything. Eventually she spoke up, sounding definitive, “You need to find work, Lyra.”

“Why? We’re both fine as it is, you know that.” I gave her a quick nuzzle on the cheek. She didn’t move away, but she wasn’t exactly inviting either.

“We might be now, but what about in the future?” She turned around, looking at me with pleading eyes. “We can’t go on like this. Not if we want to settle down.” She poked my chest, stroking it gently. “And I really want to.”

I offered her a small smile. “We will settle down, promise. You’re the mare I want to spend the rest of my life with and I wouldn’t have it any other way.” I gave her a kiss on the lips and to my relief, she returned it. We both had dreams of tying the knot. These things take time though--marriage is a huge commitment.

“Look, I can just ask my parents for more bits each month,” I offered. I think they would be fine with that, as long as Bons and I were settling down.

Bon Bon suddenly frowned. “No,” she said snapped, making me jump. “That’s not okay.”

“Why? They’re my parents.”

Her frown faded, replaced by a neutral expression. “Exactly. They’re your parents. You can’t leech off of them forever.” I went silent. For a short moment, nothing was said.

Bons sighed. “For Celestia’s sake Lyra, you’re a full grown mare. Don’t you think it’s time to look after yourself?”

I didn’t want to argue with Bon Bon, but that accusation wasn’t fair at all. “I do look after myself! I’m clean, I’m healthy and I look after my things! I’m getting bits, just by a different way!”

“Calm down, Lyra. I didn’t mean it like that,” she replied. Her voice hadn’t raised even once.

“Sorry. It’s just--” I cut myself off, opting to hug Bon Bon instead. “No, I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay.” She leant forward, giving me a quick peck on the lips. “Look, we should just get some sleep.” Then she turned around, pulling the covers up.

“Yeah... yeah, you’re right. Goodnight, Bons,” I said. Even I could tell that my voice was wavering slightly.


Then there was silence. My eyes didn’t shut and my stomach felt like a pit of thorns. I hugged Bons more tightly, even though I probably shouldn’t have. I just didn’t want to let her go.

I didn’t know why I felt so bad. I had only raised my voice once and Bon Bon didn’t seem that angry at me. Just... tired. Maybe it was guilt? But if that was the case, then she was right, and I didn’t want to think she was. We were fine. Everything was fine.

Whatever it was, it was preventing me from sleeping. “Bon Bon?”

“Hm?” she responded, her voice sounding drowsy.

“You’re not mad at me, right...?”

Bons rolled around, facing me again with a tired smile on her face. “No... but please, will you at least consider getting a job?”

A part of me felt relieved. The other part... I wasn’t so sure. “Yeah, I’ll think about it.”

“Good. Now, go to sleep,” she whispered softly.

It was only then that my eyes closed. I felt more secure and more comfortable than I had been, but something still felt off. My mind didn’t linger on it though, as sleep took hold over me sooner than I expected.

When I woke up, Bon Bon wasn’t next to me.

This was actually standard stuff; Bons had simply gotten up early to set up her stand. I always slept in, snoozing away in the comfort of the bed. It was pretty common for me to wake up past midday.

Oh, a quick warning: never disturb my sleep. It’s not pretty.

With a big yawn I opened my eyes, my vision a little blurry. I got the sleep out of them and dragged myself out of bed. My stomach cried out for breakfast and I was only too eager to oblige. I stumbled my way down the steps, my body still waking up.

I quickly poured myself some orange juice and made some oats cereal, sitting down at the small table in the center of the kitchen. As I ate, my mind slowly became more alert and I began to dwell on last night.

Was Bons worrying too much, or was I being neglectful? I knew our financial situation was fine and I knew that if we needed a little more, I could always play music for bits in the town square. That isn’t exactly like a job, but it’s still getting money so what’s the difference?

Most of my friends have jobs, heck, even their own small businesses. Even Cherry Berry is the only one who can sell hot air balloon rides here.

Am I... lazy?

I took a large swig of my orange juice and dispelled that thought. Sure, I didn’t have a job, but I definitely wasn’t a slob. It’s not like I can’t do things with dedication--my skills on the lyre are enough to prove that much. Plus, I did tend to do some of the housework while Bons was running her stand.

After swallowing the last bit of cereal, I smiled. I didn’t need to change. Nothing did. Bon and I were fine as we were.

I lifted the bowl and cup and headed over to the sink, preparing to wash things up--Bon Bon would definitely appreciate coming home to a clean home.

Actually, I remembered that in all of last night’s fuss, I had forgotten to brush my teeth. I quickly went upstairs and entered the bathroom, gazing at myself in the mirror above the sink. My mane was a bit scruffy but that was something that could easily be fixed with a brush. Killing two birds with one stone, I brushed my mane as I cleaned my teeth.

Spitting out toothpaste residue, I rinsed my mouth then admired my teeth. White as usual! I went back downstairs, ready to do some housework.

A couple of days had passed and thankfully, the topic of me getting a job hadn’t come up again. When Bons came back home, we had a nice little cuddle on the couch and went to bed like nothing had ever happened. Life was back to normal.

Although that did little to change my current mood. I was just having a lovely walk with Bon Bon when Cherry had to come by and ruin it again. So I had left them to it and was sipping on some soda, watching ponies go from stand to stand in the market.

I was on my own and boredom was beginning to kill me.

Thankfully, my saviour of a fillyfriend broke away from Cherry to walk up to the table where I was sitting. A smile immediately formed on my face.

“Hey again, sweetie,” I greeted her, before drinking more soda.

“Hi, Lyra,” she replied, putting down a leaflet she had held in her forehoof. “Take a look at this.”

I levitated the leaflet and opened it up, quickly skimming it over. It was about some minotaur called Iron Will hosting some assertiveness seminar, or something. On the back of the leaflet were a collection of cheesy rhyming quotes. I wasn’t impressed.

I put it down, then gave my fillyfriend a questioning look. “Really, Bon Bon? You’re actually interested in this?”

“Well, it was Cherry’s actually, but she said it could be good for a laugh. Want to come with?” She gave me a pleading smile but, as much as it pained me to do so, I was having none of it. The seminar looked lame and Cherry was even lamer.

“I’ll pass. You two go ahead--you’ll probably find it a lot of fun.” I hoofed the leaflet back to her and she gave me a slightly disappointed look.

“Alright, I’ll see you later--” She froze, blinking once. “Actually, I might be a while. After this, Cherry and I are going to do some showpony business.” I raised an eyebrow at that. Bon Bon could’ve pulled off that line of work, but Cherry? In your dreams.

“And what does that involve...?” I asked, waving a hoof around.

Bons bit her lip, looking away. “Uh, hauling away... um... garbage.” That last word was barely audible, but I got the gist of it.

So Cherry had managed to get Bons to do garbage duty, huh? That ticked me off royally--she’s better than that! Cherry probably guilted her in it, the manipulative cow. I should’ve given her a piece of my mind right then and there...

But that probably would’ve hurt Bons, and I wasn’t about to risk that, no way.

I exhaled through my nose, trying to keep a smile on my face. “Alright then, Bons. Don’t take too long!”

Bon Bon rolled her eyes. “Believe me, I’ll try not to.” She then gave me a goodbye nuzzle and wandered back over to Cherry.

I sighed, finishing off my soda. Maybe the sugar it had would give me a bit of a buzz to lighten up my mood, although I doubted that. I have suffered from sugar rushes before, but it took me a lot to get to that state.

I got up, threw the cup into a bin, and began my quest to find something to do. I discovered pretty quickly that most ponies were going to this seminar thing, which left me with nothing to do.

And then... the weirdest thing happened.

I was simply minding my own business when I accidently bumped into somepony. Only it wasn’t a pony at all.

It was a goat.

I swear that out of all the creatures that live in Equestria, goats are both the strangest and creepiest.

“Oh, um, sorry about that. I guess I should be more careful! Heh...” It’s really hard to apologize to somepony when they freak you out. Seriously, the goat was staring at me but its eyes were going in two completely different directions. And it wasn’t like Derpy where it was endearing, no, this was... unsettling.

“Baaah!” Did I mention that the goat had a tie? Who gives a goat a tie?

I shuffled about uncomfortably. The goat just stayed still, like a piece of iron or something. “Er...can I help you?”


An awkward laugh escaped from me. “Haha... I’m sorry but... I don’t speak goat.”

“Baaah!” Ack. Goats sound so horrible. It’s no wonder no goat singers exist.

At this point, I decided to draw back, slowly stepping away. “Well... er... nice talking to you?”

It didn’t get the message. Sweet Celestia, it did not get the message. Instead, it got closer to me. My skin was practically crawling at this point. Wait... did it give me fleas? It better not have.

Eugh... now I could smell it. It smelled like wet Diamond Dog. Actually, probably worse than that. I backed off a little to avoid the foul scent. “I kinda gotta go do... something...” Yeah, my brain was just not working with me at that point.

I circled around the goat, not taking my eyes off it. He (I think it was a he--it wasn’t wearing any lipstick or a bow) turned, gazing at my every step. I slowly backed away, but it kept watching. In the end, I decided to hide behind some trash cans until it went away.

Goats--they may look stupid, but they’re evil masterminds, I swear it.

The goat left within a couple of minutes and I was back to wandering around. Hours must have passed and boredom grew on me like mould on a piece of bread (now that’s a lovely image). I found myself wandering back to the market after what must have been a couple of hours. Maybe more. I saw Carrot Top at her stand, selling all her carroty goods.

“Hey, Carrot Top,” I called out, approaching the mare. “Have you been here for a while?” If she had been, then I would feel like such an idiot.

“Nope. Only got set up a few minutes ago--a lot of ponies weren’t around because of this... Iron Will thing?” She bent down behind the stand and brought out a carrot cake, displaying it for all to see.

“Oh, yeah, that,” I replied, shrugging. “I didn’t go--sounded lame--but Bons did.”

Carrot Top was going to retrieve something else but suddenly paused, blinking once. “Speaking of, you better find her right away.” I looked at her suspiciously. “Apparently somepony dumped a whole load of garbage on her and Cherry Berry.”

Half of me wanted to laugh and the other wanted me to grind my teeth in anger. So I kept up a neutral appearance. “Okay... where were they heading?”

Carrot Top pointed past me. “Over by the bridge. They’re probably gone by now, but it’s as good a start as any.”

I nodded at her and began to trot off. “Right. Thanks, Carrot Top, I’ll see you later.” She waved me off and I left, hunting for my fillyfriend.

Covered in garbage... eugh. That would make anypony smell ten times worse than a goat. Bons was probably really upset too... nothing a cuddle and a kiss can’t fix. … after a good wash, of course. Hm... we hadn’t shared the bath for a while...

Along the way, I happened to bump into Cloud Kicker and Blossomforth. Cloudy looked fine but Blossom... ohohoho, Blossom. It seemed like they had finally did it and from the looks of it, they had released a lot of tension.

I grinned, approaching Kicky and the bruised Blossom. “So you two finally went and did it, huh? And with gusto! You shoulda gone easy on her, Cloud Kicker. She’s a delicate Blossom,” I said, with a giggle. I swear, being around Cloud Kicker increased my wit.

“You don’t understand, Lyra,” Cloudy replied. For a moment, I thought I had made a pretty awkward mistake. But she continued, “I wanted to, but she wouldn’t let me. Every time I started slowing down a bit, she screamed at me to go faster and harder.”

The images that entered my head were disturbed by the sound of a smack. It seemed that Blossom wasn’t having any of it. “Ow! That hurt. I think I need a kiss to make it all better,” Kicky pleaded, obviously hamming it up.

“Do you want me to hit you for real?” Geeze, Blossom, calm the hay down. Cloud Kicker’s only being herself.

“Not until we work out a safe-word.” Case in point.

I couldn’t help but laugh at the pair’s antics. I was pretty sure that nothing had actually gone on between them but... who knows? Regardless, I had my own fun to get to.

“Well, I’ll let you two go back to whatever the hay it is you’re doing; Bon Bon’s waiting for me,” I announced, then frowned. “She was getting rid of some garbage when somepony went and dumped the whole cart right on top of her! Can you believe it?” I shook my head in disbelief, gave them a wave and set off on my way.

It wasn’t long before I found Cherry and Bons--bless her, she looked so distraught. Both of them were covered in garbage, reluctantly trying to get scraps off of them. To make it even worse, they had attracted flies.

“What the hay happened?!” I called out as I trotted towards them.

Bon Bon gave me a relieved smile. “Hi, Lyra. The strangest thing happen--”

“Fluttershy just came marching along and decided that it would be a great idea to dump the garbage we were hauling all over us!” Cherry cried, letting out a frustrated groan. I held back a laugh, but something she said didn’t seem to fit.

“Fluttershy? No, you must have mistaken her for someone else, Cherry.” She gave me a glare and opened her mouth to come back with some retort--probably the guilt trip card.

“No no, it was her!” Bon Bon exclaimed, looking as shocked and surprised as I was right now. “She didn’t seem like herself--”

“She could’ve flown, the mule!” Another scream from Cherry. “And now my mane is ruined!” I should’ve given Cherry a slap right there and then and told her to mare up, but I held back my hooves.

“Well, looks like you need a wash, Bons,” I said, grinning slyly at my fillyfriend. I’d make sure she’d get something out of this.

“But what about me?!” Cherry wailed.

Wait. What.

“I don’t think it would be fair to leave poor Cherry like this, Lyra.” Bon Bon. Stop. Stop this madness right now.

“You two can’t share a bath, sillies!” I giggled, but inside I was screaming obscenities. Like feathering. And bucks. Lots of bucks.

“Well, duh, you silly filly!” Cherry said. Might I add that she was very patronising? “We can just grab some wash tubs and do it outside!”

Bon Bon nodded in agreement. Damnation. “That sounds like a great idea! We’ll both get clean and it’ll be quick with Lyra’s help.”

The two of them turned and looked expectantly at me.

Celestia strike me now.

There I was, scrubbing two mares in Bon Bon’s backyard. Oh such joy.

I had managed to acquire separate tubs for the two, but that didn’t stop them from splashing each other like fillies. Seriously? They were really doing this? I sighed quietly, scrubbing Bons’ back with a brush.

This was meant to be a fun little time with my fillyfriend where we would do the splashing, not Cherry the stupid little, bucking bitc--

“Ow, Lyra! Be gentle!” cried Bons. I blinked, looking at the floating brush. I was pressing it a bit hard.

“Sorry, hun. Just trying to get every little bit out,” I replied, continuing to scrub her. Just focus on your fillyfriend, Lyra. Nothing else. Only her.

“Maybe I would do a better job.”

Oh yeah. Cherry never shuts the hay up.

“Look, you asked me to do this so I’m doing it,” I affirmed, sending a stern glance towards Cherry.

“Fine, fine.” Cherry rolled her eyes. “But you better be careful when you wash me.”

Hm... maybe if I told Bon Bon to get dry inside the house, then I could mess around with Cherry for a bit (not in that sense, ack). Yes... I was liking this idea. A lot.

Let’s do it.

I scrubbed Bon Bon with increased vigor, cleaning her up in no time. Once I gave her the all clear, she stepped out of the tub, covered in bubbles from the soapy mixture.

“Bons, what do you say you get dry inside, then wait for Cherry and I? We can all have some tea and biscuits!” I suggested. That excuse was foolproof--some biscuits sounded really good right now, too.

“Sure, sounds good!” Bon Bon agreed, beginning to go inside.

And then the heavens opened up as Celestia came flying down, proclaiming that I, Lyra Heartstrings, had permission to prank Cherry Berry!

That’s what it felt like, anyway.

Cherry barely had time to protest before Bons was inside. I grinned mischievously as Berry turned to glare at me.

“It seems that the tables have turned,” I said, a few laughs escaping from me.

Cherry raised a skeptical eyebrow. “Oh, really? What can you possibly do to me?”

I could’ve done many things, Cherry--like put food in your mane and get parasprites to come--but I don’t think the town would agree with such ideas. Instead, I let out a triumphant laugh as I levitated the other tub and poured its contents all over her. “That!”

A torrent of water fell all over Cherry and better yet, it was dirty from Bons’ bath. My enemy fell silent. Haha! I did it! Rainbow Dash, eat your heart out--Lyra Heartstrings is the master pranker here.

“Oh no, you got me wet when I was already soaking. Oh noooo. Spare meeeee,” Cherry said, no effort put into her voice. She lazily shrugged. I looked at her and realized that I hadn’t achieved anything at all...

Well buck.

“You, on the other hoof, are not.” She locked eyes with me, looking very smug. Oh no. Nononononononono!

“Don’t you dare--” I cut myself off; words weren’t gonna do anything. I closed my eyes and focused magic into the tip of my horn, picturing Bons’ kitchen. I grinned, feeling the magical energy build up...

“Well, I’m out of here!” I proclaimed, opening my eyes to give Cherry a cocky wink.

And then I didn’t move.

Yeah... turns out I don’t know any teleportation spells. I’m not really the most magically adept unicorn out there.

My magic wasn’t going anywhere either, so I ended up with a huge migraine. Cherry took advantage of my momentary weakness, grabbing me. Before I could even yell, I was drenched in water, dazed and confused. I was cold, my head felt like it had been split open and my eyes were stinging. Cherry’s mocking laughter only made things worse.

I accepted my fate, staying put uselessly in the tub. The laughter began to die down as Bon Bon rushed outside.

“Lyra, what happened?!” she asked. I simply groaned.

“The silly filly had a little accident and fell in!” Cherry answered for me. Sure, it was demeaning, but my brain was all over the place, so I was willing to go with the excuse Cherry was giving.

“Oh dear, let’s get you inside then,” Bons said soothingly. The two helped me onto her back and I wasn’t about to complain. “Will you be alright by yourself, Cherry?”

“Yeah, I’m good,” Cherry replied, beginning to scrub herself.

My fillyfriend nodded and began to take me inside. I gladly welcomed the rush of warmth that hit me as we got in, although my head was still killing me. Bons got a towel and put it on the sofa. She then gently put me down, wrapping the towel around me so I felt all snug. She sat down beside me, beginning to get me dry.

“So what happened?”

My ears twitched. I had honestly expected her to believe Cherry’s excuse one hundred percent. Although, in hindsight, an ‘accident’ can mean many things.

“I, uh, slipped and managed to hit my head on the side of the tub...” I guilty for lying to her. It didn’t feel as bad as my feathering headache, though.

Bons immediately took to searching through my mane. “Let’s check that you don’t have any trauma then...” I smiled and slowly became relaxed. It felt nice; she was very gentle, like usual. Even my headache was starting to go away.

“Nope, you’re fine.” Bons gave me a quick peck on the cheek. “Goodie.”

“How about you? Did you enjoy your wash?”

“Yeah, I feel all fresh now. Thanks, dear.” She gave me another kiss, this time on the lips. “Maybe you should get some rest--you seem pretty tired.”

“After a day of being nothing but bored and hiding from goats, you wouldn’t be. But yeah... a nap does sounds nice.” I rubbed my eyes, still stinging slightly.

Bons tilted her head and raised an eyebrow. “Hiding from goats...?”

“Yep,” I replied, sighing.

“Hm, I didn’t think any were in town.” Bons shrugged. “I thought they were all with that Iron Will guy.”

I rolled my eyes, grumbling, “Maybe one got lost...” I suddenly perked up, asking, “How was that thing, anyway?”

“Silly. Very silly.” Bon Bon giggled delightfully. “He made all these rhymes, like this.” She cleared her throat, and boomed in a very rough voice, “When somepony tries to block, show them you rock!” Her impersonation was probably very accurate--Bons was great at doing voices.

I felt a pang of regret for missing the whole thing. “It was a good laugh, then?”

“Yeah. You’re an idiot for not coming,” Bons joked, grinning mischievously. She then brought the towel over my head, covering my eyes, and proceeded to ruffle my mane furiously, laughing all the way.

“Stop! Stop it!” I cried, but it was no use--I was laughing too hard to put up a good resistance. “Right, that’s it: when somepony messes your mane, give them some pain!”

I was blinded, but I knew where my lovely assailant was. I outstretched my forelegs forward and tickled Bons’ chest. Good thing my head was still aching slightly; my hand spell would have been overkill here. She fell onto her back on the floor, giggling madly.

Now I had the upper hoof. I pounced upon her and unleashed the full might of tickling. Bon Bon was laughing far too hard to resist.

“No, Lyra--hahaha--mercy! Mercy!” she pleaded.

“Hehe, okay then.” I stopped and brought my face closer to hers so that our muzzles touched. We locked eyes. “Love you,” I whispered. And then we kissed passionately. We caressed our bodies, running our hooves down each other. The fact that I was still wet only made it more appealing...

“And the crowd cheers--Lyra Heartstrings has hit first base!!”

Damn you, Cherry. Damn you to Tartarus.

No, actually, buck you and your stupid fat balloon! I mean, who the hay would use that when we have carriages and pegasi?! Wait, I get why you have a hot air balloon; you’re perfect for eachother, being full of hot air!

Geeze... if I actually said those things to her face, she would need to be treated for third degree burns.

Bon Bon’s face went red and I rolled off her, crawling back onto the couch. She got up, smiling sheepishly and went towards Cherry.

“Right, um, tea?” Bons asked, her voice a little shaky.

Cherry let out a little laugh, patting my fillyfriend on the back. “If you don’t mind.”

“It’s fine, Cherry. I could use some myself.” Bon Bon turned around to look at me. “How about you, sweetie?”

I laid my head on the sofa, giving Bons a tired smile. “I think I’ll have a nap.” And no, it wasn’t just to avoid Cherry...

Okay, it was the main reason, but I was kind of tired anyway.

Bons nodded at me. “Alright then, dear. Have a nice rest.” I closed my eyes and heard the two walk away. It was a little hard getting to sleep with Cherry’s constant chattering in the background, but I managed.

I have to say, naps are a pretty good thing. Once I woke up again, I felt a little groggy, but on the whole better than I did prior. And Cherry had finally gone away; Icouldn’t hear her.

I stretched my limbs and let out a content sigh. Bons must have heard me wake up because she was in the room a couple of seconds later.

“Sleep well?” she asked, sitting down next to me.

“Yep.” I snuggled up next to her, nuzzling her neck. “Did Cherry leave?”

“Yeah,” she replied in a neutral tone. For a couple of minutes, we sat together in companionable silence. It was pretty nice.

“Lyra,” Bons finally spoke up.

My ears twitched. “Yeah, sweetie?”

She let out a little sigh before answering. “I’m going to have to put my hoof down.”

My heart skipped a beat, and not in a good way. “Concerning...?” I waved a hoof in the air.

“The Iron Will thing was funny and I don’t think I’ll be taking advice from that minotaur anytime soon but... it made me realize something.” She looked down at me, not looking angry at all. In fact, I think she was a little scared. “I’ve been too soft on you, dear.” She paused briefly. “You’re getting a job.” That last sentence sounded particularly final.

I shook my head. “But I don’t need--”

“Yes you do, Lyra!” Bon Bon snapped. I flinched back and so did she, looking a little regretful. I guess she was unsure of how to go about this, yet for a brief second she became terrifying--I didn’t want her mad, I wanted her happy.

Bons sighed, running a hoof through her mane. “Sorry, it’s just that... are you thinking about the future--our future--at all?”

“Of course I am!” I replied, trying to keep my cool. “How can you even think that I’m not?”

“Because your ‘system’ isn’t going to work in the long run.” She gently took hold of my hoof, caressing it gently. “I want to settle down with you and make something for ourselves together.”

I looked from our hooves, back to my fillyfriend. “Like what?”

“Anything! Maybe save up for some expensive vacation, or buy something that we’ve both wanted for so long, or maybe even setting up a shop together.” That last part made me feel a little guilty. Bons worked so hard at her stand, but at the end of the day, she was always in the shadow of Sugarcube corner.

“We can still do that, sweetie. But I don’t need a job to do that, really.” If I sounded a little unsure, it was because I was. Bon Bon had made good points, but I had mine--I still didn’t see a major need for change.

And... I don’t know... I guess I was a little nervous about entering the world of work.

Bon Bon drew back her hooves, throwing her forelegs up in the air and letting out a frustrated groan. “You don’t get it, do you?! To do those things, we need bits and the only way you’re getting them is by finding work!”

My ears flattened and I fell back a little. Bons’ anger was very unsettling--she’s normally so calm. “But--”

“No ‘buts’ anymore! You need to wake up and face facts! You’re too old to still have your parents provide for you--they’re not going to support you forever!” Bons shouted, effectively silencing me. I didn’t want to speak after that. I looked down at the floor.

Sure, still getting bits from my parents might seem weird, but that’s because most ponies work for themselves. I’m totally fine with that since it’s how most of the world works--but I don’t fit into the grand scheme of things like that. Furthermore, Bons didn’t know if they would keep supplying me or not, but I knew them better than she ever would.

Still... she seemed to get really passionate over this. Maybe she did have a point?

“Bons, I... it’s just that... I...” The words kept dying in my mouth and my mind was a blur. I ran a hoof through my mane, exhaling deeply. I could’ve sworn I was shaking, just a little.

I could hear Bon Bon let out a little sigh. “I’m sorry, dear... it’s just that... do you really want us to be a couple that breaks up over money troubles?”

That sent a shock through my system the likes that I haven’t experienced before in a long time. I quickly looked back at my fillyfriend, shuffling closer. “No! No, I don’t want that! I want us to be happy together!”

Bon Bon was silent for a few seconds, looking into my eyes. I held my breath.

“Then you know what to do.”

Then she left me. No kisses, no hugs... not even a goodbye. I watched her go and with each step she took, the more guilt, dread and fear I felt well up inside me.

She had given me an ultimatum, and I had no choice other than to accept it.