• Published 2nd Jan 2013
  • 388 Views, 2 Comments

Illogika - LuminousRabbit

Enter the world where sense has no meaning and time is an imaginary concept.

  • ...

Through the door

"Welcome to the world of Illogic. To enter, you will need to sacrifice your sanity. It is a simple sacrifice compared to what awaits you, even more so for the greatest of mind. So go on. Try it."

The two ponies looked up at the giagantic metal door. On it, patterns were carved intricately to make a shape that somewhat resembled a dragon that loomed above them, expelling a giant ball of fire from its jaw. The handle was perfectly shaped, like a wave, and the entire thing was polished to very near perfection.

"Come" said the first pony confidently, a slight smirk on her face as she placed a hoof upon the doorhandle.

"Are-are you sure?" asked Silver Spoon nervously. "This is our whole lives in the balance here."

"Oh come on. You know that only the namby-pamby ponies pick the gate of sensibility. We're not children, Silver. I'm not taking any more of that crap," the pink pony said, taking a second to adjust her tiara. "Are you coming with me, or not?"

Silver scoffed. "Of course. We've gotten our cutie marks. It's time to step into the real world. Just, what do you think is behind there?"

"There's only one way to find out," said Diamond Tiara firmly. She looked at Silver for a final nod of confirmation, and, upon receiving it, opened the door open a tiny little bit. Just a little.

"What is it? What's out there?!" asked Silver excitedly, craning her neck to try and see past Diamond's tiara. Diamond Tiara didn't answer. Instead she walked, as if transfixed on something, through the door and out of sight. "Wait for me!" Silver squeaked, hurrying after her friend, through the door.

Silver Spoon completely forgot her friend as she stared in awe at the giagantic room in front of her. It looked ancient, hundreds of years old at least. Across the other side was a giant window, and to each side of that was a staircase leading up into the unknown.

The stairs were wooden, a dark, unpolished brown that was chipped in many places and looked well-worn. The walls of the room were cream-coloured, and the roof met pointedly at the top. The window was slightly dirty, and beyond it, Silver could see nothing but green. To inspect the outside further, however, she would need to cross the room.

Silver looked in astonishment at the floor. It appeared to be dark marble of some description, slightly dirty but otherwise unnoticable. What caught her attention, however, was the giant circle of small crystals, patterned in a way that amazed Silver. How could anypony possibly take the time and care to make something like that?

She looked over at Diamond Tiara, who was staring, transfixed, at the circle. "What is it?" she asked, dumbstruck.

Silver inspected the crystals more closely. After a second, she bent down and licked her hoof, then used it to pick up some of the crystals. Tentatively, she stuck her tongue out. "It's salt," she exclaimed.

"Yeah, but what is it?" asked Diamond.

"Oh," said Silver. She walked around the circle, carefully examining the patten before her. She noticed that while most of the circle was complete, with no entrances or exits, there were two places where the line of salt had not been completed. "I think it's a maze!"

"A maze?" asked Diamond Tiara sceptically. Then her face changed. "I guess I see what you mean. Well, this is boring. And no fun, either. Come on, I think I see a garden out there," she said. "Let's find the exit."

Suddenly a voice boomed out of nowhere, echoing against the cream walls. "Welcome to Illogika." Confused, the two fillies looked around, trying to locate the source of the smooth female voice.

"This is the Hub. You will find yourself returning here, even if you try to get away. It is the one place of sancity in this land, but your time here is limited, so beware. This Hub was created from the frame of your lead pony's mind. Remember, while you are here, your lead pony is in charge, and you must listen to them and obey their commands. Your first task is to find food. Good luck, and remember. You can save everyone. There is always a way."

As the echos faded, Diamond Tiara looked at her companion. "What was that about?"

Silver Spoon shook her head. "I don't know. But this is the world of Illogic, right? It's not supposed to make sense."

"No, that's not what I mean. Lead pony," she said. "Who is the lead pony?"

"It says the room was... What was it? Framed from the thoughts of the lead pony? I don't know about you, but this... It kind of reminds me of a dream I once had," said Silver nervously.

"You're saying you're the lead pony?" asked Diamond Tiara, "But that makes no sense! I'm a natural-born leader!" she said indignantly.

"I didn't choose it," said Silver Spoon. "And don't forget, it's not supposed to make sense. That's why it's here."

Diamond nodded. "I'm the leader Silver, don't forget that. You'd better not try to boss me around."

Silver had her doubts, but agreed anyway. "Come on," said Diamond, "We need to find food. Forget the tasks, I'm hungry."

The two fillies started to head for the steps, but as soon as Silver took a step, she was plunged into complete darkness.

Author's Note:

Please. I don't care if you don't like it. Just leave a comment and tell me why. That way I can improve and create something that people want to read ;)

Comments ( 2 )

If you aren't careful, you'll be bombarded by those who know my world very well. I'll just place myself here for approval. Just so you know, the World of Illogic is linked to every world and dimension in existence, and it can take a wide variety of appearances depending on the person. No evil can enter either, and to enter, you must be contacted by a herald. The only known herald of the Illogic is The Psychopath. There are others, but I only want him to be known amongst the Illogic heralds.

Edit: Upon further readings, I see that this world is more like the World of Insanity. Also, you know the phrase Psycho loves to use? That "sanity" is something you'll never truly understand. He doesn't take your mind away, but, then again, what does he take?


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