• Published 6th Jan 2013
  • 8,074 Views, 181 Comments

The Amazing Adventures of Captain Invincible! - shallow15

Twilight Sparkle discovers Spike's secret hobby: writing stories about the amazing Captain Invincible, and the characters bear a striking resemblance to ponies she knows.

  • ...

Forever Invincible!

Dragon and unicorn stared at each other, neither sure of what to say or even how to start.

“Spike, I –“

“Twilight, I –“

They both stopped and looked at each other, awkward smiles on their faces. Twilight took a deep breath and tried again.

“I'm sorry, Spike,” she began. “I'm sorry I invaded your privacy and read your stories without asking your permission or even telling you that I had found them in the first place. It was wrong and I should have just put your journal back on the shelf where I found it once I saw your warning on the front page. If there's anything I can do to make it up to you, please tell me. I'll do anything you want, Spike. I promise.”

Twilight let out a sigh and looked at her assistant, a sad smile on her face. Spike closed his eyes and let out a sigh of his own before opening them again.

“I'm sorry, too, Twilight. I shouldn't have gotten so mad at you and stormed out of here like that. I should have just talked about it with you.” Spike forced a smile. “At least you liked them. I was going to show them to you, but I wanted to wait until I had finished... and I wasn't sure if they were any good.”

“Good?” Twilight echoed. “Spike, they're the most fun stories I've read in a while. Captain Invincible is everything a superhero ought to be and I love how you've written ponies we know into the story. Of course, I don't think Rainbow Dash, Cheerilee, or Trixie would appreciate being cast as villains, but I think we can keep that to ourselves.”

Spike's smile widened into a grin. “Yeah, probably. Does everything work, though? I mean, does it make sense?”

“It's a little rough at the beginning,” Twilight said. “But you got better as you went on. If you wanted to go back and rewrite the first couple of stories, I think you'd have a really solid novella here.”

“What about the ending? It's not too over-the-top?”

Twilight bit her bottom lip. “Well... uh... honestly, I haven't finished it yet. I had just gotten to the point where Lullaby had emerged from the wreckage of the hidden lab under Canterlot when you got home.”

“What? But you just got to the best part!” Spike said, his excitement causing him to raise his voice. “When Lullaby drains the magic out of the Urchins and Scaleseeker –“

“Spike!” Twilight yelped. Spike blinked and gave a sheepish grin.

“Oh, right. Don't want to spoil it for you. Um, I'll just go do the dishes... or dust the shelves... or something. Oh, I know! Lunch! Have you had lunch yet?”

“Well, I made a sandwich earlier. I think that could hold me over for a --” Twilight trailed off as she noticed the plate on the floor next to her was empty. She gave a sheepish grin of her own. “Um, Spike would you mind making some lunch? I'm still hungry and I guess I ate the sandwich already.”

“Not a problem. You go on back to reading. I'll have something ready in a few minutes.”

Twilight smiled as Spike disappeared into the kitchen. She settled back onto the cushion and with a sigh of relief, returned her attention to the final pages of “The Amazing Adventures of Captain Invincible.”

“How dare you?!” Dr. Spectra shrieked, taking to the air and hovering in front of the sorceress. “Without my genius, you wouldn't have the power you have now! I demand my rightful payment!”

Lullaby's face turned hard for a moment, then relaxed into an amiable smile. “You know, you're absolutely right. You should get what's coming to you.”

Lullaby quickly lowered her horn and blasted the mad scientist with a concentrated bolt of magic. Dr. Spectra screamed in pain as she was hurled into the air and over the horizon, trailing thick black smoke behind her. Buttermint gasped and took off after her boss.

Lullaby smirked and turned her attention back to the inhabitants of the alley. “Now then, Schoolmarm, Urchins, I believe you have something that belongs to me.”

The Schoolmarm grinned brightly, trying to hide her terror. “Absolutely, Lullaby, we'll be happy to give back anything of yours we have. No problem!”

“Good.” Lullaby fired another bolt of magic from her horn. It struck the Schoolmarm, causing the magenta pony's eyes to roll back in her head. She fell to the ground and she was surrounded by an aura of pink magic as it was sucked from her body. The pink energy followed the red beam back to Lullaby's horn. There was a flash and Lullaby let out a sigh of satisfaction.

“You hurt Miz Schoomarm!” Banana Spit cried. She looked at the other Urchins. “Get her!”

Joybuzzer took to the air, her wing sparking. Sour Note's horn began to glow and she opened her mouth while Banana Split created several duplicates of herself. The fillies all leaped into the air, ready to attack.

Lullaby let out an evil chuckle and fired another bolt of magic. The Urchins screamed as they were struck by the beam, which quickly transformed into a containment field. The fillies' screams became louder as the magic was forcibly pulled from their bodies and transferred to the sorceress.

Lullaby sneered and dropped the unconscious fillies to the ground. “Pathetic. All of you.”

“Stop this now, Lullaby!” Captain Invincible demanded.

“You're not in a position to demand anything, Spike,” Lullaby replied. “In fact –“

She channeled a ball of magic through her horn and fired it at the great dragon hero. Captain Invincible threw his forearms up in front of his face and braced for the impact. The ball of magic crashed into him, knocking him off his feet and through the wall of the alley.

Lullaby laughed. “Midnight Sun couldn't finish me off before. What made you think you even had a chance?”

Lullaby began to float higher in the air, when there was a scream of fury from the alley below. The sorceress turned towards the scream, and let out an “oof” of pain as Scaleseeker rocketed from the alley, wings beating madly, propelling the two of them higher into the air.

“You hurt those foals!” the dragon hunter snarled, squeezing her forelegs around the unicorn's waist. “How dare you?!”

Lullaby grinned down at Scaleseeker and clapped her hooves on either side of the pegasus's head. “Because I can.”

Lullaby's eyes flashed red and magic coursed from her hooves and into Scaleseeker's temples. Scaleseeker screamed in pain as her vision blurred and she lost her grip on Lullaby. She felt her wings stiffen with the sudden shock to her system and she began to plummet back to earth. Lullaby laughed again, gave a mock salute, and flew off, heading towards the royal palace.

Captain Invincible hauled himself out of the hole he had made, shaking his head, attempting to clear his vision. He looked around, making sure that the mares in the alley were okay. He glanced upward and his eyes widened as he saw a familiar armored pegasus falling towards the ground. He quickly crouched down and leaped into the air, bouncing off the walls of the alley to the rooftops. He bounded his way across the rooftops and leaped into air, grabbing hold of a convenient flagpole. He bent the pole down at an arc, then relaxed his muscles, allowing the flagpole to snap upright and hurl him into the sky.

The Ponytopolis Protector pulled his arms to his side and drew his legs together, cutting down on wind resistance and propelling himself faster through the air. His sharp eyes quickly located Scaleseeker's falling form. He grasped the corners of his cape and snapped his arms out sharply. The rushing wind hit the crimson fabric and slowed his velocity. She tilted his arms slightly, correcting his course so that he was headed in the direction of the incapacitated dragon hunter.

As he had anticipated, he began his descent just below Scaleseeker. He quickly changed position and thrust out his arms. Scaleseeker's unconscious form dropped into them, and the two began to fall back to earth.

Captain Invincible quickly scanned the approaching rooftops of Canterlot below him. He spotted a likely rooftop and did his best to navigate through the rushing wind. The two quickly plummeted past the spires of Canterlot's tallest buildings, becoming visible to the ponies below, who gasped in horror at the sight.

At the last possible second, Captain Invincible tucked Scaleseeker under one arm and thrust out his other, grabbing a banner hanging from a flagpole jutting horizontally from a balcony. The flagpole bent under their combined weight, but before it could snap completely, Captain Invincible repositioned his feet and let go. The flagpole twanged back into place with a comical noise, while dragon and dragon hunter dropped twenty feet and hit an awning hanging over a rooftop restaurant. As they hit, the awning came undone from the frame supporting it, and the cloth wrapped around the two of them before the whole bundle crashed into one of the tables below. Ponies screamed and scattered at the sudden arrival.

Two waiters rushed up and quickly untangled the bundle. When he had sufficient room to move Captain Invincible propped Scaleseeker up and lightly slapped her cheeks.

“Scaleseeker? Come on, Scaleseeker, wake up!”

The dragon hunter moaned and her visible eye opened. She looked up at Captain Invincible. Her face was pale and drained.

“She hurt the fillies,” she said, her voice weak. “No one hurts fillies when I'm around. Not lizards, not ponies, no one.”

She reached up with her hooves and pulled Captain Invincible closer. “You get her. Get her and make her pay for what she did. Understand?”

Captain Invincible nodded. Scaleseeker let out a sigh, closed her eyes, and slipped into unconsciousness. The dragon hero gently placed her back on the awning then got to his feet and turned around. Two members of the Royal Guard had arrived, investigating the commotion.

“Captain Invincible!” exclaimed one of them. “What are you doing in Canterlot?”

“I wish I could say I was here for pleasure –” Captain Invincible quickly glanced at the guards rank insignia. “ – Lieutenant. Instead there's great danger to all of Equestria.”

“What do you need from us, Captain?” the lieutenant asked. “We're at your disposal.”

“First, send a runner to the castle immediately and have them tell Princess Celestia that Lullaby is back and coming for her. She'll know who they're talking about. Also let her know that I'm in pursuit. I also need medical attention for my friend here, as well as for five ponies in an alley off Trotter's Lane. Two mares, three fillies. The earth pony mare and the three fillies are wanted in Ponytopolis, the unicorn is a writer for the Ponytopolis Times. Make sure all of them are guarded. “

“Yes, sir. You heard the Captain, Corporal. Get moving!”

The corporal saluted and dashed off. The lieutenant looked back at the Ponytopolis Protector. “I'll stay here with your friend. Anything else you need?”

“No, just be sure the Princess knows what's going on. I have to hurry.”

With that, Captain Invincible turned and leaped over the railing surrounding the rooftop and began making his way towards the castle.


Lullaby hovered over the castle, a cloaking spell hiding her from sight. The sorceress smiled to herself. It had taken her years to recover from nearly being crushed in her lair. It had taken more years to regain her magical strength after her body had healed.

But now, now the shoe was on the other hoof. She possessed the power of the same pony who had robbed her of her position, her magic, and very nearly her life. Soon, Princess Celestia's power would be hers, which would be more than enough to deal with her mopey sister who had returned from exile.

And then all of Equestria will be mine, and there's nothing Midnight Sun's stupid little dragon will be able to do about it.

Lullaby descended, still invisible to all eyes, and came to earth just outside a service entrance at the rear of the castle. She waited patiently for one of the scullery mares to exit with a bucket of trash, then slipped in through the door. She wound her way through the kitchens, dodging servants.

She emerged in one of the castle's lower hallways. She made her way through several other halls, and up several flights of stairs before emerging in a hallway adjacent to the Great Hall which led to the throne room. She glanced at a nearby clock and smirked, imagining Princess Celestia going about the daily business at court, unaware of the doom that was about to befall her.

Lullaby peered around the corner, noting that there were only two guards outside the door to the throne room. She checked for anypony coming up the hall behind her. Seeing no one, she dropped the cloaking spell and cast a sleep spell at the guards. The two guards yawned and dropped to the floor. Lullaby snickered and walked down the hall towards the throne room.

As she walked, she looked up at the large stained glass windows that honored and chronicled the great heroes and historic events that had happened throughout Equestria. She stopped in front of one that depicted Midnight Sun in her crystal coffin, with Spike standing guard over her.

Lullaby huffed through her nostrils. Celestia had to know Midnight Sun's favorite pet was running around in tights and a cape in Ponytopolis, so of course she put his origin out there in plain sight.

Oh, well, in a few short minutes there would be a new order in Equestria. Lullaby walked up to the throne room doors, charged up her horn and let loose with a blast of magic that blew them off the hinges. She strode through the cloud of smoke and dust and laughed menacingly.

Her laughter was cut off when she realized that the throne room was empty. No guards, no petitioners. No princess.

Lullaby growled through her teeth and stormed back down the hallway. She could hear the sounds of other members of the Royal Guard shouting orders to each other as they hurried to the throne room. She glared up at the stained glass representation of Spike.

“You did this. I don't know how, but somehow you did this. And it doesn't matter. I will find Celestia, I will take her magic and then I will send you to join your precious purple harlot in the depths of Tartarus!”

As she turned to deal with the rapidly approaching guards, she saw a shadow pass over the carpet in front of her. She turned back to the window and saw a large figure approaching the glass. Lullaby's eyes widened and she quickly covered herself with her cloak as Captain Invincible crashed through the window and tackled her to the ground. Lullaby let out a shriek of rage and fired a bolt of magic at the dragon. Captain Invincible rolled out of the way. And got to his feet as the sorceress did likewise.

“It's over Lullaby,” he said, pointing a claw at her. “Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are safely away and I'm putting you down for good!”

“Really?” Lullaby snorted. “Let's discuss the matter outside, shall we?” Lullaby fired another bolt which sent the great dragon hero back through the shattered window and followed him out.

She landed on top of Captain Invincible's back and blasted him again, forcing the hero to his knees.

“I've had enough of you, of that stupid purple fraud, and this whole stupid society!” Lullaby yelled. “I am going to take what is rightfully mine, and just before I kill you, I will take the last bit of power Midnight Sun left with you!”

Captain Invincible's claws shot up, and grabbed Lullaby's hooves in an unbreakable grip. He got to his feet and leaped into the air, carrying the two of them over the castle walls. They crashed in front of the main gate, the impact forcing Captain Invincible to release the crazed sorceress. The two got to their feet and faced off. Guards rushed towards them, but Lullaby fired off a spell and soon there was only a brigade of very confused looking mice scrabbling around on the cobblestones.

“Turn them back!” Captain Invincible demanded.

“Make me!” Lullaby retorted. She charged the hero and teleported at the last second before reappearing inches from the dragon's midsection. Captain Invincible let out a gasp as the air was forced from his lungs by the impact. Lullaby grabbed his head with her magic and slammed it back into the cobbles. Stars danced in front of the great dragon hero's eyes and he squeezed them shut as pain flowed across his forehead. Lullaby grinned over him, her eyes gleaming with an insane spark.

“You know, it's a shame you don't have wings like all the other dragons. Let me share with you what you're missing!”

Lullaby grabbed the end of Captain Invincible's cape with her magic and launched them both skyward. As they accelerated faster and faster, Captain Invincible shook off his daze looked upward where the mad unicorn flew above him, and began climbing up his own cape towards her. As he did so, the gold medallion with the onyx stone slipped out from under his bodysuit and glistened in the afternoon sun. The sunlight reflected off of it, catching Lullaby's attention. Lullaby looked down and grinned again.

“There it is!” she crowed. She stopped abruptly, and Captain Invincible shot upwards, sailing past her. Lullaby quickly let go of the cape and refocused her magic on the medallion pulling it from the Ponytopolis Defender's neck. She took the medallion in her teeth and sneered at the hero as he flew higher into the sky. She focused and began sucking the magic out of the medallion, feeling the residual power of Midnight Sun flow into her.

Captain Invincible shivered and blinked as there was a pop of displaced air, and suddenly, he was Spike Fireborne again. A small purple dragon just barely larger than a hatchling. Spike gasped as he realized he had changed back into his normal form.

“Ta-ta, Spike!” Lullaby called. She turned and began flying back down towards the city. Spike sailed a few feet higher into the air then felt gravity assert itself and he began falling back towards earth.

The little dragon frowned and he pulled his limbs towards his body and straightened his tail. She shot back down through the sky, gaining speed. He grinned to himself. Lullaby may have been able to control her descent, but the cloak she wore was slowing her down as the wind tore through it. Within moments he had landed on her back and dug his claws into her neck. Lullaby screamed in pain and fired her magic wildly. Spike nearly lost his grip, but used the momentum to swing around Lullaby's neck, holding onto her neck with his legs and the shoulders of her cloak with his claws.

Midnight, he cried out in his head, if there's any part of you left, please help me. I don't care if I die doing it, but help me stop her!

Lullaby glared down at him. “This won't save you, you insignificant little worm! I can kill you just as easily as gravity can!”

Spike opened his mouth to scream back at her, but his mouth snapped shut as he heard the voice come into his head.

Spike, magic is power, but specific spells are not so easily turned into raw energy. And containment vessels can store far more than they appear.

“Midnight?” he whispered.

“She's dead and gone!” Lullaby sneered. She shoved the medallion in Spike's face. “This stupid trinket is all that's left of her. And soon it will be all that's left of the great and mighty Captain Not-So-Invincible!”

Spike looked up at her and gave her an evil little grin. One claw shot out and grabbed the medallion. His grin widened and he spoke the first phrase that came into his head.

“For the Glory of Midnight Sun and the Protection of Equestria, I am forever Invincible!”

The onyx stone became spattered with pinpricks of light which grew brighter and brighter until it glowed white. Lullaby screamed and closed her eyes. They quickly snapped open again when she felt her own magic being forced out of her horn. She glanced up and saw the glowing red and black beams flowing into the medallion. She also saw that the claw clutching the medallion was considerably larger than it had been before.

She looked down and yelled in defiance at the face of Captain Invincible, who grinned broadly, his teeth glistening in the sun.

“It's over, Lullaby,” he said. He took the medallion and slapped it against the unicorn's forehead. Lullby screamed as the medallion absorbed all her magic into it. She felt her ability to fly cut out and she had a sickening sensation of falling, before Captain Invincible caught her. Lullaby looked dazedly down, saw Captain Invincible's feet below them then back up at the hero's face.

“W-What? How?” she stammered.

“Midnight Sun's last gift to me. All of your power,” Captain Invincible replied. With that, the great dragon hero did a somersault in the air and began flying back down towards the city, where he was certain the city guard would be waiting to take the powerless villain into custody. He smiled to himself, knowing that he had once again done his duty as the defender of Equestria.

The screams of terror Lullaby uttered as they rocketed downward was just a bonus.


Hot Scoop sat up in the hospital bed as Captain Invincible entered the room.

“Captain!” she said in delight. “You're okay!”

“I could say the same for you, Miss Scoop,” the dragon grinned as he entered the room.

“They say I've been out for two days. No one will tell me anything. What happened to Lullaby? Dr. Spectra? All of them?”

“I took care of Lullaby,” Captain Invincible answered. “She's safely behind bars and will answer for all of her crimes. The Schoolmarm and the Urchins are also under guard, much in the same condition as you, being treated for having magic forcibly extracted from them. Sheriff Banana Bread is on her way to escort them back to Ponytopolis. As for Dr. Spectra, well, Lullaby injured her, but I have a sneaking suspicion Buttermint will have her back on her hooves eventually. But for now, everything seems to be okay again.”

“Yes,” Hot Scoop said. There was an awkward silence for a moment, then she looked up at him.

“I know who you are,” she said.

“I know,” Captain Invincible replied. “Lullaby used my real name.”

“No,” Hot Scoop said, smiling at him. “I know you're Spike Fireborne. I've known for about a year now.”

Captain Invincible's eyes widened. “How? I made sure to keep it a secret.”

“Give me some credit as a reporter, Spike,” Hot Scoop said. “I do have a knack for investigation, and with all the times I've been abducted by your enemies, certain patterns began to emerge.”

Captain Invincible stared at her for a long moment, then his face broke out in his winning smile. “I'm glad. Why didn't you say anything?”

“Well, it seemed like a good idea to make sure that no one else knew. I mean, who knows what sort of chaos could happen if the true identity of Ponytopolis's greatest hero was made public?”

She leaned forward and gestured for Captain Invincible to do likewise. He leaned forward until there was only an inch or two between them.

“Besides,” Hot Scoop whispered, “I like having a secret like that to myself.”

They smiled at each other and leaned in closer.


Promising to escort Hot Scoop back to Ponytopolis personally once the doctors gave her a clean bill of health, Captain Invincible left the hospital and took to the air. He was enjoying his new powers of flight and took every opportunity to use them. He had an appointment with the princesses in an hour, but that was plenty of time to give the city a quick once over.

As he flew high above the rooftops and towers of the city, he heard a cold voice coming from beside him.

“So now you can fly. You're becoming more like the other lizards every day.”

Captain Invincible turned his head and saw Scaleseeker standing on a nearby cloud. He flew over and hovered in front of her. “I wondered what happened to you.”

“I don't like hospitals,” said the dragon hunter. “Did you make the witch pay?”

“I don't work like that,” Captain Invincible said. “But I completely drained her of her magic. They say she'll never cast another spell again. And I made sure that the Magic Extractor is completely destroyed. It's over.”

“Not quite,” Scaleseeker said. There was a sharp metallic ring as she pulled her sword from it. Captain Invincible didn't move as the pegasus rested the edge of the blade against his neck. “I said our truce was only until the witch was dealt with, then I was going to take your head.”

“If you really want to, I won't stop you.”

Scaleseeker frowned. “That's it? No protest? No self-righteous monologue about how all life is sacred?”

“It is sacred. Especially the lives of foals.”

Scaleseeker's frown deepened. “You know.”

“I guessed,” Captain Invincible admitted. “No pony would dedicate their lives to hunting all the dragons in Equestria unless one has taken something so precious from them, that the pain and the anger and the sadness would force them on what some would see as a lifelong suicide quest.”

Scaleseeker let out a long slow breath through her nostrils. “Don't pretend you know me. You don't know a thing about me.”

“No, I don't,” Captain Invincible admitted. “I can't even begin to imagine what happened to set you on this path. But, I'm not your enemy, Scaleseeker. I don't have to be your friend, and you probably wouldn't want me to be, but I'm not your enemy.”

Scaleseeker stared at him for a long moment, then returned the sword to its scabbard. “You did me a favor, so I'm going to do you one. I'm saving you for last. I don't know how long it will take, but know that one day you and I are going to finish this.”


“See you around, lizard.” Scaleseeker beat her wings and flew off into the sky. Captain Invinicble watcher her go until her form was nothing but a speck in the distance. He let out the breath he wasn't aware he'd been holding and turned to fly back towards the city.

Suddenly, a cry for help echoed up to him from the streets below. Captain Invincible glanced down, his keen eyes spotting a purse snatcher that was running from an elderly pony who had been knocked down. He grinned and dove downwards. Evil was afoot and it was time to go to work.


Twilight closed the journal and let out a sigh of satisfaction. She glanced towards the kitchen where she could hear Spike making dinner. She opened her mouth to tell him how much she loved the ending, but as she did so, another way to show her appreciation came to mind. She grinned and dashed out of the front door of the library. If she hurried, she could get there before it closed.

Spike came out of the kitchen a few minutes later with a large plate of steamed broccoli and spinach, one of Twilight's favorite meals. “Dinner is served,” he called out cheerfully. When there was no response, he placed the plate on the table and looked around.

“Twilight?” He walked towards Twilight's reading cushion, and saw his journal sitting closed on the reading stand. He picked it up and thumbed through it, before bringing it back to the table and sitting down to wait.

Twilight came home about half an hour later. She had a wrapped package being held in her magic field. “Spike? Are you home?”

Spike came out of the kitchen. “Right here. Where have you been? Dinner would have gotten cold if I hadn't put it back in the oven.”

“I know, I'm sorry, Spike. I finished your story and – ”

“You hated the ending, didn't you?” Spike said, his face falling.

“Hated it? No!” Twilight said. “It was riveting and exciting. It was one of the best endings I've ever read! And I will gladly read anything else you decide you want to write. Whether you want me to proofread it, or just want my opinion on a story, I'll do it. You have a real talent, Spike and I want to help you develop it.”

“Really? You think my stories were that good?” Spike's eyes lit up.

“Spike, would I have kept on reading them behind your back and given myself a massive guilt complex over the last few days if I didn't?” Twilight blinked as she realized what she said.

Spike stared at her for a moment, then the two of them started laughing. Spike came over and hugged her.

“Thanks, Twilight. And I forgive you for reading them without telling me.”

“Thanks, Spike,” Twilight passed the wrapped package to Spike. “I thought of something when I finished reading the story, and figured you could use this.”

Spike took the present and ripped the paper off, revealing a leather bound book. He flipped through the pages, finding all of them blank. He looked up at Twilight.

“A new journal? Really?”

Twilight smiled. “Look at the cover.”

Spike closed the book and looked at the engraved bookplate on the cover.

The Astounding Adventures of Captain Invincible!

By Spike

“I thought you might have ideas for more adventures for the Captain,” Twilight explained. “But don't feel obligated to use it for that. Anything you want to write in it will be fine.”

“Well,” Spike began, “I do have to explain what happened to Dr. Spectra. And I have a bunch of cool ideas for the Schoolmarm and the Urchins.”

“Great,” Twilight said. “I'm all ears. Let's go eat and you can tell me all about them.”

As the two walked into the kitchen, Spike began to outline his idea for his next story.

“It all starts when Dr. Spectra discovers that there's still a large amount of magical energy radiating from the caverns under Canterlot...”

Author's Note:

And so we come to the end of "The Amazing Adventures of Captain Invincible!" Thanks to all of you who read, commented, upvoted and favorited this story. It's nice to know that my silly little idea proved to be popular enough to gain a following.

If you enjoyed this story, please check out my other works. "Luna and the Moose" is also near completion and I think is quite funny, and "The Game of Six" has just begun, for those of you who like darker fare. Please check these stories out, I'm quite proud of them.

And so, to conclude this story in the only appropriate manner, I leave you with the PMV I put together which would up inspiring this madness to begin with. Thank you and good night.

Comments ( 33 )

Take a bow, good sir. You've earned it! I will miss Captain Invincible. .

And now, a sequel about Spike writing a sequel. SEQUEL-CEPTION!
Make it happen! :pinkiecrazy:

BRAVO! :moustache:

Great climax to a great story. I loved it and I hope we get to see another adventure of Captain Invincible in the future.

Part of me is so sad this is finished but at the same time this was a perfect ending.I can't wait for the conclusion to Luna and the Moose as it's kept me giggling through every chapter much like this story.

I'd love to see more Captain Invincible Too. Though I won't deny It also has been inspiring my cosplay and sewing ideas too ^^;

As a small aside...leather? I have this mental image of a cows last will and testament donating their body to the griffons and their skin to books XD

You have earned my respect. Great story.

Excellently done!

A year to the day since you started writing this... Is that co-incidence, or couldn't you resist the urge...!


I didn't even realize that! Yay me!


Heh. I had only looked because I was trying to work out, when viewing the video, when it was the story was started and noted the dates and thought "hmm, is that co-incidental...?"

Apparently so. Celestia works is strange ways...!

Great story! You deserve an award.:twilightsmile:
And hopefully we will get a sequel. Cause I can see The Captain bringing Midnight Sun back to life.:moustache::twilightsmile:

I have to say, that was completely and utterly fantastic. I truly hope you consider a sequel, or even a spin-off, because it shall be glorious, I'm sure.

Well done. Very exciting. Hoping for a sequel. Talking in incomplete sentences. :derpytongue2:

Dear Captain Invincible,

I am your biggest fan and read all of your books! I never doubted you for a second. When in book 9 you joined the Equine Canonball on his crime spree, I knew it was just a trick to get Dr. Spectra out of hiding, so she'd admit to the theft of the quantum zircon.
There is a question I have about Banana Split: why did she ever join the Schoolmarm? It seems to me like she used to be such a nice little filly, but for some reason she abandoned her sister Banana Bread for a life of crime. I never understood why.

Sinsicily yours,



Great Story. Great Characterization. Can't wait to read you other works.

I never thought I'd say this, but I'm in love with a piece of media from inside a piece of media. I can't go any deeper.

Seriously, the Captain Invincible comics are an astounding example of a Silver-turned-Bronze Age comic gone RIGHT. And more spectacularly, you did not only write that off, you did it not under your personality, but under Spike's. You ghost wrote for a character few authors get right WITHOUT trying to pull off such a complex gambit, AND you kept the runt faithful to his canon self while you did it.

This fanfic is well-written, well-based and very much innovative. Be proud of it, because I sure am.

I can't say this ending blew me away, but it was a really SOLID ending.

Also. You do realize that there needs to be an encore chapter where Rainbow Dash finds out about Dr. Spectra, and proceeds to fan out over how hilarious Spectra is, and starts cosplaying and pretending to be a mad genius. Who does she consult? A certain purple unicorn/alicorn, that's who!

:twilightoops: what are you doing rainbow?
:rainbowdetermined2: i have no idea, but i'll do it... for SCIENCE!

You know, I'm willing to say that I enjoyed this a lot more than Power Ponies. You got a few good laughs and a lot of chuckles out of me with this. But on top of the silly super-hero shenanigans, you delivered a very believable story about the relationship between Twilight and Spike.
This would probably make for a great comic as well when adapted properly.

Great fic, loved every moment of it.:rainbowkiss: I just have one small problem:scootangel:, if derpy would have been spectra and RD scaleseeker it would have made more sense according to their personalities RD being a bit more serious and level headed:rainbowhuh: and derpy being fun and silly:derpytongue2:, but I digress.

Daft but excellent.

Of course, I don't think Cheerilee or Trixie would appreciate being cast as villains. Rainbow Dash would probably just say it was "totally radical."


Anyway, th was a great story! Good premise, tight prose, cool superhero action. It was fun noting the parallels between Captain Invincible and Captain Marvel, as well as Scaleseeker and Deathstroke, and one or two other Mervel/DC characters.

And I will gladly read anything else you decide you want to write.

If you were to write a sequel in which Spike writes a sequel, I think there'd be some interesting potential in partnering up Captain Invincible with Hum Drum.

Not related to the story: I'm one of the few who actually watched The Return of Captain Invincible long before this fic...so long ago that I was too young to fully comprehend the concept of a superhero parody!

the story's name reminds me of one of my favorite comics/mangas: OnePunch-Man

but, yeah, I know I'm late to the party and I'm going to read it soon

very good.

It's stories like these that make me question why Spike and Twilight episodes aren't produced at all.

Maybe they're saving it for a movie? At this rate, that's our best hope right now

This was AMAZING! :yay: :rainbowdetermined2:
This story was worth the wait and also an amazing read. :twistnerd:


There is a PONY movie coming out in 2017.

Author Interviewer

Bravo! :D This is one of the best things I've ever read! Have a few last edits!

I  also need

guarded. “

Captain Invincible rolled out of the way. And got to his feet as the sorceress did likewise.

It's over Lullaby

refocused her magic on the medallion pulling

brighter  until it glowed white

I can't believe it took me until the last chapter to realize Banana Split is a pun based on her cloning powers :facehoof:

Cute story, it was a lot of fun to read!

Yes it was a very enjoyable read I will be favourite thing this

I remembered that I'd faved this story a while back, but I never left a comment. After rereading the story from start to finish once more, I must say that I still love this delightful tale of Spike and his superhero stories, and how it also makes for a sweet story of his relationship with Twilight as well. Just really top-notch stuff :pinkiehappy:

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