• Published 5th Jan 2013
  • 3,016 Views, 33 Comments

The Defective Warp Pipe - Level Dasher

A creature named Yoshi lands in Equestria with a problem on his hands. Can the Equestrians help him get back home and assist him with his problem, or will he be delayed by means out of (or perhaps within) his control?

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Chapter 5: The Rescue

After I conceded to more down time, Fluttershy offered, and I accepted, to stay with her at her cottage so I could keep an eye on Toad while he healed. I had not gotten back up to 100% myself yet, so Fluttershy wanted to keep an eye on me. I was fine with that— I had gotten quite fond of her.

It was during this healing time that Fluttershy and I grew rather close. I found that we were having fewer and fewer issues with the language boundary; she seemed to just be able to tell what I was thinking at a glance of my facial expressions, and if I wanted to tell or ask her something a bit more complex, a quick game of charades usually solved the confusion.

I spoke to Twilight Sparkle one day, and she told me that Spike was feeling a bit lonely now that I didn’t need him to translate as much, seeing as I spent a lot of time with Fluttershy. After he had his spotlight, what with being the only one able to understand me, he was upset that it didn’t last a bit longer. I had a talk with Spike, and I told him that at some point, I would want to meet some other folks in Ponyville. When that day came, I would need him right by my side again. That seemed to cheer him up. As it turned out, that day came sooner than I anticipated…

“Are you sure you don’t want me to take a look, darling? I am going to be in the mines anyway. I’m going on a supply run, as t’were.”

I had been in the library speaking with Twilight about Equestria’s history. Since I was going to be there for a little longer, I wanted to know a bit more about the world I was in, and from what I learned from my new friends, Twilight was the one to speak to about anything historical. While Twilight was lecturing me about Starswirl the Bearded, and Spike was cleaning house, Rarity came by.

Thank you for the offer, Rarity, but I would really like to come along on any search for the Augmentation Stones, and my leg hasn’t completely healed yet.

“I understand, dear. Just trying to save time, that’s all. Wouldn’t want to waste a perfectly good trip to the mines, especially if it isn’t for my own purposes.”

And I really appreciate that. It’s kind of a personal thing, though. Besides, I have a feeling Toad would want to come along, too. After he’s better, of course.

“I completely understand, darling. Heal quickly, though— even if I come back with a big haul today, my gem supplies tend to go rather fast. I’ll be back in the mines again before you know it.”

I’ll try. It’s up to Fluttershy’s expertise to determine if I’m really better, though.

“Ahh, yes. Fluttershy does have a leg up on us when it comes to medical prowess, doesn’t she? Is that the only thing she’s had a leg up on lately?” Rarity flashed me a little smirk, winked, and giggled as she shut the door behind her. My jaw dropped.

I made a quick one-eighty, and looked at Twilight and Spike. They were both covering their mouths, but were obviously suppressing giggles themselves. “And just what was that supposed to mean?” Spike was still clearly holding back a laugh as he translated for me.

“Oh, come on, Yoshi.” Twilight seemed to have gathered her composure, but she was still smiling. “You’ve been staying with Fluttershy for the past few days. We haven’t seen you around the rest of Ponyville as often since you agreed to take more time to heal. It’s a little obvious what’s going on between you two. I wasn’t sure what to make of it with you since I don’t know you as well, but to be honest, I’m not totally surprised about Fluttershy. Different has always been her forte.”

WHAAAA… Even my thoughts were dumbfounded. “WHAT? We didn’t… I never… I can’t believe you’d…” I shook my head and hobbled out of the library as fast as I could. I couldn’t hear him, but I could only assume that Spike translated my mutterings to Twilight as I was hobbling back to Fluttershy’s cottage. Then I realized, I couldn’t see Fluttershy right now— not after what I had just heard. I didn’t know what I would say to her. I had to go somewhere else.

The first thought that ran through my mind was that I had stupidly left Scootaloo’s wagon in the library, but I couldn’t go back and face Twilight and Spike after that conversation. I decided I would deal with it— I figured I could try out walking to see how my leg felt putting pressure on it again.

My next thought was that I would forgo what Fluttershy said about my healing time and follow Rarity into the mines, so I started in the direction of the mountain. But as I hobbled that way, my leg throbbed. I realized I was still in no condition to go into the mines— I had no idea what it was like. I stopped in my tracks. I was right at the edge of Ponyville; there were some shady trees right off the path, so I sat down to rest under one of them for a little while. I would talk to Fluttershy later.

When I awoke, there was a small herd of ponies on the path by my tree. I didn’t know any of them, but some of them looked rather familiar. I realized that they must have been a few of the ponies that saw me the first time I traveled from the library to Fluttershy’s cottage. I was afraid to open my mouth— I didn’t want to make the wrong impression by not being understood, so I just smiled and waved. Some of the ponies flinched, but others smiled and waved back. I wasn’t sure what move to make next…

I didn’t have to make that decision. Just then, we all heard a shriek. It was coming from the mines. After a few seconds, I heard a familiar voice: “Back! Get back, you beasts! This is absolutely NOT your territory! I checked before I started gathering!” It was Rarity!

I heard what sounded like a bark, then another shriek. I stood up quickly, and my leg began throbbing again. Then a sharp pain shot through it; I fell back against the tree, clutching it. I couldn’t get up.

About a minute later, there was a crash, and Rarity came galloping out of the mines with all her might, with two ugly creatures that looked like dogs running after her. In much the same fashion my friends yelled the name “Discord” a few days ago, the herd of ponies all shouted, “Diamond Dogs!” They began to chatter amongst each other, and when it was clear that Rarity was running in our direction, all the ponies screamed and darted behind the other trees nearby. Obviously the ponies were too scared of these creatures to help Rarity, so I had to do something. She was a new friend, and she was the only chance I had of finding the Augmentation Stones and getting home.

I flipped my body around and got onto my belly, in hopes of crawling towards the path and tripping one of the dogs. However, my instincts had another idea. As soon as Rarity galloped past me, I shot out my tongue and swallowed one of the dogs whole. The egg that contained him popped out behind me and smashed into the tree, breaking instantly. I couldn’t believe I had forgotten about my tongue! The Diamond Dog got up, a little dazed, clearly not knowing what had just happened. He did, however, know that I had something to do with it, because he snarled at me and began running at me. I quickly flipped around and shot out my tongue again. This time when I swallowed him, the egg landed on the path, with no harm done to it whatsoever. As I heard him mumbling and yelling inside, I turned to the other dog, who was wearing an expression showing a combination of anger and fear. I shot him a nasty grin. He whimpered, then grabbed the other Diamond Dog’s egg and rolled it back into the mines.

There was a moment’s silence as I looked around at all the other ponies, whose heads were peering around the trees to see what had happened. All their mouths were agape. I gave a nervous smile and waved at them, then there was a loud cheer.

I saw Rarity walking back up the path with Twilight, Fluttershy, and Spike. When the first thing they saw was me laying on the ground, holding my leg and cringing, all of them galloped over to me with worried expressions on their faces.

“Oh my goodness, what happened?” Fluttershy was the first to speak. The others were looking around, clearly wondering what all the cheering was about.

I answered, “Well… Rarity was running out of the mines… chased by these dogs… I had to do something…

“Wait, what? Dogs?!” Spike flinched as he finished translating.

Rarity spoke next. “Of course! The Diamond Dogs! Darling! Are you saying you chased off those horrible creatures?”

I was going to say, ‘Well, I didn’t exactly chase them,’ but I simply nodded with a small smirk. I was in too much pain. “Why dear, you saved my life! Those Diamond Dogs are bad news! They claimed I was on their territory while I was collecting gems.”

Twilight turned to her. “Well, were you? It wouldn’t be the first time. You should know better than—”

“Of course not! I know those dogs’ territory like the back of my hoof. I know perfectly well to stay away from them. You can see why!” Twilight seemed unconvinced, but didn’t press the matter further.

“Why Yoshi, you should know better than to do anything strenuous on that leg! What…” Fluttershy’s words were drowned out by the roar of the crowd. When it was apparent there was no clear and present danger, all the ponies began to crowd around us.

“He’s amazing!”

“He’s incredible!”

“He wasn’t even standing up!”

“He swallowed that Diamond Dog WHOLE!”

“STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP!” The crowd fell silent. Fluttershy was standing over me with her hooves up, panting, signalling them to stay away. I had never heard Fluttershy actually yell with volume. Clearly only a select few in Ponyville had heard it before as well. “He’s injured! Can’t you see he’s in pain? Back away! He needs to be treated first!”

There was a voice from the crowd. “Let’s bring him to the hospital! Nurse Redheart will—“

“NO! He’s coming with me back to my house! I’ve been treating him since he got here, and I will continue to do just that!” The other ponies obviously knew not to mess with Fluttershy when she was like this, so they didn’t argue. They backed up to give us some room.

Luckily for me, Twilight had been pulling my wagon behind her. With some difficulty, I hobbled into it, and the five of us went back to Fluttershy’s cottage. Behind us, another cheer let up, fading away as we went down the path.

As we walked (and rolled), I noticed that Spike seemed to be suppressing a smile. “Um, Yoshi?” I turned to face him. “You’re gonna be famous after that! Everypony is going to want to ask you questions. Do—”

With a cringe, I smiled back at him and cut him off before he could continue. “I think you’re right, Spike. Looks like I’m going to need my official translator again.”

With a quick salute, Spike said, “Can do!” He then ran behind me and started pushing the wagon for me. Before he started pushing, I saw him make a little fist pump and whisper to himself, “Yes!” I chuckled a little. If Spike was right, and I was to be Ponyville’s newest celebrity, then he was going to be as well. The only one in town who could understand that new celebrity was sure to have a place in the spotlight if I wasn’t around.