• Published 9th Jan 2013
  • 782 Views, 20 Comments

The Menacing statue - Prince Laviere

this story is abotu a changeling that was being used as a statue, as it was not born alive, and somehow ends up inhabited by a soul not from equestria

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waking up

as the Changeling slowly sturred, his eyes quickly closing shut as when he opened them, all he saw in front of him were the azure eyes of a lavender purple unicorn, staring at him, he practically screamed "I'M NOT EDIBLE!" for reasons even he wasn't sure of, the mares in the room all just stared at him, before the local insane pony started laughing her Flank off.

a few minutes later after finally opening his eyes again, his ears being assaulted by the loud laughter, he looked at the pink pony before him, well, more acuratly off to the side of him, but before his face since he turned his head to look at her. before he to startled laughing his flank off, because of her laughter "your almost as" another burst of laughter "contagious as the short one!" he continued laughing. everypony else in the room, Celestia, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, and the two nightguards Luna insisted guard him, as his eyes, which she inspected while he was passed out, confirm him ot be nocturnal, it would only be fitting.

Pinkie was the first to stop laughing of the two of them, imediatley followed by him, he put on a normal straight face again, his fangs sticking out of his mouth, making it look like he had a small smile. she asked "why are we laughing?" he said "I don't know why YOU'RE laughing, but I was laughing about your laughing. it reminded me of someone, I'm not sure hwo, all I can remember is they were short, and they had a funny laugh kinda like yours."

twilight and Celestia spoke up at once. so well in fact, that if they didn't know better they would have suspected it was planned "so how did you come here, and who are you?" they then looked at each other, Twilight having a sheepish smile.

he looked at them for a moment before tapping his hoof on his Chin "I don't know were "here" is, other than existanse. and who I am. well, I have names but i'm not sure if any of them are MINE per-se. I have a Question, who are all of you, were am I, and what am I. if you can't answer those, can you at least get me some breakfast? I feel like a husk!"

knowing that he SHOULD be a husk Twilight and Celestia aren't surprised that he is hungry. they were however a bit suprised that Pinkie somehow pulled a table, and a feast out of nonexistanse and placed it down next ot her, however, they simply ruled it out as being pinkie, along with all the ponies in the room. but, the NON-pony in the room (the changeling if you haven't caught on yet) had no Idea of her powers, looked inquisitivly at her, before shrugging "so, i'm assuming from the look of things that I have gone insane? is this a good assumption?" he then looked at his hooves, immediately noticed the holes in said hooves, and started looking through them at applejack and rainbowdash, the latter of the 2 having the former of the two's hoof in her mouth, while laughing her flank off

"considering the laughter, i'll take that as a ma- wait. no, i'll take an actual answer." he pointed at Celestia"you look.... Royal? yeah, ROYAL! that's the combination of letters i''m looking for. you look Royal, that means you're probably in charge of something. can you answer that question?" he continues looking through his holey-hooves, getting giggles from the mares around him. the Guards thought he was fucking nuts. they were correct. but he was the manageable kind of nuts, you know, the one that attempts and gets close to taking over the world kind of nuts, not the padded room screaming nonsense about the voices nuts.

Celestia answered, glad that somepony, correction, someling (as the changeling term is) FINALLY doesn't call her a princess and act formal around her, answered just as brashly "well, these are Twilight, applejack, pinkie pie, rainbow dash, rarity and fluttershy, and I am Princess Celestia." she said, motioning towards each pony mentioned in response to their name "and you, are a changeling."

due to his so far barried curious nature he started tapping his hoof on his chitin mumbling idle remarks "chitinous shell," he looked at the rest of his body "insectoid wings, equine shape, holes in the hooves, likely for finding shifts in airflow or to remove unwanted eight for flight, may I see a mirror?"

Twilight practically squeed after seeing him inspect himself, either it made her feel less guilty that she was looking him over while he was asleep, wondering idly about all the questions he could answer, or liking that he was intelligent enough to define his body, even if to himself. probably both. "sure!" *she pointed ot the vanity, rarity, unlike the rest either finding him fascinating, insane, or hilarious, the fashionista amongst them was finding him absolutely intriguing 'all the things I could do with him! think about it! the first pony to ever make clothing for a changeling! those BE-UTIFUL wings! those glowing eyes! I MUST DESIGN FOR IT!'

however, Rainbow dash was also thinking to herself, something most ponies would say was a rare occurrence, however, considering how she flies, people who know even the slightest thing about flight understand she has to be thinking constantly to make sure everything is in sync, how she does her moves, when she does them, in fact, if she could manage to focus her thoughts on anything other than flight, or for anything other than flight, she could, with some time, be almost as smart as Twilight. however, sh can't, and getting her to focus on something not pertaining to flying is like getting Rarity to give up the chance at getting noble to buy her dresses. 'hmm, so far no pony in equestria has been able to match my speed, BUT, he ISN'T a changeling, changelings are lighter, and there wings move faster, he has holes in his hooves which let the air move through them, and lighten his overall weight, making it easier for him to stay aloft, from what I have observed he must be at least somewhat muscular, he, well, probably all changelings and most other Pegasi, weigh less than her, so the have that going for them... I need to RACE HIM!' but all she said was "if you need help learning how to use those wings I could probably help" 'I hope he doesn't think this is a date or some of that shmucky smoo smoo crud'

he jsut stared blankly at her, ass did everypony else in the room. "W-what?" he answered" I kinda asked you that already but you were just staring at me.

she imediatly blushed 'OH GOD I WHAT!?' she quickly stopped blushing however, and it was barely noticeable to everypony. "oh, I was just thinking about something. sorry."

he snickered softly, he felt a warm tingling in his stomach, not hunger or anything, something different, something filling. he was thinking about the things that she might have been thinking about his thoughts would be written, but his mind quickly moved off of the subject before it really got into any light "now, how about we eat before we teach, learn, do a swan dive into pudding." he said the last part, directing his hoof at Pinkie, who just groaned "do we have to wait?" everypony and changeling in that room started laughing. there were 2 changelings, and 8 ponies in the room, they all found that at least slightly hilarious. then, they ate.

Author's Note:

there was originally a different way I was goign to do this, but as I was nearing finishing it (it was a bit longer, and would be hard to re-do) I messed up, shit happened, crap went all weird. all of it was erased. as you can probably tell, my grammar and spellign are still awful. if you excpect that to fix itself anytime soon, I msut kindly ask you to tell me what you are on. i'm sure I could figure out how to grow and sell it for milions of dollars.