• Published 31st Dec 2012
  • 828 Views, 12 Comments

A New Pony in Town - serenity neko chan

A new type of pony as arrived to live in Ponyville, see what can this new mare do to effect the ponies that live around her, far and wide. Will they take her as one of them or become scared of her seeing that they never seen her kind before

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Opening the shop

Ran's pov
I woke up from where I found myself laying on the floor, slowly lifting my head up I looked around and blinked a couple of times, to help me see where I was. As I smacked my dry lips I thought 'How did my lips get this dry?' I shifted myself to stand up, but I stopped when I heard somepony grumble next to me looking down I saw Rarity laying her head on my tail, which was curled up next to me. Blushing lightly I used my magic to gently shift her to a pillow that was near the table full of half eaten sweets and a purple pony in the punch bowl, snoring away in it... shaking my head I figured that I was still in the bakery and a few ponies was still here. So why can't I remember much on what happened? Maybe I had too much to drank last nigh, sighing I stood up and sluggish trotted out the door avoiding any pony that I might step on and leaving a note for the Cakes and some bits to help pay for any damages that could of happened.

As I walked outside I saw that it was early morning the sun hardly being up more or less a couple of hours ago, so to help me wake up I kicked back and reared on my hind legs then galloped off to my shop for a quick exercise and I skidded into a stop in front of my home. Panting evenly I walked into my shop and trotted upstairs to take a quick shower to help me wake up more and make my head clear up. As I trotted down the stairs sighing in relief with my mane and tail wet, I walked up to the door that linked to my seasonal shop, with a tray full of my breakfast and shut myself inside there.

3rd pov
As the ponies got busy with their daily business setting up their stores or going to work, the few that walked passed Ran's shop wondered what the shop was and the noises that was happening to the other side. They heard banging and clanking but also a few painful ouches from the shop owner, but they couldn't see anything inside since the large window was covered by a large blind. Causing the ponies to wonder what was going on with the new resident in ponyville.

30 minutes later.

Twilight walked pass Ran's shop, after helping the Cakes clean up from the party and looked the small space of the window to try and spot her new friend. Failing to see her, Twilight knocked on the door instead. She waited for a couple of minutes when she heard some crashes and colourful words, the door next to the window opened. “Oh hello Twilight, how can I help you. I mean my shop is not opened yet but I am happy to help” Ran smiled at her peeping out from the door, she had a couple of scratches on her but Twilight could see that they were already healing.

“I just wanted to pop by to see how is your first day” Twilight smiled at her. Ran gestured her to come in, as she walked in she saw the previously bare was full of beautiful objects, clothes, books, toys and many other items. The interior of the room was decorated with a beautiful evening. The walls was painted with a background of hills and silhouettes of trees surrounding, but on one of the walls Twilight could see a silhouette of a pony looking through a telescope at a shooting star. “Oh my this place is so beautiful and wonderful, look at all the books!” Twilight cried out and started to look at all the books, but started to see a theme.

“Thank you Twilight, but you haven't seen the outside window, nor the ceiling” Smiled Ran and her horn glowed then shoot magic into the ceiling with that they ceiling started to glow and faded out to star-filled sky that moved! Twilight stared at the ceiling looking at all the different constellations, that she could see. “Let's get some of your friends over I want to know what they think of the window display I created. Ran smiled and nudged Twilight out the door “Come on let's go” They trotted out.
They knocked on Rarity's door, to find the white unicorn placing some of her clothes on a rack “Hey Rarity” Twilight trotted in the fashion pony's home as Ran ducked her head down to enter, not before cleaning her hooves on the mat outside. “Oh Hello Twilight, Ran how can I help you two I just finished checking my orders and I need to buy some new material” Rarity turned around to speak to her friends. She saw Twilight standing in front of her while, Ran was nuzzling a surprisingly calm Opal. “We were just wondering if you want to come and see Ran's grand opening of her shop, she says she finished organising it” Twilight smiled at her. Ran picked up her head and looked at Rarity smiling “If you are looking for material I sell some in my shop you could always look at some if you want to” with that settled they trotted off looking for the others.

Next they found Rainbow, sleeping in a tree dreaming that she was part of the wonderbolts and it seems like she was in a deeper sleep then usual since none of the shouts from her friends woke her up. “I think I can wake her up girls just stand back a bit I don't want anything hitting you if something falls from the tree” Ran warned the girls, they didn't have enough time to question her when she slammed her back legs into the tree, shaking it wildly and the ground causing Rainbow and the two others to fall to the ground with shock. “Oops I put in too much strength into that, really need to work on that” she rubbed her hoof behind her head. “What the buck was that! Was that an earthquake!” Rainbow picked herself from the ground but was lifted off the floor by Ran “Sorry about that Rainbow but you didn't wake up when we called you.” Ran placed Rainbow on her back and trotted off with the others explaining to her what was going on.

Pinky was easy to find she was at sugar cube corner cleaning what was remaining of the party “Hey guys are you all here to eat cupcakes, I baked a new type its Hot sauce flavour!” she held up a bright red cupcake, the others held their noses as their eyes watered from the powerful smell, while Ran looked at the cupcake with stary eyes and licked her lips. “May I try one Pinkie?” she questioned her “Oooo your the first one that wanted to try this I thought this was going to be a failure, here you can have it” Ran shook her head and took a bite out of the cupcake and felt the heat burn her throat and increase even more when she swallowed it, she grinned in delight of the spicy flavour and gulped the rest down, as the others looked at her in shock since they know not to try most of Pinkie's crazy recipes. “That was tasty Pinkie, if you make some more place let me know the spicier the better” and walked out to find the last two ponies.

“Are you sure that you are ok? I never seen somepony eat something that spicy and not turn in to spike” Twilight questioned Ran as they walked to Fluttershy's house “Yeah I mean last time I ate one of Pinkie's new recipes I couldn't look at a cupcake for a couple of weeks without remembering that taste” Rainbow said flying above them, Ran shook her head “I am fine, I enjoy spicy food its one of my favourite flavours that I like, next to some other.” They spotted a the animal loving pony in her front yard feeding animals of many sizes. “Oh hello everyone I was just finishing giving everyone their breakfast” she placed some bird seeds in a bowl but was surprised to see most of the hunting type birds landing on Ran. Ran looked at the birds on her and shook them gently off, making them scatter feathers and some landed in her mouth and in front of her eyes. Trying to shake them off she spat out the feathers and bumped into something, falling over she finally got the feathers out of her eyes she saw that she bumped into a bear. The bear roared at her and leaped at her shocking the others, and making Rarity faint, Ran and the bear started to wrestle. The others was about to help when they saw her laughing.

After playing with the bear, Ran waved good bye to it as they started to go to applejack's Rarity was using her magic to pull out twigs from Ran's mane and tail. “Weren't you scared that, bear jumped at you Ran?” Twilight asked her friend, Ran shook her head “The bear was on Fluttershy's place you told me that any animal that she looks after is not dangerous, sure I was a bit scared that it jumped me. But I saw that Fluttershy was not that much in a panic so I really didn't need to worry” she shook herself from the dirt causing that others to sneeze. As they walked into the farm they saw Applejack bucking a tree “Hey Applejack”, the others trotted up to her as Ran looked at some of the trees that had buckets under them, and spotted Applebloom. “Hello little one are you helping your sister?” she looked at her, Applebloom saw the mare and hugged her “Sure am Ran, its just..” Ran looked at the filly, “I aint strong enough to buck all them apples down at once, I gots to buck the tree a couple of times before all of them fall” Ran nuzzled the filly gently and smiled “You are young, bucking apples or really anything to get it all down that's quite a bit of strength, strength that your sister and brother have built over the years. But I can teach you a trick now watch carefully”

Ran looked at a tree that was full of apples and firmly planted her hooves down, taking a deep breath she bucked the tree. With a loud and soundly thud all the apples fell down into the buckets, and with the shockwave from the kick it made some of the apples from the tree behind fall as well. “Wow that was a mighty buck Ran, but I aint going to be as strong as you.” the filly sadly said, Ran comforted her as spoke “Strength this not everything young on, you just have to plant your hooves down firmly and contract all your energy into your back legs and kick. But there is always another way. Just talk to the tree first then give them a gently tap and they will like you have the best apples they make.” “Talk to the trees? Now that's just stupid” Ran smiled and patted Applebloom's head “You can always try where is your curiosity that I saw before” Ran said as she galloped back to the others leaving Applebloom to think.

Back to Ran's shop

“Great everyone is here” Ran smiled at the group and then pulled the curtain back to show the display. Everyone in the group was staring in awe, with their mouths gaping opening. The display before them was awestruck they saw a two joint moveable pony mannequins, with one of their front legs rose and the head bow down, both placed facing each other. One was clearly dressed as a female, with a gold and onyx crown, she was dressed in a long grown that was shining different blue hues when the light hit it, the torso was paired off with an amazing light purple coat that matched with the grown, with a golden necklace shaped as a star sitting against her chest to top it off a pair of delicate black shoes with sliver decorations on it.

The other one was dress as a male a black top hat with a crimson band going around the hat held a black rose, he was dressed in a black tuxedo with a fish tail that was gemmed off with rubies and trimmed off with gold tucked under that was a white shirt that had a deep blue tie on that had a sliver clip that kept it from moving on his front hoof he had white cuffs that was gemmed with rubies as well. What was odd about the the mannequin was it was rough fur stuck out from places giving it an animal feature. The surrounding was created to be like a ballroom with small table on the side, that had a music box playing, a cup and a teapot on the side that looked like they had faces.

“Well what do you think? I chosen a good theme for this, can you guess what it is? ” Ran turned around and saw the group have grown larger with filly's staring at the dress. The girls looked at her and smiled “This display this amazing I have never seen, there is so much detail going into this... it's just wow” Ran smiled as a shy unicorn came up to her “Erm... excuse me miss?” Ran looked down at the unicorn and bent down to her level, smiling at the mare. The mare back off a bit and looked up shyly at her “Can I buy the same necklace on that pony?” she smiled at Ran. Ran smiled back and used her magic to open the door and spoke loudly. “ My shop is open for business please come in” with that she walked into her shop as other ponies followed her in looking at the wonders in her shop.

As she saw ponies in her shop looking about she felt a small tap on her shoulder “Darling this place is beautiful! I can't believe the mannequins outside the window display did you make the clothes yourself?” Rarity as her, Ran shook her had “I get clothing donated to me on my travels or I buy them I have not that much talent in making clothes, the best I can do is repair them and add extra bits on them.” she smiled and walked up to a pony that needed help.

The whole group was browsing through the sections in the store, Rarity when to look at the clothes so many that she has never seen the material was amazing as well as she spotted the fabric section she was stuck in there staring at the quality and colours in the shop. Pinkie was staring at the sweets that looked like stars, she picked up one and ate it liking the flavour she dived for more, till Ran stopped her with her magic lecturing her that the sweets were for everyone and she couldn't eat all of them. While Fluttershy looked at the rather large raven, that was sitting still on a perch next to the till she thought it was stuffed till it flew off and landed on Ran's flank, pulling on her mane and squawking at her. Spike stared at the flawless gems in the a glass case, he saw his favourite a fire ruby he was drooling on the floor, that was till the raven flew down with a broom and hit him over the head with it. Twilight was looking at star related books wondering why some of them weren't in her own collection. Applejack looked at some of the different seeds and potions that were said to help plant grow she was thinking of buying some but wanted to know more about it. Lastly Rainbow was looking at a poster saying something about an event was happening later tonight.

“Hey Ran what this is event about?” she pointed to the poster that had a telescope on it. Ran looked back at her “Oh that event is happening in the evening tonight and throughout this week, its for ponies that want to learn about the stars, it cost 1 bit to enter this event, you just sign the paper next to the till” she pointed with her head. She walked off and saw the puddle of drool on the floor, then mopped it away when her raven picked her head again. “Ouch! That hurt Midnight.” she swatted at the raven gently with her tail.

Midnight pecked her again and squawked at her again, gesturing that she was forgetting something “Ah yes I almost forgot if anypony can guess what the display is they win a prize” she smiled as she walked over to another customer talking to them, while having Midnight nestled on her flank.

Late that afternoon

As the last pony left the shop, Ran sat down to have a nice rest she looked around the shop and saw that her friends were left in her store “Well its getting a bit late do you guys want to eat some lunch, you guys have stayed for most of the day.” she smiled at the group and moved behind the counter through a door and started to make lunch for everyone. “Ran do you need any help?” Ran shouted back that she was fine, then brought out some tea and flower sandwiches. She placed them down as she moved everything out the way from the centre and placed cushions around the room. “Sit down every pony let's eat.” she smiled and picked up rose sandwich and started to eat it, as the others asked questions to Ran and she happily answered them.

Author's Note:

Alright I do hope this was worth the wait, sorry it took so long but I do have College and other fanfics to worry about so hopfully I can write some more latter hope you enjoyed this and leave a comment if you are happy

Comments ( 4 )

Very excited for more!:pinkiehappy:

I verry like it so far, but can it be that you have a wierd , well, sense for punctuation ? I am not a native , so I may be wrong or at least not the first person woh has the "right" to mention it. But it is really confusing at some points. Like thes never pause in thier speaking.

Regardless, I lieke it realy much, please keep on writing, i want to see where this is going :pinkiehappy:

Greetings from Germany, 3ee

3479279 well i haven't really got a proofreader and English isn't my first language :raritycry: if I had a proofreader and the effect to write I would do a lot better

I like how interesting the characters is in the fanfic is so well thought of.

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