• Published 25th Jan 2013
  • 1,237 Views, 64 Comments

Son of Eternity - twow443

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Glimmer of Hope(Misty)

Chapter 1-Glimmer of Hope (Misty)

Have you ever had that time where everything seems perfect? Everything's in place, your plans are solid and nothing seems like it'll go wrong? And then it does? That's pretty much my entire life. Although, it's better then being used your whole life in a thousand year old plot to rule a country.

I got off lucky.

I sat in a cottage in the middle of the Everfree Forest with a comatose changeling, waiting for a strange zebra to come back from the forest. It's been a patten, a routine going on four months now. Sitting, waiting, and hoping. Hoping that I hadn't completely ruined any hope for Equestria's future.

I'm Dancing Mist, but just call me Misty. I'm the daughter of Queen Chrysalis who used to rule over all of us changelings. Now she rules over most of Equestria, but we'll get into that later. I was supposed to be next in line for the plan that had been running though us changelings, but it stopped at me. Apparently my body couldn't handle the magic that the changelings had been passing down for years, so my mother was forced to trick two immortal beings into having a child for her. And no, I don't have all the details on that, nor do I really WANT them.

Either way, that child was Shade, the comatose changeling that I was sitting by now. He hadn't known about his life until I tricked and captured him. I had brought him underneath Sugarcube Corner, and never had been able to rid myself of the guilt. My mother had raped him so she could bundle his essence into her own child, then brutally murdered the child in front of Shade.

And here's the part that I was never able to get over. Null lived with us for a while, and I grew attached to the little changeling. My mother hadn't even told me that he was going to just be ruthlessly murdered for her benefit.

And Shade himself. I stood up and tucked the covers over his body, sadly remembering more. This changeling had been though a lot, and now it was so close to being for nothing. He had fought us and his father. He even stood up against the entire town when they hated him, and it was all my fault.

When Shade had left Ponyville during a storm, he had landed at his friend Fluttershy's house. She had taken him in, and I had trained Shade to use his powers. But, I had fallen for him during that time and fell hard. His personality and drive to learn all he could was just...cute to me. Okay, I'll admit it, I adored him. What I didn't know is that he didn't feel the same way to me.

I had snuck over to Fluttershy's house to tell him how I felt, but I saw that he gave a promise necklace to her. The crushing realization hurt just so much, I felt my heart split into pieces. I remembered slinking away and actually going to that field we were at. And I cried. I cried a lot. I had be so oblivious to the real fact, which had been that Shade had never been in love with me. And then, my fear turned into anger.

My mother, instead of comforting me used my anger to manipulate me into capturing Shade. So I did, catching him when he was on his way back to Canterlot. I brought him to my mother, hoping that I could change his mind. And...that's where she raped him. She'd kicked me out of the room, but I could HEAR her. I felt horrible. Even when I snapped and burnt his side with lightning, after we had escaped that haunted me. It still does.

I stood up in the cottage, temporarily breaking away from my memories. I walked over and picked up a cup filled with water. Magically, I opened Shade's mouth and trickled some water in. I raised his head and made sure that he actually swallowed the water. Zecora, that's the zebra's name, told me that he would be able to eat and drink, but that's about all he could do beside breathe. Not to mention that we needed to be VERY careful so that he didn't choke.

Where was I? Oh, right. About four months after all that, we found out that her plan had worked and that my mother WAS pregnant. In order to prevent anypony from trying to find us, she used her magic to free Shade's father, Discord. And in an act of cruelty, I disguised myself as him and attacked Fluttershy, beating her and saying that I didn't love her. Yet another act that's caused me nightmares. I made it so that Shade had to hide from everypony in Ponyville and his own friend Twilight almost killed him. He did stop Discord though, which I was thankful for.

And finally, I was so overcome with pure rage at not Shade, but Fluttershy! I deluded myself, thinking that if she was dead that I could win over Shade for myself. I remember threatening her, and attacking Shade while she was watching. Then when he was gone visiting his mother, I captured her, threatening to kill Shade if she didn't come. I wish I had left it at that. But no, I was blinded and told her to write a letter saying how she didn't want to be with him anymore. She was smart and left a code for him, because I'm sure that I actually would have killed her.

Shade, being as naive as ever, came to her rescue. And as he was talking, I came to a realization. Even if I did kill Fluttershy, he'd never truly love me. And that's what I had wanted the whole time, true love. And I thought, if I can't have it, there's really no reason for me to take it from him. So I let Fluttershy go, knowing that Shade will never love me, but at least he could like me.

And then Chrysalis came and took him away. Gone. Fluttershy started to panic and I tried as hard as I could to find and teleport myself to where they were, to no avail. Eventually we both felt a strange tingle and teleported to the field where she was. And we saw, that she had been busy. Shade lay on the ground apparently dead and so was Null. I had ran over to Null as Fluttershy reached Shade and started to cry. I also began to cry when I saw the long slice across Null's throat.

Chrysalis taunted Fluttershy for a little bit, and tossed Shade's body away. She then teleported away assuming that I would join her again later. But, she was wrong. The first thing I did was take the body of the young changeling and bury him in the field, erecting a gravestone for him. Then, I had shot away to the Everfree.

I had located Shade's body lying in a patch of grass. He looked dead, with the wound in his chest and the loss of blood. I didn't know what had driven me to try to save him, but it felt like he was still somewhere in there. I started dragging him, calling out help every few seconds. And then, she heard me.

I learned from Zecora that she was a loner, only heading into Ponyville a few times out of the year. She had heard a bit about Shade's adventures, but not enough to recognize him on sight. In fact, when she saw Shade lying on the ground, his body only held his unicorn form for a few moments before he had shifted back to his natural changeling form. I had hidden myself for a little bit, until I decided to trust that she was friendly. I told her that Shade needed help, and she instantly took him to her home. She offered to let me stay with her also. I was beginning to decline, but I realized that I had no more loyalty to my mother anymore. She had used me for so many years, just as she had used everyone that ever came into contact with her. So I made a hard decision.

I turned away from my mother.

Over the past few months, we heard that my mother had been looking for me for a long time. In fact, one of Shade's friends, the other pegasus named Rainbow came by and told us the news. My mother had a bounty out for me. I hadn't though that she cared, but I didn't think that was the only reason she wanted me back. Rainbow would come from time to time and update us as much as she could, which wasn't much.

After I had escaped with Shade's body, Celestia had turned to stone. Rainbow said that she didn't know what had happened to Luna. She did know that Chrysalis had made good on her threat and had Fluttershy as her personal slave. Apparently Rainbow had been able to talk to Fluttershy for a little while and told me that Chrysalis had been treating her horribly. It didn't help the fact that the pegasus couldn't escape from the castle. Rainbow shook with rage when she told me how my mother had let some of her changelings...have their way with her.

She also kept her on a actual leash whenever she was with her, and had her heavily guarded at night. Changelings also inhabited Canterlot and Ponyville and nopony was allowed to step out of line. Everypony had to actually worship my mother, which was ludicrous to me. My mother was playing around with Equestria, and it hurt that I had a hoof in that.

I told Rainbow on one of the few times that I could talk to her that I would do anything I could help, and she told me that if Shade actually was still alive that I needed to wake him up. Did I know that none of Shade's friends trusted me? Yes, but I wasn't going to let that stop me from trying to right my many wrongs.

Zecora and I hadn't spoken much in the beginning, only exchanging a few words from time to time. It wasn't easy that she only spoke in rhymes either, but we made it work. She was the one that figured out that Shade actually was alive and that I wasn't hallucinating. I told her all about my mother's plan and how I had been the one to do a lot of her dirty work. She had asked me if I was ready to change my ways and I had answered with a yes. She then said that if I was truly going to prove that, then I was welcome to stay with her. And so I did.

A knock at the door jolted me out of my memories. Like clockwork, I instantly tossed a blanket over Shade's body and cast an illusion that there was nothing there but a table. I shifted my body, causing my horn and wings to disappear in place of black and white stripes across my coat. In less than a minute, I was an exact copy of Zecora. Not trusting myself to speak as well as she did, I walked over and opened the door, only to see the zebra that I now resembled.

“Every time my form you take/I remind myself that it's an fake.” She said, smiling and walking in.

I stepped away, closing the door as she deposited some flowers on the real table in the room. “Well, it was your idea Zecora. I'm just following orders.”

“My order they were not/You also made that plot.” She replied, sorting out her flowers.

I stepped over to the fake table, removing the illusion and the blanket. “Quiet you are today/Is there something you wanted to say?” Zecora asked, walking over to me.

I sighed. Zecora always knew if I was bothered. “I'm worried Zecora. It's been four months and we haven't been able to wake him up.” I looked at her, tears in my eyes. “My mother's wreaking havoc on Equestria, and Shade's the only one that might be able to stop her.”

“To give one pony all the fate/is the quickest way for him to hate.” Zecora said.

“I know. He's not the only one that can stop her, but he's our best hope.” Zecora pulled me into a hug as I continued. “Is there anyway we can wake him up?”

“For a while it was most profound/But a cure I might have found.” Zecora let me go and we knelt down by Shade's body. “He still breathes air/but his soul is not fully there. Bring it back we must/Or Shade's body will return to dust.”

I was excited by this news. “He's still alive then?! That means we have a shot at bringing him back!” I leapt up. “Tell me what I need to do Zecora!”

Zecora turned to face me. “To bring his soul back here/You must find the one that he loves dear.”

I simmered down a bit. “But, that's Fluttershy. She's under the strictest guard in all of Equestria. She barely leaves my mother's side.”

Zecora shook her head. “You must not give into doubt/Or from this coma, he will never get out.”

She was right. I had to figure out how to get into Canterlot and bring Fluttershy here, or Shade would eventually die for real. I'm not going to lie and say that I wasn't frightened, but I knew what I needed to do. “Alright Zecora. I'll do it. Do you have any ideas at how I could get inside?”

Zecora thought for a moment. “I thought of a way, but I had doubts/Perhaps one of Shade's friends could help you out?”

I frowned. The only one of Shade's friends that had spoken to me was Rainbow, and I knew that she didn't fully trust me. But the truth was that they might have a way for me to get inside the castle. I was going to have to suck up my pride, and my fear. “I will Zecora. It's rather late now though.”

“Yes/Best to start when the day is fresh.” Zecora started to stir the cauldron as I yawned. “I will watch Shade,go and rest/Tomorrow you will be put to the test.” She told me.

“Thanks Zecora.” We always had one of us awake at all times and it was supposed to be Zecora's night to sleep. The fact that she was giving up her turn made me realize just what I was going to do in the morning. I rose and gave Zecora a quick hug. Then after giving Shade a quick kiss on the cheek, I grabbed a blanket and curled up on the ground. As Zecora started humming to herself, I drifted off to sleep, dreaming of the sun.