• Published 4th Jan 2013
  • 2,306 Views, 75 Comments

Maniac's Melody - Dementia Ravenmane

Beautiful day? Check. Free time from studies? Check. Strange sonic wave devastating Ponyville? Check. Yup, Twilight's in for a hectic day.

  • ...

3: A Friend Falls, A Queen Rises

Fluttershy was laying in the middle of her living room, staring at her hoofs. The color of them disgusted her: The once butter-yellow color was now pale. She had nothing against white coats, in fact she liked it. But this wasn't white, this was a color that belonged to the dead.
And the buzzing! Fluttershy felt as if something was in the back of her head. When she searched her mind for it, she found a buzzing cloud. It was driving her insane. It whispered to her. It was hungry for control.
If only she hadn’t fallen asleep that 1 night about 11 days ago...

*About 264 hours earlier*
Fluttershy was tired: she had been vaccinating all her animals from a mutation of PIV (Pony Immunodeficiency Virus), a mutation that could infect other animals as well. The fact that she had a light migraine didn’t make the job easier. She took an aspirin and made her way to bed, collapsing on it and fell asleep instantly.
Fluttershy felt a light breeze in her face, had she left her window open? She opened her eyes and the first thing she noticed was that she most certainly wasn’t in her bedroom anymore. She appeared to be in the middle of a graveyard.
"H-hello, i-is anypony t-there? L-Luna, i-is th-this y-your do-doing?" She knew that the princess of the night could manipulate the dreams of ponies, often for her own amusement.
"Eeep!" She felt a chill run down her spine and she yelped. This graveyard felt... wrong, she couldn’t put her hoof on it but she wasn’t supposed to be here. She saw a grave in front of her, the name had been erased by time and weather, however on the grave, a white and red striped top-hat was laying in the dirt. Fluttershy couldn’t help but walk up to the grave, it was as if it pulled her closer.
She was standing right in front of the grave when she heard a muffled noise. However, she couldn’t hear much of it. What happened next was something she would never forget: the top hat hovered up in front of her, and a strange creature emerged from the dirt, just so that the top hat ended up on it’s head.
Fluttershy tried to run, she knew she had to run, but she couldn’t move her legs or her wings. She just stood there, staring at the creature. It was an undead, it had green-ish skin, and the flesh was visible and sagging at some places. The creature said something incredibly loud, it wasn’t Equestrian, but Fluttershy saw that the creature was happy to see her.
The creature moved up next to Fluttershy with surprising speed and grabbed her around her neck. Fluttershy felt the creature squeeze her air pipe, she started to feel dizzy. The creature was strangling her! Black dots were dancing across her field of vision, she felt her body going numb. However, right before Fluttershy fell unconscious, something happened: she felt her mouth snap open, and a sound came out that sounded like a vacuum... Then everything went white.
Fluttershy bolted up from her bed; It had only been a nightmare. She looked at her hooves: they had turned pale, probably because of panic. She got up and went for a glass of water. She felt a faint buzzing in the back of her head, the migraine was coming back. Walking into the bathroom, Fluttershy took a look at herself in the mirror. What she saw caused her to yelp and faint.

Fluttershy stood up on her shaking legs. She had probably been unconscious for hours. Why was she afraid of herself? Well, apart from the fact that she looked directly intimidating, she wasn’t sure. Looking into the mirror for a second time, she stared into the face of a pony with one deep blue and one crimson red eye, a crimson red mane and a pale cream colored coat. The pony also balanced a red and white striped top hat on it’s head. She turned and investigated the cutie mark: it was a butterfly that had a red stain on it, with marks on the wings that looked like speakers.
As soon as Fluttershy saw the cutie mark, it was as if the buzzing in her head reacted to it: it became slightly louder and she felt it spread through her brain. She realised there was only one thing she could do, ask somepony for help, she needed to see Twilight, Twilight always knew what to do! As she felt her body being filled with panic, she dashed out of her cottage and headed straight for Ponyville, although she tried to be as discreet as possible, what if somepony she knew were to see her like this?

"Hi! Are you new in town because i don't know you and i know everypony in town so that means that you are new and then i must throw a welcome-to-ponyville party! I am Pinkie Pie by the way and i really like your hat although Rarity might not think it is that nice!" Of course, the first pony Fluttershy had to run into was Pinkie Pie. Pinkie did not seem to recognize her since she tried to give her a Welcome-To-Ponyville party. Problem #1: Friends might recognize me, not a problem anymore.
Pinkie just kept talking and talking about everything in town, this started to really annoy Fluttershy. As she got more annoyed, she felt how the buzzing in her head got louder, it filled her mind and it started to fuel her annoyance, the annoyance turned into anger, which turned into hatred for the pink pony.
Just who does she think she is? Doesn't she have any respect for private space? Oh, she is making me so angry, I could just scream!"
Fluttershy opened her mouth and screamed. What happened next snapped her back into herself, as soon as she opened her mouth, reality seemed to distort around her and Pinkie: all colors were inverted and shapes twisted randomly. Pinkie struggled to stand up from the sonic assault: she only lasted around 10 seconds before her ears popped and blood started flowing from them. Pinkie collapsed in a growing crimson puddle.
Fluttershy just stood there in horror, she had just injured, maybe even killed Pinkie Pie! And she had enjoyed doing it... she felt a smile spread across her face as she watched the pink pony twitch. She saw what her sound had done to the rest of Ponyville and she started to giggle... she LIKED doing this.
Weak Fluttershy is no more! Let Equestria know that their true queen, Fluttershout, the queen of ear rape sound has arrived!
Fluttershy, no, Fluttershout was looking around at the street, the destruction she had caused was just the kind of shock and awe these lowly ponies needed to understand why she was a better ruler than those weak and empathic Alicorn sisters.
NO! Fluttershy would never hurt anypony! Did you hear that? I WILL NOT LET YOU CONTROL ME!
Fluttershy managed to suppress the ominous buzzing and regained control of herself, she dashed to her cabin and quickly blocked every way in or out. If she were to let this "Fluttershout" control her, all of Equestria would be in danger.

*Present time*
Fluttershy was struggling against the buzzing, it had been hammering her mind constantly for almost 10 days, she knew what it was trying to do: trying to give Fluttershout control.
NO! My friends need me! I am the Element of Kindness! I can't let you endanger Equestria!
Despite all her effort and willpower, Fluttershy was starting to lose her foothold in the mental battle. She hadn't slept and she hadn’t eaten and her mental strength was running on fumes.
Oh come on, would you not want to be somepony important? Aren't you tired of being weak and helpless? I could give you true power, i could make you into the ruler of Equestria! Just give me the controls for a while.
Fluttershout was showing no mercy; she was bombarding Fluttershy with images of her on the throne with Luna and Celestia chained like animals at her feet. She saw pictures of Twilight, Rarity, Rainbow and all her other friends worshipping her and offering everything they had for her. She saw how she forced her friends to have intimate orgies with her in her bedchamber. Okay, maybe the last one was coming from Fluttershy's own mind, but still, it disgusted her.
Fluttershy tried to push Fluttershout out of her mind one last time before collapsing from the exhaustion. She felt Fluttershout's mind flow in and assume control of her body. She didn't even care anymore, she just felt so sleepy... Fluttershy closed her eyes and allowed Fluttershout to have full control.
Fluttershy felt a breeze move through her mane, she opened her eyes and she saw the bright blue sky. She sat up and realised that she was laying in the grass outside her cottage. Something felt... off though.
Why is it so quiet? Why aren't the birds singing? And where are all my little animals?
Fluttershy stared at the thick fog surrounding the area around the cottage, it looked like she was in the eye of a storm. Her thinking was cut short when she heard a sound coming from her cottage, it sounded like someone was trying to clean the kitchen.
"H-Hello? I-is anypony t-there?" Fluttershy crept through her empty house. She heard the whistling that her tea kettle made when it was done.
"A-angel bunny, i-is that y-you?" Fluttershy didn’t want to go closer, but she was too curious of who was making tea in her house. She peeked into the hospital and saw a large creature standing by the stove, it seemed to be watching the tea kettle. Fluttershy yelped a little when she recognized the creature from her nightmare. This time, the creature was very much alive and healthy. It noticed Fluttershy and turned around to face her. Fluttershy hid behind her mane, terrified of the monster.
"Hello, Fluttershy. I've been waiting for you. Would you like sugar and milk with your tea? Oh, sorry if I have scared you. I couldn’t destroy your mind, so I locked it up in here. It's quite cozy, actually." The creature spoke with a friendly tone, it was as if it actually cared for Fluttershy.
"Wh-why are you doing this? Why are you going to take over Equestria? Who are you? What are you?" Fluttershy was still afraid of the large creature. But she sat down by the table with it. It wasn't like she had any other choice, and she really didn’t want to make it angry.
"I suppose I haven't introduced myself properly. I am GAYPENIS, king of ear rape. I am from a alternate universe called a modiverse." Fluttershy stared at the creature, what kind of vulgar name and title was that? The creature leaned forward and Fluttershy tried to hide herself behind her mane.
Please, Celestia. I don’t want to be here. Somepony, anypony take me away from it!
Fluttershy started to cry softly while trying to avoid to look at the creature. It reached out with a hand and patted her on the head.
"There, there. Calm down Fluttershy. I understand if you are scared, but you will have to get used to living with me. Why don't we go and sit in the couch for a while; I am quite tired." Fluttershy felt her vision flare red-blue when GAYPENIS took away his hand from her head, she instantly calmed down a little and looked at him.
He isn't that scary when you think about it, and he is actually quite kind...
GAYPENIS walked out in the living room and sat in the couch. Fluttershy followed and jumped up in his lap, where he started to pat her lightly on her head.
Wait, what am i doing? Why am I letting him do thi... *snap* Nevermind, why would I NOT let him do this? He is so kind, and he is my master.
Fluttershy's vision flared red-blue again and she nuzzled GAYPENIS's arm. She closed her eyes and fell asleep.
"Doesn't that feel better Fluttershy? No worries in the world, just you and your master." GAYPENIS allowed a small smile to creep across his face, Fluttershy's cutie mark was already fading.

Meanwhile in Canterlot, Celestia felt the unease that meant one of her subjects were losing their destiny.

Author's Note:

Finally I uploaded it! And yes, no whining about the name of GAYPENIS, I didn't come up with it.
Anyways... Have a nice day centlegolts!