• Published 5th Jan 2013
  • 1,314 Views, 16 Comments

Luna Really Loves Moon Rocks - Twilit Sporkel

Luna sexually assaults some moon rocks

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Comments ( 14 )

Well from what I can gather from the description, luna.... pleasures herself with moon rocks...?

Makes sense I guess...

First Applejack screws her favourite apple tree, then Twilight does it with some books, now Luna pleasures herself with moon rocks.....

I love this place....

Sweet, sweet CHAOS!

This story is positively brimming with WTF.

Okay, this is the first petrophile story that I've ever seen. It probably isn't the only one on this site, though, what with Rarity's old SF 'Tom' still hanging around in Bronies' collective memories.

Luna Um Im worried about you :pinkiegasp::applejackconfused:


so was this like the result of her banishment? just going loony for lunar rock XD

Dropping a comment for the hell of it. All I can say is this: that plot twist! (Get it? =p)

I don't know what I just read. :applejackconfused:

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