• Published 8th Jan 2013
  • 249 Views, 2 Comments

Past Friendships, Present Hatred - GMLover

(A semi-crossover with a certain subject that will become known as the story progresses.) Applebloom is depressed. She is the last of her class to still not have her cutie mark, and in her sadness she finds something that shouldn't been discover

  • ...


Silence wrapped around the forest like a blanket over the deceased. All creatures ceased their chatter and noise, as if they sensed a phenomena and wished to sit back and observe. Any wind that may have been blowing was halted, any clouds disappeared. Leaves clung to their branches, or lay dead on the ground without a sound.
Two sentient beings stared each other in the eyes. The first's brilliant gamboge gaze filled with sudden shock like one's own expression would be like had they come across a discovery they had never heard. The other entity had a look of vacancy, dulled chartreuse orbs peering intently on the life form in front of them.
Moments passed of absolute silence, the mere thought of a pin dropping brought sound to the extreme quiet of the forest. The smaller being shifted, finally bringing the emptiness of the forest to a halt as the melody of the night played through the newly-returned breeze.
Both of the life-forms in the clearing seemed to relax at the disturbance of the woods, and began to inspect each other with curiosity rather than fear or contempt.
Finally, Apple Bloom spoke out, "Y-yes, uh, hello...What-I mean, who are you?"
Tilting its head, the creature being spoken to replied slowly, "Who am I?"
"Yes. Who are you?" The filly demanded, albeit timidly, her mind grasping for any information that may lead to what the being with her could be classified as. The five-clawed hooves it dawned reminded her of dragons like Twilight's assistant Spike, but somehow they seemed different.
"I am." The other's answer brought Apple Bloom out of her study, and the absurdness of it hit her after a few seconds.
"You are what?" Came the pony's question a bit tiredly.
The other thought for a minute, as if confused, dull eyes clouding over as it seemed to search for a reply, "I am..."
Getting frustrated despite her situation, the yellow filly muttered, "Yes? You are...?
The other shook its head in defeat, a slight glimpse of worry coming across its face, "I don't know..."
"You don't know who you are?" The filly repeated softly, feeling a little guilty at how she had treated the being, "Um, do you have...Amesheeza? Er, ameneza? Or something like that? Amnesia?"
"I...am not sure. I would guess so." The creature quieted down again before inquiring, "But what of your name, little one?"
"I'm not little..." Apple Bloom muttered under her breath, already being a tad more open towards the other, "And my name is Apple Bloom."
The other moved its mouth in a way that seemed to replicate a smile, however vacant and empty it was, "That's a nice name. Bloom...like flowers?"
Smiling some back, the filly nodded, "Yup. My sister says that I was named after an apple blossom that my mother saw the day I was born. I guess I always did like flowers because of that..."
Speaking of her deceased mother always put the young pony in a depressed state, despite not knowing much of her or her late father, both having passed before memories could begin their mingling. "I live with my sister, brother, and granny at a farm. What about you? Can you remember your family?"
"I...I am afraid I do not remember my...'family' as you put it. However, that word...makes me disheartened for some reason..." The creature stated, lowering her (Apple Bloom decided that the creature was female according to its voice) head, flower-like hair falling over her face in a manner similar to a certain yellow pegasus.
"Oh...I'm sorry..." Apple Bloom replied awkwardly, trying to find a way to change the subject, "Hey...what if we can come up for a new name for you?"
Looking surprised, the other said, "A new name...?" Smiling in a somewhat more genuine way, she nodded her acceptance in the idea.
"Alright! Now what should we call you...?" Gladdened by the new game to take her mind off her troubles, the red-maned filly thought hard, eyes taking a better look at the other's floral additions to her hair. While they seemed to be decorations at first, upon closer inspection they were revealed to be literally growing out of the hair in a wide array of colors, albeit mostly withered, "How about we name you...Flora? After all of the flowers in your hair!"
Another nod of acceptance was given, "I like that name. Flowers are all I really know, so a name relating them to me...That makes me happy."
Grinning broadly at her success, Apple Bloom was brought out of her small victory gleam by recalling exactly why she was in the Everfree Forest to begin with, the memory causing sweat and apprehension to seize the filly.
"Oh no! I forgot that I got lost in here! Oh, Applejack's going to kill me..." The yellow being groaned, feeling more terrified of punishment than of the forest.
"Is there something wrong?" Came the questioning voice of Flora, a concerned look flashing across her face.
"YES! I mean, no, well, yes, there is something wrong. You see, I'm lost in here, and I don't know how to go home..." The pony confessed, a wide variety of possible consequences for being in the forest so late running through her head like a hurricane.
"I would help you. However, my current...predicament halts my assistance." Flora stated, lifting her shackles weakly to make her point.
Seeing the shackles caused Apple Bloom's mind to come up with a sudden idea, "How about I help you out of those shackles and then you help me out of the forest?"
"...I agree. It would be of use to both of use to do that." Leaning back so as not to get in the way of her yellow companion's aid, she nodded.
Apple Bloom walked over to the shackle on Flora's left leg, the metal in question seeming to be in top condition despite the state of its prey. The shackle looked unbreakable, without even a keyhole for escape. It was exactly the kind of thing used to punish someone severely, though the filly thought nothing of this as she attempted to get a better look at the shackle, reaching out and lightly touching the metallic surface.
The moment the yellow hoof came in contact with the metal, a bright light suddenly appeared like a more powerful sunlight shining through a window in the early morning, this being the cause of Apple Bloom stumbling back and rubbing her eyes out of slight pain. When she fluttered her eyelids open and took a glance at her new friend, a gasp escaped her throat.
The shackles disappeared. There were no longer any evidence of their existence in the clearing, nor on the being they imprisoned. The being in question slowly, but surely stood straight and began walking, tripping a bit before finally getting her bearings. An odd sound erupted from the flower-headed creature, and after a few moments Apple Bloom realized that the noise was a laugh.
Not a fake, empty, emotionless laugh either, but a hearty, genuine chuckle of pure happiness.
Facing her yellow companion, Flora smiled widely, showing canines Apple Bloom winced at but soon decided they were harmless, "Thank you, my friend. Thank you so much. I...have forgotten how long it has been since I have walked this earth. Without those chains, I feel...free. I finally feel free! ...Thank you."
Giggling in a humble manner, Apple Bloom dug her hoof into the dirt, smiling, "Oh, don't worry about it! We're friends now!"
Nodding in agreement, Flora stated, "And now it is my turn to assist you in your journey back to your homestead. Is there a path you may have strayed from?"
"Yes, actually I did. If-if we can find that, we can find the way out!" The filly exclaimed excitingly.
"Correct, now then, should we head out?"

Author's Note:

Chapter two!
I am really hoping people may have figured out who 'Flora' is, though I honestly think by chapter three people are going to realize who she is.
If you have any questions, please ask away!

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