• Published 18th Jan 2012
  • 2,683 Views, 106 Comments

Fourth wall be damned - Scriber

  • ...


This can not be good. No, this is probably nothing but trouble.

The purple unicorn mare stirs on your bedroom floor, moaning and absentmindedly rubbing her head. Your room is in more of a state of chaos than its usual status quo; dirty laundry hangs from nearly every visible surface, including – much to your chagrin – your ceiling fan. Your bedsheets are inexplicably missing, and there is a rather nasty-looking scorch mark on the hardwood flooring.

“W-...where am I?” Twilight breathes, looking around in consternation. Or perturbation. You can't really tell which. Your lungs sort of feel like they've collapsed.

“Uh...well, it's not Equestria, for one...” You sheepishly offer, silently cursing yourself for the remarkably absurd situation the elder gods have seen fit to bestow upon you.

“What do you mean, 'not Equestria'?” She asks, suddenly coming to her hooves. Her wide, purple eyes bore into your own, demanding answers.

God, this is like a bad fanfiction, isn't it? Proper naughty, that!

“Ok. Ok, maybe I should start over. Hi, Twilight! My name's [INSERT NAME HERE.] Mind if I ask you how you managed to teleport yourself not only into my dimension, but somehow specifically into my bedroom as well?”

“H-how did you know m-m-”

“-know your name? I'll get to that. Eventually. Maybe. Look, I don't know. Point is: you're here, so there must have been something that caused you to be here. Think for a moment, Twilight. Research into paranormal or supernatural spellwork? A mishap with an experimental sp-...oh, don't even fuc-”

“I was experimenting with a new spell, but it went haywire! I think I may have transcribed the ancient runes incorrectly...hmm...”

You facepalm, again much to Pinkie's chagrin.

Oh, wait.

“Hi, Twilight!” Pinkie says happily, sproinging (is that even a verb?) over to join her friend in the centre of the room.

“Pinkie? But – wha-? How-”

“-how did I get here? It's simple! I have no idea!” Pinkie cheerfully interjects.

“But...but how can you have no i-”
“I have no idea!” Pinkie giddily reaffirms. You bring a hand to your ears, checking to see if they are in fact bleeding. This mare is somewhat LOUD.

Twilight gulps. “And...what was your name, again? [INSERT NAME HERE], was it?”

You nod. “That's right. So! Twilight, you're Celestia's prized pupil, yes? Surely, you have some useful knowledge bouncing around in the ol' noggin about how to get yourself and your friend out of this admittedly strange scenario, do you not?”

Twilight is silent for a moment, then slowly nods.

“You know what, [INSERT NAME HERE]? You're right. I think you're right! I know just the thing that'll-”

“-fix all of this?” You interject, already feeling another facepalm coming on.

“Wha-...how'd you know?”

“Just try it, all right? I'm no theoretical physicist, but theoretically, the two of you being here in this dimension could theoretically be a gigantic fucking disaster waiting to happen. Theoretically, of course.”

Twilight gulps again, this time stiffening at your sudden use of such foul language. Manners, you!

“Ok. I'll give it a go,” Twilight says.

~lol ten seconds later~

You look dejectedly down at your hooves, a lone, lonely row boat amidst a sea of fanboy giddiness and just plain incredulity. You feel your tail twitch spasmodically.

“...I don't...think it worked...” You finally manage to say.